The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, February 08, 1900, Image 9

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'"'V.lrcu. n
He pr.
Ijool: A framing Soatidfirt .Tha Talona
1 ml tha Church of C'lirut la Ifnrta-
(rtloord ! lla r.nnrgr Dormant
, tha fcnetny Profit b Tbl.
i tOorrrlKht laoa.)
.A.mxa-r , D.O. In tblndlfteonrn Dr.
, bihko liows bow the cauno of rlRht-
Iiiam !.'- lout man, ol Iti weapon and
"t II) r J am to ba recaptured and pat Into
Stl operation; text, I. Bamnal ml.,
"Nt' tbra waa no amlth found
iprtiirtinul all tUa laad of larnnl, for tha
Uritlnr" mid. Lout tba Hnhrawi maka
ft awonl ) or apenra. Dot all Iba Israel,
nl.i, wool down to tha PblliHtlnea, to
t hir. avry man bla alinre, nnd M eonl
... and Hul, and hla mattock. Tatthef
ya die for too mattock, and for tba ooal-
Tandrortba forka, nnd lor tba azsa,
1 Jto almrpfo tba goads."
n, ant a Rllln(t aubjunatlon for tba Ia
t Htwt The i'blllatlnna had carried off all
S,:,i kMin!tba and torn down all tha
Uf k-i)H'.' ahopa nnd abolished theblaok
tiB" trada In the land of Iiraol. Tan
lei Inn would not aren allow thru par-
W k nrb tlialv wbIhhIiIa lnln.4 nf hraim
nor mluutiney mriKa any aworna
Turro were only two aworda
il Yn Hi, Phil UH nn.
ion uutu tbey bad taken all the (jrlnd
fri from tha land of tarsal, aotbnt It an
', !lltlpli farmer wanted to ibnrpen hla
(, or h nta ha had go oret to tha
ton ol tha I'blllatlnes to (ret it done.
'1' wao oulT one aharpenlnff Instrument
''i g the land, and that wi a file, th
ttoiraDil mechanloa liaviun nothing to
M'op tun ooulter and the goad and tha
p ve a alrapla file. Indnatry wm
""limiaud work praotloally dleeracod.
n'ed iron": l'li" of theaa Phlllatlnoa waa to
r tt the ljivlit disarmed, They miKht
-co out of the hills to make aworda of,
" toy would not liavo nny blackamltua
(Id thla IroD. If they Rot tha Iron
Id. tboy would hnv no grlndHtonoa
II, ill to Uilnn tbs Instruments of nurl-
t, li-a HJIUlurjr wuuuujw up iv uu
yju foot, weanonleaa Iraalts, re
i to a file, how I pity voul But these
.tlluos were uot forever to keep tbolr
rVYin the nock of (lod'a children. Jonn-
on bis bauds and knees, climbs up
,t rork, beyond which were the Phll
. and hli xrmor bonrtir, on Ills bands
nOWH, WIIIU La up ma b.iiiio iui-j nuw
two men, with their two swords, hew
a the Philistines, tha Lord throw
greitt torror upon them. Ho It was
no It Ih now. Two men of God on
kneea mightier than a Philistine boat
E-lr feetl
trn, llrst, from this Bnhjnot that It la
ioua for the church of God to allow
apona to stay In the liuuda of Its one-
all f Xliae Iftruelltra might again and
X:f tavi obtained a supply of aworda
f... fiipunn as, for Inetunoe, when they
. I the spolla of the Ammonites but
v,"u LirttBlKea (.coined content to have nc
s, to apeurs. no blacksmiths, no
(le .tfoofs, no active Iron mines, tin
Iran mo late for them to make any ru-
HU : (. I uh the farinnra tugging nlooK
'fcelt pickaxes nnd plow, and Z euv,
lo, L(e are yo(f going with those things?"
- , lay, 'UU, we aro going over to the
0 , an of the Philistines to get tbesa
'bNJ I almrpened!" I (aj, "Vou foolish
X n f Wliy don't you sharpen tbain at
top "OU," tliey nay, "tha black
, '' f shops are all torn down, and wa
,mu lothluR left us but a file!"
i'T 'ls In the church of Jesus Christ to
it'k. tV'e are too willing to give up out
a,ks to tha enemy. The world bonsts
baa gobbled up tha schools, nnd tha
a, and the arts, nnd thu sciences,
literature, mid the prlutlng press.
1 try. ty Is leaking n mlglity attempt to
our w - pons In Its hand and then to
"'"'lein. lou know It Is milking tbl
ley l'4ll the t me, nnd Bflnr awhile, when
H8 II t ban a between sin nnd righteous-ii,l,(,iopei-4,
if we do not look out wo
V as h dly off ns these Isruelltlos,
l' C I arv ords to liuht with and with.
f ili'ti'ty shttrucnlng instruments. I call
teiYl!'' Huperjuiniiuents oi jiturnry insti
e si-! to It mat Ilia men who go lu
"P.. f'.aasrc ms to stand beside the Lev-
II a. and tiie electric batteries, und the
it tea' J1: 'd telescopes, be children ol
v) Il
a arc
t (lilt
is inlfo'
t I'hh dines.
vndi can thinkers of our times
eomes4)K to. get all tho lutelleotunl
t my in their own grasp. We want
II offi L" ;ll'il,illn" 'u capture the science,
. holasllo Chrlstluns to capture the
ivo " ahip, nad philosophic Christians to
th M pltllusophy, and lecturing Chris
lower tt"ke back the lecturing platform. lo " oul "Katnst ricuenicel una
and !K;alnst the Infidel soieutluts
y n ( nd-worshlplng Hllllmun and
k in, i agussiz. We want to cap
the liilotopbtcal apparatus nnd
ne telescopes on thoiwlvol
bom we can see the tnoru
(ledeemer, nnd with mluor
er discover the Itouk of
the flora of all realms find
aron and tho Lilly of the
ant soma one able to ex
chapter of Genesis, bring to
' nud the astronomy of tbo
Job suggested, "the atones
II be lu league" with tha
stnrs lu their course shall
era. Oh, ohurolt of God,
pture thusa weupoosl
j.l go out and take posses
Holm. Lot any printing
u been captured by the
lured for Ood, and the re.
I typesetters, and tho ed.
publishers swear nil ul
Lord Ood of truth. Ah, ray
Sraust come, and it tho
rlsllnn roeu buve not tho
t or the coiisectutlon to do
la Jonathan on his bunv
18 V
k each
It. T:
it. J
jot In?
ig sucl
fgB "ll,
being ou
d i
isf!. ir0,Uf', S,'!ruylu,kn.0M eiiml ul'
u ui liintiritiiiiu ai.ii iK & i. n
1 trtti-t 1 i ------ " " lUO IlitlUU
mo v.oaoi isrnel, slash to pieces
L'o ptf1,'"' i'hlllslinaa. If these men
cspecii lLu t; arted to Qod, thou tbey
L"l pvtvlnrowu.
Red, oii uvaa om thlssnbject what a
liat sin )""! the church's resources la
'o pre"i',i',""rr HaA burled and undevei
k or pui. l ',n1"u,1u,e ll,t that was a
.if " 11119 lnl"1 ut I"reJ. It
0 lien fie -...-i-as are Iron, nud out of the
pol tliet" dig brass," uud yet bun.
lingoD ' ';a"u of dollar.' worth of
nff of tl " a1", U"der tue ulll- We.
0fl0ll"he ... ileully WtU the churoli o
M ffttljtU S (J.'V. llD I..I..... 1...... JM ....
u ro . 't'ut ib uoi anvei.
; of tb' , 4 o' Us euorgy could be
; Ktttinfftt u.
ahouldiie ti
tao Mf"
to aui;
U on UH tli- V'lted
mlglit takn the mi hi Im In.
ay by the throat and make
lust. f human eloquence
9 to the Lord Jesus Christ,
' years persuailurliu ulml..
rii.r:--ader to God. Thrra la
oped energy In this city to
Ulted tkutes to Christ.
i I f H but " lurlod under
weuoe and uuder whole
lh. Now, Is It not time
(0 begin aud the pleknzea
tills burled metal to ba
put Into tha furuuues aud
liners and onrbiuea for the
box H.ui
or, wliK in; n
bring W"""
ie be"
it bet es 1 1
on i"1
fl y of Christiana In this
lhe moat of the Lorn's
' to the reserve corps. The
are ii.leep In tbo bam-
"iiue metal Is uuder the
i il. ct ot 1 m ,or tbechuroU ol
Wh ,i A;V'" ",Da that w
a .., J1 ' ; MftHll trim .. .. . ,
y largs
. iter.
,. wbtt'1
1 Ui f
arued ll
068 "i'1
or u
rs nt
uove'l ;
ButI J
ed i
-.ted for Christ's ankef
i.i . ulB KugllaU sol.
Blucher, the eouimauder
a wiu t'orwards." We
'J retreat In theohuroh ol
live a glorious advanue
4 us the Kttuerul said ii
"V"''"!tudrtUI" UP lo Ida
Oylng lii the wluil, lie
"""' troops heard
forward, the whole lluel"
ayuieu en'Med. Ululs
Hy too small TU8B rt0
i t1 "re the most ovar
J1y of them die
E y u"uuot K
10 or, gettiug tbe
4. worked that they take It
Ihey die from eonauaio-
rly and lt expoHure.
or a historiiio pubiisliea
r fultliful pastor must
iflul"."1 ,0'"'orfour
Mliit-tara raaelve enough
om ma who have mapa
4 lkvbtolUtf rM)m ,Bd
tores to sell to exhaust "their vitality.
They ars bored with agents of all sorts.
They are set In drafts at funerals and
pnlponnd by tha unventllnted rooms ot In
valids and wnltodupon by ftnminlttea who
want addre'Sf' made nntll Ufa becomes R
burden to benr. It la not hard study that
makes ministers look pale. It la the In
Unity nf Interruptions nnd botherations to
which they are subjected. Numerically too
amalll It la no more tbe work of the pulpit
to convert nnd save tbe world than it la
the work of tbe pew. If men go lo rnln,
there will be as mnoU blood oo. your skirts
as on mine.
Let us quit this grand fnma of trying
to savn the world by a few clergymen,
nnd let all bands lay hold ot tba work.
Give os In all onr ohnrchoa two or
three aroused aud qualified men and
women to belp. In moat churchas to
day fire or ten men are eflreipellod to do
all the work. A vast majority of ohurches
re at their wits' end bow to carry on a
prayer meeting If the minister Is not there,
when there ought to be enough pent OD
energy and religious force to mnke a meet
ing go on with such power that tbe minis
tor would never bn missed. Tho church
stands worblog the pumpa of a few
ministerial clsteras .mill the buckets
are dry nud choked, while there nre
thousands of fountains from which
might be dipped up tho waters ot etnr
sal life. lieforo vox nud I have the
sed (res-ling our fynllds wn will under
God decide whether uur children shall grow
up amid the occurred surroundings of vice
und shame or come to an Inheritance of
righteousness. Long, loud, bitter will be
tbe curse that scorches our grave If, hold
ing within the church to-dny enough men
nnd women to save tho city, wo act the
coward or tbe droue. I wish I could put
enough moral explosives under tha con
ventionalities and majestic stupidities ot
the day to blow them to atoma and that
then, with 50, 0(H) men and women from nil
the churches knowing nothing but Christ
uud a desire to bring nil the world to Him,
we might move upon the eunmy's works.
For a littlo while heaven would not bnvo
trumpets enough to celebrate the victories.
Again, I learn from this subject that we
sometimes do well to take advantage of the
world's grindstones. These Israelites were
reduced to u file, and so they went over to
tbe garrison of the Philistines to get their
axes and tbelr goads and their plows
sharpened. The lilble distinctly states It
the text whlah I reud nt the beginning of
tbe service that they hud no other Instru
ments now with wbloli to do this work, and
the Israel lies did right when they went over
to the Philistines to use tbelr grindstones.
My friends, Is It not right for us to employ
the world's grindstones? It there be art,
If there be logic, If there be business faoul
ty on tbe other side, let ua go over and om
ploy it for Christ's sake. The fact Is we
llgut wltu too dull instrumeuta. We Iikck
nnd we tnnul when we ought to make a
cleun stroke. Lot us go over among sharp
business men nnd among sharp literary
men nnd flud out what tbelr tact la and
transfer it to the ennsu of Christ. If they
have science and art it will do us good to
rub against it.
In other words, lot us employ thnwor Id's
grindstones. We will listen to their music,
aud we will watch their acumen, und we
will use their grindstones, and will borrow
their philosophical apparatus to make our
experiments, nud wo wilt borrow tbelr
printing presses to publish our Bibles, nnd
we will borrow their rail trains to carry
our Christ luu lltorature, and we will borrow
their ships to transport our missionaries.
That was what made Paul such a master In
bia day. He not only got all the learning
be oould get of Dr. Gumnllol, but after
ward, standing on Mara bill and lu crowd
ed thoroughfare, quoted tiieir poetry, and
grasped their loglo, nnd wielded their elo
quence, and employed tbolr mythology un
til Dlooyslus, the Areopngite, learned In
the schools ot Athens nnd Hnllopolls, went
down under lira tremendous powers.
Tuiit was wbut gave Thomas Chalmers
ills power In his day. He conquered the
world's astronomy aud compelled It to ring
out the wisdom und greatness ot the Lord
until, for the second time, the morulug
stars sang together and ail the sons of God
shouted lor joy. That was what gavu to
Jonathan Edwards his inHuenaelu his day.
Ha conquered the world's metaphysics and
forced It Into the Borvice of God until not
only thu old meeting house at Northamp
ton, Mass., but nil Christendom, felt thrilled
by his Christian power. Well, now, my
friends, we all have tools ot Christian
power. Do uot let them lose tbelr edges.
We wnnt no rusty blades la this light. We
want no coulter that cannot rip up the
glebe. We waut no axe that cannot foil
tho trees. We wunt no goad thut cannot
start tbe lusty team. Let us get the very
best grindstones we can flud, though they
be lu possession ot the Philistines, compel
ling them to turn tbe crank while we bear
dawn with all our might on the swift re
volving wheel until nil our energies nnd
laeultles shall be brought up to a bright,
keen, sharp, glittering edgo.
Again, my subject teaches us on what
n small allowance Philistine Iniquity puts
n man. Yos, these Philistines shut up the
mines, and then they took the spears und
the swords; then they took the blacksmiths;
then they took tbe grindstones, and they
took everything but u file. Oh, I hut Is tho
way sin worksl It grubs everything. It
begins with robbery and ends witli rob
bery. It despoils this faculty nnd that
faculty aud keeps on uutll the whole nature
Is gone. Was the mnn eloquent before, it
geueruily thickens bis tongue. Was he fine
iu personal appenruuee, it mars his visage.
Was ho aflluont, it sends tbe sheriff to soli
blin out. Was he Influential, it destroys
bis popularity. Was be placid and genial
and loving. It makes him splouetiii and
cross, and so utterly Is be changed that
you can see be Is Biircnstlo and rasping and
that the Pblllstiuoa have left him nothing
but a file.
I learn from tbls subject w'nt a sad thing
It is wheu tbe church ot God loses Its
metal! These Philistines saw that It they
could only get all thu metallic weapons
out of tbo bands ot tho Isrnolltee all would
be well, und therefore tbey took tbeswords
und the spears. Tbey did not want them
to have n single metailla weapon. When
the metal ot the Israelites was goue, their
strength was goue. This is the trouble
with tbe oburob of God to-dny. It la sur
rendering its courage. It bus not enough
Oh, is It not high time that we awake
out of Hlcep? Churoli of God, lift up vour
head at the coming victory I Tho Phlllst lues
will go down, aud the Israelites will go up.
We are on the winning side. I think just
now tbe King's horses lire being hooked up
to tbe chariot, and when Ha does ride down
tho sky lliero will be such u bosaiiiiii
among Ilia friends and such a walling
among bis unamles ns will make the earth
tremble nud the heaven slug. 1 see uow
the plumes of thu Lord's cavalrymou
toistug in the all. The archangel be
fore the tbrono l;s already buruisliod
bis trumpet, aud then be will put Its gold
eujlps to his own, nnd he will blow the
loug, loud blnst that will make nil tbe na
tions free. Clap your hands, nil ye peo
plel Harkl I hear the fulling thrones nud
the dashing down ol demolished Iniquities.
"Halleluiah, the Lord God omnipotent
relguethl Halleluiah, the kingdoms of
this world are become tbe kingdoms of our
Lord Jesus Ohrlatl"
He ajlsed 'Em Op,
A Georgia boy's composition on "Tha
Lawmakers of Our Country" reads as
follows: "My pa Is a lawmaker. Ms
makes the laws at home, an' pa makes
'em when she gives him a holiday. P
has been In the legislature two times,
an' he'll go there again If the voters
don't git In their right mind 'fore he
comes home. He gen-rully comes
home on Christmas when we have
something to eat We expoct him V
Chrletmas." Atlanta Conatltutloa
In the all too u year botwtMin IfifiS
nud 1808 Inclusive H.UiiO wolv.n bxve
been destroyed ami bountlos paid
equaling 118,815. In 1883 and 1884
tbe number of wolves killed was 1,310
nnd 1.035, but under the luBnenee of
tbe new law raising the bouufy per
head to $30 for a wolf with young, 120
for an ordinary wolf, and $8 for a cub,
there has been a rapid reduction In
their numbers, and It Is believed that
In a very few years thy will become
The Sin ol L'o nor Sailing: How lo End IL Heb.
il, 1-15. Quarterly Temparance Meeting.
Scripture Verses. Frov. xx. i; xxiii.
20-.15: Isa- xxviii. 7; I Cor. ix. 2$; Ixv.
x. -n; Jer. xxxv. 5, fi, 14, 18, ig; Isa.
v. 1 1, jj, i.i; Dcut. xxix. 11). jo; i Cor.
vi. 10.
Lesson Thoughts.
ThmiKh he mav be a total abstainer,
no man ran truly claim to be a real
temperance advocate while lie does
nothing to protect his neighbor from
the woes of strong: drink.
Ko honor belongs to the city or rov
ernment that is willing; to share in the
profits of the liquor business. Its pros
perity is blood-bought, and will some
day nave to be exchanged for the woe
that is . pronounced upon him that
"buildeth a town with blood, and estab
lished! a city with iniquity."
An honest, auuressive campaign
against th? saloon entered into by
ail Christians, would cost the
Christian lawyer many a rich client;
the Christian editor, many subscriber
and adverliyrr: lhe preacher would lose
some of his congregation ; the politician
would lost some ol his votes. Hut it
would pay! Yes, if right pays, and
God pays.
If there were 110 temperate drinking,
there would be none that is intemperate.
Men do not begin by what is usually
called immoderate indulgence, but by
that which they regard as moderate . . .
Discontinue one and the other becomes
The amethyst, a wrccious stone of
bluish purple color, was formerly sup
posed to have the virtue ot curing drun
kenness. Prayer for divine help is the
amethyst to be carried by those who
strive against the adversary,
"Wine is a treacherous dealer." It
promises health and gives disease; good
cheer, and gives despair; friends, and
gives foes; mirth, and gives Wailing.',
fierce and t'.nei-jling.
C. E. Gospel Hymns. 33, 44, 67, 78,
181, S40.
Gospel Hymns, t-4 atiEJ, 4.
4 JO, 3J6, 21.
He Will sit for Hours Angling and
Tho Roer Is no mean fisherman,
diven a plpo and a supply of his favor
ite weed, ho will sit for hours angling,
says tho London Mull. Very fine sort,
Indeed, may bo hud in any ot the
streams north of tho Orange river. Tho
only tackle required consists of the
usual coarso fishhooks and a strong
rod. On thn authority of Mr. Roland
Trlmon, F. L. S., und curator of tho
Cape Town museum, it may be stated
that no less than fourteen different
fresh water fish, varying from a bar
ber of seventy pounds to tho culper, or
burrowing perch, of less than a quar
ter of a pound weight, exist In the
Transvaal streams, the latter being the
only fresh water fish of tho country
known to take a fly. The most com
mon specimens, however, aro the twenty-pound
yellow tall and a thirty-five
pound nondescript sort of fish which
merely require hooking and hauling
out with an ordinary cod line. From
tbe Orange river southward the fresh
water fishing Is very poor, but farther
north tho rivers nnd vlcis aro general
ly well stocked. Even lakes which are
only filled with water during the rainy
season are often stocked with fish,
which preserve life, when the bottom
Is dry, by burrowing deeply In the
ooze before It Uardona, and coming
forth again from tbelr muddy retreats
when the flood roturns.
FLODR-Balto. liestTftt 35
High Grade Kxtra 3 H6
WHEAT No. Sited 7) 71
C'OltN No. 3 White 38 81)
Oats Southern 1'ouu... 28Jj' Ti
IlYK No. 2 64 fifi
HA1 Cholee Timothy.. 15 60 10 00
ood to I'rlmo 14 60 )5 0l)
FTHAW Ityn In .,ir 1,1s. , ID 6(1 14 00
Wheat Mocks 7 OH 7 60
OntUlooks .. OOU 1)60
TOMATOES Stnd. No. at m 70
No. 2 6.".
IT.A8 Htuudurds 1 10 J
Seconds HO
COUN Dry l'nuk Hit
Moist 70
ntyCmvs 10J.J U
POTATOES DurbMiks. . US 40
ONIONtS tt 45
HOO rilODUCTd-shUt nt 7
near rlbsidos 7 7!.
lliiius 10Ji JJ'i
Nes Pork. n bar 11 uo
LAUD Crudo 4
Jkwt rellued 7
IIUTTEH Flue Crmy. . .. 27 2S
Under Fine 3 27
Creamery iiolls 117 iW,
CHEESE N. y. Fnuoy. . . 13 a. JV
N. V. Flats l.'l.'j K4
bltiin C'hooso..... t)
Efl 08 State I 19 fl 20
North tliirolinu 17 Id
Ducks, per lb DM
TOBACCO Md. Inter's.. 150 19 3 50
Hound common 3 Q 4 60
Middling H01 791)
1'iuioy ... 100J K0J
MVS St 00c
PEEF Best Beeves 430 470
BlllvEP 8 60 4 00
UotJS 0 0J
HUBKBAT 10 0 11
iluucoou 0 45
lied fox :0
tikuuU Black. K0
Opossum - 'J
lW ; NO
VLOTJB flouthera 881 f 4 20
WHEAT No. 3 lied 74 7
RYfc Westora ' CO 01
OOllN No. 2 SH 40
OATH No. 8 30 31
UUTTKll State 19 24
COOH tftate M 10 20
tiittaic tiute 12; n
FLOUR Southern tM IN
WHEAT No. DUed fill 70
OOUN No. 3 87 88
OATH No. 2 81 32
LtiUb-l'ctuitt ft . 1 M
aro ailing women,, When
a woman has some femalo
trouble she Is certain to
bo nervous and wrelohetl.
With many women tho
monthly suffering Is so
groat that they aro for
days positively Insane,
and tho most diligent of
forts of ordinary treat'
ment aro unavailing
comes promptly to tho ro
llef of those women, Tho
letters from women oured
by It proves this This
paper Is constantly print'
Ing thorn,
The advice of Mrs, Pink'
ham should also bo se
cured by every nervous
woman. This costs noth
ing. Her address Is Lynn,
A Mutter That I of ImporUnce to
The quetitlon Is once more being
raised In this country of the desira
bility of a uniform musical pitch, says
Chamber's Journal. Some years ago
lhe Philharmonic society, In London,
decided to lower the pitch of Its or
chestra to that universal on the con
tinent; and. although there was somo
confusion nt first, the wisdom of that
movement Is now acknowledged. The
great bar to the common adoption of
tho lower pitch is that its acceptance
would render necessary tho provision
af new Instruments of the various mili
tary bands throughout the country,
and the alteration, at great expense,
of organs, both In concert halls and
In churches. Pianoforte manufacturers
have hitherto held a neutral position
in this natter of alteration. of pitch,
but now, on the Initiative of Messrs.
Broad wood & Sons, they uro nearly all
expressing their willingness to adopt
tho lower pitch, provided thut the
movement is a general oe. The exact
pitch of a sound can bo accurately
measured by lis number of vibrations
per second; thus, the old pitch would
mean for the note A a piano wire giv
ing 454 vibrations at a temperature of
08 degroes Fahrenheit, while tho lower
pitch which it Is proposed to adopt this
autumn would mean only 139 vibra
tions for (he same note. The matter Is
one of great importance to singers,
who have now to strain their voices
In order to reach a higher altitude
than thut intended by the composer
whose works they interpret, for those
compositions were written when tbe
pilch was lower than now to be adopt
ed us the standard. '
The Zulus a Fine Knee.
The Zulus are said to bn the finest
specimens of the black race in tho
world. They are mahogany-colored,
stalwart, intelligent and easily gov
erned. Those who pull the jlnrikishas
put the horns of animals on their heads
and fasten wings of large birds to their
arms. Their arms, legs, ears and nocks
are loaded down with iron and brasa
ornaments. No one Is allowed to sell
them any Intoxicating drink, conse
quently they are a very peaceful act.
Past 80
and Not
a Gray Hair
" I have used Ayer's Hir
Vigor for a great many years,
and although I am past eighty
years of age, yet I have oot a gray
hair in my head." Geo. Yel
lott.Towson, Md., Aug. 3, 1899.
Have You
Lost It?
We mean all that rich, dark
color your hair used to have.
But there !3 no need of mourn
ing over it, for vou can find it
Ayer's Hair Vigor always re
stores color to gray hair. Wc
know exactly what wc are say
ing when wc use that word
" always."
It makes the hair grow heavy
and long, too : takes out every
bit of dandruff, and stops fall
ing of the hair. Keep it on
your dressing table ana use it
every day. ti.M . totus. aii annus.
Write the Doctor
If you do ootobtalnklltbe benefits yon
don In from the use of the Vlirur, write
tbe Dontor sbout It. He will tell you just
tho r If lit thing to do, md will send yon
bis bouk oa the Hair add ttuilp U you
-fouuesc It. Address,
Vi. 3, C. AlJtll, Lowell, Has.
Necessary to Warfare and. Although
llasardnu. It Is Lucrative.
From the Iindon Mall: Tho word
'spy" has an ugly sound owing
:o Its many unpleasant associations,
yet in war times spies afford an army
td which la as valuable as It Is highly
remunerated. One of the maxims of
.'ommanding officers. In a book for
Ihclr guidance wrlten by Lord Wolsc
ley. Is that a successful spy must be
petted nnd made much of. Tho man
agement of spies is very difficult. Out
nf every ten employed by an officer
commanding a war district he Is for
tunate If one gives him truthful In
formation. It Is a most Important
thing that spies should not bo known
to each other. Great care Is generally
taken by officers that each spy nhall
Imagine that he Is the only that Is em
ployed. It Is very necessary that a
bona-flde spies should have about their
persons some means of proving them
selves really to be what they represent
themselves. For this purpose a coin
of a certain date, a Bible of a certain
edition, a testament with the seventh
of fifteenth lent torn out aro generally
employed. By their means a spy who
was employed In a neutral state, mak
ing bla way to the headquarters of the
army In the field, con Id thus make
himself known to the Intelligence de
partment there. In some Instances It
Is considered that a sign or password
should be employed, as It Is less com
promising. The putting up of tho
right hand to thn ear and then to the
left ear, or some such gesture, is gen
erally employed. The more extensive
the ramifications of the system tho bet
ter are tho chances for escaping detec
tion. It is very necessary that officers
of tne Intelligence department should
bo provided with specially prepared
paper, upon which letters can be writ
ten In ink that does not become visible
until it has been subjected to some
chemical process. It Is also necessary
that a letter in ordinary Ink uhould in
variably be written on the name paper
containing tho information that it in
required to keep secret. Although a
spy runs the great risk of immediate
death if ho is detected, yet the service
Is not without glory at times, and It Is
certainly extremely lucrative.
Why It VTas ltctl. 1
Slmklns What mukes your nose
red? Tlrakins It glows with pride,
sir, at not poking Itself Into other
people's business.
Cures Croup and Whooping-Cough
Unoxcelled for ConsumptivoH. Qivoj
quick, mire rcatuUn, Refuse u butt tu ten.
Dr. Suit PiUtcurt iiiliwisHti. Tnat, toor sc
Business men find that the profuse quick lather of Ivory Soap
readily removes the dust and grime of the office.
Ivory Soap is so pure that it can be used as often as necessary.
witnour. causing cnapping or roujjnness. .
fa ai ti ir-OT-c r l
8 N NCnPis-
,2 Snd your name and address on a 5!
$, Psto'. and we will send you our 1 50- jJ
( page illustrated catalogue free. w
V (b
S "6 wlnchsiter Avcnus. Nsw Hn. Cobs. S
rjOTASH gives color,
flavor and firmness to
all fruits. No good fruit
can be raised without
Fertilizers containing at least
8 to 10 of Totash will give
best results on all fruits. Write
for our pamphlets, which ought
to be in every farmer's library.
They are sent free.
93 Kuaw St., New York.
th fTfcndrrt tad tut i-Mlllng book ctr publutkod.
Pulpit Echoes
('ontttnmc Mr. MrtllV brai Nvrmoni. with M'O
TUtiUinit Htoflc. InrideaU. TVraotuaJ r'sprittibM etc., m told
By JJ. L. Moody
Aim.. With fMnplttchi(oTTrf his lifr by It. Til A. F.
WO. Iulr or Mr Mrnmly I bic(ro Clturt'h for !.: jura,
And an lnlriMluctlua b. tirr. l. MAN A HflOT T, I. It.
brand new, jn ,fVaatt'""y inHvtrl. 0 ylOltO mora
AW K NTH VSTH-Mfn art! Wiirnrn. 0 '
lmmcnac a hirrM iim for Am-ntt. fnrt for term lo
A. IK WOUriU-MilU.N As liK, UurllWU, laa.
.t. r
ft nRK
' iOlU A. S1I.XKS HIED CO., Ll IlluaU,
Want to Mrn all about a
UurMT Uo to Fick Out a
GoodOnar Knowluiparfao-
tiona aad ao Uuard agalmit
Fraudr Do Met Vlmu and
Effact a Oura whan aaai. la
pontblaf Tall tba Aga lif
tka Taatkf What to oail tba Fart of tha
animal? How to bhoa a Horn fnpttlyi All taia
and otbar Vaiuabla Information can ba obiaiaad by
nadlof our lUO.PAOB 1I.LUHTUAT1.U
IIOUMK BOOK, whlnk wa will forward, pool
aald, a racalat of out )U caala la aCaaBaa.
134 I.raaanl HI., N. T.Cilj.
' Hatlta-lTkailallt
Kalxer'B Rapa - , ,
Ljt ltaIlH Lilhtr, R.T-sf ,ra . uiMUbM itavstilVvV
fj? fiu UOliMhtH Dig rnarnau, -I. Hra)r.
UiaMmil. Wit., ITJli barter: a ml M. lmif,
V M IMtfiai. HtH .brra1( jTObusti fuiir-aa. 1 1
m. If ffm Jt, wri'M tha. WawithuffalB
J I00,009a iitrra, hmft ill mm4 mm trial T1
1 1 10 DOLL A ft WORTH rOR lOo. PI
1 W r rara far vmo-T, ftalt Boih, tka t aaa f 1
1 Wa ). prmlaioma; -wit.isb. fartft an4 4 ta bar f 1
Irl rraert iaMinnil k.. Hrtaua laaraita I f
VIA rawl fraaa an anh; 9mlstr aa. "'f
TV Kai, 8ana( Wmu, 4,- lala4tB aar maaa- M-4J
VA awia flaai. PrtillaMit Mrl (aka,.t. lMlacall JFOv
V abtqi .Haltar ret Mllll lUllar Jk'-W
"Ual, ail aaaii4 f..r I On aaiuti i JLyW
- V patUW a:h l la ari. JLf
llatMMriUi...MA. TOW
Tin yv
rfmt tali
ad. wll
lot. to Kaltrr.
ala tat
mm. kt.
5 .t
a u
o. tfl jj
O a
30 Days Treatment $1.00.
Sample locts. Write us Con
873 E. Clril Bt., VH It AUU, ILU
No. I, S Cow,, $
no, 2, o ,.i,wb. on,
Ntk n. 4 Cow,, a:
Ni. 4, TCowa, it
n. ft. ill l ows. 9'J
Ko. 6. 1.1 Cow, III)
Klbnll.N.w I lU
i No. I, 11 Cowa. SI.
A. No. 6 owa. ia
1?. Vo.K inrit. K
1 No. 4. IS Cow., $1(1
. Hiua aim i.rtna
'.'rS."P appllnBlloa
lurei (,oua;bii Mild Col (I.
A'iveat Conaumptlou
i'll wl BJ I qaiok rm if Bars, iHnt
r-,i9,. Uiijb of iBsi.moiiiBU and 10 daya 1 liaat
Fr. sr. m. H. Sana's Suai. Bs V. All,,,.,
U N U 6-
If 'ft J
iyOUktD Bruiv
In Itmfl, Hftid b? druKtrlNtrt.
ataa ItiMxl.
rs) rs) n ryi
hma- a-aj yvmz) tt.c;,.t. ,t wuikai.T jrt-t rm Li v wv.vAak
8 .W),n;JIUUJ..-.-..-i v. -w-fl
a - . a . " i
if Bff;i it
ill -flfl iilfj. n
KMW MTT alll.ll" mW' .
... mv-
Complete External and
Internal Treatment
Consisting of CUTICURA SOAP (2Sc.)rto
cleanse the skin of crusts and scales and
soften the thickened cuticle, CUTICURA Oint
ment (50c), to Instantly allay itching. Irri
tation, ana Inflammation, and soothe andt
heal, and CUTICURA RESOLVENT (50c.), to
cool and cleanse the blood.', A 5INQLE SET
Is often sufficient to cure the most torturing,,
disfiguring skin, scalp, and blood humors.,
with loss of hair, when all other remedies fait-
Said IteMf ami tat. JawaVaftClaS .TI Isi.lmas la taOaralBdBf HuBBacfM.
1 - I
W Mis,
!l,',U!ii: i;i-