The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, January 25, 1900, Image 7

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;i),l M.r oo; tliejr all the .
Inn thiy RPt them. Who in thar
filil r-funo Mich works it art when
nn Ri-t thmn for almost nothing.
Sur irrooer for it coupon bonk, which
T'il l yon to irot onelnrRS 10c. pnek
'' "licl Crosa" ntnrch, ono lnro Me.
"" IB" of "HoblnRiir's Host" starch, with
fwnluma. two 8linUoparo panels,
ihS In twelve bnmitlfiil color, n nnt
An'ii lll. or ono Twnllth Cunttiry Girl
' t'jar thi flnent of lt kind ever printed,
' H 17.13 March 25 was the beRlmilng nl
"i-anl year though Jnnimry 1 was uni
fy fflcoKalwl as N,sw Vrart Day.
" twomnrTrWoxt HI.Ib ltilll.'an Club.
f'W Voi hnn nnilrtnk(n to mi tlint the
" 1 1 1 ii law U enforced on Sunday.
'die Time By
The Forelock.
' ' Lj'f .n ntf n7KM overtakes you.
Zl ihtt tired feeling, the f&tt rheu
" pAin, the first utarnings of impure
,rt .Tuinifest, Uhe Hood's Srsp
V' tnd you 'axil rescue ymir health And
"'tir.f.. t Ktrlous sickness.
j" ' -
Tc sure
it i llcxxfa, because
II i Aanorloaulaael Children.
' am U Batlafied with the Amcr-
education," said an
i i'llaUmon residing In New York to a
WKorfc Tribune man. "In fact, for
y r'i esp rlnlly, I consider thnt It It
hi V H wajra than 1110 KnEllBb
( km. do. howsver, object to some
si: be (graphical Ideas that they
l.1.: i '-....k..,! trt r'ntHnml T.nflt win
III I'CBIU -' u..n. .
oy little K'rl started to learn about
'states. ; From uctoner
M utates. i From October until May
'f 'drew on pa of each one, learned
'i",.it tholf towns, rivers, mountain!
nl(.ommrclnl products until she had
I n-.a ail at her fingers' ends. That was
tell enough, and I greatly admired
'It thoroughness of the teaching; sc
Klyoar. when she told me that they
:''"' beginning on England, Scotland
T',:, Ireland. I felt quite pleased that
"l ihould learn all about the dear old
edi'ury, aid promised myself a good
""I of pleasure In talking to her of
'' 'blil bnnnts. Woll, If you will be
rliii'l It, In about a week she announced
till they had finished up with Great
"l'iu and that the cIbbb had Btarted
Vjludy up the divisions of tho con
ynnfit. Six months for the United
i'. tc and a week for England, Scot-
and Ireland! Then I felt, Indeed,
niy children were Americanized."
i i
In ::
KU'f' '
b'$:?cttho mediolno that
rJ '-? Aa record for tho
number of abso-
ires of female Ills
LyJIa Pinkham's
lz'.:-ble Compound
U Second -Mrs. Pinkham
f,'jw chow by her letter
Ids .i lynn ffcaf a m
women have been
(" rod to health by her
wtlip :'--.! and advice.
Milled SI
y fill Mvutgrt. tu iwirts.
am are received,
read and an-
I by women only,
.'. of
V- - ot Is certified to by
i yor and postmas-
c .' Lynn and others of
c. mkham's own city
for free book con
j these certificates.
y ailing woman Is
I to write to Mrs
m and net her ad
. ee of charge.
I'ftydU K. Pinkham Med. Co., Lyoa, Uuu. .
'O hundred bushels
f Potatoes remove
3 4 pounds of "actual" Pot-
from the soil. One thou
1 pounds of a fertilizer con-
8 "actual" Potash
supply just the amount
kdc If, there is a de-
,,,0,Jency ?f Potash, there will be
falling-off in the crop.
have some valuable
about composi-
uj n, us; and value of fertilizers
various crops. They
9 S a
l.n' III
"x'tiks telling
yj KUHl SI., new York.
-ftilpit Echoes
ale (f ' .;."T, and nrABT,
io.bu. r.roa Kxpcrlaucct ttc., utold
1' -.7 Jv. Moodll
! '1 , 'iUl Z " ""1 'r Vrmt la
. .
1 '
. (I),
a I"
5 V"iri ri tri
v o ether ink "juat aa good."
nl.prt: Tlie Attwlre of Ollmn-The riii.
hnily ! Mlanloii to IVrrorm Vhn
1 HI Molly Is looil Jlrnrnli Out the
MUfirlUnd OBr Thain Conolatloli
lOorrrlRh'i J'Ollln Klopcll, 100.1
Washinotox, D. C In thin dlnnonrse Dr.
TalmiiRH shows bow wo should Intanwt
ourselves In the nfTulM of others for thell
bnnent, but nvr for tholr itammre; text,
I Peter, tr., IS, "A bmybody In other meo'f
Hiimun nature n thosnmo In nil nge.
In the second century of tho world' ex
istence people had the Mine e!mrnoterlstlc
h people In the nineteenth century, the
only difference belni; thnt they had the
ehiiracterlKthM for n longer time. It was
500 years of goodness or 500 years of menu,
ness Instead of goodness or meanness f.ii
forty or llfty yi-ars. Well, Hlmon I'oter,
who was n keen obserrer of what was golim
on around him, ouo dav caught sight or n
man whose eharacterlstlns were severe
Inspection and blatant erltlnlsm ot tho af
fairs belonging to people for whom he had
no responsibility, and with tho hand onoe
browneil anil burdened by fishing tackle
drew this portrait fur all mibseiiuent ages.
"A busvbidv In other men's matters." v
Thnt kind ot perxon has Iihhii a trouble
mnker In every country since the world
rtood. Appointing himself to the work ol
exploration and detection, he goes forth
mischief making. He genrally begins by
reporting the lnfelleltr discovered. He Is
the advertising agent of Inllrmltles and
domestic Inhnrmooy and occurrences that
but for him would never have ojme to tin'
nubile eve or ear. He leels thnt the secret
ought to he hauled out into light and linr-
nlded. If he can get one line ot it into
the newspapers, that he feels to be a noble
achievement to start with, nut no must
not let it stop. He whispers it to his
neighbors, and they In turn whisper it to
their neighbors, until the whole town is
nbu7.7. and agog, You can no morn catch
It or put it dowu than you cau n malaria.
It Is in the air and on the wing nud alloat.
Taken by seemi ot little Impor
tance, but after a hundred people have ban
died It and each ba? given it an nitilttlonal
twist It becomes a story In slr.e and shape
marvelous. It it can be kept going, nttei
awhile It will be Inrge enough to oall the
attention of the courts or the presbyteries
or oouterences or association. The tnosl
of the scandals abroad are the work ot tbe
one whom Peter In the text styles "a busy
body In other men s matters.
First, notice that such a mission Is most
undesirable, beoause we all require all the
time we can get to take care of our own
affairs. To carry ourselves through tne
treaoherons straits of this lite demand?
that we all tbe time keep our baud on the
wheel or our own cratt. While, as 1 snail
show you before I get through, we all have
a mission or kindness to others, we 1 1 a vi
no time to waste in doing that whlou if
damaging to others.
There Is our worldly calling, wuicn musi
be looked after or lt will baoome a failure
Who succeeds In anything without concen
trating all bis energies upon that one
thing? All those who try to do ninny thluge
go to pieces either as to tbelr health 01
tbelr fortune. They go on uutll they pav
tea oents on tbe dollar or pay tbelr body
Into tbe grave. We eannot manage the
affairs of others and keep our own affairs
KroBperous. While we are Inquiring
ow precarious is the business of an
other merchant and finding out how manv
notes be line unpaid and how soon he will
probably be wound up or make an assign
ment or bear the sheriff's hammer smite
his counter our own affairs are getting
mixed up und endangered. While we lire
erltlciBlng our neighbor for bis poor crops
wears negleating the fertilization ot our
owns Ileitis or allowing the woods to choke
our own oorn. While we are trying to ex
tract the mote from our neighbor's eye we
fall under the weight of the beam in our
own eye. Those men disturbed by the (aults
or others are theinselvesthe depot at which
whole trains of faults arrive und from which
whole trains of faults start. The men who
have succeeded In eecular things or relig
ious things will tell you that they have no
time for hunting out the dedolts of others.
On the way to their counting room they
may have heard that n firm in the same
line ot business was In trouble, and they
said, "Borry, very sorry." But tbey wont
In and sat down nt their table and opened
the book oontalulng a full statement of
their affairs to seo it thoy were in peril of
being oaught In a similar cyclone.
Guilders about town, With bands In
pockets and bats set tar back on the heud,
waiting to bear baleful news, are failures
now or will be failures. Christian men
and women who go round with mouth
and looks full ot Interrogation points to
And bow some other church member is
given to exaggeration or drinks too much
or neglects his home lor greater outside
attractions have themselves so little grace
in their hearts that no ouo suspects they
have any. In proportion as people nru
oonseorated and holy nnd useful tbey are
lenient with others nnd disposed to say:
"Walt until we bear the other side of that
matter. I cannot believe that charge made
ugainst that man or woman until wo have
some bettor testimony than that given
by these scandal mongers. I guess it Is n
Furthermore, we nre incapacitated fot
tl.e supervlsal of others because wo cannot
see nil sides of the iifTalr reprehended.
People are generally not so nnioli to blame
as we suppose, it Is never rigst to no
wrong, but there may be allevlatlous.
There may have arisen a conjunction ol
circumstances which would have Hung any.
one of us. Tbe world gives only one side
of the transaction, and that is always the
worst side. That defaulter nt the bank
who loaned money be ought not to havu
loaned did it for the ndvnntage ot another
not for his own. That young man who
purloined from his employer did so be
cause his mother was dying for the lack ol
medicine. Tint young womau who wuut
wrong did not get euough wanes to keot
her from starving to death. Most people
who make moral shipwreck would do right
In some exigency, but tbey have not tbe
courage to say "No,"
Furthermore, we make ourselves a dis
gusting spectacle when we beuonio busy
bodies. What a diabolical enterprise those
undertake who are ever looking for the
moral lapse or downfall ot others! As the
humnu rice Is a most Imperfect race, ull
such hunters tlnd plenty ol game. There
have beeu sowing societies lu churches
which toro to pieces more reputations than
tbey made garments for the poor. With
their sarcasms and sly bints aud deprecla
tion or motives tbey punctured more good
names than they bad needles. With tholt
sulssors tbey out character bias nud back
stitched every evil report they got hold of,
Meetings or boards of directors have some'
times rulued good business men by lnsliiU'
atlous against them. Tbe bad work may
not have beeu doue so muoh by words, foi I
they would be libelous, but by a twinkle ol ;
the eye or a shrug ot tho shoulder nrn
sarcastlo acceutuntiou or a word. "Yes,
he is all rght when he Is sober." "Have
you Inquired Into that man's history?"
"1)0 you know what business he was In be.
fore lie entered this?" "I move that the
application be laid on tbe table uutll some
Investigations now going ou are consum
mated." It Is easy enough to start a sus
picion that will never down, but what u
despicable niau is the one who started Itl
All people make mistakes say things
that afterward they are sorry for and miss
opportunity ol uttering the right word and
doing the right thing. Hut when chey say
their prayers at night these defects are
sure to be mentioned somewhere between
the unine ot the Lord, for whose mercy
tbey plead, and the amen that closes the
supplication. "That has not bueu my on.
servatlou," says some oue. well, I am
sorry lor you, my brother, toy sister.
What an awful crowd you must have got
Intol Or, as Is mora probable, you are
one of the oharaoters that my text
sketahes. You have not been hunting for
partridges aud quail, but for vul
tures. You have been mlcrosoop
l?.lug tho world's faults. You have
been down in the marshes when you ought
to have beeu on tbe uplands. I have
caught you at last. You are "a busybody
In other men's matters."
How Is It that you oan always flu I two
opinions about any one ami those two
opinions exactly opposite? I will tell you
the reason. It Is because there are two
sides to every character the best side nud
the worst side. A well disposed uiau chief
ly seeks the best side. The badly disposed
seeks chiefly the worst aide. lie ours the
desire to see the bust side, for It U health
ler for us so to do und stirs admiration,
vMh t itn alMfcjMt alata wUll tha d
sire to find the worst side keeps one In a
spirit bf dfsqnletude and disgust aud moan
saspldon, snd that Is a pulling down ot our
own nature, a dlsfluurement of our own
character. I am afraid tho Imperfections
of other) will kill us yet.
The habit I deplore Is apt to show Itself
In tho visage. A kindly man who wishes
everybody well soon demonstrates bis dis
position in his looks. His features may
fracture all the laws of handsome physiog
nomy, but t3d puts into that man's eyes
and (u the curve ot bis nostrils and In the
upper aud lower Up tho signature or Di
vine approval. And you see It at a glance,
as plainly as though it had been written all
over bis face in rose color: "This is one of
My prlnoos. Ho Is on the way to corona,
tlnn. I bless him now with nil tha bene
dictions that Infinity can nfford. Look at
him. Admire him. Congratulate him."
But there is a worthy and Christian way
ot looking abroa l upon others, not for the
purpose ot bringing them to disadvantage
or advertising their weaknesses or putting
In "great primer" or "paragou" type their
fralllties, hnt to offer help, sympathy and
rescue. That is Christlike, nnd he who
does so wins thu applause of tho high
heavens. Just look abroad for the people
who have made great mistakes and put a
big plaster of condolence on their lacera
tions. Much people nre never sympathized
with although they noed an Inllnity ot so.
lace. Domestic mistakes. Huolal mis
takes. Ecclesiastical mistakes. Political
There is a public man who has made a
political mistake from which he will never
recover. At the next elections he will be
put back nnd ptit down Into a place of dis
approval from which be will Lever rise.
Just go to that mnu and unroll tha scroll
of 100 splendid Americans who, after occu
pying high plaoes of promotion, were rele
gated to private life and public scorn.
Hhow him in what glorious company he
has been placed by tbe auathoma ot the
ballot box.
There Is a man or womau who Ins made
a conjugal mistake, and a vulture has been
put Into the same cage with a dove or a
lion nnd a lamb in the same Jungle. The
world laughs at the misfortune, but It ts
your business to weep with tholr woe.
There Is a merchant who bought at the
wrong time or n manufacturer whose old
machinery bus beeu superseded by a new
Invention or who under chnngn of tariff on
certain styles of fabric has beeu dropped
from affluence Into bankruptcy. Goto him
nnd recall the names ot llrty business men
who lost nil but their honesty aud Ood aud
heaven. Lot them know there are hun
dreds ot good men who have gone under
that are thought ot In heavouly spheres
more than many who are high up and going
higher. All will acknowledge thnt gooil
aud lovely Arthur Tappan, who failed lu
busluess, was more to be admired than
William Tweed in possejslou ot bis stolen
Hear itl Tho moro you go to busying
yourselves In other men's matters tho bet
ter if you havo design ot offering relief.
Hearcn out, the quarrels, thnt you may set
tle them; the fallen, that you may lift
them; the pangs, that you may assuage
tbem. Arm yourselt with two bottles ot
Divine me Heine, the one atonic aud the
other an aesthetic, the latter to soothe
aud quiet, the tormer to stimulate to In
spire to sublime action. That man's mat
ters need looking after lu this respect.
There are 10,000 men and women who need
your help and need lt right away. They
do uot sit down nnd cry. They make n
appeal for help, but within ten yards ot
where you sit in church and within tea
minutes walk ot your notne mere are peo
ple in enough trouble to make them
shriek out with agony lt they had not re
solved upon suppression.
It you am rightly interested in other
men's matters, go to those who nre just
starting in tbelr occupations or profes
sions and give them a boost. Those old
physicians do not want your help, for they
nre surrounded with more patients than
tbey can attend to, but cheer those young
doctors who are counting out their llrst
drops to pntleuts who onunot afford to pay.
Those old attorneys at the law waut no help
from you, for they take retainers only from
the more prosperous clients, but choor those
young attorneys who have not hail
a brief nt all lucrative. Those, old
merchants have their business so
well established that they feci Inde
pendent ot bunks, ot all changes lu
tariffs, of all panics, but cheer those
young merchants who are making their
llrst mistakes in bargain nnd sale. That
old farmer who has '200 acres In host tillage
und bis barns full ot harvested crops and
the gralu morabaut havlug bought his
wheat at high prices before It was reaped
needs no sympathy from you, but obnet
up that youug farmer whose acres are
oovured with a big mortgage and the
drought strikes them tha first yenr. That
builder with contracts niuda for the con
struction of bait a bouses nnd the
owners Impatient for occupancy Is not to
be pitied, but give your sympathy to that
mechanic In early acquaintance with ham
mer and saw nud bit nud nmld all the
limitations of a Journeyman.
And now my words are to the Invisible
multitudes I rench week by week, but yet
will never see In this world, but whom I ex
peat to meet nt the bar ot Qod and hope to
see in the blessed heaven. The last word
that I) wight L. Moody, the great evan
gelist, said to me at rialnlleld, N. J., aud
be repeated the message for me to others,
was, "Never be tempted under any circum
stances to give up your weekly pub
lication ot sermons throughout the
world." Thnt solemn charge I will
heed as long ns I have strength to give
them nnd the newspaper types desire to
take them. Oh, ye people back there In
the Hheflleld mines of England, and ye In
the sheep pastures of Australia, aud y
nmld tbe pictured terraces of New Zealand,
nnd ye among the cinnamon aud color in
flamed groves of Ceylon, aud ye Armenians
weeping over the gravos ot murdered
households In Asia Minor, nnd yo amid
the Idolatries of Denares ou tbe Granges,
and ye dwellers ou the banks ot the
Androscoggin, und the Alabama, nnd
tbe Mississippi, and the Oregon, and
tbe Shannon, nnd the llhino, nnd tha
Tiber, and the Danube, aud the Nile,
nud tbe Euphrates, and tbe Caspian and
the Yellow seas; ye of the four corners of
tbe earth who have greeted me again and
niraiu. accept this point blank offer ot
everything for nothing, or everything ot
pardon and comfort and Illumination and
satety und heaven, "without money and
without Drlce." What n gospel tor all
lands, all zones, all agesl Gospel of sym
pathy! Gospel of hope! Gospel of eman
olputlonl Gospel of sunlight! Gospel
ot enthronement! Gospel ot eternal
viotoryl Take It all ye people, uutll
your slus nre all pardoned, nnd your
sorrows all solaced, and your wrongs
all righted, and your dying pillow be
spread nt the foot or n ladder which,
though like the oue thnt was lot down to
Bethel, mny be thronged with descending
nud ascending Immortals, shall neverthe
less have room enough for you to climb,
foot over foot, on rungs of light till you
go olear up out of sight of all earthly
perturoatiou into ine return wuere "iu
wicked oense from troubling and the weary
are at rest."
" years ago I wan badly aflllot
ert" twith Eczema, ami used Tetterino
with tbe most gratifying result. I
made a permanent euro after doctors
had failed to relieve me. I have symp
tons of it breaking out on nuotlior part
of my porson.Boyou will plenso send mo
one box Tetterino by return mail for
the 50c. enclosed. W. L. Mounce, 124
St. Marks avenue, Brooklyn, N, Y."
Hold by druggists or by mail for !0o.
by J. T. Shnptrine, Savannah, (In.
rrlceless Volume.
About four years ago it London
blurkHmlth noticed on a Beoond-rmnd
bookstall n very old book priced ut 2
rents. He bought It, nnd ufter at
tempting to read it. threw lt nslde end
noon forgot It. One of hie lodgers
happening to Bee the book recently,
nnd, noticing that It was dated 1450,
asked permission to Rhow it to the
Hrltlsh museum authorities. A duy or
two later the blacksmith was request
ed to rail, and the Hecretary, to his sur
prise, asked him what he would take
for the book. In somo slight confus
ion the man said, "What will you
give?" "Will $250 suit you?" wns tho
answer of the secretary. The black
smith was so dumfoundod thnt the
secretary thought he was ridiculing
bis offer, and thereupon Immediately
increased It to 500, which was ttt once
necepted. Sooner thun have lost the
book, however, which was the first
book that Gutenberg ever printed, und,
therefore almost priceless, the mus
eum authorities would havo paid al
most any sum that had been asked.
Cincinnati Enoulrer,
How's This.
We offer One Iliind nil Dollars Reward for
any case of Catarrh that cannot be enrnd by
Hull's Catarrh Cure.
K.J. m:.vKV A Co., Props., Toledo. O.
We, thn nnderslirnpd, have known K. .!. Che
ney for the last Ift years, and believe him per
fectly hotiorahlu In all business transactions
ami nnnnefallv able to carry out auy obliga
tion made by their Hnn.
WkstoV Tiiuax, Wholoalo Druggists. Toledo,
Wai.uiko, Kinnai A Ma ii vi. Wholesale
Dnmglsta, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure 1st ikon Internally, act
ing directly upon tho blood an. I mucous sur
faces of the sysleni. 1'rlce. 7"m per bottle.
Hold by all Pniirirlsrs. Testimonials froe.
Hairs Family Pills are the beet.
Peaches Were Meat Over Along with the
Whl Blabber.
Canadians are very touchy on the
subjet't of climate, as Kudyard Kipling
discovered when he somewhat thought
lessly duhhed the dominion our Lady
of the Snows, says the Philadelphia
Post. When Arthur Stringer, the youns
Canadian poet and author, first went
to Oxford, he carried with him letters
from Prof. Uoldwtn Smith of Toronto
to ProL York Powell, tho distinguished
historian of Christ Church. This old
Oxford don, like one or two other Eng
lishmen, had very vague Ideas about
Canada, and somewhat surprised the
young stranger by inquiring If he gut
along nicely on English roast mutton
after living so long on frozen seal meat.
The young poet gravely protestod that
he perhaps missed his whale blubber
n little, but the next day cabled home
and in less than a week tbe finest
basket of Autumn peaches over grown
In Ontario, carefully packed In saw
dust, was on Its way to Oxford. A short
time afterward the young author was
again dining with the Regius profes
sor of Oxford, nnd that gentleman pro
duced at the meal a fruit dish loaded
with tremendous peacheB. "Most ex
traordinary," said the old professor,
"but these peaches were sent to me to
day, and I'm blessed If I know who sent
them. From the Bouth of France, I sus
pci t, so I saved a few of them for you.
Stringer; they will be such a novelty,
you know." The Canadian very quiet
ly took a steamship company's bill of
hiding from hlB pocket and handed it to
the professor. Tho professor gazed at
tho bill, then at the fruit, then at the
poet. "I had somo whale blubber, too,
professor," said thnt young man, "but
I simply had to eat that. These other
things were grown on my uncle's farm
in Kent county, Ontario, you know. He
has 200 bushels of them every yoar,
and he sent me over a basket of little
ones along with the whale blubber."
A large cotton mill Is being erected In
Mexico at Atotonllco on the lino ol the In-
tor-Ocennln liailrond.
rt'TNAM Fadeless Dyes do not spot, ttroak
or give your goods an unevenly dyed ap
pearunce. Hold by ail druggists.
Ipissln In Europe has a forest area of about
oOO.lHMJ.POO acres. Onc-tblrd of the country,
Indeed, is forest.
f ran recommend Piso's Cure for Consump
tion to sufferers from Asthma. E. D. 1'OWJi
bKM.. Ft Howard. Wis., May 4, WW.
The 1H9H production ot bent-sugar in Min
nesota was OI0.HW pounds, on which tbe
Mtnte paid a bounty of t'JO.OtsD.
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrnp for children
fret hi ng.snl tens the uuni. reducing Inflamma
tion, allays pain, cures windoollo. i. a but tie.
Dauhaway Now, if I order nny
clothes from you, I want to be sure
beforehand that you won't dun me. I
want it understood. Can you suggest
any way to avoid this?" Tailor Well,
you might pay me a deposit now, and
the rest when the clothes are deliver
ed. Detroit. Free Press.
One Whole Show Fori Cent.
Thero is a penny show iu New York
city. It Is a museum of wonders, with
a vuudevlllo nttiii'liinent. Tho general
uduilsnlun is 1 cent, und reserved seats
ut the performance aro t cents. The
progruiuuie, which is changed every
week, consists of songs, dunces, a two
part dialogue aud n Juggler. The mu
seum contains a few monkeys, some
stuffed blrdx, a curious kaleidoscope,
two or three distorting mirrors, a
buuch of snakes, a live ulligutor and a
case of Japanese carvings, The per
formance Is continued from 2 o'clock
In the afternoon uutll midnight, and
tho attendance is (I'lite large; sufll
clent, so the ticket taker told me, to
pay a reasonable proUt.
There are several 5 ceut shows on
tbe Iiowery and over on the east side,
but I believe this Is the only 1 cent
show la the world. Correspoudeuce
Chleuso rteeord.
The fiend who slaps you on the
back and thinks he is showing sood
felloirship should paste in bis bat tbe
story of Edward Watson, whose nncK
was broken by the greeting of a too
eulbusiastio friend.
All except
There are hun
dreds of cough medi
cines which relieve
coughs, all coughs,
except bad ones!
The medicine which
has been curing the
worst of bad coughs
Cherry Pectoral.
Here is evidence :
"My wife was troubled with a
dp-uattd caugh an !ur lungs for
thrtt yean. Ono day I thought
of how AyurM Cherry Pectoral
saved the ltfu of my sister after
the doctors had all given her up to
die. So I purchased two bottles,
and it cured my wifo completely.
It took only one bottlo to cure my
Msttr. So you seo that threo bot
tles (one dollar each) saved two
lives, We all send you our heart
felt thanks for what you have done
for us." J. H. UURCK, MacotitCoL,
Jan. 13, 1899.
Now, for the first time yon
can get i trial bottle of Cherry
Pectoral for 35 cents. Ask
your druggist.
s Tho bt-st remedy for
as . Iho Ix-st remedy
lOlirl Consumption. Ci
O . . m Coughs. Oolds,Grippe,
V Y I U U Bronchitis, Hoarse-
ness. Asthma, Whooping-
cotiKh, Croup, Hmall tlikse ; quick, sure results.
Vt.Jiutftl'uUcurtloHitipatWH. 7rull,ijurji.
s&T-yiX&i- Simple
."xM Visible,
Clockwork Motor,
Alt 1h Wnntftr and PlHtum ol
S1itfa.Prlcl Talking Machine.
Whfl accompanied by 11 Recorder ihti Orapho.
phen can b used to mak Record. Prtce with
Recorder, $t.90. Reproduce all the indird
Kecorda. Srnd trdtr mt mtmty t wr mtMrta 4&i-
IIOE, Baltimore St.,
Baltimore, Met.
1032 Chestnut St.,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Nslirr's Cap.
kit., kicn,
. . ' 8ptltt
-J.I IIiTJ"w tvh.ii.iti
sac. aw wtciiu tx
loCSahir' Sm4) tr ffurrantMl U TrodiM.
l Mahlom Luther. R.Tror.P. sitatl)id tb frlVtfV
Jjt wrffrowtni J50liualtlt lllg Kour Oats. J. rilr. Vim
g Hiahloou, Wii., U.ibui. b.rU-t; ad H. Lnjr,
f lUdft'lnf, Wine .bf fr.wut.1bu.h.lflitr'af 1 A
f Pr urt. If -uu Joubi, rli tbm. Wvwltfc tegeU lyM
II IOU.OOOqiw m 1 twiners, h-nvt eUiMmlne irUI KJ
fl It pkfi or tars laita tm4, ritU uih, U -ar4 f
1 Cora Splu,proituciii)biih. IWI mi4 loni J
O'jk but iisuiouil hiU. Hrouitia UerniLl KM
Iba created (iu uai rftrtn; 5iit m. frf
YV Ap. Mprtng VYiii-ri. .. lecliHliiig ur waru- f4J
WV BMihPlant Kr'tltamCWW ii u Hint all Jr-W
YV '"'eat Million l-IUr iC-f
i'attate, all luailwl fur like. V?y
V-V r"sillf mor.h 1 14 lt fttari.. aJV
jel MalN f 1 . 1 11 bbl ft ad 9JTW
ff nil thULlfoesw' ppff atnloi
M'lr. with VfJ tTTJfini Mnne,i,
10c. to hkl jctr. aJik- i -
0 ei
S "
Q (A V
o e
o eg a
XX KVriPH' II O !l K
30 Days Treatment $1.00.
Sample locts. Write us Con
372 K 6,'lr.l St., Hlt'AUU, ILL.
1 VmIiImmh ftkratl
H end.
ftA Brat dai'ft 1
writs IMrlt
laMlUW of
Permanently drag
bitealty Pretsatse bt
wsat DUwi. rm. mUmm.
Vuef i-. -pttaorhflrottaftfti
im. Treatise and At (rial bettla
a lift U, leVrj eftMl aaprcftt baryta ottlf
rd. rDQ M IT. nn. i.nt. sciieviiej
ftlsNliuliw, 031 ana Hi., f atla4eli4t. fft.
lUN COUgltH HU(1 Colli.
i'rvvaala Cuusuiiiutloit.
Ail UiUiifc-iaU, to.
Le I e I f9 I quiek rvlf nd enree tttra
Me. Mofft uf teftitiuiiDitU and IO days' ireaiftaeal
Wtmmm W. H. . ttaifilf una, Bea atlaaia. ,
Zd Boat Couifh ttyrup. l'aaiua Good. UN fS
Ivl In HuiB, Hold br druirulHtii. Pfl
iHaBeavsesseaiesiiasMisiessM I 11 Is" u i.
m -ASdtR
Rifles, Repcatingf Shotg-uns, Ammunition and
Loaded Shotgun Shells. Winchester guns and
ammunition are the standard of the world, but
they do not cost any more than poorer makes.
All reliable dealers sell Winchester goods.
FREE : Send name and address on a postal for 136
page illustrated Catalogue describing all the guns and
ammunition made by the
Nothing is more easily affected by irritation
than the dainty, delicate skin of a young child.
Ivory Soap is cleansing and refreshing. It is wholly
free from impurities, and its mild, creamy lather
leaves the tenderest skin unharmed.
coovmiqht lee thi proctih a OAMair co. Cincinnati
telling Burning Scaly
Blotchy Humors
Instantly Relieved
and Speedily Cured by
Tbe Itching nnd burning I suffered In my feet and limbs for three years
were terrible. At nljfht they were worse and would keep me awake a
greater part of the night. I consulted doctor after doctor, as I was trarel
ling on the roud most of my time, also oue of ouj clty doctors. None of the
doctors knew what the trouble was. I got a lot of the different samples of
the medicines I hud beeu using. I found them of to many different kluds
that I concluded I would have to go to a Cincinnati hospital bt-fore I would
get relief. I had frequently been urged to try CUl'ICUHA UEMED1E8,
but I had uo fulih iu them. My wife finally prevailed upon me to try them.
Presto 1 What a chauget I am now cured, and it la u perinaucnt cure. I
feel 1IU kicking some doctor or myself for suffering three years when I
could huvu ucd C'UTICUUA remedies. II. JENKINS, Mlddleboro, Ky.
Complete Treatment $ 1 .25,
ConaUta ot Cuticvba Soaf (28e.), to eloanM the skin ot oruiU and seolu and soften
the tlilckeirM cuticle, Cuticuka Oiutuioul (00c.), to luauntly sllav Itchlug, irritation,
and lurmmintilion.aud aootliesnd heal, and Cutiuuka UBaoLVSMT(00a.),ueool aud
cluauxe the blnod. A Simolb Bet U often tuliiuleul to cure tbe niost torturlug, ilia,
ttgurln nkin, scalp, and blood bumori, nuibaa, and irritations, with lost ot bLr, whau
pbyaiciuuH, lioauiutli, aud all (1m tail. Sold throughout the world. Fottkb Dbixi
amo Vuuu. Ooar., Bole frops., Uostou. " How to Cure Itching Uunion," fraa,
Millions of Women Use Cuticura Soap
Kxcluriraly for preaerrlDg, purifying, aud beautlfring tha kla, for claanttug the icalp ot
oruu, iwaiM. aud uauilrutf, aud Ui topping of lalllug hair, for aoftaulng, whiwulnt, anij
heallug mi, rough, aud tor hands, In th form at ualha for sonolug IrrltaUona, iuSaoi.
DUiUoua, and chatluga, or too fius r oBenilr peraplraUon, In liia form at waihaa for
ulnoraUva waakoewsa, aud for many aanaUva aoU.opUo purpona which nadlly auggwi
themaulrot to womau, aud especially muthera, and for aU Uie purpoaaa of tha toilet, bath,
aud nuraery. No auiouut of perauaaloa can induce thoae who har one aaad it to aea any
other, especially for preaerylng and purifying tha akin, acalp, and hair of InfaaU aad
children. ClITICUBA Boar eoiublnea dellcata emollleut propertle doiired froaa Oon.
CUBA, the grwit akin cure, with Uie pureet of oleaualng lugredleuU aud tha moat ratrwto.
lug of flowor odor, ha other medicated or toilet aoap erer compounded la to be compared
with it for preaerrlng, purtfylug, and beauUfylng Uie kln, atlp. hair, and bead. N
othor foreign or donieaUo toilet aoap, howerer eipeuelt a, la to be ooiu pared with U for a
tho purpoaoa of U toilet, oath, aud oureery. Thu It oombluea la Omb hoar at IMa
Vujub, yla., TwTr rivB CawTk, jhe but aka sad complexion soap, and the BSSJ tnUa
aad Bawl bah aoap U the world.