The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, January 11, 1900, Image 2

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Charle Tracy, confidential bookkeeper
fur F. B. Buy ley St Co., of Chicago, ha been
mining for nearly a month.'
The strike of the girl at the Allen A Gln
ter Tobacco Work la Richmond, Vs., wu
amicably arranged.
Major Taylor, surgeon In charge at Hono
lulu, reported six deaths from buboblo
plague up to December 16.
Qorernor Roosevelt pardoned Chlara
(Mgnaraln, who was serving a lite aeutenoa
lor murdering her husband.
The account of ex-County Treasurer Her
shey, of Lancaster, Pa., were found to be
,100 short.
Peter Dunkle was arrested noar Hencek,
Ind., on the charge of murdering May Wol
Wlg In 1984.
F. Blanchl A Co., wholesale dealer. In mil
llnery gooda In Now York, made an align
ment. B. B. Wyatt, of Roanoke, Va., was ariested
on a charge ot felonious assault on Mr.
Thomas N. Simpson, of Newport News, who
had been kind to him when he was sorely In
need of food.
Edward Doyle, of Chicago, bnssued John
Robson, a Board of Trmln operator, for
4000,000 damages, several times the amount
of losses In speculation.
Howard Trydny and his wife Inhaled Illu
minating gas In Philadelphia. The husband
Is dead and the wife lu a critical oonditlon.
Five Klondlknrs were tound frozen to
death, two of tbein ou the summit ot White
Freeman D. Homerby, supreme president
of the Iron Hull, died In Philadelphia.
W. Murray Cruuo whs Inaugurated as
governor of Massachusetts.
Governor Roosevelt's message to the New
York legislature was largely taken up with a
discussion of trusts. He advocated the re
peal of the liorton boxing law.
The United Htutos tug Resolute was sunk
lu Boston harbor by collision with the steel
ocean trig Swutnra. All on board were saved
except the englueer.
North Carolina Koptibllcans will contest
the constitutionality ot the suffrage amend
ment to the constitution to be voted on next
At the United States mint In Philadelphia
during 1899 there were 122,790,623 eolns
made, representing a value of over 1 06,-
George L. Price was sentenoed to eighteen
months In the Enstou penitentiary for lar
ceny of photographlo supplies In York, Pa.
Edward Orcsalnirer, nineteen years old,
was banged In Hunbury, Pa., for the murder
of Daisy Smith, sixteen years old.
The Democratic caucus ot the Mississippi
legislature nomluated Senator McLaurln for
tliu luug term.
The rtlrls at the Allen & O Inter Tobacco
Company works lu Richmond, Va., went on
a strike. .
Oscnr I. Fleming, the Princess Anneooun
ty muglstrate who shot and killed Clarence
L. Unyder, of Norfolk, a few weeks ago, was
indicted In Princess Anne county. His ball
was Increased from tl.OOO to 1 10,000, and
his trial set for the first Mouday In Feb
ruary. .Fire In Blchmond, Vs., destroyed a large
, part ot the C. A O. office building, records
and other papers, the damage being about
Former Senator Blackburn was chosen for
United States senator by the Democratic
members ot the Kentucky Legislature.
The L. A. W. will try to get Congress to
vote five million dollars to construct good
roads all over the country.
Water was turned Into the Chicago drain
age canal. The canal cost thirty-three mil
lion dollars.
Star Edwards, aged fifty-five, died In
York county, as the result of a stroke of
A baby's life was lost and nine people
were Injured In a lire In a tenement In New
Junius Robinson, colored, was hanged In
Dinwiddle oouuty, , Va., for killing W. M.
The wages of 26,000 men In Pittsburg were
advanced from Ova to ten per uouL
Charles J. Harrington, register of wills ot
Eent county, Del., Is dead.
George T. Metzel, founder of the Ordor ot
Heptaeopbs, died suddenly at his home la
Stewartstown, Pa., aged seventy-live years.
On Decemlier 13 be celebrated bis golden
wedding. He was a native of Baltimore.
The rystem of pensioning old employes of
the Peunsylvania Railroad Company on the
lines east ot Pittsburg was Blurted. Nine
hundred and fifty men were retired.
The executive committee of the National
Intl-Trust Con fereuce Issued an address de
flaring that the special privileges of the
fust should be takeu from them.
An explosion of acetylene gus set Are to
he Eden Baptist Churob In Stromsberg,
Neb., while a wutcb meeting was In pro
gress. Captain W. W. Marshall, formerly deputy
postmaster at Dch Molues, Iowa, tried to
eommlt suicide. Ills death is expected.
During the week eight men of the Central
Phosphate Works at Lady's Island, b. 0.,
died under mysterious circumstances.
Ellen Labash was accidentally killed at
Passaic, N. J., by the discharge ot u pistol
in the bauds of Michael Schwartz.
The stores of the McCorkle Dry Goods
Company, and W. J. Clary, lu Greensboro,
N. C, were destroyed by lire.
Andrew Carnegie has given (300.000 to
Cooper Union to lou nd a day school similar
in scope to the night school.
The one buudred anniversary of the birth
ot Dr. Constautln lierlng wo otlebrated in
E. R. Hershey, treasurer of Lancaster
county, Pa., U a defaulter. Ue is supposed
to be In Cuuaila.
Eugene L. 1'iiuknrd, of the Robinson In
vestment and Security Compuny, ot New
York, was sentenced to eighteen months' Im
prisonment lu Slug King tor unlawfully using
the malls.
Judge Sanborn, ot the United States Cir
cuit Court In St. Paul, Minn., discharged the
receivers of Ibe Northern Pacific Railroad
The stock and plant of the Charles nolser
Shoe Company, ut Hanover, Pa., waa de
stroyed by lire.
John T. Whitehead, A wealthy Vlrulnla
farmer, died at his home, near Buy View.
A strike of miner lu the bituminous ooal
regions of Pennsylvania Is threatened. The
men want a general Increase ot thirty per
tent. In wages.
By the will ot the late Daniel Sharp Ford,
of the Youth's Compaulon, the Baptist Social
Union comes In for a large bequest.
Charles L. Pike, one of the original Free
Boilers, died In St. Paul, Minn.
C. B. Turner was murdered at his home,
Bear Ferguson's Wharf, Va.
Comptroller ot the Currency Dawes says
the general financial condition ot the country
Is sound and stable, and there Is nothing to
Indicate a reourrenoe of the recent flurry.
The Panama Canal Company of America,
with an authorized capital of (30,000,000,
Was incorporated In Trenton, N. L
The trustees of the NorthtteiiT Seminary
have asked for a fund of 3,0u0.000, la oarry
en the work of the late Dwlght L. Moody.
Governor Mouut, ot Indiana, said a suit
would be brought against the Standard Uil
Company under the anti-trust law.
Tba Dukes, tobacco men, have bought M,
C00 acre of laud lu Florida, which will be
planted In tobauco.
Two buudred and nlnuty-ulue textile mills
were constructed or contemplated durlog
this year.
The first annual convention of the Feder
ation of Graduate Club was begun In Now
The- first Mnvemeut or the General South,
rn Advance IlKlns With a Hard Flglit
at aburao, In Which Two Amerioans
are Killed atid rour are Wounded The
Kiiemy Nutter.
Manila, (y Cable.) -Agulnaldo' wife,
sisters and eighteen Filipinos have surren
dered to Major Maroh's Imtlullon of the
Thirty-third Infuutry, at Dontoc, provluc
of that nam.-.
Three Filipino officers alio surrendered to
Major March, and the Filipinos gave up two
Spaulsh and two American prisoners.
The first movement i.f a general southern
advance occurred, when two battalions ol
the Tblrty-mnth In fin try lam I and occu
pied Cabuyao, ou the south side of Lagunn
deBay. Two American were killed and
four were wounded. Twenty-tour of the
enemy's dead were found lu one bouse. One
hundred and fifty prisoners and four six
pouud rapid-lire guns Were captured.
The gunboat Luguiia de Hay bombarded
the town before the disembarkation of the
troops from the cuacoea, which was made
under the enemy's shrapuel lire. The enemy
evacuated the place before the charging
Americans, retreating to Santa Mosn, to
which they were pursued. Heavy
fighting o -eurred along the road to Saute
Rosa, which was occupied by the Insurgents
retreating south toward sllaug. The Ameri
cans burned theoouuiry bctweeu and around
The gunboat returned to Calamba for re
lnrorcemeuts, and thenee came to Manila to
fetoh ammunition, she recently captured
two of the enemy's steam launches one
under the (Ire of artillery at Calamba- and
also four euscoes load-d with rloe.
Other regiments are mobilizing at San
Pedro Nucatt and Pasig, preparatory to con
tinuing the southern uuauce.
The capture of bombs 1 volved the seizure
ot documents Inculpating a thousand Fili
pino who intended to rise ugalnst the
Americans. I'upers were also found show
ing a disttibution of the ulty Into districts,
and a careful assignment of leaders aud fol
lowers. The precaution takeu by the
Americans on Saturday, It 1 now evident,
alone prevented an uprising.
The provost marshal has requested that
two more rcglmeut be detailed for the pro
tection of Manila. Three thousand troop
are now actually in the city.
Attempted Suicide or the former Post
master at les Moines.
Iowa City, Iowa, (Special.) Captain W.
W. Marshall, of Des Moines, who was for
four years deputy postmaster of De Moines,
and had previously been connected with the
passenger department of the Chicago, Bur
lington and Qulucy Huflroad, attempted sui
cide here I y shooting. The bullet took effect
Just over the heart, aud bis recovery Is pro
nounced improbable. Captain Marshall bad
grown morose over business mutter. Ill
wife and two daughter are prominent lu
Des Moines society.
During the SpaulBh-Amerloun war Captain
Murshull served In Cuba In the commissary
department with the runk ot captain, and
returued home III with malarial, fever, lie
was one ot Governor Boles' stall officers.
Didn't Know It Was Loaded.
New York, (Speolul.) F.llcn Labash was
shot and liitaiit!y killed at Passald, N. J., at
the beglunlng of the new your. Michael
Schwartz celebrated the advent of tho now
year by going outside the house and firing
four shots from his revolver. After entering
the house he pulled the trigger, believing
that there was no other bullet in It. There
wo a loud report aud Miss Labash fell tc
the floor, shot la the heart. Huh wait was
The Tvzus Golug South. :
Washington, (special.) Tho Texas has
sated from Fort Monroe for New Ycrk. She
will be (locked aud repaired, and then sent
to the West Indies to Join Admiral Farqubar
In his cruise.
The Eagle hat arrived nt Nuevltas. The
tralnlug-shlp Adau s h is ar.ived a; Yirja
Bueua Island.
IttartltqtiuUo Stir L'p Geyser.
San Diego, Gal., (Special.) Charles Tag.
gart, who arrived In this city from the Coco
pah country of Lower California, reports
that the earthquake of Christmas Day had a
marked effect upon tU geyser of that
region, causing thein to spout with redoubled
Big Fire In Savannah, Ga.
Savannah, Go., (Special.) Shortly before
midnight the furniture store of Lindsey &
Morgan and the dry goods store of Daniel
Uogan, on Broughton and Barnard streets,
In the heart ot the retail district, were de
stroyed i y Are. The fire started from un
known onuses In the first-named place. The
louse will foot up approximately (150,000.
Oytterman Frosen to Death.
Beaufort, N. C, (Special.) A man named
Suggs was found frozen In the bottom of bis
boat on the shore of Bogue Banks, near here.
He left Morehead Cl'y to go oysterlug. The
wind shifting to northwest during the after
noon, blowlug a gale, sleeting aud snowing,
prevented his returning. lie succumbed dur
ing the night.
Twenty-five hundred minors at St. Btlenno,
France, decided ou a strike, their demands
for shorter hours and an lnoreuse in wages
having been refused.
Baron Ludlow died In London.
The Freuob Senate, sitting a a high Court,
waa again the soene of intense excitement
when the public prosecutor made hi closing
speech lu the conspiracy trials. The proee
outlon of six prisoner was abandoned for
lack of evldenoe.
The German government has abandoned
the Idea of acquiring she Danish West In
die. Brazil will negotiate new treaties of oom
meroe with Franoe, Spain, Italy and Ger
many. Flood and gales have dons considerable
damage in Ireland. Barge have foundered
in Queeustown harbor.
Hon. Harry Esoombe, former prim mlu
later of Natal, died In Durban.
In closing his ipeuch before the French
Senate, sitting as a High Court, the public
prosecutor asked that a severe sentence be
Imposed upon jue yuanu.
Two German military officer, named
Sublabitz aud Klssllg, fought a duel, and tho
former was killed.
A strong movement I on foot In Mexico to
Induce president Dlax to continue In the
Emily Hilda Blaka was hung In Brandon,
Manitoba, for the murder ot her mistress,
Mr. Lane.
Nine members of the family of a rich Po-
lander, near Kallson, were murdered by
The British consul at Noumea confirm tba
report that the plague 1 raging at New Cale
Russia and Franoe are reported to be con
niving to encroach upon Chluese territory.
The North German Lloyd Steamship Com
pauy boa bought tue auxtlisu Oriental Steam
nip Company's fleet of fourteen siuhmer.
The Au jhur Line steamer Tulnul collided
In the Clyde with the British steamer Gull
Ot Auu4 9u i&roL I
Americans' Horrible Treatment by the
1 urgent Filipino stronghold
Manila, (By Cuble.) Advices from Maga
lang, provluce of Panimnga, report that
Captain Leonbnnser, with three companies
of the Twenty-fifth Regiment, captured the
Insurgent stronghold Commsnche, on Mouut
Aruyat, Saturday.
Three Americans were wounded, but the
enemy's loss Is not kuown. Three members
of the Nluth aud two of the Twelfth Regi
ment, whom the Insurgents held as prison
ers, were shot and horribly mutilated. Three
of them are dead, and the other two are re
covering. Captain Leoubauscr set fire to the bar
rnuks and the town.
Washington, (Special. Official confirma
tion has come from both General Otis and
Admiral Watsou of the first reports from
Manila of the release of the American pris
oners who have I. ecu held lu the hands of
the Filipinos for many months, and there
Is no longer any doubt Hint Lieutenant Oil I
more, of the Yorktown, Is among the num
ber. General Otis despatch reads as fol
lows: "Manila. The prisoner now en route
from Viguu arrived, and a list of them will
be telegraphed. CapUilu Glllmore I among
the number.
(Signed.) "OTIS."
Admiral's Watson's advice Is as follows:
"Maullu. Col. Hare and Howse have re
captured all ot th American prisoners, In
cluding Glllmore, now ut Vlgan.
(Signed.) "WATSON."
The sweeping statements made In the
despatches to the effect that all of the Amer
ican prltom-rs have been released has
aroused a hope that lu the list will appear
the names of some of the officers and pri
vates of the urn. y who are set down upon
the army roll us missing. Prominent among
tho missing urmy ofllcer-i was MaJ. Cnnrlc
M. Rockefeller, of the Ninth Infantry. This
ofllcer ndvnuc d beyond the lines during tho
fierce fighting early lust summer. He dis
appeared completely, and no trace of his
body was ever found.
It Is gathered from Gen. Otis' report that
the released men have been sent by bout
across Llngayeu Gulf to Dagupuu, at the
northern extremity of the railroad, and
about a day's Journey from Manila.
1'ulllp Itoie Kills Ills Father and Then
fchouW Himself.
New York, (Special.) Philip W. Rose, a
young man, who two years ago spent some
time In an Insane asylum ut Jacksonville,
III., shot aud killed his wire ut her father's
home, In this city, tried to shoot her father,
and shot himself, Inflicting what are be
lieved to be mortal wound.
Rose and his wife were ecoud cousins,
and they were married six years ago, when
Rose was prosperous. Some two years ago
Rose became Insane, aud was confined -in an
asylum In Jacksonville. After being released
from that Institution, ho found difficulty In
getting employment, and his wire came to
this city to live with her futher. The hus
band came here a year ago, but the two did
not live together. It Is said that she ref us 'd
to live with hiin, although he often urged
her to do so. He called on her, and his
father-in-law permitted him to see his wife.
Then he put three bullets Into her head. He
attempted to shoot the old man, but tho pis
tol missed fire. Wheu the police arrived
they found young Hose lying lu a pool of
blood, hnlug shot himself through the head.
He was taken to a hospital, where It Is suid
be will die.
Exploding lamp Set-l House on Fire and
the Kinoke Stupefied Occupants.
L'ulontowu, Pa., (Special.) Charles.
Thomas aud Allen Stott, sons ot William
Stott, were burned to death In their home nt
Coul Run, Somerset county, and the resl-
lence destroyed. Their parents were with
difficulty saved, aud were severely burned
before they could get out. The young men,
aged nineteen, alxteuu and fourteen )eurs,
respectively, came home from their work as
usual. They wont to bed, leaving a light
burning, which exploded about four o'clock,
and set the building on fire.
Neighbors buw the flames, and hurried to
assist, and were horrified to discover that
none of the family bad stirred. They broko
In the door below, and discovered Stott and
his wife sleeping la a lower room with the
flames all around them. Tne aouse sinoxe
had stupefied them.
Charles White Killed by the Accidental
Discharge or a Gun.
n,.,ln,l Mil fHneclal.Y Charles White.
n.v,n nuirfuj in thA Hvaiis Glade Settlement.
about five miles south of Oakland, was acci
dentally shot and instantly killed by bis
nephew, a boy about fourteen year of age.
The two were In the woods hunting rabbits.
and had started on the trail oi one, tue un
fortunate man leading and the nephew fob
lowing, when his gun was discharged by the
t-i,r....r natchlnir In a bush. The charite en
tered the small of tho back, aud cams out ut
the breast. He was a son oi tue lute vi imam
White, and was about twenty-seven years of
age. The young nephew Is prostrated with
grief, and la brooding over me sua acoiueni.
A Demand to be Made on the Bondsiueu
of Kx-Treaturer Hershey.
Lancaster, Pa., (Special.) The county
commissioners stated that they learned on
Saturday last that ex-County Treasurer
Hershey was ((16,000 short lu his accounts
aud Immediately swore out a warrant
against him on the charge ot misappropriat
ing public funds. They decided to put an
exoert on the books at once. The county
has throe sources ot revenue taxes, sale of
bonds and liquor lloense fees and It 1 be
lieved that the items of the last two can be
easily traced. A soon as the work of the
expert is oompleted a d the exact amount ol
the defalcation ascertained the county com
mlssloners will make a demand on the
Elaborate Design of t'ertllloute Adopted
for Contributors.
Washington, (Special.) The Schley home
fund committee met and adopted a beuutl-
lul and elaborate design for the certlllcute
to be Issued to those contributing (1 or more
to the fuud. Audrew B. Graham, of tub
city, prepared the design. It was announced
ihut Mrs. McClellau, New York, hud reported
the collection of (6,000 for the fund, with
.he prospect of Increasing this sum to 26t
000 before July 1. The total umouut col
lected her sinoo tho last meeting Is 4719.43
bhot fruiii Ambush.
Pensacola, Fla., (Special.) Fred Dldon, a
white man, employed at one of the lumber
mills at Santa Rosa county, was shot from
ambush whllu on hi way from work and
fatally wounded. Tba dead bodle of two
negrou employed at the gama mill were
tound, having been shot from ambush. The
killings are the result of trouble between
union aud uou-uulua laborers, aud have
caused gr at exelteiueul.
Killed hv a Train.
Murtlusburir. VV. Va.. (Special.) Philip
r elers. of this place, while gathvrlug coal
. .. .i .. A I.. n r.. . II
01 tliu DUimnuru u uuw, iwnr vau Liovirn
vllle, was struck by a helper engine aud in
(tantiy killed.
Provisions May lie Muds for the Hcdcinp
tlon or Greenbacks Authorising the
Kuclisnire of Bonds -Will Make the In
tention or the Hill More Clear When En
acted Into Law.
Washington. (Heeelnl.l The Ilcpubllcnn
memlwr of tho Senate Finance Committee
authorized Senator Aldrleli to present
amendments to tho financial bill which ho
offered ill tho Senntc. Tho most Important
relutes to the greenbacks, and is as follows:
The New ( Imiw.
After tho word authority, In lino 5, pngn
12. strike out remainder of the section, and
Insert "and the gold coin received from tho
sale of said bonds shall first ha covered into
the general fund of tho Treasury and then
exchanged, lu tho manner hereinbefore pro
vided, for nn equal amount of the notes re
deemed mid held for exchange, and tho Uni
ted States notes exchanged In nccordniico
with the provisions of this sostlon shall,
when covered Into the Treasury, be reissued
as now provided by lnw, and the gold coin
in the reserve fund, together with tho re.
doomed notes held fur uso as provided in
this fcllon, shall at no tlmo cicecd the
luuxlmum sumaif (150,000,000.''
An i-:iiitiiii-ii..,i Kf-ti.m.
All of Si cllon 0 is eliminated, and the ol- '
lowing new section substituted-.
Sec. (1 That the Secretary of thn Tronsurv
Is hereby author!.-.! d to receive at the Treas
ury any of the outstanding bonds of the
United State bearing Interest at, 6 per cent,
porunmim, payable February 1,1901. nud
auy bonds of tho United State. bearing In
terest at 8 prfr cunt, per annum, payable
August 1, 190-1, aud to issue 111 exchange
thcrofor an equal amount of coupon or reg
istered bonds of tho United States, In such
form as he may prescribe, In denominations
of (50, or any niulllplo thereof, bearing In
terest at tho rate of 2 per cent, per annum,
payable quarterly, such bonds to be payable
t tno pleasure of the United States after 30
years from the date of their Issue, and suid
bonds to be payable, pilncipul and Interest,
'.n gold coin ot the present standard value,
and to be exempt from tho payment of all
taxes or duties of the United Mutes, as
well as from taxation in any form by
Dr under State, imiulclpul or lor-nl au
thority; provided that such outstanding
bonds may be received In exchange ut a
valuation not greater than their present
worth to yield an Incomo of U,'4' per cent,
per annum, and lu consideration of the re
duction of Interest i-fTcctcd, the Secretary of
the Treasury Is authorized to pny to the
holders of the outstanding bonds surren
dered for exchange, out of any money in
the Trensury not otherwise appropriated, a
turn not greater than the difference between
their present wortb, computed as aforesaid,
and their pur value, and the payments to bo
made hereunder shnll be held to be pay
ments on account of the sinking fund ore-
ated by Section IG94 of the Revised Statutes
uuu provioeu itirtnur, tnnt tno z per cent.
ponds to I e Issued under the provision of
this act shall be b-suod at not less than par,
nud they shall bo numbered consecutively
in tne Order of their Issue, and when pay
ment Is inade the last numbers issued shall
be first Vaid. und this ordersbull be followed
until nil tho bonds are paid; and whenever
uny of the outstanding bonds are called for
puyojeut Interest thereon shall cease three
months after such call.
The Gold Reserve.
Another nmeudment is to the second sec
tion of the bill, where It provides for main
taining the gold res-rve. The bill as re-
ported made It the duty of the Secretary ol
the Treasury to maintain the gold reserve nt
fino.ono.O 0 by the sale of bonds. The
amendment provides that when the reserve
falls below that amount It shall be his duty
to restore it to the mnxlmiim of (151,000,0 0.
It hi slated by tho members of the oom-
mlttee ifmt the amendments are for the pur
pose ot rmking more clear the Intention ol
the bill, and to leave no question ns to the
construction of the law when enacted.
Large Dry Goods Store Destroyed -100,.
(IOO Damages.
Charlotte, N. C, (Special.) Fire at Greens
boro, N. C, caused losses aggregating neur-
ly (101,000, pnrtly covered by Insurance.
The fire started In the elevator shaft of the
Hague-McCorkle Dry Goods Company's
wholesale house, and soon enveloped that
building and spread to the adjoining store,
oioupled by W. J. Clary. Water fror.e be
( re it struck the burning building and added
to the hardship of subduing the flames. A
large quantity of cloth and notions were
burned and much damage done by the wa
ter. The losses are estimated as follows:
Hoguc-McCorkle Dry Goods Company,
(80,000; insurance, 65,00). W. J. Clary, loss
(12,600; Insurance, (0,500. The damage to
the buildlugs will aggregate (4,000.
May Save Mrs. Maybi-lck.
New York, (Special.) A letter from Lady
Randolph Churchill has been received by,
Mrs. Caroline J. Taylor, chairman of tho
Womau's Committee ot the Physiological
Section of tho Medico-Legal Society, In
whloh she says the only rational way to base
petition lor the release ot Mrs. Maybrlck Is
not on the plea that she Is Innocent, but
that even If she Is guilty, she has been pun
ished enough.
Collector Shoots Woman and Children,
Chattanooga, Tenn., (Special.) Samuel
Mills, a collector for un Installment house,
attempted to seize furniture In the bouse ol
Mary Veuable, for a small debt. The woman
attempted to prevent It, and, lu the struggle
that ensued, Mills shot the woman and bei
little son, and duughter, all seriously.
Klgltt Men Lost In a Wreck.
St. John, N. F., (Special.) The schoonet
Puritan was driven ashore on Cabot Islund
in a heavy gale, and eight nt her crew ol
nine were lost. Six were married men with
families. The survivor broke his arm. It Is
feared that other disasters will be chronicled
within a day or two as the results ot th
same gule.
The Castle Bilk Compauy, of Franklin, N.
J., made an assignment for the benefit of
creditors. Liabilities, (00,000; assets, (j2,
(91. E. T. Smaller, editor ot the Northwestern
Magazine, and secretary of the National
Sound Money League, died suddenly at St.
Paul, Minn., of nervous dyspepsia.
At a special convention ot the American
Flint Glass Workers' Union held at Pitts
burg, Jobn Kunr.lor was elected president to
succeed W. J. Smith, resigned.
Forty-live Million Dollars In I'ollclef
Galesburg. III., (Spec al.) By a vote of
17.0117 to 10 tho Covenant Mutual Life Asso
ciation of this city decided to amalgamate
with the Northwestern Life Assurance Com
pany, of Chicago. This is the largest Insur
ance transfer ou record, as the ?,( 0 mem
burs ot tho Covennut Life Assuruuoe Asso
ciation, whose policies aggregate (45,00 i 0 )0,
will go over to the Northwestern Company
lu a body.
There was much opposition among some
members ot tho Covenant Aisoc-Iullou to tliu
transfer, aud for a time It looked us though
the deal would not be carried through. '
Small Items Which Swell the Total of
Receipts Kent for Islands
of Alaska.'
Washington, (Special.) In transacting &
business of over half a billion dollars a year
the Government finds many sources ot rev
enue. The statement of tho receipts and ex
penditures of the Government during the
last flscnl yonr, submitted to Congress by
Socrotary Gage, shown the snwillast item in
tho way of receipts was !W cents from n
Chinaman's eeitlllcuto. From Illegal tecs,
presumably not refunded, tho Government
profited to tho extent of (3, while the swecp
lugs of gold from the Treasurer's office,
Washington, netted (1. From thn cxliaust
steam In the Hooo llulldlug, Washington, nn
income of (7fi was derived, whllu tho gas
company nt Snlt Lnko refunded to the Gov
ernment (12 which had boen deposited as
security for tho payment of the gas bill.
Counterfeit gold coin which fell Into the
hand of thn Government netted (154.
In Alaska enterprising fur merchants rent
ed certain islands from tho Government for
the propagation of foxes, paying therefor
(!K)0. The tax on sealskins amounted to
(1,110,011; penalties under thn Chinese ex
clusion act aggregated (224; the Government
gained (1,607 by exchange nud (4,200 from
premium on exchnnge.
Persons wanting discharges from the navy
and Marine Corps paid (3,Hii for them, and
United 8 a eiofllclal t irncdovcr (120 whloh
had been offered to thorn lu bribes. Alto
gether the Government bad n fairly pros
perous year, Its gross revenues, exclusive of
tho postal service, am'ountlug to (315,900,
(WO. It cost the Government Inst year (1,117,
4:13 for the Senate aud (2,ftS0.011 for tho
House, of which tho Senate gave It employe
C.l-'l.HHl and the House (8:1,110 as a gratuity
In tlio shape of extra pay. Contests for seats
cost tho Government (76,510. Undortho ex
penditures of tho State Department Is nn
Item for (222,!).'ll for thn national defense,
presumably spent for secret service. Regu
lating Immigration cost the Treasury De
partment (2l!.'l,07; scientific Investigation ol
tho fur seal fisheries, (58. For tho national
defense the Treasury Department spent
(145,008; artificial limbs cost tho War De
partment (12.1.217. Ou the Improvement of
harbors (4,541. 01B was expended, and the
rivers cost (11,64I),85S more.
Tho Wnr Department mannged to expond
5X12.393,805, nearly one-half the entire ex
pendltiire of the Government. The Navy
Department spent (04,354,734, of which
(11,197.701 went for the national defense and
(3,H3l!,2(iS as an emergency fuud.
Tho reindeer In Alaska, or destined for
Alaskn, cost tho Government lsrft yeur
(1, 152,000. In pensions the Government
spent (139,394. 92ft. Tho Indians oost the
Government (12,805,711. The total revenuo
of the Government, Including the postal
jcrvice, was (B10,!W2.004, nud the expendi
tures (700,093,604, of which (309.23G.W4, or
considerably more thuu half, wnt for pen
lons nnd the expenses of tho War Department.
riiey Want Now Possesions Kept Out
side Tariff Wall.
Knvnnnnh, Ga., (Special. ) Mooting of
the Savannah River Rice-Growers' Associa
tion und of the Truck-Growers' Association
bavo been called to take steps against the
admission of Puerto Rico nud the Philip
pine Islands within tho tariff wall of the
United States.
The associations will co-opcrnto with the
sugar-producing Interests of Louisiana. It
Is pointed out that both Puerto Rico and the
Philippines are producers ot rice. With the
tariff bars let down they would grow im
mense quantities of rice, with ooolie labor,
and flood our markets, to the ruin ot the
home rice interests.
And the same applies to sugar. Tuerto
Rico Is as close to tho Northern markets for
truck and vegetables as Savannah and Jack
sonville. If Puerto Rlcan trults and vege
tables were lot In free they would catch the
:rcam nud profit of tile Northern market,
to the detriment of tho growers lu Georgia
and Florida.
Kearsuge and Kentucky Soon to bo Placed
in Coiiiiiilitsiou.
Washington, (Special.) The Kcarsago
will probably be placed lu commission In
January. Orders bavo been Issued from the
Bureau ot Navigation to make up the en
listed force for the ship. But three officers
have been assigned to duty ou the ship
Capt. W. M. Folgcr, who will commaud her;
Llout.-Com. G. A. Merriam, who will be hot
executive ofllcer, aud Lieut. Emtio Thulss,
who will bo in charge of the engineer de
partment. It is probable that tho Kuursago will be
placed In commission at the Norfolk Navy
Yurd, while the Kentucky, which will bo
ready for sea lu a few weeks, will be com
missioned at tho Now York Navy Y'urd.
Three ollicnrs have been detailed for duty
on board the. Kentucky. They are: Capt. C.
M. Chester, who will command thn battle
ship; I.teut.-Com. Karl Rohrcr, theexecutlvu
ofllcer, and Lieut. Martin Bevingtou, who
will bu at the head ot the engineer depart
When he first entered tho Sonnto Mr.
Proctor, of Vermont, hud a full set of
Kdward Lad, a full-blooded Apaohe, of
New Mexico, Is said to be thu best Indian In
terpreter lu tho country.
James R. Garfield, son of the murdered
President, announce himself as a candidate
for Congress in tho Twentieth Ohio Die
trlct. Prince Henry of Prussia, tho Oermnn Em
peror's brother, proposes to visit the King of
Slam on his way home from Hong Kong.
The Rev. Jeo Gum Is one of the best
known Uhlniiuifn In San Francisco. He bus
been a missionary there fur tho Amurlouu
Missionary Society for 29 years.
An Important London society wedding
will bo solemnized shortly, when Viscount
Custlcrciigh, only surviving sun of tliu Mar
quis oi Londonderry, will wed Miss Chuplln,
uioca of the Duke ot Sutherland.
In a letter to a frlond lu Euglnnd, General
Holler denies ever having suid that the
British flag would be flying over Pretoria
In a month after be lauded lu Bout a Africa.
While the German Empress Is often ex
tolled as a model housewife, sho has lu
reality little to do with the domesticity of
the royal household, us It 1 the Emperor
who actually rocolve each morning those
who supervise the housekeeping arrange
ments. Admiral Dewey Is expected In New York
ou February 6 to attend a Dumroscb conoert
In aid of the Dewey arch fund aud after
ward to attend a dlnuer ot the Royal
Mayor Gray, of Minneapolis, ho issued
nn order forbidding messenger boys from
entering saloons or wholesale liquor stores
or carrying liquor to patrons of the messen
ger companies.
Andrew Carnegie has offered (50,000 for a
public library in Oil Oitv, Pa., on the condi
tions that a site be donated aud that tho oily
appropriate (3,000 annuully for the library'
Congressman James 0. Needbnm, from the
Seventh California District, wa born ut
Carson City, Nev., In au emigrant wagon
while his parent weru pressing across the
plains to California.
" Nearly throe block of building In Host
lnva Minn., wets burned.
Sentences of Convicted French Conspira
tors Guerln Sentenced to Ten Years'
Confinement In a Fortress.
Tarls, (By Cable.) The Fronoh Senate
High Court condemned Dnroulcdn, Buffet
and Mnrqul de Lur-Snluces to ten years'
banishment for conspiracy against the re
public. Guorln was soutcnoed to ton years'
confinement In A fortress.
When tho High Court opened the Presi
dent, M. Fttllleroa, read the decisions which
had boen roached. Tht prisoners who were
acquitted thereupon roso and shook hands
with MM. Deroulcde, Buffet nnd Guerln.
Then, rnlslng various shouts, they loft the
Among the spectators wcro Derottlcde's
wlfo and daughter and many women friends
of tho prisoners.
After the rending of tho decisions, M. Fnl
llcres ordered tho expulsion of the men ac
quitted, nnd thn public prosecutor nsked for
the application of sentences against the con
victed. M. Buffet's counsel, M. Xormnnd, followed
In behalf of his client, and began to expati
ate on the hitter's sentiments, when M. Fnl
liorcs stopped hlui, und told the lawyer to
keep to tho question of tho sentence.
'Well," said M. Normand, "strike my
client, so Hint tho country may Judge tho ex
tent of tho linto nnd fear which animate
you !"
M. Fnllicros Interrupted counsel, saying:
'You are Insulting the court."
M. Normand rejoined;
"M. liu (Tut leaves this court greater than
lie ontered It, and ho will become greater
still in prison."
M. Buffet tlinn said: "You have dealt-mo a
l-low. Thank you. You have condemned
the government twelve limes, and I thank
you twelvo times. I do not wnnt to benefit
by tho Ilereiigor law. dt there werp street
demonstrations tomorrow, I would take part
In them. I do not want pity or indulgence."
M." Deroulcdo then roso and said: "Since
you huvc coupled mo with tho valiant Royal
ist Buffet nnd tho couraguons Antt-Semtte
Guerin, I will sham their pain. Hut, how
ever hard may be tho seutcnee, however dis
tant the exile, which Is even more cruel for
me, a patriot and a soldier. I will return 1 I
will return when justice returns! I shall bo
free when tho nation becomes froe! I nm
hore by Loubct's orders ! Strike me, then '.
Accomplish the act which will remain an In
delible shaino ou the history of tho Parlia
ment ! Vivo rArmoe National ! Vive la l'.e
publlque du People !"
M. Deroulcdo was llstonod to in profound
silence, but his passionate utterances caused
a great scnsutlon.
M. Guerin said he did not wish tn make
any further defense. Ho would not utter a
word of ropeutnnco or appeal for Indulgence,
adding: .
"However hard my trials and stillerlngs,
I will say to my friends, Courage ' Confi
dence !' "
The secret session then began, and tho
seutunees were announced later.
The decision condemns the convicted men
to pay the colts of tho prosecution. The
se-ntcnecs took effect Immediately. It Is as
serted that Monsieur Deroulcdo was hurried
to the train nnd Immediately despatched to
ward the Spanish frontier, ho having decided
to reside at ban Sebastian.
.Monsieur Guerin will be removed to a
French fortress, probably on the Island of
Rerun, off tho west coast. Monsieur Buffet
will go td Belgium.
W. V. Sullivan Nominated by the Demo
crat to Fill tho Short Term.
Jackson, Miss., (Special.') -The joint Dem
ocratic caucus of the Mississippi legislature
nominated W. V. Sullivan as United States
senator, to fill tho short term of ouo year.
Tho scenes utteudiug thu caucus weru very
W. V. Sullivnu Is u civil attorney by pro
fession nnd a man of considerable wealth.
He is a native ot Lnfayclte county. Miss.,
and Is now In his forty-second year. Mr.
Sullivan was servlug a term in Congress
when the death of Senator Walthall oc
curred, nnd Governor McLaurln appointed
him to fill tho vacancy. A short term of ouo
year from tho 4th of March, 1900, ensuing,
as a result of the adoption of the new con
stitution, he made a cauvnss for election to
the place ngalnstex-Goveruor Robert Lowry.
Tho campaign was productive of several
sensations, chief among which were charges
against Sullivan's character ot a grave
nature. It has been limply proven, how
ever, thnt tho charges wcro without founda-
Will Only Accept Those Containing No
Reference to England.
Chicago, 111., (Speclul.) Histories of Eng
land furnished as supplemental reading for
tho seventh and eighth grades In Chicago
public schools were thrown out by the
school management committee of the Hoard
ot Education, und the district superintend
ents ordered to recommend other books ou
English history which would not contain
auy reference to England ns tho '"mother
When the matter came up on the motion
to adopt several hundred books for supple
mentary reading,. Trustee Keating, who is
preeideut ot the Ancient Order of Hibern
ians, Bald:
"Every book on this list la good, with the
exception of the histories of England. I
think It Is time the public schools of Chicago
should have histories which show tho rapac
ity and tyranny of England In their true
light. Thu history ot England Is worth
studying; but our children do not want to
be reminded thnt England I thn only coun
try on tho globe. What we want In the
schools Is a history ot England which will
bo liberal enough to allow credit to other
Accused of mi Old Crime.
Kokomo, Ind., (Speciul.) Detectives ar
rested Peter Dunkle near Honpeck for a
crime alleged to bavo been committed nt
Franklin, O., In 1H86. The crime charged Is
tho murder of May Wolwlg. For fourteen
years a rowurd of (1.60J has been standing
fur the apprehension ol tho murderer.
Dunkle denies knowledge of tho crime.
Women and Children llurned.
Johnstown, Pa., (Special.) In a fire lu
Lower Yoder Township, a double dwelling,
occupied by Fred Wesenberg nud auother
family, ton women aud children were cither
fatally or seriously burned. All buve been
scut to thu Memorial Hospital.
Ilrothcrs Drowned While Skating-.
Norfolk, Va., (Special.) New Y'ear's Dny,
noar Dunwllle, Essex county, Va.. John and
Charles Whoely, seventeen und fifteen years
uid. sous of a leading farmer, wont skating
on Robinson's mill pond. One ot the youths
wnut throt'.gh nnd bis brother tried to rescue
him. The result was the drowning ot both,
Found Vrosen to Death on Whlto Pass
Check for H.OOO,
Seal tic, Wash., (Special.) The steamer
City ot Topuka, from Alaskan ports, brings
Information of five recent trngic, deaths in
the north, four of which wore due to freez
ing. The bodies of two men were found
frozen ou the day the Topeka sailed. They
died on the summit ot White Pus, appar
ently overcome by a bllr.zard. In a belt tied
around the body of one mun wu found n
chock on the Alaska Commercial Company
for 8,' 00, dated November 7. Tho check
was iskucd In favor of R. 0. Jomiine. ilia
residence was not given. The bodies wyre
dlscovHrod i y a party ot snow shovelurs.
VlRllnnce Committee, t, '
Slop Midnight Vl,,,'
Exchanged with Hi, (
burg Jurist Assert. 1( 21!
Harmful than Wlil.n,
From Nurborth to Min;
the Pennsylvania liullr,,,
tho town and country.,! P
organizing for n war i W
thieves. The entire loom.
nnd the erstwhile peiicrli, un
dergoing n rolgn ot terror
broken when tho Inst ol gang ol imtV
billet of lend. Vlgllaiis. I
order nnd In a few ilnvi.
huvo a well organized TZ
Narberth took tho 1cii.1, i t
n mutual systora In thn'n fe
Council, and ns soon n. tie
bo communicated with a ,(J
be maintained. Ever nit eg,
tho robberies have Is-, Ii
. . . . as i
rein-e, nun lucre is entjn,
method to show that the.
Lnllnm It all T....
1 SO
...... Ailing.,
peratothe cltlz ms knoi,
times the raiders linve
fired upon, nnd in surum ' 1
cldents tho unwelcomn vP' '
to return the lire. Tim.1 be
ncss have combined to-,
both sides Ineffectual, sear t
casualties. With the i ,ti,
watch and tho element
Inated they are confident ,
their game. In uvery p. 1
burs bavo been seen ttn-
There Is always a tall mm "
sot companion. Botli -,rrt
und seem to have more ill )
the bird shot aud rcvulv-t
way. They are bclicv..!; I
wagon close at hand tn lid
ami a strict watch U s
strange vehicles. Tim N r
au men mat tno plans I
aro carefully laid in tlie,
find some oIhiihIIiIm ..v .,
houses nud thus secnrlofVT
observe tho surroundinc Ml
has been un Influx of pie '
plumbers, umbrella inen-1-,
erant workmen, and str:.-e
elded similarity has I eec I, ;
peuruuee of mun appear:: I,
.ludicc Itbiinr.til
Judgo J. W. F. Wlilte,,." t
lual Court, Pittsburg, cut - pi
oplulou of the beer Imi-OW
takes every opportunity iej
lug it. Friday ho told U f0t
beer, thoy hnd better ilr j(
and ho said that thu k
country does not only lu'tj'
brutes of men who drink 1 '
aged Jurist said, to tin- "
Judgo White concluM 8U
more crlmo results frorui- '
from thu drinking of nt: itc
remarks wcro called futttlgg
Thomas Chapman, whopoii
churgu ot nggruvateil e
and blntned the trouble'.;
ter to drink whisky Hi'il tj Ul
try," said tho Judge. 'vju
worse than over since tt j
tho breweries. Tluit is a.-,
monopolies. Tho only :f, "
have Is to quit drinking I- e'
Nf gllBcllfrllrgf
Tho coroner's Jury Id '-q.
horror, after three ,10llr' j0Tj
dercd the following verJ
tho evidence that the f
mini) was negligent In In '8 1
mine was lu a safe comlit "
ting workmen to enter li 'A
that the lire boss of nilJ f.
In falling to make nila l I
the mine foreman, aud'ikii
mini) and lire boss to b : ri
form tholr rospecllvn J ,J
has boen taken as y11
tho lucrlmlnntod ofllclaij '
elded upon by n confer
with Chief Inspector 11 ,
date. hl
. . k
Farmer' ,ll''ou
A Farmers' Iustliuhj
ville, Chester county,
Hail. John H. JIaldre 1
John J. Dolffenbnclw v o
George II. Miller
dress of welcome was twe h
fucker, and responded to hei
rnd, of West Grove. o '
smiting tho State Deparl:,j. '
were Dr. Courad, Cnitri' y
rlsburg; W. A. Hut ,ta
Mark, and Wlliium H-1,
College. fet
Carpenters' tn bt
While working ulwutft; gi
of a new building, at hV) el
folding on which John 0i
Sperow. carpi-liters, 0
way, precipitating tln'Hn
distance of at leant tw,l k(4J
gast was killed and Hr
Arbegast resided i
Spurow in Harrisburit. f
arms and leg broken '
Jurod. fa-
Media's Scii.l-I'l '
The oommlttce having f
r.illous for the oelobrHli
niversary of Media's Im-Olii
ough held a mooting In'tfU
her. The town was ha'-'jg
DiM, and tho ilfileth ieg
celebrated in n bei'fiim jot
Georgo E. Darling!"" 'jMW
of tho committee, and i
and Dr. Llimous Tusw" j
-uii.i-1mii It wim uizrci'U'r
vl a
tlou on Saturday, May
John O. Taylor, ol'"
porarlly suspended n" "
mout commemorative ol
which he Is erecting I" ,tle
on tho Brandywlno W eel
appeal to Congress tot lot
Tho monument will a
Congressman Butler ' 4 1
tho Government conn
amount. Should he I"1
...-! . ...111 n..ik. the ID1
luyiur win iiuibii 1
expeusa next summer.
Tinsmith K,""ut'
Clarence Ralston, ' 8
town, employed as a tlw
houses whloh are bol"h' '
orn oud of CoatesvH"' '
from the skeleton ro')f "
to another, when '''"'
Jl u nt lw.,ntV-eiltW
,10 1
skull, tromthe efteoW1
Railroad 7
The Juniata WW '
Pennsylvania Rallrosd' fi e
destroyed by fire. A'dil
ployed In the shop, " try
within tho next six w n I
00 oovered by lnurolio)
Non-resistance to
Ins short of coropUj