The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, January 04, 1900, Image 4

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Published Every Thursday.
13. VV. Peck, Editor.
statics schools.
Thursday, Jan. 4, 1900.
Published Weekly. 1.00 per
Annum in Advance.
Prompt attention will be
given to applications for ad
vertising rates.
Job Printing of every des
cription executed with prompt
ness, in a workmanlike manner
and at consistent prices.
Oh! why this remorsefulness,
This strange hallucination,
As the waking from u dream,
I pray?
Speak! ye cursed reflectors
Of a horrible vision,
Rreuk this soul-scorching gleam
Why should I be punished
By. such terrible torture,
And suffer agony untold,
In sorrow?
Most horrible existence
Where pleasure- ift Mowers
Their sweet petals unfold
"Come weal,-come woe,"
For I am desperate,
My heart is now aching,
And tender.
I entreat your sympathy,
And kind commiseration,
For unfortunately breaking
My suspender.
Over , in the delightful neigh
borhood of Willow Hill, iii Frank
lin county, siiys the Chambers
burg Public Opiuiou, can be
found, perhaps the oldest horse
in the Cumberland Valley. His
name is John and is owned by
David Flickinger) a gentleman
who firmly believes in the Scrip
tural injunction "A merciful man
is merciful unto his beasts."
John Horse is now about 33
years old, is a dark roan weigh
ing about 1300 pounds. Mr.
Flickinger who has owned him
all his life, has never known him
to have refused a single meal.
His master is very liberal in his
distribution of food to all of his
domestic animals, which is cer
tainly one of the reasons of the
longevity of his beasts.
When a colt and old enough to
be harnessed, Mr. Flickinger,
knowing John" to bo strong and
as active as any Scotch-Irish boy
ill his neighborhood, feared to
undertake the job alone or ac
quainting him with the duties
that lie would bo exacted to per
form in after life, and called to
his assistance, A. M. Welker, and
in a few hours, John was the idol
of the owner as well as that of his
good neighbor.
John Horse has seen many a
kindred horse come and go, and
has done more service at the
plow, harrow, mower, rake, wag
on, cart, buggy and uuder the
saddle, than auy two horses in
the township. His master has
decided that he has carried his
full share of burdens and has put
him on the retired list, only to be
used when he iiuds some thing
that none of his other horses can
perform. When death shall
claim his carcass, Mr. Flickinger
will give it a sac red spot on his
farm and see that his' grave is
kept green. David and Johu
have been almost inseparable
friends. It will be a sad day
when one or the other is dead.
David would mourn for John and
John would pine, for David. .
There is no other domestic an
imal so useful as the horse. The
nativity of the horso is not
known, but it was most probably
first brought under the subjec
tion of man in. central Asia or1 in
the part of northern Africa adja
cent to Nubia and Abyssinia.
America has taken advantages of
the best breeds of the old world,
and can compare favorably with
any couutryj her trotting horses
have no superiors in their pecu
liar gait. We believe that the
horses live longer in the United
States than in any other country,
and the reasou must bo that their
owners, being the most civilized
and humane, are the best keep
ers and protectors. Can any one
tell lis of a horse that is older
thus John of Metal?
. What ship is it that no woman
objects to embark in? Court
What is that which is full of
holes aud yet holds water? A
What lock must be lookod for
out of doors on the ground?
Why is the letter S likely to
prove dangerous in argument?
Because it turns words into
What kind of sickle is most
seen in winter?, Ico sickle.
What lock requires the atten
tion of a physician? Lock-jaw.
What is the worst seat a man
can sit on? Self-conceit.
Why is a clock the most mod
est piece of furniture? Because
it covers its face with its hands,
and runs down its own works.
What robe is that which you do
not weave, you caunot buy, no
one can sell, needs no washing,
and lasts forever? Kobeof Right
eousness. Why is a hive like a spectator
at a show? Because it is a bee
holder. Why is a pig the most extraord
inary animal of creation? Be
cause you first kill him and then
cure him.
Why are ships called she? Be
cause they always keep a man on
the lookout.
What is the finest ship in the
world? Friend-ship.
Why is a proud woman like
a music book? Because she is
full of airs.
Why cauuota deaf man be legal
ly convicted? Because it is un
lawful to coudemn a man without
, What is the difference between
a schoolmaster and a railroad con
ductor? One trains the mind and
the other minds thetraiu.
What kind of essence does a
young man like when he pops the
question? Acquiescence.
' What is the difference between
an auction and sea sickness?
One is the sale of effects, the oth
er the effects of a sa il.
Why are ladies the biggest
thieves in existence? Because
they steel their petticoats, bone
their stays, crib their babies, and
hook their dresses.
. Why is a woman mending her
stockings deformed? Because
her hands are where her feet be
long. Why should the sea make a bet
ter housekeeper than the earth?
Because the earth is exceedingly
dirty, and the sea is very tidey,
Why is a chicken-pie like a gun
sinith's shop? Because it con
tains fowl-in-pieces.
Where is happiness and con
tentment always to be found?
In the dictionary.
What things increase the moro
you contract them? Debts.
What dust is the most blinding
to the eyes? Gold dust.
What is that which makes
everybody sick but those who
swallow it? Flattery.
Which is the strongest day of
the seven? . Sunday, because the
others are week days.
What is that the more we cut
it the longer it becomes? A ditch
What is the pain we make light
of? A window pane.
Why should a man never tell
his secrets in a corn-field? Be
cause it has so many ears.
What is tlio difference between
a young lady and a mouse? The
one charms the he's and the oth
er harms the cheose.
When is a blow from a lady
welcome? When she strikes you
If yon were to ride upon a don
key, what fruit would you resem
ble? A pear (pair).
It has been asked, when rain
falls, does it ever get up again?
Of course, it does, in dew time.
What kind of a plant does a duck
of a man resemble? Mandrake.
What is the severest blow to
intelligence office? Pierre Blot.
What sickle ought the old year
to carry? Icicle. .
What is the most iopular cure
among jKiliticians? Sinecure.
Why is Athens like a worn-out
shoe? Because it once had a So
lon. ,
For what reasons does a duck
go under the water? For divers
reasons. For what reasons does
she come out? For sun-dry rea
sons. For what reasons does a fisher
man blow his horn? For selfish
What great city is like a habit
ual drunkard? Berlin, because
it is always on a spree. (Berlin
is on the river Spree.)
FignVcs From the Report of Sup
erintendent Schacffer.
The report of the Department
of Public Instruction for the fis
cal year ended May 31 last, Iho
advance sheets of which have just
been issued, shows that there are
nearly 2H,(KM) public schools in
Pennsylvania. These schools
are attended by 1,1."-, 3."U pupils,
an increase of nearly 10,000 in
the number of pupils in attend
ance in 1M!IH.
Dr. Schacffer states that the
law passed by the last Legisla
ture fixing the maximum school
term at seven mouths brings an
additional mouth of schooling
within reach of over L'00,000 chil
dren. He expresses the hope
that at no distant day the increas
ed revenues of the State Treas
ury will warrant the restoration
of the State appropriatiou of &.",
500,000, and that when this time
comes a liberal sum will bo set
apart for the promotion of town
ship high schools. Dr. Schacffer
adds that the Compulsary Educa
tion law is working satisfactorily,
and suggests that supplemental
legislation is needed to the act
requiriugthevacciuationof school
In Philadelphia, the report
shows, there are 193 male aud 3,
278 female teachers. The aver
ago monthly salary of male teach
ers is $107.21 and that of the
women $03.11. The number of
pupils in school at the end of the
year was 140,302, and the aver
age attendance was 12H,28r.
The cost of school houses and re
pairs for the year was $832,1)23.
!)(), and for books, fuel, stationary
aud contingencies, $"))!, 014.50.
The report contains these sta
tistics of the schools of the State.
Number of school districts, '2,
403; number of schools, 27,i)0M;
number of graded schools, 1 11,5)05;
number of superintendents, 140;
number of male teachers, 51,300;
number of female teachers, 15),
4 05); average salaries of male teach
ers, per mouth, $41.27; average
salaries of female teachers, per
mouth,$37.84; whole number of
pupils, 1,132,352; average num
ber of pupils in daily attendance,
858,177; cost of school houses
purchasing, building, renting,
etc., $3,5051,820.5)4; teachers' wa
ges, $10, 745), 713.38;costof school
textbooks, $782, 235.51;' cost of
school supplies other than text
books, $40K,140.30- fuel, contin
gencies, feesof collectors and oth
er expenses, $4,75)8,852.82; total
expenditures, $20, 30H, 708. 5)5 es
timated value of school property,
Living Words of the Dead Evan
gelist, Moody.
A man must believe himself
lost before he can bo saved.
No sinner ever came to Christ
but the devil tried to trip him up
on the way.
No man can resolve himself in
to heaven.
If you wish to possess love for
God's word, study it diligently,
and so become like an artesian
well overflowing with the water
of life to refresh thirsty souls.
A great many people think they
have been born again because
they go to church. Let me say
that there is no one that goes to
church so regularly as Satan.
When a man is thought much
of in this world, it is quite likely
Christ won't have much to say
for him in the next world.
We are naturally all bad. Who
would be willing to have his
or her heart photographed, with
all its thoughts and passions
brought to view?
If the water in the well is
poisoned you do not try to rem
edy it by pulling out the pump.
Abraham K. Lefever, a Lancas
ter county farmer, died from
hydrophobia Tuesday, the result
of a cat bi.te. One morning in
September Mr. Lefever went to
his stable to feed his stock.
When ho reached into the feed
box his hand came iu contact
with a cat. Ho stroked the ani
mal gently, but. the cat turned
and bit him in the hand. Lefever
tried to shako the cat off, but it
held viciously to his hand and ho
was obliged to throw it to the
barn floor and tramp on it until it
was dead.
When a kid glove begins to cut
at the Angers' ends, usually just
over the nail, insert a piece of kid
to match fin the inside.
One of the unwelcome results
of prosperity is the increase of
immigration of the undesirable
kind. Every period of prosper
ity in the past has raised the tide
of immigration to tho flood and
every period of business depres
sion has turned it to an ebb.
One of the periods of greatest
prosperity this country saw last
ed from 1809 to the middle of
1873, and immigration rose then
iu one year to 459,803, tho high
est figure it had reached up to
that time. Another period of
prosperity spanned the years
from 1880 to 1884, and again im
migration rose to unprecedented
figures, reaching the enormous
number of 788,95)2 in 1882. Still
another immigration flood occur
red iu the six prosperous years
from 18HH to 185)3, high tide be
ing reached in 1892 when 023,
084 immigrants came to this
It is probable that the country
is on the eve of another such im
migration flood, although the to
tals may not reach the figures of
1882 and 1892. This increaso of
immigration would be a welcome
sign if the people coming to the
United States were of the class
that adds to its iutelligence and
sturdy labor force. This is not
the fact, however. The Commis
sioner of Immigration at New
York in discussing the increas
ing immigration said ' to the
"Tribnne" of that city a few days
ago: "A rather discouraging
feature of tho outlook is that al
most the entire increase this
year over last comes from Austria-Hungary
and Italy. More
over, the immigrants coming are
from the poorest and most illiter
ate sections of those two coun
tries. The Austriaus coming are
from the southern and eastern
parts of that country from
Croatia, Kraine, Dalmatia, Bos
nia, Herzegovina and Montene
gro. The men are warlike but
lazy, compelling the women in
many localities to support the
family, plough the fields, get the
fuel and do all the drudgery.
The greater percentage of Ital
ians coming are from tho south
em part of that country, the
Sicilians and Neapolitans pre
dominating." This is the unwelcome feature
of tho immigration outlook. It
shows that the tendency appar
ent in recent years is still in force
if it is not steadily increasing. In
the decade from 1841 to 1850
only 1870 immigrants came to
this country from Italy. But
each decade since has shown a
large increase, the total reaching
307,095 in the decade from 1881
to 1890. And it is probable that
at the close of the present fiscal
year on June 30, 1900, a still
larger Italian immigration will
be shown for the present decade.
The same general facts are true
of the immigrationfromHuugary,
Austria, Russia and Poland.
What a load of ignorance and
poverty this kind of immigration
is imposing on the country can
bo seen from the following table
compiled by the New York Com
missioner of Immigration con
cerning immigrants arriving at
that port:
Race or
Vuvt uKiiese. . . .
Soulli liulluu'
Per cent,
or UlitermeK.
; :w.44
per uupittt.
18. as
This showing becomes all the
moro striking when contrasted
with tho small percentage of il
literates and the larger average
of money of immigrants from the
following countries:
or people.
Per cent. Money
of illllemteN. pereiipltu
...... SSI ).H7
3.i:i llh.dl
2.70 -Itl.-.'ft
U.llft IK. 7b
It is hardly possible that auy
intelligent person can compare
these two tables, and reflect that
tho larger number of immigrants
are from the class shown in the
first table, without the
conclusion that new and more
rigid restrictions governing im
migration uro necessary. It is
true that all the undesirable im
migration is not coming this way.
A good share of it is going to tho
Argentines, as is shown by the
classfication of immigrants arriv
ing at Bueuos Ayres during last
October. Their nativity was as
follows: Italians 7438, Spaniards
195)0, French 315, British 32,
Germans 04, Austriaus 88, Bel
gians 17, Swiss 41, Danes 17,
Swedes 7, Dutch 8, Americans
13, Russians 82, Portuguese 5,
Turks 547, Syrians 13, various 17.
But the Argentines are so eag
er for immigrants that they are
willing to accept any class. Tho
United States, however, has long
since passed beyond that period.
The time has,. come to pick and
choose, and to refuse to-permit
this country to bo made tho
dumping ground for tho ignor
ance, tho poverty and the crime
of Europe. The present session
of Congress should see a law
passed on this subject, the rigid
enforcement of which will save
the United States from future
trouble. Philadelphia Press.
The names of some of the regi
ments composing tho British for
ces in South Africa recall great
chapters iu the world's history.
"The flower of the army" is a
trite and time-worn phrase, but
applies with unusual aptness to
the men who are battling against
the Boers. There, for instance,
are three regiments of guards
the Grenadiers, tho Coldstream s
and the Scots, all in Lord Methu
en's command.
The origin of these organiza
tions dates back for hundreds of
years. The Grenadiers wdu re
nown at Blenheim, and again at
Ramillies, Oudeheim and Malpla
duet, under tho great Marlbor
ough. They took - part in the
fighting iu America during the
Revolution, in the Peninsular
campaign and at Waterloo, where
they helped Wellington to admin
ister the final crushing blow to
Napoleon. They fought at Inker
man in the Crimean war aud at
Tel-el-Kebir and Suakim in the
Arabi Pasha Egyptian rebellion.
The Coldstream guards were
organized by General Monk in 10
00, and have a record of valor and
efficiency running through many
wars. They participated in
most of the important campaigns
conducted by British command
ers from the Peninsula and to the
Crimea, and made their name fa
mous throughout Europe. They
were also among tho British
troops sent to America during
the Revolution and were in tho en
gagements which occurred near
New York.
The Scots guards have been
well known for many generations.
They date back to the wars be
tween England aud Scotland.
They fought at Fontenoy in 1745,
at White Plains and on Long Is
land in the American Revolution
ary war, at Alma, Inkerman aud
Sebastopol in the Crimea and on
many other occasions.
These three regiments form
the infantry portion of what is
known as the Household brigade,
and have always been given fav
ored positions in times of peace,
being stationed in London and
forming the guard for royalty.
They are tho very elite of the ar
my and their officers are largely
men of title, members of noble
families and of high social posi
tion. The Scot guards at present
are commanded by Col. Alfred
H. Paget, who married the daugh
ter of Mrs. Parau Stevens, of
New York.
Other famous regiments with
General Methuen are Highland
ers first and foremost the Black
Watch, organized iu 1008 and
having a history of bravery in
nearly every part of tho world;
the Gordon, Seaforth, Argyll aud
Sutherland Highlanders, all re
nowned on many bloody battle
When the Boers can meet aud
defeat such troops as theso the
world must freely admitthoprow
ess of Afrikanders. Fort Wayne
II. B. Atkinson aud wife, of
"Mercersburg, spent Christinas
with Mrs. Atkinson's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Simpson.
Tho Christmas entertainment
at Antioch was well attended.
S. L. Simpson and Roy M.
Daniels spent a very pleasant
evening witli J. C. Comerer's
family recently.
Our school at Bald Eagle is get
ting along finely. II. W. Wiuk is
the teacher.
E. A. Weaver, who has been
some time with B. R. Simpson's
family, spent Christmas with his
parents at Fayetteville.
Messrs. Hewitt & Pittman are
sawing a largo contract of lumber
for Mr. Bridges.
Charles Funk spent Christmas
at Dickey's Mountain.
rm i n r e. .t r t
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i be
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There is au' announcement in
tho daily papers of a "hop" to
morrow night iu the largest and
most fashionable of our hotels.
Tho managers are the leaders of
fashion iu our city. Thinking
that I might be behind tho times,
I looked in the dictionary, and
there found these definitions:
"Hop to move by successive
leaps as toads do, to spring or
jump on one foot, to skipas birds
do. To walk lame, to limp, to
halt." A certain familiar insect
is called a grasshopper, It is
nut very pretty or very graceful,
but it is very lively. How strange
that theso high-toued people waut
t bo known as hoppers.
Job Barefoot, a former stew
ard of the Bedford county alms
house, aud a well known resident
of that county, died at his home
hist Wednesday, the result of
appendicitis. Ho is survived by
his wife and twelve children.
Woman will never bo really
emancipated until she doesn't
care a rap if the sun does come
out when she has on her rainy
day skirt.
Those who want to swear off
for the whole century will bo puz
zled by this dispute as to when
it begins.
The claim made for the British
that iu the midst of disaster they
are "calm." "Becalmed" Would
fit tho case better.
Til V. lRKSSAC,lt
The Philadelphia
uac for l'JOO is iuvjfi(
tribution. To tli"e j
with previous vol -ei
necessary to say f
improvements u-tuL
past, together wit',jt
ly new and excle (
For those not fi" t,i0
work there is aw;r
treat. It is a vi'lu'
dred pages filled j0
tion which makes i j 0
world's doings usa ,p(
ia is related to a" pal
contains maps a-j e
charts and tablesfia
which, tho Boer tli
cal situation natit, n)
matic relations w'lpo
tries, the industrial!
tural questions x'iavi
try for solution, iipr
rent affairs can be pit
all completeness H
No question busrd j(,r
of men or the
can remain uuaus Lr
who possess tho l' n
for ISM). For sa'jti,
deulers or sent by L
prepaid, on receiu
j. t
To find out
door that sticks, i' '
the edge, then sliu:i
luimii win uuijf
door frame oppos'1-
needs planing. L
Come totheNK
your job printing K'