The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, November 30, 1899, Image 7

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    j. th mmity. I
U.i.Hcrald: Papa Gruff
-Oftlelgh nsked mo for
kL,V Ethyl Gruff "And
.J WJ nun, pupa,
told him your momcr
In the dishwater, but
giving him my foot."
n 1,
' i.ert do not always get
id rbt Nickel..
r!,'m bnvlug. Ask yonr
surd I5u by Investing
bee ou Just how you can get
HoknR of "Bed Cross"
g- 10o package of "Itubln
at, with the premiums, two
Wfera panels, prlntod In
11,11 lolors, or one Twentieth
j'-k idar, all for Sc. Ask your
roialareU and obtain these
1 C'aa presents fioo.
n boon more loyally and
1 stained In their work than
Jr' ho married the winsome
sll'r Margftson, of Norfolk,
c pllng of 24, without uuy
est 4
' l'a This.
n ndred Dollar Reward fir
''h that cannot be curid by
Ion .
Kt eY Co., Prop.. Toledo. O.
il, bed, have known F. .1. Che
n iMi'M.and believe lilin tier
.. all buHlnflpN trnnpact.lons
, 'e to carry out nuy obUtta-lc-
'"I .holcsate Druggists, Toledo,
u IL '
OjW Mabtim, Wholesale
in.j x Ohio. -
ire I taken Internally, art
l"hoblmiI and mucous sur
10y Lt,. pplna, 7V per bottle,
a lots. Testimonials free.
nti4 la are tlin heat.
iitt!,:litr of the Bcerelnry of
(I. laovet.
'zSitck to It
U&tnd discouraged tvith im
'I. th or rheumatism, take
eliy.Za faithfully And pcrsis.
s It. will soon have a cure.
j'm cured thousands of
ur:' do tin same for you.
1m. T'" '.
lu.'ho Didn't Count.
iJ Why, Johnny, what la
i"lia youT You've been
in; i; told you to count ten
thetngry. Johnny I did,
b ter P18'61 roots on me
t tibls ten until after he'd
1 h be eye. Iloston Tran-
m lute.
e a!,
r ""'tlth a
ml, te. Henpecker I must
Mytnt, that If you marry
0: 1 Will And that she hag
"inir own' Mr- Blunt I
ti, madam, bo long as
en, ij your.
JlDRii'ho beat ruiuecly for
'h' Consumption. Cures
K'" Doughs. Colds, Grippe,
'Bronchitis, lloaroe-
lllU-.., Auttin.u I
L1 II doses t quick, aure rcMills.
umlonstipation. Trial, to or sc.
rus; i'
li aa
ov. i-
tb il-
low. it
Mil tat ml
eil fru in,
t.v ttl.lVT'H INVIfcmiA'll.MJ
mi" Kt aucotnlnlly slnoo 1871.
111 111!
a of;
lu o
Our children up on It.
iNf OKraftffO only on (taltvurr.
n. ueiiioniii tir nj iviir, hiki
jOtlw FHEK. Ull. II. II. kllVk
est Arab Nlri.t 1'hllailrliihla, Fu.
id t;
) lli:'
in II W
ed Cnl-I.
t se!lnn.,
Bnbjeeti Tlctorlea or reaee ma ainny
llleaalnca Fo Whien we rnonui i
Thankful Machinery Una Mgliteued
llurclna Ooil Sent the Wheel.
Copyrlxht, Lonln Klopuch. 191
Wi.mnTm.D. C This dlaoonr.ia of Dr.
rnlruatre la a sermon of preparation fortha
national obaiirvance and In an unusual way
Stalls) for the urntltudo of tho people; the
lext, Kseklel ., 13, "As for the wheols, It,
was erled unto them In My hearing, O
The Inst Thursday of the eleventh month,',
by proclamation of Proaldont and (lover
nor. Is observed In thankaRlvIng for,
temporal mercies. With what spirit shall,
we enter upon It? For nearly a year and m
half tnis nation naa uouu raioiuiK
triumph of tho sword and Run and bat-
lery. We have sung martial air? ana
cheered returning heroes amL sounded the
requiem for the slain in name. .imwnnKa
It will be a healthful change if this Thauks-'
giving woek. In church and homestead, wa
celebrate the victories of peace, for notb.
inn dona at HantliiKO or Manila that
waa of more Importance than that whloh
in me laai year im
'S G D 11 0 II
lvos. mo. " a. a. i a
I CPF' ,,
teuJ ihful Kaaaylat.
uorninl" Benera knowl
.0(ietlme8 servo to lllu
t. S-outlne of elementary
Pillowing "Essay on St.
prof"' ut wnlcn reaches us
Tlii f of s Church of Eng
, butlnrroy, Is worthy of a
ud n PT aPPeai to have de-
jti.iraiatlon from both lay
cau :il sources, and he
ul boi jiyj j nearrt that st.
"li,! first one to find out
d tlii'fce steam engln. He
niio JulSa-Ullly and many
on, i.ettcr than all the oth
Hre the ones you see in
is ""his is pretty good, but
t(J o f U houutllfiss when,
i doJlvlty and brevity, our
heu ''st concludes: " 'Lay
v p 4U. l bda: said he,
i .pMlytn Of beln stoned. "
. w..,. .
' tl"V ' .. ;
Advised to Seek
- Mr$- Pinkham.
oncli' T,KHA MOi WlS6j
to tima.tiou and f allinpf
uo-6il ;iuIlummation of
jka 4 in groat pain. I took
leet jibodfby a physician,
moui) pood. At last 1 heard
ill outhurq's Vegetable Com
B68, Using it faithfully I
lortliy I u in a well women.
on till aufferinif women to
nU(l Dirs. Vinkham," Mks.
U isj UuAnt Pakk, Iix. .
nuil j'yi'a my health was
atuinter':d tno mostdread
.rselv4 siniost on tho verga
tjja,' Icon suited ono of the
,ly ul5" Nl'W Yorlt, and ho
' 'tfliai-iuie a fibroid tumor,
p01 Ration without delay,
fami!;8 nV on,y qiiance for
attle ol's prescribed strong
0jj liclno, and ono said I
sa il'""011'0' t"11 mo my
TUeFua t''lv8nio batteries,
i,. J1 -"Uiing relieved me.
eB b,4 I'iaUbam'. V.,(.l,l.
nan I - '
i' uae ana iook
foi I 1 rtm the very flrst
rT wondorful chango
tei 'r,le urao' h disap.
tie' ic1 ray old8Pi,iU liave
nenf l llly reoomlnond your
. i,'l ""f.ering women.".
thef" 419 SAusDiiKa Ave.,
. -i..P . . J-
HhIiI and meohanlo a shop ana But nor a
study by those who nevor wore an epuulet
or shot ft Hpanlard or went a hundred
miles from their own doorslll. And now
I cnll your attention to the wheel of the
Man. a smn II speck in tno universe, was
set down In a big world, high mountains
rising beforo him, deep Bens arresting nis
pathway aud wild boasts capable of bis
destruction, yet be was to conquer. It
could not bo by physical force, for com
pnre his arm with the ox's horu and tho
elophnut'a tusk, and how weak ho lsl It
could not bo by physical speed, for com
pnrohlmto the antelope's loot and pturv
in IK nu's wing, and how slow he lsl It
could not bn by physical capacity to soar
or plunge, for the condor beats him In one
direction and the porpolso In the other.
Yet he was to comruer the world. Two
eyes, two bands anil two feet were InsurtW
clent. He mut bo re-unforced, so Ood
sent tho wheel.
Twenty-two times Is tho wheel men
tioned in tbo. Jll!lcr sometimes," as fn
Ezoklel, Illustrating providential move
ment; sometimes, ns In the Psalms, crush
ing tho bnd; sometimes, ns in Judges, rep
resenting (iod's charioted progress. The
wheel that started lu Exodus rolls on
through Troverhs, through Isaiah, through
Jeremiah, through Dnnlnl, through Nullum,
through the ccuturlos, all the time gather
ing momentum and splendor, until, seeing
what It has dona for the world's progress
and bupplness, we clap our hands lu thanks
giving and employ tbo apostrophe of thtr
text, crying, "O wheel!"
I call on you In this Thanksgiving week
to praise Ood for the triumphs of machin
ery, which have revolutionised the world
and multiplied Its attractions. Evon para
dise, though very picturesque, must have
been comparatively dull, hardly anything
going on, no agriculture needed, for the
harvest was spontaneous; no architecture
required, lor they slopt uuder the troes; no
manufacturer's loom neoeesary for the
weaving of apparel, for tho fashions were
exceedingly simple. To dres the gnrden
could not have required ten minutes a day.
Having nothing to do, they got Into mis
chief aud ruined themselves and the race.
It was a sad thing to bo turnod out of par
adise, but, once turned out, u benellceut
thing to be compelled to work. To help
man up and on God sent the wheel. If
turnod ahead, tho rune udvnncos; If turned
back, the race retreats. To arouse, youi)
gratitude and exalt your prulso I would
show you what the wheel lias done for the
domustlo world, for the agricultural world;
for the traveling world, for the literary
world. "As for the wheels, It was erled
unto them lu my bearing, O wheoll"
In domestlo llfo the wheol has wrought
revolution. Heboid the sewing machinel It
has shattered tho housewife's bondage and
prolonged woman's life and added Immeas
urable advantages. The needle for nget
had punctured tho eyes and pjoroad thu
side and made terrible massacre. Te pre-
fiare the garments of the whole household
n the spring for summer and lu the an'
tumn for winter was an exhausting pro
cess. "8tll oh, stitch, stltchl" Tlioma
Hood set it to poetry, but millions of per
sons have found It agonizing prose.
Hlaln by the sword, we burled the hero
with the "Dead March" lu "Haul" and ilam
at half mast. Hlaln by the needle, no om
knew it but the household that wntchul
her heulth glvlug way. The winter aftet
thnt the children were ragged and col J
aud hungry or In the nlmshouse. The hanJ
that wielded tho needle had forgotten It
cunning. Soul and body bud parted at thy
soam. Tho thimble bad dropped from th
palsied linger. The thread of life bail
snapped and lot A Bartering human llfo
drop Into the grave, Thospoul was all un
wound. Her sopulcher was digged not
with sexton's spade, but withasharpor and
shorter Implement uuoodlo. Federal nnd
Confederate do ml have ornamented gravei
at Arlington Heights and ltlnhmond and
Gettysburg, thousands by thousands, but
It will take the archangel's trumpet to flud
the million graves of the vaster army of
Women needle slain.
Besides ull thesewlngdone for'tbe house'
hold at home, there arc hundreds of thou'
I sands of sewing women. The tragody ol j
ueneeuieis me imgeay or uuugor ntui
eold and Insult and home-.slokness aud sui
cide live nets.
Dut I hear the rush of n wheel, woman
puts on the baud and adjusts the Instru
ment, puts her foot on the treadle nnd be
gins, Ilcfore the whir nnd rattlo pleurisies,
consumptions, headnohes, buakuobes,
benrtaohes, are routed. The needle, once
an oppressive tyrant, beoomes a cheerful
slave roll and rumble and roar until the
family wardrobe Is gathorod, and wintor if
dullod, and summer is welcomed, and the
ardors and severities of the seasons arc
overcome; wtndlna the bobblne. threading
I the shuttle, tuoklng, quilting, ruffling,
cording, embroidering, uuder-brulding set
to music; lock stitch, twisted loop stitch,
crocket stitch, a fascinating ingenuity.
No wonder thnt at some of tho learned
Institutions, like the Now Jersoy rltutc
Normal school, and Ilutgers Female Insti
tute, and Elmiru Female college, acquaint
ance with the sewing mauhlue Is a requisi
tion, a young lady not being cone Mured
educated until she understands It. Winter
Is coming on, anil the household must bn
warmly clad. "Tho Last Hobo of Hummer"
will sound bettor played on a sewing ma
chine than ou a piano, ltoll on, O wheel
of the sewing muohluo, until the last
shacklod woman of toll shall be omnucl
putedl Roll on I
Hocondly, I look Into the agricultural
World to see what the wheel bus accom
plished, 1.09k at the stalks of wheat and
onts, the ono bread for man, the othei
bread for horses, Coat off aud with h
cradle made out of five or six Aimers ol
wood aud one of sharp steel, the barvestei
went across the Held, stroke after stroke,
perspiration rolling down forehead uud
cheek and obest, head blistered by the con
suming sun and lip parched by the merci
less August air, at noon tbo workmon iving
nun ueau unuer ma trees, une ol my most
painful boyhood memories is that of my
father in harvest time reeling from ex
huustlou over the doorstep, too tired to
eat, pale and fainting as he sat down. The
grain brought to the barn, the sheaves
were unbound and spread on a threshing
floor, and two men with flails stood oppo
site eaah other, hour after hour and day
after duy, pouudlng the wheat out of thu
stalk. Two strokes, and then a cessation'
of sound. Thump, thump, thump, thump,
thnmp, tbumpl Pounded once aud theul
turned over to be pounded again, slow,
very slow. The hens oaukled aud clucked
by the door and pinked up the loose grulus.
and the horses half asleep and dosing over
the maimers where the bay had been.
Cuu uu luiiixiue nu)tuiig inui ) oeautl
ful than the Heu Island cotton? I take up
the ucmellnil snow lu iny baud. How beau
tiful It lsl But do you know by what pains
taking and tedious toll It passed Into any
thing like practicality? If you examined
that cottou, you would find It full of seeds.
It was u severe process by which the seod
waa to b extracted from the liber. Vst
populations were leavlug the Boutb be.
cause they could not make any living out
of this product. Oue pouud of greeu seed
cotton was all that a man oould prepare lu
oue day, but F.ll Whitney, a Masaachuaetts
Yaukee, woke up, got a handful of cotton
and went to constructing a wheel for the
parting of the fiber and the send. I
Teeth on cylinders, brushes on cylinders,
Wheels on wheels. Houth Carolina ghve
him 150,000 for his invention, and, iustiad
pt one man taking a whole day to prejjare
a pound pf ejtton tor the market, uofche
mny prepare tnree Hundredweight', and the
itouth Is enriched, nnd tho commerce of
the world Is revolutionized, and over 8,
1100,000 hales of cotton wuro prepared this
year, ennuith to keep at work lu this coun
try 14,800,000 spindles, employing 870,000
bands and enlisting tail, 490,000 of capital.
Thank you, Ell Whitney, and I,. . Chi
ehestor, of New York, bis siinvoisor. Above
nil, thank Ood for their Inventive genius,
that has done so much for the prosperity
of the world.
Thirdly, I look to see what tho wheel has
done for the traveling world. No one can
toll how many noble and self sacrificing
inventors have benn crushed between tho
coaoh wheel and the modern locomotive,
between the paddle and the ocean steamer.
I will not enter Into the controversy as
to whether John Fitch or llobert Fulton
or Thomas Somerset ws the Inven
tor of the steamboat. They nil suf
fered and wore martyrs of the wheal, and
tbey shall be honored. John Fitch wrote:
"The 21st of January, 1743, was the fatal
lime of bringing me Into existence. I know
ut nothing so perploxlng and vexatious to
a man of feeling as a turbulent wife nnd
steamboat building. I experienced the
former nnd quit In season, and had I been
tn my right senses I should undoubtedly
ave treated the latter In the aame man
ner; but, for one mnn to be tensed with
'totli, he must be looked upon as t li 0 most
unfortunate mini In the world."
Hee the train move out of one of our
(treat depots for a thousand-mile Jour
veyl All aboard! Tickets clipped nnd
baggage checked and porters attentive to
every want, under tunnels dripping with
dampness that nover snw the light; along
ledges where nn Inch off the track would
be the difference between a hundred men
living nnd a hundrod dead, full head of
steam nnd two men lu the locomotive
charged with all the responsibility of
whistlo nnd Wostinghouso broke. Clank!
clank! go the wheels. Claukl clank! echo
the rocks, Hmnll vllloges only bear the
thunder and see the whirlwind us the train
shoots past, n city on the wing. Thrilling,
startling, sublime, mngnillceni spectacle
u rail train lu lightning procession.
While the world has beou rolling on the
eight wheels of the rail car or the four
wheels of the carriage or the two wheels
of the gig It was not until 1H76, at the Cen
tennial Exposition at Philadelphia thnt
the miracle of the nineteenth century
rolled In the bicycle.
Tbo world could not believe Its own e?o,
and not until qulto far on In the eighties
were the continents enohanted with the
whirling, flashing, dominating spectacle of
a machine that was to do so much for the
pleasure, the business, the health and the
prollt of nations. The world had needed it
for 0,000 years.
Fourthly, I look Into the literary world
nnd see what tho wheel lias accomplished.
I am more astounded with this than any
thing that has preceded, llehold the al
most miraculous prlutlug press! Do you
not feel the ground shake with the ma
chinery of the New Yo-k, Brooklyn, Boston,
Philadelphia, Washington, nnd Western
dallies? Home of us remember wlinn thu
hand Ink roller was run ovor tho cylinder,
and by great hnste 800 copies of the village
newapnpor were Issued lu one duy nnd no
lives lost. But invention has crowded in
vention nnd wheel jostled wheel, st .reo
typing, elootrolyplng, taking their p aces,
Benjamin Franklin s press giving way to
the Lord Htanhopu press, and the Wash
ington press nnd the Victory press and the
Hoo perfecting press have been set up.
Together with the newspapers comes tho
publication of Innumerable books of his
tory, of poetry, of romance, of art, of
travel, of biography, of religion, diction
aries, encyclopedias and Bibles. Home of
these presses send forth the most accursed
stuff, but the gtod predominates. Turn
on with wider sweep and greater velocity,
0 wheel wheol of light, wheel of civiliza
tion, wheel of Christianity, wheel of divine
On those four wheels thnt of the sewing
machine, that of the reaper, that of tho
railroad locomotive, that of the printing
press thr world has moved up to Us pres
ent prosperity.
Aud now I guther on an imaginary plat
form, as I literally did when I uroaohed In
Brooklyn, specimens of our Amerlcau
Here Is corn from tho West, a foretaste
of thu great harvest that Is to come down
to our seaboard, enough for ourselves uud
for foreign shipment. Her is rice from
thj Houth, never a more beautiful product
grown ou the plauet, mingling the gol I
aud green.
1 Hero are two sheaves, n sheaf of North
ern wheat and a sheaf of Houtheru rice,
bound together. May tho band never
break! Hare is cotton, the wealthiest
produot of America. Here Is sugar ouue,
enough to sweeten the beverages of an em
pire. Wbo would think that out of sueh a
humble stalk there would come such a
luscious product?
Here nro palmetto troos thnt have In
their pulses the warmth of southern climes.
Here is the cactus of the Houth, so beauti
ful and so tempting it must go armed.
Here are the products of Amerlcun mines.
This is Iron, this Is coal, the Iron repre
senting a vast yield, our country sending
forth one year HOI). 000 tons of It, the coal
representing 100,000 square miles of It, the
Iron prying out the coal, the coal smelting
the iron.
Tbls Is stlvor, silver from Colorado nnd
Nevada, those places able yet to yield
sliver napkin rlug and silver knives and
sliver casters and silver platters for all our
Here Is mica fiom the quarries of New
Hampshire. How beautiful it looks In the
sunlight! Here Is copper from Lake Hu
perlor, so heavy I dare uot lift it. Here Is
gold from Virginia aud Oeorgln.
I look around me on this Imaginary plat
form, and it seems as If the waves of agri
cultural, mtneniloKlonl, pomologloabwtielth
dash to tbo platform, aud there are: tour
beautiful beiugs that walk In, aud tbey aru
all garlanded.
One Is garlanded with wheat nnd blos
soms of snow, und I flud she Is the North.
Another comes In, and bar brow Is gar
landed with rice and blossoms of magnolia,
and 1 find she is the Boutb,
Another comes In, nnd I find she Is gar
landed with seaweed aud blossoms of
npray, nnd I And she Is the East.
Another comes In, md I llnd she Is gar
landed with silk of corn and radiant with
California gold, and I Und she Is the West.
Coming face to face, they take oft their
garlands, and they twist them together
Into something that looks like a wreath,
but It la a wheel, tho wheel of national
prosperity, und I suy lu nn outburst of
Thnuksglvluy Joy for whnt God has done
for tho Nortn and the Houth and the East
and the West, "Oh wheol!"
At different times lu Europo they have
tried to get a congress nt kings at Berllu
or at Paris or ut Ht. Petersburg, but It bus
always been a failure Only a tew kings
have oonie ou.
But 011 this Imaginary p'atform thnt I
have built wo have a convention of all the
kings King Corn, King Cotton, King Bice,
King Wheat, King Oats, King Iron, King
Uoul, King Hl'er, King Gold uud tbey
ill bow before the King of kings, to whom
be all the glory of tula yoar's wonderful
Trouble In Teuchlng MonUrys,
Prom the Washington Post: An cx-
T,orinced animal trainer says; "As a
rule, monkeys are. readily trained, but
occasionally there is ono, as In the.
human species, who , la a ounce nun
won't learn anything, is positively
stupid and refuses persistently to be
come educated. The trouble in teach
ing monkeys is largolyWhut they are
mischievous. They trjr to overdo
things, and do things v)hich are not
wanted of them; so tha. in order to
make them perforin as fleslied, steady
drilling is necessary, ydlthough they
grasp an idea quickly. The only two
species of animals hich can be taught
by precept and eAamplo are the chim
and tlvj orang-outang. They
are Imitator, and to Instruct them in
doing a thing it IS only neceasuiy i"i
iminer to do it first himself and
then either one of these will imitate
Thau Dear Glrlat
"Yes, I'm ongagod, and, do yon
know, it took George nearly an hour
to propose to me laBiuiKQ'. nouSu.
lie'd never oome to tbe point."
"George always was a slow pro
poser." Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Ot I'AItT.
Murdered Mnthi-r nnd Children The Mcp
father Disappears- lloille I'nder straw
Mtnek - Company Mtorca Will he Dlsron
1 1 11 11 i-l hy the LehlKli Valley Cual
The murder of a woman and lior three
children was revealed on a farm near Mont
gomery Borough, Lycoming county. The
bodies of two children were llrst found bid
den beneath a straw stack. Thereupon a
warrant was Issued for the arrest of A brum
Hummel, a stepfather of the murdered chil
dren, who is missing. Throe weeks ago
Hummel married Mrs, Yeagle, a widow, who
bad three children. A few days Inter the
neighbors noticed thnt the eldest two chil
dren were missing, aud on Tuesday the
Hummel premises were deserted. A party
of neighbors made a search- They found a
blood-smeared piece of burlap near the barn.
Disarranged straw attracted their attention
to the stack, and under this the bodies of the
two children with their bends crushed were
found. The bodies look ns though tho chil
dren had been dead for two weeks, A tele
gram to District Attorney O. O. Kaupp states
that the bodies of Mrs. lliimmt-l and her
other child were found In an outbuilding.
The dead wro horribly mutilated, the mur
derer evidently having used a club In carry
ing out his llendlsh crime. Montgomery
and vicinity was in n state of utmost excite
ment as a result of the ghastly discoveries.
It Is believed that Hummel has' made good
his escape. No motiva for tho quadruple
murder has yet been found. The crime Is
without a parallel In tho history of Lycom
ing county,
Nn More Company Hlores.
On Doeembur 1, It was announced, the
Lehigh Valley Coal Company will cut loose
from the "company store" business in tho
Lehigh region. In this district there nro
threi stores where tho employees of tho
Lehigh Valley bad their-orders honored,
Jonncavllle, Vorktown nnd lla.leton. Of
course these store will continue to solicit
the miners' trade, but 00 a different basis.
Tho bills will not bo deducted from the Lo
high Valley pay roll, and tho employee of
tho cotnpnuy will be freo to deal where i boy
like. It is said that tho company will also
adopt tho same policy in tho Hchuylkill nud
Northumberland districts.
Illow Cattsril Heath.
John J,, alias "Pat" Kheehnn, victim of 11
fight in Altoonu, died of his Injuries without
recovering consciousness after be bnd been
picked up by the police. Before becoming
unconscious he told several parties that Dash
Jury bad struck him on the head with a neck
yoke. Jury nud John Hall, who were Im
plicated in tho light, were committed to jail
without ball for a hearing. James English
is hold us a witness. District Attorney Hicks
will prefer charges of murder against Jury
and possibly Hall. Hheehau was 27 years ol
Fall Delayed Wefiilttlu '
Michael J. Cannon, of Easton, a traveling
salesman, has brought suit against Williams
port for 2,0.')0 damages for Injuries alleged
to have been sustained by him by falling on
a defective sidewalk. Tbo uceldeut occurred
on tho evening of November 3, and since that
time he has been unable to be about.. Aside
from this, the accident caused the postpone
.nient of his wedding, which was to have nc
curred lu Enstou on thu Haturday following
tho mishap.
I'ell Fifty Feet from lll'lilge.
Whllo William Thomns, aged '2(1 yearn, wi s
walking over tho Electric Hallway Bridge,
which spans the Lohigh Valley tracks, tit
Hhunuudoiiu, ho stumbled and fell to the
trucks below, a distance of llfty foot, break
ing his left arm, crushing in his side und
otherwise injuring himself. His Injuries arc
believed to 1)0 fatal.
Plush Mill ut lluzletnn.
Tho Hazloton Board of Trade purchased
45,000 square foot of land on which the llaz
letou Plush, Velvet A Hllk Manufacturing
Co. will erect a largo mill. It will be one
of tho largest plush plants lu America uud
will give employment to neurly 1000 bauds.
Train Kills Ageil Man.
Bernard Carvlll, aged 83 years, of Sew
Castle, was killed by a Pennsylvania passen
ger train. The safety gates wero lowered,
but he failed to observe them uud wnlked di
rectly In front of the locomotive. He leaves
nn ustuto worth 200,0(10.
News In Ili-lef.
A deed vns recorded nt Media covering
the transfer of the property of the Berwyn
Water Company to the North Hprlnglleld
Water Company.
(loorge Horn, of Emails, made an attempt
to end his life by swallowing a dose of pois
on. A physician administered nn emetic and
saved his life.
James II organ, an Irish laborer, made two
dcHporutu but unsuccessful attempts to end
bis life, nt Cornwall Htnliou, by throwing
himself on the railroad in front of a passen
ger trull).
Jesse Cli.Totd, of Johnstown, has been lost
lu thu fastness of thu Laurel Hill Mountains,
above Laughlliistown, nnd a searching party
is endeavoring to llnd traces of lilm.
Tho Mulshing department of the F. J. ltlch-
irils Manufacturing Company, of Blooms-
burg, caught lire and was totally destroyed,
together with contents. Thu loss will amount
to about U,000, purtlally covered by insurance.
Judge Dunham, at Towanda, sentenced
Pumuel Heomun to a torm of five years In
tho Eusteru Penitentiary, aud to pay a flue
of 500, for killing Jaoob .Cupwell, on May
20 Inst. Ueemuu was convicted of voluntary
The Board of Health is taklug measures
to prevent the spread of scarlet fever which
threatens to become epidemic in Altooua.
The East End and Pottsgrove schools, lu
suburbs, have been closed on account of the
Raved from Death.
An English traveler once met a com
panion, sitting in a state of the most
woeful despair, and apparently near
tho last agonies, by the side of one of
the mountain lakes of Switzerland. Ha
inquired the cause of bis sufferings.
"Oh," said the latter, "I was very hot
and thirsty, and took a large draught
of the clear water of the lake, and then
rat down ou this stone to consult my
guide book. To my astonishment I
found that the water of this lake is
very poisonous! Oh, I am a gone man
I teol it running all over me. I have
only a few minutes to live! Remem
ber me to " "Let me see the
guide book," said his friend. Turning
to the, be found, "L'eau du lao
est blen polssoneuse" "the water of
thla lake abounds in fish." "Is that
the meaning of it?" "Certainly." The
dying man looked up with a radiant
countenance." "What would have be
come of you," said his friend, "if I had
not met youT" "I should have died of
imperfect knowledge of tbe French
language." Argonaut.
Etceptlonally never Fro oil Perpetrated
by an Ingenlone Jeweler,
A few years ago public curiosity
was excited by tbo curious beans
called the "devil beans of Moxlco,"
which shopkeepers placed In their
windows. They somewhat resembled
roasted coffee beans In shape and
color. Tbey were also known as the
"Jumping beans," owing to the fact
that from time to time they made
spasmodic movements which propelled
them quite a Httlo distance. The
beans grew on a small bush In the
Mexican mountains, and it is con
jectured that they belonged to the or
der etiphorblaceae. The bean really
consisted of three similar pods which
formed a single bean. It is usually a
third of the bean which was exhibited
as a curiosity. On opening the pod it
was found that It contained a small
larva, something like that frequently
found In chestnuts. It is this little
occupant which gives motion to the
bean by its Jerks and thumps against
the side of its home. If tbe bean la
slightly warmed It begins to turn
from side to side, and perhaps with a
sudden thump turns completely over
and stands on one end, and then by
successive Jumps moves quite a dis
tance. Those who are not In tbe se
cret are often greatly puzzled by this
strange bean. An enterprising Jew
eler devised a scheme of utilizing
them to make a magic clock. He ac
complished this by imitating the shape
of two of the beans, making the
dummy beans out of soft iron. One
he gilded and the other he silvered.
The prepared iron benns were placed
with the ordinary Jumping beans on a
thin white piece of pasteboard, out
lined and numbered like the dial of a
clock, but devoid of hands, Tbe
dial was located over the works of a
large clock, which was placed face
upward on the floor of the store win
dow. He fastened small magnets to
the ends of the hands. The works
were of course carefully hidden from
view. All that was in evidence was
the cardboard clock dial and tbe
Jumping beans, among which were the
gold and silver painted iron beans.
These were placed on the cardboard
over the concealed hands with the
niagiii'ts attached. The magnets were
moved , by tti? hands of the clock so
that they were aliKC?t In contact with
the cardboard. Aa they moved around
they carried the Iron beans a 1th them
thus telling the time of day. an the
public was greatly interested by tb
Intelligence shown by the two beans,
which distinguished them from their
lively associates. Scientific Ameri
can. From Across the Continent.
"I received the Tetterine couplo of
days ago. Tho few applications I've
muile convince me that I have at last
found in this fine remedy a cure for
Eczema. I can sell a few boxes to my
friends. What discount on one dozen?
Let me know at once. It. C. Bingley,
707 Market street, San Francisco,
Cal." At druggists or by mail for 50
cents by J. T. rJhuptrine.
Sort of Up-to-Date Maaeppa.
A boy named Veasy, having escaped
from tbe workhouse at Hinckley,
Leicestershire, England, the porter was
ordered to proceed to Stanton, a neigh
boring village, aud bring him back.
The porter went to Stanford on a bi
cycle, and, Indlng tbe lad, tied both
bla arms wl a rope, and, attaching
tbe end of it to his bicycle, dragged
him back to Hinckley, the man riding
at good speed. The affair has created
a great sensation in the district, and at
the recent meeting of the Hinckley
guardians the board expressed their
strong condemnation of the porter's
conduct. One member of the .board
said tho boy was exhausted by the
treatment meted out to htm. At the
meeting the porter's resignation was
tendered and accepted, the man's ex
planation for resigning being that he
did not care for the treatment he re
ceived from the vagrants.
Like Fluitliig money, f
The use of tbe Endless Chain Starch
Book In the purchase of "Red Cross" nnd
''Hublnger's Best" starch, makes It Just
like finding money. Why, for only 5c you
are enabled to got one large 10a package
of "lied Cross" starch, ono large 10c pack,
age of "Hublnger's Best" starch, with the
premiums, two Hhakespeare panels, print
ed In twelve beautiful colors, or one Twen
tieth Century Girl Calendar, embossed In
gold. Ask your grocor for this starch and
obtain the beautiful Christmas presents tree
Don't Shoot Until Ton Know Whnt Too
Are Shootlaf At.
The deer hunting season In the
Adlrondacks opened Aug. 1. Four days
later followed a tragedy. Two broth
ers were camping on the eighth lake
of the Fulton chain. For the younger,
a youth of 17 years, it was the first
season of camp life, and, like all
youngsters In tbe woods in their ini
tial experience, he was aglow with ar
dor to get his first deer. About sun
down this younger brother left camp
alone and shortly after was followed
by the other. When the elder of the
two came to the Ourant road he saw a
movement of the brush, such as is
caused by a deer. On the Instant he
raised his rifle, took quick aim at the
moving brush, fired, then rushed in to
see what he had shot, and found his
brother, who had been killed instantan
eously by a shot through tbe breast. A
human life cut short in the flower of
youth. Another life clouded by the
anguish of the hour and by lire-long
regret and self-reproach. A borne des
olated. And all as the fruit of one
foolish movement with a deadly weap
on in the woods. If we did not read
the stories of such accidents year after
year, and from time to time meet the
bereaved fathers and mothers, and
wives and children of the victims, it
would be impossible to conceive that
grown men could be found to bring
this woe uoon themselves and upon
their fellows. And yet season after
season the record grows. Now it is a
farmer who shoots a neighbor by mis
take for a ground hog; now a Maine
mooBe hunter wbo kills his guide for
big game, and now the Adirondack
camper who does to death his brother
for a deer. Before the season stall be
over and the rifles put away we shall
hear probably of a score of such trage
dies. And it Is all so cruelly heart
rem'lng because so unnecessary.
lC Jf
Some grocers are so short sighted as to decline to
keep the Ivory Soap, claiming it does not ray as much
profit as inferior qualities do, so if your regular grocer
refuses to get it for you, there are undoubtedly others
who recognize the fact that the increased volume of
business done by reason of keeping the best articles
more than compensates for the smaller profit, and wil
take pleasure in getting it for you.
Rifles, Repeating; Shotguns, Ammunition and
Loaded Shotgun Shells. Winchester guns and
ammunition are the standard of the world, but
they do not cost any more than poorer makes.
All reliable dealers sell Winchester goods.
FREE : Send name and address on a postal for 156
p;u;e illustrated Catalogue describing all the guns and
ammunition made by the
Oyater Soap t, and Rlrloln Bleak
Are Samploa of Trices.
The Reglna is a two-story, 20-room
log hotel and is one of the leading
houses of Dawson and Is something
over a year old. In noting the prices
of this bill of fare. It may be explained
that five oysters are given for $2 and
that two small codfish rakes for $1.60;
a $3.50 porterhouse steak is about the'
size of the palm of the hand and half
an inch thick; a $2.50 mutton chop is
about tho size of a Hoffman house
chop at one-third tho price; two
boiled eggs without trimmings go for
$2, and they are brought in in salt and
have no ago limit; coffee at 25 cents is
black and cream (condensed milk)
costs 25 cents more; nothing goes free
with an order of any kind, not even
bread and butter, which is 50 cents
extra; all cream Is of the condensed
milk variety and all vegetables and
fruit are from enna; lettuce Is tho
only home-produced article in the bill
and its price is $2 and not much of it
for the money; the omelets are made
from "granulated" eggs; table linen
very good; napklnB, but no finger
bowls; chairs, ordinary wooden bot
toms; waiters, white men; dining
room will accommodate from 60 to 60
people, and is usually full; no wine
list Is on the bill, but beer is plentiful
at $1.25 a pint. Rooms are from $4 a
day upward. The owner is a live west
ern Yankee. His name is Smith and
he is not in Dawson for his health,
altogether. New York Sun.
liar Tolnt of View.
Chicago News:'' He That tall young
man dancing with Miss Dashing was
originally intended for the church, I
understand. She Indeed! Judging
from his appearance I could easily im
agine that he bad been cut out for the
Sick headache. Food doesn't di
gest well, appetite poor, bowels con
stipated, tongue coated. It's your
liver I AVer's Pills are liver pills,
easy and safe. They cure dyspep
sia, biliousness. 25c. All Druggists.
s otonba Payne, wbo is Just retiring from
tha''ostof chief registrar of tbe Hupreme
Con r6 of Lngns, has seen 3(1 years of public
sen Ice, nnd that is one of almost unique
l.Mith in tho ease of a West African colony.
j'Cnch package of Il'inam Fadeless D
rnlors cither Bilk. Wtad nr Cotton perfectly
ut ou.? boiling. Sold by all tlrungiais.
Maj.-Oen. William 1C "rr.n.,'" "f Ilert
fotd, has given to the ('oiiwik-si, na 7.lhrar.
a fine copy of that extremely rare book. Cnfit.
John Hmith's "(leneral Historic of Virginia,
New England nnd tho Cummer Isles."
Plso'a Cure cured me of a Throat and T.eri
trouble of three years' stamliUK. K. Cat.
IluutingtuD, lud'ov. 1 ltiUL
China's Kmpress has over 2.0U0 dressvs.
We havemnde preparations
for taking care or tno whdis
ot our two million customers
wbo live in every portion ot
the world.
Our A04 page Catalogue to
full of suggestions a boo 1
everyiblns to Kat, Wear and
'se, and offers particular
Buokcascs, Bicycles. Brass
Goods, Cabinets, Candles;
t'luna Lioscta, Cigars, I loeia,
Quarmtud rVarcAn Couches, Commodes, Debka,
00c to f Y5.0Q. Draperies, Fancy Chairs.
Fancy Tables. 1'ountaln Pens.
Gold Penclls,Urocerles.H&ad
kcrchlcfs. Jewelry. MulAers,
Lamps, Musical Instruments,
Neckties, ornament. Pocket
Knives, Pictures, Kockere,
Nhoes, Silverware, rtierlmg
Silver Novell lis, Stools,
Tables, Watches, etc.
Our LithonraPhtd CatmlnrM
thorns Carpets, iiugs, 'ortirrts.
Art Squares and Lact Curianu
I'm thetr rtal oltirs. Carpels
ttwed tree. Imtnjr fiitmsJud
free, and freiehl tvelatd.
Our Made-lo-Order Clotkon
Cataloeue with samples of clmM
attached offers Sutts and Ovrr
coats .aim fit lo sai.oa. Kx
pressagt Paid on cu'thinf aw,
where. Wt alto issut a Ipetutl
Catalogue of Pianos, Orjrams,
Sntrinf Machines and fitevcurs.
We will make your Christ
mas buying more BHtiHfactory
than It has ever been before.
V 11 1 0 n Catalogue Oo you
Oak or Mahoqana
ut as, j.vo.
. H. A Son Flour,
Wetnt your muuaUai'lie or btmrtl bMuUlul
Yirowii or rich Mark t Thru m
Par Barrtl, 1 3.60. Wsntt Address this Way t
$3 & 3.50 SHOES " Vo".
Worth $4 to $6 compared
wiin oiner manes.
1,000,000 Hearcrt.
Th 0nWft hav W. T,
kinslai nam Aim nru c
Zieirit-tnutcd on bottom, lake1
!2nu uriuute claimed tn b
it Rood. Your dealer ,
thnuld keep litem if
not, we will wnd a pair
tn nrnnl ni nncft. Mate
kind of eattier. u, and width plate
cap toe. Catalogue C free.
W. L DOUGLAS SHOE CO., Brack ten, Hat
U 4X J O I qaiuk r i.f.rvl ur J.-rwt
oaa. lit uf tji,.moui4n fcud lOilay Ij iima
)Trw. l)r. a. M. HS4JI s tuna, Jum B, auuu, m.
-r. ,-st rr w"
l m Deat Coutrta Byrup, Tu UihkU Vmff
I m3 ln Sultl hT d rutty lute. pf
The first Ave persons procuring tbe Kndlru Chain "lurch nook from tbelc
grocer will each obtain one large luo paokage of "Keel Croeo" Starch, one bug
lOo paokage of tlttslns;er'e Ileal" Ntatrcfc, two Hhakespeare puunle, printed im
twelve beautiful colors, as natural as lite, or one Twentieth Century Olrl Calender, the
finest of Its kind ever printed, all absolutely free. All other procuring the Kellaa
Chain atarch Book, will obtain from their grooer tbe above goods lor 60.
Croeo" fuanadrr March Is something entirely new, and Is without doubt tbe groat
eat Invention of the Twentieth Century. It has no equal, and surpasses all others. II
has won for Itself praise from all parti of the United Htaten, It ha superseded every
thing heretofore used or kuown toaoleuoe in tbe laundry art. It is made from wheat,
rloe aad ooru, and ebemloally prepared upon sul. ntlOo principle by J. C. II hiafar,
Keokuk, Iowa, an eipert in the laundry p.ofeuioo, wbo has bed tw'uty-flvo year.
praotleal experience In fancy laundering, and who was the Oral aucolul and origlaal
Inventor of all floe grades of atarch In tbe United States. Ask your grocer tot taia
Starch and obtala these beautiful Christmas present freo.