The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, November 30, 1899, Image 6

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    4"NEW YORK
$ . :
III Designs For Costumes That Have Be-
r la
come Popular in
New York Citt fSneoian. Tha
newest and oddest fad in lint trim
.mings seen at the lata Home (Show is
,the strings, wbioh rustle their reap
pearance recently, beginning with the
jldck velvet ribbons, changing sud
denly to white chiffon and now seen
in all colors. Some of the handsomest
are of turquoise blue chiffon or gauze,
the bright rose color, the deep purple
or the opaline tints, especially in green,
wbioh blends so well with any bat.
These ties are really streamers as
well as ties, and are very long, with
bandsomcly trimmed ends. Many
wearers allow them to bang down the
front of the go wn in straight and grace-
fal folds, but the fad is to tie them '
tinder the chin. This is not becom
ing to all round faoes, however, and
the possessor of snoh a face preserves
the fashionable fad of the tied bow by
draping the strings over to one aide
of the corsage, leaving loops falling
loosely, and then fastening the bow
to tha shoulder or at any height on
the corsage wbioh is most beooming
io her style of beauty.
8ls of tha Lateat Costume.
There's a flavor of old-timeoess'in
most of the latest fashions. Witness
tha poke-bonnets with their volnrui-
noaa strings tied nnder the chin ana
tha akin-tight skirts that flare and
trail at the hem so reminiscentty of
-fifty years ago. In the out of the fig
ure iu violet cloth, shown in the large
-engraving, we have a costume which
might have stepped right out of some
anoestral picture-frame, the absence
of the pouoh bodioe front, the entire
lack of sleevef ul ness upon the shoulder
and tha tendency to skirt-drapery are
to be notioed first of all. The frook's
material is a smooth-faced cloth in
parina violet. A direotoire bat in
vraT felt and trimmed with white
gauze draperies mingled with violet
velvet completes the costume.
The Frincesae out of frock is mnob
affected. If not the Prinoesse proper,
it ia the Prinoesse effect, or at least
at part Prinoesse model. The gown of
liiega cloth trimmed with guipure,
shown in the large out, for instance,
has the regulation twisting skirt, but
with a PrinceHse tunio, the latter be
ing so cleverly out as to form a pointed
, Kouave in frout with a crossover aprou.
Itiege-colored satin-faced cloth is the
material employed. The trimming
, consists of fancy steel button and a
coarse guipure iu black. The latter
adorns the pointed revers aud turned
alowu-oollar of biege colored moire
Embroidery is employed wilb rioU
effect upon velvet this year. In tha
Hgnra iu embroidnred velvet ap
pears a Prinoesse frock of dead black
valval, embroidered in blaok silk. In
tit back the tightr fitting aoriaga. end
the Metropolis.
in a graceful double box-plait orna
inented with black silk buttons and
flaring out effectively at the hem of the
skirt. The corsage fastens uudor tht
left arm. With this frock is worn
toque in white cloth, having a brim
of black fox and draped with a scarf
of white gauze with long, fringed
Zibeline continues to hold its own
as a dress material. In the first
akotoh in the large cut we have a cos
tume in pastel green zibeline, trimmed
with narrowest borders of black as
trakau and velvet of precisely the
same shade as the cloth. The long,
pointed tunic, of cloth, has an edging
of the astrakan as has the underskirt
of the velvet, stitched vertically.
Taken all in all, this irock exhibits a
notable number of the newest notions
tn dress.
Many etitoYmgri a lorn tha ' frock
shown iu the last out of tho large
group, and as they follow a spreading,
scalloped design thoy have almost the
effeot of row npoit row of narrow
braiding. Tho underskirt has a deep
baud of plaiu stitohiug as a hem fin
ish; the tunio is bordered with scal
loped stitching, while upon the jacket
every edge and a goodly poition of
the loose, double- breasted frout tho
stitching appears.
In coutrast to the straight-backed
coat is the chio little velvet Eton
jaoket pictured in the large cut. It is
tight-fitting and double-breasted, aud
it boasts the highest of high collars.
Broad, pointed revers of fox give
eharaoter to the jaoket front, the col
lar being iur-linod also. Both sleeves
and body of the jaoket are heavily
stitched in a spreading scroll pattern
in white silk cord. Accompanying
this jacket is a toque iu blaok vtlvet,
stitolied in white to correspond with
the Eton's trimming, and having a
large white plume at oue side.
How to Uia Sachet.
It is always in good taste to use
saohet for the clothing, provided one
nses the right sort. Violet, heliotrope,
rose sum clover are rigui. oanuaiwoou
i knn v ml Ant. luifc a. little can be used
provided discretion is shown. Stronger
odors are tabooed.
Daint Kai'hata ar made of bits of
rihhnn. Hnvnral of these Btrtinif
on baby ribbon are nioe to hang over
the hooks iu oue s oloset.
Child's frock of Tartan 811U.
This is one of the old new-fashioned
tartan silks, once more in vogne for
nae for party frooks. The little dress
is made with almost severe simplicity,
for it only trimming is a folded bell
of velvet and soma narrow yellow lac
aging the frills on neck and sleeves,
Hammer ur Winter It Is a Itonml of ITn-
cteaelnB Toll Victims of the Ileeent
Billiard The .hearing- Reanon Mar
veluntljr Intelligent Uoga.
People who put on heavy woclons
have little idea of the dangers faced
by the men who make it possible for
them to have these garments to wear.
Only a week or two ago the dispatches
told of the heavy loss of lile in tho
blizzards which swept over Northern
Montana. Many cheep herders were
can gut out in these terrible storms,
and periahed rather than desert tho
flocks thev were hired to toud. One
of them. William Graham, after try
ing hard through a fearful night to
get his herd into camp, came back to
his tent about midnight, exhausted.
Thoroughly conscious of what his fate
would bn were he to venture out
agaiu, he wrote a note, telling of his
condition and his determination to
return agaiu into the night aud seek
his sheep. When the blizzard had
abated in force the searchers found
him stretched upon the snow, dead.
One of his dogs had stayed to guard
his master's body, and the other had
gone in search of .the herd.' Many
other pitiable tales of suffering are
told, aud still many more never will
reaoh the ears of Eastern folk.
For the greater part of the year the
life of the sheep herder on the plains
is oue of monotonous, hard, unceasing
toil. Iu Kansas rain seldom falls,
and in summer, even, day follows day
in a constant succession of cloudless
blue sky and fervent sunshine. The
shepheid has nothing to look at,
therefore, but sky and earth, blend
ing vaguely in the distant horizon,
his flock forming the only object
whioh diversifies the prospect. He
hears no sound except the plaintive
bleating of his sheep, and the ouly
things to interest him are the insane
ly merry gambols of his lambs aud the
readiness with whioh the ewes pick
out their own offspring merely by the
ability to distinguish the cry of thek
own young, eves though it be among
the bleating of 600 others.
When "the scab breaks out among
the flock every sheep must be sheared,
washed and auointed with some medi
cament to destroy the disorder.
When the sheep-sheanug season ar
rives tho shepherds, who have led
such lonely lives all tho rest of the
year, flud themsolves in the midst of
a crowd. Men in all of the railroad
towns in the vicinity of sheep-raising
districts who make a business of
shearing the animals come out to the
ranches in great companies. Camps
are formed and the lonely corrals are
transformed into bustling, humming
villages. Nothing has been found as
yet whioh will do the work of shear
ing a sheep so well and satixfaotorily
as the old-fashioned shears which
were in use in the days when the mas
ters painted their first pictures and
the poets sang their first songs of
beautiful shepherdesses aud hand
some shepherds provided with crooks
and pipes.
sheep shearers are paid for their
work at a certain rate for evory sheep
they shear, so they work rapidly. On
every sheep ranou is a large, - Imp:
wooden building, the wool shed, in
which are openings communicating
with the peus where the sheep are
kept while shearing is in progress. A
shearer goes into one of the pens,
seizes a sheep by one of its hind legs,
drags it into the wool shed through
one of the openings made for the pur
pose, and with a deftness as swift in
iU results as the "presto, change!" of
the magician, transforms the creature
from a thickly covered, woolly sheep
into a shorn, naked-looking, chilled
and quaking spectre, whioh, permitted
to escapo from the hands of him who
despoiled it so ruthlessly of its fleece,
runs through a door at the opposite
side of the wool shod and agaiu re
sumes its nibbling rambles over the
prairie. ,
An important functionary at this
time is the tar boy, a la J with a bucket
of tar and a brush. While there is
nothing whatever whioh tho most
fauatioal advocate ot kindness to dumb
creatures could construe as cruelty in
the shearing of sheep, nevertheless,
even the most careful shearer occa
sionally snips the flesh with his shears.
When such an acoident happens ho
yells "Tar!" With his brush the lad
smears a little tar over the nipped
place, for nothing is so healing to
wounds on a sheep's back as pine tar.
A first-class shearer on a Western
ranch will shear from eighty to 100
sheep between eunriss aud sunset.
Experts frequently shear 125 in a day,
but the average for shearers is lome
where between fifty and sixty a day.
One of the diversions of shearing
time is a fighiA-etweon rams. Many
of these creatures, notwithstanding
their timidity iu the presence of
other animals, are extremely pugna
cious toward one another, aud quar
rels among them are frequent, the
prinoipal cause being a rivalry for a
particular ewe'd favor. When a chal
lenge has been issuod and accepted
the rivals back away ten or twelve
paces from eaoh other and then both
lower their heads aud make for each
other in a straight line with a force
and speed whioh oue would hardly
accredit to them, Bang I go the two
heads. But the crashing blow does
not seem to have the slightest effect
on either of them. Again they run
back several paces and advance with
the velocity of an avalanche. Agaiu
their heads go crashing and smashing
together, and again neither apparent
ly is any the worse for the concussion,
This process is repeated more times
than is necessary to recount, until
the shepherds, weary of the sport,
stampede the duelists. .
. There are many magnifioent sLep
herd dogs on the sheep ranches. The
intelligence of these atimals is simply
marvelous. At night the shepherds
ride out on their ponies, accompanied
by the dogs, and drive the sheep into
the corral or inolosure, the dogs be
ing the chief factors in this work
Through the day the shepherd lounges
about on a small knoll which com
mauds a view of the sheep. lis
faithful dogs are always with him and
should their sharp eyes etB0' that a
sheep inoliues to stray too far from
its fellows, tha dogs of their own ac
cord rush out and drive it in. Some
times a prairie wolf will make so bold
to rise from tar hiding place and
seize a lamb. Then shepherd, po.y '
and dog have an exoiting sprint over
the country, although the chase usu
ally is fruitless, for nothing in tht
shape of horseflesh has the speed ot
endnrauoe of a prairie wolf. When
alone sheep make some effort to pro
tect themselves against predatory nni
mals. They form themselves into o
circle and strive to present a deter
mined front; but should tho enemj
persovere they soon scamper away.
Many sections of tho West an
adapted to sheep raking, and to littU
else. There is unlimited pasture on
the great plains and prairies. Sheer,
flourish best in the dry atmosphere ol
the far Western States. More anci
more men are going in for sheep mis
ing every year, and already tho capital
invested is enormous. The large
number of brokers here in Now York
who handle domestic wool exclusively
illustrates the .wonderful expansion ol
sheep raising iu this country within
the last few years.
The sheep raisers get n great deal
of their stock from Mexico. Few per
sons not interested in the sheep in
dustry Lave the slightest idea of how
greatly e are ludebted to the sistet
republio for the replenishing ol out
flocks. Hundreds of thousands ol
sheep are driven into the Lnited
States every year from the land of the
Moutezuraas, most ot them gomg to
the far Western States. Sheep are
bred extensively in several Southern
States, but the scope of the Southern
industry compared with that of the
West is insignificant. Nor do the
Southern breeders make much of an
attempt to improve the character ol
their flocks. Western breeders, how
ever, devote much thought aud care
to the improvemeut of the different
breeds, and evory year they strive tc
bring forth a-better quality of lambs.
The opportunities offered by sheer
raising have made many Western
ranchmen extremely rich. In Kansae
alone are six sheep raisers who count
their accumulations in seven figures.
It is said that the United States can
not produce woolen fabrics equal iu
quality to those made abroad. But
we have just as good machinery and
facilities here and our workmen are
more intalligect, so it would seem
thf.t we should equal, if not surpass,
the fabric makers on tho other side.
The troublo, however, lies iu the fact
that we have not been able to produce
as yet as good a quality of wool. The
sheep-raising industry in Europe has
existed from time immemorial almost,
while iu the United States it is still
in its infancy. Little or no attention
has been paid by our sheep raisers in
ihe past to improving the breeds, but
this error is being corrected now.
The sheep in the West ure far dif
ferent in appearance from those in the
East. Their legs are longer, their
noses taper more and tho wool is much
thicker upon their backs and sides.
New York Press.
A boat 2000 years old has been dis
covered in excavating near Brussels,
A polite Chinaman considers it a
breach of etiquette to wear spectacles
in company.
Mexican dollars are current all over
China, aud when they cannot be had
blook silver, uncoined, is used.
The boots worn by Napoleou Bona
parte at his coronation were sold the
other day near Altkirch, Alsace, for
about $6.
Oermany still clings to the ponder
ous keys of the middle ages, and keys
weighing from an ounce upward have
to be "carted" around.
Judge J. C. Tennjson, of Pelham,
Ga., has on exhibition in a local store
a potato grown on his farm the past
season which measures nearly three
feet in length.
A valuable aow is possessed by John
Milton, of Gardiner, Me. It is usual
ly milked three times a day, and re
cently gave, in one da y, thirty-four
and a half quarts of milk.
An electric organ placed in an Eng
lish church possesses 64,500 miles ol
wire. The aotion of the orgau is so
rapid that it woald "repeat," if neces
sary, Bixty times per second.
A Saracen constructed the first table
of sines, another explained the nature
of twilight and showed the importance
of allowing for atmospheric refraction
in ustronomioal observations.
After a recent tornado in Australia
thousands of water snakes were found
on the beach in one place, while in
auother the beach was entirely washed
away, leaving nothing but bare rocks.
-There are "peroxide" horses in New
Yorh City. Hcrses suitable for car
riage work, save that they do not quite
match ia oclor, are cow "chemically
bloudined" to the tint desired iu a
very few miuuteB.
A great gas holder has just beou
completed for the corporation ol' Bir
mingham, Englaud, which, is 2C1 fost
in diameter and 160 feet high when
extended to its full height. Its stor
age capaoity is 8,250,000 oubio foot.
It is one of the peculiarities of the
laws of Denmark that the crown must
be worn by a Christian and a Frederick
alternately. The system originated
with Christian II., who reigned from
1513 to 1523, aud was succeeded by
Frederick I.
The Parliament Building in Wel
lington, New Zealand, is the largest
wooden structure in the world. Iu
Wellington and some other New Zea
laud towns almost every house is con
structed of wood. Large churches and
important business premises are built
of the same material.
A Club of Aiuaiom.
The latest woman's cluh is to be
formed, of the nineteenth century
Amazons. That is the newest bulle
tin I rota Londou, and as that smoky
town is responsible for tho birth of
the club tho rumor is weighted with
truth. The first rule of membership
of the new club is that every woman
must bo six feet in height.
Amazonian proportions will obtain
in the club-house. The buildiug is
to be of mammoth size, the suites of
rooms to spread out in vast distances.
Nowhere will the gigantio size ofohe
fittings so strike the eye as in tho
gymnasium. This ia to be unique,
with every modern apparatus for the
development of the human form. Hor
izontal bars, rings and vertical ropes,
trapeze and all, will be one-tenth
larger than those used by athletes ot
ordinary proportions.
The Flrat Mglit la Dliappolntlnir, Tttir It
If ma Uuoct I'olnte Which tiro w on Yon
Ilia Native Holilleri it la Strategi
cally Very Important.
Concerning Guam, our new posses
sion iu the Ladrone Islands, n corre
spondent of the New York Sun who
went thither in the U, S. S. Yosemite
writes as follows:
The first sight of Guam wr.o rather
disappointing. There were several
rain Bqnnlls on the horizon, aud in
reply to the questioner, the lookout
picKed out the blackest lookiug squall,
and said: "That's Guam, nirl" As
the squall disappeared, the island de
veloped into a bold mountainous range,
not altogether tropicd in aspect. In
stead of the thick forests and heavy
foliage of the Philippine mountains,
the hills in Guam are rather barren
looking, the trees are clustered
together, whilo the red clay soil shows
through in patches here and there.
s the ship approached nearer, the
lowlands came into view, aud the thick
groves of cocoanut treer, mangoes, and
banauas proved that the reports of the
fertility of the island are not without
Tho harbor of Sun Luis de Apra is
by for the host of any iu the whole
Ladrone group, being sheltered in All
weather except southwest gales. On
entering, tho ship pressed close to
Orote Peninsula, a high promontory
forming the southern boundary of the
harbor, and then swinging to the
northward, she anchored under the
lee of Cabras Island, whioh forms the
northern shelter. Extending in a cir
cular direction from the end of Cabras
Island is a coral roef bare at low water,
and coining within a ship's length of
Orote Poiut, giving the harbor the
shape of a horseshoe. Occasionally,
during tho wet season, a swell rolls in
over the barrier reef, but for the
greater part of the year the harbor is
quiet and smooth. Ono serious draw
back to the harbor lies in the diffi
culty of landing cargo, owing to the
coral growth which extends out for
more than a miio from the shore. A
pier could readily be built, but the
easiest and cheapest solution of the
problem is to send out from the United
States several small wooden stern
wheel steamers, drawing only a few
inches of water, and thus capable of
passing over the inner reef nt all stages
if the tide.
Around the shores of the harbor are
several towns, Sournay, San LuiB de
Apra and Piti. The last named is the
port of entry for the island, und con
sists of two stone buildings and about
a dozen native huts. The first sight
of the town was Dot interesting, for
the place is on low land, aud just now
in the rainy season, is mostly under
A few minutes sufficed to tako in
the sights, consisting of natives, water
buffaloes and dogs, and then through
the kind offices of the principal id
habitant, a Mr. Wilson, the party ob
tained a carriage aud drove up to
Agana, the capital of the Island. The
road is about four miles long, and has
been an excellent one, but at present
it is sadly in need of repair. It winds
in and out among cocoanut groves,
nnder overhanging cliffs, crosses sev
eral little mountain streams, aud just
before reaching the city gives n splen
did view of Agana Bay, the whole
northern half of the island, and the
mighty Pacific Ocean. Before judg:
ing Agana one must consider the point
of view. Lookiug at it with the knowl
edge that Spain has been here several
centuries, one wonders that there ia
so little. Realizing that the large
majority of the natives are only semi
civilized, the place presents a very
creditable appearance. The streets
are regularly laid out, and are clean,
the houses are whitewashed and neat
in appearance, aud there are no street
loafers or beggars hanging around.
The better class, that is the foreign
ers and half castes, live in stone
houses, with the inevitable red tiled
roof. The natives live in frame houses
with thatched roofs.
The point of interest in the town is
the plaza, on which are situated tho
palaoo, the barracks and the cathe
dral. These are quite respectable
looking buildings from the outside,
but on close iuspeotiou the palace aud
barraoks were found to be in a filthy
condition, with no attempt at sanita
tion, and with the dirt of years left
undisturbed. Bofore the Americans
can occupy those buildings there will
have to bo a thorough house cleaning
from top to bottom, and a plentiful
distribution of disinfecting material.
The cathedral is solidly built, with no
pretenso at ornamentation. Within,
two things struck the visitor as
strange, an organ, and a sign request
ing the congregation not to bring their
dogs into church.
The town boasts of two distilleries,
where la tuba is made. This is made
by fermenting aud distilling the Hap
of the cocoanut tree, aud it is said
that it can give points to Jersey light
ning. The natives take to it kiudly,
however. All the stone buildings
have thick walls and heavy ironwood
rafters supporting the roof. They ore
built in this manner to withstand tho
earthquake shocks, whioh are of fre
quent occurrence, though rarely se
vere. Typhoons occasionally visit the
island, but do little harm beyond
blowing down a few trees oud knock
ing down some of the native huts.
Outside of Agana the native huts are
built of palmleat matting, with bam
boo beams and rafters. In a heavy
gale these huts go down like a house
of cards; a few hours after tho gale
the houses are up again and nobody is
the worse for tho experience
The population of Agana is estimat
sd at about 7000 souls, of whom the
better class, who are aUo the control
ling olass, number about 100. Siuce
the place was captursd by the Charles
ton in Jane, 1898, there have been
several aotiug Governors appointed
who have kept law and order in the
island, but have allowed publio works
and buildings to fall into disrepair.
They are not altogether to blame, for
during the past year they have boen
in a state ot uncertainty. There have
been rumors on ihe islaud that Guam
was to be returned to Spaiu, aud no
man cared to bo overzealous iu his
loyalty to the United States for fear
that he would suffer for it if Spain re
sumed her rule. Their doubts are
iww set at rest by the arrival of Gov
ernor Lenry and the promulgation of
his proclamation. The people are glad
to be under American rule, and al
ready arches are going up in the
streets and committees are being
formed to welcome the Governor when
he takes up his official residence in
The natives are peaceful and gentle
in disposition. The Filipino cou
victs, sent here from Manila, seom to
bo the only dislnrbing element on the
island. These Filipinos triad to in
augurate a revolution Inst March, but
the plot was nipped in the bud by tho
naval officer iu charge hero at the
time. There are several schools on
the island, but education is not gen
eral. The native is indolent, aud he
can soe no ben o(H in education. Ho
works if he pleases, and after a fow
days knocks off with money enough to
keep him the rest of tho year. It
costs him nothing to build bin house',
and if he is "out of work aud out of
funds there are the breadfruit trees,
tho cocoannts and tho bananas grow
ing wild. Why should ho disturb his
siesta? In the past there was an ad
ditional reason why lie should not
work; he was taxed heavily for every
thing he owned.
When the natives cultivate- the
fields, they rarely lire an tho laud
they till. Instead they profor to
group themselves iu little villages, of
which there are a number scattered
about the island. When it comes
harvesting time, all the men assemble
ou one plantation, build a hut, and
live and work together gathering in
the crop. When they have finished,
the whole body of them move to the
next plantation. It is also au occa
sion for merry-making, iu which la
tuba plays -au important part.' There
is rarely any disorder, but when
neoeHsary to quell a disturbance .tho
force is furnished by a company of
native artillery, the only military
force on tho islaud between tho
evacuation by the Spanish troops and
the arrival of the Yosemite. Every
oue unites in praising these native
soldiers. Their behavior is excollcnt,
aud their appearauce ia surprisingly
neat and military.
Guam is an islaud of great possi
bilities. Strategically, it is important
in being a liuk iu the chaiu between
San Fraucisoo and Manila. Commer
cially, it may be important, but nt
present little is kuown of its re
sources, as the island has never been
developed. It is known, however,
that the land is extremely fertile
coffee, cocoanuts, lemons, limes, corn,
sugar cane, all grow with buo littlo at
tention further than the planting.
Few other vegetables or cereals have
been tried, but there is littlo doubt
that the experiments to be undertaken
will prove that the productivity of the
land is general. Cattle of the water
buffalo variety thrive well, but horses
do not. In fact tnere are only twenty-two
horses ou the whole island,
aud they are owned only by the
wealthy class. It is not au uncom
mon sight to see a native astraddle of
a buflalo, galloping unconcernedly
along the inuddy paths. Goats, .pig-i
and deer roam wild all over the isl
and. Copra, the dried kerne! of the co
coanut, is the principal ertiolo of ex
port. The other products are raised
for home consumption only. It is not
known what minerals there are in the
island, because nobody has ever tried
to find out. Building material is
plentiful; lime is mado by burning
the coral iu a kiln, and this, mixed
with the broken coral stone, can be
shaped or plastered, and becomes
hard when exposed to the air. This
is the material used for the walls of
the houses. For the roadbeds the
coral is mixed with the red cloy, and
when smoothed down hardens aud be
comes like a cemented road.
There are several kinds cf lumber,
the most valuable being tho iron
wood. This is used iu the floors cf
the houses, the rafters, etc. It is ex
ceedingly hard and heavy, and resists
all insects, even the teredo when used
for piles iu the wharves. Some of tho
inhabitants say that the floors in their
houses are more than oue hundred
years old, and there appears no neces
sity for jltloval. The woodwork of a
house t u ;. monger to complete thou
the raasci'.y. There mo no sawmills,
and evory plank must be out out by
hand. In fact, tho nc.tive'a idea of
architecture aud of agriculture are of
the most primitive order. A saw and
a hatchet for iho first, the foi'K of a
tree as a plow and a machete for farm
ing are his idea of tools, aud with
these he works patiently away to tho
eud. If it is not finished to-dny, no
mutter, to-morrow will do; time is no
matter to him.
The climate of Guam is fairlj pleas
nut, and very healthful. Tho island
in situated in latitude thirteen de
grees twenty-six minutes north and
lougitude 14 4 degraes forty minutea
east, and is beyond tho reach of tho
monsoons, and withia the traJewind
belt. As tho ialr.nd is only thirty
tiles long and has than ten miles
wide, the iufluono cf the trade wind
is felt througho!-."; i'-.-i wee, aud the
heat of tho tropical ovn is tampered
thereby. Fevers are a'.i.'.03t unknown,
and there are few of tie tropical dis
eases here. UnfortuuV.uly thero aro
a few cases of leprosy, ')''. a lepei'K
were confined in a h'oRpitc',, hut wheu
the Kpauiut Js evacuated the island,
tho lepers were released aud are
now scattered and bidden about the
island. One of the Jlrst duties of the
medical officer will be Jo corral and
segregnte these unfortuuates. Tho
raiuy season lasts from May to Ooto
ber, und during this time it rains
hard, giving a gloomy aspect to every
thing. Once the rainy season has
passed, for the remaining months of
the your it is bright, pleasant weather,
with cold, bracing nights.
Eventually Guam will have trail o
communications, a cable will bo
lamlod, and the people will bo iu
touch with tho world, but at present
greater isolation could hardly bo im
agined. There is no oommeroial
route whioh iucludes the inland, and
communication is den,cudent upon r.u
occasional army transport o.' a man-of-war
stoppiug in the harbor. It
comes hardest ou the pioneers on the
Yosemite, marooned, as one officer
laughingly expressed it, but there iu
a cheery spirit and an eager desire to
work on the part of all to do their
share iu the development of our coun
try. The riouestaoreof land in the world
ii that near Lionsar, in Thibet, ou
wuioh grows tho sacred tree of Thibet.
In th
Bnhjerli Keeping n. givn
orjr Veraei, Neh,ieri fa
tary on the t.h
15. "In thoso di
to Jerusalem, nnj ,. Wi
in mnklnR tlm rsf, i
"In Juilrtli." Tlui,1"
God's law slimilil ),n IH
Tun people bail bee ou j""
fort seemed to be mkncf
Hahbntli-tirenklng. .
presses." Thoso l0 Pn
eight feat squaroam with
to whieli Rrapo itrieura
by feet of men, aii(,ir,
lower smaller vt. ,0, ' '
liowa out of rook
These were probtreh
where Nehemiuli , rPI
the wall. "On tli-... .
violation ot the n hcx-i
us well ns of tlm ri gtitlnm
the people, "lirl ho mu
the East farmers In, jjnr
and ko forth to cu, pn'n(r
country. It Is nv j,im.
brluK their harvest t '-
farmers brought l., t
saleiu, at tlio time ..,.,,
It from robbers, U-B that
unsettled condition .
command nRnlmt A On..
liutli. Ex. 84:1.
Kiirdlejs of the Inw '"V"c'
Jar. 17:21. "Wliio, i "J,
storage nnd sale, rni.
working force, nn .holcon'
buy nud trade ou il
against them." (h" I
of (lotl'a Word ntm
16. "There u w,
to commerce, thoyi pr
tlement Iu Juden l(-ti. T
olinndlsn, ttslt nni U aro
wore Idolater, vi
full of sensual iittri.'llr 1
nnd unprincipled, ittovcl.
tainted by tliem (I t
almost ruined Imtk- .
the daughter of ttir 3fV7
dwelling In Jan,'M
while otliorn' wi:r CV.
temptluit ttioso
)80 ot iwHi
WAiilil lid it Btpniwril.
17. "I contend-d tnddi
the rulers of v. 11. fr q,
generally. Nehcoi- , .
derlake to remedj:u
was to porceive It. mill i
authority. Thoyd-
fortbolr feasts nuil"
the law for the km:' do 1
nni appetites. "I.
were ruspocslble in
18. "Did not voir
was Jerusalem dust
nation been oarrhv
wero tliey now wif.l'ASft
tered? Let the pri:
27; ttzek. 20:13; 1m.:
tlou of oue day lu:'ho
firmness to the liiii.-rw
HrIous llfo was bull
for the national III;1 '
It mnden dividing told
heathen; heme tlwtngrj
placed upou the obit,. ni
i. "UoBhu to i r , ;
began at sunset th "18 11
city gules would hi, he e;
down, but Nehemiuhr
earlier, whoa the !..
Ing. that socular vo:,tb
ried on to the In-1
"After tho 8abhalli.
the BabbntU. ".Mytnt, 4
body-guard, whom Wj
burden." Thouxh
against trafno, foo:r
mlttod through Hit
carried no burden, i you
tints attend worship
zu. "Merchants V
trcliuuts It gf
that the C
i forced, tli
Man fortLKl
strictly en
walls, waiting
on Habbath morulDitl'he
open market for tlirOone
walls aud smugKU'i!rjOU
gates It tho cuau'jo oo,,
collected about tho iP."
the Buhuath broken. "d"i,
21. "I will lay
to vioienc mensurua;''
as criminals. Was 5"
"They that forsak
Wicked; but such a
With them."
no fellowship with IL )ir ,
darkueas, but ratlioriut
6:11, I Is not etion; i
ovll doers; we mui ,,
"Canto uo more." n, m
hid dellance to concJJJ;J,1
may bo mode coward-
sit ou the throne of. Me
was lasting, for la o .ja J
Jews wero ovcrscin
sanctity. 0Ur
22. " ,
log the duty to Hi'tTtT
temporary arrangDimlP
charge was eommlttt.1 J
had been 'Intrusted n Com
gntes wero llrst tctiMtnr
"Clounse tlieniselvos 8Po
themselves from w
and come and attendant u
as a religious Juty. lmH
have beou the moral "
sacred oliaraoterof t1'6"1
supposed to exert. N-OUt
to carry out tho rllln ilow
the Babhath." Hueut" .
venting further prol ' 01
ino, (X.uiy God." Tliif Of
Belf-glcrillcntlon, butjurr
truth. A man who kc 1.
in the sight ot Qod o "r
out presumption, lib"'11-'
grace, and He can ll
prayer Is repented sov Av3
after soma hard fouc' -hhd
made inauy ennui' "
he looked beyond tli.-he
"Concerning this al ftuSl
things beforo. Hai'l'Vnt
close of each iindnrtn '.
"Bpare me." From nt-e
my own worth. Npe t!
faithful. Hero Is u IiIh
faithful service, but ? .
kept so devoted to 0
be entrusted with GoJlvlt
Teachings. Whou 'st
will wo need have mv
forsake God's law w , 1
ship. Wlion God i.y"
ners are afraid. W ,,
obedient we must stll'y
mercy. j
Unfamiliar Ponrli r
In addition to t'-oim
bags so well kuo"i
pouubes uudsacks i in
are mod to meet (hui
meats. The mouugot
couvoys tho mail outhu
diflicult fastnesses, u
tho extreme nortb4ay
over his route on a
peculiar style, anil
knapsack pouch
Alaskan currier who
the snowdrifts ami
lbs uncut mountain1"
pitable ond Bparelves
needs still another f m
be packed sungly
hamper the dog ef'L.'i
roeaus for trauspoi"
other form, unfamil'T ,
mote and unsettle
saddlebag pouch, r '
ried by the horse '
to his saddle. The!""
of special etinipnwt
pouch of new desig , j
mailing live queen
oiflo coast to remol'i h
ocean. Heretofoi' L t
ourriod in ordinary"
other mail matter,
cross tho Atlantic
uui ine voyage noi'i
o much longer tho!
suffocated, aud the
been adopted to H
Cosmopolitan Jut.T