The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, November 30, 1899, Image 5

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! (.li ri.R'S LEARNKIl TO
rt COOK.
Ll to 'liavo old fashioned thing,
Ike Hominy and ifrm-n;
.&1 to Imve just common nonp,
ptinde out of pork und benns,
w .its bouillon, consomme and
ViniiH miide from a book,
ibt bu feu nnd Julienne, Hlnce my
uuhli'rH learned to cook.
id to have a piece of beef just
'irdlimry meat
bkled pi:s feet. Hpnreribs, too,
(lid other things to eut,
'now it'tt lillet, und ragout, and
of mutton braised,
earoiii an grutln, and sheep's
1 Uolumlaised,
lVersailles-a lathis and
i la that,
isetbread a la Dleppolse It's
fcotiffh to kill a cat!
jlio I suffer deeply I invariably
frere delighted 'cause my duugh-
er's learned to cook,
ye a lot of sulud things, with
freeing mayonnaise,
te of oysters, Blue Points, frio-h-J
a dozen ways,
ange roly poly, Moat, and peuch
jbcrintrue, alas,
i to wreck a stomach that Is
ijaado of plated brass!
"od old things have passed away,
"n silent, sad retreat.
IJ'loU ct hlghfuluting things, but
otliing much to eat,
Irhile I never say a word and al
ways pleasant look,
it I've had dyspepsia since my
laughter learned to cook.
h Mary Edwards, of Ash
as a beau, says the Char-
jibserver, and her father,
jl an; enthusiastic sports
Sas a; shotgun. While im
Jtly waiting for the season
., ho would get out the gun
Evening, handle it with af
1 and discourse ou its mer
itil his wife and especially
daughter were weary of
"Ybjeclj of guns.
j Mary, who has a loving
a sparkling eye and a keen
rf humor, rather liked her
"Mr, Arthur Wildman, . but
lin somewhat arm's length
Jfoatiou, as it were,
ailed last week, and the
people chatted in the par
'hile' the old folks made
elve comfortable in the
a going to kiss you," said
r.ildrclau to Miss Mary,
' you flare," said the young
E'1'H certainly make you
t' I '.really urn fffoing to."
r.' Wildman.
ou do I'll go tell papa,"
iss ' Mary, with a twinkle
eye and without the slight-
mpt to get out of the way.
lier nonchalance for a
8 consent, he grabbed and
hert She promptly whack-
on $he cheek with her hand
m, leaving the room and
g across the hall, said to
flier, with the sweetest of
smiles: "Papa, I've been
Mrt Wildman about your
&n and he asks if you won't
ptinly, with great pleas
Said Mr. Edwards, delight
lav some one take an inter
Jiia pew pet.
tigup the gun ho walked
pebtant pleasure into the
VVjidman was waiting.
Jhutidoubtiug the girl's pur
' n the man with the gun
jn tlie di Mr Mr. Wildman's
f, accompanied by Mr.
aa jiimself, went out of the
v without even taking the
.tivo to rsise the sash.
rkpRli'ards lookud around at
-Tutor dumbfounded. She
d 1411 she could no longer
Holdiug her heart in her
s said: "Fnlliov vim
l , v
pe careful how you go at
with that srun. Rnnllv if
L , c ...v ,
Ft know you well, I should
vk( n sure several times you
to Moot mo with it. You
"pe iTioro careful. How am
y get married if you run
off like that? Take the
!(jjgun away."
idman is still missing.
! jhet a hen, but the hen
, she sits. We can set
'jggs and sho sits with
K hope and parental
lice. That you may
f ?nt't when you mean to
i ase measure your seu
this sentence: "The
ttt-os is a country upon
sun never sets, and on
f other country ever
a mi:(:i!amcal mahvf.l.
What Sixty Miles an Hour Means
to the Locomotive.
It all sounds simple in the re
cital. The wonder of the thing
comes into view only when one
reflects on the speed and nicety
with which cumbrous parts are
made to do their duty. The pis
ton and connecting bar of a mod
ern locomotive weigh some (MX)
pounds. When the speed is 00
miles an hour, these parts travel
back and forth five timosasocoud.
Ton times a second, at the end of
every stroke, the piston head is
at rest. It must pass from this
condition to a velocity of 1,H(H) feet
per minute in one-tweutieth of a
second. The drive wheels meas
ure more than a rod at every rev
olution, but when going 00 miles
an hour they must turn more than
3(H) times a minute.
Sixty miles an hour is the mer
est commonplace to the mind. of
the up to date railroad man, but
it menus other things besides
those described that are wonder
ful to the outsider. It means a
steam pressure blow of L'O tons ou
each piston head every tenth of a
second. It means that up in the
cab the fireman is throwing into
the furnace two-thirds of a ton of
coal every hour. No. !K() burns
coal faster than ten men can mine
it. It means two quarts of oil
every hour to keep her journal
boxes greased and everything
running smoothly. It means
the engine with its half dozen cars
and load of human freight is mov
ing through space with twice the
power of a shot from a 100 ton gun.
It means that the engineer work
ed her up to the point where she
can use every ounce of steam,
that he is coaxing her as a jockey
urges his mount in a tierce race,
and yet it means that he is ready
at a second's notice to move the
reversing lever and apply the air
brakes that will stop the mighty
avalanche within the distance that
it covers as it stands on the track.
Earl W. Mayo in Aiuslee's,
Your friends may not know
much but they always know what
they would do if they were in
your place.
The world did not come to an
end, nor did the stars fall as pre
dicted. Life is full of disappoint
ments. The difference between a stan
dard eucyclopodia and a walking
encyclopedia is, that you can
shut the standard up.
In going up the ladder of fame
you have to be careful not to be
knocked olf by the other men
who are coming down.
If you want up-to-date wedding
invitations come to the News of
fice. The best material and la
test styles of type.
It is a delicious comfort to bo
absolutely sure of what you like
in literature and resolutely indif
ferent to what otitL-r jM-ople like.
Philanthropist a man who
squeezes the last cent out of the
people under him in order to
make religious and charitable
This is the season of the year
when it is customary to speak of
the turkey as the national bird.
We carefully refrain from doing
Mamma, what would you do if
that big vase in the parlor should
get broken? asked Tommy.
I should spank whoever did it,
said Mrs. Banks, gazing severely
at her little son.
Well, then, you'd better begin
to get up your muscle, said Tom
my, coz papa's broken it.
It is a fact that every baby is
the sweetest baby in the world.
You were once considered the
sweetest thing in the world, al
though you may not look it now.
"Now stop crying, Tottie," said
a Brooklyn mother to her little
girl, whohad been quarreling with
her brother.
"I'm sure Bonnie will take back
all the mean things he said." "Yes,
he'll take 'em back," was the sob
bing reply, "so's he'll just have
'em ready to use over again."
The great detective paused.
The horseless carriage contain
ing the murderer passed hero
just twenty minutes ago, he said.
The other man looked astonished.
But I see no wheel tracks, he
No, said the great detective,
calmly, but if you'll sniff a little
you'll get the odor of the kero
Thanksgiving day always found
Mr. Tawker in a reminiscent
mood, and thisparticular Thanks
giving day was noexception to the
rule. So full, indeed, of reminis
cent thoughts was he that he fail
ed to notice the subdued air of ex
citement about his wife. When
the dinner bell at last rang he
took his place dreamily at the ta
ble. "Ah! this is very different from
the old time Thauksgiviug days,"
he sighed; "really, it's enough to
disgust a man with life. Why
even the turkeys are smaller than
they used to be when I was a boy
down in Indiana! We had turkeys
then; why, one of 'em would have
tilled the middle of this table!"
"But, Neezer, dear," his wife
said his name wasEbenezer, and
she culled him Neezer for short
"your father's family was larger,
too. A 17 pound turkey would be
too much for two people. "
"Ah, it's very well for you to
ajiologizo; you haven't the same
standards of comparison things
naturally grow smaller in Del
aware. Luckily, I don't com plain.
Will you have some breast?" He
laid down the carving knife with
a resigned air. "Bring me the
hoe," he said. "I suppose we
have a hoe?"
"Of course we hain't. What
should we do with a hoe in a third
Hat? Isn't the knife sharp?"
"I can manage it: exercise is
good for the appetite. However,
divorces have ensued from slight
er causes."
She tried to smile. "Yes, I re
member hearing my Uncle Tom
say that dull knives caused sharp
words. But I'm sure the turkey
is fonder. Your mother said"
"Mother never sawthisone. The
conscience of the butcher isu't
tender, if he says this bird is.
What's the matter?"
"Oh, Neezer, your mother sent
it for a surprise!"
Mr. Tawker gave a laugh like
that of an amateur actor, "I or
guessed that the turkey was
from mother, and ah wanted
to tease you a little. Yes, the
turkey's all right, if I hud a knife
such as my father had. I'll see
the man that sold you this knife
to-morrow; he'd cheat his grand
mother, and I'll tell him so! What
is it now?"
"Oh, Neezer, I am so sorry!
Your father stmt that carving set
with the turkey; it's the one he
always used, aud he sharpened it
"Eat your turkey, Sarah. How
can a man enjoy his dinner, with
you talking all the while? Yes,
this is like old .times a real In
diana turkey and a sharp knife to
carve it with. Now, if only Sam
Thompson was here, with his old
fiddle. He used to come over on
holidays and play 'The Suauee
River' until you didn't want to go
to Heaven unless Sam was there,
too. Great guns, what's that?"
"It's the people in tho ilat below-
They expected company
for dinner, and now I suppose
they are having a little music."
"You call that music, do you?
Humph! some city musicians that
know too much to play tunes."
"Why, that's the 'The Suauee
Iiiver' now, dear. Where are
you going?"
"For tho police. If a man
can't have u quiet dinner at home
without that that squawking, it
is time!"
He answered a knock at the
door. It was the little boy from
the flat below, saying: "Please,
Mr. Tawker, pa says won't you
aud Mrs. Tawker come dowu.
Your old friend, Sam Thompson,
from Indiana, is there with his
fiddle, playing 'The Suanee Riv
er' like he used to, aud ho knew
you'd enjoy it."
"Isn't there lots of kinds of
doctors?" asked tho disciple of
ehoeuupathy ; "there areallopaths
and homeopaths, osteopaths and
Yes," answered the dys
peptic gloomily, "all paths lead
but to tho grave. " ,
Lady "You oughtto beasham
ed to admi,' that you can't find
nnythingio do when tho papers
say they want thousands of farm
hands out west. " Sandy Pikes
"arm hands? Why, I ain't
got farm hands, lady. I'so got
city hands."
Mrs. Anna Carl, of Hancock,
widow of Mr. D. A. Carl, receiv
ed from Camp No: 18 P. O. S. of
A. $275. This benefit is given to
all widows of deceased members.
Dr. N. 0. SehaelTor, State Su
perintendent of Public Instruc
tion, iu an address before the
Franklin County Teachers' Insti
tute!, the other day, took occasion
to say that "an estimated value
of an uneducated man for forty
years has been made at $IH,0()0;
that of forty years of educated
labor at 10,000. The farmer
who keeps his boy at home to
plow to save paying a plowman
robs his boy of J each day."
Commenting ou this statement,
the Harrisburg Star Independent
very justly aud thoughtfully re
marks: "But if there were no
plowboys where would the plow
man come from. Again, it is
certainly the exception to the rule
when a farmer keeps his son
away from school in order that
he may save the wages of a plow
man. The farmer boys who
were educated in the short term
schools of thirty years ago are
among the most successful men
iu public life to day. They did
not acquire much tochuical learn
ing, but they received a good
common school education which
enabled them to get sufficient
book lore for reading. The pres
ent long school term aud thorough
curriculum tire certainly an ad
vantage to the average farmer
school boy, and surely we are
not to understand that the farm
er can withhold from his son any
of that advantage under the pro
vision of the compulsory educa
tion act. If the latter be the
case, that act is a failure and a
dead letter ou the statute book."
This leads to the thought,
somewhat disappointing iu its
way, that progress anil civiliza
tion depend upon the inequalities
of life. If all men were capable
of lecturing before teachers' in
stitutes, or on liquid air, who
would hold the plow handle, shoe
our horse, cobble our shoes or
dig our ditches? If all men were
rich no one would be willing to
work, and we would go back to
barbarism. Hence it seems the
very constitution of thiugs rec
ognizes the necessity of inequal
ity iu life, so that there will bo
that mutual dependence one upon
the other which create a common
love. This does not mean that
the masses cannot be educated
without detriment, but rather
that the dignity of labor the
rough work of the world should
be upheld. All men cannot be
made rich, but we should strive
for that equity which gives a man
the real value of his labor iu
other words, reward him for his
merits aud punish him according
to his demerits. Ability is some
thing nature bestows capricious
ly, and so there will bo inequali
ties in life; but at the same time
education, instead of fostering
conceit, dudeism and kid gloves,
should recognize that the man
who digs the sewer is just as hon
orable in his walk of life as the
surgeon who gets a big fee for
cutting out the vermiform iip2en-dix.
Tho maddest man in Piatt
county, Neb., lives at Humphrey.
He attended a social, and during
the evening the ladies inaugurat
ed a hugging bee, the proceeds to
go to the Sunday school.
Prices were graded according
to the person hugged. For in
stance, for huggiug a young, in
experienced girl the bidder had
to give 10 cents, married women
brought 15 cents aud widows a
quarter. Well, the man was
blindfolded and, giving up 15
cents, he said he would take a
married woman.
After he had hugged 15 cents'
worth the bandage was removed
from his eyes, and lo aud behold
he had been huggiug his own
wife! Then he kicked and want
ed his 15 cents back.
The First Train.
Never eat soft bread for break
fast if there is a crust of hard bis
cuit in the house. New bread
that often looks Huffy and light is
like so much lead when it reaches
tho stomach. Aud that is why
half the world is so stupid and
cross in the morning. If fresh
bread must bo eaten, put itin tho
oven or on u toasting gridle before
serving, and give the family the
benefit of the carbon and the teeth
something to do.
Sixty-two' years ago last Thurs
day November 1(5, 1 )) says the
Shipponsburg Chronicle, the first
train from Harrisburg to Chatn
bersburg crossed the Cumber
land Valley bridge at Bridgeport.
The train left Harrisburg at 10.00
a. m., arriving iu Chiimbersburg
ntil.OOp. m. The party left Cham
bersburg at 10.00 p. in. and arriv
ed in Harrisburg at (i.00 tho fol
lowing morning eight hours in
goiug til'ty-two miles. The same
distance can now bo covered in
less than one hour.
Citizens in the neighborhood of
Snow Shoe, Centre county, are
earnestly considering the advisa
bility of organizing vigilance com
mittees. Cattle and other live
stock have boon stolen iu such
numbers that the owners have
come to the conclusion that an ex
ample must be made of some of
the thieves.
Wh i lo ou t h u u t i ug for deer a bou t
fifteen miles from Lewisburg,
Tuesday, Frank Blair, of MifMin
burg, was shot by his companion
and will probably dieof thee'.Tects.
While Blair was walking through
some brush his companion saw
the brush shake, and, taking him
for a deer, he tired a load of buck
shot, the most of which lodged in
his liver.
Frank, son of James Hays, liv
ing a mile south of Shipponsburg
was seriously hurt Friday morn
ing. A log rolled off a wagon
upon his head and tore uearly all
his scalp off besides badly injur
ing him otherwise.
Farmer Jones (to a tramp
whom he finds iu his hayfield)
"What you been sleepin' ou out
here till night?" Weary Walter
"Hay!" Farmer Jones "I ast
you what you been sleepin' on."
Weary Walter "Well, I tole you
once. Now go away, an' don't
disturb me beauty sleep. "
Hunters must not forget, that
it is unlawful for tiny person to
hunt with gun, dog or net uxm
the grouuds or lands of another
without first obtain ingper mission
from the owner. The fine is not
less than 11 and not exceeding
100. I t may save trouble by first
obtaining permission to hunt.
The American women have tho
smallest hands in the world.
Gloves made iu Franco for tho
American market are smaller and
narrower than any oilier in the
world, and the lingers are made
more slender, as American wom
en will discover who have to buy
a pair of gloves in any provincial
city in EurojMi. Probably no
American woman with a hand,
which excites no remark here,
has traveled long abroad without
discovering that it in only large
shops iu big cities which keep
gloves small enough for her, and
a lady with a hand just below the
American average, living in one
of the largest cities iu eastern Eu
rope, recently fouud herself forc
ed to send to New York regularly
for her gloves. It is idleness that
makes the hands small, work en
larges them. We do not want to
be understood to say that the
American women are the laziest
in the world.
18. .
It is not too early to announce
your spring sale in our sale reg
ister. It will prevent others
from appropriating your dote. ,
Terms ok Court.
The Ursl term of the CourUof Pulton coun
ty iu the yeur shall eoinineiiuu ou the TucmIu.v
following the second Momtuy of Juuuury. ut 10
o'eloeU A. M.
The Heuond term comuifUt'eN ou the third
Momluy of Marrtt, ul o clock l M.
The third term ou the Tuesday uext follow
Intr the secoud Mouduy of Juue ut 10 u'eloek
A. M.
The fourth term on the (lrs't Monday of Octo
ber, ul 3 o'clock 1'. M.
County Okkickrh.
President Jude Hon. S. Met?. Swope,
Associate Judxes- Lemuel Kirk, Peter Mor
ton. ProOiouolary. Ac Frank P. Lyuoh.
District Attorney--tleorxe II. UauieK
Treasurer -Theo Sipes,
Sheriff - Daniel Sheets.
Deputy Sheriff-James Hume),
Jury Commissioners --Duvid Kotz. Sumucl H,
Auditors -John S, Harris, D, II. Myers, A. J,
Commissioners -U W. CuunluKhum, Albert
I'lcssliiHcr, John Stunknnl.
Clerk- S. W. Kirk.
Coroner -Thonuis Kirk.
County Surveyor-Jonas Luke,
County Supcrluteudcut Clem Chesnut,
Attorneys - VV. Scott Alexander. J. Nelson
Sipes, Thomas K. Sloau, K MuN, Johnston,
M. it. ShulTucr, tieo. II. Dauicls, John P.
Sipes. I
often hit Store uml lroporty fur wile.
PosKt'Hsion Kiven ut nucu to the buyer
of properly uml good. I offer my line
of (foods for huIo ut the lowest ousti
prU-e. Kuit felt boot, "Uuole Sum."
with cover, ut If.AO; othui'N tit -J.(H).
ShoeN ut the lowest prleen without re
Kurdtim to udvuuoe of 10 to f0 per ieut,
lu Uiiiuufueturei-M prlee. All koihIh wold
for eush ut u reduction of ft to 10 per
ueut. I Wil l. NOT UK I MU KSOl H,
uml wlllullow you ti eentH per doeu more
tin cuui, la trade, Ihtiu uuy hueksier
puy; ulsi) Dried Fruit of ull kind. Fun
bought lu Keutiou. You Will Hud uiy
Ktouk, couslMiintf of Dry llnod, Noiloim,
II iirtl w lire, tiiffUHWUie, Tobueuo, IM-irtti-N
uml Renerul Hue of ifoodM, com
plete. t'rleetow for oaitli. Itemember
I will uot be undei-Nold.
D. KlWAUU Kuhk
We arc now prepared to show
our Friends the Largest and
Best Selected Stock of
(a claim that is being extensively made.) Satisfy your
self about that matter. We will show you the
A raps
that Fulton county has ever had in it, and at prices as
low as is consistent with perfect goods. The range on
Flush capes 2,50 to 13,00. Cloth capes as low as
1.25. See them. Jackets, 4,00 up. We have the
prettiest line ot
Ladies' SkJrts
to show you from 20 Cents to $2,00.
Dress Goods in Stacks.
A good Wool Suiting for 19 cents, well worth IT) cents.
Son our stock of
Ladies' and Men's Neckwear,
Lots of new, nico things.
A matter of interest to all is good warm UNDERWEAR,
for cold weather. We have it.
We have a case of dozen of MEN'S SHIRTS and
DRAWERS, at 40 cents apiece, that lots of jn-ople won't
be slow to ask .r() cents for. They are perfect in make and
lit, and in every way acceptable, Of course we have lots
cheaper, and several lines of Underwear at 50c., 75c. and
$1,00, and up; .Ladies,' from L'Oc. to $1,00. Children's 10c.
aud up.
is " a i i i
' -fir -Ji
Wmln re&h'.'
Mh - rr
A Word about SHOES
We have two lines of Ladies' aud Children's Shoes that we
wiu stand against anything auy where, price considered, for
tit, aud wear, and appearance A general line, Including
Men's, Boys', Ladies' aud Misses', that will stand against
any hue, wo don't euro who produces them, or their price.
We are selling a very fair Children's Shoo, 8-12 at Cue.
A lirst rnte Oil (Jrain Shoo for women at DKc. Men's Boots
as low as $1.50. A very good one.
A larger stock than you
will find anywhere else in
town. We know the prices
are all right, every time.