The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, November 30, 1899, Image 3

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H i1 it'll V&pN vVfW vXkV' t? ) When to Loio the XVl and "When to
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a'oful Thankssfivina S
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' fr-"3HE faot was we hail nsvor
spent "a Tnanksgiv.
iug" iu the country.
.And in town the -Pilgrims'
holy day has de
geueroted into an 'Arry
aud 'Arriet "blowout."
J. It wan deoided in
10':tuncil to hie us in a body to a
"""box among the lulls, where
jilt fejoyed 'our idyllio summers,
111 ' keep the hoary old festa as
,)M'ro-RaphaeIito aquarelles tell
1 '! tild bo observed,
""'tell two days before the im
11111 Thursday. Allthebotterl It
! tlfve been all tho best had tho
tue d off until we were actually
e'b bd could read "Snow-Bound"
ie 'Sag logs answering roar for
md "grond old harper" Biniting
l" !'feing the oaks and hickories
"iIHfk tha 9 o'clock train from tho
'"'ywas Crowded, mainly with
iid oondition.of men. Each
ITel jas presumably going to tho
''""stead gray, yellow or white,
"''rjr the invariable red barn
"""tnkBglving." Some chewed
i eel to toue down thoir breaths
!' . 'forous prejudices of tho old
home, others inhaled bad
' "" the "smoker," and brought
0B8'&cense into our car. At least
8Ua:fe munched peanuts mid
or.'i floor with the shells. Oue
,utl,lko4 loudly and laughed
"";lly. A red-hot stove at each
no"ie eat brewed the reek of
' . tobaoco, orange peel and
"'knmitfi infn n iinianiinA
" ''"'in aooommodation traiu, halt-
iry "turn-out" to set down
,ou'''iauo and poetry to maintain
nurkonsof the day. At the end
tooth mile we came to a dead
9 T'i A coal train had been
8 . jnd must be cleared away be
luitij, OUi yje were stranded
i ""tot centre of an, uncomely, ex
lie '"lEeldt covered with sodden
lt eriss-orossed by blaokish
ow'rfces, Now a farmstead was
ue H ovet a mile on all sides of
'."""dozen mean hnts knotted
lr w,1 of settlement about some
r Br,Jaliug sheds, and twenty dis
irca;floafers lounged from them
8 'Tthe'wreok and our train,
root ij.jj ooutntiori 0f men a(.
c'ht speedily with these, and
ye"fratorfamilias inado divers
jourions in various direo
' je.,esfc of a draught of milk
bs ' "'Voad for his hungry
" ..treasonably eleau spot where
tish ii!iaa mi8"t r're for awhile
giuwiiiB Btriio oi longues
ie di
"""'Lj-iJ 41.- 1 1 J
jdincr uuouiineu rrniu, u
Pd if0 v'l1ont tbat wouutaiu
isn r"y ''t!utuing were to 8
t to 'JflloWBU'P andfor money.
jld, more or less tipsily, of
j jiwore eolebrating, drinking
vou f;vry imaginable form of
" .t i "ome tllat, until tnat
' .P'Jrjwere quite unimagin-
j l'" Emilias and her terrified
fun uveruge Atoeriuaa s
I a holiday is license, and
1L innrMnBAfl anil m-Avnilml
1 off- dr"K8ed by.
tow.t1,Altca at 10-30- At 3 tlle
.1 ,l,1e, ftU(1 tuo celobrautsof
ly inti thoir seats, the one
Hi. St.
lot J'
e litt
Jr. C
Sir A
idruw amp
n Htf
the !
t wli
the broad and teemintr
s fyttd otlered their brown
king with richness, to the
to) orauberries had bled
'illion; pumpkin pies
iu3diu;s bad tur eited tha
nubds of sensible neonla
Inhinf nl; home and feasted
l!7 8:no9 our early break.
Oil tOT
ts of
i, a:
m ulu-
cat an just one water cracker
wire l.imo with louor sit
bod iu body by foul air and
o-u language,
by &u loft of Hpirit and hope re-
are '
lity. i
,hur '
hey '
cnoh mile left behind us.
ax told stories to the con
sents of the sleigh drive
hure from the station, the
thi and fun awaitiutr us at
,v to 'f hd managed to get off a
e ti'U1
ill der
I tho
tin 1
id to
te Iiur
ion b',
are b
ar curetukiuor cardenev
wo p4ki ordering him to send to
an?" 1,"" w came and to keep
Alighted at the shabby
nearest our idyllio cot
$h was in waiting; not
je was in sight, audtho
fcked. A bitter wind
down the valley, and
ifctio sun was hardly a
4 hills. Paterfamilias
two-year-old baby and
u prooessiou "aorcs.
ion ana stiffening snow.
we projected for our
I was a wilo long. We
the knees with snow
lusted to f aiutness when
gardener's lodge at tho
f grounds.
fast; no answer was
vouchsafed to our knocking; no faint
blue reek arose from chimney. The
children had behaved heroically up to
this inHlant. When thoir father an
nounced darkly that tho villains had
never got his disputch nud had taken
theniselreii off upon a Thanksgiving
spree of their own baby began to sob,
and silent tears glazed the purpled
cheeks of the eldest girls.
"This is the tassel upon the cap of
the climax!" said thoir mother iu
deadly calmness. "We will go to tho
house and break our way in. Since
starve we must, we will starve in our
beds, undor plenty of blankets."
' Sho took a child by ' each hand,
paterfamilias reBhoulderod the weep
ing baby, and we pulled our feet out
of the congealing snow. A plantation
of evergreens hid tho turn iu the path
at which we had our lirst glimpse of
tne cottage. A weak cry from the
children, an astonished snort from
paterfamilias, u devout ejaculation
from the mother, broke into the gusty
air. For royal banners of smoke,
tinted by the glowing west, itr earned
from every chimney, each window was
stained by scarlet fire-gleams from
within; Frank, our faithful watchdog,
bounded from the poreh with a bay of
weloome, and at tho joyous yelp the
front door was iluug wide.
Our telegram had arrived in good
season; the sleigh had gono to meet us
by the road, and, being a little behind
time, had missed us, who came across
lots. While our trusty retainers made
breathless explanations the odor of
roast turkey was borne to us upon tho
Hood of warm air pouring through hall
and doorway. Dinner would be ou
table by the time we could get our
selves into dry clothes.
Never did another dinner taste so
good; never was wood tire more jolly
than that in which the children roasted
chestnuts, and beside which pater-
DESIKE lo warn
bono with you is
one of whom you
should bewaro.
She is vory
tantalizing, chic,
clever, and, oh,
so awfully sorry
you didn't get
yonrwishl Tho
young widow is
a mind reader
and knows just
what your
thoughts are while you are holding
the bone and looking down into her
eyes. If you have to look up into a
widow's eyes, there may be some hope
for you, but wheu she looks up aud
you look down she can read every one
of your thoughts. By the way, there
is only one, only has been oue, only
can be one, thought passing through
a man's mind when he is breaking a
wishbone with a charming ysung
widow possession! She knows it as
plainly as though written indelibly
upon your forehead. That is her
particular forte. And when you break
the bone and find yourself possessed
of the short end bIio will look up into
your eyes with a look that will cause
your poor buck hair to crimp and say,
with that pityiug tone of voice nevor
so well modulated as by a widow:
"I am so sorry you lost!"
No matter what the after result of a
good dinner may bring forth, yon can
not help but hie yourself away to
some quiet resort obscure from pry
ing and meddling eyes and bury your
disappointment in books or blues.
But when you break a wishbone with
a sweet youuggirl it is a very different
thing. Sweet young girl's hearts were
made to be broken like tho wishbone.
You secure a deal of paradise whilo
breaking bones with a sweet young
girl, whereas yon got generally worm
wood and gall when yon break bones
with a fair widow. You throw all
your art into tho act of breaking a bone
with a young girl, but wheu you break
a bone with a fair vidow you throw
fami!ias smoked the oigar of content,
and muterfamilias dreuinod and moral
ized. To the homo nook, "curtained
and closed and warm," came the shout
of the wind-god, a very pagean of re
joicing for mishaps overpast and for
the abuudaub compensations that
orowned the outgoing of our one
eventful Thanksgiving Day. New
York World.
Funny Storlei a! Early Thmikiftlvlnn.
"r. Many funny stories are told of the
early Thanksgiving days, such as the
town of Colchester calmly ignoring the
Qovernor'a appoiuted day and observ
ing its own festival a week later, in
order to allow time for the arrival, by
sloop from New York, of a hogshead
of molasses for pies. Another is re
counted of a farmer losing hit cask of
Thanksgiving molasies out of his cart
as he reached tho top of a steep hill
and of its rolling swiftly down till split
iu twain by its fall. His helpless dis
comfiture and his wife's acidity of tem
per and diet uro comically told,
A Novel Idua.
The hostess of a last-year's Thanks
giving dinner secured enough yellow
gourds to put oue at each of the dozon
covers in simulutiou of the Thanks
giving pumpkin. Each of these gourdB
held a tiny, growing forn iu its little
clay pot, tho oolor effect around tho
table being extremely good.
Vecorutlan Vur Ilia Veuat.
' the deooratinus of the Thanksgiving
dinner-table should be seasonable.
The fruits aud flowers that beloug to
tho late autumn the ones .that
should graoo tho Nomber board.
Chrysanthemums are paincuiary np.
propriate, and their decoratie effuot
is excellent.
yonr heart in against her art, and she
beats you nine times out of ten.
The best place to break a bone with
a fair widow is in tho oorner of a snug
sittiug room, with tho lights turned
low. A man's heart tire glows tnoro
vividly upon his cheeks then; also it
is more fun for the widow. She quite
prefers earnestness of purpose and is
ever ready for a tilt of hearts against
arts. You might win a prize iu the
lottery of life if you would break a
bone with a fair young girl with your
heart as fixed upon the one purpose
possessiou as it was with the widow.
Did you ever break a bone with a
staid old aunt whose fortune you hoped
to possess? If you lose your wish,
am so ho liny Ton lost.
your fortune is inude, ior she'll put
you down as a real nice nephew with
out sordid fancies, but if you win she'll
pioroe you with a look aud say:
"I expeoted you wanted me to hur
ry up aud die."
Always make it a point to lose your
wish when breaking a bone with an
expectant aunt who has a fortune.
A Thrllllnf Rtory From Ilawatl by Way
of tli Old Country.
A. R. Watson has just had one ot
(he most thrilling experiences that
ever befell a mountaineer. He as
cended the Mauna Loa volcano, in the
Hawaiian Islands, while it was in a
state of furious eruption. The party
numbered five, with guides, paok
mules and a week's supply of provi
sions, By evening of tho first day
about a third of the hazardous climb
had beeu achieved and the men
camped iu a erove of palms and forns.
At noon ou the succeeding dny all
the members of the party, with tho
exoeption of Mr. Watson, concluded
to examine the north cone of tho
prater, whilo Mr. Watson, tilled with
the idea that the southern cone was
tho most interesting, separated from
his companions aud guides aud moved
in that direction. After a weary and
dangerous climb he arrived at a pro
montory of rock and earth. Clone up
on tho fur side of this point a great
river of lava was bounding iu a
straight line 'down the laouutnin,
while about 800 feet above, on tho
slope of the hill, tho cratjr, like tho
mouth of some infernal monster, was
pouring forth melted stone.
Mr. Watson sat for a considerable
time, probably a roupto of hours, gaz
ing upon tho vast estuary of rolling,
Mowing, bursting tire rushing down
the side of tho mountaiu. Home thou
sand or rnoro feet below this stream
entered a thicket of trees which, Mr.
Wateon observed through his glasses,
seemod to have wonderful power of
resisting the attack of the tinmen.
Toward night ho arose from his
seat below the rocks to go over the
summit, down the hill and walk out
between the lava on the side which he
was to cross. Ho thought Hint his
eyes bad been resting too longou run
ning lava and that he could see such a
stream iu whichever quarter he might
look; so he went forward.
lint he had not. . beeu mistaken.
Whilo he had been sitting with his
back to the direction from which he
had come and in which he must go,
with his eyas on the flowing stream,
enchanted with its marvels, there had
broken from the lower edge of tho
crater, and some feet to tho north of
the ono he was watching, a second
flow. He started on down und had
proceeded several hundred feet, when,
to his horror and amazement, he dis
covered that the new stream of lava
ran directly into the earlier stream.
The streams joiued, and his retreat
hud been cut off. He was hemmed in
by running rivers of lire.
As ho meditated on the best means
of escape, his eyo fell upon the singu
lar forest at the bottom of the incliue,
and he thought of the heat defying
properties of that wood. If he could
only turn the bunch which grew above
him into sorvice. Aht he had it
Btilts! Ho had been an expert ou
stilts when a boy, and felt certain his
skill bad uot forsaken him. Drawing
a Btout-bladed knife from his pocket,
he began hewing at tho base of oue of
the smallest trees. The wood was of
the species known as iron wood.
When the blade grew dull he whetted
it on the rocks. All through tho
night ho worked, while the terrible
furnace belched above.
. By daylight he had the stilts made,
and, mounting them, started off to the
edge of the flow. The wood smould
ered, but did not blaze, as he waded
through the lava. The heat was
frightful, blistering his face aud
hands. As he arrived at the opposito
edge of the river of fire ono charred
stilt broke off, but eager hands
.grasped him and lifted the swooning
man onto oue of the mules, iu which
manner ho was taken to a rancher's
house. Mr. Watson is at present re
ceiving medical attention, but is milk
ing rapid progress. London Daily
A Clly Truvelluir Library.
Colonel It. Boss Appleton, a wealthy
New York manufacturer, is one of the
leaders of the Brooklyn Publio Li
brary Association. He says of it:
"Our idea is rather novel; almost
tho opposite of that which underlies
other great libraries. They want a
magnificent buildiug and a large num
ber of valuable books. We want no
such building or books. We divide a
city into districts, based upon popula
tion. Iu each district wo havo a small
building in a public park nud stoolt it
with from teu to twenty thousand
books. Instead of making the man
go for the books, we bring the books
to tho man's door. The chief objec
tion raised to our system is that the
dishonest will stenl tho books. To
that our answer is: 'The dishonest
are a small percentago iu this world,
and if they do steal Looks they will
certuiuly read them, whereas other
wise they might remain iu igno
rance.'" Philadelphia Saturduy
Evening Post.
Capo Colon 'a DelniiilerB.
The inountedpolioo of Cape Colony
lire picked men, used to fighting aud
proud of the high reputation of their
corps. Tho force contests of two thou
sand cnlistod men and.eixty-eight offi
cers. Tho men are recruited almost
entirely iu England, and ore many of
them the younger sens of gentlemen,
who have no means of making a live
lihood at home. They are mounted
and receive $500 a year, out of whioh
they are obliged to keep not only
themselves but their horses. In ordi
nary times they are scattered along
the frontier iu little bands of thirty or
forty, their duty being to keep the
peace and prevent outbreaks on the
part of the natives. They are said to
cherish a particularly bitter hatred of
the Boers, aud the suicide of Major
Scott, their commanding officer, was
the outcome of his chagrin at being
tricked into the surrender of tho towu
' Vryburg.
Mutter of I.ens;tll.
"How long should mourning gowns
be worn by a widow of twenty-two V"
was the question thut came sobbing
through the mails.
Now it chanced to be the sporting
editor's day off, and the religious edi
tor, therefore, was attending to the
Side Talks With You eg PersouB. .
"There is no hard and fast rule,"
wrote the religious editor,confideutly,
"but they ought to come dowu to the
boot tops, at least."
This incident illustrates the occa
sional awkwardness of a newspaper
standing as a bulwark of morals to the
exclusion of everything else. Detroit
Money tMM by Had Rnatta.
It is said that the direct money loss
by bad roads in New York State is
about $30,000,000 annually; this is no
guesswork, but the result of careful
investigation and computation. Illi
nois loses $25,000,000 annually from
the same cause, aocording to General
Boy Stone. New York and Illinois
are similarly conditioned as to city
and country population, and the main
object everywhere now is to bring tho
cities to the aid of the country in
buildiug roads. Professor W. C.
Latta, of Purdue University, Indiana,
has shown in a carefully ' prepared
statement that the loss by bad roads
for the whole farm area of the United
States is very close to $500,000,000
annually.. He also pointed out that
permanently good roads would prove
financially beneficial to farmers in
theso Tv ays: They would economize
time and force in transportation be
tween farm and market; enable for
mers to tako advantage of market
fluctuations in buying and selling;
permit transportation of farm products
and purchased commodities during
times of comparative leisure; reduce
wear and tear on horses, harness and
vehicles; enhance the market valuo of
real estate.
It is as ceitain that as long as rural
roads remain as they are, rural free
mail delivery will often bo a physical
impossibility, (leiioral Stone states
that one of the latest electrical car
riages, or automobiles, for twp per
sons, weighs only a litt lo over a ton,
inoluding: passengers and battery.
One horte power will move this ve
hicle over a good stone road at fifteen
'miles - per ' hour, or 1000 miles per
week by daylight. This gives a jour
ney of 1000 miles for two persons for
$1, or nt the rate of about one-fortieth
of the cost of railwuy travel. This is
progress enough in tho art of trans
portation to sii fllce for a few year at
least. The students of aerostation are
succeeding so well in the avt of flying
that when they do equally well iu the
art of alighting they may do away
with the need of roads altogether;
bnt until then we mus'u go on improv
ing both roads aud vehicles aud mako
travel as much like flyiug as possible
Good Koitila in Other Countries.
There are, it is estimated, 000,000
miles of highway roads iu the United
States, about twenty per cent, of the
roads of all tho world. Great Britain
has 120,000 miles of roadways, and
those are some of the best iu the
world. Germany has 275,'l)00 miles
ot roads, and some of them are as poor
as the roadways of a great country can
be. France, which has takeu an en
lightened viow of the good roads
question for many years aud has spent
by governmental or local authority
more than $1,000,000,000 ou highways,
has a road mileage of 81)0,000, more
than any other couutry. Bussia, with
an enormous area, has only 70,000
miles of roadways, while Italy, a
smaller country, has 55,000. Wide
tires for heavy loads are prescribed iu
all these oountries.
' A computation which finds much
favor among the advocates of good
roads is this: There are approxi
mately, though the number is steadily
on the decline, 11,000,000 horses iu
the ITnited States (there were 15,
000,000 by the census of 1890), and
there are about 2,000,000 mules, prin
cipally in the South, the annual cost
of fodder for these acimals being
$1,500,000,000. On tine stone roads
; one horse can haul as much as three
can haul over the average dirt road of
this couutry. It is estimated that it
would be necessary to build about
1,000,000 mileB of macadamized roads
iu the United States iu ordor to have
as good a system as is found iu several
European States. At 81(K i a milo
this would iuvolve an outlay of $1,000,
000,000, a pretty large sum. But if
one-half of the draft animals could bo
dispensed with by the building of such
roads there would be an annual saving
of $700,000,000 in the food bill. Conse
quently if road bonds wcro issued
bearing three percent, interest (1,000,
000 miles of macadamized road could
be built without iacreasius tho annual
espouses ono dollar.
Two Important Factors.
Good roads add materially to the
value of any couutry. . A recent visit
in tho rural sectious convinces us that
tho two important factors in tho im
provement of roads is the cutting down
of grades and a thorough draiuage to
prevent the damage clone to roads by
streams of water flowing from water
sheds. It is a waste of money simply
to repair the surface of a road while
permitting high grades to continue,
preventing the truusport of economi
cal loads of wood or farm produce.
The practice should also be condemned
of covering boulders aud rocks in the
roadway with earth in the fall. They
should be removed by blasting or by
the nse of the crowbar, thus remedy
ing the trouble ouce for all.
The Antl-Kut Asllmlun In Ili-ief.
Twenty years ago there was scarcely
a mile or good wagon road in Egypt.
During the last six years more than
1000 miles of fine roads havo beeu con
structed. Tho reoent good roads Conventions
held by farmers in Miuuebota, Wis
consin, Iowa and Illinois have given
substantial eucuuragement to highway
A Toronto mau wants his govern
ment "to enact a law compelling all
vehicles carrying a dead weight of
COO pounds or over on the publio
highway, to have a tire not less than
five inches wide."
Governor Mouut's determination to
make a pretentious display ot Iudiaua
roads at the Paris Exposition und tho
work which he has already begun iu
collecting pictures from every soction
of the State has occasioned a great
deal of comment of au adverse nature
from the people of his own and of ad
joining States.
State and county taxes being levied
upon every taxpayer iu propor tiou to
his wealth, the State aid system makes
it possiblo to obtain contributions to
the cost of good roads from railroad,
insurance, street railway and telegraph
compauies, aud from the wealthy oiti
zeua in the cities, thus relieviug tho
farmer of a considerable burden.
It is said that the study of German
is inoreasing in Franoe, while the
study of English is on the deoliuo.
Work of Woman IThm tha Perfnma la
tluatry la Carried on la Franoa.
Grasse, in the southern part of
Frauce, is the centre of the perfume
industry. There women and girla
may be seen, with broad hats on their
heads, gathering flowers from 5 until
11 a. m. and then returning with thir
fragrant burdens to the houses, where
they pluok the leaves from the blos
soms and pass the rest of the day in
preparing them for the work of ex
tracting the essences of essential oils,
which contain the perfume itself..
In March they begin plucking vio
lets, from which violet water is made,
and from the beginning of May to the
end of June they gather the jessa
mine, roses and orange blossoms, as
well as the tuberoses in July, the
mignonette in August and the cassia
in September. The nimble fingers of
the women must move rapidly to
plnck the millions and billions of
leaves that go to make up the 1,200,
000 kilograms of rose leaves alone that
are used each season. Besides there
are a million kilograms of jessamine
to be plucked, and violets and orange
blossoms to the extent of two million
kilograms a year. To give an idea of
the number of plants that are raised
for this huge result, it is calculated
that each stalk of jessumineyields two
kilograms of blossoms a season. So
there mnst be at least live hundred
thousand stalks to yield the million
kilograms required.
But tho gathering of the blossomt
is only the bngiiiuiiig of the work, for
then the flowers must be picked apart
and all the spoiled leaves thrown
aside. Then the making of the per
fume begins. Tho leaves are spread
oue by one upon layers of puro lard
that cover plates of glass. Thrco br
(our times these flower-layers are re
newed before the lard bus absorbed
all of the perfume that it can hold, fo.'
the fat has a peculiar attraction for
the essential oils ot the flowers. Thin
perfumed lard is tho pomade of com
merce, not the po nadu used for hai
or beard, but the crude material on';
of which this is afterward manufac
tured. The lard i then eithe.
shipped as it is to other manufac
turers, or put into alcohol whio'i
draws oil' the perfume from the fut,
having a stronger attraction therefor
than the lard n 1 the result is the
fluest eau de cologne. Most of this
pomade is shipped as it stands tj all
parts of Europe and America, but
some of it. is reserved and the oils are
extracted by distilling processes, mak
ing tho purest extracts.
The center of the world is home.
Wrong, when strong, is always de
fiant, Looking at the sun will never make
au eagle out t a crow.
Character building never has to slop
for chaugo of weather.
Character always has more iu the
bank than it checks out.
Some of the greatest strangers hi
this world are parent and child.
Everybody makes way for tho mm
who pushes to the front in earnest.
Ordinary ability and extraordinary
perseverance will move the world.
The mau who loves little is little,
no matter what sizo bat ha wears.
There is only about one man in (100
who knows how to raise a boy right.
The strongest mau is generally the
one who has had the most to over
come. No lion-hearted man ever escapes
getting tww e scratohes from the liuu'd
Some of Ihe brightest things this
world contains cau ouly be seen
through tears.
It is hard to make a dyspeptio be
lieve the world will ever beany bettor
than it is now.
There is alnaysa to-mono .v coming
that is packing its truuk aud uiakiug
its start to day.
The manner in whioh truth is pre
sented has much to do with whether
it will be fought or loved.
The world is always ready to take
off its hat to the mau who does the
light thing at the right time.
If tho truth could be kuown, it
would be found that people of medium
talents average up better iu the mat
of accomplishment than those of great
ability, for what cau be doue easily is
often not done at all, while the man
who has to walk or work his passage
generally mauuges to get there.--Barn's
Horn Brown, iu Indianapolis
Tales or a ttellreil Delei'tlve.
"I recall a case where a man
was 'wauted' in the West Indies,"
said a retired deteotive, well-knowu
in Scotland Yard. "He was traced to
Pimlico, but I found he had gone
away from the house an hour or so be
fore I arrived. The only clue was that
he(had taken a cab with a gray horse.
My game was to look for a gray horse
in a cab, aud I had not walked a quar
ter ot a mile before I hailed the driver
of suoh au animal. It was the very
cabman I wauted. My man was not
inside, but I succeeded in arresting
him at Liverpool, and took him back
to the West Indies.
"I recollect another case in which,
while tracing the abduotor of an heir
ess, I came upon another couplo who
had eloped under precisely the same
conditions from Germany.
"Once I had a curious presenti
ment. A man was arrested for fraud,
and as he stood in the dook at the po
lice court I felt that he had something
upon him. He had been searched,
but I had him searched again still
without result. But I still was con
scious of the same presentiment, aud
I had him stripped. In bis souk theie
was a little bottle of poison." Lou
don Daily Telegraph.
Giant Polloeinen.
Four brothers named Kavanagb,
from tbeoonntyof Wexford, who have
just been admitted as reoruita to the
ranks ot the Dublin Metropolitan Po
lice, have created a mild seusatiou, as
each of the brothers stands exactly six
feet six iuohea in height and is built ja
proportion. They are sons of a far
aier, and are men of splondid
physique, in addition to their unusual
height. Two other brothers remain
at home, who are presumably tha
dwarfs of the family, being eaoh only
six feet three iuohea iu height .but
perhaps they have not yet attained
their full elevation.
Bath tha I.antfl.h anit nrmaflsh Cat.
. Bark Like a Io( The Eel anal tha
Oliaarrl-Sliarl Km It Queer Boonda
Whales Hare Been Known to Cry.
Piscatorial cranks are Just now pa
rading their knowledge on the subject
of fish talk. It li freely admitted that
fish that utter sounds are not rare to
a remarkable extent; but to translate
these sounds into the English or any
other language and be able to appre
ciate the feelings of the denizens of
the deep rt various thrilling stages of
their uncertain careers Is beyond tbs
ken of ordinary mortals. We are Udd
that a fisherman out at sea landed a
strange fish In his boat, and that the
finny captive Immediately opened ltt
mouth and began to grunt and groan
o loudly as to attract attention. The
fisherman took it up and was so con
vinced that It was talking and beg
ging for liberty that he tossed It bark
Into the brine. More musical than tha
noise made by any fish Is Bald to be
that of tho eel, while the loudest
sound uttered by a fleh Is that of th
Oogffsh. Both the lungflsh and the
drumflsh utter singular barking sound"
of peculiar resonance, and whi . have
hren known to cry out as If for help
when they have hfeen Btrnnded. Of the
salmon and the trout little has beco
learned, po far as fish-talk on theli
part Is concerned, but this may be due
In a measure to the fact that the man
with the rod has never felt Inclined
to devote his ear to patient listening
of a well-stocked stream. If these
favorite fish could talk, what tales
they might unfold! What reputations
might they blast! Perhaps It Is best
for us atl that the trout Is not gifted
with eloquence, like the eel and gizzard-shad.
Perhaps, too, It were bet
ter for us to continue on merely a
glancing acquaintance, a gastronomicat
acquaintance. If fishes talk they might
even betray us to ourselves and take
away from us the joy of our own de
ceptions. Nevertheless, It la a ques
tion for debate whether the noises
produced by certain fish can be con
sidered aB a language, or as expres
sions of the emotions, fraught with
meaning. Without a doubt we shall
soon he in receipt of t batch of com
munications from mountain resorts
and watering-paces, throwing light on
the matter of fish-talk, and It is not
Improbable that we may learn that
some Bostonlan scientist has already
prepared a table of codfish sounds and'
their meanings, so that a fisherman
may sit still with line or net and call
the fish to him at will. San Francisco
Colors Known Centuries Ago.
Colors are of great antiquity, and fre
quent mention is made ot them in the
BiHU; they played an important part
in ligious rites and ceremonials. To
the .bohineal insects we ore indebted
for carmine and scarlet; ivory and bone
black are produced from ivory chip
pings; the cuttlefish supplies sepia;
aud from the camel we have Indian
gold. Turkey red is proenred from,
the madder plant, which grows in
Hindoostan; Prussian blue is manu
factured by fusing horses' hoofs with
impure potassium carbonate; the na
tural ei.rth of Sienna furnishes raw
isienna, and that of Umbria, when
burnt, umbsr.
ntlAIW STtl
Fl.Ol'rt UbIIo. llestrat 60
Illnrh Oraile Kxtrn 4 0O
WHEAT No. 2 Unci f.8 H
COltN No. 3 White) 87 !
Onts Koutliern A Tenn... as 29
It YE No. 2 Sil 67
HAY Choice Timothy.. 14 (0 15(10
Oood to Prime 13 50 14 0i
rTHAW HVe Iu ear Ids . ISM J4UO
Vt'hent Blocks 7 IK) 7 M
Ontlllocks H60 1) 00
rANNr.n mmiuw
TOMATOES Html. No, .1 m 70
No. 2 6"
TEAS Stamlanla 1 10 1 40
rleconds.ij 80
COIIN Dry ruck HO
Moist , 00
Clly Coirs (I!,- 0)i
roTTor.s tun ?r.(iTitiit,A
roTATOKo-Jliirlmnks. . 8S 40
ONIONH 35 il
non mot)UCTa-uu tt 7
Clmir rllial.ltw 7 7
Hams U Yii
Mi'ch Pork. pr bur JOM)
I.A1ID Cm.le 4
isert rellnetl 7
BUTTP.n FlneCrmy.... '25 3t
I' li.ler Fine 21 24
Creamery noils 25 26
CHEERE N. Y. Fwioy... 12 IS
N. . riHta ISlf J4
r-klm Cueotie 7.4
EOflfl Ptate 21 4y 22
North Carolina 19 20
CHICKENB 8'f 9 a
Pucks, per lb 8
TOBACCO Mil. In(er'a..t I 59 ) 150
NoiiDrt common I O 4 60
Middling 01 70
tauoy 101) J K0J
uv srooc
PEEF Best Beeves 4 30 9 470
HIIICEP 8 00 8 60
Uoga 4 V0 61J
MU6KBAT 10 9 It
llaoiioon 40 45
Heel E01 J 00
hkiink lllauk. . SO
Opomiiio 22 23
Mink fcO
Utter I0O
vew tons;
fLOCB Southern t 8 85 4 4 50
WHKAT No. 2 Ue4 72 7
lll'k rVmlr 6 US
COltN No. 2 t9 40
OA'IH Nu. 8 80 81
IIU'ITEH Hluto 11 S5
tl(KIH Htsto i'i 23
lHLi.bE btit 11 1D4
ri.OOn Southern 8 85 m 4 20
COllN No. 8 , 88 8i
OATH No. 2 81 Si
Dim'ICH mate 24 - J
kOOB-l'auna ft . 81 '. Si