The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, November 30, 1899, Image 2

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I.juls A'um'. I'll F rt M nro nf.lllcry
Dinn, l uilei'. a iy knowlod of what lie did
tthetlmi hl a leiirt I or hiving killed
Annie llonodh-t. He nduUtcd that blood
stained jlutlitu foial In liU box at t'.ie fart
W bin.
Ellery P. In f ia n. ex-U lil'd Mate dis
trict atturmy, a i.l hlilu partner ami ter
mor aislitmt, H trvey K. NiUt, w-)r h-ii-tenoed
lu Piillalolphla to Imprisonment fjr
two year n:id nit in tilths.
The uew battleship K intucky In hor offi
cial upend trial off tlio Mass icliututU const,
made a record of over 111 knots au hour
gainst tide, wind aad heavy hoaJ una fur
bait the course.
Harearit Bill Aithonv, the marine who
announced the sinking of the Milne, com
mitted suicide lu New V -rk,
William Hummed. uccucd of tbo murder
of hl.4 wife a:id chlidriu, .n arrested uear
Wl linuisport, l'a.
John Tatoa, a waiter. wa fatal 'y stubbsd
With an umbrella lu a Chicago restaurant.
John U. Hkeltou, found ir of the ltlchinond
Mica Works, died In Ulchtnond,. Va.
E.I Lucky and Tom Mitchell were executed
In Darlington, H. C, for rape.
ltev. Edwin A. Hehell resigned ai secretary
of the Epworth League.
The city of Tucson. Ariz., accepted Cur
ncgle's offer of a library.
The Anti-Trust League wan incorporated
In Albany, N. Y.
The General Assembly, Knights of Labor
adopted resolutions condemning coiiiMuaV
tlons nud trusts, anil chnriicterlvdiig Presl
dent McKiuluy a the "nUtcr enemy of la
in." MissMury Cimplmll Q ilnn, d uig'iter of
James (Veil Qulnn, and Lloyd Lowndes, Jr.,
on of Governor Lowndes, of Maryland,
were married in the First Presbyterian
Church nt Chllllcothe. O.
Thomas OilYu, a pension attorney of Chnt
tanoogu, Tenn., who whs disbarred for al
leged crookedness, sued Commissioner of
Pensions Evans for tilS.OOO dumug s.
The motion to throw out the vote of Louis
ville In the Kentucky Htato eleo.lon has been
referred by the Jefferson county canvassers
to the State election I oard.
Louis A'lgtut, ai artilleryman at Fort
Monroe, Va., confessed that he bad mur
dered and mutilated two women living in
the tenderloin dlHtrlet of rhocbus, Va.
The women of South Carolina have ten
dered a Kold medal to Lieutenant Victor
Blue for bis gallant services during the war.
The monuments and markers erected on
the battled dds about Chattanooga by the
btate of Illinois were dedicated.
Joseph Kicbards, aged twenty-three yenrs,
committed suicide In. Macon, Oh., as tUn re
sult of religious mania. s
William Hay, fon of Congressman Huy,
was held up, assaulted and robbed near
Btutinton. Va.
Mary U i -ket was forcibly taken from her
aunt, Mrs. John Eagan, lu Chicago, and kid
napped. Ex-Postmaster William H. C illahan wiu
arrested lu Oaktlcld, Va., for appropriating
public money.
A woman and herthreechlldren w re mur
dered In their borne, near Montgomeiy, l'u.
Ground was broken at Chelsea. Atlantic
City, for a mammoth hotel to be built there.
One man was killed and six Injured by an
explosion lu a trench In New York.
The deed conveying the home presented
by the people to Admiral Dewey from Mrs.
Mildred McL"iin Dewey to George Goodwin
Dewey, the Admiral's only son, whs placed
on record In Washington.
By ft rear-end eolll-lon penr Mi Cool's
Station, led., on the Hulllmore and Ohio,
Engineer Bradford, of the passenger train,
was killed. Engineer Haub r and two lire
men were Injured.
Tbe General Assemby of the Knights of
Labor, in session at Boston, adopted a reso
lution favorable to the organization of
women's district assemblies,
A delegation from tbe I'amunky tribe of
Indians paid the tribe's annual tribute -a
(lain deer and wild turkey to Governor
Tyler, of Virginia.
D. W. Pope and D. M. Ferdlie, two
Georgia countrymen, blew out tbe gus Id
their room at a Hnvannuh boarding-house,
mnd were asphyxiated.
Fo ir hundred and fifty 8uo and Fox In
dians are reported to be ready to go on the
warpath on account of their alleged griev
ances. The Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company
of America whs Incorporated at Trenton,
with an authorized capital or $10,000,000.
The solid sliver loving cup presented to
Admiral Hchley by citizens of St. Louis baa
reached bimon bis flagship.
Martin V. Bergen dled'ilt Princeton, N. J.,
from tbe effects of a hazing tit Lawreuee
vllle. The lower bouse of tbo General Assembly
of Georgia pussed the Prohibition bill.
The window-glass jobbers, at their meeting
In New York, organized nn association, to be
known as the Wludcw-Olnss Jobbers' Asso
ciation, which, It Is Htild. will avert war
between the American ami the Independent
(lass manufacturing companies,
Oscar Fleming, the Virgluia magistrate,
accused of murder, ami who killed a man
in an attacking mob, visited Norfolk, nnd
while lu a hardware store was arrested on u
technical chnrge.and locked up to keep him
out of the builds uf the crowd.
A pitched battle occurred at Fort lllng
(told, io Grande City, between a voni uny
of colored cavalry of the regular army uud
a body of citizens. T ho casualties an as
yet unknown.
Miss Ilattlo Hml h. thn eighteen-yeur- ld
daughter of a f.iim-r iu Wisconsin, bos
beeu chosen by her graiiduuele lu Heotli.ud
tut bis heir to a million dollurs.
The Southern Itul'road has completed end
Is now operating a now link betweeu Co
lumbia and Gerry, rt. ('., which parallels tbe
Keuboard Air Line.
There is greut excitemeut lu the Georgia
legislature over a bill providing for state
The organization of n new pn'rlntlc society,
railed the Mpuuisu War .Veterans, has been
The Democrntlo National Executive Com
mittee ended Its sessions lu Chicago.
Only seven Jurors for the tt I ill of Mollueux
In New York have been Becured.
Tbe Kentucky Democratic state ennpnlgu
eommltti e concedes that Taylor, Itepubllcan
candidate fir governor, has a majority on
the face of the returns, but hope to elect
Uoebel by throwing out the vote of Louis
ville. The Democratic National Executive Com
mittee met lu Chicago, thus Inaugurating
the presidential campaign. Keiiator Jones
buid the silver plank of the Chicago plat
form would be renniriucd.
The Dclmarvla Telephone Company, ol
Wilmington, and the Maryland Telephone
Company have made a combination to su
euro long-dlstunce service on the peninsula.
After uu absence of thirty years, James
Edwards returned to Philadelphia, and
found that bis wife bad secured a dlvorue
suul married aguin,
Hallltfu orders buve been given Admiral
ttcbley. Jld will proceed to llutnos Ayres,
touching at lllo Janeiro to coal,
Ilecordcr Goff declined a motion for a new
trial for "Badger" Moore, sentenced to nluu
teeu years iu prison,
Mrs. Henrietta Bamberger, the midwife
was indicted for causing the death of four
women and one child.
Is a light between Cnptf" Elhrldgtt Bol
ersou and Captain Dell pllia- on a boat at
Belfast, Me., both weutud lllttrd, and Kol
rou was drowned, cooking;
di rio m:Iv.k a hi:h .k,
Ilatle.., With Ills Clothing Torn and Mud
Si.attered, Hi ItldiM Into la) anibnii,
hanges Horses and Hashes Off Again -The
Anifrleun lorecs cilltlmie Tlielr
llapld Advance.
Ma-illa, flly Cable.) Agulnnldo, accom
panied by several of Ills followers, have been
seen In full night. A Hpaulsh corporal, cap
tured by the Filipinos, hmurrlvod here from
Tarla . I( says he saw Aguinuldo, aecom
pa dod by n proiilnent leailcr nnd Ilfteen
men, arrive a. D ivati ui n, during the night
of November 1:1, hatlees, his clothes torn and
spatture I wltli in id. and bis horse exhaust
ed. A (uinttldo, I', appears, rested a short
time, s.'eined anxious, consulted with bis
oompiudons and tho villagers ai to the nature
of the roal', s jctirjd fresli horses nnd pro
ceed nl I n.ncilla'.cly toward Mangalaren, iu
rangn.ilnau irovlnce, west of Dayambam.
The corporal tells a straight story, giving
minute d itnlls. H i Is convinced he Is not
mls'.a'eu, having seen Agulnnldo several
times during recent month.. Agulnnldo, it
appears, would have had time to leave Dn
yanibrn November 1:1, und puss through
Gjueral Wlioatou's linns November 17.
Aitrirican O.Hcors Wuiinded,
Severe fl r uing lu the north of Ilollo be
gan Tue-,lay. November '11. Four Americans
were killed and twenty-live were wounded,
Including three oflbiers. Tho insurgents urn
retreating to Kantn Barbara, but the light
ing continues.
G 'ucral Mu"Arthur hat returned to Tar
bio, and hat estVillshod Ids head (ilarters at
Agulnaldo's former residence. During the
eutlro tnoveinent from Geronii to Dugupan
not a shot was llreil. The liihnbllnnts of
San Carlos met the Amerlcnns with n baud
formerly attached to tho insurgent army, nnd
the alcalde tmnyor). with ?! tueral MiicArthur
and Cjloael Bill, lu a carrluge, headed n
proeesflon through the town. General Mae
Arthur reeelved an ovation. Explaining
the Amerlcu-is' Intentions, he announced
that tby intended to garrison nil the towns
on the railroads. Iluud eds of men are lu
tho Held, harvesting rice, along the railroad.
The forelguurs In tho territory ussert that
Agulnnldo was not expecting the American
advance for a month, when the rnliis would
have Mulshed, lie bad permitted a large
part of his army to scatter to their homes
and do the harvesting. The soldiers bud
bidden their rilles ubout their homos. If
this Is true, muuy rlllos are likely to be
brought In, to secure the 30 offered for
ra'jh weapon seized.
A llllllliiol Stroke.
Captain L-onhuuser's capture of the town
of O'Do.-mel wat it remarkable stroke. His
command consisted of three eompinHs of
tbo Twenty-fifth ltegiment. Captain Al
bright and LieiitenntilH Bates and Morton
commanding, lie started at six o'clock lit
night and marched fifteen miles iu tho mud.
Toe only rvgular upproach was along a road
uud over a river whose bridge was strongly
fortflled. The entrance of the towu was eu
treneln d. The soldiers lcrt the road nnd
followed a cattle trail to the reur of the
town. At daylight tho command supurnted,
oae compuiiy advancing on the back of the
town nud the other flanking it. Tbe Insur
gent force was asleep, except those at tho
outposts, who were euptured without shoot
ing. One platoon ran down the mala street
to u trench and the other deta.'bnieuts mude
a quick search, of the houses. An ofllcer,
describing the scene, said:
"The negro soldiers were pouring out of
every house, dragging sleepy, frighten, d
Filipino warriors by the collar uud kicking
them Into the street. It was a race to see
which company wou'd corral tho most Fili
pinos. The women and children, believing
the stories told that the negro soldiers were
cannibals, shrieked frightlully. After nil the
rifles bad been secured the Filipinos were
surprised by being told to go to their homes
und attend to work."
Uenerul Metliuen lteporls That tho llrlt
Ish Were Victorious -A Numher of
OlHcers Were Wounded.
London, (By Cable.) The Secretary of
War received the following despatch.
1 through Gen. Forostlur-Walker, from Gen.
Methuen, duttd Belmont, November 23:
"Attacked the ouemy at daybreak. He
was In a strong position. Three ridges
were carried lu succession, the last attack
being prepared by shrupuel, 1
"The infantry behaved splendldiy, and
received support from the navui brlgu le and
artillery. The enemy fought with courage
and skill. Had I attacked Inter, I shuuld
have had far heavier loss.
"Our victory was complete. Have taken
forty prisoners. Am burying a good num
ber of the Boers, but tbe greater part of the
enemy's killed and wounded weru removed
by their comrades. Have euptured a largo
number of horses and cows, and destroyed
a large quantity of ammunition."
The situation in Natal- remains obscure.
Fighting Is reported at both Estcourt und
Lndysinlth. It was at first reported that
beuvy flriug had been heard iu the direction
of Willow Grange. lua llug to u belief that
Oeuural lllldyard bad mude a sortie. Later
despatches aunounce that General White
sortled from Ludysmlth and Inflicted a dem
oralizing defeat upon the Bjurs.
It would be premature to give full cred
ence to either reporr. What Is quite certain
Is that Ladysmith, Kttcourt aud Mooi lilver
Hlatlons are all Isolated, and tbe B Jure seem
able, after detaching enough troops to hold
three British forces aggregating 17,000 men,
to push on toward l'loternuuitzburg wlib
some 7,000 men.
A disquieting feature of the whole cam
paign Is the fact that all the advancing
British generals report meeting the Boers iu
force. Iu view of the brilliant success of
General Jouliert In partially paralyzing the
relieving columns, the question Is being
asked, what would base happened bad he at
the outset of the war, Instead of silting
down before Ladysuiltli, pushed ou to I'll
terniarltzburg' General Gatuere'i) ro rrt that tho Dutch
are rising Increases public anxiety, us it
tends to coullriu rumors that buve long beeu
The Killer Arrives .-Belgian King Hrlng
the Hotly of Major Howard.
Huu Frunclseo, Cul.,lt Hpeelul.)- The record
for a round trip to Manila Is held by the
United Htates transport George W. Elder,
having madu the rouud trip lu sixty-one
days, rlhe sailed n few hours ahead of the
B dglan Klug, which Is now due. The Bel
gian King Is bringing the body of Major Guy
Howard, son of General 6. O. II iward, re
tired, who was killed last October. He was
passing up tho Itlo Grande Itlver, near
Arayut, lu a luuuch, when be was shot by a
native concealed along thu stream.
A Negro Itldtlled With lIlilloU.
Jackson, Ga., (tlpoclal.) Word wasn.
celved here that a small posse of citizens,
who have been searching for tho negro who
attempted an assault on Mrs. John Thomas
MuClure, came upou the man la a swamp,
ou the Ocmulgee lllvor, near here, late Moo
dily night, and Immediately riddled his body
with bullets. It U reported' that ho was
burled lu the swamp,
Tuosou Aceepl Carnegie's Offjr.
Tucson, Ariz., (Special.) -Andrew Car
negie's offer of t'JS.OOD for a public library
building hus been aeeeptad, the city council
voting a slu. on tbe military plaia aad t'J.OOO
per auuuua for the maintenance of the
Sceretnry Long llellcves That the "avy Is
In Need of Three fhlps of This t'lnss,
Washington, (Apr-clnl.) - Secretary Long
will recommend to Congress a program for
new naval construction, which will be In ac
cordance with the policy that has been pur
sued for tho past three years. He will ask
for three armored cruisers of about 13,0011
tons displacement: three protected cruisers
of about 8,000 tons, nnd a dozen gunboats of
900 tons, making clgteen ships in all.
Tho armored cruisers will be enlarged
Brooklyns, Improved In many details, nnd
will be the biggest shl S In the United Mates
navy. In tho opinion of experts they will
be equal to the battleships of several naval
powers In strength, and will have great
The protected cruisers will bo of the
Olympla type, fleet, powerful sea boats, with
numerous batteries of guns of medium cali
ber nnd rapid flrers, relying for protection
ngalnst gun fire entirely upon a curved pro
tective deck nud eonl bunkers.
The gunboats will be about the size of tho
little .Marietta, and from their light draft
will be of great service Id the shallow waters
of the gulf ports and In tbe Chinese rivers,
as well as In the new Insular possessions of
tho United Htates, for police duty In times of
peace. The program is made up without
reference to what has already been author
ized in thn way of new ships. In other
words, the ships will he additional to those
authorized by tho last Congress, although
most of the tatter have not been coutractcd
for, becauao of the. armor limitation.
Desperate Conflict that Knded Fatally for
Man and llruto.
Htroudsburg, Va., (Ppoclnl.) Reuben
Harps, a Wilkesbarro, l'a., hunter, was
found on the "Tocono Mountains, near
MiiuITerB, this county, unconscious, and
horribly lacerated. Besido him lay dead a
huge black bear. HnrS started on bin hunting-trip
on Monday. Ou Tuesday bis dog
returned to tbe village covered with blood,
uud n searching-party of twenty men stnrted
to seek for Harps. He was llniilly found in
a dense thicket aud In a dying condition.
There Is every evidence that a desperate
struggle bad taken place.
l alal Itrar-Knd Collision.
Cleveland, Ohio, (Special.) Westbound
passenger train No. 6, ou the Baltimore and
Ohio roud, run into the rear end of a west
bound freight train near McC'ools Station,
Indiana, while running at a high rate of
speed, causing a bad wreck, killing Eugineei
Bradford, of the pussenger train, and Injur
ing Euglneur Snrber nud two firemen. The
accident occurred dnriiig a dense fog. The
passenger train was drawn by two engines.
Euglueer Bradford, wno was killed, was on
the second engine, while Engineer Hurbe;
was at tbe throttle of tho Hrst engine. No
one was hurt on the freight train. Both
passenger engines, two postal cars aud three
express cars were derailed and thrown into
tho ditch. Tho officials of the company stale
that no passengers were injured.
Wiped Out by a Tornado.
Fort Smith, Ark., (Special.) A telephone
message from Paris, Logan county, reports
the town of Magazine destroyed by a tor
nado. Magazine is on the new Choctaw und
Memphis Bond, sixty miles enst of Fort
Smith. All efforts to roach Magazine by
wire failed. Boouevllle, ten miles from
Magazine, suffered a sevyro storm, houses
being blown down and cattle killed.
' Macon's Mayor Dciul
Macon, Ga., (SnecUI. ) Mayor S. B. Price,
of Macon, died Wednesday. He was ouo of
the most widely known public men In the
State. He st rved with distinction In the Cod
feilerute urhiy. He was elected mayor in
1S81, which position he has occupied con
tinuously, with the exception of two yenrs
lHIH-lK'JS when be was legislated out of
ofllee. Those years he served as postmaster
of Macon,
Ilodles of the Maine's Victims.
Washington. iHueclal.) The Nuvv Tie
partment bus about concluded nrrnngemeuts J
ior iiringiug 10 tuiB cauniry tlio Douiesoi the
106 sailors of tbo Maine now Interred iu
Colon Cemetery, Havana. It Is ,uow pro
posed to assign a warship to this duty be
tween December and February next. Tho
bodies will be brought to Washington aud
interred lu Arlington National Cemetery
with suitable honors.
Fell Over a Thousand Feet.
Muhnuoy City, Ta., (Special.) Oeorgo
Townsend.nged twenty-one years, employed
at the Gilberton colliery, near here, fell
down tht mine water slinft, a distance of
LOW feet, aud was Instantly killed. This is
the greatest full ever chronicled In similar
mining fatalities in the southern authrnclte
coal fields.
Fatul ItesuH of a lluxlng.
Princeton, N. J., (Special.) Martlu V.
Bergen, son of Councilman Peter V. Bergen,
nf this place, died from receiving a hazing at
Lawroucuville. He died of inflammation of
t'ae bowels.
Young Bergen was twelve years old, nud a
freshmuu at Lnwreucuvllle. He was being
put through the Initiation, when one of tho
buzers accidentally fell upon him.
Lived to a lllpo Old Age.
Mnrtiusburg, W. Va.. (Speclal.)-Mlss
Elizabeth Jones died Frldny night on Camp
bell's Creek, nged one hundred and three
years. She would bnve been one hundred
and four years of age bad she lived until
January next. Her death was caused by the
general breaking down of the vital powers.
Accident to Secretary Adee.
Washington, (Special.) Second Assistant
Secretary of State Adee sustained a pnlnful,
though not duugerous, Injury, through a fall
from his bicycle. He sustained a sevore dis
location of tbe ie(t shoulder, which Will con
fine him to his home for a fortnight, at
O IT for the riilllppluu.
New York, (Hi eclul.) With flags flying
aud soldiers cheering, aud with the band of
the Forty-llrst Infantry on her deck, playing
"The Girl I Left Behlud Me," the United
Stutes transport Logan steamed down the
buy, uud out to sen, ou her way to the Phil
ippines. Carina; for Spanish Prisoners.
Madrid, (By Cable.) An official despatch
from Manila says that two hundred Spuulsh
prisoners have beeu sent to the Province of
Puuuy, and that the Americans hnvn con
sented that a vessel with food and clothing
shall be sent to gut them,
Yellow Fever Has Itmi Its Course.
Washington, (Special.) Reports rocelved
by Sorgouu Geucral Wyuiun, of the Marino
Hospital Service, show that tho yellow fever
hus ubout run Its course at Key West, Fin.,
where it was so severe during the latter part
uf the summer.
font rurt for Dry dock.
Washington, (Special.) The Navy De
partment has itwurdcd the contract for the
dry dock at I eague Isluud Navy Yard, Phil
adelphia, to .he Atlantic Gulf nud Pacific
Company, for 1782,01.0.
I Virginia l'lmlomce.
Wiishlu,' ton. (Hpeelul.)-Tbe postofflce at
Crew, Virginia, will become presidential on
January 1. Salary of the postmaster will
be tl.UHtt '
I Bill of Sir William Dawsou.
Montreal, (Special.) -Blr William Dawson,
the wul. -known educator and geologist, lata
principal of MoUlll Collegsls dintd.
Surrounded by Ills Family and riiyslclan.
He Lapses Into Cnconst'loiisness Mes
sages of Coiiilnlciire from President
MeKlnley and other Distinguished Per
ons Iteenived by Mrs. Hubert.
Taterson, N. J., (Special.) -The long Ill
ness of Hon. Onrrot A. Hobart. Vice Presi
dent of the United htates, ended nt 8.30
o'clock Tuesday morning, whon the distin
guished sufferer passed peacefully nwny at
his home, "Carroll Hall." Around his bed
side during tho waning hours were his wife,
bis son, Garret A. Hobart, Jr.; his family
physician, Dr. W. K. Newton, nnd Mrs. New
ton and Private Secretary Fred Evans, Jr.
Mr. Hobart's death had been expected for
some hours. Thu beginning of thoendcamo
Monday afternoon, when there was a sudden
failure of the heart, and from this attack
Mr. Hobart never rallied. Ho bad been sick
for a long time and bad suffered frequently
from heart failure, and his strength had
been undermined. Gradually tho failure of
tho heart's action became moro apparent,
nnd soon after midnight Mr. Hobart became
unconscious. Ho remained in that condition
uutil bis death.
Mr. Hobart's denth whs duo directly to
angina pectoris, complicating myocarditis.
The services were held in the Church of
tho Redeemer, here, and tho Interment in
the family lot, lit Cedar Lawn, where tho
only daughter of Mr. nud. Mrs. Hobart was
burled s'ix years ngo. Rev. Dr. Magco
preached the sermon.
Nearly all the representatives of foreign
nations in this country sent messages of yym
pathy to Mrs. Hobart. One of the llrs't to
express bis sorrow at the death of the Vice
President was President MeKlnley, who bad
been notified by telephone ly Private Secre
tary Evans, Attorney General Griggs, who
was in Washington, went to Patcrson nnd
took charge of all tho details of tho funeral.
Amotig others who sent messages of con
dolence were sir Julian Pauncefoto, the
British ambassador; Count G. Dc Lichter
velde, envoy extraordinary and minister
plenipotentiary of Belgium; Count Cusslni,
Russian ambassador; former Vice President
Stevenson, Admiral Schley, Governor Voor
hees, of New Jersey; United Stntes Senator
Sewell, of New Jersey; Simotor llannn, of
Ohio; Gen. Russell A. Alger, Senator Foru
kcr, Senator Fairbanks, General Castillo.
Colonel Hayes captured Agulnaldo's sec
retary, and thu sou uud family of Gen. Llnn
eras are prisoners. The Insurgents nro
showing symptoms of demoralization, and
run as soon as they hear the American yell.
Former Chief Justice Chnmbors hnd a
conference with Secretary Hay ubout tho
government of the Islund of Tutulla.
General Gomez declines tho offer of Cu
bans to raise a fund for him.
The cruisor Now Orleans renched Port
Snld, on her way to Manila.
Tho cruiser Charleston, which struck nn
uncharted 'coral reef of the Philippine
coast, Is a total wreck.
Major John A. Lognn, Jr., was killed In
the Pnlllpplnes while lending a charge.
American troops lu North Luzon captured
the wardrobe of Agulnaldo's wife Aguiu
uhlo hl.nself Is believed to be out of danger
lor the present.
Major John A. Logan, who was killed in
ncllon. was buried lu Puoo Cemetery,
Discussion in favor of and ugalnst com
plete Cuban Independence Is going on ac
tively lu the Havunn press.
General MacArthur continues his advance
northwurd on tbo Isluud of Luzon. At
Geronii ho foyud a better clans of natives,
who welcomed the Americans. At Moneada
a train was wrecked by the insurgents on
the main track, und tho advance was tem
porarily cheeked.
Rebel trenches at .Taro wore attacked by
one American company. Throo of tho eue
my were killed. One Amorlcun was killed.
The President refused to accept the resig
nation of Mr. Damon, thu Hawaiian Minister
of Finnuce.
A Fanner's Dasghter to Ilrlgliten the l.nut
Years or a Itich 1'iicle.
Stevens Point, Wis., (Special. )-Miss Hut
tie Smith, the eighteen-year-old daughter of
a retired farmer, Thomas Smith, bus beeu
chosen as heiress to one million dollars.
Miss Smith's grnndunelo, Richard Smith, ii
wealthy business mau of Glasgow, Scotland,
has signed n contract to settle one million
dol ars on Miss Smith when sho arrived at
twenty-one, lu consideration of her going to
Glasgow Jo live with tuo old gentleman and
brighten bis last years. She will go to Glas
gow lu August. Her uncle is ninety-two
years old.
The Wife of the Frlme Minister tif Fng
lalld a Victim of Paralysis.
London, (By Cable.).-. Lady Salisbury,
wife of the Premier, who has been lu ill
health for a long lime past, suffering a sec
ond stroke of paralysis In July lust, died
nt Hutflell House. She was a daugh
ter of the late Sir Edward Hall Aldersou, a
baron of the Court of Exchequer, nud was
married to the Marquis of Salisbury In 1M7.
A Noted Southern Woman Head.
Jackson, Miss., (Special,) Mrs. Ben G.
Humphries, honorable president of tlio Mis
sissippi Chapter, Daughters of the Confed
eracy, died lit her home in Greenwood, aged
seyenty-three yeers. Sho was the widow nf
ISilijumlu G. Humphries, the war governor
of Mississippi.
Sllnt HU At'CiiKoi' In a Cemetery
Kokomo, Iud., (Special.) - In the elly
oemotery hern William Clubs shot aud
killed James Horn, Horn bad applied for
divorce, accusing Clubs of wrecking his
homo. They met In the cemetery by chance.
Clubs was arrested.
Emperor William, the Einprots aud two of
their sous embarked at Kiel on the Imperial
yuoht for England.
The burning steamer Putrln was abandoned
at sea by tbo captain, utter desperate efforts
to bring, her to land.
Tbe Khedive unveiled at Port Suld a mon
ument to the latu Oou4t Ferdinand de Lea
se ps.
Sir Richard Moon died In Loudon,
Herr Morltz Busch, author of a "Life of
Prince Bismarck," died lu Leipzig, .
United States Consul General C. P, Great
house died at Seoul October 21.
An earthquake shock caused a panla ut
Verona, Italy.
Mall advices from Apia, Samoa, under date
of November !), state that while tbe natives
were then quiet, weapons were becoming
more plentiful among them, showing thut
tbe confiscation of tbelr arms bad not been
complete. Tbe Associated Press correspond
ent says that "unless annexation is the solu
tion of the gainoan squabble, war will bo
Orln Springer was killed and William
Busby wounded lu a light oa tbo lutter'i
furm, near Kokomo, lad.
Admiral Dewey's Action a Surprise to Ills
Friend, Who Consider It as Show
ing a Lack of Tact.
Washington, (Special.) Admiral Dowey
transferred to his wife tbo houso which tbo
people of this country presented to him.
The legal papers were Hied. Two papers
figure In the transaction. The first is a
deed in trust, by which George Dewey ct ux.
transfer to John W. Crawford, the consider
tllon being 1, tho west 27 feet of lot CO and
part of lot 81, square 15S, lu Lathrop's sub
division; also tbe chattels at 1747 Rhode
Island avenue, In trust, to convey to Mil
dred McLean Dewey.
Tho second paper Is a dood by which John
W. Crawford, ns trustee, conveys to Mil
dred MeLenn Dewey, tho consideration bo
lng$10, the wost 27 feet of lot 80, and part
of lot 01, In Lathrop's sub-dlvlslon of square
159; also the obatteis at 1747 Rhode Island
A dospntch one day last week announced
that It was believed that Admiral Dewey
was about to take this step, nnd that his
friends were dismayed at tho mere sugges
tion. A member of the Cabinet who bad
taken a deep interest In raising tho funds
for the bouse vigorously denied tbe truth' of
the story, on the ground that he could not
bollove it possible that Admiral Dowey
would do ipeh a thing.
Tho story Is widespread thnt a threat of
legal action by a former sweetheart of the
Admiral Is responsible for tbo Admiral's act.
It Is said that she was employed In the
Treasury Department whon the Admiral was
a commodore stntlonod In Washington. The
attentions of the gallant sailor to the Treas
ury clerk were so marked as to cause geu
cral comment.
When the Olympla steamed Into New York
harbor on tho 2!Hb of last September one of
the thousnnds who crowded ovt ; tho vessel's,
side to greet tho hero of Manila whs a band
some blonde. She mndo her way to the
quarter deck, where the Admlrnl nnd his
faithful aide. Lieutenant Brumby, were
standing. A number of newspaper report
ers were close by, nnd the next dny tholr
various papers gave a pretty description of
the bewitching blonde who clasped the
hand of the Fullor and raised ber lips tempt
ingly to his. Dowey hesitated, and may
bnve been about to press a kiss but Brumby
Intervened, nnd the sluyor of tho Spaniards
was not Hobsoulzed.
Civil War Veteran Die from Injury Ito
relveil During the Ceremonies.
Cnrbondnlo, III., (Special. Lafayette Den
son, of De Soto, n vetrrau of the Civil War,
)b dend from injuries received while being
Initiated Into the Select Knight of the Royal
Arch, u secret society, composed of men In
terested In tho sale of liquors.
In tho testimony given before the Coro
ner's Jury, it appears that among other In
struments used in the tultatlon is a device
whloh resembles a paddle. It bns a barrel
four Inches In length, containing a 32-callbre
cartridge. The cartridge used Is blank, nnd
is oxplodod by a sharp tap agulnst an
Gus Glcsek, a travollng salesman, hnd
charge of the ceremonies. Through some
unknown causo tho instrument lu Mr. Gle
sok's hands turned and the wad and powder
went into Mr. Deason's right hip. The in
jury was at Hrst thought to be trivial, but
next day (last Monday), Mr. Deason's bip
began to swell, nud he died in awful agony.
Accidental Drowning of John Ilurley
Near N'ewville. '
Carlisle, Tn., (Spoclal.) Tho body of John
Hurley, a young man aged twenty-sfx, re
siding near Newvlllo, was found floating In
the Big Spring. The body hnd been In wa
ter seventeen days and presented a ghastly
appearance. It was greatly discolored and
swollen. Tbe finger tips were eaten off by
tho fishes In the stream. Tbe young man
was a mason by occupation.
After ha quit work he stnrted for his home
about two miles away, when It was raining
very bard. There is a steep clay bank about
'.he stream, where be Is supposed to have
fallen In. This was evidently slippery from
the rain, nnd In the darkness he must have
made a misstep, precipitating him into the
Symbolized In Statue Unveiled by French
Paris, (By Cable.) Prosidont Loubet un
veiled in the Place do la Nation Sunday a
Itatue symbolizing tho triumph of the Re
public. Premier Waldnck-Rousseau and all the
other members of the Cabinet were present.
The ceremony was witnessed by an immense
There wns an Imposing procession of
municipal officers nnd labor delegations. M.
Loubot wns greeted with c boors.
Funston lteturnlug to Munlla.
Ban Frunclseo, (Special.) Gen. Fred
erick Funston, accompanied I y his wife, has
arrived at Oaklund, en route to Munlla,
where be will report for duty to General
Toledo sign writers are organized.
Mlunoapolu has a Packmen's union.
'Frisco has a Lutlu curpentors' union.
Syracuse has a municipal lodging house.
Tug flreineu at Buffalo demand (50 a
Grand Rapids has a Ladies' Union Label
Tho weekly payment of rent Is the rule ol
There are 3,3 0 union patternmakers In
the United Status.
The Initiation fco of the 'Frisco painters'
union is tlO.
Scotland blast furnace mou have been
conceded an advance of G pur cent.
A Toronto druggist was fined for selling
soda water und Ice oream on Sunduy.
The ooppcr mines cf Upper Michigan are
uow giving smploymeut to 13,851 meu.
Tho State railways of New Zealand con
tinue to show slguB of Increasing prosperity,
Kansas City journeymen horseshoers gut
(3.5J for nine hours. A set of shoes ousts
tue.owuiT of a horse from 12 to $2.5 .
Tho followiug Increased Initiation fees by
'Frisco unions are announced: Plasterers',
20; Paperhuugers ami Fresco Painters', 15;
Pulnters', C10.
At New York Carpenters' Union, 309 (cnb-iuet-mnkcrs),
has voted against tho proposi
tion of the district council to increase tho
initiation fee from t5 to fi).
Press Assistants' Uniou, at Cincinnati, now
has au enrollment of 250 members. The ofll
cers report It Is Impossible to supply the
local demand for union men.
At Boston tho Central Labor Union, nt Its
special meeting, tabled a circular from tbe
Purnell memorial committee, conveying a
vote of thanks, because It did not bear the
printers' label. '
Chicago Typographical Union, No, 16,
voted In the different offices on the proposi
tion to make tbe Job scale of wages 918 a
week for tbo nine-hour dny, to go Into effeot
on November 21. The proposition was car
ried by a vote of 704 to 57. This was almost
exclusively a job printers' vote.
Tbe Piano and Orgun Workers' Union re
ceived tbe indorsement of tbe Chicago Fed
eration of Labor. A total of 8.600 piano and
organ makers are Idle. Tbe wages paid In
.the piano and organ fuotorles have been 60
Iper oent. lower during tbe past Ave years
than ever before in tbe history of tbe piano
'business. Tbe proposed scale of tbe union
I Is from 18 per cent to 25 per cent below tbe
soale of wages prior tolU3,
Oerona the First Town Along the Line
From Which Resident Did Not Flee at
American's Approach Filipinos Work
Track Two Engines and 54 Cars Found
riled In a Wreck.
Oeronn, Luzon, (By Cable.) General
MacArthur hns entered Oeronn, which Is
78 miles north of Manila. Ho then pushed
on to Pnnlquo and Moneada, a lew miles
Tho Filipino soldiers had Jled from Oero
na, after bu.'iifng thn depot. Nothing else
was destroyed by them.
Oerona Is tho first town along the Manila
Dngupan Railway Line, from which the resi
dents dlil not ruu at the approach of the
Americans. Tho priests offered quarters In
tho church and convent. Oerona Is the scat
of heavy English sugar Interests.
The people hero are of a better class than
the Americans have usually found. General
MacArthur said:,
"We seem to bo entering a different polit
ical atmosphere. The people of Oerona
seem to be less attached to Agulnaldo's
causo thnn those In many towns we have
entered on tho railroad line."
Thu trip here was a hard one and occupied
six hours In covering seven miles and a half,
most of tho time being spent In fording a
quarter of n mile of the flood running out of
the Rio Tarlae. General MacArthur has no
wagons. Tack mules and nntivo bearers
carry nil his supplies.
The command moved northward nt day
break toward Bnyotnbong, where Agulnnldo
Is supposed to be. Oerona will be garrl
Boned by two companies of tho Thirty-sixth
Slnven's scouts moved up the rnllwny
track toward Panique, a few miles beyond
Oerona. On the way they encountered nn
entrcuchod pnrty of Filipinos, whom thoy
drove back. Then, entering the town, they
captured four locomotives and 13 cars. They
learned that 500 Filipino soldiers had left
tho town the same afternoon.
Lnter, all of Gcni ral MacArthur's troops
arrived at Panique from Oerona. The rall
rond beyond Pnnlquo hns not been destroyed.
The captured railway stock is being re
paired to handle supplies.
Genernl MacArthur discovered at Panique
Mnjor Joneson, formerly chief surgoon on
the stnff of tbe Filipino commander, Gen
ernl Mneardo. He resides at Bacolor and
is about to return there to resume bis prac
tice. Slnjor Joneson Is quoted as saving
that "all respectable Filipinos are disgusted
with tho behavior of the insurgents und are
glad that tho Americans hnve the upper
A continuous procession of refugees Is
entering Panlquo from the north. Indicat
ing the proximity of other American troops,
probably off the rullroad line. These refu
gees sny that the Filipino troops have not
known which way to turn, with the Ameri
cans occupying so tunny places in the north.
ranlquels a rich sugar town. Some of
the wealthy Chinese and the poorer natives
fled nt tho first approach of the Americans,
but thoy are now confidently returning.
The rain bns oeased, tho weather Is line and
the country Ib drying rapidly.
Two Engines and B4 Cnrs Found Piled la
a Wreck.
Moneada, Luzon, (By Cable.) Advano
Ing through the country by train from
runlquo, n distance of live' miles, the Ameri
cans readied Moneada, where the natives
have dlsplayod a friendly disposition.
The train was stalled here by tho wreck of
two locomotives nnd 64 cnrs, placed by tho
Filipinos to block the track. The freight
bouse and depot hnve been hurned.
No attempt will bo mndo to save the
wrecked rolling stock, but the track will bo
clenred, and ns soon as two small breaks
have been repaired the expedition will con
tinue northward. Tnus far the advance bos
been a complete success.
Captain Curr, of the Signal Corps, has
laid a wire from'Panique.
Construction Train Runs Into Handcar
Near Humhuldt.
Sioux Falls, S. D.. (Special.)-Slx meu
were killed and four seriously, if not fatally,
Injured Iu an accident on tho Chicago, St.
Paul, Minneapolis & Omnha Railroad at
Humboldt, twenty miles wost of Sioux
A construction train was backing out of
Humboldt, when n handcar bearing thirty
five Italians came u rouud a curve. The
Italians saw their dungor and Jumped from
tho cur, which caught under the rear of tho
caboose and this and the flat-car next to it
wore wrecked. On tho flutonr were twenty
Italian lubdrers, tlvo of whom were killed
outright und live moro Injured.
A relief train with three doctors went from
Sioux Falls and brought tho wounded here.
One of tbe Injured died on route to this
Of the dead, Brook- Cobelman Is an Amer
ican. The rest are Italians.
As soon ns the wreck occurred, tho Ital
ians made threats ngalnst the train crew,
who wore compelled to pull out at ouco to
save their lives.
John Morley aud Joseph ChamlKirlaln, op
ponents In politics, are tho best of friends.
Col. R. W. Huntington, who oommanded
the 000 marines nt Ouantauamo Bay, will be
placed on the retired list next January.
Zoln explains his slletce on tb'ii Trniisrnnl
question I y "a very human fear of appearing
to pose as a rlghtor of all hnmuu wrongs."
C. Oliver Isolln I credited with declaring
that he will no longer undertake to build or
manage a yacht to defend tho America's cup.
Copt. Hedworth Lambton, who was In
command of the detachment from II. M. S.
Powerful nt Ladysmith, Is the brother of
Lord Durham.
King Oscar has signed a docroo that glvn
Norway u new national flag.
Judge Isaao Story, of Bummorvllla, Mass.,
a relative of the famous oommentutor, Is the
second oldest Judge In bis State. The other
dny he celebrated bis Hist birthday.
The King of Slam has decided that his son,
the Crown Prince, who has beeu at Camber
ley the past three years, shall stay two yenrs
longer in England to complete bis education,
Mrs. Lelnud Stanford's gifts tooducatlonul
Institutions ou the Paolllo Coast foot up tlU,.
000,000, She still bus as mush left, which,
at her death, will go for similar purposes.
President Steyn, of the Orange Free Btute,
although not so well known as President
Kruger, Is quite as thorough a statesman,
President MeKlnley has promised to make
an address at Mount Vernon, Va., on Decem
ber 11, when the Masonla observance of tho
100th anniversary of Washington's death
will occur.
. Miss Ruth Underbill, this year's golf cham
pion, Is a granddaughter of tbe lute Charles
A. Dana.
Prof. Archibald Cooledge, of the depart
ment of history at Harvard University, ami
bis father have given to tbe University
library 10,000 volumes bearing on the cru
sades. Oeu. Maximo Gomes bos collected a very
large quantity of manuscript treating of tbe
warfare In Cuba from 1868 to the present
time, whloh he regards as bis greatest treasure.
iwinijs up it-e he
one or nature s wsndsrr.i
Seeu Under flit
Tlio New York Mic,
ciety recently gave ii,
mini exhibition at it,
Madison avenue. Tlift
forty exhibits. John Ai
ident of the aooiety, exfa
other things, the bou.,
showing the booklets
which the lower of the
tho bee is joiuetl to tho
Hying, thns making thec.t
single wing. The m,nl;
wings is about halt an i
the lowsr a little Kliorb s7
come together where Wt
to tho body; they nveot-'
nte. When the bee poeiv I
it f jMs its wings top;;
over the other, so that .
np less room. When ji
it spreads its wings ainl)
together with the hoolt.
When looked ut tini!. j"
scope the upper edge jh
wing is seen to lie : I
though it had an extra
stretched along there, t
spaced apart at regn
though they are all cot J"1
a total space of little
quarter of an inch, ther jL
nineteen or twenty tinvf'
Thero is a little thinkcu',;!
of each hook, where jr
strengthened it, aud oix'
to regard the hooks an ;:.
It Anil in Innlr for IIia .F
-j - - .
with ihev werA necnru.1
rib from which they spri!
rue lower edge of tli,
ns looked at under the
seen to be curled np icCO!
trough. When the Iw
vu. u . u .v uuiinn (a, i;.
ner nrlce nf the 1nuAi .
flange or trough at the kf
the upper wing, and sotLiX
wings practically one.
William E. Damon fi
boring apparatus of the t( :
navalis) commonly knot:
worm, though it
The specimen
,,I ""'box
three-sixteenths of
an r. V"
nu. - . i i , w
j. ue lerouo n nor
hardness and
convex kia
end. Upon this ioiiiiijj
covering it, aud so small unl
invisible to the eye,
enough seen under the j c
thero are set close togetli-jjj ,
rows of shnrp, file-like, (jQ
teeth, twenty thousand l.
them within this small -n
of the convex end of theV9
its sides, there are other.;
ting surfaces that mights) '
out and smooth the ho'c'V,
the mnny-toothed oonveil'
seeing its boring PIargt)M
exhibited, one no longer
the teredo's great destrn(
iel i
London's f.afeat Ci
very latest fail
swell set is to receive an i,-
guests upon the BtairoaseIce
BusiuuiB ui uumiuu usua. ,
way westward sooner ork- fi
is very high
new fashion.
social initio, ,
It i a'reair
siuce the host and hotii
parted with their guests i0
of their homes, and 8infSan
this social function has lit in
il.. 1. il i ii. . J .
le o
111 iiib uauways, at tue ut
parlor or in the parlor.
able set of London wout
ever, consider this a murk
on i
The new rules are it:
The host and hostess li'L(
a position about one-lhii Li.i
1 V U ' .LI .11 . . ,
tue iiignt. iiib uosi
the outer side next the hi
the hostess takes up a
etep ueiuw uiiu luwttl 8
Quests on entering the hi ov
through tho hall, where i0,
relieves them of their vt 0;
entering the rooms orgrtn,
they ascend the staircw!0a
ceived. After this ft
guests retire to the foot ci
aad the function proceei)Tu(
manner. Baltimore Nei'w
Cramp Kttpt (Jui011
While the foreign tleir8
International Congress F
t s ..: r.en
iwui ui luruei'uuu ut v..
vard. one of the Kritishi!
ticiug a smalt, unobtnisi'l8?'
at the steamboat landing
the party bad started U
stepped up to the man,
pareutly too modest to
forward, and said: "V
have been overlooked. '
mind, I will show you
yards." "ThaukB," ,.?
mau; "uo you know
"Oh, I am well enougl
around here to pilot J1
"All right," raid the lit!
tni.nhl.imii. .;.. I,ln in
will accept your kiud "i
They sauntered towijre
and hud scarcely J-6"'"11)!.!,
when the younger Mr. t' f
up to them, and addrei" T.,
est sttauger, said: "F
to introduce you to Sir A
of Australia; Sir Andrew
President of the Cramp
Company." The Euglis:
stautly boarded the te
not suen again until the'
ed at the Arch street wh
turn trip. Philadelphi
Twins are subjects of
est to most persons, au
common to find them alt.
appearance, that is by no
Frequently twins ore
looks as iu personality, '
the paternal, the other '
nal family, IntcvestiuK
to grown-up folk. thev!
to b
of unceasing woudev to if1 I
whon thev follow the trtt1
and are as liko as two V'T1
"Is this you or you? '
year-old girl of au older
a twin sister. Aud thu
difficult to answer.
If A Diplomatic II
Lord Cromer's readin
iu Egypt is now a by-1
further example of it 1'b
inn xouug Egyptian p
vors the French rather i:
lish, bad determined to ui
demonstration while Iiui
cuteriug the Opera. Tbi'
his eara. Thereupon b'
French agent to share h'
Lis box; this was ocePl'
result that the hostile c"
ciously nonplussed.