The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, November 30, 1899, Image 1

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ioval of the Toll Gate from
je Top of Cove Mountain.
A - 11-1.-1 ... f 4k lHill urlth Ana
tu a r.tJUtil uui ui luo noil mm vuo
S of Mrs. Binkley's Bedcords.
t .
kl ring the Autumn the Chambers
'V H,iii Bedford Turnpike Company
d a new toll house at the East
Iff town to replace the one near
bimnlt of Cove mountain that had
ie ho much out of repair that the
v 1'any both from wisdom and policy
d on ' erecting a new building
ir than put about the Hamo ex
j on the old structure. The old
thouse of tribute has long been
W evidences of decay, and well
, for nearly a century, a keeper
C'Jcen Ingoing promptly from Its
Qs demanding the price from the
ijer who will always protest, either
pis or mentally at the exaction.
1 1, hrnpike, with its gates, will soon
' khhig of the past. One cauHe after
"'er i constantly reducing travel,
"the railroads revolutionized the
iug system. Stage coaches, con
ga wagons, eU;.,wererapidly with
it from the turnpike, but even the
'cara of the different roads did
revenl the passing over the pike
rge droves. Now the dressed beef
itry of the Western cities, with
Refrigerator cars, send supplies
)f done up in canvas to the Kast
jll parts of the world, and the
ne drover, with his fumliur
so-o-o-boss!" and slow-going,
t, arid worm herd behind him
adually become a memory. Tho
of the turnpike company ure in
upany's olllce ut ('hauil)ershurg
haye no opportunity of making
rison of the amount of through
ling, etc., of the past few years
)J;Utofl8.'!0-:U which we subjoin, tho
j ,i of which was kept by Henry II.
HllwiU, who was keeper at that
IS- !
Ig the years
I urn
I ij'Mu) wheeled wiikoun
n rrow wheeled wiiutitix
gle horse wukoun
j uors wtitfouK
lii(r liores
III homes
11 of emtio
. above table does not include
't'lsands of travelers that passed
N turnpike on foot und in the nu-
J,s stage coaches.
jJwit; was doubtless succeeded
"'UHam Binkley, who took charge
$ or lH.'Sli, and retained his posi
jitil his death, when It was held
( wifeh until 187.'J, about ."ill years,
are jt lines that even toll gate
ra meet, ineir mutcn and this oe-
in 18(14, after the burning of
rsburg when Gen. M'Causland's
sseA over the pike. They not
fused to pay toll to Mr. Bink-
M vv4 don't believe he demanded
Vein, but they went through the
H carried away, as the books
(l,25. The only redeeming
j i connected with this high-hand-,
J lljeryfof the company, wus wlien
I hin Confederates fell into the
Urn Binkley's beds were speed-
to disorder to secure a bedeord
luetheir suffering comrade. They
jr taking two cords, but the old
tew the line at one, and resisted
My that they hud to lie satisfied
e. fi'lie Binkley's resigned the
iJ'o the hands of Jacob Uine.
, i 1H73. which lie retained un
it wlien they were transferred to
tAlrxjundur, his son-in-law, who
Wn I: Amtniut..t.-i. ,1... nlf..!..., ..r
Tfi.i.i.viui .ui' uuaiin ill
tiiuii from that time to the pre
e,(J AUjli Alexander is such a pleas
i'Yd agreeable fellow that when
rt hit Over your cash to him, you
ffl r h" ' dolni? you a favor
1 ng It, and feel a desire to turn
"r.L u oyer to him also.
v ?t fofget the supper in the old
;.Afhmh on Thanksgiving even
f ;P"'f, and bring your friends
MK. lsaiah Burton and Miss
jinx ilishop.both of Bethel town-
"Sunner K. Ray and Miss
eysor, both of Ayr township.
Sale Register.
Mel Intl. will null mil..
"B Monday, December 11,
tl Herbert Morgret farm two
'"ill of Needmore, 2 good
ln-nd if iiti nr. i... ...... i..
'Ut. rye, and hungarlan by
j besides buggy, stlckwag-
4, and many other urticles.
l-uker has commenced the
ju new barn on the site of
fntly destroyed by lire on
artown.-Orbisonia leader.
:r si-
Local Correspondence, j
Miss Kflirt Pnrsons, of (!l(ar ;
Iliclet(ncc()iiii)iiuiclbyh'r frioutl, '
Miss Jossif Cutclinll, wits tho
Sliest of former's puroiits, Mr.l
und Mrs. (Joo. l'arsons, on Sim
day lust.
Mrs. Humphrey Nuugk', who
has born sick for some time, is
slowly recovering.
Mrs. Charley Corbin, who has I
been circulating n mong her many
friends in this vicinity, returned
home on the Hith inst.
Miss Nannie Naugle, who has
been sending some time with her
aunt in North Carolina, was call
ed home on account of the ill
ness of her mother.
Howard Sipe, of Dlair county, !
is spending some time with his !
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Sipe. .
Mrs. Geo. Parsons has been ly-
ing critically ill for the last live 1
days, butlier attending physician, j
Dr. Mosser, of McCouuellsburg, j
pronounces her somewhat better '
at this writing.
Mr. Charles Tice, and George
and Charles Gluut, left Sunday t
evening for Pittsburg where.they
have secured employment. ;
Mrs. John Ott spent Tuesday !
with Mrs. John Booth, of Tod j
township. j
J. W. Evans with his grapha
phoue gave an enjoyable enter-1
tainmeut in the Jugtown school j
house Tuesday evening. j
G. E. Clouser and Lewis Har
ris, both of Big Cove Tannery
were in McConuiillsburg on Sat
urday. We are glad to sec Will Patter
son able to bo in school again.
A number of jieople from the
Cove attended the fuueral of John
Webster, son of the late Kev. C.
Webster, of Webster Mills, which
took place from the Presbyterian
church in Mercersburg, Tuesday
of this week. Many will remem
ber Mr. Webster us he was a cit
izen of Franklin county some
years ago. He was often in the
Cove for some of his property
was near Webster Mills. Of late
years he and his daughter, Miss
Mary have been living in Tarkio,
Law son Mumma is home from
Pittsburg where he has been em
ployed the past few months.
Ross King came home from
Huntingdon county last week
where he had been working on
M. R. Shatt'ner's farm, and went
to Kearney this week to work.
Several of our hunters have
been hunting deer but so far
have failed to get any.
Hiram Laidig and Joseph Price
have put up a shed for Mr. Price
to shoe horses in when the weath
er is unpleasant.
Albert King who has been
working ut Kearney is off duty on
uccount of mumps.
H. F. Yeugstand W. W. Brush,
of. Wilmording, are visiting tho
family of W. F. Laidig.
Rev. E. E. Harter preached at
Fairviewon Sunday from the text,
"Am I my brother's keeper?"
A Missionary collection followed
which umouuted to over fifteen
Samuel Deuvor is able to be out
a little after a severe attack of ty
phoid fever.
Bad colds are quite prevalent.
Theburningof Sheridan Strait's
barn last Wednesday evening was
quitu a loss to him.
Jack Frost has been visitiugour
community, and for several morn
ings past, all nuture wore u dress
of sparkling diamonds, tho result
of his handiwork while we were
Mr. Frank Bowser, of Bedford,
was visiting the family of Samu
el Truax last week.
Miss Bertie Truuvnfter spend-
ing the past summer in Johns
town, has returned home.
Miss Laura A. lied ford, accom
panied by her sister, Miss Delia,
attended the protracted meeting
at Jerusalem church in Whips
Cove last Friday and Saturday.
Mr. Auderson Mellott and wife
spent Sunday at G. G. Mellott's.
Mr. (). II.Hess.ofWilliamsixirt,
is visiting friends in this neigh
borhood. Mr. W. II. Mellott und family
spent Saturday and Sunday with
friends in Bedford county.
Mr. George Morgret has re
turned to his home in Cleartleld
after spending the pusttwo weeks
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Herbert Morgret.
L. Hoopengardner and John
Schetrompf, of Buck Valley, are
spending a few days ut John G.
Mr. and Mrs. John Philips, of
Berkeley Springs, spent Satur
day night with Mrs. John Miller,
and on Sunday, accompanied by
Mrs. Miller, they visited Mrs.
File, who is still very sick.
Miss Margaret Truax seems
to be growing weaker.
Our uimrods seem to have lost
their art of killing wild turkeys,
and have gone into the perfume
W. W. Douglass has greatly im
proved his residence by weather
boarding it and adding a nice
George Winters has had an end
built to his barn.
Rev. Yost preached at Reho
both last Sunday.
Rev.. Bruce K. Hughes will
preach at Mt. Ziou next Sunday
at !i o'clock.
Rev. Barney has been conduct
ing a very successful revival at
Miss Sadie Gregory visited
friends near Covalt last week.
Mrs. Moses Gordon was tho
guest of Mrs. David Gregory
John Miller says he can beat
that corn of Howard Zimmer
man's that the Fulton County
News last week said had to bo
broken before it would go into a
barrel. John says he has corn
ears so large ho can't break them
that ho has to drag them in on
the front carriage of his wagon
like suwlogs. If there ure any
Thomases who doubt the truth of
this story, John promises to make
tho statement good. It muit be
O. K., for John is the champion
possum hunter hereabouts.
Preaching at this place lust Sat
urday evening and Sunday was
well attended. Among others
there were Christley Buterbaugh
of Franklin county, Stanley Sny
der, and Miss Elsie Rotz-of Tod
Mr. and Mrs. Powel Bivens, of
near Hancock, is spending some
time with tho family of William
Pay lor.
Quito a number of our young
folks spent last Friday evening
very pleasantly at tho home of
Misses Rosa and Phobe Paylor.
Harry Souders, Harry Shaw,
James Richard, Allio Bryan, and
sou George were visitors at tho
homo of William II. Paylor during
tho past Aveek.
Henry Car baugh spentlast Sun
day evening ut Samuel Mellott's.
Miss Mary Paylor spent part
of last week with the family of
David Clugston.
Miss Jessie Mellott spent lust
Mouday evening with Miss Jen
nie Woodal.
Total number enrolled, twenty-nine.
Percent of uttendance, Males Wl, Fe
males 78. Average attendance 24. '
Honor Roll. First Grade, Karle
Metzler, Joseph Deshong, John Ilium,
Thomas Deshong, John Deshong.
Second .Grade, Lenore Ilann, Goldle
Deshong. . Third Grade, Hubert Met.
ler, Albert Hoekensmlth. Fourth
Grade, Darrel Hockensmlth, Grover
Mellott, tho latter, perfect hi
for the month. Fifth Grade,
An Interesting Letter From the Klondike.
Coal Costs $50 a Ton mid n Good
Square Meal $(1-Carpenters'
Wuges From $15 to $20
l'er Day. '
Fnim the Hertford Ouzette.
Through the kindness of Mrs. D. A.
Barnhurt, of Sidney, Neb., we are per
mitted to publish tlip following inter
esting letter from her brother, Frank
Moore: '
Capk Nomk, Alaska, Oct. '2.
DKAlt SiSTKlt: I suppose you
have been looking for mail from
us oftener, but mail is very un
certain in this country. We have
landed in the richest place on
earth at last. We did not get
here on time but have doue fairly
well. We stopped in St. Michael
for a time, hesitating whether to
go back to Dawson or not. I
think I wrote you we would win
ter in Dawson but the rejiorts
were such from hero that I could
not make up my mind that it was
all right, so I came over. During
tho time I was working on tho
beach the smallest day I had was.
lS).iJL' and the largest H:.H(i: this
beach beats anything that was
ever known; you should see it; it
is all torn to pieces for miles and
the mines back in the hills are
very rich. There have been nug
gets found that are worth ?i;tf.
It will bo the biggest camp for its
agenoxtsummor that ever sprang
up. There are several thousand
here now and others coming. A
great many are going out yet to
b( back in the spring. It is jet
ting cold now; it freezes every
night; have had snow two weeks
ago, but tho days are tine. It is
the worst looking place you ever
saw. Tho mountains are not
high and there is not a tree with
in sixty-live miles of here; noth
ing but a prairie apparently, but
is what they call here tinder; it is
grass and moss and a sjxaige
could not hold any more water
than it does. I am glad to see it
freeze up so we can travel. They
say it does not get very cold ex
cept when the wind blows and it
has surely got a good chance.
The place looks something like
your old ranch looking south; tho
Behring sea is on one side.
We have a good house; I built it
all alone; it was a monster job; it
is 10x12 feet and our tentin front
for a storm door. We are going
to winter by an oil stove you
will think that imjiossiblo prob
ably. Wo have all our winter
grub in and 1"0
gallous of oil
tho great problem I think it
will be short; also coal. There is
wood on the beach (drift wood)
but it is all burned ott' for several
miles each way from tho town.
There is no more lumber to build
with any more; so it will bo hard
for some. There is at least a
thousand tents occupied yet and
a great many will winter in them.
We have a good lot that will sell
good next summer. We are go
ing out on the beach early in tho
I was painting a while ago and
got 10' per day. Carpenters'
wages are 10, fcl" and $20 per day;
you can hear hammers going
night and day. I think all tho
worst drunkards uro here from
tho entire world. Money is no
object. There ure more saloons
than any other business; fiO ceuts
per drink or cigar. Will quote
some prices. Lumber, If 12" per
thousand; nails, ll! centsfbuilding
paper, from to $7."i0 per roll;
eggs, $1 per dozen; onions, L'O
cents per pound; potatoes, 7
jxiuuds for $1; apples, two for L'5
cents; watermelons, 2.50; oil, 00
cents a gallon; coal, 50 per ton;
canned goods run from !5 to tiO
ceuts per can; Hour is cheap, 2.
50 to ii per sack; fresh boef, 1
per Mund; mutton, 1.25; coffee
and doughnuts, 50 ceuts, ham and
eggs, 1.50. A real good meal
costs ti. So you see some things
are very reasonable. According
to wages, it is all cheap. If I was
in Frisco I could only-get two
j sacks of Hour for a day's work
i and here I can get four.
We are going out on the hill as
soon us it freezes a little more and
I see if we can't get some claims.
We will be out next fall whether
make anything'or not. We have
both been sick but not bedfast.
The water is miserable and uext
summer it will bo something vile,
for there is no sanitary system
here and you can judge what it
will bo when the thaw comes in
the spring. We will make our es
cape early in llio spriug for tho
beach. There is lots of sickness
here now and u few deaths. Ty
phoid fever see ins to bo the plague,
some pneumonia.
I wish you could s,h thegiouse
or .ptomican (tomican) we have
here; they are the size of a pheas
ant und as white as snow; they
are a beautiful bird and good eat
ing. There is also a snipe about
the size of a quail that is liner
still. There is a government jxist
here; they have tine quarters; it
seems like Sidney to hear the bu
gle calls; they don't seem to sound
the calls at auy particular time;
they sound sunup very often at
H:I!0 and more times not at all and
sun down loug after night. I
think they have eastern time or
else are good sleepers. There are
dozens of women here, also chil
dren. There is a report around
that a sailing vessel, the Hero,
was lost at Dutch Harbor. It left
here last Mouday with about 1200
passengers. We don't take any
stock in the report, for there has
been no boat in here since she
left, so it is only a rumor. I hope
tho Hero wasn't list, for there
ot of people on her that we
knew. Minnie's brother-in-law
is here. Ho came early in tho
spring. He got a front street lot
and sold it tho other day for :,
000. He is going out and will bo
back again in tho spring.
It would amuse you to see tho
dog teams; about all the hauling
and expressing is done by them.
The native digs are very pretty;
they look very much like a coyote;
they are terrors to light and if
there are a dozen in a bunch and
get into a tight they all pitch on
to the under dog and then if left
alone will kill that dog. There
are some horses and they make
good money with them packing
out to the mines
There was a
stampede here yesterday toa new
goldfieldabout 70 miles from here;
a great many have gone. Cape
York is tho name of tho place.
A boat arrived here this forenoon
and will take a largo number of
passengers out; there are men
selling their effects on tho beach
now and one can get gixid bargains
in tho clothing line, also robes,
but we have clothes plenty that
have not been worn yet.
Will tell you how the money has
been taken off the beach here.
The pay streak is a ruby sand
from two to four foot from sur
face and at the sea edge it is about
on to). I know men that took
out as high as 1,800 in a single
day, but that will drain a pocket,
Men quit places where they only
got three ounces per day and
looked for better ground. I am
acquainted with three men that
got twenty-eight ounces of amal
gam for oueday; that was nopock
et find. I will bet there were
three millions taken oil this beach
since the first of July.
According to the Boston Tran
script, it was a womau who wus
the definite means of having a def
inite day iu the year set apart for
the National observance of
Thanksgiving. Mrs. Sarah Jo
sepha Hale, ti Boston woman and
editor of tho first woman's maga
zine published in this country,
worked twenty years to accom
plish this end. Time did not
daunt her courage, bu,t rather in
creased her insistences She
wrote to governors of States and
to the President of th 3 United
States. At last President Lin
coln adopted Her suggestion in
18(51, when there was reason to re
joice over the success of tho North
in restoring the Union.
Dropped Dead Tuesday Noon
Just After Having Eaten
a Hearty Dinner.
explain of the Wells Yalley Riflemen
from 1844 to 1884. Commlsloned
by Governor Porter.
A message by telephone from Wells
Tannery Tuesday noon to Hon. W. S.
Alexander of this place conveyed the
sad intelligence thut his father, John
H.Alexander, was dead. This produc
ed quite a shock to his friends here, as
it was lielieved that the aged gentle
man was enjoyfhtr more than usual
ly good health.
John U. Alexander was a grandson
of Alexander Alexander who settled in
Wells Valley prior to the Revolution
ary War, and the youngest son of
John Alexander. He was born In Wells
Valley, June 8, 181", died on the same
farm on which ho was born and had
his home during his entire life, No
vemlicr 27, 18!H, aged 82 years, 5
months, and 20 days.
February 2. 1H42, he wus married to
Miss Kebeeea Moore, daughter of
Dr. James Moore, who had moved in
to Wells Valley with his family from
Shirleysburg, Huntingdon county. To
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander were born
nine children Mrs. Catharine Barn
dollar, Fairlleld, Iowa; James M., de
ceased; George N., deceased; VV. Scott,
of McC'onnellsburg; JohuC, deceased;
Mrs. Thomus F, Sloan, (Josephine),
of McConnellsburg; William A., of
Everett; Horucelt., Adams, Nebraska,
und Miss Hatlie, at home.
A man of more than ordinary phys.
fill development, of sound judgment
and Christian integrity, it is only nat-
...... i ... 1. 1.. .... ,i. ........... .. ..i i.i i...
, ,.1!OLrnlz(J(1 , (.nnillllinltv. nr
forty-live consecutive years, with the
exception or one term, lie held the of
fice of Justice of the Peace.
The Alexanders belong to a line of
staunch Presbyterians, the father of
the deceased being an elder in the Mc
Connellsburg l'resbyterian church,
and John 11. Alexander himself was
Imp! iziul in that church and held his
membership there until the organiza
tion of the Wells Valley church, in
which he was a faithful elder for fifty
lleing thoroughly domestic in his
habits he never sought public oHlce,
and yet his party made him their noinr
inee for the legislature in 1870. Al
though representing a party very much
in the minority in his county, his vote
was flattering Indeed.
During the first half of this century,
I"'ovme Ior 1,10 proieciion .or .our
government, against a ioreign ioe, ev
ery man subject to military duty was
required to belong to a home military
organization and meet at stated peri
ods for "muster." Fulton county has
never witnessed more exciting occa
sions than were some of those days.
During the fifties, there were three
military companies in this county, one
in McConnellsburg, W. S. Nelson,
captain; one ut Hurrisonvllle, Row
land Austin, cuptaiu, and one in Weils
Valley, John 11. Alexander, captain.
These companies formed a battalion,
in charge of u military inspector with
the rank of major. This position was
held respectively by Major Itaruhart,
Major Mellott and Major Austin. .
In 1844, Mr. Alexander was commis
sioned Captain of the Wells Valley
Killemen by Governor David H. Por
ter. Of thut company of 44 men, as
per rolled tiled July 4, 1844, but three
are now living- David U.- Duvall, of
Hellwood, Pa., Win. A. Gray, Adums,
Nebraska, and George Foster, of
Wells Vulley. It will be interesting
to many of the older folks to see the
names of the men who composed that
Captain John H. Alexander,
1st Lieut. George Whlti litll.
2d Lieut. John Piper.
Corporals John Wishart, John
Dunlap, Win, A. Gray, Jeremiah Du
voul. Sergeants James White, Jonathan
Howman, Samuel Wlllet.
Kimber A. Moore, George Rapp, W ill
lam Patterson John Foot, Jr., Joseph
Green, Jesse P. F.dwards, Kr Wlllet,
Henry Horton. William Lock aid, Jan.
Speer, David Copcnhuver, , John
White, Jr., Jonathan Horton, Joseph
Oakmun, William White, Nelson Stev
ens, Walter H. Moore, K.ekiel White,
Uenedict Stevens, George Ashman,
Wlllliiin Frlek, John Black, Jr., Jos.
A. Markly, Uenjamln O'Neal, Teter
Gasler, Squires Oakman, George Fes
ler, David L. Duvall, Jacob 11. Mort,
George R. Lock aid, Isaac Green,
Alexander Gibson, William F.vans,
John W. White. . .
The funeral of Mr. Alexander will
take place this (Thursday) afternoon
at two o'clock. His remains will bo
interred In tho cemetery at the Wells
Valley Presbyterian church". Funeral
services will be conducted by Dr. W.
A. West, of (,'arlislu.
Captain Skjnnkb spent Monday In
F.knkst D. Oheathkad, typo, re
turned to his home yesterday.
WlLUAM, SR., of Knobs
vllle, was a very agreeable caller Sat
urday. George Snotts spent Friday night
with L. A. Youse and wife, of this
Fuank Snotts spent Friday night
with Miss liess Smith, of McC'onnells-
bury. ; .;. . .
M. R. Shaffner, Esq., was called
to Burnt Cabins on business Monday,
Georoe and Frank Snotts, of
Altoona, have been spending a two
weeks' vacation with their uncle John
Shaffer, of Tod township.
Mit. and Mrs. A. K. Dwire, of
Dawson, Fayette county, spent part of
the past week visiting Mrs. Dwlre's
parents, Mr,, and Mrs. D. D. Dishong,
of Pleasant Ridge. Mr. Dwire IsV
trusted employe of the B. V O. rail
road company.
James K. Davis, of Laidig, sent
a day last week at the county seat.
John Ray and son William, of
Buck Valley, spent a few days during
the past week in this part of the coun
ty. George M. Rouinson, of Washing
ton, D. (!., arrived on Wednesday.
Mr. Robinson is Just recovering from
a severe illness and we hope home
treatment will have a salutary etTect
on his health.
'Squire Danikl. P. Dishong, of
Pleasant Ridge, accompanied by his
daughter Miss L. S. E. Dishong, spent
last Saturday in town. Miss Dishong
Is teaching the Cedar Lane school in
Belfast township.
Hon. Samuel P. Wishart, of
Wells Tannery, Fa., was a business
visitor in Everett on Tuesday last.
Everett Press.
The Misses Nicodemus, of Mar
tinsburg, Pa., were visiting Miss Ethel
Hayes at the home of her grandmother,
Mrs. Michael. Everett Press.
Joseph SniMEit,of Lexington, North
Carolina, Is visiting his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. R. N. Shlmer, of this place.
Mr. and Mas. N. J. Finiff go to j
Chambersburg this week to visit
Mrs. George Finiff, of Tod town
ship, went on Saturday to Bedington,
W. Va., to help her daughter Mrs.
Wagner move. Mr. Wugner, who Is
an employe of the C. V. railroad, and
has for some time been stationed at
Bedington, is iteing tsansferred to
D. D. Dishong, Jr., teacher of
Pleasant Grove school, Belfast town
ship, accompanied by his brother-in-law,
A. E. Dwire, of Dawson, Pa.,
spent last Saturday in McC'onnells
burg. S. A. Richards,
of Wellington,
Kansas, son of Hon.
John T. Rlch-
aids, and editor of
the Wellington
Dally Mail, is on a short visit to his
father and sister, Mrs. S. N. Hixson,
and her family at the old homestead in
Brush Creek Valley.' Mr. Richards is
on his way to Washington City to oc
cupy a lucrative position during the
coming session of Congress.
S. A. Aller, of Knobsvllle, was iu
town Tuesday. Mr. Aller is engaged
in selling an excellent family medicine
now-Our Native Herbs, a great blood
Auctioneer W. M. Hann made
the News ofilce a profitable call Tues.
'. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Austin spent
Tuesday with the family of Ex-Sherllt
D. V. Sipes.
Mr. and Mrs I. T. Brcmuaugh, of
New Enterprise, are visiting tho fam
ily of Mr. George Snyder, of Tod
township. Before returning home, Mr.
Brumbaugh expects to make a little
trip to Baltimore.
Hon. and Mrs. W. S. Alexander,
spent the latter part of last week visit
ing Mr. Alexander's purents, Mr. and
Mrs. John B. Alexander in Wells Val
ley. The Senator says thut there is
quite a boom In the lumbering busi
ness in the valley there being no less
than six steam sawmills in operation.
D. B. Nace, of Chambersburg,
siient Tuesday night with the family of
his In-other A. U. Nace of this piece.
, S. E. Peck, of Cumberland, Md.,
arrived In this plane Wednesday even
ing and will siHnd some time with the
family of the Editor.
Miss Jennie E. Carson,
been visiting friends In the
who has
west, re-
turned home on Wednesday,
Charles 8loan and wife, of Buf
falo, N. V., arrived Wednesday, and
will spend several days with his sis
ters, Misses Marlon and Jessie Sloan.
Miss Mauv Sloan, who has been
spending some time In Philadelphia,
returned home on Tuesday nighty
Charles H. Eitemillkk, of this
place, entered the tailoring establish
ment of A. U. Nace & Sons several
weeks ago to leurn the trade. Charlie
is an intelligent, faithful and indus
trious young man and will persevere
until he has become complete master
of the business, ...