The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, November 02, 1899, Image 1

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jf Version of the Story.
Sn old saying that a story nev-Biiji-hhiK
hy heing retold, and
osr? observer bus noticed that
I put Into circulation does not
far sway until It loses Its
, even to lis author. A most
ku perversion of real facts came
tioiiee a few days ago through
tf lH i t Johnston, State editor of
Umblphiu Times, who sent us
lowing clipping from the New
i JPorhl of the lltth ultimo. The
K reads.
ftinan Truax, a farmer living
IcConuellsburg, Fulton county,
-pig stolen last spring. This
r he accused a neighbor farmer,
..w H. M allot, of having stolen
brought suit against him for
. (hie day he looked in Mai
lt? sty, although the oeeu-
lnrere"n,ll grown porkws, Truax
1 out One he declared was his.
fee was tried on Wednesday and
t brought into court. Truax was
(to clearly identify it, failing to
Hnv marks" that would prove it
flic Jitfue instructed the jury to
n a verdict of not guilty. The
Ivhich amounted to HI, were
ion the county."
Information in the above will
fs to the gentlemen named as
I to every one else,
'dispatch in the World orlginat
! suppose, from a little cireum
fthut came liefore our last court
jts of which are about as follows:
111, 18im, Hartman Truax and
V. Mellott, two reputable furm
( Belfast township, were in Mc
Jjsburg, and returned home that
t Next day David A. Gillis, who
Jn the turnpike two or three
West of town, missed a black pig
br four weeks old. Some one
(pored the information afterward
je pljj was seen in the wagon of
b. Truax and Mellott. Matters
in until June 17, 18iti, when Mr.
I believed he had evidence to
tvhera his pig was, and ho went
.( justice II. S. Daniels, of Lick
fjeek township, made information
It Truax and Mellott,' and had
irrtsted for larceny, stating in
jformation that the pig, now a
urtoen months old, was In the
ttfiotvand oh the premises of Mr.
t Gatland, a neighbor of Mr.
and Mr. Mellott, both living
j saioe farm.
;u) hearing, Justice Daniels lea
ro was sutllcient reason for
JgUte accused over to court and
ho. The matter was presented
( grand jury at October court, but
(id not consider the evidence suf
Jto warrant them In sending the
jb tlui pot It jury, and so Ignored
31, and that was the end of It.
JillU knows ho is minus a hog,
t wasionly natural that he should
t finJ it; but there was not evi-
to fifcow that the gentlemen ue-
wcr the guilty parties. It will
nerved that Matthew H, Mellott's
does not figure in the case at
esidos there is no person by thut
livipg in the oounty.
From the l'st authority we learn
that Walnut street lias a veritable
ghost. It is none of your common
ghosts that flit around graveyards at
uncanny hours, aud make no noise
and wear vapory clothes. The Wal
nut street spirit is somewhat of a sport.
He drives four pale horses which are
attached to a stylish black coach. lie
keeps his unearthly team in lienjamin
Shimer'h stable, and as the court
house clock tells the hour of twelve he
emerges amidst rolling thunder and
Hashes of lightning. A draped collln
Is displayed as he wheels his outfit
up along a fiery cloud, into a brilliant
galaxy, and then dashes madly toward
the Aurora llorealis. Kvery story, be
It spook, or otherwise, should have a
moral, and the moral of this one is
that tlie Walnut street kids should be
in their beds before 0 o'clock, and that
some other ones had better guard well
their actions or they will fetch up in
Scott Unger and his brother Mayn
ard, of Ayr township, each succeeded
in killing a line wild turkey last week.
W. Scott Hrant, has killed six nice
ones this season. He was lucky enough
to bring two tine ones down with one
Daniel Trille, of Ayr township, shot
a thirteen pound wild turkey, on Sat
urday last. It was a beautiful gob
bler and quite a crowd of sportsmen
young and old took a longing look at
It as he passed through town.
Ed. Simpson, fourteen year old son
of B. F. Simpson, of Thompson town
ship, was taking a hunt all to himself
last Saturday, when ho suddenly came
on a Hock of wild turkeys. It keeps
an old hunter busy not to lose his
head under such circumstances; but
when it is one's first experience, it Is
not easy to guess just what will hap
pen. Hut lid leveled his gun on the
Hock, blazed away, then threw his gun,
and ran toward the turkeys. He found
that he had wounded a very large one,
and, when he got hold of it, there was
quite a tussle to settle the question
whether Ed should get away with the
gobbler or the gobbler get away with
Kd; but Ed succeeded in capturing the
bird, finding his gun and getting home
with his prize, much to his own sat
isfaction and that of his mother.
i attention of our farmers is call
the list of Institutes, to he held
is county this winter, by the State
rtmajit of Agriculture, assisted
e local board of institute niun
i for the county. These meetings
i th4 interest of all our farmers,
pen, to all. The exjiense of voti
ng them Is borne by the State,
plications aro allowed or the ad
ding? of any business. The dis
(His pre upon farm topics for the
It of farmers. Arrange your busl
so as to attend and take part In
xeroSses. All classes of citizens
.clcome, and interesting programs
been prepared.
k county chairman Is Mr. W. C.
TMn, of Met'onnollsburg, who
e glad to send -programs or hi
nt ii)ti to any one who will make
.tate Speaker who will be
ni. ire; Cuhrlcl I leister, Esq., J.
4 Esq., and L. W. Lighty.
iiwtitutes will be held at the fol
i;: dates and places: McConnells
, December (I; Needmore, Decent
":. .Warfordsburg, December 8.
oit to these meetings and bring
families and friends.
j - -
i ird1 was received here on Friday
unclng the death of Mrs. Laura
s, Qf McKeesport. The body was
ilitjto Everett on Thursday even-
hi. I conveyed to the home-of the
B.'Vehuer, of near Cleurvllle,
i- daughter she Is. She was the
of iVilliam II. Sipes, formerly of
i Valley, this county, aud at pre
t j-eet car conductor in McKees
She had been a grgat HUlfercr
f time, and had been taken to
i 'tul Where nhe llnrlefumtlt. il uiii
I "pi ratlon, from which she did
ally. Deceased was a member of
.(Hii un church and a most est!
fomau. The funeral took place
e residence of her late father on
y, and her remains were pluo-
!Je family burying ground on
timer property. Mrs. Slpes
ft husband and two childrcu.-
Last Sunday evening between five
and six o'clock Mrs. John llooth of
Tod township was at the spring-house
attending to her evening work there,
when she felt a dizziness coming over
her and in u few moments fell over.
The family carried her to the house
and Dr. Dalbey was called when It was
found that she had suffered a stroke
of paralysis, the entire left side of her
body being alllicted. On Monday
pvenfng It was reported in town that
she had dlwd, this we are glad to state
was pot true, and we are informed thut
she is improving and we trust inuy be
spared to lve many years yet.
In this connection we will state thut
our old friend A. O. Grissinger who
was so budlv paralyzed, aud who lay
entirely helpless for live or six weeks,
is now able to walk about with the aid
of a cane. Mr. Grissinger's many
friends will be glad to leant of his improvement.
The institute lecturer must henceforth
look for another chestnut. He cannot
longer amuse his audiences here hy
poking fun at our worthy County Su
perintendent for living an old bache
lor when Fulton county has so much
available material for planting new
homes. Clem always accepted the jol
lying with the quiet satisfaction of
knowing that they wouldn't always
have that joke on him. Last week the
gentleman, in his own characteristic
way, went ahead with his official work.
On Wednesday he visited some of the
schools in Mc( 'onnellsburg, aud to.
ward evening carelessly left for Hus
tontown. In the evening, Rev. t. 1'.
Sarvis was seen driving away from his
home, and there was' nothing reinurk-
able about that; hut, In some wuy, It
happened that Mr. Sarvis, our Super
intendent, and a few near friends of
the interested parties, met at the hos
pitable homo of Mr. and Mrs. David
Laidig, In Taylor township, and In a
few moments were fortunate enough to
witness the ceremony that made hus
band and wife, Clem Chesnut and Miss
Etta M. Laidig, the beautiful and ac
complished daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
David Laidig. He will at once take
his bride into his comfortable home at
Hustontown. The News joins their
many other friends in extendiug congratulations.
Ilurold find Ralph, two sons of
Dr, Wm. L. McKibbin, of Uniou
township, this county, were both
plowing the mighty deep during
the ptist few weeks. Harold as
1st sergeant of n company in the
ELM Regiment, U. S. Infantry, on
his wuy across the Pacific to Ma
nila, and Ralph on the Atlantic,
aboard the U. S. cruiser Saratoga.
About the same time each touch
ed an island and wrote a letter
home in which Harold spoke of
gathering aud eating tropical
fruits at Honolulu, and Ralph
told of eating tropical fruits gath
ered at Madeira.
The public schools of Bedford are
now run by electricity. Head what the
"Gazette" says about a clock that the
school directors have just had placed
In the principal's olllce:
"It Is connected with electric, bells
throughout the school building and
will ring them any minute of the day.
It calls the school In tho morning; It
rings the tardy bell; It rings tho warn
ing bell for recess; it gives the signal
to march out at recesses; it gives the
warning signal for dismissal at noon;
It rings again for the children to march
out. It does the same thing in the af
ternoon. "It gives the signal for the change
of classes; it calls to time teachers who
are tempted to overun tho recess peri
od; It reduces the work of the school
to a system; It turns off the current In
tho evening and on aguin In the morn
ing. It turns It off Friday evening
and on again Monday morning."
The attention of our McConnellsburg
board, who are ever on the alert to
take advantage of a good thing, is
called to the above. In addition to
the many good things the Bedford
clock can do, we suggest that ours
have a bell to ring for directors to
make monthly visits to the school as
the law directs, one to ring for parents
to go in occasionally and, hy their
presence encourage both teachc
Local Correspondence.
On Monday evening Admiral
Dewey announced to some of his
more intimate friends in Wash
ington, tho fact of his engage
ment to Mrs. W.B. Hazen, of that
Mrs. Hazen is tho widow of
General Hazen, formerly Chief
Signal Ollicer of the army, who
died about ten years ago, and is
a sister of John R. McLean, Dem
ocratic candidate for Governor of
Mrs.Ilazen has no children, aud
since her husband's death has
made her home with her mother.
Sho is a woman of large means,
about 40 years of age, and popu
lar in tho best social circles of
Tho date of the wedding has
not been fixed.
Found Canister.
The officers of the various Subordi
nate Lodges I. O. O. F. of this county
were installed Into their respective of
fices for the seml-annnal term, begin
ning October 1, INK!), as follows:
Fort Littleton, No. 484
N. G F. C. Bare;
V. G., S. It. Frtiker;
Secty., D. K. Bare;
.Treas., M. S. Wilt;
Hep. to G. L G. W. Fraker.
Harrison ville, No. 710
N. G., L. N. Hoekensmith;
V. G., N. E. M. Hoover;
Secty., Geo. F. Metzler;
Treas., Hiram C'levenger;
ltep. to G. L., Hiram Clevenger.
McConnellsburg, No. 744
N. G., Geo. A. Comerer;
V. G., G. A. Ott;
Secty., B. W. Feck;
Treas., Dr. A: I). Dalliey;
Hep. to G. L., II. A. Comerer.
Warfordsburg, No. (101-
N. G., J. W. Lake;
V. G., W. E. Baker;
Sauty., II, K. Maikley; '
Treas., W. B. llanck;
Uep. to O. L., C. M. Dixon,
Wells Tannery, No. (107
N. G., Harry Spangler;
V. G., J: E. Woodcock;
Secty., Harry M. Truax;
Treas., Harvey Wlshurt; .
Hep. to G. L., .lames McDonoligh.
Wutertull, No. 77S-
N. G E. W. McClaln; '
V, G., Geo. J. Edwards;
Secty,, Jesse O. McClaln;
Treas., Samuel Houp;
Hep. to G. L.j Jesse O. McClaln.
S. L. Buckley D. D. G. M.,
Fort Littleton, I'enna.
pupils, and one to ring for truunt pu
pils who do not always get Into school.
Then, some clever inventor may win
the everlasting gratitude of tho hoys
and girls, who will add to tho clock
that now does so much of the princi
pal's work, an attachment that will
make the multiplication table u little
easier; that will help out with the knot
ty problems in arithmetic, algebra,
aud geometry; that will throw light on
that "old Latlu lesson," and that will
put 1(H) on every review paper. That's
the clock for the McConnellsburg
school. No; we don't want a school
clock with a patent spanker attachment.
Col. II. C. Demming, of Harris
burg, well known to the citizens
of this county as the short hand
reporter in our courts, has been
prospecting for a long time over
the mountains of Franklin county
iu search of mineral and valuable
products. Ho has discovered a
valuable depositjof ganister rock
iu the western part of the county
and already has orders for large
quantities of it. Whether he will
develop it depends upon railroad
transportation arrangements.
Tho rock is used for making vit-
and rifled and fireproof brick and is
rare and valuable. Col. Dem
ming has discovered other val
uable deposits which it may pay
to market.
Poor Boy Dies u Millionaire.
On Tuesday a sixteen-year-old so
of Benjamin Garland, of Belfast town
ship, was cleaning his gun prepara
tory to knocking the eyes out of a big
gobbler. In some way the ramrod,
with the wiper attached, became fast In
the barrel of the gun. The young man
thought of ut least ono way to dislodge
the stubborn obstacle, and that was,
to put a churge of powder in through
the pivot and shoot It out. This he
did, and he loosened tho ramrod, but
he spoiled the gun badly, besides
blowiiiLT off the end of the second lin
ger of his left hand. Dr
der was called, and he umpututed the
finger at the second joint.
About a month ago ex-Congres-man
William A. Piper died in
California leaving an estate valued
at over two million dollars, all of
which goes to his brothers and
sisters in Illinois.
Mr. Piper was born and raised
in Ambersou's Valley, Frauklin
I county. He was bound out to
J Daniel Stake when 16 years old,
r j -.-.i i.: 1 (j
and remained with him until! IS,
when he went to California, struck
it rich, became very wealthy and
was sent to Congress for two
The heirs were all originally
from Franklin county.
When II. W. Mellott, of near Knobs
vllle was digging his sweet potatoes a
few days ago, he ran against some
thing unusual in one of the hills, und
ufter digging the earth away around
it and pryiug pretty bard, out tumbled
a mammoth sweet potato. Through
curiosity he rolled It on the scales,
and It just weighed 47.2.V) grains. If
anyone doubts the truth of this ' state
ment Mr. Mellott has the potato at his
homo and will be glad to show it. His
wife will not begin td use oil It until
nearer the holidays. ,
Report of Emmavillo school,
No. o, for the first month, begin
ning September J."th and ending
Swartzwel-, October L'Oth. Number eurolled
males, 0; females, 7; total, 13.
Average attendance, 11. Per
cent, of attendance, males, 00; fe
males, (.)'2. Oflicial visits, one.
Those in attendance every day
during month Fred Lodge, Ivy
Hixsou, Lulu Mills, Amy Lodge,
Grace Lodge und Jennio Hanks.
Edward N. Lodge,
Teacher. ,
Tho world is scheduled to come
to an eud'on November ll; says
Farmer JohaPlum, of uqar Way
nesboro. Plum has informed the
people of Franklin county that ho
tin a hppn twicn to limViin wmnnt.
John'B Runyan is having, his res!- j .
donee ' painted by Messrs. Shinier, i J ' -V. . .y . .. .
Stcch, Thompson, and Selsor. With ' ing over the past two weeks, he
such a. corps of artist the work will was told by tho Lord of the ap-
certainly be well and speedily done, preaching end. Stopping in that
and the nunasome nouse on ine nm ; tnwn nn Tuo-rtmr Infnmtnf t.b
made still more beautiful.
Modernized -"Besure y o a,re right,
then apologize for It."
new' Wayno Building, he callod
on the men ugagod iij its pon
air uctioa to ceaso work;
John L. Spade aud MissGortio
Palmer, of Sipes Mills, visited
friends in this section last week.
Mr. and Mrs. James Rhea
spent several days during the
past week in a trip to Shippens
burg to visit their sou John, who
is a student at the C. V. S. Nor
mal school.
Miss Deborah Oakmau, of Mc
Connellsburg, visited her sister
Mrs. George Mills.and her broth
er Frank Oakman, a day or two
last week.
Naval Cadet Ralph McKibbin,
who has boon on the school ship
Saratoga for several months, ob
tained a leave of absence of a
few days when the ship reached
port at Philadelphia, aud came up
to visit his parents Dr. and Mrs.
W. L. McKibbin. He reached
home on Sunday. During his
voyage ho touched England,
France, stopped at Gibraltar, bo
sides many other interesting
places. Ralph says, "It's pretty
hard work, but we've lots of f un. "
George Rhea's new building is
rapidly nearing completion. The
Geiuger brothers are good me
chanics, and know how to push
work along.
Editor Frank Taylor of tho Re
publican was a guest of Dr. and
Mrs. McKibbin Saturday night.
Farmer Jacob F. Spade is the
first to bo done husking corn.
Jacob is one of those hustlers
that never puts off till to-morrow
what he can do to-day.
Mrs. Rebecca Sipes, and Mr.
and Mrs. Martin Sipes attended
the funeral of Mrs. W. H. Sipes
at Weimer's burying ground near
Clearville last Saturday.
Mrs. Sarah McKoe is still very
Master Earle Mills paid his
smiudmother Mills iu Bedford
county a little visit last Saturday.
Dr.Webb McKibbin, of McCon
nellsburg came down to the Val
ley on Saturday.
Charles Dudley, who contract
ed a severe cold last winter, and
which later ran into rapid con
sumption, died at tho homo of his
Grandmother Lape last Saturday
afternoon. He was about fifteen
years of age.
Jacob Shultz, Jr., has just re
ceived from Beaver Falls, a latest
improved Keystone Steam Drill
ing Machine. Ho had it tired up
last Saturday afternoon and he
was putting an extra keen edge
on his bits, and is now ready to
begin the drilling of a number of
wells 'for which already he has
contracts. With a machine like
that Jacob can get water any
place, even if he has to bore
through and tup the China Sea.
Frank Oakman has a mule.
There is nothing wroug with the
mule, except a weakness the mule
has for chewing oil halter chains,
tie roies, hitching straps and tho
like. Last Friday evening afkr
Frank had finished his day's
work and eaten his supper, he
hitched the mulo to a cart and
drove up to Buck Valley postof
fico to get his mail aud do a little
shopping. He observed extra
caro iu tying tho auimule; and as
it looked unusually meek and in
nocent, he went into the st:ro
and forgot ull about tho matter.
At length Frank thought it t ime
to return, and ho went out to get
his mule. He didn't see tho mulo;
but then as the mule was black
and tho night blacker ho was not
much alarmed until he found the
most of the hiiching strap socure
ly fast to the iost where, ho had
tied it and then it dawned ou him
that tho mulo had swallowed part
of the strap, and started for
home. Frank borrowed, a lantern
and started after his mplo, but
ho only found evidences along the
road that his mulo. was "lrlakuijj
good time for homo. Whu Frank
reached homo ho found tho mulo
standing at the stable door; but
when it saw tlio light la his hand,
it became frightened and started
three hours the mule, hitched to
the cart, ran all over two fields
about twenty acres as tight as
it could go, and with all his skill
Frank did, not succeed iu getting
hold of tho mulo till after mid
night. The mule was then right
side up, but tho cart wasn't.
Strange as it may seem, the cart
was not damaged to any great
extent, and the mule didn't show
a scratch.
Our protracted meeting at Ziou
is still iu progress.
Our public schools this winter
are in tine trim. Teachers, pu
pils and patrons seem to be iu
perfect harmony. This is as it
should be to bring about best results.
Miss Emma Pittnmn is visiting
relatives in Martiusburg, W. Va.
Miss Amy Wolford has return
ed to her homo in Martiusburg,
after visiting relatives here.
Mrs. Jacob Hess spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Hess.
Mrs. B. E. Gordon was iu Mc
Connellsburg last Tuesday.
Misses Issa and Reekie Hewitt
have returned to Baltimore.
Mrs. A. F. Little, of McCon
nellsburg spent Sunday with her
mother, Mrs. Cattlett.
B. F. Simpson has built a new
corn crib, aud Scott Johnson is
putting up a new blacksmith
Mrs. Lizzie Pittnian is still crit
ically ill. Lake Garland, of Bel
fast is tdso very sick. Doctors
Swartzwelder and Fisher are
their attending physicians.
Henry Trott spent last Sunday
at Ephraim Gregory's.
Ray Gregory, last Sunday ev
ening, narrowly escaped what
might have proven a very serious
accident. Raymond Litton was
on his way to church, driving a
very spirited horse, and Ray
Gregory attempted to cross tho
road in front of Mr. Litton 's team,
when ho was struck by tho ad
vancing horse and buggy and
knocked clown, tho wheels of the
buggy passing over his head.
With theexceptiou of a few bruis
es he came out all right, and is
congratulating himself that he
got oil so well.
out through!
came the real
f For
We are now getting plenty of
rain to make up for tho long dry
A very iuterestingiustitute was
held at Clear Ridge school, but
there were few teachers present.
There will bo an oyster supper
and a very interesting entertain
ment at thoC. R. hall next Satur
day evening. Come one aud all.
Stewart Brown and Chas.
Brand of Chatnbersburg were in
our village Monday evening.
They are two jolly boys.
Mr. aud Mrs. Alfred Brown
made a flying visit to McConnells
burg litst Friday.
Henry Wilson went to M'Cou
uellsburg last Monday to meet
Mrs. Scott Wible, of Waynesburg
who will visit friends a few weeks
in this place.
Eslie Kling, of Nossville, was
seen passing through our streets
Saturday eveniug.
Bert Henry and wife, of Knobs
ville, woro the guests of J. P. Kcr
lin, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Wilson, of
Maddensville, spent Sunday with
his father, Henry Wilson.
Mrs. Celia Anderson and her
niece, Alvorda Stevens, made a
trip to Fort Littleton, last Satur
day. II. G. Grove, of Somerset coun
ty, accompanied by his wife and
two interesting sons, is visiting
his father, Wm. Grove, Esq. and
other friends iu this place.
Mabel Walker, of Homestead,
agod twelve years, who had been
sick of typhoid fever, dilxi, aud
was brought to her grandfather's
and was buried Friday atton o':
clock in Cromwell's graveyard.
Her father, Edward Walker, died
Sunday and was buried ou Tues
day in the same graveyard . "Bo
yo also ready; for iu such an flour
as ye think not tho Sou of iv.arx
cometh." Mat. 24; 41. '
D. B. MfMMA of Laidig culled to
exchange greetings while in town Mon
day. Mas. John V. STOfTnAor.B of this
place has been seriously 111 forwvcral
Oko. W. Park, of Liboiilsi, was
visiting the family of C. Mnvtth last
Jav fcUAr returned liotnp Tuesday
evening from a ph'aunt Visit to Phila
delphia. Bi-.N.VfK SiMpfivf if Thompson
township, wm a lRiiiw- visitor to the
county sent.
Mit. and Sifts. A. W BK0WW, of
Clear Hidge, npnl last Friday at
Aniikkw NKi Hrwr, onftTerrsfmrg-,
spent Sunday of (hi welc wkk Hi
family of Isaac Hull.
Jacoii Hykks and1 wffe were vfsftlng
near Koxbury, Franklin eounty, Mm'
latter part of last week.. .
Howakd Dknisah, of Trtyfor town
ship, dropped into the Nkwb otllce
while in town Monday.
Anuukw Hoovkh, of Wests flulilln,
spent Monday with his sitiet,. Mr. A.
Stoner of this place.
Miss Annus Doyle, of ChawUwBs
hurg, is now making a visit auuong.
her many McConnellsburg frhtbds
Mas. H. S. Wishaht, of Harrisou
vllle, came over with the Doctor
Wednesday morning, and spent tho
day in town.
'SqviueG. W. Waunkii, of Tothl
township, dropped in to see us on Sat
urday hist, and made the brief time he
wus with us quite pleasant.
Chaiuje Guess, of this place, ha
obtained employment at Bark's seed
establishment at Lihonla, and will go.
to work there next Monday.
Dyson Fuakkk, one of Fort Little
ton's substantial citizens, was In town,
on Saturday, and did not forget to
pay his respects to the News otllce.
D. Scott Dknisak, one of Dublin,
township's ettlcicnt supervisors, ac
companied by his wife spent last Frt.
day uinong friends at the county scut..
Miss Lizzie Hull, of this place,
spent last week with the family of An
drew Neurolh of Mercershurg. She
was accompanied homo by Willie and
Kva Neuroth.
Miss Minnik Hkisnkr and her
brother Kd, students of the C. V. S.
N. S., Shippenshurg, spent Saturday
and Sunday with their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. G. lteisner, of this place.
Mu. and Mas. Amos Hlxson, of
Brush Creek township, spent several
days in town the past week, called
here hy the illness of thctr daughter,
Mrs. John V. Stouteugle.
U. W. Klink was in town Tuesday
morning. What seemed to ho worry
ing him most was the fuct that he had
seen, while coming over, two nice
Hocks of wild turkeys and didn't have
his gun along.
Mas. Waltkk Ckoily, of Kgan,
Moody county, S. Da., and Mrs. Ma
son Whetstone, of Kaslerville, Frank
lin county, were spending the past
week wlMi their aunt, Miss A. J. Irwin
and other friends In this place.
Miss IuviE BcLL started In on
Monday of this week to master the art
of printing, which she will do without
perud venture. THE NliWS Is very for
tunate In having secured tho services
of this intelligent young ludy und we
congratulate ourselves.
D. Kuw. Fouk, Knobsville's enter
prising merchant, called to see us on
Saturday last, und did not leave until
he had spoken words of praise and en
couragement In regard to Thk FULTON
County News, and a substantial
token of his visit.
Mas. James H. Irwin, of Washing
ton, D. ('., who has been spending a
couple of weeks very pleasantly in
Kverett ut the home of her mother,
Mrs. F.lizabeth Michael, departed for
home on last Friday morning. Kverett
Thomas F. Bkndf.u, of New Bloom
Held, arrived home on Monday even
ing, with express intention of taking
buck with him a couple wild tnrkey.-.
Tom is us hearty as ever. We tako
pleasure in denying the ruinor current
in town that a gobbler turned to him,
Tuesday morning, und said, "Why
don't you tuke a fellow of your size?''
Bkukklky Su-ks und his bright lit
tle son, 'Drew McCuIvin Sipes, of
Hustontown, paid tho News otllce a
husiuess visit on Saturduy lust Mr.
Shies was accompanied to town by his
vife, Miss Ollle -Clevenger, und hi
futher-ln-luw, Michael Ing. Mr.
Long has not been in McConnellsburg
lor a number of years , und noticed
ttiany improvements since his lust visit.
Hi-.y. n."N.' 'Fkkkman und wife of
McAh'vy', Fv't, Huntingdon county,
l'a., after u visit of aevvcal weeks In
Washington,' ' D. ; (,',, Hugcrstowu,
Mereersburg; Sylvan und iu this
place,, left for their honte on Tuesday
afternoon. Mr. Freeman preached In
the United I'resbyteriau church on
last Subbulh to the satisfaction of u
good congregation. Mrs. Freeman
(nee Mis Tuggurt) U much appreci
ated hy Jier tniuiy friend lu the Cove.