The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, October 19, 1899, Image 4

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Published Every Thursday.
n. W. Peck, Editor.
Thursday Oct. 19, 1899.
Published Weekly. 1.00 per
Annum in Advance.
Prompt attention will be
tfiven to applications for ad
vert isini' rates.
; Job Printing of every des
cription executed with prompt
ness, in a workmanlike manner
and at consistent prices.
Tlu (rrcut wheel turns, und tliroiili my
I Kinds
I feel the swift threads run;
My sightless eyes run never see
In warp ond woof of tapestry
The tissue Vute hus spun;
I know not whut I blindly weave,
And yet I dumbly pray
That when the shadows closer ereep
. Some bit of beauty t may keep
For all the toiling day.
Sometimes the thread Is silken soft.
As thistledown afield;
I tremble Is it Love ut last?
A litfht for vision overcast
And has my heart a shield?
The wheel waits not, and I toll on
Along the vast design;
From course to line the woof
threads range
Ah, foolish one, they shall not
For wish nor prayer of thine!
The night draws near. My tired soul
Is rent with sudden fears;
The wheel Is still the broken
That through my weary lingers
Is rough, and stained with tears.
My bleeding hands, I know, have
A Web of somber hue
Pass not the sightless weaver by!
J Master, chide me not, for I
tlavt flono as best I knew!
, IVfciU to Turn the Joke on the
Ntningcr, hut YVus Hrought
to a Halt.
Vntfn tlie New York Sun.
(Very few of the renders of
TfttE News who have not heard of
Gvweral Charlie Campbell, the
watf veteran, and will be interest
erd in the following story even if
Uho joke was turned on the old
Yankton, S.D., SpptSO. Sev
renal .years ago no man was better
1 kaomvn on the frontier of South
'Dakota than Gen. C. T. Campbell,
who was sent to the Territory in
the 'GOs by President Buchanan
as inspecting officer of the United
States Army. Campbell had
been severely wounded, and his
trip West was more to recuiorato
than for actual duty. He had a
good war record, having served
throughout the Mexican cam
paign, and he was the most ac
complished swearer that ever
:ame West. Ho settled on the
Missouri River about seventy-five
miles above Yankton, where ho
maintained a ranch and wayside
inn, patronized almost wholly by
freighters, army officials and
frontiersmen. He was not tough,
but he carried this impression
until it came to bo believed that
ho would ns soon kill a man as
eat his breakfast.
Campbell had a habit of telling
the guests who honored his home
with their presence that they
could have anything they wanted
to eat, but when they called for
anything he did not have he would
inform them that he was not run
ning a Delmouico restaurant, and
that they would have to take
what they could get und be thank
ful. Ono evening a stranger came
along Mho was traveling for a.
Chicago house. Ho was a tender
foot, inasmuch as he had never
been so far West before Camp
bell rated him up as a dude, ho
afterward said, and asked him
what ho wanted to eat, after ho
had been seated with a dozen or
more frontiersmen.
'What have you for supper?"
asked the newcomer.
"What havo I got to eat? Why,
I've got any d d thing you
want," replied the General, "and
you had better bo quick about
deciding what you do want. I
can't keep the cook up all night
waiting for a d d dude to find
out what he is going to eat."
"All right, landlord," said the
traveller, "bring me some dog
and coll'ee."
There was a smile all nrouud
the table, as the ranchers recog
nized the probability of a row be
tween the General and the new
man. .
"Dog," yelled the General, and
ho walked around to the opposite
side of the table, where he could
look his guest squarely in the
face. "Dog, did you say? Do
you take me for a Sioux Indian?"
At that moment, when the
General was working himself into
a rage, a sudden thought occur
red to hiin.
"Yon want dog, do you? I
thought you were a tenderfoot,
: but I see you tire an Indian; I'll
'fix you." With that he strode
out of the room, cursing like a pi
rate, while everybody laughed at
him for the joke the .stranger had
Presently Campbell returned
carrying a large dish covered
with a cloth, which he set down
in front of his guest. In his right
hand he carried a big revolver,
and while ho removed the cloth
with one baud he covered the
stranger with the revolver in the
other hand. The cloth being re
moved, a litter of puppies was
found sleeping in the dish.
"Now, young man, you see that
there is nothing that this house
cannot supply at a moment's no
tice. You wanted dog, now you
must eat."
The General had realized that
some one had jxirpetrated a joke
on him and he thougut to turn it
on the stranger, but the young
man from the East was equal to
the emergency. Without ap
pearing to take notice of the big
pistol or the General's threat, he
carefully reached over, selected
the best looking FuPPy an be
gan to prod it with his fork, and
in apparent seriousness tried to
cut into tne animal with his knife.
The General's hand became very
shaky. After several trials the
stranger called for an oil stone,
and with the greatest deliberation
proceeded to sharpen the knife.
Still the knife was not sharp
enough, and grumbling at the ho
tel which provided such dull
knives, the stranger reached in
his pocket and drew out his own
pocketknife. A smile overspread
his face as ho remarked that "it
was more than a week since he
had had any dog," then he pro
ceeded, to all appearances, to
carve the pup, which set up a
cry of pain.
Now, these puppies were pedi
gree hounds whith had cost the
General considerable time and
money, and ho became alarmed
at the stranger's apparent fond
ness for them. Grabbing the
stranger's hand, ho seized the
dogs, remarking: "See here, you
Indian, this is a white man's
ranch, and if you want anything
to eat you will have to take cattish
or Texas steer; that's all we've
got." Amid a roar of laughter
he carriod away his puppies.
"That's the last time I ever
tried to work off a joke on a
stranger," said Campbell, in re
counting the story, "and it was
the last time that I ever boasted
that my house could furnish any
thing a man wanted to eat"
When forth lie fared upon life's ucst,
lie sought a inolto for his crest,
And so took from a grog-shop door
The single, sharp behest it bore
Alas, when futile years had flown,
Ho found, too late, naught could atone
For lack of what was pi aid I y writ
Upou the other door, to wit:
The usual infallible signs as to
tho weather tho coming winter
aro being discussed by the weath
er-wise gossipers and editors.
They say wo are to experience an
early and severe whiter. "The
corn husks are thick, tho squir
rels havo laid in an unusutd sup
ply of foliage, the wigwoed is
above the usual height, thegooso
bono is streaked, and the hornets
have built their nests high in tho
William Mercer, of Raccoon
Creek, near Huntington, West
Virginia, has just married a Mof
fat girl for the fifth time. Years
ago when Jennie Moffat , was
twojjty ho married her. She died
und he married her sister Ada,
aged twenty. At her death, sis
ter Catharine, twenty, was led to
tho altar, and then comes sister
Missouri. The fifth sister-wife
is Anna, aged twenty. Each of
the dead wives left two children.
Bishop McTyeire was fond of
his young brethren in the minis
try, and frequently gave them in
his privtite and public utterances
very wholesome advice. Many
preachers now living will testify
of having been greatly benefited
b.y the wise bits of counsel which
fell from his lips. He believed
thoroughly iu ample preparation
for one's life work. Especially
did he believe that one called of
(Jod to preach the holy gospel
should take time to equip himself
for the work. A call to ireach.
; from his point of view, meant,
first of all, a call to get ready to
preach. This, he said, was nec
essary if oik; made of himself "a
workman that needeth not to b
ashamed, rightly dividing the
word of truth." Instead of say
ing: "Young man, if tho Lord
has called you to preach, get
right at it, for souls will be jer
ishing while you are in school or
college preparing for the work,"
he advised the contrary course.
Iu his own peculiar way of put
ting it he would say: "Young
man, take time to sharpen your
ax well! You can do better work
and save more men in the course
of a lifetime if you will first pre
pare yourself for the best work."
Thus he saved many a young
man from what would otherwise
have been a life full of future re
grets and partial failure.
Using the Bishop's words as a
text, we would say to the boys
everywhere: Don't be in too
great a hurry to get out into the
strong currents of every-day
business life. It is right to de
sire for yourselves lives of inde
pendence and usefulness,but you
should not allow any ambition of
this sort to interfere with the
thorough prepara tory work which
is necessary to fit you to take hon
orable positions among your fel
lows. We have known boys but poor
ly prepared for the commoner
duties and positions of life, and
we might say almost totally un
prepared for the higher, to tire
of books and the school room and
have a longing to try their hands
in the business ventures of life.
They have gone forth as they
wished, but with what results!
In most instances they havo had
to take menial places because
their fitness could command no
higher employment. They have
been forced to see their former
schoolmates who were content to
remain in the schoolroom and
prepare for the race in life pass
by them and take the places of
preferment and honor.
They saw their mistake.butnot
until it was too late to repair the
damage done themselves. The
day of preparation once passed,
was gone forever. They had fail
ed in the beginning to sharpen
the ax well, and were compelled
ever afterwards to work with a
dull tool, and that, too against
great odds.
But while tho failure alluded
to places one at a disadvan
tage as a mere breadwinner, he
is damaged in a more import
ant sense still. Rushing into
real.earnest life without the prop
er training, if he is ever able to
achieve success in business, how
tremendous will bo tho cost to
that which is tho highest and
best in his nature! It takes but
littlu reflection to see that money
is dearly obtained if gotten at the
expense of u cultured mind and
So we would say to tho boys,
use tho time of youth by a dili
gent use of all advantages offered
you in preparing yourselves for
doing tho best work and most of
it when your day and opportunity
shall come. Sharpen the ax well!
Children's Visitor.
A crusade has boon organized,
which, though yet of slight pro
xrtions, should bo encouraged
and fostered in every way possi
ble. It is against tho wholly
senseless and often dangerous
custom of throwing rice after
bridal couples. Enough casual
ties have happened f rom the prac
tice to give pause even to the
thoughtless, but it seems hard to
break up. And the crusade is
particularly pertinent to bring
forward at the present time,
when rice is ho much needed in
Puerto Rico, and mischevious
loadsof it could be easily and glad
ly spared by unfortunate couples
suffering from their friends.
1. There is an interesting story
of a plant which was neither a
rosebud nor an ivy. It might
havo borne fruit, though we do
not know that it did. Its rapid
growth and speedy death have
passed into a proverb. (Jonah's
2. Who was the first new wo
man, judging her by her judg
ment of men? (Miriam.)
!. Yellow as gold, precious and
prized; older than iron, yet twice
made by man; used in the Old
Testament, referred to in the
New; a salvation and a typo of
salvation. (The brazen serpent.)
4. Who organized the first
church choir spoken of in tho Bi
ble? (David.)
.r. What infant's tears saved a
nation? (Moses's.)
('). Of whose public work was it
said "that a fox could destroy
it?" (Nehemiah's wall.)
7. Who is the youngest exam
ple of public life mentioned in the
Bible? (Samuel.)
8. What annointed king carried
a bunch of Mpied corn and
cheese? (David.)
U. He was lonely in life and
alone in death. His fur garment
was not worn for fashion. His
belt of skin did not carry weap
ons. That his food was sweet
was simply a matter of conven
ience. What is said of him can
never be true of any other man.
(John the Baptist.)
10. What bore buds and blos
soms, but never fruit? (Aaron's
11 At a feostattended by hand
some men, one was not there who
had a right there. Who gave tho
feast? Who called a pause?
(Jesse. Samuel.)
12 A meal of bean porridge and
a little spiced meat ruined for a
time the happiness of threo fam
ilies. Whose were they? (Isaac's
Jacob's, and Esau's.)
13. The :best illustration of the
truth, "Whoso diggeth u pit shall
fall into it. (Haman.)
14. Seven years, fourteen years
twenty years. Many times de
ceived, but never hurt. A jour
ney, a scare, a present, a prayer,
a strange encounter, a promise
won. (Jacob.)
15. When did all the world look
at the same thing at the same
time? (From tho ark at Noah's
10. Who was wakened to find
warm food and water near, pro
pared not by human hand, and
twice bidden to eat? (Elijah.)
17. She did not inspire the
army with her poetry or her
song, but, biding at home in the
performance of womanly duties,
with one exception, she won tho
battle. (Joel.)
18. A man in whom extremes
met. Small in every physical re
source; with heart and brain of a
giant; lovjng, yet fearless; gentle,
but uncompromising; always lik
ing what ho has not, always mak
ing tho best of what ho was; of
great ambition, yet truly hum
ble; prolific in speech and with
Ien he was the inspiration of
tho generation in which ho lived
and the admiration and despair
of those coming after. (St. Paul.)
Prom a Chicago laborer to a
Klondike claimholdcr worth over
$400,000, this is tho experience of
John C. Hayes, who left here
three years ago with $200 in his
pocket, says a Chicago dispatch
of Oct. 3. He returned Sunday
and surprised his relatives with
unquestionable evidences of his
Hayes hadn't been heard from
since he left during the Alaska
gold excitement of two years ago,
and had boon given up as one of
the hundreds lost in the mad
search for wealth. This after
noon he rapped at tho door of his
cousin's home at 4452 Champlain
Luwrence J. Ryan, tho cousin,
was surprised to see the relative
he thought was dead. Hayes hus
certainly checks for 75.000 and
papers which prove his owner
shfp of mining claims for which
a Peoria syndicate has offered
him $300,000.
He tolls the same story of hard
ship and suffering related by all
those who come out of tho Alaska
country alive. Ho is glad he is
rich, but more glud to bo buck to
civilization with health not im
paired. Hayes made his strikes
iu und around Dawson City,
A part of the Masonic Altar
that once brought the Scottish
bard, Robert Burns, in diro dis
grace before his lodge is now in
the possession of a Chicago wo
man, Mrs. W. F. Punch of 4350
Sidney avenue, and is treasured
by her as a family heirloom.
Mrs. Fundi is by birth a Cana
dian of Scotch origin. In tho
j days when her grandfather, Geo.
j MacRae, was young he attended
! tho same lodge as did Bobbie
; Burns and was one of tlx? "lichts,1
; of the town. One night before
lodge meeting the poet and Mac
Rite sat long together
1 liolisinir lit, the iiiinnv. .
And gettin foil and lineo happy.
And then arm in arm they
sauntered slowly to the room
where the Masons were wont to
All would have gone well had
not Burns desired to show his
Masonic brethren how good a
pugilist ho was, and he let go a
heavy undercut at MacRae, arous
ing the latter 's fighting blood,
and tho bout began, which result
ed in MaeRao being felled to tho
floor and Bobbie Burns throwing
tho four legged altar, or stand, at
him as he attempted to rise.
Luckily he missed his aim, and
the stand struck violently against
the wall, shattering completely
one of the legs.
At the following meeting the
two friends wero brought before
the order for trial. A fine was
imK)sed on them, and they wero
made to replace the altar. The
broken one was thrown out, and
as MacRae went home he carried
tho stand with him.
It is about two feet high and is
of a style out of use today in the
Masonic order. It has since
been preserved in the family as
an heirloom.
The Carnegie Steel Company
will immediately commence the
construction of two blastfurnaces
each of which will have a capacity
of 7000 tons per week. These
furnaces will bo the largest in the
world, and will be built on the
Carnegie Carrie Furnace proper
ty at Rankin station.
Tho company will start tho
erection at the same time of a
double track steel railroad bridge
across the Mononguhela river,
connecting the Carrie Furnace
plant with the Homestead Steel
Works on the south shore oppo
site. The molten iron will be run in.
to ladle cars and hauled by loco
motives across the river iu the
same condition, and, after the
mixing process at the Homestead
works, tho iron will be used in
tho open hearth steel furnaces or
tho Bessemer couverterl.
The building of these two fur
naces will give Allegheny county
a total of thirty-two stacks, with
a total capacity of 3,850,000 gross
tons, of which tho Carnegie Com
pany will own nineteen, with a
total capacity of 2,700,000 tons.
Philadelphiaus, it is said, aro
behind a movement to form a ho
tel trust in Pittsburg, the idea
being to combine a certain num
ber of first, second and third
class houses under one head.
George F. Townsend, of Philadel
phia, it is said, is pushing the
matter and is acting with Attorn
ey James H. McCreery, of Pitts
burg. The company it is claim
ed, will be capitalized at $5,000,
000. If tho thing is a success it
will bo tried in all tho leading cit
ies of the country. It is claimed
a great saving can bo effected in
tho management of u hotel by
this plan.
Remember in makiug your
shipment of apples this year
that tho barrel must be of le
gal dimensions or be marked
"short barrel" under penalty of
5 for every small barrel used.
The prescribed size is: Head di
ameter, 17i inches; length of
stave, 27J inches; bulge not less
than 04 inches outside measurement.
Little Mike (who hus stuck a
hard spot in his reading) "Father
phwat's a vamphire?" McLub
berty "G'wan wid yoz. Whoy
don't ye use yure eyes and ears
whin yer hev a chance? Begor
ra! a vampire is dho feller thot
gits bate to dith a base ball
h at
list :
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Best Selected Stock of
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We are now prepared to slio
our Friends the Largest and
(a claim that is being extensively made.) Satisfy yo,E 1
self about that matter. We will show you the ;'
; ap
t fl
! pr
siou i
that Fulton county has ever had in it, and at priccjbos
low as is consistent with perfect goods. The rainu too
Plush capes 2,50 to 13,00. Cloth capes as louoth:
1.25. See them. Jackets, 4,00 up. We have astir
3SS t
tor 1
I fire
prettiest line ot
Ladies' Skirts
to show you from 20 cents to $2,00.
Kress Goods in Stacks,
'irtv '
A good Wool Suiting for l'J cents, wefl worth 25 its a s
See our stock of
Ladies' and Men's Neckwe
Lots of new, nice things.
ads i
A matter of interest to all is good warm UNDERWEinS
for cold weather. Wo have it. jand
Wo have a case of ,'J2 dozen of MEN'S SHIRTS er' 1
DRAWERS, at 40 cents apiece, that lots of peopled on$
bo slow to ask 50 cents for. They are perfect iu make ,kiw
fit, and in every way acceptable, Of course wo havi .'ss b
cheaper, and several linos of Underwear at 50c, 75c 197 )
$1,00, and up; Ladies," from 20c. to $1,00. Children's '
and up. P boa
6f 16
1 -WEAR-
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within xphfih i
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3f th.
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We have two lines of Ladies' and Children's Shoes ihuy f0J
will stand against anything anywhere, price considered:., ri
fit, and wear, and appearance A general line, inclwf
Men's, Boys', Ladies' and Misses', that will staud agif Uut'
any line, we don't caie who produces them, or their prteL:
We are selling a very fair Children's Shoe, 8-12 at l)f'
A first-rate Oil drain S'.ioe for women at UMc. Men's 1 ?
as low as $1.50. A very good one. f-whii
cio li
A Word about SHOEf
will find any where else l;1;;
town. WeknowtlicpricQj;
are all right, every time It
oxxxxxxxxo XXXXXXXX i