The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, October 19, 1899, Image 2

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    Secretary of Agriculture Talks
of This Year's Corn Yiel d.
iTMitfca tkitt Farmer Will Find It Hon
aratM to Peed It to Wlnrk Thun to
MpliAkrMHl at Uw Kt-Hlgh Prle
m1-Tnw Cutting Uood Price for
TKelr JTraweta.
Mill-am, fSfeell.) "TM ynt'n corn
!MP on of th largest In nr hls-
jT- Secretary of Agriculture James
fruaa. wk was In Chicago with the rrl
teattal parly. "Tim total ytld. It It estl
ate, will a between twenty-three and
tweaiy-flv hundrrd millions of bushel.
iTberw will h plenty for manufacturing and
ift-effiaj. anil w will bur till th corn to mil.
, jlkM anybody want to tttr. To whet ex
eslk Top will be shipped abroad will de
J" la-cely apon lb prion It will bring.
The high prices offered for meats will Incline
lb farmer to as lliplr crop for feeding
Oenttnnlnr on the prnricts for good
ptir. r-r. tnrjr Wll.on snld:
Where -toe la lo ho f .und the corn will
fc-it the. prlee .n high. A cnnsld
jmbie frrK-Miin of the crop will h" erlbhed,
! termer generally nre well off nnd urn
rottl il rrrM for their r red nets, 0
-,T " to hold their corn crop.
Mat. r likely lo be blch, because In the
last few year nor population hue drown
tmtrr tban tie meat-producing animals.
"Tb-, li J.i.lMoo. graxlng on tbe seml-arld
jregti of th- West has been destructive,
i irmny of thoe range States do not bur
wMp-r rent, of the animal thejr bud
flyy-r. a-o. A st ndy demand outside
f l TJ ,lt-.l state for first-class meats In
tlie (pirn and on the hoof nnd a growing
iod t-nt only aero-, tbe Atlantic, but In
the enaalrlM n and nround the Pacific, for
Anteriran panned mea's In playing nn Im
portant part Ja Influencing hlub prices. Tbe
me-d la crowing In the Orient for animal
-pr-wrwls. and growing rapidly.
"The Iirltlh In tbe Transvaal wnr, ahould
It wmr. will want onr canned meat. They
RBft4 wan onr refrigerated mentn over
there. a. la order to feed their soldiers na
well a the United States feeila hra tbev
,wfll .-- lo tnko the quarters to Cup of
Joe II - In refrigerating vessels, and
fcn -til ItVi a plant for coring for chilled
.newuet-rllar to the one the United Ktatea
a at M nlle. They must have fanned
wea'e. and they most come to Chicago to
rr' th-m.
"All thla talk we have heard of embalmed
1 vriil -t chance thla order of feeding
Th- y may avoid the kind tbnt do
thT- eult In them, known na panned
yomt UT. aad thla may remit In enit I eing
in tl ia prparallnn, but the fuet
aialaathat armlm r quire ranix il where
hey rot.o. t if-t ehlllrd beef. ' Tli United
KtaiaM J. thx only eonntrv prparnl t aup
IlF it. and the vrnw'ng ilernnnd fur it In nil
jnerb-r of the plobe will help keep up tbo
'Jltee of meat-."
- tn be Arreated ami la Be
lt, v. 4 m riaee Taken Poleun.
3lJ-lki , N. C, (Sfclal.)-TUere la a aen
Uoa la military olrelea here. Wbeu Com
lyaay Bof tbe Third Regiment wu prepnr
tnar t JJ-w Turk to the Dewvy parade,
XJrsi. Clenda Broubton, n brother of Itev.
X i. Brungbton, a woll known Bnptlst
ttraeifr, now at Atlanta, collected uit-oey
nMilbrU to defray eooie of the expenvea
f th tegiment. lit turned In t30. but tli
eoUJara rbi.rn' be npproprlnUU t47, nnd
Matted to bavn lilm arrtattd. The. witrrnot
wmamadii r:urnaMe In Uio nfteruoon, but
Xroiucbtuja wna rrporled Lick. Three pby
atriaua are attending blm, and it la fenn-d
bwama taken poi.on. Boon otter the war
nl wa eervrd lie weut to b'f Intber'a
beiua and threw lilmaelf on the tt-o, asking
tbat bU wife be cent for, an be bad not long
- b ve.
Undo la Heath In Car.
Tfareo, O., (Uprclal.) A etreet car CD
Ik Trninbti.l Hue, containing twent)tbree
lople. tu stuck t y tbe Clevt'lnnd aud
tiburg trnln of the Pituburg ftud West
ni Ballroad at Nile, und badly wrecked.
Brit B. W aid, of Ueforeat, was killed, and
Joerpb AUeu, Htrlcklnnd HoltOD, Ella Me
Bride, Mi, ttemuel Cnrtwrlpht nud the 2-JMi-o
ll daughter of Charles Llnlz,o( Nlle,
were bad. injured. Allen und llultou OiBy
rutLU or uuuik
Byrfa lias do factories.
Florida his an osirlch fnrai.
C'oreaakers have forty-teveo union.
Siashvllla baa few Idle men.
Indiana has Immense coal deposits,
fttramrr O.'eanlo employs 500 men.
Eoglai d bn 81,033 union engineers.
Jong-bor. mxu have I'll local unions.
r. Louis bus Ihe largest drug house,
TifUaa police mutt be trlegmpbers.
Clrand Ueplda is to have a labor temple,
Kw Tork State bas 188,455 unionists.
Xjondoa knok layers get 19 cents per hour,
Soreland, Km-., Is a criperntlve towu.
Sew Turk ba a Hebrew B ikers' union.
Ueorgia boas:s a 149.pnund watermelon.
VTherliof; made 6,150,003 stotfies lust
City of Slrxlco is to bare a department
bllade'phla painter now (jet (3 for elk'bt
Sew York's Cigar Workers' Lengue Is
taaeaty yt-arit old.
lfctrtendi-re btld a national convention nt
UuicaU'H aiansred an lodubtrlnl expual
W at Jl'i n apollo.
tw i M.ller. Jersey City, have volnn.
terally granted a uiae-hour Uuy to tbeir
Hiiadw (Soolland) street railway eui
jVye d niaod the elgbl-Uour day.
New T ik's fuvtory Inspector urges the
ara-iivur dey lor women.
lrilu sewage fnrm laborers get I2.C1 a
V. evtei!-biiur day.
Tke K Ighis of Labor general anaembly
wriUn-i tu asnaal session la B atou lu
Bnuthamplna has municipal dwelling
! ( illjtv erected end rented by the
iy )
Oeat.a striking waiters have been for.
&kl'h'o ty lUa vourt to UlelrlLuie Loyvou
li'ka ling retail elerks found among the
anevebaitts little opposition to tbe Buudny vveaiag closing bonis.
Vilwauke Building Trades Council wnnla
irielaii cielilon fcoysotted ou auuuuut
1 iNey.iu euuvlstloo.
Tarn- U no mill aad aiaeltermen's union
In Juaeettiidit. Tbe largest smeller city Is in
me kiialo ol Washington.
Ttte working women of this or any olber
' s.U l ecautry ara upon as blub a plaue
at ferny as auy class la tba ooiumuully.
Taw tUt rootrlbatloa of the National.
miMI ike Halted Brewery Workmen lor
stv-teeed-ut aalea workers In Duumark
ut U nearly S00.
Alaska's first Territorial Convention Is be.
log held nt Juneau to formulate for the use
of Cnngrets tba legislative needs of tbe
The Kkagwny Chamber of Commerce
rnvaed resulutlon protesting ngnlutt the
cession of a port on tbe Lynn Canal to Qrent
The Ramoans have proclnlmed Tamasose
King, In spite of the agreement of the Tow
ers to abolish the Kingship; nt least, this Is
tbe story sent by a Ofrtnnu correspondent.
The Cubans continue to harass the 8pnn
Inrds In Havana nnd vicinity, taking their
cue from Mayor Lacoste's recent Older
against the dlnplny of the Hpaulsb Qng.
An nttempt was made In Havnua to lyncb
a Chinaman who bad served as a guerrilla
during the wnr.
The strainer Nutmeg Stnte, of the Bridge
pert Line, wns turned to tbe water's edge
on Old lieu lef, nenr Nrw York. Eight of
the crew were burned to death aud several
passengers lire missing.
rrealdent nnd Mrs. MrKluley and soma
member of tbe Cnbluet party attended Hun
day service In tbe Flr t Methodist Church ut
Sioux city, In. At night tbe prestdentlnl
train left for tbe Eft't.
J. II. Hlnde, a trusted messenger of tbe
National Machine Company, In New York,
disappeared with 7S0 of tbe company's
Daniel Lockllet executed a deed In New
Tort News, Vs., transferring bis little
dnuKbterto Mr. nud Mrs. A. W. Watson-
Lieutenant Harry Caldwell, - Admiral
Dewey's secretary, will be presented with a
silver Icving cup I y bis IllluoN friends.
Tim family of Charles Herman, In New
port News, Yd., declnre that tbe skeleton
found In tbe woods wns not bis.
Seven buildings of tit. Mary's Training
School, at Feoliauvllle, III., were burned.
Loss tVC0,000; InsurnLca tliO.OOO.
Ten tbou-ntd people attended tbo Jnbiloe
missionary convention of tbe Cbrlstlun
Church nt Cincinnati.
Two men rtnde n brutal assault on Police
man Splnks lu Alexandria, Va.
James O'Beirue, of New York, nnd Mr,
Van der Huogt, of Baltimore, representing
the Trnnsvnul government, were In Minne
apolis seeking su Interview wltb Fresldent
Addresses wero made at the Huntsvllle
Industrial Convention by Booker T. Wash
ington, Governor MueCorklo aud Professor
W. II. Council.
Alexandria, Vn., celebrated its sesqul-cen-tennlal
with day und ulgbt parades, lavish
street decorations and beuutlful Illumina
tions ut night.
Tfe-ideiit M.KlDlpy participated In the
welcome to the returned Mlunosota Volun
teers In Minneapolis aud was given a recep
tion In Bt. Paul.
Itev. Dr. J. Itltchle 8mlth, formerly of
Baltimore, received a call to tbe Market
Square Presbyterlau Church In Uurrlslurg,
Frederick George nnd bis three little
daughters wero killed 1 y an express tritlu
striking tbeir wagon at Il.verside, N. J.
It 'irkelellnr bus cornered tbe lake Ireight
market and Carnegie will now have to pay
double charges ou Iron ore.
Itev. Normiin Piuss was arrested In Provi
dence, H. I., on the charge of attempting to
blackmail u snloon keeper.
Oveno freight rates bare advanced, ns a
ro-ult of the British government cbnrteriug
over e'gbty steamships.
Itev. C. J. Woods, of York, Pa., and others
read papers at the Protestant Episcopal
Congress at St. Puul, Minn.
Hugh Warwick, colored, wns orrested In
Lexington, Va., on tbe cburge of feloniously
a-euultlnu Lucy Creasy.
Admiral Dewey was the guest of his native
State Vermont aud received tbe medal
tbnt was voted tn him.
The National Wholesale Druggists' Ao.
clatlou decided to ask Congress for a reduc
tion of the war revenue tux.
Another part of n dismembered bumnn
body was found In New York.
The Minneapolis Produce Exchange war
burmd 'oss 100,000.
The International Commercial Congress
opened In Pbllndulpbln.
Senator Sboup, of Idaho, who has Just re
lumed from Alaska, is opposed to ceding an
Inch of land to Canada in Alaska.
Chalrmau Joues, of tbe Deinocratlo No
tional Committee, will soon resume active
charge of enmpnign alTulrs.
Cn.'iU'derute veteraus nsk no pensions from
the Federal Government, declared Colour)
Hull, of Mncou, Oa., In his address at the
Blue nud Urny Iteuulon In Erauaville, Iod.
8even-yenr-old Kitty Sbnugbnessy, 61
Brooklyn, was badly linen by ruts, wblub
Invaded tbo child's bed.
Thomas Morgan nnd Lculs Cameron, bill
porters from Detroit, were asphyxiated by
Illuminating gas la n New York hotel.
Captain bmllli, U. H. A., u member of tbe
Havana 11 mime committee, addressed the
students of the University of Pennsylvania
on "The Conditions of Amerlcuu llule In'
The promotion of n number of Pennsyl
vania railroad ofllcials was annouuued,
It seems likely that the Kansas City, Pltts
l urg and Gulf Ballroad will be sold and the
property purchasid by Ex-Presldeut Still
well and bis associates.
The annual reunion of tbe Army of tbe
Tennersee began in Chicago.
Montpeller was gully decked in honor ol
Admiral Dewev, who was elaborately enter
tained nt tbe Vermont capital.
Rnur-Admiral Uowison was retired, aud
Captulu Barker now beoomes a Junior Bear
Admiral, The drift of Bev. Dr. Da Co-ta's recent
sermon leads to the belief that he will enter
tbe Cetbollo Cburoh, although be Intimates
no such purpose iu his statement of the
causes wbleti led to bis withdrawal from the
EplHcorul Church In New York.
The upper portion of a woman's body,
from the waist line to lbs neck, as found
on tbe Leach near the New York Quurnutlue
Tbe body of a young woman who bad
I eeu strangled lo death was fouud on a
S'.rret lu Lowell, Muss,
Two women who hud quarreled with their
lovers drank carbolic Held In a Bowery dive,
New York. Qua Is dead and the other
The Itev. J. A. Maralen. of Owensvllle,
Intl., Is under err, st, accused of using tbe
malls fraudentiy, be having collected funds
for the It- d Cross, nnd, It Is said, not buvlng
forwivded them.
Union Pacillu stockholders, meeting at
Suit Lake, agreed lo an lucreaaa of the
Company's preferred stock by .(1211,000.000
and the common stouk by (7,718,000.
The crew of the schooner 'lliomas W.
Holder, of Boston, which went ssbore neni
the Cnlioon's Hollow (Mass.) Life-Uavlug
Bintlou, was resoued.
Incendiary tips have done grant datrane
In Mill Vulley, neur Han Francisco, much of
the haud-ome scenery belug destroyed.
The coudlllon of oolton on October 10 wns
62.4, as compared with C8.S last month; 76.4
on Uet"ber 1, 1H98-, 70.0 at the corresponding
dale In 18'.)7, and 73 6 the mean of tbe Octo
ber average for the last 10 years.
Miss Edua McClrllan, 109 Welt Seventy
seven Hi street New York, has started an
endless Jialn tn arour dimes to buy a boms
or loving cup for Adu.lrul Schley.
Hon. W. J. Bryan's poor health may com
pel him to withdraw temporarily from the
campaign. II is now In Iowa.
President MrKluley was kept busy attend
ing tbe religious services on Sunday lu Oil.
eago. In an address to the color-d people,
ba said tbeir race bad damonstrattd Its pa
triotism by Its arr Does.
Early Morning Fire on a Pas
senger Steamer.
""Sgageinnster Jayn Arnnsed the Steep,
ers on lit Nutmeg Klat and Then
Leaped to Ills lteatlt Th Steamer Left
Bridgeport Two Honrs Mra lta
coverad About Hinokastnck.
Now York, (Special.) Tbe Bridgeport
Steamboat Company's steamer Nutmeg
State, which lelt Bridgeport nt 8 o'clock Sat
urday morning, caught flro three hours
later oJT Execution Light, and was totuliy
de.t-oyed. Eight persons perished.
Tbe steamer City of Lawrence came in
sight soon alter the Are was discovered nnd
stood by lo rescue the passengers nnd crew.
The Nutmeg Slate's lifeboats were launched
as soon as the City of Litwrenco got within
balling dlatnnoe, lut several of them cap
slz-d. and It was feared tbnt some passen
gers were drowned. The City of Lawrence
brought those rescued to this city.
Ou bis arrival Capt. Charles Brooks re
ported that tba Nutmeg Slate left Bridge
port nt 3 o'clock, two hours late. He said
that the first be knew of tbe lire was when
he saw a blaze around the smokestack. Tne
Ore was burning rather briskly then, und be
got soma men to work lu trying to put It
Tbe steamboat was then five miles enst of
Execution Light. She was headed directly
lor Sand's Point, nnd nil steam that could bn
got up wits put on her. She made good
time, while a stnte of the most Intense ex
citement reigned aboard the vessel.
On corning near Sand's Point the Cnptaln
directed the bow of the boat dead abend for
the beach, and fan rnn nsbore about n mllo
east of the Point. Cnptnlu Brooks said that
the vessel went Into 12 i fuetof water before
he grounded and settled.
There were between 83 nud 40 passengers
on tbe Nutmeg State, Captain Brooks said.
He wns afraid some of them wero lost.
Everything possible was done for the pas
sengers. The City of Lawrence, n Sound
steamer, which was coming dor, u to the
city, saw tbe fire and steamed over toward
the burning vrssol. Boats wore put out
from her, nud by heroic, work the passen
ger of the Nutmeg State were tnkeu aboard
t hi vessel, together with thu remaining
members of the crew.
Captain Brooks ref orted thnt the vesfol
nnd Ireight were n total loss.
Captain Brooks says thnt Samuel Jayne,
the baggage-master, got out of the hold, In
which the lire was, and jumped overboard
to escape tbe flumes. The Linnet, which
had sailed ns close to the burning boat us
she dared, steamed up to the man, ns the
yacht owuer saw him Inln to swim, nnd
Juynewas picked up. When lis was laid
out ou the deck be was dead.
Patrick Coffey, tbe mate ol the vessel, was
In the lower part of thu bold when the lire
started. He could nut get out end wna
burned to death. An oiler, whose mime the
captain could not remember, was iilo a vic
tim. He was lu the hold, could not get out
uutl died Irom inhaling flame.
O. J. Hurlburt, of Bridgeport, a pnssen
gnr, was n-leep when the II ro was discov
ered. He said the lire was first seen by
Btggagemaster Jayne, who, niter nrou-lug
ail the passengers be could, Jumped over
board and died from Injuries which be re
ceived from striking a portion of the vessel.
Juyue is described its the bero of tbe Are.
Th Admiral Tendered u Grand Iteceptlou
He la tilven n Watch,
Boston, Mass., (Special.) Tbe residents
of Boatou and vicinity, augmented by thou
nuds of visitor from other suctions of the
Commonwealth aud from adjacent States,
Saturday did bouor to Admiral Dewey.
Disappointing weather conditions pre
vailed early lu the day. A thick fog, that
frequently became n.Ut, prevailed. Later,
however, the heavy sky began to brighten,
aud theu thu suu broke through tbe bare.
The first purt of thu day's progrntnuie was
devoted to a u.usicnl recital by tbe school
children of the thy, to the iiuiltXT of uho.m-,
25,0. 0, on tbe Common nt 10 o'clock. The
Admiral nnd party were escorted with dlfil
culty from bis headquarter ut tbe Hotel
Touraluu through the immense crowds.
From the Common the Admiral and party
were conducted to a large reviewing stund
lu front of the City Hall bulldlug, where,
Just before 11 o'clock, Mayor Qulnoy, In thu
presence of city cfllclaU and guests nud
thousnnd of spectators, presented him, ou
behalf ol the City of Boston, with a uiiigulll
ceut jewel-aiudded watch.
Three Persons Fatally and litre Ser
iously Injured.
Dnllns, Tex., (Special.)-Near tho Sinte
Fair Ground', tn the eastern suburbs, it
trolley car on thu Bnpld Transit Street Hall
way, tilled with pu-seugers, collided with mi
exeursloit trnln ou the Gulf, Colorado Hnd
Santa Fe road.
Of thu 49 pi.Biengers on bourd tbe street
car, nearly half of them were hurl. Six of
them were seriously injured and threo of
these cannot live.
The other passengers who were hurt were
able to get itwny without assistance or the
need of surglunl help. The accident was
oaUHed by the trolley oar attempting to make
the crossing, where theru was no lltigmun.
Amarlrait ttqual Wag Union.
Kansas City, Mo., (Special.) The Ameri
can Equal W.ige Union, recently Incorpor
ated, has adopted a constitution, nud will
Immediately commence active missionary
work. Thu organization departs (ruin the
methods ol older uuiooB iu that it omits the
word "strike" from Its eonstltutlout, pro. to accomplish reforms through the
ballot, work to offset the activity of corpora
tiou lobbies, und declares for equal pay tut
equal work lor women.
Ntrength of the llrltlsh In Natal.
Durban, (By Cable. ) Fnllowlug Is the
strength nnd disposition of tbe troops lu
Natal: At Ladysiclth, seven littterlee, 12
guu-, 4,000 Infantry; at K.lcourt, 200 volun
teers, and ut Coleiiso 427 volunteers These,
with the lorce at Pielermnrltislurg, make u
total of 15,000 men lu Natal.
(ecoud Cusey Armjr failure.
Wichita, Kan.. (Special.) Carl Brown,
who led Coxny'H army to Vuhlugtou, ami
who arrived In Wichlut from Denver on his
second march, dec In red thu march off, and
LolilUd bis men that he would go no furtnor.
A Cup for Dewey Serrwtary,
Quliiey, III., (Special.) Lieutenant Harry
H. Caldwell, Admiral Dewey's secretary,
upou his returu to bis borne here, will be
presented with n sliver lovlug tup, which
has been designed lu Imitation of the void
cup presented to Admiral Dewey lu New
York. Lieutenant C ildwell, during the b, ti
tle, of May 1, 181)8, fought oua of tbe O.ym
plu's seeoudary batteries; j .
An American Lady stubbed.
Berlin, (By Cable.) a Philadelphia lady
named Ca. dwell, rea ding here, was jittiii-krd
lu hur residence by a robbur, who felled her
with bis flsl, then looktier money and val.
uables and made bis yscape,
President Kruger Demands the Removal of
All British Troops From the Border.
War between Great Britain nnd the South
African or Transvaal Bepublto now snejns
practically inevitable.
The Transvanl Government has suddenly
precipitated the crisis by sending to Great
Britain nn ultimatum consisting of four de
mands and requiring an immediate answer.
If Great Britniu does not make a satisfac
tory answot within the time limit, she Is
notified that ' her course will be deemed a
formal declaration of wnr.
Tho demand are thnt the differences of
the two Governments be settled by arbitra
tion or other amicable means; thnt troops on
the border be instantly withdrawn) that
British reinforcements sent to South Africa
since June 1 be withdrawn within a reason
able time, nud that the Brltlrb troops now
on tbe seas shall not be landed in any part
of South Africa.
Another note sent by the Transvaal Gov
ernment to Great Britain contains a defense
of the Transvaal's position.
Tbe London Tlxes says It bas reason to
believe that the British Government's reply
to President Kruger will contain simply a
brief expression of regret that be should
bnre taken the serious step involved iu ad
dressing a communication of such a nature,
and the announcement thnt Great Britain
has no further communication to make to
blm at present.
In London there l no sign of yielding to
the demand. War Is regarded as Inevita
ble. The v ir feeling In Loudon was shown
by a wild demons ration In honor of th
New South Wales Lancers, who passed
through the olty on tholr wuy to South
The situation on tbo Transvaal frontier Is
critical. British troops are sleeping ou
their nrms. It Is stated lu London that
fighting may have already begun.
It Is reported thnt Great Britain has bought
from Portugal Delngon Bay and surround
ing territory, which bus been tbe Transvaal's
only outlet to tbe sea not controlled by
ilrltaln Is "Karne.iljr llrqnested" to
London, (By Cable.) The text of the
Transvnul Government's ultimatum, re
ceived by tbe British Colonial OfJuce, is In
part ns follows:
"Her MnJerty' unlawful Intervention In
the lutnrnnl affairs of tbU B-publlc, In con
flict with the London convention of 1884, by
tho extraordinary strengthening ol her
troops in the neighborhood of tbe borders
of this llnpubllc, has caused an Intolerable
condition of things lo arise, to which this
Government feels Itself obliged, In the in
terest not only of this 11 -public, but uleo of
all South Africa, tn make an end ns soon ns
possible; nnd this Government feels Itself
called upon and obligid to press enrnostly,
nud with emphasis, for an Immediate ter
mination of this stnte of things, nnd to re.
quest her Majesty's Government to give
usauruniei upon the following tour demand-:
fnar Deinnnds I'resented.
"1. That nil points of mutual difference
be regulated by friendly r '-course to nrbl
trutlou or by whatever nmlcnbie way may
be agreed upon by this Government and
her MnJety' Government, ,
"2. Thut all troops on tba borders of this
Republic shall be Instantly withdrawn.
"3. That all reinforcements of .troops
which have nrrlved iu South Africa since
June 1, 1HU9, shall bo removed from South
Africa within a reasonable time, to be agreed
upon with this Government und with the
mutual insurance nnd guarantee on the part
of this Government that no attack upou or
hostilities against any portion of the pos
sessions of the British Government shall be
made by this Bepubllc during the further
negotiations within it period of time to be
subsequently agreed upon between the gov
ernments; und this Government will, on
compliance therewith, bo prepared lo with
draw the armed burghers of this llepubllu
' from the borders.
"4. Thut her Majesty's troops which nre
now on tbo high sen shall not be Innded lu
any part of South Africa.
"This Government presses for an imme
diate and affirmative answer to these four
questions, and earnestly requests her Ma
jesty' Goverumut.t to return an answer.
"It desire lurther lo add that In the un-
j peeled event of nu answer not sallsfaotory
being received by it wllhlu the interval, It
will with greats regret be compelled to re
gard the notion ol -er Majesty's Government
as n fnrmnl declaration0' war, and will not
bold Itself responsible f6rt"e cousequenoes
thereof, aud thnt, In the eveiKf any further
movement of troops occurring "Within the
above-mentioned time In a Learor dij,elii
to our borders, this Guverument wH) be
compelled to regard thut ulso us a Inrmiil
declaration of war.
"I bitv the honor to be, respectfully
yours, F. W. IIeitz, State Secretary."
Track Tanks for Freight Engines.
Tbe use of track tanks by which loco
motives of blgh speed passenger trains may
lake water without stopping I almost uni
versal ou the larger Eastern road, wheri
fast expresses nre the rule. The Baltimore
A Ohio Railroad bn a number between
Washington und Philadelphia, nnd Intends
to equip tbe entire malu line lu the luture.
This decli-ion was recently nrrlvid al
through tbe usa of passenger locomotives,
equipped with water scoops, ou fust freight
tram-. It was found tbnt much time was
saved, danger from stopping, being reduced
to a minimum and cost ol running lessened.
The transportation olllclnla made some cal
culations and t he llgures showed a saving ol
no small sum, If truck tank nre used for
slow freights on the divli-lons where bust
ness Is very heavy. If thu experiment ou
this part of tbe road proves successful,
track tauks will be Installed ou every divis
ion between Baltimore nnd Chicago. Asa
starter, the 60 new Vaucltitu Compound En
gines recently ordered with be lltted with
wuler scoop.
Funslon stack l-'rom Manila.
San Francisco, (Special.) The transport
Tartar, with Him Kausas Volunteers, luclud
Inii General Fiinetou, on board, has been
tlgnled two mnes out, returning from Manila.
Sanction llrnlal rxeeiitlnn and Torture
of tho tlrHolttla In AfuhanUtan.
London, (By Cable.) Tho Dally Tele
(ruph's St. Petersburg correspondent says
Ittisslau accounts represent Abdurrahman
Khan, Ameer of Afghanistan, na Insane,
ud likely tn provoke a conflict I el ween
Itussiii and England. These accounts say
the Amenr Is sanctioning brutal e xecutions
and the tortu il iK of officials dally, nnd thnt
bis actions are resulting iu a gcuorul
CAH'llO rtllt I'KKbIDCNT,
Probable Heault of the Itavoltitlon In
Carnoas, Venezuela, (By Cable.) Snor
Mutos, Ihe special envoy sent by President
Andrsdetn thu insurgent commuuder, Gen.
Clprluuo Csstro, has returned here.
He bed S prolonged interview with Gen
eral Castro, nud ha bus assured United
States Minister Loomls tbnt there is no
danger of further hostilities uulesi new and
unexpected complications nrlse.
President Audrade, It is expected, will
'resign, allowing th peaceful election if
.General Castro, to th Presidency.
Thdtnas, W. Va., Scene of a
Distasrous Explosion-
Fir In th Offices of the liavla Coal and
Cnke Company Ignites Kxplnslves Ira
H-cuiii, ol l-.verelt, l'a., Instantly Killed
and Kiv Faliovr-ICinployes Injured
Cumberland, Md., (Special.) The Davis
Coal and Coke Company building, occupied
l y the Buxton A Lundstrett Company, At
Thomif, W. Vb., caught lire in the collar,
aud shoitly afierwaid an explosion oc
curred, completely wrecking the building
and scattering the dorrtrs In every direction,
blocking tbe West Virginia Central aud
Pittsburg Railroad trackr.
Ira Nycum, of Everett, Pa., was killed and
burled under the ruins. Six other persons
were btijiy Injured. Tbo explosion is
thought to have been caused by powder nnd
other explosives cntching flro In th cellar.
The loss will amount to about 145,000, with
(13,000 Insurance.
Killed and Injured.
The killed and Injured arei
Killed Ira Nyoum, of Everett, To., tlms
keeper. Injured Leo Otl, of Thomas, W. Va.,
superintendent; Theo. Sansbury, of Cum
berland, of tbe engineering department;
James Cunningham, of Moorelleld, W. Vs.,
car shifter; William McKiusle, of Thomas,
ynrd foreman, and James HUgliiB, of
Thomus, W. Va.
The body of Nycum will be tnken to
Even-tt for burial. He leaves a wile and
one child.
The Injuries of t'je others nre not serious.
The volunteer lire department was called
out, and, after bard work, saved the other
buildings nearby. The Luildlng was a flue
brick structure.
It belonged to the Buxton A Landstreet
Company, conducting a general merchnndbts
store, part of It belug oceupVd by tho Davis
Coal nnd Coke Company, for Its ofllces.
Severnl of the Davis Coal and Coke Com
pany's office force detected the smoke, nnd,
when they saw the headway gained by the
lire, rushed lu to save books nnd valuable
papers of the company, nud, Just at this time
the explosion of a number of kegs of pow
der occurred. One of tbo men wns blown
through the roof, but escuped with remark
able slight Injuries.
V. H. CONiSl'L IN CHAltdE.
Mr. Marrutn. nr Pretoria, Will Look After
Krltlsh Interests.
London, (By Cable.) -Tim Colonlnl Office
announces olllulaily that Mr. Mai-rum, the
fulled States consul in Pretoria, wllll the
consent of hi government, has taken charge
of British Interests In tbe Transvaal.
The Hague, (By Cnl le.)-At the reguest of
the government of the South Alrlcan Uepub.
lie, the Dutch consul general In Loudon,
Dr. H. S. J. Muss, will take chnrgo of the
Interests of Transvniilers In Great Britain.
Mr. Greene, when bidding farewell to the
Trunivaal government, mentioned the case
of the Englishman Robertson, who Is Im
prisoned at Pretoria, on a ebarga ofni
templing to raise recruits at Johannesburg
for tbe Natal Light Horse. Hn friends nre
seriously c ncerued for his safety, nnd huve
appealed to tbe American consul ou his
Train Strikes a Wagon Containing Man
nnd Three Children.
rhilndolphlu, Pa., (Special.) Frederick
George and bl three little daughters (Dens,
aged six yenrs; Maggie, aged four, and
Frieda, uged two), were Instantly killed at
Riverside, N. J., by an express trnlu on the
Camden and Amboy Division. Pennsylvania
Rallrond. George was n huckster, und,
after ending bl day's business, took the
children for a pleasure trip In his wagon.
At the railroad crossing bo fnlled to notice
-no approaching express train, which struck
the centre of the vehicle, killing Its four oc
cupants. George wns thrown to the other
track nud his body cut in two by a freight
train which reached the crossing nt the
moment. A widow aud un eight-year-old
on survive blm.
Text of Brief Answer to Hi Ultimatum
Sent hr Transvaal.
London, (By Cable.)-Following Is the
text of the British reply to tbe Boer ultl-
"ibnmberlaln to Mllner, High Commis
sioned "HursffJely' Bovernment have received
with greaf'Bret the peremptory demand
of the 8outhAMcnn nepuldlo conveyed In
your tclegratuV1' October 9. You will ir
form the govtiru'nUeut of the South African
Reputilla lu replyTsiat the conditions de
manded by the goveViJm,'nt of the South
African Republic nre suet! I'tr Majesty'
"overnmeut deem It ImposY'b-'" to dlscu-s."
High I'rlr for CotlVn,ed.
Houston, Tex., (Special.) "t since t'te
season for have coltouset products
readied such prices as are now Bt'"R asked
for them. Most of tbe mills luhl" al
have sokl their holdings two wi eklt nheud.
Prime crude oil is selling lor 25jj;2jj.t'-i and
prime yellow at 27rti2Hc. Last ye,ir this
date, prime erudn was being offered ou t,,e
market at V2(a Vi,y:, and prime yellow ."'
lOffilS,1,''. Sued nud cake are worth t20.5iT
per ton. hlle last year both were stuguaul
at 12.6U(a 13 per too.
Swnrd fnr Lleulonunt Kelson.
Knoxvill-, T.'iin., (Special.) Thousands
of -Tanue-eiteuus nttxnded tint presentation
of a handsome sword to Lieutenant Valen
tine Sevier Noison, of this city, who was
with Dwey un thu Olymplu at the battle of
Manila Buy. The event wus tho feuturu of
thu street fair.
Killed His Father-ln-Law.
. Washington, Ind., (Special,) lu n fit of
auger William D. Dillon, it woll known fnr-
! mer nnd politician, shot and killed his
father-in-law, Walter Buckley, because
Buckley uprulded blm for mlstreutlng bis
Crushed tn Death.
Columbus, Ohio, (Special.) Jacob Wit
tentueier, vice president of the Wltteumelor
Stoue Company, while visiting the com
pany's plant, wit crushed to d-nth by n
seven-ton stone fulling upou blm from n
Iteernlling Practically Completed.
Washington, (Special.) The tusk of re
crulling thu volunteer army for the Philip
pines Is pructlcnlly completed, it was an
nounced nt the WurDenartmeut that all the
J regiments have beou ll.h-d except oue ol tbo
additional colored regiment-, the Forty
ninth, which needs less tbnu llvo hundred
men, Touse will bu secured within forty
cl,;ht bour.
Urst tu Hello PetrnUuin.
Everett, Mass., (Special.) William R.
Stullb, well knowu as the man who first re
fined petroleums died at bis b'jme here,
aged levuuty-two years,
Eight Americana Wera Slightly Wounded
Capt. deary Killed.
Manila, (By Cable.) During the morning
hours there wns some firing nenr Antjsles,
with the result thst eight Americans wero
slightly wounded. Artillery wns used and
(ho enemy responded. Qenernl MacArttur
don not attach spcclnl significance to tho
A smnll party of Americans wns fired upon
I y the Filipinos near Maragunyan, two of
our men being wounded.
Qenernl Schwnn's column having accom
plished Its purpose of punishing the rebels,
Is returning from San Francisco do Molnbon
with artillery nnd the transportation service.
The naval expedition that recently went
to the mouth of ihe River Pnlg to raise the
Spanish river gunboat Arayat, reports that
no resistance baa been encountered from tho
Filipinos, and that the Work of salvage. Is
proceeding slowly.
The Thirteenth Infantry lost two officers,
Capt. Marlon B. BafTold and Capt. Wnod
brldgo Geary, both battalion commanders.
Schvran Terrlhl March.
San Francisco de Malabon, (IW Cable.)
Oeneral Schwnn's column approaching this
town marched through n country so muddy
tbnt the mules nil collapsed. He occupied
the town without fighting, the Insnrgeuts
relrestlng undi-r cover of tba creek beds.
Later, recnnnnlterlng In force southward,
General Sehwan came upon trenches, whare
hlddnu Insurgents poured sevoral volleyt
upon the General and his staff. Tho rebels
resisted stubbornly. The reoonnoltrnrs, con
sisting of Cnptaln aenry's battalion ol the
Thirteenth Regiment nnd two guns of Riley's
Battery, drove tho Insurgents two miles,
fln-htlug nil the way.
Insnrgvnta Caplnred.
They found n lleid piece nnd several
wounded nud sick Filipinos flying rrd flag,
nnd cupturd 25 Insurgents, Including three
officers. Mnny Filipino dend were strnwn
along the field. The Americans' total Iob
was one officer and seven men wounded.
General Schwnn's mnlu column started at
daylight nlong a fearful read on the left
bank of thn river, flankers being thrown fnr
out, nnd Major Budd's battalion ou tho right
bnuk covorlng tho flank, renderln-r the fire
from the Insurgents' trenches Ineffective.
Major Btidd returned to Santa Crur. before
dark, Tho native seem to be generally
supporters of the Insurrection, but few have
nr.-ns There was much firing nt American
soldiers Irom thn natlvo hut-. General
Scbwun spent the night nt Mitiabon.
Only Kitmnrs or th lleglnnlng or Hos
tilities Have Ilren Kecelved.
London, (By Cable.) A dlepntcu from
Olencoe camp, dated Wednesday noon, says
tho burghers nre reported to bo beyond the
President's control, nnd hostilities lire ex
pected nt nny moment.
Tho military authorities In South Africa
have instituted a censorship over all tele
grams In order to prevent Information re
garding British uiovooiunt Irom reaching
tba Boers.
A dispatch to the Dally Telegraph, from
Lndysmlih, alone among the specials re
ceived, d--clares that war has begun by tbe
Boers lu Natal. The correspondent says:
'Fraii Stniej burghers have atiz-d a train at
llnrrlsmltli which was tbo properly of the
KiiiiiI Government. A mounted patrol s
stoned by Boers. The meu'a order were
not to lire unless they were Hred upon."
The other dispatches only represent that
hostilities nre imminent.
A dlBpaich to the Tunes from Siindsprtm,
under dnle of Tuesday, reports thnt parade
were ke4d there Iu honor of the anniversary
of Pretidont Kruger'a birth. The corres
pondent says: "The Boors are pleased with
the heavy rainfall, which will improve the
grues. By General Jouberl's kindness I
have been iu the Boer camp four day.-.
Nothing noteworthy bus occurred. General
Jouberl's headquarters and the nrtlllery
fitinp are about 10 miles from the border.
H carefully patrols tbo frontier, but lor
bids large armed bodies to cr es the border
or show tuemseivt s near the border. The
arrangement of thn cumpsuud commlssurlat
is rough and ready. -
"Tn ore I very little drill or discipline,
but the general result is satisfactory, each
manor small inns attending to tbeir own
nffnlrs. Tbe earlier conlur Ion, due to delay
iu the airlvni of stores, has disappeared,
and there Is now an abundance of food nud
equlpmout. The only defect is n lock of
good water. The whole Pretoria commando
shifted It position nearer to drlukuble witter
nnd belter gins-."
Klght Persons Injured In a Wreck Near
Wbeollnt", W. Vn., (Special.) At Short
Creek, nine miles nbovo thn city, a north
bound passenger trnln collided wlib it spi e:; 1
from Piltsbuiv, the latter bringing deleira
lions from Western Pennsylvania to the tri
State encampment of Ihe Uulform Rank,
KnUhts of Pythlnr. Eight persons were
serlous'y injured, two fatally. Tlieepeclul
hnd orders to take tbe siding nt Short
Creek, but the engineer of the special. It I
said, forgot, and n minute Inter the two
trains enme together nud wore ladly
Peace N'ngittlatlons Kail.
W ishlngton, D. C, (Special.) Thn Slnte
Department hits pvelvcd thu following ca
blegram Irom the United States minister to
Venezuela announcing the failure of the
penoa negotiation that have been in prot?.
ress for the last flv dnvs between the gov
ernment and the insurgent-:
"Caracas. Negotiation suspended. Ven
ezuelan forces will be advanced. A decisive
battle fully expected this week. Puerto
Cubello qiil-t."
Placed nn Itellred List.
Washington, (Special.) Rear Admiral
Henry L. Howlson was plnoed ou th" retired
lirt of the navy by operation of law on ac.
,. tiunt of age. Ho will make bit residence in
;,' York city.
Killed hr Dynamite.
j-nrkersburg, w. vs., (Sp-eial.
QUIjrip. nn employe ol Ibu W-st
Kn(lt Line Rallrond, wns Instant
ei)r iViettnn by the txpli slon of u d
nrkersburg, W. Vs., (Hp-clul.) Bert
it y killed
Incorporated nt Trenton.
N. J., (Special.) The Cnntlner-
nablh Comrnnv. ohi.IimI SH odd nnh
wiw liicor"l'or"U(- wore. The company U
empowered to manufacture automobiles.
Tim lneorp!or",or J""" M. Ferguson,
Michael II. 9 ,lt")' 81111 buries E. Puuuoyer,
nil of New ?'ork-
, ir.rBeil With Assault.
Charles Tq w" W- V"- (S'elal.)- Joseph
E Lacy n i 'oul" ''"". Hvlug near Si.
Albans, was il'Uioed in Jail here ou a charge
of criminal nV'",ult 0,1 11 ' "-yar-old sister-in-law,
Bisshlf - Ounnle. Thu girl Is lu u
hospital In a f "'lou c"'t'o.
Two Vo,,,"n "rink Pulsnn.
New York ( Kl'c-'lal.) Madge Davenport,
twenty-ono ', '"" ol('. ""- Mamie While,
twenty-two yei'r" ol('' carbolic Hold in
McUurk's Bow erv t'anclng hall. The Haven
puit woman Is M"d Mamie White will
tile. The woma; win men
Charced fv,,h -n-Hrnlnr.
Oakland, Md.,1 (Bpeoliil.)-Scott T. White
wus lodged lu il"'1 ,,v Bherlff Lee on Ihe
charge of bavin1 tri "r" to bru ol J"Dle-'
W Walters iieJ"r Thay.ervllle, 12 miles from
Oakland 'wJ11"" 1,1,0 chRre! White wltb
having fired tf0 6eyte0ka,
. . .
Latest News Gleam
Various Parts, iA
j' i
Snrrlvnrs of Seven! y-Mnth P,,.
Volunteers Honor Old tiffin,
Id Oflln,
raater-IIIgh-rarinan II. ,1a,,
Wllllstnannrt anrf al u
Money Pip Causes Fatal t
The survivors of the Beventj-t Al
ylvanla Volunteers, which ip, Ll
raised in Lancaster and vicinity v
in the Civil War, dedicated a a
Lancaster Cemetery to th i mtr-L.
old lieutenant colonel, Jmvld );?
roglment ws sscorted tbe t-t
the local O'rand Army pt st sod i i
Fourth Regiment, N. 0. T., oil
headed by tho Iroquois Baud. J
emblnge witnessed the cersttj
programme, was Interspioed ir'
the baud nnd a quartette. Alters,;
Rev. C. E. Haupt, tho moiiumn
ful granite structure In the fori?
obelisk, was unveiled by a gni;.
of Colonel Miles, Miss AvIiiMulw
caster. The address was dell-rr
Mnrtln, of New York, and tin
concluded witb"tups," sounib-dt
aud the benediction by Rev. Br, y
man. Afterward the bnnd pl..'j
ovor tbe grave of General H. A. ic
the old colonel of thn reglmti, ,
bugler sounded "laps."
Hnld-Up at Wllllamsp-r"1
Edward Tafford, of South v "a
wa-i found lying unconscious ci'1'
Avenue, having been assaulted b pf
men and robbed of his watch n to
An attempt bad previously W. at
bold up H. J. Strauh, but be ifo
cape, and golug to bis borne itr,
volver, nud Willi a neighbor reta'
-,aun iTiinrn tue nttump."u c
Clirred. Whan oeelv.,.1
. - ' fc
round TulTotd lying on tho r "
two men were seen runulug don
County Detective Muuson arr:le
Bohart nud John Frv, on su-plc: O I
lug oommltted the crime. Boli.poi
lidged that be wns one of II. je
oluttucd that It was only nu vrdi on
fight. Both, men were commltt-jy,
a charge of highway robbery un ea
Incinerated In Ilia lint'111'
James Shlouers, aged CO yean, r"'u
to death by it lire at bl bojle, n:is
Patch, near Mahnucy City. All 1
M. bl sou Richard, upou con IS
noticed au uuusualiy bright Itg:ii-0
mediately alarmed the neighbor )U
oral neighbors responded uud ati-y
Shlnners iu forcing the locked
prostrute form of the father wus
the floor, enveloped In flnuM't
quickly seized and curried outo! '
but bu was ulreudy dend. Tbfrel
was reduced to ashes. The o..r8
lire remain a mystery, but It MOU
have been cnused by the breukUro
uer's pipe, setting lire to the iur (n
Pled from ttlaslng UnuQ-jj
Fire badly damaged tboAshlm.
Billiard Hall and residence ol I
sunerlutendent of tbe Couvm-hn
schools. It broke out about '1 n
nt the time the alarm was first w
Kelley fumlly bad not yet LwrJOT
They fled from tbe budding In B1
gurmeuts Just it tbe lire depart! 00
The pool aud billiard bull was oil .
Joshua Hull, and his loss will jsl'
while Kcl ley's Is eslitLUted at S-'as,
partly covered by lusuruuce.
started In the pool room, and Hi,,
mystery, as Holt claim that ah i
extinguished wbeu be left the Ll,
o'clock. 'e
"Itesrue of the Colon ell
William Thomas Trego, au at; J,
Wales, recently completed litoni
"Rescue of the Colors," commit t
thu heroism of the 101th Panuw(
uuteers at Fulr Ouks. This rt.j
largely recruited lu Bucks Coun ,
mnuder having beeu General
Duvls, of Doylestown. Johu V 0
for whom the palntlag was i Ju'
present it to Iiu.-ks County ntWll
October 21. The exercises Ki ts'
the court house, uud the piiltitlti-pac
lifter bung lu the arbitration roi-gjy
I tl
Fall of Rock Injures Tin'' -
Wllllnui Kay hud both legs bru .
bend and back Injured, Frank
bad uu ankle brokeu and was limC
jured und James Bartlett was U'i '
at Greenwood Colliery, Tan.' . t'
men were engaged In lliuberluil vie
of tbo slope whey n full of ro.'ty
burying them beneath It. Kay R
stall wero taken to the Aauluiyi
Llveslork Lost In Flint'
The largo burn ou tbe fnrm i
Joseph Breiulg, n short dimm
Catusiiuqua, wit destroyed ly""1
bortes, lourtoen bogs and rt-vieni
perished lu the flames. The la id 1
by the fathur-iu-luw of Mr. Xi'Q ii
Catasaiiquii Fire DoparlmeuUilj
moued, but could do notblug toc(
dulng the (lames owing to aliiut
The loss 1 about (fjOOOj partly
Hear Held Up - Trail'
A Inrgo biowu bear held up'' '
of Oxford. The beast had crci.
keeper, n strolling Italian, ami trie
train approaching, ran down Ug8.
ward it, bowling savagely. Tltgh
stopped, und tho engineer wl or i
but cone of the crew itttemitcJ rpj.
beitr off the truck. The beast
front of tho engine, but goti'
train rnn btik." The looomcliV0
forward, striking tbe bear audi"1
sittnlly. The owuer of the bemtld
tule suit agulust tba railroad If g!i
blm of bis means of support, ll t
Hrakeman's ahocklng 1 V
George Klluo, of Wentuorly, " jo,,
ley brakeiunu, met a terrible it, .
daurled. He wns standing ono ? j
In pussiug uuder a bridge w''
tho car and rolled to the track 1'"
train passed over bis body, c-f.
half. Kline was a slugle inua i(lt) t
at work ouly a week, taking ties,
vacant by the death of James k 0f
Wuatberly, who was killed ou 0 ,
weuk- III,'
PastntHc Looted.
Thieves broke Into the poslolHr,
Beusalem Township, and stols f"
money to the value of f200 utt'
ble Jewelry, which was la tbo fire
gaining au entrauce through 1
i u
the Intruders tuoceeded In wor.
bluntion ou the safe, Au ntteu
if I
made to enter Ihe bolol of Jul
grift, whloh Is next to the post
were bored In th abutter and
-lis. -T.. - ... nnln .n ..n...n. U
unsuccessful. I ''"
Take Mora lleit
"Dili yonr oflloe boy's v.
tlo biin any good?"
"I think so, be deems '
before he weut away."