id Arc Van t'mina Allen's Koot-Knse t I H Is thn only pure for Swollen, Hmsrt- ln. Tired, Aflhtnff, Btiriilnir, Sweating .,1 Kct, Corn Mid Bunion. Ask for Allen's 'i I" oot-Esse. n powder to he slinkim Into thn slice. Bold (y nil Irii(fBlst, Orneors nnd f Bhoe Stores, iic Hsmple sent FREE. Ad- jf dress, Allen H. Olmsted. LeRov. N. Y, v The fiev. John Nnlllo, of Trnppo. Tn., Is " th oldest elerKymna In notlve survico In 1 tills country. 44 What's in a Name? Everything, tvhen you come to medi cines, A sarsaparilla by any other name can never equal Hood s, because of the peculiar combination, proportion nnd pro cess by which Hood's possesses merit peculiar to itself, and by tuhich it cures when all other medicines fait. Cures scrofula, salt rheum, dyspepsia, catarrh, rheumatism, that tired feeling, etc. It: I To Teitrh t!ie Tunc. Ames (Iown) Spedul to Chicago Tribune: Prof. D. A. Kent, once con nected with the Iowa Agricultural Col lege, hns been offered an nppolntmnet by James Wilson, secretary of agrlcul- . ture, to go to Turkey and Introduce the American system of agriculture and educate the people In modern methods. Constantinople is to bo Fi of. Kent's home. His work will con sist mulnly in establishing schools and colleges, and Introducing the various reads used In the United States. This commission will last for five yearn . . Dried Fly NtntUtlos. Among the exports ot Mexico last ear aie to be noted two tons of dried flies. . ACTS GENTLY ON THE "Kidneys, Liver ;;i and Bowels fi'CUANSES THE YSTEM i ri INWUALCOH? PERMANENTLY r, vtf BVJ THE GENUINE - M&H'F'O By hll ')'.'' 9am dt ail DMtmuiMa 'vim auc nKouniu ' orll ' - ' pro ' Klmplo I.lfo ut the Klyaee. iiTto rule of life at the Elysee Is as ,'.,, Jnpl as circumstances will permit, t b. tcept when obliged to give oincial en tlio trtainmcnts, M. and Mme. Loubct no:8 helr luncheon nt 12 and their llt ijnnei nt 7 in a small dining-room, the 'ho trnlture of which is as plain as the I' entiSon the table, tli;h now and tent11 lney nave an intimate friend to ioir jn them at the former meal. M. lU'l'uhet, however, simple as are his lvs f te an(J frugal 08 ls hls fare. Is Jully uM rve to the Importance of maintaining' thn dignity of his office; and it may be oOkenJ for granted that he will, when it hi rfet,lrna t0 Par's from Ramboulllet jd Montelimar, between which places ty." i will, if all goes well, spend his wcll i,ti'rtFne! 8ummer holiday, put himself In rensi"tranlnK for the severe social duties nlt ich the president of the republic notH, have to discharge during the ex lna'r'!,'ti0" year' eoavtr t 'yil 1 T7VVERY woman su 7 t IP j helPe1 by Mrs. i i Km-mrl rn.'icnninf t)ii:i i . sound reasoning and an unrivalled record. Multitudes 1 of America's women to-day bless Mrs. Pinkham for competent and common-sense advice. Write to her if you are ill. Her nddrpSS i T.vtln Mice A Kcnlul., bu!;'"; roii ' H'8 i-. Of t til thou IDdlf ewi iurve. hud ;uU gro) mm; ; leucorrhoea. had a continual rmin it. 3. i could not walk across the floor for three or four weeks at a P I time. Kinpl 1icitiv .... mAiliMnn T r,.. 1 . f jj "B pains, or urea invar feelings, and am well and SnV Hoortir TcLnll. A UbcrJ I wli ; tlvi ! wli? ster I i 20; I en h i f. fimii tvtuiuunjuu I Lydia 12. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound to all my suffering friends as tho greatest remedy for all I female weakness." I Mrs. Susie J. Weaver, lerlt 23 w !"'" uuowniu fat., iJhua- delnllin Pn mrUoa , J , , - . , t iiva , "Dear Mrs. Pinkham I Eli: of ti jjhad inflammation of tho womb and painful men- the as n struation, and by your : advice I began taking 4Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- he C he ii .table Compound. Have jtaken four bottles and used. Vic: tent) one package of Sanative b iff I hTO I (Wash and feel like a new ' I jwonian. I thank you so Kti&t'fPj b. J much for what your modi- hat I I'lllA r n rinrt t fl JlttH The': lied t( e hu' I Mrs. M. Baumann, 771 W. mt imcago. 111., writes: "After Snonuis trial of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I can lot sy enough in praise for it. I was a very sick woman vito womb trouble when I beCan its use, but now I am well" lie i A JEALOUS HUSBAND. The Green-Eyed Monstor ls Asking II I m Wretched. A young woman who lives with her ferociously Jealous but otherwise tractable husband on one of tho proper named (r.s distinguished from lettered or numbered) streets uptown Is Just now endeavoring to convince her spouse that he ls endowed with too gifted an Imagination, says the Wash ington Post. It all came about through a 2 n. m. serenade. Before her mar riage a young amateur vloMnlst of the city had been exceedingly attentive to her, but when It came to tho point of selection she passed the musician up for the man upon whom Bhe bestowed her hand. Her husband's Jealousy of the violinist, withjut any reason what ever, continued after their marriage She did not perceive any good reason why she should cut tho young musi cian dead on the street when she mci him, but every time sho bowed to the violinist, no matter how distantly, her husband Btormcd and raged. Ho tore tho fiddler wldo apart to her. lint 1 knew him before I knew you," she al ways replied, "and what surname am I known by now, pray?" "But what do you want to recognize tho slob for?" It was his habit to Inquire, with thr beautiful reasonableness of the mule being. "Because I am not hankering to achieve a reputation tor being de void of ordinary good manners," she would reply. One beautiful midnight last week a well-known young vio linist of Washington (not tho one who had aspired to the hand of the heroine of this truthful tale) and three of his mandolin and guitar-playing friends decided to serenade a few of theli young women friends. They engaged a barouche and went forth. They were all admirable players and the uptown streets were made mellow with the strains from their instruments. The Inst young woman on their list of girls to be serenaded happened to live di rectly across the street from the home of the young woman whose husband carried within his bosom a carking weight of deadly animosity for the young violinist who had antedated bin) in his wife's list of friends. The ba rouche of the serenading party drew up in the middle of the street In front of that young unmarried woman's, house, along toward 2 a. m nnd mournful, passlonato strains of wild regret and hopeless love began to pro ceed from the strings, tho tender wail of tho violin rising above it. They played for half an hour or so and then drove off. The young matron had to hold her husband in order to prevent him from throwing water on the mu sicians, and she has been trying to convince him ever since that there is more than one violinist In Washington. But he doesn't see it. It ls difficult for green-eyed people to see anything. EXPOSITIONS AT PARIS. In view of the approaching French exposition, it ls interesting to note the enormous increase In the extent and success of the various expositions held at Paris, says the Scientific American. The first occurred in the year 179S. It brought together the modest num ber of 110 exhibitors and cost only $12,000. The buildings, of wood em bellshed, were erected on tho Champ? do Mars. Twenty-live medals were distributed. The second took place three years later (1801) in the court of the Louvre. It represented 220 cxh.lbltoi-3 und quite eclipsed the first. A third exposition, opened the fol lowing year nt the same place, collect ed 550 exhibitors. This was a verita ble triumph. Napoleon I. Inaugurated tho fourth exposition, which was held on the Es planade of the Invalidcs In 1806; there were 1,422 exhibitors. This flguro was carried to 1,022 at the fifth expo sition in 1S19, in the palace of the Louvre. The sixth (1823) met with little success, as aleo the seventh ir. 1S27 in the reign of Charles X., In the palace of the Louvre. As an offset, tht eighth, opened on the Palace du Car rousel In the reign of Louia Philippe, gathered no less than 2,487 exhibitors This success was accentuated In th ex position of 1839, held on the Champ Elysees (3,381 exhibitors), and In that of 1844, also on the Champs-Elyseee (3,960 exhibitors). The exposition ol 1849, again on the Champs-Elysees, cost $aoo,ooo. sulTering from any female trouble can bo :s. Pinkliam. This statement is based on - J . . . . , ......... . .uauiuivi ill charge is made for advice, "I suffered seven years and would surely have died btit for your help," writes Mrs. Geo. Baindridge, Morea. Pa., to Mrs. Pinkham. " It is with pleasure I now write to inform you that I am now a healthy woman, thanks to your kind advice and wonderful medi cine. I can. never praise it enough. I was . fl constant 8llfTirpr frnm wnrnK ImnMa n.1 in nhrlmnen n,-r.;maa i juui iui.uii.iiiw, a i.v.-v tmvo no more Lear M St.. miSSSSA two wa"ttom ' REV. DfWALMAGE. THE EMINENT DIVINE'S SUNDAY DISCOURSE. Htrlvs 10 ocrciiii(i tlio Trnnblp -of Tll Wltli tho Itnlp of OiHl'n Clrnca Pit'? Orievniifi Heroine UlraitlnKa. fOoiiyrlRlit, Ltmli Rlupsch, 1XW.1 Warhi'citcx, D. (!. ThH vnrinnn by lr. TnlmiiKB iloiim wltu a ntil)lnct wlilcli np pBnli to nli I'lncBi-x ami eou'illtlonn of mnn. Ills text Ik bi'titerniiomy Ml., W "Xbe Lord thy Ood will pnnd tho hornet." In uiy twit tl'o nonu't nics out on Its ml.--lon. It I a mikcIcs ot wnsp, swift In it niotlon nnd vlolfiiit in Its Ptlnjr. It tonuh is tortiiro to ninn or liennt. Vi bnvu nil ihoii tho emtio ran hollowing undnrtbe out o' its luncHt. Iu boyhood re used to stnnd eniitionsly looklni? nt tb globulnr ncot limin from the troa lirnnch, ninl whl!o (vn were looking 11 1 tb wondnrtul covering W' were struck with s matlilnR that soot us shrinking nwuy. 'VI10 bornot rocs Iu swurmr. It bnn enpt'ila.-i ovor luuidrutN, ninl twenty of thnm nllKlitiu'i on ou" nuir: will proilucn ocrtnlu di'iitli. My frlonda, when wo nre PHPniltiiil by Rroat l)fie:noths of tronldo ye beeono uhlvnlrln, nud ru nssnnlt thorn. Wn K'"t oti tho hltfh mettled Hih1 of our cnnriiKe, nnd wu mnkfl n cnvnlry I'bntRO nt tlin.n, nud if Ood he with ns wo come out B(r iii(,'er nnd bettor tlinn when we went in, lt:it 11I119 tor tliHSn Inret'tlln nni.oynnpi's cf life, tlf-H foi!i too nmnll to nlioo"t, thiwn tlihifjn with out liny iivoliiliiuils wnirlit, tin- (iimlM 1111'! tho ihIiIkrh nnd the flics unit tho wnipsnnd tho liornntsl In ot er words, It Is tho small, BtlntflnR nnnoynnres of our llfo which drive us out nnd use us up. In too best conditioned llfo for some urnnd nnd glorious purpvso Qod bus Kent tho hornut. I rouinrk, lu the Hist place, ti nt theso small, stinging nnnoyimcos msypomo In the shape of n nervous orguiilzntioii. Peo ple who nr prostrated under typhoid fevers or with broken bones get plenty of yinpnthy, 1ml who pities anybody that Is nervous? Tho doctors suy mid tho family say nnd everybody snys, "Oh, she's onlv 11 little nervous; thnt's all!" The sound of 11 henvy foot, the luirsh clearing of u throat, n dlsoord in music, n. want of hnrmonv be tween the shnwl nnd llie glove ou tho name person, n curt answer, u passing slight, tLo wind from the east, nny ono of ten thou, nnd nnnoyauecs, opens the door for tho hornet. The fact ls thnt tho vast mnjorlty of the peoplo In this oountrv nr over worked, nnd their nerves nrothollrst to give out. A great multitude nro under thn strain of I.eyd in. who, when ho was foi l by his physician thnt if bo did not stop working r-hile he was In such poor physi cal health he would die, responded, "Doc tor, whether I live or din, thn whel must keep going round." These sensitive per sons of whom 1 spi-ak luive a bleeding en. sltlveun.xs. Tho ll"s love to light ou any thing raw; nnd tneso people are like tho Ciiiiiinnltos spoken of In the text or lu the contnxt--thny have it verv thlu covering mil nro vulneri.uln at nil points. "And thu Lord son' the hornet." gain, tho small linnet nnnoynnces mny come to us In thn shape of friends nnd nn quainti'.iK'os who are a''vnys snylng dls. I'gieen'olo things. Tlioro inn some p. opln Mia CHiinot be with for half 1111 hour but you feel chnerod nnd comfortod. Then there ni- other people yon cannot be with for live minutes before you feel miserable, l'hoy do not mean to disturb you, but they sting you to the bone. They gather up all the yarn which the gossips spin mid retail It. They gather up nil the adverse crltl. cisms nbout your person, about your busi ness, about your home, about your church, nnt' they make your ear the funnel Into winch thoy pour It. They aigu benrtily vhen they tell you, ns though, it weie u good joke, nud you Inugn, too outside. Thi small lusict uuuoyances ot life soinetlmos coma In the shnpe of loeni physlcul trouble which does not amount to positive prostrntton, but which bothers you when jou want to feol the best. Terhaps it is a sick buadache which lias ben the plague of your llie, and yoa appoint some occasion ot mirth orsoclallty or usefulness, and when tho clock Btrlkes he hour you o innot muko your nppoar nuce. rcrhaps tbn trouble Is between the ear nnd thu forehead In tho shape ol a neuralgic twinge. Nobody can see it or sympathize with it, but just ut the time when you want your Intellect clearest and your disposition brightest you feel a sharp, keen, dls"oucertlng thrust. "The Lord sent thu horuot." 1'erluipg these smnll Insect nnnoynncec will come lu the 1 hnpo of a domestic irri tation. The parlor and the kitchen do not nlwr.ys harmonize. To get good servlco and keeo it is one of the great questions ol the country. Sometimes It may be the ar rogance und incouslderat''np of employer-'; but, whatever bo the fact, wo n!i ad mit there are these Insect nunoyiv.icoj winging tunlr way out from tho culinary densrtinout. If the of Ood bo not ir the heart ot the housekeeper, the ct.nuot ma'ntnln her equilibrium. The men come Dome ut uigbt nud hear thn story of tbest aunpyi.'ieea nud say, "Oh, thee home troubles urn very little things!" Tney art small, small ns, but they sting. Martini's nerves wnro all unstrung when sho rushed in nsltlnv Christ to seek' Mary, nud there nro toLS of thousands o women who nre dying, stung to death by these pestiferous domevtlo anuoyuueos. The I ord sent the hornet." These small insect disturbances may also coimi In thn shapo ot businn-s irritations. There are men here who went through tho inu 01 bopteniuer, im'j, it. d the panics ol 1873 rnl tf 18?3 without ls'ng their 'jnliinea who are every day unhorsed by lit tle annoyances a clerk's 111 manners, or a blot of Ink on 11 bill of Isdliig, or the ox Irnviigmicu of a partner who overdraws his nccoui or tho underselling by a business rivnl, or the whispering of store oonll rences In the streut, or the making otsome little had debt which was against your judg ment, but you wiiutud to plcuso somebody Jlse. It is not bf panics thnt kill the mo--oli'in Lb. I'a'ilos come only once In tou or '..v-uty year-', '.t !s thu constant din ot theo'.i everyday nnuoyaucna which U send ing so many of our ' niereuaiits into uorvous dyspejisU and paralysis nud the grnve. When our nutlo:ial commerce fell Hat 011 lis fane, those r en stood up and felt alums ('.ollaiit, but iholr lile is going nwuy 111. iv under the swarm of there pestiferous innoyance". "The Lord Bent tho hornet," The iiiiturulitt tullmis that a wnsp some times bus a fit 111 1 i v of 20,1)01) wasps, and it does seem as if every aui.oyauoe of your life hroo.ied million, Jly the help cf Clod, to-iiuy I want to snow you tho otner side. The hornet is of no uso? Oil, yus! The ii'iturallst tells us they are very important in the world's eoon nriy. They kill spiders, and thev clear tne Htraospberi. And I rrul'.y believe God nouds the niinovancos ot our life u; on us to kill t!m spiders of Ibe soul and to cluar the ntoaosphuro of our skies. These annoyances nrosoDt onus.Itblnk, to wake us up from our lethargy. Th"r 13 nothing the', makes a n.tin so lively as a nst of "yellow jackets," nn 1 I tlilax that these nnnovmioes nre Itteniiod to pcriuadn us of thu fact that this Is 1 ot a world foi in to Plop In. If we had 0 bsd of ever..--thin;; that was ntiramivo and soft nnd P'lsy, what would we vant of heaven? V thlnlu' '.hn the hollo 'v tree sends the hor net, or we U.11V t'llnk that tie 1-d sends the bci-net. I wnnt to correct ) our opluioj. "The Lord Bent tlie lioruet." Thnn J thluk ntaoyttnees como on us to cultivate our patiuece. In the pyi, liiisinm you find unrlglit paiallel bars with l:ol"H ove' eaoli ot'ler for pe(js to he put in. Theu the gymnast lake a pog lu esch '.iiiil, and he bo'-.lm to cllmo, one iuch nt n tlmo O" two lurhcs, und getting bis ftrnui'th culll ruled, re'ioues ulf r 'iivliili-. the ci.lllng. Am'; it to 1110 tlint these anuoyn'iOMS lu lii'J ii"e a moral gviniinsluiu, eton wotlmuut a :'g with whloh v,i itri to cliiub higher uuii Idghi'i In Chrlstlnn attAlninont. Wo all love to boo patience, but It cannot bo cultivated in fair weather. Patience is a j'liild of the storm. If you had everything desirable and there v,';-i natiilng more to got, what wouM yon wnr.t with iutienrer The only time lo cultivate- I'. Is when you are liuil about nud siok und halt dead. "Oh," you suy, "if I only bad I he clr cuniBtnncusof Boumwell to do man 1 would bo patient too." You might as well say, "If It were net for this ator, I would iwlm," o.', "I oould Bhcot this guu if It were not for the onitrldge." When vou Itauil chin deep in Hmioyuucea 1 the time you to swim out toward the great biiaillandi of Chriktlmi uttainment, so us to "know Christ and the power of His re. tiirructlmi sud to have followshlp with (UflUJ'lUgli.'' ., : Nothing b it the fnrnnee will evcrbniB out of us the cilnltcr Mid the slag. I have formed this theoty In regard to small snnovances nnd vex ulo: . It take jut so inuch trouble 'o lit in for usefulness .nd for heaven. 'Ir.o only qtie-tlon Is whether we shll laku U In the bulk tr lidlverlTied and granulated. Here Is nan 11 nn who takes It In the bulk. His back I" nrokeu or his eyesight put out, or sorr.i other awful calamity befnlls hlni, while the vnst mnjorlty of people take the tiling piecemeal. Which way would vou rather have It? Of course, In piecemeal lle t"r hive llvo aching teeth than one broken nw, better teu fly blutots than nn ampu tation, bettot twenty squalls than ono jyelone. There mny be a dllTerniici 01' I opinion as to nllopathy nud bomiij. fnthy. but In this mnuher of trouble like homrj'pathlo doses, small pellets of annoyance rather tlinn some knock, cown dosn o' ealmnily. Instead of the thunder'iolt give us the lornot. If ou bnvo a bank, you would n grent deal 1 rather thnt fiftv men would come in with ' checks loss tlinn tlOO thnn to bnvo two do , I positors come In the same day, ea;h w'.n ; ing bis 1 10,000. In tins iuUor case vou 'lough mid look down to the Poor mid you look up to the celllnir bnforo you look Into the safe. Now, lny friends, would you i.-.t rather have these smnll drafts of annoy ance on your bank of faith thaa some till staggering demand upon your endurance? Dut remember thnt little tin well ns groat annoynncea equally require you to tiuct lu Christ for succor nnd for deiive-nnce from Impatience nnd irrltnbllitv. "Thou wilt keep him In period peuce w':oso mind is otaM nn Thee " I ro Into a sculptor's studio and ""e hlia sbnping a sUtue. He has 11 chisel In one hand an t 1 mallet In tl.o other, nn I he gives a very gentlo st roku cllc', click, cllckl I say, "Why don't jou stri .e bnrd er?" ' Oh," bo replies, "that would shat tor th I can't do it that way. 1 must do It tills ray.'' No he works cn, nnd lifter twhilo the features como out. and eierybody thnt enters the studio ts charmed and fascinated. Well, God Irs your soul under process of development, nnd it Is the little annoy .nens mid vexa tions of lif.. that nre chiseling out your lmmort'.l nature. It Is click, cq.'k, click! I wondor why some griitt providence does no come and with on- stroke prepare ynu for heaven. Ah, no! Ood says that Is n it the way, and so He keeps on by strokes of little vexstlons until nt last you shall be a glad spectacbi for angels and for men. You know tl ut a li-rgo fortune may 1 1 spent In small chauge, nud u vast ar.uount ot moral character may go away in small depletions. It Is the little troubles ot life that nre h.i.'lng more efl'nct npo'i ynu thnu great one. A swarm of locusts will kill it grain-Held socner than the Incursion ot three or fo ir cuttle. You sav, "Since I lost my child, slncn I lost tnv property, I have been it different man." you do not rec. ognlza the architecture of little annoy nuces thnt nre hewing, dlglng, cutting, shaping, splitting and interjolnlng your moral qualities. Hats mny sink a ship. One Inciter mulch may send destruction through a block of storehouses. Catherine do' Mo diet got her death from smelling a poison ous rose. Columbus, by sto' nnd pok ing for a nloco ot bp ad and 11 drink ot water nt a rrwnciemi convent, was led to tho discovery of a new world. And thnm 1 Is nn intimate connection outweun trllles nu immensities, between nothings nud uverythliigs. Now, be cn-eful to lot none of thoie an noynnees go through your soul unar raignod. Compel them to administer to yoursplttltual wealth. The scratch of a dxponnv 11HI soiuullmes produces lock jaw, nnd the clip of a most inllnltesimni annoyance mny dai.-ingi you forever. Do not let nny or porplexltv come you soul yithout its making you bettor. A returned missionary tdd mo that 11 'oinpnny of ndvemureis rowing up thu Ranges, were stung to death by files that Infest that region nt certain sea sons. Tho enrtb hits beon strewed with thf carcnsnoi of men slain by lusott nunoy.'inoes. The only way to get pre pared for tho grrtt trouble of llfo is to conquer these Jionll troubles. What would you sty of a soldlor who refused to loud his frvn or to go Into the conflict because It was only n skirmish, saying: "I am not going to expend my nmmtini tlon cn a skirmish. Walt until thore comes it yeneril engagement und then you will see bow courageous I a"i and whet battling I will do?" Tho general vcild Bay to such a man, "If vou are not faithful In a skirmish, you would be nothing in a gen eral engagement." And I have to toll you, O Christian men. if you cnunot apply the principles of Christ's religion on a small scnlo you will nover bo able to appiy tlm-n on a large scale. If I hod my wav wlt'i you, 1 would have you possess till pos nlblfl worldly prosperity. I would lutvu you each one a garden, a river flowing through it, geraniums and shrubs 0:1 the Hides and the irrass and ilowers lis beautiful a-i though the roinbow fallen, 1 would have vou a bouse, a' splendid mmisiou, and the beds should bo covered with upholstery dipped lu tho sel ling sun. 1 would uai-6 ttery ha'l In your bouse sot with statues and statuettes, nad then I would have the four quarters 0.' tho globe pour In all the r luxuries oa your table, and you should forks of silver nnd knives ot gold, inlaid with diamonds and amnlbyjts. Then you should each one of you bnvo tho finest horses and yaurpicl; of the equipages of the world. Then I would have you llv 150 years, and von should not have a pain or an ache until the last breath, "Not eueh one of us?" you sny. Ye, encb one of you. "Not lo jour enemies? Yes. The only d lleienco I woulihrnake with them would be thut 1 would put a little ejtrit gilt- on ttcli wulls and a little extra embroidery on tnnlr sllpners. But, you Bav, "Why Joes not God glv u tM tbrse things?" AM bethink myself. I:o is wiser. It would make fools nnd sluggaids of us if wo li'id our Way. No man puts bis best picture lu tho portloo or vestibule of bis bou-e. God mo'int this world to bo only tho vestibule ot hevoD, thnt grout gallery o! tho uuiverse toward which wo are umpiring. We mils no! have it too good lu this world or wo wouli? want no heaven, Tolyenrp was condemned to bo burned to deiilb. The stake planted. Ho was fastened to it. The fiigots wnro placed around him, tho flros klr.JleJ, but history lulls us that tho fl imcs beut outward like the canvas ota ship In a stout hceezP, so that the linmes, Instead of destroying l olycnrp, wtro only a wall bot'.vnou bin nnd bis enemies. Tin y had actually lo de stroy him with tho poniard. The flames would not touch h'lu. WI, my ho.'.rer, I want yon to ut.t'cirtand that by God' grace the Hamcs of trial, instead of con suming your soul, a. e only going to bo a wall of defense and a cnuupy of blessing. God is goiug to fulfil to you tho blossings tnd tho promises, s Ho did to l'c.'yearn. "Whoa thou wnlkest through the lire, thou (.halt not be huruod." Now you do net un derstand, but you shall kuow hereafter. la liciivuu you will bless Ood evuu lor the lioruvt. names of t'hee in 1396 Mohammed Balba usurped the crown of Grenada, In spite of tho superior claims of his elder brother Jussef. Ho was very unsuccessful l:i his conduct of the war against the Christians and was at length assas sinated by poison absorbed through tho skin from a shirt. lie entertained a desperate dislike to the brother whom ho had Injured, and when- he knew that his own fato was sealed ho sent an order to the governor of the prison In which Jussef was confined that ho should be executed Immediately. When tho order arrived Jussef was playing chess with tho chaplain of the prison. With great difficulty Jussef obtained a respite from the governor permitting him to finish the gamo. 13etoro It waa ended, however, news came that the usurper had died of the poison. This canceled the order of execution and JusBbf, Instead of going to the scaffold, mounted the throne. 1 Just 11 duals. WIgg "What are the plans for that barbers' convention?" Wagg "Oh, I guess the whole thing is mostly talk." Cleveland Leader. , The first universal exposition 'as (hut of 1855, which caused the construc tion of the Palace of Industry. The expense rose to $2,300,000. There were 23.954 exhibitors and more than 6,000, 000 visitors. Then came tho well known expositions of 18(17 (52,000 ex hibitors), of 1878 (52,835 exhibitors, and 16.000,000 visitors), and 18S9 (55.4S6 ex hibitors and 32,500,000 visitors). Thousands of Itchy I'eeple Have been cured qub'kly byTctlerlne. It clu es nny form nf skin ill.ense. Mrs, M. K. I nilmer. HlUixl, Mis.., Iinil n Itel y lirenkleif out nn her HktM. Nh senils 1 for two Isixes )i,tpril1 In the nmliufnetuier, .1. T. Miupirlne, Hnvnnlifiti. (.ft,, i.ud writes, 'Ti'ltrrtnc Is tho only iblnn tt,ftl Iflves me relief." Send fifty cuts In stamp lor a box If your d tiRKlst doesn't keep It. Mrs. Snrah Terry, of l'hlladelphln, has Just eelehrated her KHth birthdav. Her father fought In tho War ot the Revolution. Itenuty Is lllood Deep. Clean blood means a clean sUin. No beauty without it. l aseni cts, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood ami keep it clean, by stirring up the luzy liver nnd driving nil im purities from the bodv. Hcgin today to bullish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, nnd thnt Bickly bilious complexion bv taking Cascnrcts, bentity (or ten cents. All drug Gists, satisfaction cuinantecd. 10c, 2io,5uc. Miss Amy Castles sang at Melbourne, Aus tralia, befnre 14,000 people. Critics say she will rival 1'atti and Mellia. lnfiiB C'nnnot It Cnrvd hy local application", n they can net reach the diseased portlnn of the ear. Theri) is oulynne way to cure deafneks, and thnt Is by coie-tltii-tlnnal remedies. Iii'iifncss Is caued by nnln lianicd nnnditiou of the mucous lining of the KuntachlHii Tube. When this tube ifcts In flamed you have a rumbllnic sound or imper fect hesrlnu, and when it Is entirely rinsed Deafness is the result, and unless thelnnam. nation can be taken nut nnd this tube re stored to Its normal cond ttm, hesrlng will he destroyed forever. Nine e ises out of ten arc caused bycutarrh, which is untiling but an in llumed condition of thn mucous surfncs. We will kIvo One Ilundre ( Hnllnrs for nny ense of l)enfnes (caused by cAtxrrhlthatcnn notlm ourcd by Hail's Catarrh Cure, ticud for circulars, free. V. .1. OnrNr.r A Co., Toledo, O. Fold by Driijjiflsts. 7ftV. Hull's Family l'ill nre the best. An Austrian factory makes iSOO.OOO.OOO, 000 matches annually. Don't Tolisrro Spit and Kmok Tour Ufs lirny. To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag netic, full of life, nerve and vigor, take No-To-H:io, tho wonder-worker, that mukes weak men strong. All drURtrisw, 60o or tl. Cure guaran teed. Uooklet and sample free. Aihlress fctuiliiig Kcmody Co, Cliiiago or New York. Lansing, Mich., hits tho widest driveway bridge In tho United Mates, if not iu tho world. Fits perms nen tly cured. No tits or nervous. rets after iiit, dny's use of lr. K line's (.reat, Nerve Itcstorer.Satt'lal bottlesnd treatise free lilt. it. II. Ki.ine, Ltd., ttl Arch St., I'lilla.. l'.t. Tho Tyrol has two octogenarian poets, Adolph l'lcliler and Hermann lUillclt. To Curo Constlpatlou Forerfir. Tnke Casi'arcls Candv Cittharllc loo orSSo. II C C. O. full to euro. UruKipsl refund ujouuy. The Duchess ot Hamilton cures llttln for society, spending most of her time hunting. We think Plso's Cure for Consumption Is Mo only medicine for Coughs.-JrnmkI'imuk. aiid, Springdcld, Ills., Oct. 1, 1SIH. Tho Marquis of Kxeter Is ss.ld to be tho only marriageable Marquis lu Kugland. Eilnrnte Vonr ltnwuls Willi 'nsrnrts. Candy Cathartic, cure cnnsilpntloii forever, lite, Sic. If C. C. C. fall. druKKlsis refund uioucy. Spiders are a serious plaguo In Japan, They spin their webs on tho telegraph wires, and are so numerous ns ?'o cause a serious loss of Insula tion. Sweeping the wires does llttlo good, as the spiders begin all over again. No-To-llao for Fifty Cents. Otmrantoed tobacco habit cure, makes wenit men biiuuk, blood pure, bua, $1. All Uruffumbl. Oneo Washington's Arsenal. New York Sun: The tearing down of the old buildings, 93, 95 and 97 Cher ry street, to make way for a modern Structure, removes a landmark vaguely Hsboiiateu in the annals of tho neigh brohood with the days of the American revolution. When Washington made hi;i headquarters at ltoosevelt and Cherry streets, tho local historians, he stored in these old build ings munitions of war supplies for his army. Tho historians of Cherry Hill then skip the intervening years until a piriod beginning fifteen or twenty years ago ls reached. Tho buildings were then occupied as resorts for sail ors. The Loopey gang, which once threw a man into the river for 8 cents, made Its headquarters In the nelguoor hood. Near by was Sneepy's alley, leading from Roosevelt to Cherry ttrcet, In which a Roosevelt street resi dent declares there were three mur ders within as many months. Long- 8 iv I in. Ernest Whitehead captured a young teal near Anacapa Island, California, recently, and took him on board his ship, says Our Dumb Animals. As the vessel started the mother seal was no ticed swimming about, ' howling pite ously. The little captive barked re sronslvrly. After reaching tho wharf at Santa Barbara tho captive wus tied up in a jute tack and loft loose on thu dtck. Soon after coming to anchor the seal responded to Its mother's call by casting Itself overboard, all tied up as it was In tho sack. The mother st ized the sack, and with her eliarp teeth toro It open. ?he ha 1 fnJowed the tlooa eighty miles. The happiest person in tho world ls he or she whose i..nbitlon sours be yond what he or the is able to get. nat" rani" ' JmiMaif,"-'itVllrT- tMF YOU KNOW WHrtTvYOU'RE Tfl When You Take I GROVE TASTELES CHILL TONSC because tho formula Is plainly printed on each bottle, showing what it contains. The reason th. imitators do not advertise their formula is because they know the pc;'.; vould not buy their medicine if they knew its ingredients. Every druggist in the United States is authorized to sell GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC on a positive guarantee of NO CURE NO PAY. Price, 50c. Your druggist has sold GROVE'S for years. Just ask HIM about it. GROVE'S is a prescription that does euro ! MALARIA, ' " I "T 'III The odor left by a highly-scented toilet soap r;s not agreeable to most people of refined tastes. delicate perfume may be used after an Ivory Soap bath with much more pleasing effect. Ivory Soap leaves only a comfortable feeling of perfect cleanliness. OOPVniQHT IBOS BV tilt PROOTM h QAMRLt OO. CINOINBATt DANCER IN THE "SOFT" DRINK Tea and I'op Iielmuehea Have lleforo Now llesulied Fatally. Hard drlnkB have slain their thou sands, but soft drinks have, neverthe less, contributed to the list of fatali ties. Instances In proof of tho danger which lies In wait for the unwary ab sorber of the latter class of potations are not wanting In recent "revelations of the news columns. Not lung ago a man departed this llfo in an eastern asylum because he was Inordinately intemperate In the use of tea. An in cautious colored man In Atlanta took a alp or two of a domestic concoction of alum and water. Shortly afterward ho took a fit and gave up the ghost in great agony. A more recent case is that of tho New York young man who died after a "pop" debauch. What sma'.'i boy Is a stranger to tho many huoc'i delight3 of "pop"? It effervesces and tastes like branchwater inade quately sweetened, but It has bubbled for long years without being suspected of homicidal tendencies. Until the fatal orgy of the New York young man Its record for harmlessness was unbroken. This victim of the insidious "pop," it Is claimed, filled his internal vacuum with seventy bottles of tho dangerous lluid per day. And ho kept on loading up at this rate for three days in suc cession! Of course when such a strain as this was put upon his containing capacity something had to pop; and b j tho "pop" drove the life out of him nnd he went hence. Such is tlie fate of those who have not the strength o! mind to defy the tempter when ho comes clad In tho seductiveness of soft drinks. Not all have the physical a'rength to resist the Inroads of tha Inordinate fizzlcklne to which 1u.11 apparently Innocuous beverages sub ject the human organism. If tempta tion comes to the thirsty to drink im moderately of tea, spiked lemonade or tho colorful "pop," n should bo stub bornly and persistently resisted, clto the end will bo certain and the denoue ment sad. St. Louis Republic. Lookr.tyourtonguel If it'scoated. your stomach i3bad, your liver out of order. Aycr's Pills will clean your tonguo, cure your dyspepsia, make your liver right. Easy to take, easy to operate. 25c. All druggists. Htit your niuiiAUi'liis or bu.i.U boauLiiul itrown or rirh Murk? Vb n tuo BUCKINGHAM'S DYE CvMSr, , OW W r Hal L Tn. Hv. "ARTER'S us uiioii t'linimnt nu- i tirii) ha tn and It's ifoud eiiounlit for you. 'iSJS 12? I Thompson' Ey Wator Ear U U U ft NU' as e ess uiw wi CHILLS AND FEVER. ut in iiw in iMiimn ! .a, i. Kvll Fyo l.rnris to Divorce. New York World: E.l.-.abeih Elsocs ser of Patterson, N. J., who has brought suit for divorce, believes that her husband was hypnotized by 'Maria Koch, who was employed as a servant in rtie family. Miss Koch ls 18 years old and plain looking, but Mrs. El scesscr says sho has the "evil eye." Twice, she says, Elsocsser ran away with Marie, leaving a pro: porous bake Bhop. Elsoesser sayB ho will not de fend the suit. CiitTt nil Throat nud V.ttttf A.0Vvtiua. POUGH SYRUP IV Cctthrircuuiue. RrfnKe mi null' tries. A XlS SURE XV. Haiti fills curf nvifirfsin. Trial, to for fa 'loth my wife and inysrlrhave been uliu CASCAKKTS and tbcv are the besb medicine wo have ever bad in the house. Lut week my wlfo was frantlo with hntdHche for two days, sho tried some of yourCASCAKETS. and they relieved the pain In ber head almpit Immediately. We both recommend Cisco, re Ut." CllAS. STEIIEiroHD. Pittsburg Safe & Deposit Co. , Pittsburg, Pa. Pleasnnt. Palatable. I'otpnt. TskU GooiI. ly UooU, iieviir. Sli kon. Weaken, or Grl.e. 10c. Zxl.Uto. ... CURE CONSTIPATinal Sltrllni li l'iiy, t'klc.n. Votlnil, . ydi.Vir N3-T0-BAC "f? ?I"l,tV!i,rI.."t.,"rt b' lln-rng- . imupni iikuit. WTTTdchiclas $3&$3.50 SHOES "nion Worth $4 to $8 compared with other'makM. Indorsed by over 1,111X1.0110 wearers. ALL LEATHERS. ALL STYLES Till CUM INS k. W. L. l.(l.. saw and prir iUh aaltvm- Takn no subitum rlalineii tobi-MRiKiil. I.irai'lnkrr of nnd (3.50 abort in tun world. Ynur dealer Hhuulit keep Uiimii If nut, we will send you - .-u irici)ivui iriru. mma ilud or leather, rla and width, nlala or cap Uiv Cutuiniriie V Free. W. L. DOUGLAS SHOE CO.. Brockton. Mast. kTn.QRunnf , Hit A M tin. liU ft t mm rmmwinnB (utiioti low. Aii ;ook ikkk. wrlUirs. sa mnaenui lat ver fmm 7 Rmum. sth Tear. Kenil tur ratlona. A.litrmis. Urp'tjl, BsmirtH 5 BUSINFSS COL'CE. Baltimore. Md. If ARNOLD'S IIURES OUCHS t ii y KILLER CONSUMpVldM I k. I. K. f All UruKaiiits, 25c. Dr?OP55YNEY DISOOVKRY;,!,,. 'iv1' V I Hiick r inf.n.l euim ,.,. ri-o. jir. H. H. aukix i ta, s0I u, AiUaia aa. II N U 41. . v.uu a) i up, i mi1, iiiniu, UM in lime. Huld hv driiL-alMs. E H ill tress 1 .H'15I im HA.-""- ' - .,rm, CrJry CATHARTIC fiir THAOi MASS RIOIITIMO' m i