The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, October 12, 1899, Image 5

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Pl'AlPKIN hi:.
liti tlii! Hprlii? tlio ciitcr'H fancy
, Lightly turn to rhubarb pic,
put a very modest portion
Of lli' HtiilT will mitisfy.
Prion he feel an Inward lonlnjf
For Bomt pastry that will plcaxc,
ind Imiintlriitly lu'n jfluiicini,'
j At the jrrct'n fruit on Hip trees.
3y and by the cherries ripen,
', And lire made inured lent
M a p!e whose line appearance
. Is attractinjr compliment.
3ut, sltlioujjh he likes it belter
; Than the one of rhubarb made,
Still, that lon-felt want he's noting
And it cannot lie allayed,
oon the berries are arriving,
' 'And to them lie promptly turns
Vith a hope that they will furnish
'I'io for which his palato yearns,
lut they make the crust so miguy
That with them he's soon displeased,
I . hd the appetite for pastry
Jg remaining unapiicascd.
.hen the summer brings the peaches,
Q And some ripened apples, too,
nd the fragrant huckleberries,
In their shining coats of blue,
bough he's linding them much richer
Than their predecessors, still
is mournfully declaring
Skrhat they fail to fill the bill.
W at last, when days are cooler,
He is fully satisfied
f the good, old-fashioned pumpkin
. Is that long-felt want supplied.
Vir an extra slice he's calling,
Then another ho will try,
v id in perfect bliss he's feasting
J On the home-made pumpkin pie.
Horn nro a few simple rulos for
woodland stream
down the hill,
comes rippling
In nature's calm placidity of will,
And everlasting harmony 'of song.
The time is coming when a man
ill bo abl to enrry nn uloctric
fht plant in his vest pocket,
iis is the promise made by a
mpuny which has been formed
der the attractive and benetic
at laws of New Jersey. The
me of the company that intends
deal in condensed electricity is
U' t given; neither is the process
lovbo patented, because its own
VCg think they have not only a
od thing, but also process
lich po fellow can find out, not
in by analysis.
According to the promoters of
) enterprise, they have discov
id a method of compounding
Haiti chemicals which will pro
ce a combination so powerful
o it a three-grains capsule of it,
t into an ordinary battery cell,
til yield enough electricity to
l a lli-candlo power incandes
it light for one hour. It is said
it the chemical can be sold as
C5aply as calomel. It is also
I that the new agent will not
isume zinc in the battery as
YEjidly as the solution now in
i The capsules that are to do
q these things contain a fine
,vite powder. They can be eas
iki '.transported in large or small
rn'intities, and can bo kept in
'V' fehousos, or country stores,
' Htt Indefinite length of time.
then this discovery comes in
cinera! uso. electricity will
fa writ of ejectment on can-
I, ou and gas; but up to date
fo has been no rush to sell on
Spaict of holders of gas stock
tandard Oil certificates
3 j
v$10.(JS A MINUTE.
, f
ie Income which the late Cor
js'Vanderbilt enjoyed was
j'f Jhe largest in the country.
fa estimated wealth of 150,
,jilfMf it was said in Wall Street,
"It $1 0,000,000 was in unpro
I tivq assets, and that the ave
uncomo on the remainder
v (between 4 and " jht cent.
v 11 l .i.: . . .
wcuuiung an income or 4 per
lKon 110,000,000, it would
pntto $B,U0(),(HR) a year or
U2, 47 a day. Perhaps u man
t g Ihis income would bo will
k 4 rnp the 17 cents., Divid
Guioie.veu sum of 1 5.342 bv
jLJ the number of minutes in a
irw-os an income of about
pa minute. This would
i'luf "1 l" 11 liul losH tlmn IN
.,,,(, I second.
priw suppose that Mr. Van
at iMwlopt seven hours a night
Hlt was said to have been
His average. While ho was
no power
The changing seasons have
to hush
Its living minstrelsy, orstay Its course;
All day and night Its strains of music
Still moving onward with a gentle
with rich variety of
.Spring comes
To deck the borders of the woodlund
st ream,
And the wild song-birds In their sum
mer bowers,
Hold concert there In happiness su
preme. Still the stream Hows, and sparkles in
the light
Of summer radiancy, still flowing on.
Down to the valley, from its uplund
! or ever passing by- but never gonr
In autumn mantled in o'er-urching
Or bending willows, beautifully lithe
When storm-cloud gather, boisterous
unci stern,
1 he woodland streum is jubilant und
When woods are leafless, und the win
try snows
Cover the streamlets, still its mellow
In melting undulations, sings and
In joy harmonious, bidding us rejoice
u!bed, in
isuess, his
dreaming uncon-
income would
tira.nmted to $4,474.75. Not
n)an can go to bed and wako
e morning $4,474.75 richer.
f -, between the ages of 15
ho would like to seo tlie
,s apprentices in Uncle
p navy can now make appli-
a jB for examination to the
Nddaut nttlio navy yard.
, . wuui.uuhjh wm not bo ac
cept as to physical cou-
iio requirement! being
fy to read and writo and
e of arithmetic up to
determining the amount of hay j Widening and deepening us It steals
m a Ntack or mow, when it is not
convenient to weigh it. Selling
by measurement is notahvays the
most satisfactory method, but it
is sometimes the most conveni
ent. Seller' are disjuised to in
sist that a cube of 7 feet is a ton.
This is entirely too small and will
not weigh out. How many cubic
feet will make a ton dopouds ou
so many conditions that no cer
tain rule can be given. It de
pends on the kind of hay, whether
timothy, alfalfa, or prairie; ui
4he character of the hay, whether
fino or coarse; on the condition in
which it was put in the stack, the
length of time it has been there,
and particularly on the size, es
IM'ciaMy the depth of the stack or
In a very large mow, well set
tled, 400 cubic feet of alfalfa or
timothy may average a ton, but
on top of the mow or in a small
stack it requires 500 to 512 cubic
feet, some times even more. It
is not safe for the buyer to figure
on less than 500 cubic feet, but in
a well tilled stack, in selling, it
would be safer to weigh than to
sell at that measurement. To
find the number of tons iu a barn
mow or hay shed, multiply the
length, depth and breadth togeth
er and divide by the number of
cubic feet which, considering the
quality of hay and condition in
which it is put up, will make a
ton. For long stacks or ricks
multiply the length in yards and
this by half the altitude in yards
and divide the product by fifteen,
and this should give the tonage.
To, measure a cone shaped stack
find the area of the base by mul
tiplying the square of the cir
cumference in feet by the deci
mal .07958 and multiply the 'pro
duct thus obtained by one-third
of the height in feet and then di
vide as before, cutting off five
right hand figures. The correct
ness of this will depend some
what on the approximation of the
stack to a regular cone, and if the
stack bulges out it makes the
product too small. The better
way is to estimate the area of the
stack up to the point of tapering
in and apply the rule to the cone
shaped top. The best way is to
weigh. The experience of weigh
mg a lew staciis will enable any
one to judge quite correctly.
Another approximate rule for
measuring a round stack is this
Select a place which is as near as
possible to what the- averago size
would be if the stack were of uni
form diameter from the ground
to the top of the point. Measure
around this to get the circumfer
ence. Add four ciphers to the
circumference at the right and
divide the whole by 3.155!) to get
the diameter. Now multiply half
the diameter by half the circum
foreuce and the feet of the cir
cumfereuce area are obtained.
Multiply by the number of feet
the stuck is high, and the solid or
cubic feet iu the whole are ascer
tained. Then divide by the num
ber of feet in a ton, which ranges
all the way from 370 to 512, ac
cording to the fineness and com
pactness of the hay. This will
give the number of tons in the
The contented man is never
xor; the discontented never rich.
Where two discourse, if the
anger of one rises, he is the wise
man who lets the contest fall.
The man who has not learned
to say "no" will be a Weak if not
a wretched man as long as lie
lives. A. Maclareu.
Mrs. Jefferson Davis will make
her permanent home iu Montpel
ier, Vt. Dewey's town.
John C. Klauder, who died last
week iu Philadelphia, was the
original tin can mush man and
made $2,000,000 iu the business.
It is reliably estimated that
$1,000,000 was spent in New York
for decorations during the Dew
ey celebration. Miss Helen Gould,
always noted for her patriotism,
probably sjHmt more on decora
tions than any other individual.
The cost of decorating her house,
both interior and exterior, footed
up something like $3,000. Miss
Gould had a Hag made of pure
silk, 20-30, and it cost $000.
A Western college professor
claims that ho has discovered a
method of fattening pigs by elec
tricity. The process as near as
can bo ascertained, consists of
placing the animals to bo treat
ed in a cago, around which are
strunga number of wires charged
with electricity. It is hoped tho
professor will carry his investi
gation farther, as many attenuat
ed piioplo are interested in his
Al'TKU experimenting, the Chi
cago woman has put her foot
down on niiilo domestic, service,
und when the Chicago woman
puts her foot down on anything
all resistance Is crushed out.
The secret of success is con
stancy of purpose. DLsrucli.
Tho parent may think it bad
form for the child to dip its
bread in the gravy, but it will
think it good taste.
The difference between a musi
cal director and a tramp is that
the former only beats time while
the latter kills it.
A mail never feels that he
really getting old until he has
lost his desire to run to every
fire in the neighborhood.
It sometimes happens that tho
girl whom men declare they could
die for is just the sort of one they
ouldn't live with.
Tito woman who fills the lower
pantry shelf with pies is the
greatest "trust" in tho eyes of
the small boy of the family.
ino matter now loudly a man
snores, he never acknowledges
that he is sleeping; ho is only
thinking with his eyes shut.
From the horrible rapidity with
which rent day comes around we
are driven to the conclusion that
Father Time is using an automo
y. ciamor is oeing raised con
corning the rights of men about
to be hung. At present all they
seem to have at that eriod are
A New York man has just rais
ed a mortgage from his house by
speculating iu stocks. Many
person has put one there by the
same process.
This thing of two souls with
but a single thought is all right
provided tho single thought is not
a speculation as to how much the
other is worth.
Aguinaldo's efforts to have tho
Filipino government reorganized
by General Otis has again failed,
Ho must come as plain Aguinaldo
if he wants recognition.
Tlio situation in Venezuela is
critical, according to reports, but
that is not unusual. The situ
ation is always critical down
there, when there is any situation
at all.
When a woman can translate
tho French names on a bill of faro
intoevery day mutton chops, hash,
fried eggs, etc., she feels that her
education has not been in vain.
Can't some of our people bo en
thused sufficiently to inaugurate
some plan whereby additional in
dustries would bo established in
our town?
With the coining of winter a
man has tho joyous satisfaction
of knowing where his neckties
are to be found, as his shirt-waist
wifo and children have no sjiocial
use for them at this season.
The fact that tho government
has advertised lor bkl for 100,
000 pair of tan shoes for the
army m the tropics indicate- that
Uncle Sam thinks that the sol
dier's feet should match his-complexion.
A dispatch from the Klondike
says that a woman miuer has dis-
:overed $f.000 worth of gold iu
one pocket. That'H nothing. Any
woman van do tho sumo if her
iusbaudbea sound sleeper and
you give her time enough.
Mrs. Henrietta Strader, of
Stroudsburg, has brought suit
against Monroe county for $10,
000 damage. Mrs. Strader rode
off the end of a county bridge
while on her bicycle, badly injur
ing her back. The accident is
claimed to have been due to the
absence of guard rails.
If the man who returns home
at two o'clock a. m. and tells his
wife a lot of things that did not
hapin would only tell her what
really occurred he would get off
easier, us she doesn't believe him
in either case, and tho actual is
less apt to be overdrawn than tho
If a woman were sent out to
discover the North Pole there
might be some chance of its being
found. A man was never known
yet who could find the handker
chief or gloves his wifo sent him
upstairs to get for her, let alone
anything as obscure as this gla
cial ueedled in tho haystack.
I 0.
TheLargestDepartment Store in Fulton County.
An Ohio preacher has invented
a new kind of collection box for
church use, into which a dollar, a
half dollar, or a quarter, will fall
without making any noise on a
padded cushion; a nickle, howev
er, dropped iu tho slot rings a
bell, while a cent or atrouser but
ton fires off a gun, attracting the
atteution of the entire congrega
tion to the embarassed and
omical giver.
Tkums ov Couht.
The first term of Ihii Courts of Fulton coun
ty In the yi-ur nIiiiII I'lirmnciu'e on th Tursiliiv
following tho Hoooml Monthly of Juuuury, at IU
o'ulook A. M.
The houoiuI Icnn commence on th third
Monday of Maroh. ul 2 o eloek 1'. M.
The third term on the Tuesday uext follow
InK the second Muuday of June ut IU o'clock
A. M.
The fourth term on the Urst Monday of Octo
ber, ut i o'clock P. M.
County Owiceks.
President Judfe -Ilon. S. Mo Swojip,
AKKoelate Judes Lemuel Kirk, 1'etcr Mor
ton. l'rothonotiiry, &o, Frank 1. Lynch.
IHtrlct Attorney Oeorye II. Dunicls,
Treasurer Then Slpes,
Sheriff Daniel Sheets.
Deputy Sheriff James Rnmel.
Jury I'ominlHNloncrH DuvlU Uou, Samuel II,
Auditors -John S, Harris, D, II. Myers, A. J,
Commissioners U W. Cunnlnnhiim, Albert
rii'sHliiKer. John Stuukard.
Clcrk-S. W. Kirk.
Coroner Thomas Kirk.
County Surveyor -Jonas Lake,
County Superintendent Clem t'hnsuut.
Attorneys - W. Scott Alexander. .1. Nelson
SI pes. Thomas F. Sloau, F. McN, Johnston,
M. 11 ShaiTuer, Oeo. U. Daniels, John 1.
We wish to call the attention of the citizens of Fulton county to our reliable stock R
oi uooas, wmcn we have bought tor cash, and which we will sell for cash, at figures
:J that we feel sure will ffivc universal satisfaction. It is impossible to enumerate all that
:j is contained in our mammoth stock, hence we only enumerate a few of the ffoods we p
it keep constantly on hand.
Percale?. Seersuckers, Gingham?, Sateens,
Jj Sheeting. Canton Flannels. Shirtings, Tickings.
Department of Dress Goods.
Silks, Satins, Crepons, Cashmeres,
Cashmeres, Henriettas, Serges,
French Twilled Flannels, in assorted colors.
Novelty Weaves, in all colors, from 50 cents down.
Department of Wash Goods.
English Flanneletts, Outing and Skirting Flannels,
Calicoes, Uleeched and Unbleeched Muslins,
McConnellsburff & Ft. Loudon
Passenger, Freight and
Express Line.
R. C. McQuade, Proprietor.
Run Daii.t uktwkkn McConnki.imiuuu ami
roiiT UiflK)N.
Lenvlmr MeConDPlUhurv at IS:SI o'clock. V. M..
maKiuu couuectlou with afternoon tram ou
S. l. K. It.
Ileluinlnu leave Fort Loudon nn the arrival of
me eveniUK train on H. 1'. u. it,
I um prepared lo carry passengers and ex
press to make eounuutlon with all trulus ut Ft.
Household and Upholstering Department.
Lace Curtains, Scrims, Cushions, Ready-made Sheets and Pillow-cases, Marseilles,
Quilts and Comforters, Wool Blankets, Upholstering Goods and Braids,
Drapery Prints, Chenille Goods, Rugs, Floor and Table
Oil Cloths, Mattings, and Carpets, &c.
Notion Department.
Fashionable Barber,
One Door East of "Fulton Ilousa,"
Ftrsl-elusM Shavlim and Hair Culling.
Clean towel for every customer.
I Surveyor & Engineer,
v , All kinds of
r , . va Survuyg
f fa carefully
B4 "S" )
'mlMi draft
l l 1' ' " i Jj co pie J. ?
S Olllc i
Men, women and children's Hosiery in both wool and cotton, collars, neck-wear, i
dress shields,, corset stays and protectors, teleiranh. brush. c.nrA in 1,1
u.. j :.,.. " i.. ,x .. . j -ii. i.i. ' V .
0 0
i if
velvet bindings, velvet and silk ribbons, jet trimmings,
ciu- i-.e;.4.- -.f iit i :., i.. i.. i:, j t
wi Liaiuj ui .in in:ci, lauici ain.1 gtlll 5
handkerchiefs, belts, side, back,
pompadore, redding and
tine combs, hair
ornaments, crochet and darning cotton, purses, brushes and kid gloves. In yarns, ice
. wool, Saxony and Germantown, suspenders, rooching, gum web,
velvets, ladies' and children's underwear, in pants,
vests, in suits and separate, also,
union suits of underwear.
The Celebrated
Men's, Youth's and Children's Suits.
Hats and caps for men and boys, hosiery, neckwear, shirts, collars, underwear, gloves 5J
f mirht robes. &c. y
Boots cintd
Large variety of Ladies' Shoes, both lace and button, and all the latest style toes.
M Fine shoes, medium weight shoes, and heavy shoes for everyday wear. The same in
5 misses' and children's. For the men we have kangaroo, calf and kid, also heavy every
J day shoes. Light soles and heavy soles. In Boots we have a full stock, at prices t
J suit all. In Rubber Goods we have a full line constantly on Iwnd. Felt Boots in variety.
Hardware, Cutlery, Wood and Willow Ware, Trunks,
Satchels, Telescopes, Gloves, Paints, Oils and Yaruishes, &c. o
It is impossible to enumerate nearly all the goods to be founJ in our store. Please
call and see for yourself and we feel sure we can please you. Don't fail to remember
the place.
. Opposite the Postollice.
0K00U0.00 M