The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, October 12, 1899, Image 3

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By Charles Newton Hood.
T was a thrilling
afternoon for us
two little fellows,
Ed and me, but
it won't seem ex
citing nt nil to
read it and not
bo just little
country villaae
ten years of age and of twenty
10t;o. i
.,f,s a Saturday afternoon half
;i , that , Ed came over to my
;r oug before I had finished my
: J piling up wood, and an
1, 1, between gasps, "Oh, come
' '-.go down to the Central 1'ail
' 'they're goin' to sell a hull rail
n there atanntiou. Just think
'"lull railroad."
''ked in dismay at the rtnpiled
H id wished that I d worked 111
;,, Ding and finished up, but Imi
,l,.to, like a good fellow, and by
n p w were through aud had
'd ad with tho nnequalcd speed
. Doted small boys down street,
-jdors and porches of the little
village hotel were alive with
"lely dressed and prosperous
"v strangers, who were gathered
s, talking earnestly together,
i in oouples up and down the
'""l in qniet consultation.
.'" ight of way and assets of tho
""graded but still trackless, ill
" inuaylvania .t Sodus Bay Kail
,". re to be sold, at three o'olock,
Jghest bidder, to wind up the
wof the unfortunate original
ra r, and the reason that the im
"( transaction was to take place
little country villago was be
, placo chanced to be .about
of the proposed line, or, per
tii localise two or three of tho
promoters of the compauy re
i'r tore. ,
. ,er have understood exactly
1 tal interest Ed and I could have
! , hat occasion, but crowds and
ma jys can usually be found in tho
7" ughborhood, and, as I remeui
brce fob) as excited over the affair
ih most-, deeply involved stock-
i or the shrewdest railroad mag
ouged here and there among
l and listened, open-mouthed,
"'eohnical talk of the railroad
AVhilo the sale was still some
'""t off, Ed told mo, with abso-
" tainty, how much the short,
tnnan ith the white side whisk--instructed
the tall, slim young
! bid; tho limit of what the wor
lnpkir.g mau with tho high baton
ivc k of Ids head would pay, aud
tl Southern Central man had
I Northern Central mau he
gree to in case they could oome
Poiderstanding and bid together.
i (never pays any attention to boys
O.-f. They may hear, but of
hey don't understand,
15 tseinblage was to' bo called to
, tea minutes, and Ed and
nJnding on tho edge of the hotel
1rrhen a very modest turnout
torse was one of those round.
i old family animals who can't
, i t go over about so fast undor
t umatances, and he was hitched
tilcl-ashiouod, two-seatod "demo
nr-lgon, in which were crowded
oiof three gentlemen and two
Ion Wa did not pay much atten
m;he Obw arrivnl, not in anyway
n"lng tho party with the auction
1 alighted from the wagon and
, a little group while the gou
pad some conversation with
jou udu someuotiy to drive
Mi heard the oldest
of tho
I'h.W i
ul.,.ndlord turnod and glanoed
stt,jo crowded piazzas. "Alyowu
4(1 busy," hesaid, "andlcau't
jybody." Suddenly bechanced
.aIe, find lie called ino to him
al PJ 5 ho Baid, "those pooplo
r olid tfcis horse of the station
m (So to Taughanuock Palls.
llyf want somobodv to drive him
iibt)oij't you want to take a little
, yes," I answerod, "I'd just
TrJX'l 11 go tOO. whore's Ed?"
amfed and bockoned for my part
i came bashfully forward. Tho
Mtarty, particularly the ladies,
Doming mildly interested in
Cwoungest man explainod the en
or to imi, ana I nave since
rw'that he elaborated the details
"importance of Ed's decision
ora than seemed absolutely
tj, for I recall that he used a
any tonus which were unfa
"'7uand lus talk seemed to
"" he ladies immensely,
r, yes, I guess I can go," Ed
ir the young man had iinished.
fiH T"BBt me to though we'd it-ally
bl stay to the sale." Aud it
tod many years after thut be,
; ff Bould at all understand what
j u:a .that was bo very humorous
uukuuf reply, and why tho ladies
it ave laugUed until tho tears
Own their faces and tho men
l 41 :.i .
u i,v) tuumuBt ns snou n very
"f iri of yonugstors; for why
two barefooted ten-year-old
"""f villago boys with tattered
Its , desire to bo present at such
'' I'T pr0Ceeains, 1 woul J like
caft come back on tho evening
,iuh valley road." i r
nt), Vriting BometUiug ou tho
i'ook wnicu he took from his
y anng the paper out anil
iKtOiMl. "Give that tn Hia
he Bald.
Vss' 'rive the tso too rapidly,
...m"1 aay 0IlB ot tho ladies
itlcf ' !8 we l888d slowly away
, j M'jvery straight and impor
so . 41 1 . al wun Iiu "oldiug
t m 8 carefully in eaoh
'"VJ tuougut since, as I re.
mat norse's gait, that this in
of the lady's was also in
) t0 humorous, but it was all
p fmd the animal was allowed
if own pace.
ied you at the atart. thera
i"'jK tunning about thin ad
venture. It is simply and strictly
historical. I don't know that I would
care to tako tho same trip again now,
but I know that I have never taken a
drive since which I have enjoyod one
half so much. Tho quiot country
road wound in and o'lt among tho
pine woods, past fields of waving
grain, orchard loadod with frnit, and
tho greenest of green pastures; up
steep hills and down other steop hills,
aud I snppose that some stretches of
that road must have been terribly hot
and dusty, but it was all a joy and a
rapture then, and the responsibility
which weighed upon nswas too heavy
to admit of any interference by auy
possible discomfort.
still It can scarcely bo said that
there wa anything out of the way in
our hitching tho horse in the shade
when we cuno to Willow Creok, while
we took ad.antago of the opportunity
to go in swimming iu the cool, clear
lazily flowing stream; aud, except as
a matter of history, it is of probably
no interest that we stopped at a fine
old farmhouse to ask for a drink of
water, aud that the dear old lady who
came to tho door looked at us over her
spectacles, just as though she were
our Aunt Susan, and said, "Well,
now, boys, wouldn't you rathor have
a good, cool lrink of milk?"
I don t recall what our answer was
exactly, but I know that she took two
large blue bowls and went down into
tho damp, cool cellar, and well, it's
a good many years ago now, but even
yut, when I want to praise anything
at the tablo especially high I compare
it to tho way that cold, sweet, rich,
creamy milk tasted.
But enough of this. Wo drovo
tho old horse up to tho platform
of Taughanuock Falls station and
delivered him, in good condition.
into the hands of the old station
master, having mado the four miles iu
only a trifle over three hours.
Then we went to Bee the falls, and
climbed around tho glen, aud found
rivo "lucky" stones on the shoro of
the lake, and were having a rattling
good time, when Kd suddenly re
marked, in a decisive tone, "We'll
have to start for home now. It's four
miles, aud it'll be dark now before we
can walk it."
"Why," I said, "I thought that the
man told us we could ride home on
the cars?"
The commiserating way that Ed
looked at me thou haunts me still,
'Well, you are green," ho said, with a
simulation of pity. "Did you believe
that? Why, you have to have tickets
to ride on tho cars, and tho way you
get tickets is to buy 'era at tho window
with money. All this is is jest a piece
of paper. I didn't say nothiu', but he
couldu t fool me.
I felt a good deal chagrined to think
that I should have been taken in so,
But lot's get on, any way," I per
Bisted. "Tho conductor can't put us
off until the train has gone a little
ways, and then we'll bo just so much
nearer home."
This appealed to Ed, and bo, when
the evening express rolled in we stood
waiting on the station platform; aud I
don't like to think that it was with
real dishonest intentions that we took
the last seat in the car, because it
would take tho conductor longer to
reach us.
Whon the conductor finally did
enter our car, slammed the door aud
called out "Tickets!" we were a very
approheusive pair of boys indeed, and
I would hate dreadfully to endure
again the suspense which we endnred
whilo he was ooining slowly down tho
uisle. Ed handed out tho papor with
au exceedingly doubtful air. "A man
told us this would take ns to Trumans
burg," he said faintly. "I don't
know whether it's any good or not.
If 'taint you'll have to put us off,
'cause we aru't got any money."
"The conductor glanced at the paper,
and then he looked at it more closely,
mid then he put on his glasses and
examined it very carufnlly indeed,
and all of the while we two little boys
understood perfectly the utmost
meaning of the good old-fashioned
expression known us "being
on the ragged edge." Finally
tho conductor looked over his
glasses at us and smiled. He was a
very large, fat conductor, with a good
nutured look and a double chin. "You
can bet your life, my boj'8," he said,
"that this paper is very good indeed.
This is what it says," aud he showed
us tho paper as he read to us;
Pass Two NlcB f'l'tl" B"y
From T.Flls
(Oue trip.)
JamoB Thompson,
But that didn't convey a great deal
to us, exoept that we weren't going to
be put off, for which we were truly
Ed had ridden on the cars twice be
fore and I bad once, still we were not
so blase but that we enjoyed the re
mainder of the trip immensely, aud
we stood on the Trumansburg station
platform aud watched tho traiu draw
swiftly out with keen regret that the
rapid ride had beeu so short.
As we turned away one of the hotel
carriages drovo hastily up to the plat
form aud our party of ladieB and gen
tlemen alighted. The traiu had gone,
aud as we folt moro or less responsi
ble we wero tilled with coucorn. We
hurried up to them.
"Why, here are our littlo boys,"
said tho elderly gentleman. "Did
you get the horse home safely?"
"Yes, sir," Ed answered; "and
wo'ro sorry you've missed the traiu,
but it's just gone."
"That iB too bad," the yonnger
muu remarked, "but we have to learn
to endure those things;" and he gave
us each a crisp, now fifty-cent shin
plaster, ' . ;
Just then a most singular thing
happened. An engine with a single
magnifloent car attaohed, which car
was rich with nickel railiugs, carving
and rnrtninpd nlntn etna Tvindnwn.
s o'" " F
ran rapidly in and stopped.
The three gentlomeu and the two
ladies each bade ns good-bye and
stepped aboard, and the train flashed
way, wniie me lauios wavea lueir
laudkerchiefs to ns two little boys as
ong as the train was in night.
"It seemed to mo." remarked tha
old baggage-master, "that you two
youngsters ore pretty familiar with
tho 1'resideut, Vice President and
Oenoral Snperinteudentof the Lohigh
Valley Railroad System, to say nothiu'
oi tue I'resiuent s who and tho ice
President's daughter."
Aud that's all thprn la tn thn efnrtr
I told you in the beginning that it
auin i amount to anything, and I don t
kllOW Vnt whflf. vt lim'AtnA nt tliA
right of way of the projected railroad
irora i-ennsvivania to Modus uav.
New York independent.
ruADirrtD i .1 tup nnr.A.ii-
IU Hliaimnnrt Sim Mnjr Tell as Mncti at
Hlinpe mul Sim or tha Month.
Mnl. 1... !,., r l-i- .1 1
una tt i. u 11 nun Ul iniu lliruilb
telling character by the mouth. This
is alt right so far as it goes that is,
with the women, or with men who al
ways wear a smooth face, bnt most
men wear mustaches.' The shape and
size of the mustache may tell as much
as tho shape aud size of tho mouth.
A mau rarely hides a line mouth. If
he wears a mustache he docs so bo
causo his first experiment proved to
his own satisfaction that his mustache
was worthy of preservation, but he
trains it carefully so that it will not
entirely hide auy marks of beauty or
strength. Women do hot have all tho
There is a man who wears a heavy
mustacho to hide au ugly mouth, or
teeth, or to disguiso his feolings. He
is in tho habit of hiding a sarcastic
smile behind the drooping mustache.
No dandy would bo guilty of snub a
monstrous affair. His mustache must
be flno aniOelicate, at least graceful,
aud readily trained into gracoful littlo
curls at the ends. If he is really flno
iu his nature, the quality of the hair
is silky aud soft, easily cnrliug, and
perhaps even naturally wavy. An even
tempered disposition is indicated by
tho soft and well curved lips showing
beneath this mustache.
Tho very thin and light mnstache is
insipid, iike its owner, and goes with
thin lips mil a selfish nature. This
sort of a uristache goes with a very
weak mouth and poor teoth.
The fierce, bristling mustache whioh
hulas nothing, but stauds straight un.
like stubble iu a wheat field, shows au
oxtremely'barsh naturo, bad temper
and general unconthness. A man with
a mustache constantly ou the defou
sive, as it were, like Beutinels, is to be
avoi ded.
This is quite different from the long
military mustache with waxed ends,
which is supposed to be quite fierce,
but which is not bo in fact. The mili
tary is quite distinctive from the
French fashion, which is also a waxed
mustache, aud is so arranged with as
much care as any other, part of the
As to colors, the same rules follow
as in tho color of the hair. Black is
the most intense iu naturo, blonde the
least so, wiiile the varying shades be
long to as variod characteristics. Tho
mixture of colors, such as a red mus
tache with dark brown hair, softens
tho disposition. Au absolutely color
less hair often goes with the thin
lipped mouth, which denotes obstinacy
aud lack of sympathy or feeling.
The Drum Mnjor'a Uniform.
Instead of the scarlet coat, coverod
all over with braid and tiusel, and
decorated according to the faucy of
the wearer, tho army drum ma
jor will now wear a dress coat accord
ing to tho pattern of the arm of ser
vice to which he may bolong, ou which
the facings and the cuffs will show by
the color whether the drum major be
longs to tho artillery, cavalry or in
fantry. Tho aiguillcttes and epaulets will be
of worsted, and iu color iu keeping
with tho arm of servioe.
Ou tho whole, tho uniform is more
soldiorly, aud its modifications will
niako the drum major less conspicu
ous. Iu sonio local military bauds the
drum major's place has been given
over in recent years to jugglerH and
gymnnsts, and men who had uo knowl
edge of music were allowed to inarch
nt the head of a baud because they
could twirl a baton or do similar cir
cus tricks. Tho custom and tho over
dressing of the drum major did much
to reduce the place to one only a
Bhort way removed from clown, but
the rooout orders from the War De
partment and tho modification of tha
drum major's uuiform will probably
cause State and other band organiza
tion to follow the example, and the
fuke drum major will bo compellod to
give up his place to the roul improved
An Ingenious Kicoir For llonoity.
Tho man of one family is a very
careless sort of person and not long
ago ho lost five dollars from his
pocket. It was gone, and of course
there was 110 use in getting excited
over a matter of that sort, and the
"gone thing was to go" was a com.
fortiug thought. Two or three days
later the maid-of-all-work fouud tho
bill wheu sho was sweeping, aud
promptly hauded it over to its right
ful owner, aud received a roward of
fifty ceuts, "I'd so much rathor have
this mouey that you give me aud
know it than the other money you
didn't give without kuowiug it, and
theu maybe you'd know somotituo
about tho money you didn't give ine,"
was her rathor iuvolvod exouse for
honesty. Xew York-Sun.
Laundries Tlint Ilnn't I.uunilry.
"Most of the so-called hand laun
dries aro misnamed," said the pro
prietor of one of the luigest steam
laundries in town. "The ouly work
they do is the ironing of shirts. The
washing of the shirts, and the entire
work ou the other articles aro done
for the hand lauudrieB by steam laun
dries. That one machine of ours
irous 80,000 cutis and collars a day,
and we can afford to do them for tho
baud laundries at ten to twelve cents
a dozen. The hand laundries' profit
is tho difference between those figures
und twenty-four ceuts. Most of our
work comes from the hand laundries,
dozeus of which patronize ns. The
old Haying about 'tricks in all trades'
applies particularly to hand laun
dries." New York Mail and Express.
f 3 m
Designs For Costumes That Have Be-
?4 come Popular in the Metropolis. fv
it! m
New York Citt (Special). The
dressmakers, the tailors, furriers and
milliners are enjoying daily confer
ences with their clients, and the worn-
en are rapidly coming forth in smart,
fresh fineries.
Ouo of ,thoir first responsibilities
was to provide themselves with the
proper sort of walking hat, and the
struggle has been to arrive at a com
promise between the article that would
appear advantageously ou tho street
aud yet mark a decided departure from
the hard quill aud crown band habit
of last season. A siugle plnmo from
tho old gray goose's tail, stuck inde
pendently through the crown of a
slouch folt, is not tho approved idea
before has it boon imported in suob
attractive color combinations.
Homespun will be much used for
tailor made gowns which, if fashion
ably correct, will display tho human
form divine more plainly than ever.
flniilirs on the New Onwn.
Sashes are seen on many of tho now
gowns, the bows and loops falling far
down over the skirt, many times of
ribbon or piece silk, bnt most often of
black volvet ribbon, four or fiveiuches
wide, aud they aro really quite chic.
The l.mii t'later.
A little later on and wo will be criti
cising tho usefulness and beauty of
tho long-skirtod ulster that fits tho
body close and has a trifle of fullness
iu the roar, where a strap spans tho
base of the spine and is glorified by a
large silver buckle. Long cloth ulsters
in the colder weather will bo used with
capelets of bear's fur that are short on
tho shoulders, high in the collar, but
almost reaching the foot in front in
two stole ends. Tho opera niautlos,
so far as they havo allowed their
charms to be viewed, aro beautiful in
tho extreme. They are long, of course,
carry large lace hoods a la Bretonne
made of heavy lace lined with colored
silk muslin, aud in order to gain a de
sired width at the shoulders tho silk,
satin or damask skirts of the coathaug
from wide yokes of luce over satin aud
this yoke is tidged by a deep bertha
frill. One of the most commendable
of the now wraps in fur is a capo col
lar having broad ends falling to or be
low tho waist line aud mado of tho
tails of brown bear, bo called by fur
riors who would like all animals to
possess symmetrical salable tails.
These bear tails are nothing moro than
fluffy balls of fur made of bear and
ron A
now. A green, or gray, or brown felt
with a bont-edge brim and a stiff
"bowler" crown seoms to be tho tri
umphant one of many shapes and as
might be expoctod it has been desig
nated patriotically by the uauio of Ad
miral Dewey's flagship, the Olympia.
There is uothiug nautical about tho
"Olympia." It is wound about the
base of its brim with a scarf of dark
liberty silk and this comes to a loose
knot iu front, in the fouls of which the
quill ends of two. loug, soft composite
plumes aro made fast. Of woll-dyed
barnyard fowl feathers these plumes
are made, mottled white dowu the cen
ter, and they ore bo arranged as to
droop softly to one side. Into the lib
erty silk kuot a fancy strnsB pin is in
troduced, aud this is u happy contrast
to the unbecoming oowboyish headgear
that all womeukiud that adopted it
during tho summer should remember
with a blush. A great many patronesses
of the Olympia wear the easy-fitting
hut on hair dressed low at the
back of the head and a strap of elastic,
uot skewer pins, is used to keep the
felt in its place.
The Every-llay down.
The shops are filled with the now
dross goods, and what to buy und how
to have it made is the absorbing topic
with the suubrown shoppers.
For tho evory-day gown which must
Btaud hard wear, such as is illustrated
iu tho largo engraving, the reversible
Harris tweeds are highly recommend
ed. Tho best quality comes fifty-six
inches wide and costs $2.75 a yard.
It is Bold iu all the new attractive
shades, with a real Scottish clan plaid
for the revorse side of the cloth. Whan
these double-faced tweeds are used
for a skirt uud coat costume, no lining
is required and tho lapels, cuffs and
collar of the coat are made of the plaid.
Camel's hair cheviot is extremely
fashionable this year. It cau be found
in dashing plaids, and, in indistinct
plaida of miiigled dull urtistio colors.
Then there aro attractive half-inch
check cheviots and these crossed with
uarrow stripes. Graphite gray and
tho browns aud blues ure usually tho
foundation shades of these cheviots
and tho lines which ruu through them
are generally automobile red, vivid
greou, orange yellow and beige.
Irish frioze is a favorite material
among the-heuvior woolcua. and never
blue fox-skin scraps aud tacked upon
a cape of oub bear fur.
The importers are showiug among
their latest oomers from Paris exten
sive trains of tho richest velours mous
selino, moire and antique velvet ud
orned by baud with the most delicate
painted patterns. The designs are
very small and bo cleverly executed
that no appreciative beholder cau won
der at tho price askod for a sweep of
faint blue moire, made brilliant with
dragon (lies and humming birds hover
ing about bouquets and baskets of
mall flowers.
In Itelmlf of natter Itoailn.
The convention in Milwaukoe fot
the purpose of discussing tha problem
of better roads in Wisconsin empha
sizes afresh the vital relations which
public highways sustain to national
prosperity and national development.
ivery year our farmers lose thou
sands of dollars on account of the end'
less delay and mishaps to which they
ara subjected iu hauling produce to
market over bad roads; aud if ouly
one-half of the money which in spent
annually in repairing wagons and ve
hicles prematurely broken dowu bo
cause of bad roads could bo spent in
repairing publio highways, much of
the trouble which now exists would
be overcome. Uuder present condi
tions, the evils arising from bad roads
in many parts of the country are such
that in rainy weather it is wholly im
possible to use them, whilo even in
good weather they are so defective
that travel over them is attended with
manifold disadvantages.
There are mauy things which cau be
neglected with greater impunity than
publio highways and wise statesman
ship can employ itself to no hotter ad
vautago than in devising ways and
means for improving publio highways.
Indeed, it is not extravagant to say
that publio highways sustaiu the same
relation to the community at large
that blood vessels and arteries sustain
to the human body; and if defects in
tho latter are accompanied with seri
ous results, it is no more than is true
of the former. Other things being
equal, uational prosperity and national
uevolopuiant depend largely upon
good roads.
One reason why Rome enjoyed such
worldwide power during tho days of
the Ciesars was that she devoted her
aelf with such diligence to tho build
ing of those niaguiticeut highways
which remain to-dny tho marvel of the
whole earth. Sho recognized tho fact
that her roads wero the great chauuels
through which her commercial life
blood was to circulate aud that her na
tional prosperity depended largely
upon her roads. Perhaps if she had
devoted hersolf with equal diligence
to needod reforms iu other directions
eho might bo to-day where she was
eighteen centuries ago.
Far-sighted ireu iu every part of
the country are nt length waking up
to the importance of good roads and
are doing everythiug in their power to
couviuce the country that good roads
must be constructed before natioual
progress cau bo marked. Hence, in
justice to the interests of the whole
country as well as in justice to the in
terests of the farmers who are direct
ly and immediately affected, it is of
the utmost importance that good roads
should be made the burdeu of thought
ful consideration iu every State iu tho
Much interest will bo folt in the re
milts of tho convention iu Milwaukee,
Wis., not only because of tho good
which it promises to accomplish in
that State, but also because of the
good effects whioh it will likoly pro
duce in other Stutos. Atlanta Con
stitution. Wet Weather Honda Needed.
Perhaps never does the need of
good roads manifest itselt so strongly
in a community of farmers as where
they attempt to carry on a co-operative
enterprise, such as a creamery or
a cheese factory. So loug as tho
farmer remains at homo ou his own
laud, it makos no difference to him
whether his roads be smooth as asphalt
or rough and stony as a mountain
pass; or whether they be hard and
lovol like tho English highways of
macadam, or soft and sticky like the
ground about the pig's peu.
It is ouly when it comes to goiug to
town, especially if it is with a load of
crops, that the condition of the high
ways cuts any figure. And it be
comes moro important than ever
where farmers are obliged to drive to
a creamery eaoh day iu the year with
thoir milk. In most of tho States
dairying has ouly of lato become a
great industry, but its continued
growth calls moro loudly than ever
for tho construction of roads which
will enable tho creamery patrons to
deliver their milk without wearing
out thoir horses, whenever tho weather
takes au unfavorable turn. Wot
weather reads are needed, and dairy
ing cau never be a complete success
without them.
l.Bhoratory For ltoad Materials,
Under a recent aot of the Maryland
Oeneral Assembly, tho Highway Di
vision of the Marylaud Geological
Survey is collecting information con
cerning tho present condition aud
methods of maintenances of the Stuto
highways, aud are testing in their lab
oratory the rocks from all portions ol
the Stuto in order to learu their rela
tive values for road purposes.
The Antl-Itut Ak'ltntlon.
A good road makes a light load.
Liquid asphalt is being employed to
spriuklo the highways of Keru County,
Cat., near Bakorsfield. Tho indica
tions are that tho experiment will be
Every commissioner of highways
and every pathmaster is auswerublo if
he fails to perform his duties proper
ly, and all who are guilty of criminul
neglect should be punished.
Bettor means of communication are
becoming more and more essential,
not alone to dairymen, but to all far
mers alike. Farmers should bo mado
less dopendont upon tho weather.
With earth alouo a very passable
road cau bo made, provided tho prin
oiples of location, drainage aud shape
of surfuce, together with that of keep
ing tha surfaco as smooth and fine as
possible, by rolling, be strictly ad
hered to.
Miss llarber, Secretary of the In
terstate Association, deplored the poor
returns whioh Illinois is getting from
tho 84,000,000 raised every year for
road purposes, a larger fund than is
raised by almost any State. Hh
urged tha farmers to study the ques
tion and organize.
It appears at the result of careful
investigation, that it costs us iu the
United States just about threa timet
as much to market our farm crops s
it does in European coi n tries, v hero
good roads have been built. Farmers
there ara able to make their loads
three times as great as ouri, owing to
better roads.
Lost Opportunities. Jar. vlli. 20; Hi t. rxiiL
37-39; Heb. xil. 17.
Koiiptiire Versos I's. xxxlv. J9;
Ixxxlv. 11; cxxxl. 'f, I'rov. xl. is; x. !;
xvl. f; KitI. Ix. 10; Matt. Jtx. C. 7; v. 14.
IS; John II. 6; Kom. II. 1; xiv. is.
Money hmt may he regained; health
lust may he restored; even time lost
may In a mnnnrr be mn'le up by Rreat-t-r
diliRenc-t-; but salvation lost ia aa
opportunity one forever.
I,et us not wait fur opportunities to
mine t us; we can make thrm If w
will. 1'aul becsnx' all thlnns to all
men, that he mlKht by all means nv3
Klips quickly by to-morrow'B but .
And while we Idly dally, dream or
Our itolden opportunity rop by.
Opportunities for C'htlstlan work are
constantly slipping by. We rnuign
them too late. . . . opportunity fur
patience, forbearance, mi-ckncsit, eelf-
di'iiiul, cnuniRe. Oppiirtunllti- for
hotiorlnir Cod for LiinKlnK fiienda ta
Christ. These rip continually comlnn
and KoltiK oumiiiK? Yes hut aluo iru
Ihk; as surely und rapidly a minulr
(to. .How full of K'd work our lit
would be If we lost no opportunity.
Never ri' lay
To do the duty which the moment
Whether it be In Kicat or smaller
For who doth know
Whnt he shall do upon the coming
Sometimes, In tho Arrtlc regions,
ships gi-t enclosed In a narrow spacn
between Ice-islands. The floating
rocks slide nearer Hip ship on every
Bide, and thp dismayed te-anien behnltl
thoir only chance of escape from the
fatal crash lies In a narrow channel,
thn't every moment grows still nar
rower. How hurriedly they preis their
vessel through that Htrip to roach thi
snfety of the open oeeanl Kven so
mut we pass bIoiik tho. nurrow way
that leads to eternal life; for whi
knows how soon that narrow way may
lie closed nftnlnst hiin.
C. K. Uospol Hymns. 182, 121, 133.
135. 28. 7. it:, m
Oospol Hymns, 1-4. 18, 21, 26, 97, 104.
122. Hi.
A Cnrtons Assortment.
"I could stock a miiBeum with queer
things I have found In our books,
eald a librarian. "Those articles In
clude all kinds of bills grocery bills,
gas bills and every variety of bill un
der the sun; hairpins and hair orna
ments of every design and material;
love letters galore, locks of hair, bits
of lace, dress samples and watch chain
charms; pen and Ink, pencil, crayon
and water color sketches; money or
ders and postage stamps, and I hava
also a dried human ear, which I found
in a hook on surgery, borrowed by m
medical student prohabiy, as they carry
all sorts of uncanny things about with
them. PhotoRraphs, too, ngure largely
tn my collection. I once found an In
surance policy In a book, but It was
quickly claimed. The hustling adver
tiser cannot let even library books
alone. Somebody Is an agent for a
certain patent medicine. He takes out
half a dozen books, not to road th
but simply to Insert a circular."
l iilipio Held for Sclentlllo Kxplnrmtlnn.
Lake Tanganyika, in Africa, offers a
linlquo field for scientific exploration.
This region, like Australia, is one of
the few localities where animals still
live that have becomo extinct elBe
whero, certain wheelllko mollusks of
this lake appearing to have been de
rived from the ocean and to be identi
fied with fossil forms of old Jurassli
seas, in Europe.
FRornitaito. Host rat t
Hluh (Iradti Kxtra '3
WHEAT No. 2 Hod 7a 7
COIIN No. 2 W'hlto 1
tints Sonthern A Penii... M7 a
IIYK No. S '
HAY Cholos Timothy.. 13 00 IS 60
lood to Prime 12 011 111 50
till AW live In car Ids. . W 1" 0
Wheat lllooks 5"
Oatlllooks 6 00 7 60
TOMATOES fitnd. No. 8. O 75
No. 2 6
ri'.AS-Ktandard 1 10 1
Hoonnils W
COIIN-Ury Pa.-k 70
Moist 60
City Cows.' 1
POTATOES Jlurbanks. . 85 ( it
ONIONS 60 65
noo rnomjcTs-nui fi V
Clear rlhsldes 7 74
Hams UH 12
.Mess Pork, per bar 10 Ml
I.AliD tJrudu 4
lest roll uod t
HUTTErt Fine Crmy.. .. 21 3
Tniler Finn ili
Creamery ItolU) 21 24
CHEESE N. Y. Fuoy... t 13 9 UH
N. Y. Flats 12 UKf.
, bikini Choeso 6 V.i
EOOB Mate 1S 17
North Carolina 16 1
u vs romrai
Ouelis, pr Ih 11 ll.'
TOnACCO Md. Iufer's.. 151 IH
Hi'imd ooiuinou 8 'VI 4 60
Middling- 01 70'
fuuey 10JJ 1201
PF.EF Best Beeves 4 20 p 479
BIIKKP '4 4 6
lious 4 IK) 6 iu
rum axd skin.
.MCSKIUT 10 9 11
liuct'nou 40 45
lied Fox JO0
Mkuuk Ulaek.
OhUHHIIUl ii 2'i
Mink M0
Ottor 00
Er rout
FI.OUK Southern 8 85 4
WHEAT No. 2 Ued 77
ItYE Wostera 3
COUN No. 2
HATS No. 8 27
iiUTTEIt Statu 1J
tOOS Hlata l-t
CliEKSK Statu 11
FLOUR Houthorn.... .. 885 4
WHEAT No. 2 ltad 7
COUN No. 8 U7
11 UTTElt Stain 21
fcuati Twoa ft
4 f
It '