J BEY. DRJALMAGE. l2 EMINENT DIVINE'S SUNDAY DISCOURSE. ilorii Ttie )lir ol tho Nnw Nnvl Jlrroe" Honervd Knll Meunro ol V'rlM t'nefiil I.on Dreirn From 'shrlv Hrnverr nml Ievotlon, iCi pyrlght, Ijoiiitt Kli.pw :h, HS0.1 , (frfliiiH(iTo!, D. C At ft llmnwhiM) tho ; K1 nation In ntlrrod with piitrlotlc emo ti at the rotnra nt Ailmlral Clporuo I nf ey nod bin Riillnnt rami on tbn criilner tmplH nnM the miiRnlllcont recnption ne filed to them, the Uov. Dr. T. 1)8 Witt i lmniiit, In Ills sermon, preaching to n . It nudlniipc, appropriately recitlls for . to it nod I ntrlotlc purposiw Rome of the jut niivnl ilendiof Miluu and more recent t ". Tnxl, James I'.i., 4, "Heboid alio ,.ulp." I '.t thin exclamation win appropriate about , f2 year" aeo, when It wna wrltton con I rulnKtli0 crude llsblnptnackat!sntalld I kn Gallltie, how mnnli more appropriate . an rtROwhlnh hn. lai'ioohed from the dry ,. e. f')r pnrpoani nf par? tho Ocunulo of ' j While Ht'ir linn, the Luonnlu of the v Jiard lino, the Ht. I, on In of the American , . the Kaiser Wlllinlm der (Ironun of tho , Kb (lermun Lloyd line, thn Augusta Vic , Ja of the Il.imiliiirK-AmerlciiD line, and i an ae which for piirpone of war has iiieb'id tho fi'tew afoops like the Idaho, , Hlinoandonli, tbn (NMpno, and our Iron- di like the Kiiliimnzoo, the Iloanokeaml , t Duruliirbertf, and Ulnae which have al : ,iiy been hurled in the c"eop, like the Dltor, tho Housntonlo nnd tho Weo ... irkeii, tho tnmpcstn over since sotinillnir i, olley over their wntory sepulchnrn, nnd I I OrnRnn, nnd the Drnoklyn, and tho tan, and tlieOlympin, tho Iowa, the Mas- . hnttf, tho Indiana, the Now York, tho j' rlettn of the Init war, and tho aoiirrml !, eriuia of war alilppliiK, like tho Oonptl l Ion or tho Alliance or thn Constellation, thrive pwniitf Into tho naval yards to ' dd their hint ilnyn, tliwlr dealt now all ' nt of tho foot that trod them, tholr rlR ' g all Hunt of the hands that clung to ,r.ni. their porthole ollont of tho bru.eii , oats that nnoetutindiired nut of thorn. I!ull Juntlne him boon done to the men I at different limes fought on thn land, , not enonifh linalmon said of tho;e who t,tliVp'8deckdnrcd and suflerod nil thlnr. t d Clod of tho rlvnm nnd thn ana, hnlp In this sermon! Ho, yn admirals, coin lt, Jdern, captains, pilots, minnnrs, boiit- 'a ins, sallmukors, surKeons, stokers. mens , ws and seamen of nil names, to use your ; I parlance, wc might ns well get under I nnd stnnil out to foil Lot all liitul ,() 9ors go ashoro. Full speed now! Four looks picturesque nnd beautiful to son ar veaaol going out through tho Nitr ',.', sailors in new rig singing, " : . A life on tho oconn wave, : A home on tho rolling deep. ' colors gracefully dipping to passing '' , the decks immaculately clean and '". gnus at qunrnntino firing a parting ' ite. But the poetry Is nil gone out of "' t ship as It oomos out of that ongage- it, Its decks red with human lilood, lelhooso gone, t he cabins a pile of shut !r id mirrors nnd destroyed furniture, ' ting wheol broken, smokestack crushed, indred pound Whltworth rlileshot hav left Its mark from port to starboard, 1 :l; shrouds rent away, ladders splintered hl; decks plowed up and smoko blackened ' -Bcaldol corpses lying among those who ' :gasplng their Inst gasp fur away from ie aud kindred, whom they love as ''" ih as we love w!?o and imrents andchll- men of tho Ame lcan navy returnod "' l Manila and Santiago and Havana, ns , as thosu wlio nro survivori of the 1 ll ooBlllets of lH0:i and lHtll, men of the ,:ern gulf squadron, of the eastern gulf ' ulroa, of the south Atlantic squadron, "' he north Atlantlo squmlron, of the "" Isslnpl squadron, of tho Pnelllc squad : of the West India squadron, nnd of rotomoo llotlllu, hear our thanks! 1 I tho benediction of the churches. Ac '"; the hospitalities of tho nation. If we Onr way, we would get you not only a '" ion, but iw home and a prlucolv ward J" and n u equipage and a banquet while j1,! live,- and nfter youi departure n ' 11 tulqae and a mausoleum of HR'.ipltured " ' lie, with a model of tho ship in which ''''wonthe day. It Is considered a gal- thing when In a naval light tho flag. wittj Its blue onslgn goes nhend up a 'f or Into a bay, Its admiral ' " ling in the shrouds watching and glv. Ilium. Hut I havu to tell you, U vet J'1'5 1 of the American navy, if you aro ns c i jto Ohrlst as you were to the govorn- I there Is a flagship mllln ahead of "I - f which Christ is tho ndmlrnl, and Ho Itli bes from tlie shrouds, and tho heavens us' be blue ensign, nnd Ho leads vou to-wit- the harbor, and all tho broadsides of onU and hell cannot dainiige you, and ya Je ' o garments were onun red with your In blood mhall h.ivo a robe washed and hi:r white in the blood nf the Lamb, if"' strike eight lutilsl HjgU uoou In t I snl c e1. lie we nro heartily greeting nnd bnn 11') ng the sailor patriots just now re in I Kl wo must not forgot tho veterans "",! wivy uow lit marine hospitals or wl! ting their old days In their own or atiu. ,ohUdru's homueteads. fib, ye vet- I j liargo you bear up under tho he I an weaknesses that you still carry uti'l jho Wartimes. Voiinrenot as stalwart S. U Would have been lull tni- I litil- , ,.,.,.. jtral und for that terrlll.) e.posnra..b i I ' 1 pain, insteau oiuepress nd ifrutiiil you of your lldellty. Tho sinking IV'', v'"fMhiiwkeu olT Jloiris Island, l)e w -1 u) liifti, was a mystery. Ijho was Jewondtr llie. Tne sea was rough. "K Adailrnl Ualilgren frjn the deck n a beV Mag steamer Philadelphia It wi niv gradually sinking and Je Btruek tho ground, but the "ug'itlll. Iloated above tho wave lu the "- l0L,ho s,,ll'l'lug. It was ntteward . ..K- that slin sauk from weakness aunijh Injuries lu'previous service.. Her le In: boil been knocked loose in previous thM' rk you have In nervo and muscle iigiUOaaand dimmud eyeslglit nml dllll .li. arlng ami hortues8 of breu'.U many nee ttlotis that you nro gradually going . " . tho servl-' f :nany years ago bn I tsBing on yon. Hoof good cheer, ingireycu juat as much ns though your llflwdbad gurgled through tho seup- sh' f the ship la iheno.l river expedition n Uhough yon had gone down with the d w Jaofl Haiteriif. Only keep your flag il f (is nut the illustrious Weehawkeu. Iieni f beer, my buys! anlt;ctlrni'S olt llie ooast of England the Dlie :lmily iivh Inspeeted the llrltish see mwi. euvered Ijeforo them for that his i 1" tliu liultlo sea tho czar und is ! litve reviewed the llussluu navy, lool tig before the American people th.) lug-hoy owe to tho navy I go out with hum tin Atlantic ocean, whero there is ii an toG roura, aud In Imagination re. li e:i tio ar ,p ot 1)ur four lt the s il77li, J-H2. l.Mij and Hivu us u.hnf nil y0 frigates, ironclads, tire gutibunlM nnd men-of-warl Thera om, ill null set nnd all furnuoes njasf, mIihuvch of crystal tossing 1'ir Hitting prows. That Is tho 5' iaaul''' l!uvolutli)uary craft, Uiqi'd fty Cominoiloro jjecatur. rs r I koiw tlto Constitution, Com 'yhP nil cominaiidlng. Tliore Is tho ntlv!!':0' ,umman(Jeil by Captain , ,,'H- w'10"" uylng words were, -loiii-t ifjvo up tho ship," and the Nlaga 2 Ti F'V-. commanded by Commodoio iced ft'! wrot" "" thv 1?U ot mi old i ha 1 "K " "'vy "P, "Wo have me Wiemy, nnd they lire ours." Yon er n:fM flagship Wabash, Auuilrul Iu. ll gd'PMniuiniliii'j yonder, llio flagship P9- Admiral loldbi,inii.-li ,.e.. KS VOldler thn e.,...i.i 1.1.11...1..1 tU'Wifirnl Diihlgrei. comuiHudliig: von. ige, rjiingsiiip San Jiicluto, Admiral by 'uiBuumg; yonder, tho llugshlj lajvk, Admiral l'or:.er eomninndlng: Ingi toff I at.' ijie flag steamer Jleutou, Admlra! iiiHiKllug; yonder, tho flagship Unvld U. Fiiringiit counuanit 1", the Brooklyn. Hear Admiral iqulrfi BBS I'L. T""""llllg ii yonder, ihe Olyinpln, I lewev eniiirriniiillMi.. vAi,.t, man , ina:u lurit oominauillUK: yon. lal aP IVlll. Cillitulll I'lillln ,.n,.i,. .1 thun"11'. 'ho New York, Hear Admiral rlglilJU '.""""ollng; yonder, the Iowa, , I ''"ly 1. Kviiuscoinuiaudliig. 'our f"'' ' yuu who were in the naval 1 mei'li',lng the war of jkhj are now m P'Tia00" or "vuul", f !"' With hoc id . 1 . 1 o-uioen, Wo Ulook. Illld It Will noon lie mm. sen '; If you were uf 11 u uIihh tlm w.,,. you are uow at 'least (i'J. Many ave passed Into (lie vml.u Christian enmmanrters on sea and land than In any previous conflict, I would re vive In your minds the (act that at lenst two great admirals of the civil war ni Christians, Foote nnd I'lirrngiit. Hul tho Clirlstiau religion been :i cowardly thing thov would have had nothl". r to do with It. 'In Its faith they lived nnd died. In Drnoklyn navy yard Admiral Foote held praver mmilluirs nnd conducted a re vlvnl on thn receiving ship North Carolina and on Sabbaths, far out at sea, followed tho chaplain with religious exhortation. In nnrly life, aboard tho sloop. of-wai Nntnlipx, Impressed by tht wor Is of a Chris linn sailor, he gave Ills spate time for two weeks to tho Whin, and at the ond ot thn': declared npeuly, ' Henceforth, under all circumstances, I will act for lod." His last words while dvlng at the .Wor Home. New York, wore: "1 thank God for all His goodness to me. He has been Very g o I to mo." Wlion he entered heaven, be did not havo to run a blookade, for It was amid tho cheers of a great welcome. Tim other Christian admiral will bo lion . red on earth until t'10 days when tho II res from, above shall lick up the waters from pc neath nnd there shall bo no more sea. Oh, whlln old ocean's breast Hears a white sail And (lod'ssoft stars to rest Guide through th gale. Men will him ne'er forget, Old heart of oak- Fur rag nt, Farragut Thunderbolt slroki! According to his own statement, Far ragut was very loose lu his morals in early mnnhi od and practiced all kinds of sin One da..' he was called Into the cahlu or his father, who was a shipmaster. His father said, "David, what are you going to lie nnvhow?" He answered, "I am going to follow tho sea." "Follow tho sea." said the father, "and be kicked 11I1011; III" world and die In 11 fonlga hospital:- ' "No," said David: "lam going to com mand like you." "No" said tee falhei; "a boy of your habits will never command nnythlng." And his fnther must Into tears nnd left the cabin. From tlini day David Farragut started on n new Hie. Captain l'enningtou, nil honored eldei of my Drooklyn church, was with him in most of bis battles and had his Intimate friendship, and he continued, wuat I had hoatd elsewhere, that Farragut was good and Christian. In every great crisis .. f life ho asked and obtained the Divine di rection. When in Mobile hay tho monitor Teciwnsoh sauk from a torpedo and the great warship Brooklyn, that was to load tho squadron, turned back, ho said lie was at n lofs to know whether to ad vance or retreat, aud he says: "I prayed. '() Uod, who created man and gavahlui reason, direct mo wli.it to do. bliall 1 go onV Aud a voice commanded me, 'Go on," nnd I went on." Was there ever a more touching Christian letter than that which lie wrote to his wife from his flagship Hartford? "My dearest wile, I writo and loavo this iotter for you. I am going Into Mobile bay lu the morning it God is mv lender, nnd I hope Ho Is, and In Him 1 place my trust If He thinks it Is the propet jilnoe for mo to die, I am ready to submit to His will in that ns all other things. God bless and preserve you. my darling, mid my dear boy, If anything should happen to 1110. May Ills blessings reat upon you und your dear mother. ' Cheerful to the end, ho said on board thn Tallapoosa lu tho lust voyuge he ever took. "It would be well lt I diod uow in harness.'' The sublime Episcopal service for tin dead was never moro appropriately rendered than over his casket, una well did all tne forts ot New York harbor thunder ns his body was brought to tho wharf, und well did thn minute guns sound und the beds toll ns in a procession having In Its ranks the President of the United States and Ills cabinet and the mighty 111011 nf land nnd sea tho old admiral was carried, amid hun dreds of thousands of uncovered heads on Broadway, und laid on his pillow nf dust In beautiful Woodlawn, Heptember 31), amid the pomp of our autumnal forests. Hi We bail with thanks the new generation of naval heroes, those of the year 1H1W. Wo are too near their marvelous'deeds to fully appreciate them. A century from m. w poutry nnd sculpture nnd painting and his tory will do them better Justice than wo can do them now. A dufoat at Manila would have been an Infinite disaster. Foreign nations not over-fond of our American lu jtllutlons would have joined theotUersldo, aud tho war so many months past would have been raglug still, und perhaps 11 hun dred thousand graves would have opened to take down our slain soldiers and sailors. It took this country three years to get 3vcr the disaster at Hull Hun ut tho opeu. lug of the civil war. Uow many years It would havo required to rocoviir from 11 defeat ut Manila in the opening ot the Spanish war I caunot say. God averted the calamity by giving triumph to our navy under Admiral Dewoy, whose coming up through tliu Narrows of New York har bor day before yesterduy was greeted by tho nation whoso welcoming clioers will not cense to resound until to-morrow, and next day In tho capital ot tho nation the jeweled sword voted by Congress sliull be presented amid bocmlr.g cannonade and embannercd hosts, aud our autumnal nights shall become a conflagration of splendor, but tho tramp of I hose proces sions nnd tliu flash of that 'Word anil the bii..a of that gieeting and tho roar ot tlios'i guns nnd the illumination of those nights will be seen mid heard 11s long ns a page of American history remains Inviolate. Especially let Ihe country boys of A ,11c rl en join in these greetings to the returned heroes of Manila, lt is tlnlt work. Tho chief character In nil the scene Is tho onco country lad, (leorgo Dewoy. Let tho Vermontcra 001110 down and find lilin older, but the same modest, unassuming, almost bashful person that they went to school with and with whom they sported 011 the playground. Tho hon ors of all tho world cannot spoil him, A few weeks ugo at n banquet lu ICngtuitd some ot the titled uoblumeii were af fronted becntiso our American minister plenipotentiary associated tho naiuo of Dewey with that ot Lord Nelson. As well might we bo ufl'routfld because the name of Nelson Is associated with that of our most reuowned admiral. Tho ono luiiu lu all the coining ages will Ktnn.l us high 11s the other. Ho this dny sympathizing with nil the festivities and celebrations of tho past wee'e and with all thn festivities und celebrations to come this week, let us anew thunk God und those heroes of tea America 1 navy who have done suoli great tilings for our beloved land. Coma aboard the old ship Zlon, ye sailors and soldiers, whether still in the active service or hou orably discharged and ut homo having re. sinned citizenship. And ye men of tho past, your lust battle on tho suns fought, take from me, In God's name, animation and good cheer. For the few remaining tights with Bin and deaths and hell make ready. Htrip your vessel for the fray. Hang tie sheet chains over the side. He ml down the topgallant masts. Harricade the wheel. Kit' lu the flying jib boom. Hteer straight for tho shining shore, and hear tho shout of the great Commander of earth and heaven as He cries from thn shrouds, "To Mm that overcometh will I giro toentot the tree of Hie which Is lu the midst of tho I aiadiso ot God." ilosauuu! llosuuunl Anrcdote of Hubert Hums. Robert Uurns was once standing up on the quuy at Greenock when a weal thy merchant belonging to that town had the misfortune to fall In the har bor. A tailor plunged In, and, at tho rlslt of lils own llfo, rescued the mer chant, v.ho could not swim. When tho leacutd man was restored to con Bclousness lt was found that tho fright and tho wetting were tho only bad cou neqiiencea of his mishap. . Calling for the uullor, hW preserver, tho merchant, presented him with his thanks and a shilling. The crowd loudly protested m;aliist such shabby conduct, but Uurns, with a scornful smile, begged them to bo silent, "for, said he, "the gentleman munt, know best what his life Is worth." Nut til Hume. Ethel "He told me ho made hU money In wheat." Edith (trlumphant ly)"I felt sure I had seen hU faci before. That' tho fellow that leave mi our bread niornlngs in the clty," Lea'.lo's V.'cckly. THE KEYSTONE STATI latest News Gleaned Various Parts. from TRAGIC END OF WEDDING Two M, r, Rlot Afler Hot llsinl Alionf KllRlo,i and Oil Vlrlllll Will - iHai'ovrrlen of opper ltrtnrtnl In r,l,M,,,n I'.nini, Horj lr Manaackrd KosldniK-e at l.anrnslrr.. Another murder Is likely lo bo added 10 the long Hut of tragi diet lately enacted In the LeblKb Valley. The vlitlm Is John Veioo, a HiinKorlsn, and bis brother, Hike Voico, Is nlio bndly Injured, The trsg.dy was (be outcome of n Hungarian wedding eelebratlou in L'pper Cainsniiqus, hru George Kapchag and Annie Gila were mar ried. After Ihe ceremony Ihe usual festivi ties began. K-g nfter keg cf leer disap peared and the guests became boisterous. The Vnsoo brothers reside nt l'.nypt. this entinijr, nnd belong to the Culled Greek Catholic Church, while the great tr.njorl'y of thKuestat tho wedding nro members ol the Orthodox Greek Catholic Church. The Vosco brothers had been warned lo remain away on account of the bitter fooling le tween the members of the two factions of the Greek Church. They attended, bow ever, nod a discussion 011 rellgiuu was started. Tho argument grew hot. and the cilinnx was reached when John Yonco, It Is alleged, made nu Intuiting remark nLout the Orthodox faction. At llrst the fight was limited to a few men, but soon ull win con fusion, nnd knives, beer glassy, furnltuio and everything that was bandy was ui d as w-apons. In the excitement the lights wmn extinguished. Hoon after a pistol shot was beard and John Voico fell to the floor with alullet bole In his abdomen. A minute later Mike Toseo was sl.ot In the nose. A'ter the shooting the Huns left the hoiib'i and went to a dance hall. Chief ot l'ollee Hlieckler, of Calasniiqua, was notllled. Vnsle Mackr-nlvh and John KMmshny, of Catarniiqus, were arreted on suspicion of having done the shooting and they are In the Cntusniiquu loek-U. On Shlinshny revolver wlib an empty chamber was found. Hu Hi d that ho ind fired a shot In sell-d. . fense, but does 'not know be bit anyone. The wounded men were taken to thi Allen town Hospital. Tho doctors say that John's oluineea for recovery are very flight. Mike may recover. , Mining for Np-.pr. The residents of Kugarloaf Township, located lu the extreme northern end of Columbia county, hum the copper craze, Wlilnn sight of tlielittlo town of Central they have discovered 11 rich Iliol of copper and reports have It mat miners are making from S3 to SH n dey In this nuw Kldonulo. On tho Inriu of J. V. Frlisi 11 rich Mud of the metal was made and a large smelting plant la now In course of erection. This lias spurred tho owusrs of other farms in the vicinity, and In many places on each farm cnu be seen men engaged lu sinking shafts or the largo plies of earth showing win re a shaft has been sunk and abandoned. There Is uothliig talked of t ut copper In that sectiou, and if the hopes of the reel, dents are tut partially renllr.-d, the upper end will soou hnvo chunged Its Mimdln.t mid btcomo the richest section of the county. Ilnrgliir !a I'lilornffti in. Hurglars entered the residence of Sirs. Nicholas Goodman, Lancaster, and the In dications are that the family, Mrs. Good man and her four children, Including a nearly grown son, were chloroformed. A peculiar feature of the burglary Is the feci that a watch dog made no disturbance, al t'lOugh a very cross animal. The burglars eutered through the cellar, forcing the door lead 11 if up into the kitchen. The house was rniisncked, but only ilH was stolen, being taken from 11 bureau drawer in Mrs. tlood in tin's bedroom. Death In the I'lpe. Charles lilddhi wns burned to death by the explosion ol 11 can of powder. II" win a coal miner and was lining a flask from n large can, when n spark from his pipe dropped into tho powder. Hushing from the house enveloped In flames, he jumped Into n 1 Istem filled with water. He was rescued, but died shortly iilterwards from ids burns. Fust In Mud nnd Drowned. Frederick lt ed, uged 2U years, was drowned In the old cnual uear Wheatland. He was seined with an epileptic lit and fell into the water, which Is less then a foot deep. He became fust lu the mud and was unnldo to extricate himself. l leaves family. Killed bv l-ep from Trnln. H. II. Warbuiton, L'2 years old, of Hayre, was almost Instantly killed nt Wyluslng sta tion by jumping from n northbound rust freight. Tho entire top of his hesd was torn off. Ha wus proprietor of a jewelry ttoreut Hay re. Sh w Mill Hurned, Thn sawmill owned by W. I. Harvey nt Eddy Lick, eight miles above Ileeck Creek borough, was destroyed by lire. Home nf the lumber was also burned, but tho most of t escaped the flumes. Tho origin of the fire Is unknown. The pUnt was valued nt 2000. The loss Is partially covered ly n lurauee, Mr. Harv y will rebuild at once. Thieves' HhIiI at Tnwnndn. Thieves made a raid at Towanda. A .freight ear on Ihe switch was broken open 'nnd three kegs ot wllsky, a quantity of coff e, some crockery and cutlery was ttoleu. A large quanilty of wheat was also stolen from the grenury on the Wells farm, ut South Towanda. Uiaullful Mirhie. That beautiful transparent stone palled Tabriz marble, much used lu the burial places .of Persia and In their grandest edifices, consists of the petri fied water of ponds in certala parts of the country. The petrification may be traced from its commencement to its termination. In one part the water la clear, in a second it appears thicker and Btagnnnt, lu a third qui to black, and in the last stage It Is white like frost. . When 'the operation Is com plete a stone thrown on Its surface makes no impression and one may walk over lt without wetting one's shoes. The substance thus produced Is brittle rnd tranaparent, arid dome-times richly striped with rad, green and copper "lor. Po much Is this marble, which may bo cut into large slafca, looked u;.un us a luxury that none hut the king, his sons and persona especially privileged are permitted to take It, Ilats and ""leads. From the Elizabeth Journal: Dewey bats and Funston hats are already on the market in (reat numbers. But Dewey heads and Funston heads are as scars as ever. SENSES OF THE DLIND. (erman Ironoelast bsmollihu a .mis established Heller. The lyancet: A lorg scrlen of experi ments tins recently been made, by Prof. 11. Grlesbarh, of Ilasle, upon the rein live ecutenrsB of the s-nses of hear ing, touch, tnBte nnd smell In the rase of the blind and those who josat'ss normal vision. The ickiiIis ore con talnrtl In Pfltigr.'s Archlv. The obser vaSions were nimie on tb.os who were otherwlso healthy. In the differentia tion of tactile l:nprCT3lowi no remark able cUffercncca wero observed betweo t the seeing end Ihe blind, or If tmnll differences, did exist they were in favo of the seeing. In those born blind the tactllo sharpness was somewtrat Irs Ihsn In the seeing, and In some ensej the sensorlum generally was equally defective. Tho blind In particular feel less acutely with Ih? tip of the Index ftaifcr than do these who see, and in many cares the tactile uruteneHS of tho two index finger tips differs. In the blind, (-specially In the region of the hand, a stronger Impression Is re quired to produce n tactile Impression than In thosie possessed of slsht. In Ihe capability of localizing Impression of sound no difference exists between Ihe blind and the scelnc. hi both great Individual variations occur. As a rule, both in the seeing and tho Mind the t;se of the orpin of both sides gives better results than the use of or.e ulone. No difference In the BeiitenPi's of hearing exists between the blind ond those who see. No relation was observed hetween thn BcutenesB of hearing and the power of localizing sounds In cither the seeing or the blind. No difference was observed in the two classes in regard to tho aruto ncss of pnit-ll. In the execution of mnntinl labor tho blind become fa tigued sooner than do those of equal age who eeo. The blind nro more fa tigued with manual than with mental work, which Is not the case with tho srrinp; of the Lanto age. If any dlffer 1 ncrj exists In regard to exhaustion af ter mental labor It is In fnvor of those of the name ugp who see. Hoth nmong the blind nnd the s?eins there uro pei-.tons who hnve many, others who have only a few, nnd others again who hive 110 illusory or erroneous impres sions of touch. Those results are In many rc;pectH opposed to generally re ceived opinions, for it Is usuiilly sup posed that deprivation of sight leads to exiiltutlon of the ncuteness of the other senses, especially of tho touch and hearing. I nlli'd States' I'enslnn Itoll. On June 30, 1898. the pension rolls of the Vnlted States contained 193,714 names. Forty-three thousand were dropped during the fiscal year 34,345 because of death and 8,841 because ol remarriage. On the other hand, 40,991 new claims were allowed, so that the number of pensions stood on June 31 last at 991,519. The decrease in ex penditure (luring the year was much more marked, the total falling from $144,051,0110 In 1897-9S to $138,253,000 in IS98-99. This last is the smallest sum disbursed since the new condition? created by tho dependent act have hat! to be faced, and reasonablo assurance of u further natural shrinkage in the tin nual expenditures Is to be found In the fact that $3,000,000 less were paid out last year than thrco years ago, when the list of pensioners was fully 11,000 shorter than it is today. How slight an addition to pension burden! the war with Spain will make may he guessed from the statement that, al though 16,980 claims have been filed for disabilities Incurred In that biirl contest, only 295 havo so far been passed on favorably. Altogether, the outlook for a diminished pension ac count has greutly Improved. Hoping Milk for Coffee. Holling milk should be sent to table to serve with coffee; cold milk entire.'y tpoils the flavor of coffee. Cnlted States Senator Ilnnsbiouuh a (piir iwl hiseducbtlou In a newspaper olllee. Is your breath bad? Then your best friends turn their heads aside. A bad breath means a bad liver. Ayer's Pill3 are liver pills. They cure constipation, biliousness, dyspepsia, sick headache, 25c. All druggists. Wunt yuer mointtucli or beard a bvuullU'.l lirmvn nr rtcli lilie-k Y Thon 11.0 BUCKINGHAM'S DYE RiStlSr. .1 n I Halt A Co. fii.HU, N. M. 1 piiil HE SAID OOLF WAS SH INN EY. Jimttee, Who Doesn't Know ''1'ut" from "Call" Kits on the Came. Without regarding the fccllnss of r.ovo'.ren of golf. Justice Potts cf Jer sey City has lirouglit Ihe aristocratic Same which cannot hp played without (icchf, marhles, lofier, and drivers down to the level of "shl'.ney." a gamo that only rrqnlrc: u crooked st'.cl;, uny aid thing that will servo ns a ball, tottsh slilnn, and an opponent whom Ihe player does not like. Mr?. Pauline r'( hnrff lives near the links of the ,Ter icy City Golf dub, ond has liled objec tions to having her children twattcd on Ihe head by golf t alis driven In an ec centric, munner by beginners tit the iranie. Despite Ihe heat, Mrs. Scharff ilso objects to having the windows of her home suddenly fall to pieces in a most disquieting way. lt was to stop these ntinoyani c:i that Mrs. Scharff mused Albert I,. Drayton, nresident of the club, to explain lo Justice Potts not only how lt happened, but alfio how he would flop It in the future. The elite of Jen-cy City crowded the courtroom yesterday, hik! listened to Mr. Drayton explain (h?t the organi sation, through lale rci rult i, hud made I nnn of the most wonrlrrfr.l strokes on j record. Me added that In a few days a 1 new course would be arranged, and the beginners quarantined nine miles from any sign of civilization. Mrs. SrhurfT ; was willing to compromise, and even i went so fur us to express her ndmira- 1 lion of the game when played In an- j other state, and everything was net- j tied. "But the game Is shir.ney,' Just 1 the same," was the decision given by j Justice Potts, and which caused the elite to loft their noses nnd foozlo their glances ns they left the putting green bound for the next tee. New York 1 Press. I M ait re 1 .nhnri I- one of the hct. all around amateur atlilel.es In Paris. (.ion timili' bv thi-ir Arm. Wkst TluiAX, Wholesale llrngglstO'olediN (Hiin. Wai.ihnii, Kinnam Mamvin. Wholesale lirnKos.', Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is Ukcn Internally. a't Iter ilil'ei-r.ly uiein the bloisi lied lliueous Mir lie'en of tie svt.'ni. Testimonials si-nt free. ':'.' -v. 75;-. per bnllle. Sold by all UruKuists. Hull's 1'innily Pills 11 iv the best. Col. Mirhncl Cooney, of the Fntirlh Cavalry has retired at bis own request after i years I of continuous service. Don't Tolmrrn Spit nnil KotoLs Teur Mfe Awfty. To quit tobacco easily and forever, be innjr nettc. lull of life, nrrvo ond vluor, tuttc No-To- ! Uac . tho wonder-worker, that inaUes weak men strong. All (lrugiiibig, COc or ft. Cure fdiurun- I'.-cd llooklct uud samplo free. Address Sterling Ucuiody Co., Cbicugo or New Y01U. Who l'ver Dors? She "I wonder If it is hard to write dialect stories?" Ho "I should think it might be. I know It's hard t read them." Homervllle Journal. To t'nro Constipation Forever. Tilto Cascarets Canilv Cathartic. lUo erSio. If C. C. C. fall to cure, druKsists refund luuucy. Mn.inr Mnri'haud is busy writ Inn a book ulv Iiik an in-coital of ids journey in-ross Africa. I have fo'ind Piso's Cure for Consumption an nnlalliiiR medieUie. V. If. I,oTz, luoj Scott hi., Cu vi union, Ky UcL 1, WOi. , Moinseu, the (lei'iuan historlnn, Is Si veers 1 old. He is a Kivni traveler, and is still en- i KiiuihI lu literiiry work. 1 IMorale Voer llowuU Will, Casenrets. I I'ainly Catharile, eurn rnnsitpaiion forever, i 10e, :;u. If (.'. O. O. fall, drupidNtsretuud money. ' Mine rollf'len, Chicago Xews: InMirance Clerk--"Here is n woman that wishes her pet .nt insured. Mannger "All right, hut tell her she'll havo to take out u policy on eneh one of the cut's lives No-To-Han for Fifty Cent. Ouariintoed tobacco habit, enrc, makes weak nicu aiioiib', blouu pure. 6U0, tl. All aruiihlii. A CHINAMAN'S OATH. The Celeat'nl YV funicular ami ( antral the Court l.otn of Trouble. Tim various forms of oath-makl.-.,-., even in tula country, are of consider able Interest. U would not, however, be easy to find un inutuueo In which anything like io queer a medium ol attestation was employed as a ruII lutlned black cockatoo. Hut no less 11 it extraordinary medium than that wai what the police of n country district in j New South Wales had to provide the other day for u finical Chinaman, whf. declined to swear on anything else. IIiiw'i 'I Ills ? Pfl-W'V- 4 We offer One Hundred Delia,-. Reward for j lfC$&f- J any ease ot fatirrli that euiiuot be cured by ; kKll .-v,.-6S,i Ski J-" ' ' Vf . i (v V- Hall's Catarrh Cure. V ' .4 fy' K. .1. CMKsr.r Co., Toledo, o. KS Jw'SiO We. the unlri 1. have. known P.. I. Cue- I IgMW: .'WtfjSi ney lor the last 15 years and believe 1,1m per- 1 PjVV':';, MWrLWS feer.lv heuoMhle III all business transactions 1 IV9L J '.A nipi iiiiiiii lain nun- uniuij J I . " TVL. it Hendless fowls were brought, but in ' rave xiven me more relief iinin biiv other reme vain, and as the matter was Imptu- tllXl1 tant, even n black mvun, a lllAlll J surely for a Cliineso wltucsj, was kuk Kestcd, only to be Immediately refuseil After some time hail elapsed, and when the representatlvce of the law Bcemf d quite nt their wits' end, u dead cockatoo of the required buo was strangely discovered In a but of one of the other celestials, who mulcted the anxious officials in $2.50 for tne bird. Then the solemn und peculiar oath w.v. duly administered, on which thn illIU cult witness with a bland aud cliiltllik. expression, declared he knew nothing nhont the ens" end R-t down Ki'llne! BROWS TASTELESS CHILL T08IB. nre being sold daily to the pccple in the m.-ilr.rial f-ct'oi-R of the Url'.cJ Stair?. Tho d'nnand for GROVE'S is thre, tines greater than nil the thcr Chill Toni-j to:;:'jlncCt. tSEYZrt ORGS. DRUG CO., of St. Louis, writu about GROVE'S s PARIS MKU1CINK CO.. St, Louis, Mo., Ocnilcincn : We fiml we are Tonic. Please rush down 100 gross moii; nt oik c. It niif.;ht lie pleasant chill season cf 18'JS, 2(i0() dozen OrOVO'c ToitSO ;md our sates (or ihis record to be jnoud of, and we conyratulaic you ou such a. showinj;. Youtv FOPBVtULA YOUR DRUGGIST HAS Grove's is a prescription IVORY SOAP HOFBUALKALI ?r-J - to Wig TI!H RfiAL ISSUE. Some siv "Free Some think it is the nation's hope; But no one wants "Free Alkali," And there is none in Ivory Soap. IVORY SOAP 99' COPvniGHT uno ov Tei A llruger Ktory. j President Kruger recently refused on j Interview to a celebrated Englishman, I who thereupon sent back word that he j must Bee him; thut he was no ordl- nary person ; that, lu fact, he was .1 I member of the house of lords. The ! servant went away und returned with I tho message: "The president says ho I cannot see you, nnd utids that he is a cnttle herder." Cook In Kartlienware Vemielii, Cook nothing In Iron vessels that yoi, can cook In earthenware. The heat In the latter Is more uniform, the flavor better preserved und there Is lesj liability to burn. Self-trust In the first secret of suc- ceis. j Emerson. Cough Tho best reruedv fur Coi.Miiinilij!-.. Curia ,'eliir hu I Vrlu (Ir.t.iin S V B 11 D Bronchitis, tl onrue: iifsji AKthuia, Whouptt'ir'- cnuh, Ctttt. Snail dinfs ; quick, mire rcsnl;. JJt. Jj'uh iJittscuu: Lwizfrpatiuit. 'J ratjo J. c. 'ARTER'SSHK Yuu (it'iiy ytiirnnlr pK'iiHiiro nnd (MtmrtM'l tf you ilmi't usu It, Plei 't n i "I I, live been wains '.'. II liTJi lor Inftomniu,' with wbu li 1 liave In en unileieil for nvnr I u-aii r i irua t, ...1 I n . 1. .. . ......... . .. ."len.nnl. ralntahtn. I'otrnt. Timfe flood. fVi Hood. Never hiekun. Weaken, or Orlne. Klc. Mk. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... SUrllnf N.m.dr I'.apaay, ninn, R.Mlrral. N.w Y.rk. t! N0-T0-8AC 5.t"W"VW.!',,a'n.,.,,'- I '..V I W.J K2eV h. ;r m mm IS 1 n-uinriuru. inua. U1LLAIIU, r.lKIU. 111. ... i CANDY j j ffl CATHARTIC 1 j THOUSANDS OF BOTTLES , Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic A LARGE JOBBER'S TESTiPflOKY: The formcU of GROVE'S i( p!alnly frintrd rn each bo'tle jhov.-inj ihct It cor!n The reason the iniiUtur do not advertise tbeir formula I tccauw tbey knew the peep would not buy their medicine if tbey knev U ingredlenti. SOLD GROVE'S FOR YEARS. JUST ASK KIM ABOUT IT. that docs cure MALARIA, CHILLS AND FEVER. ftmMI silver i :i curse," Pl-U CENT. PURE. snot res ft oamilv CO ciscinsati SUCCESSFUL SHOOTERS SKOOT WINCHESTER Rifles, Repeating; Shotguns, Ammunition and Loaded Shotgun Shells. Winchester puns and ammunition are the standard of the world, but they do not cost any more than poorer makes. All reliable dealers sell Winchester goods. FREE : Send name and address on a postal for 156 pase Illustrated Catalogue describing all the guns and ammunition made by the WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO., 176 WINCHESTER AVE., NEW HAVEN, CONN. j "Arkansas I Valley I ! Trutli" j IHlbitrtol Jonrr.taierIbln(itli(i S Variol "esourcas f h. Ark..,,, l,llf In n,n .ri. i't riubi litre are .iiccn futlv rnlir-il, by lr-1- X pmli.n, i,in:u.o-,ul lcul;i, or U'.i mjJ lfalf.k t 5 C::ps are Suro luiift-e fx.'Apl mally l.-nlMiful. Z ri' fur ivpy of "Tni'li," f r iiiltirmj i fi KUuiit huLurttHrkti' 0 tk('urmon tickts. J j AtilitW J J K. F. i,UNLTT. i, E. P. AKt., J The Alohiion, Tupoka & Bantu Fo Railwaj, J 37T BHOAOlVy, NEW YORK, N. Y. j W. L.' D O U G LAS S3 $3.50 SHOES " oj Worth ti to $6 compared mthj other makoi. Imlomed by over 1,000,(100 wenrer. BUlEATHChS. ALL S1YLCS TllklltM INK k... M. L. I.u,l.. Bw. ana rrk. .tuaipcil bullwn Tiiko no fii'iKtltnln rliilinril I" I"' I1H ir'Miit. 1. invent lim.em i t .l iiikI t:l.r.u ilmi In ihe V nrlil. Your (ll lillTrwlolllil krvp IliiTii ir lint, we will cciiil yi, Ut'rtlron reectiter price. 8lnl Hll'l wlil'h. I'lulti ui e:m t lllllitt;ue Freu, . L. C0UCLA3 SHOS CO.. Lrocklon. M.-i. rniSV(f?? STC?Ftd FREE N f! li,tnlir'rcvcnhb Cfi. KLINE'S aftfAT KERVE RESTORER PmIHtii fltrill V-WKrUJia. Va. Jririw-. Bpitimt ami .M . I tlw' Juct, hit i t cr Si jta fuir irii rtT nH. 1 rratiM and lonln fre kl fit lliiC, Uirj yiiu itpttii lm,rt PwT fthin nciivMl. hnifl ( l'r. Kiln, l.t'l, Ltil'i luKittul nf Ui-dloUiL', VI Aroh hi , fbU4vit.ln. r'a. urt'K 4 oute !ih H ml ( 0I1U rtiVfMlM 4l II lit ti toil. AU Dmuwi'iU. 25C. SELLER 11 N U 411 I'lBuT lifUtS k.i'l!'' ..itlsi. I ill 4' 1 ri . .. -7. -: - -. .'. im-pi - uiirn ej r'ip. 'Lnvte,i limul nuii'ia Knlil f-y ilrnck'l-t. 1 Vla'l ul leallii-. 'ya, r ag.iin in need cf Tuo'n Tastcrlss CbiTl mi oti to know that we fold diiting the kc;isori are steadily increasing. Thin is a ti ul y, MLYLR 15ROS. DiUC1 CO. li Jour Cubau war there were more