PULTON COUNTY NPWS. H. W. I'i-ck, l-Jitor. McCONNLLLSBUKG, PA. Thursday Oct. 5, Published Weekly. 51.00 per Annum in Advance. Prompt attention will be jjiven to applications for ad-vcrtLsiiu- rates. 1 Job Printing of every des cript'on executed with prompt ness, in a workmanlike manner and at consistent prices. i)i:.ii(H:i.v ri(: mi irnx;. J They are always so styled in tin ; laws incorporating them, lmt for j hiwity's sake1 they iire common ! ly fulled "turnpikes." These facts may he known to many renders of IVnuo Opinion, hut to others they may perhaps be new. Now let us plant ourselves at the went side of the Diamond in Chambersburg and start for .Hod ford, and see how many Taerus and former Taverns we cau"spot out" r.s we go and count up at the end of our journey. On our left when; the Central church stands, was the "Fruuklin Hotel," (he eastern end of a block of three-story brick buildings which extended from tho Diamond of the Tuscarora mountain, was Heaver's, a we'll known place. John Mullan moved up t) it not long after the date just above giv e:i and resided there quite a number of years. There is a house half a mile or so above Heaver's which may have been a tavern at one time,"but I do not remember it as such and believe I never heard a name in connec tion with it. A short distance cast of the crest of the Cove moun tain is a Ion;.,' stone house 'which was kept as a tavern from an early period down to a date w hich I am unable to tix. It has for many a year been in jidolapidatod condition. At the western foot of the Cove mountain, a mile out A large crowd assembled nt the Court House, on Monday evening to hear the political issues of the day discussed from a Democratic standpoint. J. H. H. Lewis, of I'.elhel township, was chosen president, and a number of ge-n-tlenien selected as vice presi dents. Thi! McConncllsburg Hand furnished some tine music for the occasion. Hons. John S. Killing, State Chairman; W. T. Creasy, of Columbia county, can didate for Stale Treasurer; John II. Fow, member oT Legislature from Philadelphia, and Captain (leorge W. Skinner, addressed the meeting in able and forcible speeches that were listened to W'itll .'I 1 li ill ( It in Oi"f l.i.rl. (Tn11liin,n1,,.vM )1 1 erai ears omy m a gooei m.K , n M iu, ii comph mental to the gen e- j h()Usi; mvU(,d by lm ,. , ' Inou niw ilmit ionM.b., ., IV. i . t . i i , . . . -.: 1 ....... lhvu K vui ne-; iiiuo, i iniui:, oeiwoen jn-j:' and westward to the alley. Tin; block I of McConnollsbur;?, a tavern was was built by a company and tin- j kept at an early day by a man ihed in Is.'tl, at which time, and named Smith. Several years ago for fifteen or sixteen years there-1 I met an old lady, who was then after, the hotel was kept by Jos- ho years of age, who said she was oph Culbortson; after lam by : married (and I think also born) Martin Newcomer, Colon 1 Kl-j in that house, which her. father linger Joseph Alsip and William owned and kept tavern in. 0. McNulty. (This was tho first There are live houses in Mc pubiic house, and for many years Connellsburg which I haeknown the only one, in this section, I j us taverns, but one of them was tlnnlc, winch adopted the f 'reuch t,.u (lv..u ..,mi(1 y(,.n.,.. .,,, Tn : name of Hotel.) On our right, j most p,.(m)j,.ut was Lindsay's, a I wnereiue iiuey npiru is loca- ( sl()n(. ),...,. f niKi sjZ(.)th0 vva. ted, was the (ioldeu Lamb, built j c,lwl Kt.,0 Htaml. After Lindsay by Steplien Kegler, an old man j it w;ls k(,1)t by Wendell, Mrs. well known to me when I was a ! Cooper, Emanuel Drossi as, Jacob I . .1 1 A 1 I" ITT 1 1 1 1 ' ' ooy, aim i-.epr oy .). v unaeriicn Tmut ,,ud ()li1(1.s. (jook m 1KM-2, (how much earlier I do , W(iMnj()V,-n drove noi know,; and aiterward long . KfiUul. Another was kept at an owned and kept by John Noel, early da v bvSc.oit;forsomey(-ars, On the southwest corner of Mar-! p(,riiajs before and after the year ket street and the short alley j hy Mark Dickson, and af- 1 -ading back to the brewery, Hen-, t(.nvani i,v Wm. C. McNulty and jamin Winters kept tavern sev-I ((th,.s . u . t i , .oolv s was a. and wagon publican friends made noarrauge nients for a similar meeting, as heretofore, and we presume they have adopted the policy of'sayiug nothing and sawing wood." LOOKING li.VCKWAKI). The TnrnpiU..- ami Its Taverns. isus. West of the Market street bridge was Welsh's, the great wagon tavern, kept by Cloorge Ashway, afterwards by ex-Sheriff Kunioii I.lliott, later (about lso) by Henry McCall, a son-iu-law of Elliott's, and still later by had a store and residence, low ; j down in "the thirties," William Tin; following interesting iirtiele from the pen of th:.t uble anil well known ex-eilitor uniT former citizen, .John M. ( oopei-, we take from I'ul.lie OlHllion. I h II til n.rul mix r ..f u.. 1 months bnek. It will l.e'reu.l with in- I JlIc'Gr!ltl1. wh( Sheriff from terest by a number of our readers. ls")J lif'l't tavern a few J years. McCuire kept at the West In accordance with a promise ! Point in the early "thirties," and made some time ago, I propose either just before, or just after now to give you a list of 'Taverns j being there he kept tavern where that existed along the line of the Henry Groouawalt since resided Ciiambcrsburir and lied ford Daniel Trontle, John Kiley and John Miller. On the northwest Up turupik corner 01 war ice t and r rauicim i streets, whore a Mr. McCrackenf About a mile beyond McCoc- lines of stages stopped in JH-IT) and thereabouts. After the cre ation of Fulton couuty and the erection of a Court House in Mc Connellsburg, a new brick tavern was built near the Court House and kept by Jacob McDonald, who, about the year lsdi, ex changed it for a property at Pat terson's run, four miles farther e. Turnpike. What was called a Tavern before the French name Hotel was improperly Applied to houses of this kind, was a place where "entertainment for man tmd beast" was furnished and a bar provided for the sale of li quors. The name may in some instances, have been given to houses that afforded entertain ment but had ho bar, but these were few in the "Hush times" of the old Turnpike, for the "jolly nellsburg, on the western slope of tho lirst ridge, is a stone house which I understand was an old time tavern, known as Fisher's; and perhaps three-fourths of a mile farther, on the eastern slope of the middle ridge, stood a small frame or log woatherboardod house, with a running pump near Ul. .1 . 1.1 ..1. T 1 ... so many years, where the Warm-1 L1" ",1K:u ""K'r as an oui laveru. 11 not Kept oy a spring road joins the turnpike. A number of years later Jacob F.by kept laveru in the long brick 1 louse u short distance beyond the (Jreenawalt. That house al ways looked like an old tavern, but I do not recollect it as such prior to Mr. Eby's time. The next, perhaps two miles farther, was Josiah Allen's, purchased by one of the Coble's and converted into a private residence. Then, beyond Hack creek, William Hrat- wagonor" generally whiskied ! ten, one of the best known lund himself and watered his horses j lords along the road, kept a brick wherever whiskey and water house on the north side for a could be had, and under the well- long period of years. Old "Hilly" known trade law of supply audi hung on to lite and to tavern- demand these wore liberally pro vided all along the road. Hut before enumerating the Taverns along theold "Turnpike," as'it is commonly called, let us see how the name of turnpike has come to be applied to roads of this description. A turnpike is "a frame consis ting of two bars crossing each other at right angles, and turning on a .post or pin, to hinder the passage of beasts, but permitting a person to puss between the arms." This form of obstruction or defence was orriginally used at foiiitied places, and the ends of the cross bars were pointed, so that an utlcitrpt to force a horse through would have result ed in the death or disablement of tho horse and perhaps of the ri der also. Nor could any consid erable number of men have gone through rapidly, as they had to follow one another in"Indiau tile" and. bo careful to escapes the pikes by placing themselves be tween the projecting arms. When toll-roads were made and toll-houses and gates 'reeled, a large gate was placed so that it might be swung across tho mid dle of the road, to obstruct the jnassage of wagons, carriages, Worses, &c, when necessary, and 'between this gate and tho toll house a turnpike was placed, which irsons on foot might pass through at all lanes. From this contrivance these toll-roads came to be kxiown as ' turnpike roads." keeping till loug after his big sign-post had rott 'd olT, and, re duced in height, had been carried across the road aud lashed to the fence. A milt! or so west of Hrat ten's was Coble's, a brick house on the south side of the road. I recall no tavern between Co ble's and St. Thomas. In this town I remember four- 'Seller's, 'Prober's, Howermasler's and Hrindle's. .What other names may have been connected with theiii I do not know. Heyond St. Thomas I re-collect none till Charles CJ Mian's is reached, a long brick house on the north side of the road, 10 miles west of Cham bersburg. Perhaps two miles further on was Shaffer's, at the foot of Parnel's knob, 11 white house, built of stone and plaster ed outside, I think, which Chris tian Foltz kept ."I! years ago, aud John M ullan to K) years ago. lietweon this and Loudon was Stenger's, a stone house on the north side. Loudon was an im portant point at an early day and I would suppose itmust have had more taverns than I am able to remember. I believe I was not in the town earlier than the year 1h I t. James Mullan kept tavern a longtime in the old house in the middle of the town, and John Mullen kept farther up toward tho vest end along about WO. David Fegley was also an old tav ern keeper in Loudon. A mile west of Loud:n, where the road Lucius to ri.ie ou the foot ' 'I Shafer when I saw it several times betweeu the years ls.'Oand ls(ji, it subsequently became the property of a man of that name, who built a new log-framed house on the other side of tho road and tore down the old building. At the western foot of the middle ridge was the Patterson's Pun tavern. The iirst person connect ed with this property whom I knowpersonally was James I Hair, who exchanged it for McDonald's as above stated, Perched just beyond the top of the third ridge, hardly a mile beyond Patterson's was the old Sipes tavern, an an cient frame or log Aveatherboard edhotise. I passed it first in daylight in Wl, when I observed the name of II. ( lumpen the sign. A mile or so farther wo come to Licking Creek (Harrisonville,) where I believe there were two taverns, one a, stone house and the other a frame. These, with adjacent lands, were from an early date the properly of a Mr. Molzlor, and when I became well acquainted with them, his sons Nicholas and John occupied them, the latter in the frame, which continued to be a tavern as long as I knew it. I do not know the date at which the stone house ceased to be open to the public. I remember the coach (which had then come down to a two- horse concern) from Bedford to ChainborsburgiStopped for din ner at the frame house in W1. On Clreen Hill, two miles west of Licking Creek, wasNewman's, a store and tavern, where old res idents of that neighborhood have told me a lively business was done at one time. All the build ings were weather boarded. Half a mile farther was David Mauri's store and tavern the store a frame, the tavern a square, sub stantial structure, stone rough casted, with a hall through the middle, a parlor on one side and a bar-room on the other. Hall' a mile farther was Alexander's, a long frame tavern, occupied iJH years or more ago, and - until within u, fow years past, by Wni. A. Spoer, now deceased, and probably still occupied by his family. Half a mile farther, where the turnpike begins to as cend the bench of Sideling Hill was Reamer's, one of the largest houses along the road, built of stone. (The original Reamer house is in sight, about one-third of a mile away, on the old road.) Reamer's was a noted stand for stages and travelers by private conveyance, and was spoken of as one of the best kept taverns be tween PhiladclphianndlMltsburg. Half way up Sideling liiil there once was a house which I have frequently heard old residents refer to ns "the burnt tavern," but of which I have no .personal recollection. It was destroyed a very long time ago. On the eastern slope tf Ray's Hill, (half a mile from its top,) where the "three mountain road" comes out to the turnpike, was Sprout's. generally called Sprout's. It passed into the hands of John Mcllvaine about ."() years ago, and is now, or was on ly a couple of years ago, owned and occupied by his daughter. It was long widely known and well patronised, and was perhaps the most noted drove stand on the road. Mc.Ilvaine erected a line barn iu IHV2 and enlarged the tavern house since. The build ings (some of which have; long been out of use) are so numerous as to give the place the appear ance of a small vilage. Half a mile above Sproat's, sit ting right on the top of Ray's Hill, was Hazard's, still kept (with the old fashioned sign swinging in the wind) by Mrs. Hu;t-.ard when I saw it last, LM years ago. Down the western slope of Ray's Hill, Samuel Slailey, formerly, (very long ago,) of Roxbury aud Fannettsburg, kept tavern and had a farm. De low him was Lysinger's, where I think, without being quite sure of it, entertainment 'was afforded;' and below that, at the western foot of the HiU, was Nycum's, an old and well-kept place, with a store and tavern and other build ings. The Nycunis themselves kept the tavern in the earlier days of the turnpike; but Henry Mc Call, heretofore mentioned in connection with Welsh's in Cham borsburg, kept it in W)l, aud I think Sam Stailey aud others kept it after him. Almost within gunshot of Nyc um's was Tate's, the birth-place of the well-known Tate's of Hod ford, a large frame 'house. .When I first became acquainted with it, (iu l.srl,) it was owned and kept by a brother of the late James L. Hlack, of Chambersburg. With in gunshot of Tate's was House holder's, a substantial brick house. Between this aud the "Juniata Crossiugs" (about 1 miles) there has been no tavern, unless the original Householder house may have been kept as such. It was of logs and stood some hundreds of yards west of the brick, around a sharp turn in the road, aud had been torn down or rotted almost out of sight be fore; I became acquainted with that section. At the west end of the "Cross ing" bridge was Deunisou's, the main building of stone, with frame additions. This was a stage aud private conveyance place, with no large yard for wagons, aud was tilso much pa tronized by drovers, on account of abundant grass and water. Mr. Mcllvaiue (later of Ray's Hill) kept here at one time, aud after him George Mcgraw. Sam Shull, well known in Chambers burg, has been there for some years. I believe the original Dennison house was at the old "Crossing," nearly two miles farther down the river, and I am inclined to thiuk this was the "Dennison's" mentioned by the two Philadelphia travelers who got mixed in names, distances and appearance of country in their trip up the turnpike iu 1K1), before it was finished the whole way to Bedford. Along tin; beautiful drive from the "Crossing" to Everett, (Bloody Ruu,) I can recall only Weaver ling's, Morgart's, and another which I think was called Fisher's, till good-si.ed substantial houses, the two tirst named still doing some business in recent years, not withstanding the great revolu tion in transit wrought by the railroads. But it was not the ev ery day and every night business of the olden lime, whim the turn pike was crowded with sb'ges, wagons, curi:j.et, travelers on horseback-, and droves of horses, cattle, sheep and hogs. I remember five taverns nt Bloody Run, and the names that come up to me in connection with them are Weaver! ing, Ott, Tato and S toner. There has been a new one built there since my last visit to the town, (L'l years ago,) but I do not know whether it does or does not occupy the site of one of tho old ones. Major Joseph Hollar, who kept a popular house at Groonciislle many years ago, had previously kept tavern at Bloody Run. His sou George, who came into the Spirit oflico as an apprentice under me in IK.'O, was born there. A full list of persons who have kept tavern at Bloody Run since the tirst settle ment was made there would be a long one. Entertainment was afforded at the Win. Hartley place just west of Mt. Dallas, two miles from Bloody Run, (Everett,) but al though 1 was at the house repeat edly, I do hot know much about it as a tavern, if it bore that char acter in the halcyon days of the road. It is a substantial stone house and lias a good farm con nected with it. Two miles far ther is the well known Hartley tavern at the Snake Spring a large stone house and a line farm around it. Small air bubbles constantly arise! iu this spring, looking like brilliant pearls as cending from the bottom to the surface. Between the Snake Spring and the Narrows through which the Juniata passes below Bedford was thes Willow Tree tav ern, kept while I knew it by Jo seph Mortimer. It was a pleas imt places to stop at and parties used efteu te go down to it from tho Be-dford Springs. A short distance byonel the; bridge over the river at tho west end of the Narrows there .was what I believe was an old tavern. George Ly singer owned it thirty years ago aud carried on tho business of a saddler and harness maker, &c, but I cannot be sure whether lie entertained travelers. In Bedfoad I have known seven taverns, and in connection witli them I recall the names of Ceil. Ottiuger, Major Davis, Isaac Mengel, (senior and junior,) John llafer, J. Shoniaker, aud Valen tine Stockman. Tim Ottiuger and Davis houses were the! old stage stands, and were lino large brick buileliugs. The former was eouverted into a store and dwell ing at a date! not certainly known te me, but probably from 1)7) to 47) years ago; and I think another old tavern, aud perhaps the olel est of all, was discontinued as such a good many years age) and not long since pulled down or de stroyed by lire. I think the) number of public houses in Bed ford now is cither lour or live, but I am not fully informed on this subject. A long time ago a Mr. Naugel kept one of tho Bed forel taverns. In my boyhood the distance from Chambersburg to McCon nelisburg was stated at -I miles, and te Bedford .". During the last thirty-live years I have gen erally he'ard these distances given as "2 and fill. Mentioning this change, em one occasion, to WM liam H. McDowell, ho told me that his father had made the sur vey fer the turnpike, that he had the draft in las possession, and that the L'l st mile extended te the foe)t of the! ridge beyond tho west end of Mc.Conncllsburg. This sustained the figures of distance given in my boyhood. But no matter. There was certainly an average of more- than one tavern to every mile ef the) Chambers burg and Bedford turnpike road, supposing it to begin in the Dia mond at the former place aud tei eml in the Square at the latter, which would leavo several Bed ford houses a short distance b(! yemel its western terminus. East of Sideling Hill there wero 'four struug along half a mile apart, and at Ray's Hill and beyond thero wero six or seven at aver age distances of half a mile!. I canuot aftirm that my list is entirely accurate. I write wholly from memory and have not been over any portion of tho road for over L'l years. The boasted "march ef inipreivement" was the tramp of death to this ancient highway and a great injury to the country fer mauy miles em berth sides ef it. Will anything occur to revive tho ancient glories ef the road anil ef the region it traversed;' ooocooocoooo ocooooocooo FALL AND WINTER. ftven 1 we ftm tr '( Hi- d we I. - punt jit a ? tfl tin a u ,i rise et itho i .J the. We are now prepared to sho our Friends the Largest and hope on t best Selected Stock of 111 lieiK GENERAL MERCHANDISE IN FULTON COUNTY a (.mini mm uciru; extensively mane.) aatisiy von sell about that matter. We will show you the LARGEST LINE OR 9 we t wii and 1 lc oi : cla B ft navy Ladies' Wrap amy am our 1 in (1 tho wal tho el , fall tho s StO! we b that Fulton county has ever had in it, and at prices low as is consistent with perfect jjoods. The range 'Bki Plush capes 52,50 to $ 13,00. Cloth capes as low won S 1.25. See them. Jacketr, $4,C0 up. We have i: rou prettiest line ot Ladies? SkJrts to show you from 20 Cents to $2,00. . Dress Goods in Stacks. 1 j di; AikkI Wool Suiting for l'J cents, well worth t!3 cen'has . eali :cr 2 .guii AO E' I mt See our stock cf ho Ladies' and Men's Neck wear!' IS, 1 Hp, c Lots of uew, uiee thirds. j -daj A matter of interest to all is ,'oed warm UNDERWEAraa feir eeild weather. We have it. ,ccn Vehave a ease eif V,2 eleize-n of MEN'S SHIRTS arfl1 ' DRAWERS, at 40 cents apiace, that lots of peoiile woiOr 1 he slow to ask "0 cents for. They are! jierfwt in make nshv lit, and iu every way ucceplnhle, Of course' we have 1., J cheaper, iind several lines of Uuderweur at i0e, 7"c. ni 1 1 ,00, and up; Ladies,' from "0c. te) 1 ,00. Children's 1 ,Uf' mi A ii i dt ( I ane UWIS-ShOESJf C'p "WEAR- On I H $ Wsiinrfe Vjj' '! op eveRY pocket-book. r JW45'-Cr'v -s 1 Lr tl A Word about SHOES ui; We have two lines of Ladies' and Children's Shoes that v'ft j will stand against anything anywhere, price considered, l tit, and wear, and appearance A gemeral line, includiif , Mem's, Boys', Ladies' and Misses', that will stand nj?ainH' any line, we don't care who produces them, er their price'? h We are selling a very fair Children's Shoe, 8-12 at C.'lf A tirst-ratej Oil LI ruin Shoa for women at 'JKc Men's Bun ty as lew as !'!.. r)0. A very good one. Ready-made A larger stock than yot will find anywhere else id town. Weknowthe price g are all right, every time. coc Clothing ooococcococoo ocecoox
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers