THE NEWS. JUrtholomn Kost, the Austrian accused effthe murder of hi llsnce, Mary Vodlcka, io Uoraiany. left Chicago lu charge of de teetlvet, who will ink i) him to Berlin to BRr the ebnrge of murder. A Chicago delegation, bended by Mayor Harrison, enllod on Aduilrnl Dewoy In New 'York, and nvlted him to coma to Chicago lu hi own time. , JVer. Kbeuizcr Krskluc, pntor of Ilia Dig "Hprlog Presbyterian Churcb, lu Carlisle. Jau celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of lila ordlnntlnn. Tbeolty of Now York was Invlably deco rated for the marine pageant In honor of Dewey. Governor lloosevclt officially wul 'mard blm to the State, and General Mer- jrltt, a commander of thn Department of the iXasl, paid blm an oftliilnl visit, Oruernl Mies and the Washington committee also vlstted blm. National Commander Minir, of the Grand iArmy, In an address in veterans at Topeka, Kansas, characterized ibosn having chnrgo ( thn Dewey paredo III New York, na narrow-minded blunderers. Captain Btreeler, who for years hns held a rdat of ground formed ly diiinplnsa Into J.ak Michigan at CHcngo, has been Indicted lugether with some of hit followers, ou the ebnrge of conspiracy. I'oll e Jnaiice Tomlln In Norfolk, iloclared tbe law Invalid Imposing n fun of three dol ors ou all x rapt locally owned beats en tering Virginia port. Kdltnr Horace While, of the .New York JCvenlng Post, soys I hut ho believes Dewey won d aecepl a nomlnallou for President, If tendered blm. I'.t.-r J. Htnlth, aged twonty-nlne years, affl'ot.d with rellidon mania, trli-d to burn kimself to death lu 1'aliinouul Park, Phila delphia. tdierl Stubllng and William Mill were acquitted lu W'arreiitou, Vs., of the churgo f ueniiltlng Winnie Tate, colored. Mir. Jacob Simmons, manager of n hotel u Crook, was murdered near Mnr 'lliiton, W. V., by Jerome K;lllson. Julia Morrison, tha actress, wit Indicted ly the II o.tlnnooga grnud Jury for the mur der i h'riuil: Leldeu, the manager. Rx whliM unmp were given a brend-and-hhW dot, nnd thirty days lu the cbulu 4'iMiir lu Alexandria, Va. Dyuamlte wax used to release the steamer nVeuse, which stranded at the mouth of tho Pnmliro rlror. Ana- L. Allen, former private secretary to Kpenker lined, was nominated ns bl succes aor la C uuxr-ne. Jo Detroit, Michigan, Urn. Clara Ubelurr gave her three children morphine, and tried 10 kill herself. lsislmp Potter severely arraigned the In Mead ig tendencies to secure divorces, lu Id address beloru tbe Annual Convention of the l'roteslaiu Eplsoopiil Church of the Dloeeee of New York. Decease of the scarcity of eoko, tbe Fed rial Hteol Company hiid the American Steel wd Wire' Coaipnny will emi t ovens nnd ntnke ihelrcoke, near Morgnutown, W. Viu Thre new cnea of yellow fever were re fwriKl la Jiiuknon, Miss., and two at New Orleans. There wore two deaths and forly- ciiaa hi K. y West. Illi lmrd H;i ut and Frank Thompson waro anwt.d In Wilkeaburr.', Vn for making mud pawing i-ouuterlelt money. Tue Eat Htroudsburg, P11., glasi factory '-resumed woik on the co-opt mtiou pluo, villi iinL-uuion labor. 'I hre mm were futnlly scalded by tbe I'Mii-.iiitf of tbe boiler lu u sawmill, neur I'.titu. i foidlown, N. C. VN. T. Nubia killed Stephen J. C.irguluer, In luwudea county, Ala. . The village of Kresgevllle, Ta., was nearly ' wiind out l y llr-. ! Tbe New Y.-ik Central westbound pntsen erUHiu collided with au en-tuouad freight 'Ivalu at Wheelers Brid.e, New Auburn, N. Y. Four men were killed, and severul In jured. The rupltul'Kutlon of tha stock of the American Window Glaus Company, the Clssemiiiiuliiutiirers' coiui Inn, Is 17,0,.0,000, ad the stuck has leen oversubscribed. Leonard I), lint oden wua found guilty In fUnsaa City, M i., of lorglng n draft lor 16,000, and sentenced to ten years In the iwniieiitiary. Arci.llilahop Chnpelle, of N"w Orleans, hsu beeu iippolntt'd Apotollo Jelegnte for lbs Philippines. Tbe twenty-eighth nnnunl reunlou of the Amy of tbe Cumberland ws held at trolt M Helen Gould bus glvon iH,250 to the lWey Home luud. At Wi.kei.bKrr -, pa., Mrs. EllEabeth Dele jaater, while nnury, nccused her husband of laving committed it rnurd -r of which lie tiad been acquitted Iweiitj-Ilve yeurs ngo, and he admitted It. fraii k Veunerholin was nrrestrd at Jnme? owo, N. 1',, i-hurged with the murder of Xially Adolpbaon, a young woman, whose Ibody was found at Falconer, a neighboring town. ieorge W. Trnvers, of Menvers, Del., though prolably futnlly allot Irom ambunb, declined to moke nny stiileuieut with refer- to ih" olri'um-tniices. "Mrs. Ilo teUhO Hit"bliigs wai arrested In Sorfolk, Vh., lor abdin ting her ,owu child, wlili h the court bad given Into tbe custody f the latln r. Cincinnati street rnllwny employes will sisk au ndvanoe lu wages and the right to It down wnlle the car uie ruuulug In tbe ulurbi. The governors of six sttntes, with their sal. Itary atnlTs, will Join President Diaz, of Hi xico, eu route to Chluago, nnd act a bla score M Jullii Dent Ornnt was mnrrl'd to Trlnee Cantaouaene, of It, accoidlng to th" rl'.e of ihe Greek Church, at New M'ri, II. I. Pip miiu Frnnk Barrett died from Injiirlea a-eeelv d HI the I urulng of the il of fit. Yiuient d - Paul in Norfolk. There wnsn large at tei ileneeatthe funeral f Absoloiu Keeler, who wit kllb d for his woney, near Maguuila. Five now building of the National Farm Behoo1, controlled I y Hebrews, at Doytea town, I'll., were d d cat. d. Mine Harada, a Japanese womnn, applleil lor untura is .tiou papera In N"W York. William U. Ponton, teller of the Dominion JJei.k in Napauee, Ontario, was ai quitted of Uiei'baige of cuuiplti liy lu the rubbery of Ike bank. . tix passenvers were killed and five In jured In a collision on the 1). 1 v r and liio tirand'' 11 HrOHd near Florenec, Col. Tft- Oniiaro and A ton Hunted express va wreeked at Klkhari, Iud., and two pas vnireri ei-riotiely it J 11 r d. Albert J. Ear.uig, of Chlciiiro, was elected f rlil 1 t of Ihe Cnlongu, Milwaukee and . P. u Hallway. 'i o men w. i.i killed mid several i Jureil ty Ihe exploding of uu oil well near W !, VUle, O. William N ine, of Craleys Ta., died from lookjaw resulting from treudiug ou a rurly Bail. Hugh Thompson was tevorely wounded I j a mau named Miigniro lu a dii-ll wl:li . ewoid-, in the lorn.ei' photograph galleiy ' t Claire, W.s. J.illa Morrison, uu actress, shot uud killed "mi.U L tdou, au actor, ou Ihe stage of lb ,r ra House, at CbnttauoogH, Ti iin. tf'-'n body of Mrs. Frederick Ilrldges, n a ml j of Mrs. Andrew Cururgle, was louud I 'klll pond at Oyster U y, L. I. Vity 1 eople ware Injured by an fle. ipy jumping the track at Carthaiiv, M". yCttrmk In the Standard Oil Company's v ,f Use eansud giat loss to the comnaov. (IP IN Tl A Wonderful Greeting to the Nation's Hero, THE MARINE PAGEANT- A Never-to- be-Forgotten Sight I on the Water. FIREWORKS AT NIGHT. How tlm fireat Admiral Ultra Himself Willie lie Was Hie Central Keel lite Upon VVMcli Ilia Styes of the I'nnlitleea 1'him sands Were Tnrneri He Heinalned ('nn stantlvnn the Mrlilire of Ilia Olympla How He Impressed Those Who fttmllail Him Tin Applause or Cheer for 8amp un, Whose r:Rri Were f?onstHlitly Ureeteil II h Calls for Admiral HcliUy. New York, 1 Special.) -"Is he bereV Well, it's like Dewey !" This wa nbout what the average New Yorker said Tuesday when he beard that the hero of Manila bud arrived iu the lower bay. Just na ho had stolen in on the Spaniards at Manila, the bold Admiral steamed luto N-w York waters enrly lu the morning, and utfl A. M. he cast anchor near Handy Hook. The Orst shout of welcome was Irom tbe pilots nud crew of Pilot Hunt No. 7, IS miles south of the Hook lightship. It linppened to be Tllot Johu Peterson's turn, and at O.iiO A. SI. he was put aboard the Olymplnnnd brought here urotiud the Hook and Into tho lower bny. Tho murine observers along the coast bad lighted tho Olympla In the first light of the morning. The shore batteries of Fort linn cock, manned by gunners called from break fast, let loose 17 guns. The flagship replied and let go ber anchor not far from where the Clip challenger Shamrock is moored. Tho Admiral was In bis own country agnin, after 113 months absence. Tbe pilot had takun him the Sunday New Y ork papers, nnd soon bis cnblu was Uttered with the Illustrated "Dewey editions," which to gether made hundreds of pages In blnck and whlto and lu colors, all concerning the grent Admiral and tbe preparations aade to re ceive blm. "It almost snddsns me," he said, "to see what my people are doing for me. The pride and gratillcation are Immense and I cannot express the appreciation I feel. I did not know, I did not really perculve tbe splendid welcome that my countrymen are giving me. Tbe Governors of many Htatoe are coming to sue me, and troops from Florida, Georgia nnd other far away States are on their way-to take part In receiving me." Th . Admiral stroked the head of a tawny hnl' dog, a Chow dog of a Chinese breed fiat Is one of bis favorite pets. 'Bob here," be auld, "Is not well, lie yearns to be ashore. He Is sick' to got a little grass and to sonmper around. 1 feel a good deal that way myself. I am mighty glad to get home. It Is not good for a mau any more thau a dog to live on shipboard for 23 mouths." The Admiral said be felt tired, but be did not look so. Ills complexion is a clear bronze, bis bnsel eyes are bright, bis bear ing is brisk nnd rather Jaunty. Home deep lines are under bis eyes aud around his mouth, but bis voice Is slhgularly clear and pleasant. Tbe hero's whole presence Is that of n mnn In bis fulloit powers. His manner Is gentle and kind. Alluding to bis arrival two days ahead of tbe time be was expected, the Admiral laid: "I am sorry that I am abend of the schedule. The Olympla has beeu steaming at tbe uniform rate of 10 knots so hour since wo left Gibraltar. Several days ago we knew that we would arrive before Thursday unless we moderated our speed or went somewhere out of onr course. "Captain Lambertou, Lieutenant Driimby and I bald a consultation. The propriety of running into Iliunptlon Itosds or some other port In tbe South wai spoken of. but we ooncludud that we ought not to touch land fliHt anywhere except nt New York. Ic was suggested that ws cruise some dlstunco out side) New York harbor until Thursday, but we knew that If we did thut we would be discovered nud reported. The weather looked a little squally, aud it seemed to be better inside tbe Hook than outside. "But the consideration that really decided ns to come Into port was to give Captain I.iimberton a chance to clenn up the ship belore our voyage up the bnrbor. Captain Lambertou and I are proud of tbe Olympla, aud we wanted enough time at our anchor age to rub ber dowu and make ber look iplnk hnd span." Tbe Olympla looks as smart now as n yacht. Her iinobors were hardly down be fore ber crew were washing the ship's white sides and touobiug up the stains wltb paint. BULKS Of MIIP8 IN LINK. Vassals of War and I'aaea Passed Until th Kya Was Tired. New York, (Speulnl.) Three leading events marked the Orst day of tbe Dewey celebration. Of these by far tbe rucst im portant was the superb parade of warships in triumphal prnoesslou from Tompkiusvllle, 8. I., up tbe Hudson river to tbe Graut tomb. Besides the warships, lad by tbe liuno white cruiser Olympla, with Dewey ou tbe brldue, there were hundreds of other oraft, all gaily decorated lu bonor of the memorable ocrnslon. In addition to the resident population of New York, It is e-tlmu'.od tbut 2,00 i.OJU visi tors were In the city to see the purude. Most of them w rs able to do so, " Atoulblnir," said Admiral Dewey, ns M'AIN'a CAIIINKT OUT. Polavtrj and Vlllaverd Could Not Agree Upon Matter of Craillt. Msdrld, (By Cable.) The Spanish. Cabi net has reslu-ned ns tho result of Irreconcil able differences among theMliileters regard lug proposal for national defense. This declelon wns taken nt n Cabinet oouucil, Thu chief subject under consider ntlou was Hi" scheme of the Mlnhter of War, Lleut.-Gen. Cumllo p.ilnvb ja, for au extraordinary on dlt to be used iu Increas ing and strengthening fronil r foriinciitlons. The Minister of Finance, Senor Vlllnverde, win. unable to atr o with thu suugestlous of General Polavleja, aud a ministerial cr'si billow d. The Silvelii Mlnlslrr, which was con st' u ed 00 March 3, lB'J'J, was mude up as lolli.W-I Pre-ld-nt (f the Council Kenor Dou Frniielsco Bllvels. Minister of Foreign Affairs Marquis Tidal. MinUter of Justice R-nor Buran, Mlnlsbr of Finance Seimr Vlllaverd. silnl-ier of tbe Interior Buor Halo. Mlnl-tnrof War Ge neral Polavleja. Mlulster vt Marine Admiral Gomez Imsy. Miulster of Agriculture, Commsro aud Public Work lienor Cardenas, - ADMIRAL GEORGE DEWEY. he saw thu wonderful sight from the bridge of tbe Olympla, His modesty did not de sert him and he said nothing t( himself. Next In Importance to the naval parade was n dazzling Illumination at night of the harbor, the city nnd the shores of tbe Hud son, the F.sst river nnd New York buy. The llluniinntlon was arranged by an official city committee, and wa ourrlnd out ou n scnlo whluh, it is said, had never previously been attempted in this country. Tbo third evont thnt marked the day oc curred lu tho morning before the nnvnl pnrnde, when Mnyor Van Wyck, accom panied by tbe Governors of 11 number of States, went down to the O yinpia on the steamer Sandy Hook and extended an offi cial welcome to Admiral Dewey. Tho chief event of tho second day of the celobratlou whs tbe land parad". Gen. Charles P. Hoe, who lir. organised Ihe parade, estimated that 23,103 men were iu Hue. TI1K NAVAL, I'AItAUl:. Vessels that Took Part and Their Po sition In Line. New York, (Special.) Seldom hns victo rious klug or prince, comiug borne from successful war, reoulved suoh a magnificent greeting us overwhelmed A'dmlrnl Dewey wheu be stood on the bridge of the Olympla at the head of a mngnlllcent lleet ol steel wnrdogs of the deep, followed by a thousand vessels of pence. Every ship was black with peoplo as tbe parade sailed over the bright waters of the upper bny and up tbe broad pathway of tbe Hudson, whose banks were gny with mil lions of flags and streamers dancing in tbe wind. The sky was bluo nnd the wnter rippled under fresh wind that beld out flags straight and Jsuuty. Tbo wharves and piers and rooky heights and grassy knolls were oov ireu with enthusiastic people, who strlved to make their shouta board above tbe bed lam of tooting whistles. As tbe tomb of General Grant, on ltlversids Drive, win reached tbe fleet paid Its tribute to the mem ory of tho warrior with a national salute of 21 roaring guns. The fleot then anchored and reviewed the almost eudleM procession of craft that steamed post, nil so burdened with human ity thnt they looked as If they would "turn turtle" belore they got back to their piers. .toward the end the parade became disor ganized, and it took hours for the hetero genous tlotlllu to got by. Darkness nt lost brought relluf to the tired Admiral, who bnd stood on the bridge six hours, bowing bis acknowledgements to the stentorian ex pressions of homage. New York bus never witnessed before any thing approaching this wonderful demon stration. Tbe Columbian naval parade, the dedication of tbe Grant tomb aud the re ception of tbe North Atlantio squadron Inst fall, nil pale belore tbli glgitntlo ovation to tbe Bailor who, In a single mornlug, destroyed an enemy's fleet without tho loss of a man or a ship. It Is uot beyond the mark to sny tint 3,000,000 persons viewed the pngonut Irom ashore, aud tbut 250,000 were tillon'. Tbo parado was an linuiuuse marine pic ture, 11 water pugennt, that appealed to the rye as a painting rather than u drnma. - Tbe vast gathering of vessels maintained np average speed of eight kuots au hour, but ho mugnlllueut was its urea that the Im pression was one of exceedingly slow and stately movement. The picture was con tinually cuuuglnr, but It melted so steadily and in such measured rbytbm from form to form that the Beuse of aiotlou was largely lost. Too Olympla, escorted by Mnyor Vau Wyck's steamer, the bandy Hook, was lu the lead. Bank uf her at a 400-yurd Inter val enme the New York, then tbe powerful Indiana uud Massachusetts, the dent-footed Brooklyn, the sturdy old Texas, thu rakish yacht-like Dulpulo, the old Lancaster, a rallo of another naval age, the powerlul Chicago, nud finally, the Utile Mnrlettu, the rear guard of the lighting craft. Beuind stretched the transports, and further still, almost lost In miles of distance, the yacht aud miscellaneous craft. New York. (Special.) The parade started from quaruutlue at 1 p. m. The police bout t'atrol was lu the lead, with the fire-boats New Yorker nod Van Wyck, The Olympla, flagship of Admiral Dewey, aud the steamer Waudy Hook, having ou buari Mayor Van Wyuk and representatives of the ultv of Now York, followed side by side. Alter these, the following order was maintained: Chlengo, protocled orulser, flagship Hoar Admiral Howtson. ABOUT NOTliU I'KOI'I.B, ;.,nrsball Field, of Chlcugo, Is to build and present a library to hi nutive town, Con way, Muss. Dr. W. G. Starr, tho new preildent of llaudolph-Macoii College, is a uatlve ol Vir- I gluts, and Is M years old. Ue Is a graduate 1 of ltundolph-Miicoii College, nnd has long been ranked us one of the moat brilliant Methodist ministers of the South. Tom Hal), the humorous writer iu Life, a few year 111(0 signed his iiatiie as L'i'Ut, Wlninrop Hall, U. S. A. Ho retired from the Army to devote himself to writing. During the Spanish War he was llrst lieu tenant iu the Uoiigb lilders. Mgr. Vulboiiesl, Just made titular Bishop of Argos At the nge of 81 years, I the ! youngest bishop lu tbe Uouniu Catholic Church, Nuxt to blm coma Mgr. Macurio, Coptic Patriarch of Alexandria, til years of nge, who baa been a bishop four years, nnd Mgr. Posserlul, Vb ar Apoxtullo to Chluu, 33 years of age, and also four year a bishop. Among the minister' sous who have "amounted to something" are Senator Haw ley, Iilchsrd Watson Gilder, tlenry James, George Brituoroft, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Presidents Cleveland aud Arthur, Vloe-l'r-s-Ident Morton, ball a dozen Beuators and 40 ReiireseulallveaY New York, armored cruiser, flagship Beal Ad nlral Sampson. Indiana, Intlle-sblp, first-class. Massachusetts, batllc-sblp, first-class'. Texas, battle-ship, second-class. Brooklyn, armored cruiser. Lancaster, guntiery ship. Marietta, gunboat. Scorpion, auxiliary cruiser. Torpedo-boat, Porter, Dupont, Ericsson, Wlnslow, Cushlng. Hevenue cutlurs, Manning, Algonquin, Gresliaro, Wiudom, Ouondasa. Transport Sedgwick, MiPuerson, Mc-Ciellan- Hospital Bblp Missouri. Steamer Moutnouib, with representatives of the Naval Mllltiu of New York, and followed by tbe other vastu s of the Nuval Militia. Official bouts of the oily, General Slocum and Glon Island, Willi general committee of citizens; steamers Mt.unt Hope, Warwick, and Mattawau. First divUlou, escorting column, compo! ed of nluety-llvo steam yaobts, uuder com mand of Cummodere J. l'lerpout Morgan, with the flagship Corsair. Blr Thomas Llpton's Erlu lead the starboard oolumn nud Howard Gould's Niagara tbe port column. Among the othor yachts wu tbe JotephUe and Nourmnhnl, tho American uud Snppblre, Columbia nnd Mitradn, the Huliuus, Whlto Ladye, Wuudu, Oneldn, Katrlnu, aud Sappho. The second division of the escorting col umn was composed 0' the merohuut marine. Thu first section was preceded by the Buuua Ventura, thu llrst prize captured lu tbe Spnulsu war. The first eight sections of tbe merchnnt marine wns composed of about seventy steamboats. The Inst four sections was composed of from thirty to forty propellore. The thirl division of the escorting col umn wns made up ol nearly 100 barges, tugs, propellers aud unattached vessels. Kmplre state Utllnlal Welcome. Admiral Dewey and bis offioers and mnn ou the Olympla were formally welcomed to the state of New York by Governor Itoose Velt and the chief officers of the Nations! Guard of the atute. who went down the bny ou (idoerat Francis V. Oroenu' yacht Wild Duck. Besides tbe governor, there were In thu party other, men whose grasps of tbe Admiral' bauds were something more tbnu formal. General Francis V. Greune, who went with tho governor, Is n Manila cam paigner, nnd for the llrst time since tbe Admiral luft tbe harbor of Muulla be shook bands with some of thu captains who com manded veesels lu bis squadron on May I, lb'.IK. ThobO wore Captain Wildes, of the Boston; Cnptitlu Dyer, of the Baltimore! I'aptaiu Wood, of the Petrel; Captulu Walker, of the Concord; aud Captain Cogh lun, ol tbo Kitlulgb, Others who accom panied the governor were the members of the stair of thu State Mllltln, Brigadier General Avery B. Audrews, Military Secre tary Treadwull and Captulu J. W. Miller, commanding the State Nuval Militia. Governor lioosevelt was received with a salute of thirteen guus. He wn met at tbo gangway by Admiral Dewey, who conducted him to bit unbln. Wheu the governor left the Olympla he was taken to the New Hump shire, of the Nuval Mllltiu, where he held a reception. (ilVKN TIIKIll MKDALS. Three Hundred and Firtv Gallant Men Jtr.iitve Their rlronxe Kinblem. New Y'ork, (Special. ) Three hundred nnd fifty nieu who fought under Dewey nt Muulla were presented on board the Olym pla with the bronze medals uwarded them by Cougruss. Before geuernl quarter was sounded all visitors were excluded from tbo ship and launches or bouts were not per mitted to come neur Ihe gangways until ufleruoon. Captain Lambertou mude tho presentations, pinning a medal ou the breust of oaah mau ns his name wns called. Tho medals boar the Admiral's face lu relief. Admiral Dewey's Chinese servants were also docoruted, Arrested an serious Chars. Humllu, V. Va., (Special.)-Ira Perry, of Wilson's Kw lu ll, was nrrested near here, charged with haviug commitied 11 criminal iissuult ou hi owu daiiL'htei , who Is scarcely 8 years old. Tho warrant was sworn out by Perry' uldest daughter. Feeling 1 vi ry strong ugalust per"', and he was taken to Huntington for 1 nfekeoplng. VICTORY" TOI'PLISI) (IVfclt. She Lost Her Head lu High Wind Kecausa Mie. Wa So ThII. New York, (Special.) Au accident hap pened to the Hunt "Victory," which, with the II nit "peace," was anchored oil tho Grant tomb. The head, thu wines and nn arm of Vic tory were bloau nil by Hie wind nud dropped into the river, Thu llgure was ou an Im mense scow, A framework built upon tho scow supported plaster figure of heroin size. At the bow ol the float was u fluure ut Neptune driving four sou hcrius. Neptune was iiO (cut high, and the sen horses rose ubovu the surface of the float In proportion. AtteiiilMl to Mioot h rainier. Buenn Vltn, Va., (Speolal.) Diulol Mont gomery, a negro, wa lodged In Jail at Lex ington under churge of attempting to shoot William F. Davidson, a larnier of South Hlver, near Ducu.t Vista. Davidson wns at work cutting corn when the uegro came along nud was ordered ofT, and lu a contro versy which followed the negro brought a gun to hear ou Davidson, who knocked It aside with the corn cutter. TheguU' dis charged, the necro secured tbe corn eutter and dangerously wouuded Davidson, rutting open Id bead. Davldaou lu turn mauled tbe ticgro wltb n rock uutil taken awny by some of bis bands. CHEAT LAND PARADE. Enthusiastic Hosts Pay Hom age to Admiral Dewey. A BRILLIANT SUCCESS. From Rarly Morning Until I.ale In the Kvenlnar Hi Hero of Manila Was Kept Mnsr Kecelvlns; the Attention of HI Worshippers Presentation nf a Laving Cup bjr Ih City of New York. New York, (Special.) Tho land parade enpped thu ciimai. The city, State nud nation united lu ouu vast demonstration worthy ol the hero of Manila. The earth trembled beuoath tho tread of 50,000 men, and tbe air wa torn with the shouts of millions. The naval parade waa 11 magnificent nnd superb spectacle, but the wonder of modern times wns the great land parade. Thou-nud of proud men of our land and sea forces, mlllilii of 10 Stales and the v. tenuis of the Civil a id Spanish wars swelled the procession and gave It tho dig nity In slz9 Hint It boated in sentiment. Walls of people miles long stretched down Iho line of march ou either eld a deuse, inproirnuhle mass. Fifth avenue, from I'ift)-nlntb street to the Washiuvtiui Arch, nt Fourth street, where the parade disband ed, wns solidly packed with spectators, who overflowed luto tbe building-, windows nud on the roof lines, sat lu embrasure and crowded scaffolding. Along Broadwny whero It crossed the n ven no the sky-scrnpera wore ns crowded nt the top as nt the bottom, nud fur blocks down the intersecting streets tenants bung from tho windows and (Ire-escapes, and mul titudes of thj'in were 011 lb roofs lying flat on their stomach peering down. For hour they waited patiently and good nalur. d.y to see Dewey, and when thoy saw blm they waited on uiiunnseliiiisiy for three bouts aud 11 half while tbe procession I'Usscd. Fur down this living lane tho col umn marched while the air was gorgeous with thu mist of biinaur and vibrating with shouts of welcome and nd nlrutlou, the clut ter of horses' hoofs when the cavalry sabres flashed and plumes waved, the rumble of urtlllery, the snarl of drus, th- clear-drawn bugle cull and tbo blare of military band. Seveuteeu aerial bombs Irom Ihe top of the Waldorf-Astoria heralded tho approach to tha reviewing stand in Madison Square. The head of the pnrnde stuitid from Grunt's Tomb at 11.15 A. M. At thn given signal the platoon of police advanced, clearing away the crowds thnt overflowed Into the street. Some 11: tie dis tance behind, 011 11 bay horse, rodo M J. Gen. Charles F. Boo, N. O. N. Y., loilowed by his stnfT. Then came Sour-' Band play lug n spirited nir, and behind It was a bat talion of sailors Irom tbe dympla. Then followed the carriage containing Admiral Dewey, by wbo-0 side was seated the Mayor of the city. In response to tbe cheers of the thousands of speclntora tbe Admiral bowed right and left, and appeared greatly pleased at tbe warmth of bis re ception. Following were three carriages contain ing Admiral Dewey's captains, then two carriages abreast containing the personal stall of tbe Aduilrnl. Bear-Admiral H. L. Howison and Prol dut Uiudolph Quggenhelmir, of tho Muni cipal Couiroll, followed in n carriage, nud lifter them came llour-Adtnlriil Howisou' officers. Then enme the carriage coutiilning Bear Adailral William T. 8111111 son nnd President Woods, of the Board of Aldermen, follow d by eight carriages containing tbe eommaud lug officers of Admiral Sampson's fl et. Briir-Admlral John W. Philip, Cniii'iiiiiid. nut of the Navy-ynrd; St. Clair MeK-lwny and Lleutenaiit-Commiinder 3. D. J. K-lley occupied the next carriage. First among the Governors came Tunnell ' of Delawure, then Stone of Pennsylvania. Voorhees of New Jersey, MoSw-ouay or South Carolina, ltu-aell or North Carolina, Dyer of Kliod'. I-lun.l. McMillin i f Tennes see, Bushnoil of Ohio, Geir or Oregon, A'kluson of Wt-t Vrglnln, Blehurda of Wyoming, and Wells of Utah. Mnjor-Gnerals Miles and M-rritt and nlde followed in carriage abreast, and thun enme a carriage containing Bear AdmirulH Joseph N. Miller A id Wu.lle d Scott Schley. The naval brigade of the North Atlunlle fleet, commanded by Capt. Charles M. Thomas, followed. I was lu seveu battul ions, and mndo an Imposing appearance. A brigade of tlio llrgulnr Army oamu next, with Wast Point cadets nt the head, and after tlmm a battal.on of enciiieers, two battalions of lb- Fifth Artillery a battalion of tho Suvenlh Artillery, and a battalion of mount-d artl lory. Following came the militia of thn various States, wltb that of N' W York In the van, coinmuuded by Governor llonsevelt with Squadron A 11s escort. The National Guard ol Now Y'ork Statu was under the immedliitu' command of Gn. James MeLeer. A:ter them came the Naval Mllltln, under com mand of Captain Miller, with two I nttiilion and n separate division, and lolilud them the old guard of the City of N w York. ALL Till:: CHKW FbltlMlt.1), schooner Kclna, for VnKlnnil, Turned llollom ,l i by the lle. St. Johns, N. F., (By Cable.)- A diver ex amined the Aui' rloBii schooner Kdua, from Baltimore tor England with lumber nud cargo, wliloh wu towed Into St. PI rre har bor buttum up. having apparently turned turtle durlug the recent gale. Ho found her boats on deck, so tbut the crew must have perished. The ves.ol's sails nud rigging lire praetl ally intact. A wn tiou of the deck loud remains II .vd under her. She will probably Lu righted and re I aired nt St. Pierre. Hl.blied H Hank Nnfe. 8-diilliiM., (Special.) The safe of the Blink of Houslonla, ill Hou-tonla, Mo., was blown open by burglar. T'h- robiirs are reported to have secured If 2 ,00, bin Cush I'T W. F. Lougun says the tank lost only 01,100, principally lu gold ooin. Narrow Itsrapa from Death. Chambers' urr, Pa., (Sp. clul.) Frank McDonald, aged eighteen years, mad" 11 inlinouloui tsoao death here. Ho attempted to board a Western Muiylnud freight train, aid misled his fool In Id. Me. Donald was t.'irowu to the tru"k. His left foot was crushed so badly that iimpuintlou of a portion of the member was neces-ary. nlllieis' Wniie J neri.Hke,1, IKuefUi.ll, W. Va., (Si.clal.) Tlie Indian It dge Coal and Coke Company have ad vanced the wages of It 1 Lht bti dred em ployee ten per cent. A similar ndvaiicu was in.idu July 1st, Auslrlen t horueit . W 11 h Murder. Chluuiro, (Speeliil.)Biirtl;iloinae Kiel, the Austrian who Is nceu.ed nl the murder of lis fl inee, Mary Vodleka, lit B i-men, Gormimy, that he mltilit return to V. '111111, Austria, to marry his present wife, Anna Sclilim ra, left h-ro In chiirire of two ile. tinllve, on his way back to G rinany ,0 answer the uliargo of iniinb r. Tun wormm for whom he Is alleged to have done uiui del', did pot accompany him. Hotel Collihlnal loll. Plttsl urr, Pa., (Special.) A movement ! ou loot to form a cninLluiulo.i of pbi 11 raj hotels, with u capital of t3,00!),000. It Is proposed to take lu ail thu largo uuiulr. SI Oil MM IN INDIA. Landslide anil Flood In Many Districts - Ureal Los of Life. Calcutta. (By Cable.) The great storm of Sunday aud Monday, which caused de structive landslides uud floods, gathered at the head of the bay nt Calcutta nud tben moved north, giving heavy rnlu lu Calcutta, DlnaJptir, Itenvpur and Jalpnlgurl. Its greatest fury was fnlt nt Dnrjeellng. Simultaneously another storm gathered at lisngpur and pasted westward from Purura to Monghyr. It Is estimated that between Daijuellng nud Ktirscong alone .100 people bavo lost their lives. Tbe line between Dnrjeellng and Honadu will bo blocked probably for two months. Doth the upper and lower PuglnJIiorss have been carried away. A number of bodies hnve beeu recovered on the Happy Valley est nte. The soldiers of the Mttnster lieglment nre smirching for bodies nnd clearing the ronds. Jt Is reported that tho Teestn suspension bridge has beeu broken nwny by the floods mid thnt Knllmpong la tlictetoto cut off from communication. Gangs of natives nud soldiers aro work ing to clear the ronds. The storm appears to have xtended all over the northern por tion of llMignl. Considerable damage lias nlsii been dona ut hlllaurl, whore 11 number of wooden btits and the'plngue camp have been destroyed. Although tho delayed reports from many sections prevent nccurnto estimates, it I evident that the fatalities far exceed 300. No fewer than 200 persons were killed in the destructlun of ihu Plmol llaznar alone, nnd as ninny ns 100 nt Dnrjeellng. Tweuly-oue bodies hav beeu recovered nt Tamsonghytes, whero it Is hollered that another SO person have t oen killed. TALK WITH IsKWKY. Ul Crew, the Filipinos, and tho Pres Idenry. New York. (Special.) The Kvenlnir Pot Prints the following Interview with Admiral Dewey; "They ore n splendid lot." the Admiral said, speaking of his meni "the very pick, the finest in onr navy, nnd that means best In the world. Before I got to Manila, the archbishop, with whom 1 nfterwnrd beeame very Intimate, said that the American sail ors wre the scum of the earth, a blood H irsly lot of cutthrnnts, who would destroy evervthlng In their pnlb. 'Later on, when I illil gt there,"' said th Admiral, with 11 knowing smile, "the nrehl.Nhop enmo on hoard one day whlln I had a battalion nt drill, the very sami battalion that will parade In Nw York. The nrehl Lhnp treat on the bridge nnd watched them closely. I knew he was ad miring them, nnd I snld to Mm: "Well, what do you think of our American sail or y" "'Thy nre splendid.' h snid. 'I hnve snn Iho men of mnt nnvles, but never nny thing like thes. Thev nr roagninennt, I ennnnt n' iWstand It ueh solend'd young fellows. How does it happen V " 'Well,' said the Ad nlrnl, 'we look for thn b,.t rren. we some closer to our men, we treat them better' thnn other countries do, and we pay thm h-lrer." Then I called n rrnn and sain) to Mm: 'How much do von pet a month? II aalnt-d, nnd snld: 'Eltrhty dollars, sir.' The nrehblshoo was aston ished. Y'nn know t80 would pay a whole shlidond o Spaniards. After that, the areh Mhnp bnd a very e-rent respect for U", and boenme vry friendly. Here I have a plc tnr" of 0n, Liinn, which, wns given to me by l'e nreMiNhnp," The Admiral then snt nn orderly for the plcnir" nf the Philippine general, who wns "murdred by ordr of Aviilnuhlo," as he s ild. Th picture was that of n ngo In n sort of mllltnrv uniform. On thn back wns an le.erlntlnn In Sonnlsh to th Arnhl Ishop of Mnnlls, Futber Bernardino Nesnlndo. it wns slcned by Luna. Admiral Dewy tan snld thnt Luna was the he.t rrai the Filipinos hnd. "It wns 11 plot," be .aid, "to nnRnnte him. A crack swordmnn waa p!ii"ed na sentry, nnd whn Luna uopenr. d h slmplvsta' b"d bir. But these Mlnws nil." snld the Aduilrnl, "are n queer lot. Thev were simply servant nrd stablemen, nnd A"iilnaldo wa n junior clerk In the navy yard. He Is n prettv smart M low. I know him pretty well. In fact, wa were rrent friend'. There nre people be hind him, some of them'lawyerH nnd n' la fel'ow. who make n tool of Aeillnaldn. Here, by Ihe way, Is n cnn wMoh i rr sented to ire." And the Admiral produced II thick l lnck s'lek, enrved. niil resembling Irish bog onk ftor thnn anything else. "I thoncht." snld tho Admiral, "thnt thi thlnir In iho PMIIi.. In,, would be over lone before this, na It abou'd hnvo beep, j can't Imagine how they hnv" stood out until now. .Of course. thre wns the rnlny sea'on, nnd i suppose lmie win done. One grent trouble out there has been thnt Gen. OMa hns Ir'ed to do ton much. I told him so. He wants to be general, rnvr"nr, judge, nnd every, tiling else, 10 have bold of all the irons. No man onn do this." Trapeze. Performer Killed. Chlcnirn, III.. (Speclal.)-Wallor Shniv, while performing on n trapeze nt the CM. cairo O era Hou-e, fell a distance of 15 feet to th "tnge. Tn lnjurb-a he received re. suited In death. was a member of the team of Shnw Brother'. Th" other brother was holding by his tenth n ring on which Wnlter wo swlnulnp. no b t io the rlnp, 1 dropping Walter. The Injur, d mnn wns I taken to his hotel, where he died. Th act was the lift on the programme, and the surtaln was dropped quickly. Several women fainted when H'mw dropped, but were soon restored to oousclousuess. situation In Ksmnn. Washington, (Special.) Tub Bnmonn sit. ( nation Is reported by officials ns much mors menacing, because of thu iiumero is reports, particularly those from G-rmuii sources, that the Miilnafii natives are growing rtlv and uro being Incited to another rebellion. 1'nero has been no official verlllentlou ol these reports, but o IB' lal acquainted with affairs there nud lu possession of the latest liifoimittion credit the reports, and sny there aro ludlciitlous that further trouble is brew li'B. Confessed Another Murder. c Pann, 11., (Special.) H-nry Brunnt, whe Is lu Jail for tho murder of his aunt, June Uriinol, confessed to 11 friend to the inllnl T of M s. .Mary M. Intyre, who was niy-ter-lously a inn here lust winter. He said he had one uiore conTesslou to make uud Iheu be wa ready to die. ratal Itiilbllnir Collapse. Cologne, (By Cable.) Considerable lo's ol life wai can-, d by the col U-e of a building III process of .'Onsi rue: Ion on the Wolfs 1 ra-se It is bellev d that 10 persoua were killed. Three bodies have been recovered. serious Accident to Former Hnldler. Norfolk, Va., (Special.) James Hix, ol Hit city, who was a soldier lu the lute Spiinisli-Aiui'rlenu war, waa perhaps fatally shot wlille out hunting lu Dinwiddle County, two lubes from Petersburg. JI tib d to hang his guu on the limb of a tree by the trigger, not knowing the guu was loaded, Thn piece was exploit' d, the charge tailing i-flVcl lu bis left baud, left leg, uud lower part of al douien. v The Brotherhood of Carpenters bas refused lo grant the request of tbe Gertnuu local unions of tl al Lc4. for an assistant secre tary In tba Philadelphia office of the brother bood who understand the Germua language. roitKioN ArrAiits, A I- . , . ... n narsuip irom rono: mco bh.-.j 7 returning political exiles to San b0V ( j General Brault, chief of thaK,J- of the French army died, aged Germnu army plans Were stolen I to France. 1 Mnx Rogls, an nntl-Hemltn (.A.Af, tnrrlcaded himself nnd com nvuAUZit glers, after Ihu fashion of Jules ;, gone 10 opatu to escape arrest. Thnil.nnJ. ....... I . I...... , thn nll.mi.l .. I., .1.1 ... ... ti . I ... UUJ ,iu nuii-nitr a. 15 Hon In Trafalgar Square, L iudon. 3 ftf Tbo Portuguese authorities hnv, JiV' mntlon concerning thn reported vrV Delagon Bay to Great Britain. f lk Tsn K I...A .. 1,.... f ...v iiMuuiru fivopiv perisuru In 1 ' quake In tbe dlsirlciof Atdln, In A. O A largo proportion of the i:.... V ' sides wilb the Boers In their ill, (iff urrni umnio. Herman f oreign y "'I ' viaip, uowever, say mat Geruiu. polluonl or moral right to Interfsri ihe iJreyfnsard", l'.iidlcals nnd . will make nn attempt to hnve (,. Gallllet ouslod Irom tbo French A special train on tho Domlniii ' 'o0'J Railroad wna ditched near Hiili,lnt'i " number of Soldiers were ii.Jurcd. ''I'll I The Portuguese minister at l.rAm 01 Pies thai Great Brltaiu is to tiibioini ny. Igll a President Steyn In nn addrenbl'ii Volksraad of the Orange Free ifest. cused Ihe British government of if.uloe faith wlih ih. 'lv,... i if!,,.. . "ue snud burghers lu tbe two repubiu, J8") to tnko thu field when wanted. Dreyfus arrived at the homo orr ? brogue, bis brother-in-law, lu ( ' alt Depnrtiueiit of Vnucluse, l rm over French minis'.erof war Issued ni,Dn u the corps commanders, declaring t:iime,' Ins Incident closed. es bu The Governor of Dahomey cul l. 1 1'eoc French government mat the Friinci prea cotumlrslon wa resisted by tho res' the Togoland boundary. movt Geuernl Harrison made seven, jrtor points In support of Venezuela's vftri his argument bulure tLo Arblirati.i, mission. The Czar and Czarina of Bussing; t t Kiel, on tho Imperial ynclit, and ' j uuslastlcally received by the Germ,' I!1 The Spanish Cabinet decided !illty every possible retrenchment, ai d ea ' the Interest on the Cuban boud.M.0' 'J paid by that government. I ns V Preparations for war are being J6"' lively pursued by the British nu:ilo 1 and the burghers declare thnt i .listo: concessions will be mude. i 1 1 i II j Gjura Kuezevlc, nccusod of ntts-t on 1 n-sttssinato King Milan, swoie tuiuaelig no ocuompilcrs, but llred ou Mlmi, 0(nt tonal revenge, , ti a i . th Hundreds of persons were klll-,ust. , earit.quuke lu the valley of Mci.Lt Asia Miuor. ' General Harrison continued Ills. . before tbe Veuczuelu bouudury trii.'?nlI: I'uils. the i Czar Nicholas nnd tbe Czariua lei: ! hugeu lor Kiel. en'l kill THK KAKTHOUAKK IN ALslO'at il tail ii Tossed I'eople About, Mnashsil ul. , aud llnng a Church Hell. Port Townnend.'Wnsb., (Speolnf xrit cernlug the r.-o-nt enrlhquuke u ed const of Alaska, ltev. Sheldon Jack) 'u uiitionnl agent for Alaska, write ",.- from Yuhutut, under date of Sepif:? "The llrat shock was experlenoed I 11 day, September 3, but being sllgtiP18111 no niarin. During the following iM ''! there were 52 distluct shocks, eimiXCili nt il P. M. lu a shock so severe tlin it to ol Yakutat were burled vlolcntljjroet their rooms, or, if outside, they wens ot to the ground. Pictures fell from v.', jjj dishes nud crockery crashed on thifow and bouses rocked nnd swnyed and I . Tuo mission bell rang violently lu tl?' . lug church tower. - ItJ1 "Panic stricken tbe Inhabitants tl"0' tholr feet and attempted to flee to j0"-'1 only to be aguin aud again throaii liH earth. Gaining tho hills nnd lonltlv., ward they were transllxed with Lerti they saw approaching with tbe si'y. race horse a great tidal wave, ap wj eon ia noier mui wouiu euguu tne;r1A ni and sweep away their homes. I1 shorn wns n-nohed the earth oneaiJ' bottom of the harbor, and luto !hl r"01 the tidal wave spent Its force. TtK'0' lUo villago from destruction." I tU ,'bac cVAMsII-AMKItlCAN 1SLAN0H i i i George D. Gear, nn attorney of Hi iut complained to the. Suite Depart:nei.t(f a' system of slaverv Is being inuluHilntuJjojd tlie coolies lu Hawaii. An escaped Spanish prisoner nenl American naval officer that LleuteLcj f mure uud his nieu were being badly i Philippine Insurgents derailed a t:LQ Angeles and opened lire. Two A-P ' . wero silled and six 'nsurgvuts. ?? ' G-iieral Oils untitled thu govemu j'0''' church property was being respeoto!'' 5 troop In the 1'iiillpplues. ' but A plan 1 under consideration nt:Be Department to create un uriny dlv iiBi the Pnlllpplui'S. , i G uieayl Bates reported, as the rct.pade trip iiinoug tho Hnutheru islands, btral about four hundred rebels nt Zucjtho retuse to recogulze American uuthoi General Leonard Wood reported tija A little progr ss bad beeu mude lu 'Jut Principe since tlie war. i Tho strike lu Havana baa assnmed.0j( pro orlions, about 13,00 J workmeu w lug Idle. j 1 The Chinese government, thro' minister, lodued n protest with H Depnrtment ngiitnst the exclusion of ' Irom the Philippines. 9 The Arnerlcun gunboat Pnmpango" the Btiil-h steamer Y'ueii-anir, sm-i "" llllbusterlng from Mu illii to Hong i 0 The cruiser Charleston, the moult U lei-y nnd the gunboats Coueord int. t bi infolded the town of Olnngoponin''' b me iues and sailors, who destroyed .'(Car guu beiougtng to the Filipluos, Oii-Jtj-can was wounded III tbo ennftireiiuili - V Tlm Buris'd.' left Barucon, Cu.'yjj lug a u . u meuiiiuu, x i.fcM uiailiry Ml HH1.U OF LAUIiit. Borneo tins petroleum, Iowa ranks llrst 111 hogs. There nre l.COO.O HI coal miners. America has 11.217 union tailors. Buffalo hns a contraotor, fort I rf lut i r. klu now bus uu electric railroad Cnlcugu lathers hnve been locked India muy become u producer of t: Woolnlch Arsenal has n 103-ton m T'okl.i Iron Workers' Union owns i London plasterers get IU cents Wie ellug has thirty-two stogy fao OIIl Bulialo brlek layers get 43 cunts nl N' w York vurulshers gi t (3 h hours Chicago bas a Bohemian Lumber l-tntf Union. ildj Stockholm hns 23,000 lelephonoi if cf. 0 10 Inhabitants. I)H Pittsburg bonsls tho largest car mil , tilting plant, Ll Every loaf of tread msdo In DenvNtj tlie union stamp. 1 Wulle Liverpool bas greatly luor.fc tl Importaucn us a shipping port, It'tjufc years tt' ndby docliurd as a ship l 1 center. i i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers