The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, September 28, 1899, Image 7

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Dealer For All n' Foot-Fese.
. r to shake Into your shoesi rests
;Ct I'lirin t'oriin, liiinlons, Mwollon
. lot. i nllous, ActalnK, KwentiiiR Kwt
' Krowtii Nnll. Allen's Kool-Knse
w or tight shoes ens y. Atall druir
. Kl !" uot, Vft cts. HnmplH miilltjl
rA'lis Alleii H. Ulmatrd. lHoy, N. .
I'll !
.lure of Wales still finds It accessary
t'lSMilr la Blood Deep.
I blood means a elenn skin. No
i ." rjtl)out It. Caacarets, Candy Catbar
'," tn your blood and keep it clean, by
'tun tlte lany liver and driving all lm
"""'i from the body. llcin to day to
."" 'fcimplea, boils, blotches, blacklirads,
i'I sickly bilious complexion by takine
I,: it l.enntv for ten rents. All ilruff-
(tufn-Jtion guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 00c.
1'"' a Tenia's new laboratory nn Pike's
, " a Iodic, wooden structure, with a bis:
;"'T , MK Itawnrd. !).
-''"'laoVrsnf tills nuper will be pleased to
"' 'isi there Is nt limnt ono dreaded dls
"" I it science haa heeu able to cure in all
Iniim e..i.UhatlA:Urrh. Hall's Catarrh
ineonly positive cure now knuwj to
tivo H al fraternity. Catarrh belnit aonn
Sal disease, requires a constitutional
11 tit Hall's Cafirrh Cure Is taken inter.
'"'St.hiS directly upon the blood and mu
t't if aces of the system, tliurwby destroy,
ilr- foundation of the disease, and giving
rn.eiit atrruKtli by building up the oon
, a and n-slntlng nature. In ilninir Its
ii The proprietors have so much faith in
live powers that they offer One Hun
rv liars for an v awe that It fulls to cure.
." r list of testimonial. Address
K. .1 . ' H r. K V i Co., Toledo, O.
. 9 DrnnKli-ti, 7re..
p,,,,; Tamil t 1111 are the best.
1 .' is Dalv. the copper magnate. Is a good
'"''"ih a rifle, and spends his vaeatious In
1 for big gAine.
.li" feliaee Spit sail Sowks Vuur Life l.riT.
"''"U tobacco easily and forever, be mar
"'Y ill of 1110, nerve anil vli.'or, take No To
'"' i wonder-wor'.'er, that mo.ei weak men
'"! .Ml druggists, 50u or H. Cure guaran.
" "30vlet end sample frco. Address
' Ueromly Co.. Chicago or New York.
jonlrt Crokcr Is said tube an expert
thi if. , I-
'i'".1 Irmanrntly cured. No fits or nervous.
! er first ilav's use of Ur. Kline'" Oreut
'Oil eKtoreri' t rial buttle and treatise free
I'ft I. Klink. Ltd.. Kll Arch St., l'lilla.. I'.v.
heh i .
wli ca contains two women veterinary
u'ii' t Prudent Man Setteth
VT; His House vr Order. ' '
thr human tenement should be given
n; .. jore careful attention than the
i,l s:," live in. Set it in order by
Zionu renovating your whole system
"', blood made
pure by taking
h h .SarstparilU
Then every organ
J..u"t promptly and regularly
.. .. r
in ii,
In t'
tU a
I tV
All forms of skin d'sease. snrh lis
Tetter, Sait Rhemn. K zenis. King
worm, etc., qui' kly cured by Tetter
ne t If your druugist hasn't got It,
lend .Vic. In stamns to tho mvniifwe.
torsf. J. 1 . ftnuplliue. naTJliiimii,
.6i, for a liox postpaid. 1 e-tl-f"j
I mimluls of lots of people cured,
I i Itent for the asking.
e, SUt
ennU iTae no other-
n.i... It On. I.uut. ilmt.
wns t o bo liindo.
,f t "36ITUllONSGUflR.rUEEb
i li jw-iuniHUin anil ftiiinn r-ri-iiiu-r v.vir- i
IKIIlil i jm it iiilentu at year from 1 tttijles.
i liLiui IR'S BUSINESS COL'OE. Bsltlmnrs.Mn.
ir Pur yrmmKrmeimaEmBBm'i
Mint -i m
srae:l t " "
oue.4 tfleiNinson as a l!ury;lur.
, wli id $asse has written a paper on
jon'p Rnlallon with Children,"
0 j men' Journal. In It he relatej
el. (of his youthful days, as nar
L'rus" 'hlriself by Stpvenson. He was
u''r'", itlo'.fellow when In the summer
lovi'i after reading a number of
Vl''r I n?ve's ' a )a' kind, he wa3
.J," ona Sunday afternoon along a
well en Edinburgh suburb. There
mpuri j derted house, furnished, but
Ir'ivi'i 4are'oker. It struck young
he'j-n 4iat It would be a flne thing
nirdi ; lnjif the house, which ho ac
joiIu)' I" roamln8 from room to
,ublos ktiig at books and pictures In
tltoment, until he thought he
noise In the garden. Terror
.-iiiii.l '"'J nlm us ne imagined nim-
ttri'iijr-iifred and conveyed to prison
Pri4e'i'b.urch folks were returning
b di; ' f""'81 Into crying, then ninn-
yof-lJ out as he had come in.
1 com;f'J .
l,ub."iJwiio Ever U.hT
it of ii I . ...
id Hi" wonder if It Is hard to
ild, N iject stories?" He "I should
''IMght be. I know it's hard to
lod'g'fcJ'-Somervllle Journal.
is not -
o for i" ' .
i to t Try
;i ordli 1
ts ot 1
omen's ills." and the women who consult Mrs. Pinlcham find
j'T'l h,er counsel practical assistance,
ndesei ts Pinkham's address is Lynn.
i k luminal,
liatriii'i'll's. Maiiel Good, Correctionville.
uouui'i 'tells how Mrs. Pinkham saved
lit r'We. She says:
vid i-e-i 1 cannot thank you enough for
''"'"yjiat your medicine has done forme,
nwiiutiif an recommend t as one of the best
Vhutevipdicjnes on earth for all women's
rfuip i Is 1 suffered for two years with female weakness and at
is wer t;became bedfast. Three of our best doctors did me no
I'l'cou.'iifj so I concluded to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
cts, owpound. After taking a few bottles of your medicine, I was
Ira th!
ietted ,
t i ,i'('JS.i i'"
if j ' r yWift very thankful for what it
ltu nfmS that everv. uffe"ng
f S i Mto VfeP woman may be per
I li -3 V'Vl suaded to try your medicine."
ire alrtl
u head
rely cured. I cannot praise it enough."
tYhat Is the Correct Spelling of tho
At a rrcent meeting of the Clan
Stewart Society In Glasgow, Col. John
Stewart of ArdvolnJlch, who presided,
referring to the different ways of spell
ing the clan name, said that the "dif
ferent ways of spelling the name arose
cither from accidental causes or other
well-defined reasons. The final letter
't' was substituted for the 'd1 of the
original name 'Steward' for tho sake
of euphony. The spelling of the name
Steuart was quite accidental, arising
probably from the Illegibility of the
writing of some member; while the
Knelling of Stuart was caused by Queen
Mary, on her return from Trance, us
ing the French spelling of her name, to
which she had been accustomed, and
many clansmen perpetuated the royal
spelling. But In whatever way they
rpelt their name, they all came from
the original stork. Nor docs this end
the matter, for It may be remembered
by many that the Earl of Galloway re
fused to take part in the collection of
the "Stuart exhibition" In London In
1889, because the committee refused to
spell th name "Stewart," as his lord
ship himself does. He maintained that
this was 'he only correct orthography,
and held alcof from the exhibition
which disregarded this assertion. This,
however, seemed rather high-handed,
especially when wt discover by refer
ence to historical documents that near
ly all the famous people of the fifteenth
and sixteenth centuries spelt their
names In two or three different ways.
In short, there was no "proper. spell
ing," though M;iry Queen of Scots al
ways wrote "Stuart," for the simple
reason that she was educated in France
and the French alphabet had no "w."
Earlier kings of her race spelt their
names "Steward," or "Stewart," or
"Stuart," at the fancy of the moment
when they held the pen. We have near
ly thirty different ways on record of
spelling the surname of Stewart in
English, Gaelic, French. Latin, Italian,
Spanish and Dutch, as follows: Stew
ard, Stewart, Stewartt. Stuart, Stuard,
Steuarde, Steuard, Steuart, Steuert,
Stewort. Steort. Steubhart, Steubhartt,
Stiubhart, Stcvyard, Stlurt, Stowart,
Sturgard, Stuyarde, Styward, Stuardus,
Estuard. Estuarza, Stlvard. Stivardi.
It la contended that "the right etymol
ogy" Is S-dew-ard the Lord High, or
the High Lord that Is, the lord next
to the king In power.
. HIooiIIiouikI at Ilucharvst Ticks l'p
lilt of Evidence.
A certain well-known Inhabitant of
Bucharest Is the director of a manu
factory which, being situated In the
outskirts of the city, he goes to early
each mornlng.returning late In the aft
ernoon. Tho director was some few
years ago married to the daughter of
a rich merchant. He also possesses a
splendid bloodhound. which had become
very clever In finding and bringing an
Jost object of his master or mistress.
Little did the director, when teaching
his dog this trick, fancy to what pur
pose he was doing It. Among his In
timate friends he reckoned a certain
banker, and visiting him one after
noon, accompanied by his dog, he no
ticed It sniff around the waste paper
basket, and then bring out from among
the scraps of paper a green silk hand
kerchief, which seemed strangely fa
miliar to him. He seized It and pock
eted It without the banker noticing,
and soon after took his leave. The
lady was packed off to her parents and
proceedings for a divorce commenced.
She ultimately confessed to having
given the handkerchief ma a memento,
which the banker had thrown into his
waste paper basket to be found by the
intelligent bloodhound.
Some Interesting; Curiosities.
Some Interesting discoveries have
been made in Lough Derg, Ireland. As
a number of men were engaged drag
ging a portion of the lake adjoining
Terryglass for tho remains of a man
.had been drowned, the search party
happened on a lot of peculiarly inter
esting curiosities, amongst them being
the head of an old Irish elk in a fine
state of preservation, with enormous
antlers, the tips of which were eleven
feet apart. Tho teeth are three Inches
long. The other discoveries included
a well-preserved dug-out boat or canoe,
supposed to be of great antiquity. The
articles are attracting much attention
at the Carrlgahorlg barracks.
HE ills of v.'omen overshadow their whole lives.
Some women are constantly getting medical treat
ment and are never well. "A woman best understands
JK-sgSSJJEcOT able to do all my house
;AftiirtF!l,':l nrnrlr T Ijnniv that vnne
S.ft-'-i?! medicine raised me from
bed of sickness and
Get Mrs. Pinkham's advice
as soon as you begin to bo
puzzled. The sick headaches
and dragging sensation come
from a curable cause. Write
for help as Boon as they ap.
Mrs. Dole Stanley,
Campbellsburg, Ind.,
writes: " Dear Mrs.
Pinkham I was troubled
with sick headache and
wai so weak and nervous,
(' I I II could hardly go. A
1 fnend called upon me one
:inz and recommended Lydia E. P.'nkham's Vegetable
f ijipound, saying that she knew that it wo.ild cure me. I then
tor your medicine and after taking five bottles of it, I r?
Sullied! Tlie Chariot of Trlomph tleHe
Ion llepresenls 1,1 f p. Not the Grave
Advlca About Physical Health and a
Prescription For Prolonging Life,
li'ojirrlKlit, Lonli Klop'h, 1SIW.1
W'AsmnoroK, I). C In this discourse
Dr. Tulmage gives proscription for tho
prolongation of life and preaches the gos
pel of iihvsleal h.ialth. The text is l'salins
xel., 1, "With long life will t satlsf,' him."
Through the mistake of Its frlen is relig
ion has been chiefly associated with sick
beds and graveynrds. Tlio whole subject
to many people) Is odorous with chlorlno
and carbolic, acid. There' are people who
cannct pronounce the word religion with
out hearing In it the clipping chisel of the
tomlist'.ne cutter. It Is high lltno that
this thing were changed and that religion,
instead of being represented as n hearse to
'arry out tho dend, should be represented
ns a chariot In which thu IIvIub are to
triumph. I
liellglnii, so f cir from sulitraetlng from
one's vitality. Is a glorlons addition. It Is
snnallve, curative, hygienic. It is good for
the eyes, good for tlm enr, good for the
spleen, good forthe digestion, good for the
nerves, good forthe muscles. When David
in another part of tho psalm prays that re.
Ilglon niny lie dominant, he does not speak
of It ns a mild sickness or an emanclntlon
or nn attHck of moral and splrltunl cramp,
lie speaks of It ns "the saving health of all
nations," while iod lu tho text proinlsus
longevity to the pious, saving, "With long
life will I eiillsty lilin." The fact is that
men and women dio too soon. It Is high
time Unit religion iolund the hand of me. Il
eal science in attempting to Improve human i
longevity. Adam ll ml years. Metliuse- ,
lull lived Mil year". As late in the history 1
of the world as Vespasian there were at !
one time In his empire forty-live people 185
years old. Ho far down as the sixteenth
century Peter .;irtnn died at lH.i years of
age. I do not say that religion will ever
take the race hack to antediluvian longe
vity, hut I do s:iy the length ot life will be
It Is snld In Isaiah, "The child shall die
n hundred years old." Now, If, according
to Scripture, the child is to lie a hundred
years old. may not the men and women
reach to .100 and 4110 and .10Jy The fact Is
that we are mere dwarfs and skeletons
roiupwred with some of the generations
that are to eoine. Take the African race.
They have been under hondago for centur
ies. Olvo them u chance, mid they de
velop a Frederick Douglass rr n Tousnaint
L'lluvortnre. And, If the white race shall
be brought from under the serfdom of sin,
what shall he the hody, what shnll bn the
soul? llollglon has only Just touched our
world. Give it full power for a few cen
turies, and who can tell what will bo the
strength r.f man and the beauty of woman
and the longevity of all?
My leslgn to allow that practical roligion
is the friend of long life. 1 prove It, lirst,
from the fact that It makes thn care of our
health c positive Christian duty. Whether
we shall keep early or late hours, whether
we shall take, food digestible or indigesti
ble, whether there shall be thorough or In
complete niastlcntlon, are questions very
often deferred to the realm ot whimsicality.,
but the Christian man lifts this whole
problem of health Intotlio accountahleand
tho divine, lie says. "God has given me
this body, nnd llu has called It the tcmplu
ot the Holy (Uiost, and to deface Its altnrj,
or mar Its walls, or crumble its pillars, is a
(lod defying sacrilege." Ho sous God's,
caligraphy lu every page, anatomical
mid physiological. He says, "God bus
given mn n wonderful body for
noble purposes ' that arm with thlrtytwo
curious bones wielded by forty-six curious
muscles liud all under the brain's teleg-!
rnpby, :1," pnuuds ot blood rushing through'
the heart every hour, the heart In twenty
four hours beating 100,000 times, during
the twenty-four hours tin) lungs taking in
llfty-sevou hogshead of air, and all this
mechanism not more mighty than delicate
mid easily disturbed ana demolished. The!
Christian innn says to himself. "If I hurt
my nerves, If I hurt my brain, if I hurt:
any ot my physical faculties, I insult God
nnd call' for dlro retribution." Why did'
God to. I the Levites not to offer to Him 111'
sacrillce nniinals imperfect and diseased?
He meant to tell us in all thu ages that we
lire to offer to flod our very best physical
condition, and a man who through Irregu
lar or gluttonous eating ruins his health Is
not offering to God such a sacrillce. Why;
did 1'kuI write for his cloak at Trons? Why
should such a great mau as Paul be nox
ious about a thing so InHignlllcnut us an.
overcoat? It was because be knew that
with pneumonia and rheumatism be would'
not be worth bait as much to Gid ami the
church as with retplralloii easy aud foot
An intelligent Christian mau would con-'
aider It an absurdity to kneel down at night
aud pray nnd ask God's protection while'
nt the same lime be kept the windows of
bis kedroom tight shut against fresh air.
He would just as soon think of going out
on the bridge between New York and
Brooklyn, leaping oft mid then praying to
(lod to keep bin) from getting hurt. Just,
as long ns you refer tills whole subject of
physical health to the realm of whimsical
ity or to the pastry cook or to tho butcher
or to the baker or to the apothecary or to
tbu clothier you arc. not acting liko n
Christian. Take earn af all your physical
forces nervous, muscular, "bone, brain,
cellular tissue for all you must be brought
to judgment. Hmokiug your nervous sys
tem into lldgets, burning out the coating
of your stomach with wine logwuoded and
stryobniued, walking with thin shoes to'
make your feet look delicate, pinched at:
the waist until you are nigh cut In two:
and neither part worth anything, groaning
about sick headache aud palpitation of tha
heart, which you think cmno from God,
wliau they came from your own folly!
What right has nuy man or woman lo de
Ince the tomple of the Holy Ghost? What'
Is tho ear? It Is the whispering gallery of!
the soul. What Is the eye? It Is the ob
servatory God constructed, its telescope
sweeping the heavens. What Is the hand?
Au Instrument so wonderful that, when
the Earl of Drldgowater bequeathed lu his
will f 10,000 for treatises to be written on
the wisdom, power and goodness of God,
Sir Charles Hell, the great' li
anatomist and surgeon, found Ills grea., "
i lustration lu the construction ot the
human hand, devoting his whole book to
that subject. So wonderful are these
bodies that God names His own attributes,
after different parts ot them. His otnnls
clence It Is God's eye; His omul-i
presence It is God's ear; His omnipotence
It is God's arm; the upholstery of the
Inldr.lglit beaveus It is the work ot God's
lingers; bis life-giving power It is the
breath of the Almighty; his dominion
"the government shall be upon his shoul
der." ,
A body so divinely honored nnd so di
vinely constructed, let us be careful not to
abuse It. When It becomes it Christum
duty to take care of our health. Is not the
whole tendency toward longevity? If I,
toss my watch about recklessly aud drop It'
cm the pnvemeut and wlrd It up any time
of day or night I happen to think ot it and.
often let it run down, while you are care
ful with your watch aud never abuse it and'
wind it up just nt the same hour every;
night aud put it lu a place where it will,
not suffer from the violent changes of at
mosphere, which wutoh will lust thu longer?
Common sense answers. Now, the human,
body Is God's watch. You see the hands:
of the watch, you see the face of the watch;!
but the beating of the heart Is the ticking!
of the watch, lie careful and do not let it1
run down.
Again, I remark that practical religion
Is a friend of longevity in the fact that It'
is a protest against dissipations, which ia
jure and destroy the health, liad men and
women live a very short life. Their sins!
kill them. I know tiuudreds of good old'
men, but I do not know bait a dozen bad
old men. Why? Tlioy do not get old.
lord Byron died nt Ulssolonghi at 3ti years
of age, "himself bis own Mimeppa, his un
bridled passions the horse that dashed
with him Into the desert. Edgar A. Pod
died nt Baltimore at as years of age. Tnu
black raven that alighted on tho bust
above bis door was delirium tremens
Only this and nothing more.
Napoleon Bonaparte Hvel oDly just nc
voud midlife, then died at St. Helena, aud
one of his doctors said that his disease was
Induced by excessive suufnng. The hero
of Austerlltz, the man who by one step of
his toot In the center of Europe shook the
earth, killed by a snuff boxl How many
people we have known who have not lived
out half their days because of their dlsspa
tloua anil Indulgences! Now, practical
religion is it protest ugalust all dissipa
tions of any kino.
"Hut," you sny, "professors of religion
have fallen, professors ot religion have got
drunk, professors of religion have misap-
firoprlated trust funds, professors o! reiig
on have absconded. " Yes, but they
threw away their religion before they did
their morality. If a man on n White Star
line steamer, bound for Liverpool, in mid
Atlantic jumps overboard nnd Is drowned,
Is that anything ngalnst the White Star
line's capacity to take the man across the
ocean? And if a man jumps over tho guo
wale of his religion and goes down never
to rise, Is that any reason for your believ
ing that religion hns no capacity to take
the man clear through? Iu the one case,
If he hail kept to the steamer, his body
would bave been saved: In the other case.
If ho bad kept to his religion, bis morals
would have been saved.
There are nged people who would hnvo
been dend twenlyflve years ago but for
tho defenses and the equipoise of religion.
You have no more natural resistance thai:
hundreds of people who lie in the oemo
terles, to-day slain by their own vices. The
doctors made their case ns kind and
pleasant as they could, ami it was calle I
congestion of the brain or something else,
but the snakes and the blue flies thai:
seemed to crawl over the pillow In the sight
of the delirious patient showed what was
the matter with hint. You, the age I
Christian man, walke I along by that un
happy one until you caino to thu golden
pillar or a Christum life. You went to tho
right; he wont to the left. That Is all tint
difference betweou you. If this religion Is
a protest against all forms of dissipation,
then it Is an Illustrious friend of lougevitv.
With long life will I satisfy him."
Again, religion Is n friend of longevity
in the fact that It tnkM thu worrv out of
our temporalities. It Is not work that kills
men; It Is worry. When a man become n
genuine Christum, he in n lies over to Go t
not only bis affections, but his family, his
business, his reputation, bis body, his iiilud,
ills soul, everything. Industrious lie will
be, but never worrying, because God Is
managing his alfalr.-. How can be worry
about business when In answer to his pray
ers God tells III n when to buy and when t
sell? And It he gnlu, that Is best, aud If ho
lose, that Is
Suppose you bad a supernatural neigh
bor who came In and said: "Sir, I want
you to call on mo In every exigency. I am
your fast frieud. I uould fall back on 420.
000,000. I call foresee u panic ten year... 1
hold the controlling stock in thirty of tho
best monetary Institutions of New York.
Whenever you are in trouble call on me,
ami I will help you. You can have my
money, and you can have my Influence.
Here Is my bund lu pledge for It." How
much would you worry about business.'
Why, you would say, "I'll do the best i
can, and then I'll depend on my friend's
generosity for the rest."
Now. more than that Is promised to every
Christian business man. God says to htni:
"I own New Yorit mid London and St.
Petersburg and l'ekln. and Australia ami
California are mint. 1 can foresee a panic
a hundred years. I have all the resources
of the universe, ani I am your fast friend.
When vou get In business trouble or tiny
other trouble, call on Me, and I will help.
Here Is My hand in pledge of omnipotent
dell V( ranee. How much should that mau
worry? Not much. What lion will dare to
put his paw on that Daniel? Is there not
rest lu tills? Is there not an eternal vaca
tion lu this? "Oh," you say, "hero Is a man
who asked God lorn blessing In a certain
enterprise, and he lost tWOO lu It! Explain
1 will. Yonder Is a factory, and one
wheel Is going north, aud the other wheel
is going south, and one wheel plays
laterally and tho other plays vertically.
I go to the manufacturer and I say: "(I
manufacturer, your machinery Is a con
tradiction! Why do you not make all the
wheels go one way?" " Well," he says, "I
made them to go in opposite directions on
purpose, aud they produce the right re
sult. You go down stairs and examine
the carpets we aro turning cut iu this
establishment nnd you will see." I go
down on the other floor, aud 1 sou tip)
carpets, nnd I am obliged to oonfesi that,
though the wheels In that factory go In
opposite directions, they turnout a beauti
ful result, and will lo I am standing ther
.looking at the exquisite fabric an old
Scripture passage comes luto my mind,
"All things work together for good to
them who love God," Is there not a tonl :
lu that? Is there not longevity lu that?
. Nupposo a man Is all the timo worried
about his reputation? One mini says ho
lies, another man says he is stupid, an
other says he Is dishonest, and half a dozen
printing establishments attack him, aud he
is in a great state of excitement aud worry
mid fume and cannot sleep, but religion
comes to him and says: ".Man, God is on
your side. , Ho will take enroot your repu
tation. If God be for you, who can be
against you?" How much should that man
worry about his reputation? Not much.
It that broker wbosoinu yearn ago lu Wall
stroet, after bo ha l lojt money, sat down
and wrote a farewell letter to his wife be
fore lie blow bis brains out If, instead of
taking out of bis pocket a pistol, he had
taken nut a well read New Testament,
there would have been one lu-s suicide,
O nervous and feverish people of tho
world, try this almighty sedative! You will
live twenty-live years longer under its
soothing power. It Is not chloral that you
want or morphine that you want. It Is the
gospel of Jesus Christ. "With long life
will I satisfy him."
Again, practical religion is a friend of
longevity in the fact that it removes a II cor
roding care about n future existence.
Every man wants to know what Is to be.
Before I had this matter settled with refer
ence to my futuro existence the question
almost worried me luto ruined health. The
anxieties men have upon this subject put
together would make n martyrdom. This
is n state of awful iinhealthiness. There
are people who fret themselves to deatli
for fear of dying. I waut to take the
strain off youc nerves mid thu de
pression, oil your soul, and I mako
two or three experiments. Experi
ment first: Whon you go out of this
world, it does not make any dlffereneo
whether you have been good or bad,
whether you believed truth or error, you
will go straight to glory, "Impossihe,"
vou say, 'My common sense as well as
my religion teaches that the bad mid the
good cannot live together forever. Yon
Kive mo no .'omfort In that experiment."
Experiment the second: When you leave
this world, you will go Into nu Intermediate
state, where you can get converted and
prepared for heaven. "Impossible,'' you
say. "As the tree fnlieth, so must It
lie, und I ci.Unot postpone to an inter
mediate state reformation which ought
to have been effected lu this slate," Experi
ment the thlrdi There is no futuro world.
When a man die, that Is the last of htm.
Do not worry about what vou urn to do la
another stale ot being. You will not do
anything. "Impossible," you bsv. "There,
is something that tells ino that death is not
the appendix, but the preface lo life.
There is something that tells mo that on
this side of the grave 1 only get started
nnd that I shall go an forevor. My power
to think says 'forever;' my affections say
'forever;' my capacity to enjoy or suffer,
'forever,' "
Anrnlnle of Hubert Hums.
Robert Burns was once standing up
on tho quay at Greenock when a weal
thy merchant belonging to that town
had the misfortune to fall In the har
bor. A eallor plunged in, and, at the
rink of his own life, rescued tho mer
chant, who could not swim. When
tho rescued man was restored to con
sciousness it was found that the flight
and the wetting were the only bad con
sequences of his mlEhap. Calling for
the sailor, hl preserver, the merchant,
presented hlra with his thanks and a
shilling. The crowd loudly protested
against Btich shabby conduct, but
Hums, with a scornful Bmllo, beggod
them to be silnt, "for, said he, "the
gentleman must know best what his
life Is worUi."
fthakespeore's I.Atulis.
Shakespeare, among his many allu
sions to the sweetness, the Innocence,
and the helplessness of the lamb, only
once cites it as an article ot food.
The common run of literature Is
stenciled, not written.
Christ changes the city by changing
ie cititen.
Latest News Gleaned from
Various Parts.
LoroinotlT Crushed Into Jlr of it
Freight Train Near Mlngrn l'nprr
flsnled Vlelil of Apples In Montgomery
County riainot Dsmsga Bird anil Ani
mal Store In Scrsnton.
A collision on the Philadelphia A ll-adlng
Ilallroad near Biugen resulted In the death
of A. E. Townsend, a well-known condiio
tor In the pusneuger service. Mr. Tonsend
and other members of a crew that brought
up an excursion train, were returning to
Philadelphia on Engine No. 073. The en
gine was going at good spm d when It cinshrd
Into the rear of a freight train; Conductor
Townsend Jumped before the collision. His
head (truck a rail with uch force that his
skull was fractured. He was taken to St,
Luke's Hospital at Bethlehem and died at
1 o'clock without regaining consciousness,
The uufortunate man's wife nrilved at the
hospital I few mlnutrs after his death. She
Was completely prostrated. When taking a
train for Philadelphia at the Union Station.
be wa still sull-rlng fro::, the shock and
had to be carried lo the train. Townsend
llvvd at New Hope, Bm-ks county. He whs
S3 yean old, and besides bis wife, Is ur
Tivcd ly three children.
Clreat Apple Crop.
Throughout Montgomery county the cr"p
ot apples Is big beyond precedent. Iu
ninny orchards limbs of trees are breaking
down under the weight of the fruit. Tuu
enormous yield of apples has made them a
drug on the market. In many orchards the
fruit Is allowed to decay where It lulls, ns
the low piles do not wurrant the time and
trouble of marketing It. Mure elder will te
made the present season thau lor rnnny
years, and lovers of cider vinegar will have
no trouble iu oblaluiug it at rei sonable
price. At one elder mill near Nnrrletown
ll.i 00 gnlloi s of cider for vinegar was li e
product forthe month of August, and that
of September and October will be considera
bly greater. Tlluro is a noticeable teudein y
toward rot on the growlug apples, and It Is
feared thut this may prevent them Irom
being kept through tuu winter. The peach
crop, as elsewhere, bus been a failure.
Mushrooms nru very scarce aud In places
wberu they abounded In previous years they
are not to be seen this season, as the dry
weather has operated agalmt their nutural
f lie Tramps All llnil Cash.
A posse of citizens In Lower Salford Town
ship corralled n gnug of tramps, encamped
alout a log lire, lu the wooiU near Harl. yh
vllle. Eight trumps were captured, nnd
three or lour eluded arrest. Magistrate
Aldorfer committed the men lo Nurrlstonn
jail for trial on the chnrge of vagrancy.
Whon searched at the prison about llfly
pcuudsof "lino rut" tubncoo were found lu
their pockets. One tramp bad H8 In money,
and another bud 443. Four other trunks
bad various rums, ranging from t3 lo 15
hidden In their clothing. (July two of thttu
were without cash.
fseril Death In Air tight Closer.
Archie Pulllli s entered an iiir-tight Bell
telephone c In n rear room of thu Lynd
l.utst Hotel, Sliamokiu, tn repair the Instru
meut, when the spring-look door ac cident
ally closed, making the young mau a pris
oner. He grew faint, but hud strength
enough to ask for help from the cei.trnl
nfllii", after 'Which he collapsed. Manager
It iup lust no time lu reaching the hotel and
opetilug the closet. Phillips ws carried In
to the open air and revived.
Machinist llnrlsd Through Spnce.
While Marshall Chandler, a machinist em
ployed lu the Sharpless Separator Works,
West Chester, was operating n lathe his
clothing was caught In a large belting and
be was burled Willi terrllla force against the
root of the building. Ills skull Is supposed
lo be fractured and he is i tnerwite I ndly In
jured. He was taken to the Chester County
Monkeys In a Fire.
Vox's bird and animal store, on Spruce
street, Scriintou, was the scene uf an excit
ing Are. The llremen broke la before tbu
flumes bad filled the storeroom and released
some of the animals. Badly scared dots
and monkeys ran, eras d with pain, through
the orowd of spectators, causing much con
Mentation. Iluudr diof birds and animals
Were destroyed.
Iron Ore Mints Opsned.
A Philadelphia mining company lias leased
the (arm of It u ben J. Erb, ut Sassamnus
vllle, for the purpose of mining for Iron ore.
Operations have already beeu commenced
lu nn nbaudoued shaft which was sunk
twenty years ago. A i excellent quality of
ore ban been secured.
Killed While Trying lo Hoard Train.
Edward Boyle, agsd 14 years, of AHec
town, while at. emptlug lo get oil a moving
coal train At Fullertpn, fell beneath the
wheels nnd bad his head nnd legs cut off
and bis shoulders orushed. The accldeU
wus witnessed by several people.
Will Not Kxhlbit at Paris.
The Harrlsburg Foundry nnd Machine
Works has joined hands with the many other
mauu'aeturers la this and other couulrl. t
I y Its determination not to exhibit at the
Paris Exposition lu 1900, ns a result of the
unjust cundemualiuu of Captain Ilreyfus ly
the Benuot court maitlal.
Mangled Itmly on Tracks.
The remains of a man mangled beyond
recognition were found on the tracks of the
Ueadlug ltailwsy a short disunion below
Qdiikertown. They are believed to be those
uf Washington itoberts. Several traius bad
evidently run over the body.
Deaf Man Mat Dsalh as Anticipated.
John Taylor, nged C8 years, was killed by
an Erie freight englue nt Hharuii, He wus
deaf aud often remarked that some day be
would meet bis death on the railroad. His
iwlto and four oulldren survive.
In liner.
N. If. Palmer, a book Tnt of Illnghnm.
ton was sent to jail 'iy Alderman David,
son, iu default of f3PJ ball, charged 1 h
'fraud by W. N. ltosj, of Bursi ton, iu eon.
nsctlon with to-; sale ot the righ: to sell cer.
tn.1 u books
; .Tube Ohley, of Phoenlxvllle, w lo was ar.
rested In Potutown, charged by Vary Fill
man With taking ber poekotbnok ly repre
senting himself as a polluninan, wu sent to
Jail by Magistrals Bnlr, lu defuult of bull,
'for trial at court.
Prospectors bave been looking for bitu
minous ooal uear North l)"ud, and several
five-foot veins bave beeu located, Boms of
the finest tire clay in the Btats has also bs-n
found. Eastern capitalists are Interested, It
Is stated, and bavs leased 6000 acres of laud
Id that vicinity.
Rnr. Jsni's 0, CsldwMl wss killed In
runaway accident ia Ocrmsotowu, ossr
l:i fifteen minutes, with only a ciUe uf Ivory Sonp and water,
you can make a Ivtter cle.m-in paste than 5-011 can buv.
Ivory Soap Paste will spots from clothing; and will clean
carpet:-, nis, kid gloves, .-lippt-rs, patent, nianu-l, rnset U-athcr and
canvas shoes, leather Kits, painted wood-work and furniture. The
special value of Ivory Soap in this form arists from the fact that it
can be used w ith a d.'.iup sponge or cloth to cleanse many articles
that cannot be washed because they will not stand the tree applica
ti m of w ater.
lon...,.!'J,?';9r N? ',0'' MI'IN';-T" "ne rlnt of N.lllrp oalrr nJJ ore and nne-hslf miners
th innif il I .J ! "'ip i
.Iissoeej, Kcir.nve from the lire anj
In an air-tight i;:a;s jar.
coevsoHT taea av )mi
New York Man Oat lib) Kawmrd for
Staking a Klondike Ailventarer.
From tho New York Pre-s: If ever
a man cast hla bread upon the waters,
not even expecting It to return to him.
It was John V. Heilly, the proprietor of
the Hon Ton niiiBlc hall. Reilly "grub
staked" a man who worked for hlra to
go to the Klondike Inst spring und
today he is richer by $15,000. Arnold
McPherson. a relative of Senator Mc
I'herson of New Jeiiiey, was the man
be assisted. .MrPherson died in I)iw
fon City several mouths ago, leaving
nil his earnings to his benefactor.
Reilly heard of his good fortune only
recently. McPherson was a ne'er do
well, who loafed around the barrooms
In Klghth avenue. In the early part
of 1898 ItelKy took pity on him and put
him to work. MrPherson did odd Jnos,
receiving In return his board, clothing
nnd a little spending money. Mr Pher
Btin had the Klondike fever badly. Pay
and night he importuned his employer
to fit him out for an expedition. Pin
ally Reilly consented. He "grub stak
ed" McPherson with clothing, tools
and fooikand then bought him a ticket
to Dawson City. McPherson started
away, vowing eternal gratitude, and
that was the laBt Heilly saw of him.
Months rolled by and Reilly thought
iMcPherson was dead. In his morning
mall a few days ago Reilly found a
letter bearing the postmark of Dawson
City. "News from McPherson r.t
last," said Reilly. And truly there wa-i
news of a kind that made Reilly's
eyes bulge out. The letter was from
P. J. Conway, a Dawson City lawyer.
It said that McPherson had died theie
in last May. Before he died he made
a will leaving all his earnings to his
benefactor. The amount was about
$15,000. McPherson. Mr. Conway euld,
had located on several good claims 011
the Ynkon, whlrh had panned out un
usually well. McPherson saved $15,001
and when l e became ill he thought of
Heilly and left the money to him.
Reilly's attorney will communicate
with the Dawaon City lawyer as to
obtaining the money, as well as pos
session of the clalnid left by McPherson
on the Yukon.
Spearing is It It "Hobs.'
Did you ever take a cork, stlrk
through It a horseshoe nail, put on the
top of the cork two or three feathers,
tie a long string around the cork und
then spear for apples or potatoes? Just
try It some time, and see how pro
ficiently and how straight you can
learn to throw the bob in a rhort time.
The cork keeps the horseshoe nail iu
without slipping and the feathers servo
to guide the bob through the air.
In this world a man must either bt
anvil or hammer. Longfellow
Does vour head ache? Pain back of
youreyes? Bad taste in your mouth?
It's your liverl Ayer's Pills re
liver pills. They cure constipation,
headache, dyspepsia, and all liver
complaints. 25c. Alljiruggists
Want your nitiiutiii-he or liuuril buuuUtul
liriiwn iir l l'-h black ? Then line
I bave brcn ualnir CAiCABITI indai
a mild mitl etlWtivc Innmlvu tluy tviu t-hui)y wmi-i.Hrfiil-
My tluuKhitir and I wtr Itutlu-nxi lth
W-k HLomui'ti und our tiivitth with wry tmil. AIUT
tukmpT a low linnet uf I'iui htu v t.uvv ImprtiveU
WuuUuifultjr. Tiicy are a ureal bul tu lUa family."
W II.UKI M1N a Na' Ki
ll ,17 ItUutuUuuM) HI., Ctuc.uuatl, Oblo.
Pleanant. Pnlatuhin Poirnt. Taato Oonrl. !o
Good, Nel Slcikeu. W oaken or (Jrliw. lUc. me. 0O0.
Surilmg Rfatay 1'naaar, (. MMlrat, X.w Varft, alt
Iff) Tft Bf IM'lauil suaral trrd lr slldrus-
if lk Jy CATHARTIC 4
"S vnadi mash Muavnca0
tool In rnnvenient SUhe Innl ,1,0 I, will bun u.11
ill nun MMHtifs. hoil live minutes slier the uup Is
esocus a oambli co Cincinnati
Tin' rich uf the world's cunlnclds Is 471.81)0
tiiuiire mile,,.
Tn Cnia Cuitatlimtlon Forever.
Tnlic t'.iNru.ittM t'uiiiiv ('Htimrlic luo ort&o,
U C. C. I', (nil 10 1 iiv. lriii!Ki8U refund money.
Tin' inrn uf I'iilcHKu MK-ud t V'OO.OOO s year
fiif hllHX t'h.
IMmiV Cure fur ('unMiiitiitluti Is an A No. 1
AkMiiiih im l I i I ii... V. H. Williams, Autl
in li. 111., April II, 1WH.
More th.m 4.CCO persons Are Annually burled
In t lis psiiperi.' cemetery in Ilerliu.
No To-Bao fur Slfty Cents.
Gusrnnieed tobacco habit eure, makes weak
toen strouii, blood pure. 100,11. AUdrura'sie
Tin rc 1k aii Irelsnilin mperntltlon thntaru
bitli xtriiun lienple sre l orn to ituod luck.
M r. vinlnwV Snnthttitr Syrupfor r.lilMrsrt
li vtlii up1, tul ten t!ietfu!im,reiurinir iiittninniA
tii. 11, h!1u t. pnlii, unci, n mil uoilu, Jm. a uottle.
The sri'Hti'Kt cuHtiuners the lYui'lft rtlntlllors
have lire the .Ispnncfce.
Educate Vour Bowels With Casearets.
Candy Catharttu, cure constipation forever.
10c, ISo. If a 0. 0. fall, drug-iOsis refund money.
A French MVicty of ctisrlticA la seeking to a tree delivery In Morocco.
Kidneys, Liver
and Bowels
Cleanses the vstem
fOB Mi. nu rwia' aswr an. etattnill.
1 uxiOjxnjTJTjajxixrLn
5n flip h
a sa a, saw
In rtiiUltiK rftpntaHon t or fonrac
laiiiuiisiil tu Will UIVIU
Kansas In tho Cornfields,
Wtatflkta anil orrhirda haa a)ra1r
iiiartft m rnuta(lon for nitauMc yitldt
lhai ike -.( 1
rM.l. 1 ad and aalt lutnoo furulali ba-ii
icr uiduairiaj aavaiopmaul.
Uetul fur frea copy uf
"What's tha Mattar
With I ' .. .... ,.
aiwnt lio iivskra' xuur.ion tickets
i. oanis ra itoms.
Add eaa
U. F. Bl ItNETT. Q. E. P. A.t..
Tits Atcblios, Topokt Santa Fs Railway,
$3 & $3.50 SHOES ""'O"
Worth 4 to S compared Kith
other makes.
Indorsed by over
1.00O.OU0 weurers.
Tint utaiuni .... W. i. !
aaaia anS yrlaa aUaavS .. Sanaa.
Take no aubatltute clulinail
to lm as good. I'.urxeatUh.ker
tit ts and sa w alioea tn thu
world. Your dealer atmulil kevp
thein tf out, w will aeiid yim
Almlroii rucaltituf nrli-e. stale
. . a
klud of leather, alaa aud widih. pialu or cap toe.
atalogue U Free.
W. L. finiini as SHIIR CO., BrorMce. .
If amtoiM with
eoe eyas, use
I Thompson' Eya Watir
UN Ullt
Sir ili
Acts gentiv on the
lyt Daat l i,uiill fcrup. Ts.tua (lood. TJee I i
Cl. Inllme. hf driiUKtal. ill