FULTON COUNTY NEWS. B. W. Peck, Editor. McCONNELLSBURG, PA. .Thursday Sept'k 23, 1899. Published Weekly. 1.00 per Annum in Advance. Prompt attention will be given to applications for ad vertising rates. Job Printing of every des cription executed with prompt ness, in a workmanlike manner and at consistent prices. EXPANSION. Met a fi-llor t'other inornin' Most amiisln' Hort of cuss; Uuil a ciw'u.s Htylo about him, CWt'nly couldn't well be wiihs Ishvb: "Where you luiil fin, jmrducry" An' he mulled in a knowiu' wuy, An' replied In foreign lin-jo: "1'orto Klco, U. H. A." Keen u feller down on Hrondwny, With a shoekln' lieud of hair, An' a lot of tropic Knrments, An' a moHt outlandish uir, "Whur's ho filling" a feller shouted; An' lieforu we'd time to nay This jcro huuthen turned an' ann'r'd: "Iloneyluler, L. S. A." Met a feller here on Olive, With a nomber-e-ro on; Had a lot of tdinfjy whiskers, Nearly all his clothes wuy. pone. Stopped an' ast me fur a qua'ter; Hays: "My home is fur away.'' "Whuryou from?" The varmint ans'r'd "Santiiitfo. u. S. A." Seen a feller at the Southern, With a heavy iron box. Overcoat was lined with bearskin; Woro a dozen pair of sox, Sized him up to lie er miner, Judfjln' by his awkward way; Seen him write in bi(,r char-ac-tcrm "Circle City, U. S. A.". Seen a saddle-colored he allien, Weariu' earrings in his nose; Linen culT 'round his ankles, Most indecent lack o' clothes. "Where'd this heathen spring from?" I inquired in lofty way; An' ho had the. nervo to answer: "From Manila, IT. S. A." "Hully Gee!'' says I. I never heard 0' These here cannibals liefore." Air these heathens yere all voters? Will wo stan' fur nny more? Nex' you ask a fellor Whur ho'u frum, an' he'll say, With a lordly kind o' nourish: "All creation, U. S. A." DISCOVERY IN GLASS MAKING. HOW HEEF IS DIVIDED. Beef cattle sell for about 19 to ?r0 a bond on the ranges ia tho Went ami Southwest, says tho Chicago Record. These cattle weigh perhaps 1,000 pounds, aud iiro soiling for T.-0 a hundred at tho Chicago stockyards, which would amount to l4 a head. Dressed carcasses are sold for nine cents a xuud to tho whole sale butchers, and they divide the carcass into its several parts and sell it to the retailors. For some portions of the carcass there is almost no sale, while of the choicest portions there is not enough to supply the, demand. Consequently tho less desirable tortious are sold at such prices as will attract buyers, and for the choice portions enough more must be charged to make up the deficiency. Wholesale butchers figure that a beef carcass weigh ing 800 pounds and cut up will cost them about us the following figures indicate: Fnrciiimrtcpt IlOllNl 1'liite Shuiilc L'hnek IllnililimrteiK Hump t id round. l.ula Suet Klunk Shuul; I'mimta. ,..' ,.. . . . -J4 .ISO .110 . . Hi Per pound. I'l'v'fnls. !lS:ents. it cents, fiocuts. 0 cents. l'S'-tci-utx. 4 cent. 3 cents. Sljccuts. A POPULAR MISTAKE. I lie Idea 'Unit Professional Have an l'asy Time. Men Charles McBeth, the big lamp chimney manufacturer at Ander son, Ind., has patented a new and decidedly novel process which will probably revolutionize glass making. Heretofore tho .greatest troublo in glass manu facture lay in tho melting of tho sand. It has taken a great deal of timo and requires tho bost fuel supply, naturul gas being best adapted. While passing through his plant recently McBeth saw a globe on, an arc light break and a ;piece of .tho glass fall over on tho carbon. It was but a second un til it was red need to liquid and dripped A tho ground. This ,av.eihim his. cue and ho directed tho construction of a big vat with sides and bottom composed of carbons, over viiich he could turn a lateral and lougitudiual current. An arrangement was made to run tho sand through this vat. It worked periectly and tho very bet molten glass ii now boiug turned out in almost as many seconds as it required hours for tho old fuels to melt it. The vat was itatented and is now being used. It is so arranged that it can bo adapted for every kind of glass making, from plato to bottles. This, in connection with tho automatic blowing ma chinery which is being turned cut, is certain to havo a very groat effect on glass naking. The cost of molting by this process is not as great as by using coal or oil, though It may bo more ex pensive than tho uso of natural gas. At present it takes 1- hours to melt a pot of glass sand. The Cambria steel company's pay-day at Johnstown Saturday, was H)0,00(), probably tho larg est in tho history of tho groat on t jrpriso. But thero wero other big paydays at Johnstown also on that day, includiug tho John son company and tho score of r; mailer industries iu tho city, which brought the amount paid to workingmou and others to over iic!;.G,(XX). If tho air of a house room or cellar is damp it may bo thor oughly dried by placing in it a pock of fresh lime in an open box A pock will absorb about seven pounds of water, equal to more than throe quarts, These prices are the sellingprice of the wholesaler, with the excep tion of tho roast and loin prices. To these must be added whatever is to be realized as profits. In some cast's the prices of tho in ferior portions may vary from trices quoted. In this respect conditions in Chicago are widely different from what they are elsewhere. In oth er cities the spread of prices be tween tho lowest and highest is much loss. Iu London "chuck rib" is sold at about 10 cents a pound and loin at 2- cents. In New York prices ar.e much the same as in Loudon, This pecu liarity of Chicago seems to be duo to tho fact that tho people have got into the habit of demanding sirloin aud porterhouse steaks and rib roasts, and look with dis favor on the chuck and round steaks. There is a feeling of hes itancy in offering a guest steak of the latter. kind. In none but tho poorer class of restaurants is round steak to bo had at any price. This is neither economy nor correct dietetics, for the fore- quarters, embracing the chuck portion, are more nutritious and better food than any other part of tho beef. Of the hind quarters the round is the best for food. Dealers in meats in Chi cago havo made attempts to in crease the consumption of the parts other than the loin aud rib portions, but havo made little pro gross. The prevailing high price of loins and ribs should teach tho people tho value of rounds and chucks. Tnus the high price may prove ultimately a real benefit. ON People who work with their I hands, especially farmers, are i apt to think that professional j men have an easy time of it," said j a lawyer of this oily. "It's an' amusing mistake. The fanner stops at sundown, and the labor er works ton hours at the out side. The average professional man works from 12 to I t hours day in aud day out, all the year around. Ofteu, at a pinch, he will work from 10 to 20 hours for sev eral days iu succession, and he will work when he is sick or suf fering severe physical paiu, something the manual toiler wouldn't dream of. Of course he takes short intervals of rest, like everybody else. The human en gine isn't capable of absolutely sustained endeavor for over an hour at a stretch. "Watch a day laborer, who seems to be plodding along like a machine, aud you'll find that he really rests more than half tho time. He looks at some well dressed doctor, lawyer, broker or man of affairs and says' to him self : 'Oh, you doggoned lazy ras cal! If you only had to work like me!' The truth is that the chap ho envies is t putting an amount of concentration and con tinued energy into hi:i daily toil that would kill the man who works with his hands alone in less than a week. "I don't mean this as any re flection on the laborer, who is al so no doubt doing his level best. I simply mean that the demands on brain production are a third again as severe as the demands on muscloproduction. For sheer staying qualities there is nothing iu the world that equals the. ner vous, high strung, frail looking modern professional man." New Orleans Times-Democrat. HOW COMMISSIONERS CAN COLLECT SOME TAXES. A. BOY'S COMPOSITION WATER. Water is found everywhere, es pecialiy when it rains, us it did tho other day, when our collar was half-full. Jane had to wear her father s rubber boots to get the onions for dinner. Onions maice your eyes water, ami so does horse reddish, when you oat too much. There is a good many kinds of water iu tho world; rain water, soda-water, holy water and brine. Water is used for a good many things. Sailors uso it to go to sea ou. Water is a good thing to tiro at boys with a squirt, and to catch fishes in. My father caught a big one tho other day, and when ho pulled it out it was an eel. Nobody could bo saved from drowning if thero wasn't any water to pull them out of. Water is first rate to put fires out with. I love to go to tho fire, and see the men work at tho engines. This is all I can think of about water except the flood. An act passed April 28, 1890, reads as follows: 'That no person who shall owe any county or State taxes shall be entitled to receive from the county to whom it owes such taxes after the same becom es payable, any moneys whatso ever for witness fees, mileage or other fees or claims of whatever nature, or any other compensa tion, (jurors' fees and jurors' mile age excepted,) until such taxes are fully paid and satisfied, and that such taxes when due and payable, shall be taken and deem ed as a legitimate set olf to any claim or claims duo any person for moneys due them for fees, mileage or other claims from tho county in which said taxes are levied, notwithstanding tho com missioners shall have exonerated tho tax collector having charge of tho collection of tho same. This act shall apply ,to foes now claimed and Luxes now due and remaining unpaid, as well as fees hereafter to become due. This act is especially interest ing to the taxpayers, as it will al low the commissioners to collect larere sums which are duo tho county and could not bo recover ed any other way. It will also put a stop to a certain class of peonlo who have been drawing regularly from tho county treas ury largo sums of money as costs when they owed the county doub lo as much. Perhaps it is because tho farmer cannot afford to take a newspaper to learn tho artful dodges in this wicked world, and hence he is easily persuaded by a glib-tonguod individual to sign an order for a five-dollar live-octavo food-cutter or corn-shellor, a sevon-dollar self-operating washing-machine, or in consider ation of tho receipt of five dollars to act as agent for no mo new fangled farming implement or fence, and subsequently learns that ho has put his name to a promissory note for tthuudredor several hundred dollars, ami is obliged to fork over tho cash, no matter how much protesting. Too much economy txmtetimoii j makes a fanner poor. Tho Altooua Times says: In ex cavating for second and third tracks in tho paleozoic folds bo tween Altooua and Johnstown, the workmen made curious dis coveries. Fossilized fishes, ilants, tree trunks and saurians, in most instances in a silicilied condition, were blasted out of tho rock and carelessly dumped into ravines. Tho laborers thought that tho casts of carboniferous tree trunks wero tho remains of ancient ser pents, aud that tho fish and rep tiles were merely freaks of ua turn In some instances the fore men and the contractors or a few thoughtful spectators preserved tho relics, and many local mu seums havo been enriched by tho finds. The excavations rouge in location from the upper silurian to tho devonian and carbonifer ous strata, aud tho fossils are all typical specimens of tho forma tions in which they wero discov ered. Duld Hams und Breakfast Ba con at 0. ( . BeirlvM-'ii. TlIK distress iu Porto Rico is increasing rather than diminish ing. The fruit which sustained life on some parts of the island for a time after the destructive hurricane has given out, and tho people are now dependent on out side help and will continue to be in that condition until the new crop matures. That will not be for three mouths yet. The best information is to the effect that 1100,000 persons will have to be fed during that time. The relief fund raised iu Philadelphia and State now amounts to nearly :-0,000, or 14,000 short of the sum necessary to pay for the supplies already sent from hero to the island. Considering the great prosperity of our people that is not a creditable showiug for the great state of Pennsylva nia. Many towns have not yet contributed one cent to the relief fund. When tho liual list is made up these towns will regret their failure to help the starving people of Porto Rico. Hence they should send iu their sub scriptions as early as possible. There art; over a million persons in Philadelphia who have not yet subscribed anything. QREATHEAD'S STORE. Terms of Court. Tti fl'.st term of the Courts of Fulton coun ty In the yciir shall commence on the Tuestluy rollowmi.' out suuouu Monday or .himinry, in hi o'clock A. M. 'he sccouil term coimnrnccs on the third Monday of Murch, ill S o'clock 1. M. The third term on the Tuesday next follow- Intf the second Momluy of Juuu nt 10 o'clock A. M. Tin fourth term c.n t.ic llrst MouJuy of Octo ber, lit :! o'clock 1 M. County Officers. President Jutlie- Hon. S. Mc Swope, Associate Jiiclics- Lemuel Kirk. Peter Mor ton. Proi honotury. &r Frnnli P. Lynch. IHstilet Attorney -Ooortfo U. Daniels, Treasurer Thro Slpes, Sheriff - Oaulel Shets. Deputy Sherl:T Janice K'linr, Jury Commissioners David Kotz, Hunmel II, lloektnsnilth. Auditors John S, Harris, I), H. Myers, A. J, I,ain)eison, Commissioner I., W. Cunnlnaham, Albert Pies .Inrer. John Sumkmil. Clerk S. V, Kirk. Coroner---Thomas Kirk. Couuly Surveyor -Jonas Lake, Counlv Supenul endent Clem Clicniut. Attorneys -W. Scott Alexander, J. Nelson Sipes. Thomas K Sloan, F. MeN, Johnston, M. K. Sh tltuer, Ceo. 11. Daniels, John 1', Slpes. Ths Longest Continuous Record, ' DRY GOODS, -NOTIONS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, CLOTHING, CARPETS, OILCLOTHS, MATTINGS, BOOTS, SHOES AND RUBBER GOODS. J. W. EVANS, Jeweler, Opposite PostolTice. Watches, Spectacles, Jewelry, Novelties, Graphophones, Rec ords, and Supplies for Talking Ma chines. Special at tention given to fine Watch and Jewelry Repairing. Work sent in by mail, will receive prompt attention. i F. M. TAYLOR, I Surveyors Engineer, 1 ( McCONNELLSBURG, PA. S c All kinds of 7 . Surveys Oj, carefully S f 2 A7 ) and ? 5 ' i &Mf; Special care ? i PliWjB ca,cLdin I UB'iV$&i dividing ) JftiY laud' ) BJ WW3kA Drafting. I i IfiKM '- rj copied. ? S Office i f REPUBLICAN BUILDING. ) McConnellsburg & Ft. Loudon Passenger, Freight and Express Line. R. C. McQuade, Proprietor. Uun Daily jjbtwkhn Mi'tiuNNKUJiuuitu ano I'OKT Lot'lMtN. Leuvluu MeOouuellhliui L' ut rj:!W o'clock. I. M., in.ikiuK connection w ith utloruoou Iruiu ou H. 1'. K. H. KcuiriiiuK leuvo Koi t London on tho urrlvul of the cveumu train ou . 1'. II It. I urn l'rcnureU lo curry ims.seni:ei.-4 und ex- lircHt id miiliu couucullou with ull unlu ul t'l. l.oumip. EDWARD BRAKE, Fashionable Barber, Ouc floor Ka-I. of "Fulton Hou.o," ' MeoiNNr.i.i.KW'iii;. r.. ' Klr.!-clunt Sli.ivlie uml ll.ur l.'ut Uut'. . Oleuii towel or e'- i M '-Mi-uiuit'V KATS, at Special Prices. Hardware, Tools, Chains, Crockery, Paints, Oi -AT- v, f : RESSNER THIS WEEK. I tie i da; tnt An ' I A. Look for their! till at ft I I I navenis emen Next Week. OILS, GLASS, And, in fact, the most com plete stock in the several lines that go to make up a General Merchandise store. At present we have a SPECIAL SALE of CARPETS at Bargain Prices. All wool Ingrain, elegant pat- em, worth 69c. at 54c Same, worth 55c. at 44c Others proportionately low. Wall Papers 25 per cent. under regular prices. Many bargains in the several lines. We are so well known throughout the county that it is only necessary to say in this advertisement that you will find the same lines and quali ties we have been accustomed to keeping, and cordially invite all to come and see us. Respectfully, J.W.GREATHEAD. McConnellsburg, Pa. Look in this space next week FOH THE JJ NEW ADVERTISEMENT a ii n a p,f. id mi STOVES! STOVES! I respectfully announco to tho general public that since moving into my new room I have replen ished my stock and have now on hands a complete lino of Ct-oking. Heating and Oil Stoves, Ranges, Stovo Repairs of all kinds, Stove Boards, Stove Pipe, tho celebrat ed Climax Stovo Polish, Iron Ket tles, Oil Cloth Rugs, Tinware from tho cheapest to tho best, Anti-Rasting Tmwaro which I guarantee not to rust for two years,' and will wear for eight years. Every piece- is guaranteed to me not to rust and I will guar antee it to you. If it rusts bring it back and I will give you anoth er piece. In Fancy Goods I havo a large assortment. Butchering Supplies such as Lard Presses, Moat Cutters, Butcher Knives nud Hog Scrapers. Also a full lino of School Supplies which 1 wiU sell during Court week at the lowest possible prices. You will find mo in my new room opposite Patterson's store where I will be glad to havo you call and examluu BiV atofck. A. Stonku S1 US' iVf Ik kh L s t: ih: IV th ta fa :mi :ae L' b Ho V BX re i It pis at. Jei v 4v Me : 1