i 1 1 1 i! ;3 5 - f f ; ' i i 1 f r i it ( tC n s . His Release Decided Upon the Government. "WITHDRAWS HIS APPEAL 'T Action t the I'muicU of Minister Cna an Kxrltetneiit In rrl-Tti Aatl-ISrevfua l'apsra Attack President l-nnWI, but Fall lo lauia Trouble II Will l.r franc. Frl, (By Cable.1 The ronnnll of ir.lnln tr decided lo pardon Iireylu Id principle, 'flie pardon will take effect In a few Any. Dreylu has relinquished hi appeal for a reversal of the judgment of the court-mar- ll In (aid that Dreyfus will be seut abroad before the roniultntlon of hla pardon, In ( order to avoid demonstrations. . The official announcement wa made lu tlii form, In order to avoid demonstration any kind at limine and lu I'nrle. Hut the pardon of breylus In not merely Imrnl ueot, but win actually signed. Measure bave been taken In Ilenues lu connection ulth It, and It will hare a good tfluct neu trally. 'i'li decision of the Cabinet to pardon I'reyfua created less iutt rest lu Tarls than would tba result of u big horse race. In tuot. It may be said that It caused DO enclte aaBLt whatever. 'J'Uer una no rlotluK on boulevnr l". Jo front of the ofllcea of the Libre 1'arole, where a crowd usually na omble lu the evening to rbzo upon Ihe hog colored transtiaieuolos oubilde tho Window of the lending nutl-Homlte organ, .hero was not the slightest gathering or the luiuteat sign of n demonstration either for -r against Dreyfus. Ou would think tbnt Ihe fire of the Drey fus aeltai Ion had hurued Itself out. The aull-Dreyfueard eveulug papers tried to In luierent Into the government's action ' a rabid attack upou 1'realdent Iioubet, but their effort were futile. The peaceful crowds that filled the tnbles lu front of the ca(t'. sipping their nflcr-dlu-nerronVe, looked at tho newsboys who dis played the front pages of these shoots with I heir violent bend Hues, but utterly refused toetiolted. The majority did not eveu ... tlieous the matter, or only made the pa tuic remark thut the decision m Just what bad beu expected nud predicted by every partisan newspaper since the Betines court martial delivered Its verdict. The aoil-Dreyfusnrd newspaper Bolr had the most sensational cnotlon, two line of enormous letter extending across the en tire front page, announcing "The Traitor Dreyfus Pardoned. Outrage ou the Aruiy." Then, In the course of an article violently altaoklug President Loubet, It said: "Lou litt lias given himself a coup de grace lu jTdonlng Dreyfus. IU should bo prot ested for eniumlitlng uu outrage upou tho army, for bl decision amounts to this. Uy atruka of the pen be has destroyed tue fleet of the sentences of two courts-mnr-ttal, and bos declared that two uillltury courts have lied." The Bolr adds: "The alTalr has become grave when the chief of state assumes the leadership of the antl-milltary movement 4 pardon a confessed traitor, tinier the pretext that he hits been condemned twice, , iuetead of once." NO riGIITINO Ko It 81 HKKKS. Th Italny 'tmnn In Hi riilllpplnea Will last Until November 1. Washington. (Special.) Information re ceived at the War Department show that the rainy aeasou In the Philippines will last ; fully six weeks longer, or uutll the 1st of November. Until thut time, no Information j is expected of any military operations of .'importance. The present conditions are uch a to make nu lmmedlute renewal of the campaign Impossible. The delay, however, la welcomed by the v nxmy officers, bocause It affords more time f Sot the transportation of troops to Manila. Tbl work la now said to be proceeding with great vigor Over ten thousand troop will cross the Pacific this mouth and about five thousand will be sent over during October. This will Increase Gen. Oil' fighting force 4o nearly 60,dOO men. aud will enable him to pre lurther from Miu.lla thnn be has yet been able lo do, besides which he will have an army sufllciuntly larse to bold the towns which be oapture from the enemy. At j present the army I divided Into two dlvia. :lon, one north aud the other south of Manila, under U.m. Lawton and Muc Ar thur, respectively. A regin.ent la stationed to Manila a a provott guard. I'KIMLKV TO IllNKUEWKV. lr Firty Will Attend the Function at the Whit IJoiis. Washington, (Special.) Partial arrnngc ineut bave been made at the Yli't huse ir the dinner which President McKluley rill give Admiral Dewey. Ic will Le held on the evening of October 3, at 8 o'clock, In the Btate dlulns-room, and the number of SMiesi will la limited to fifty und will con sist of prominent officers of the navy and army, and high officials of the G.overnmer-t. A few Invitations have already gone out. They are not specially engraved and simply xtvud the President's Invitation to be pret erit. No member of the diplomatic corps will be present. UKKYITUS' . Mil. IS II HOHK. Will I'robsbly Live nt Folkslone If lt leased. London, (Iiy Cable.)It is reported that ftlaltre Laborl and Mndaine Dreyfus visited Folkestone, five miles (rotn Dover, and en Kuged apattmenU, where Mndume Dreyfus nd bar children will dwell lu the event of lier husband's pardon. 1L Labor! la reported to have been much aCected by tbe kiuilly rxpresilon toward lilmaelf and Madame Dreyfus while at Folkestone. HstOO.OOO Fire Ml I-oa Angelaa. Lo Angeltts, Cnl., (Hpeclnl,) Fire de etryed an entire block In the I usluess por tion of the town, doing damage that will amount to over ii 0,000. Una toiin mis fatally injured. The lire sturtcd In the var nish room of a carriage factory and spread rapidly, destroying the plums of tho 1'nrin tug aud Milling Company, the Perry Luui tier Company, and a number of small stores aud lodging bouses. Tragi Affair In aiamplng ftrouml. Georgetown, Ky., (KpO'iliil,) Town Mar bul Duke, at htamplug Ground, this coun ty, attempted to arrest Zuck Hud. loth. lJuih -usod pistols aud both nro mortally shut. Acaloaldo Willing, but Oil. Is Not. London, (By Cubic.) A dlxpnlch to Knu ler'a Telegram Uouipauy from Hongkong 1 hja advlcea from Maniln aunounen that 1 uulnnldo I willing to relonse nil tick ami .vlllnn BpaolsU prisoners, but, It la added, ' i. Geu. Otis re I u ner to allow Hnanlsb ves- if- to proceed lo i'lllplno porta to reoelv V j). Th Miners' Strlk Spreading. Montgomery, W. Vs., (Hpeolal,) filx bun 1 red miner in the Kanawha field aud a slm :ir number on New lllver Joined the ilrik- THE NEWS. The government Is aked to furnish means of transportation for between 3,000 and 8, C0 people In mining districts of Alaska, who bave abtindauco of gold, but no food or shelter. The city of Cleveland sued Thomas It. Tears, and tbe Itlver Machine and Holler Company for motley paid tor material that was never delivered. Frederick J. Fllbort, cashier of the Pala tine l!ank In Palatine, III., was murderously attacked by Walter l.awtou, with a tack hammer. The Gersan Cnthollc Central Society In HI. Paul, passed resolutions protesting against the desecration of churches lu the Philippines. The price of white paper for tewspapcr has been advanced nnt-qnnrter of n cent t'T pound. Shoe leather has also Leeu ad vanced. Hhlf joiners employed In tho Cramp yards In Philadelphia, are striking for nine hours as a day's lahi;r. The Elk T'mnlng Comfany's tannery nt Wdgway, Pi-., tat destroyed I y lire. President Din, of Mexico, has been grant ed a vacation to visit Chicago. John L. Haunn, chief of police of Dnlton, On., was killed by moonshiners. Ill-henltli led ClHlbtirn Whitney to com mit suicide In Jackson. Miss. Four bodies were taken from the ruins of the H.apltl st. Vincent do Paid tire In Nor folk, Va.. and snauy nre still to be iircounted for. Several flroicen and uurses were In jured. Henry V. Johnson, Mayor of Denver. wa elect, d f resident of the Lngue ot American Municipalities, which decided to hold It next meeting In Charleston, 8. C. Ouidlelmo .Marconi, tbe exponent of wire less telegraphy, reached New York. He comes to make experia.cut under govern Wont auplces. The firm of Burrotl, Farnum A Co., of Chicago, tried to force down tho wheat market, and failed In trying to do so. The Plngrro plan of municipal ownership of street railways nnd three-cent tore In Detroit hns been abandoned. Prince Alexis Kurngeorgevltch, of Kervlu, Is said to be a suitor for tho bund of Mle Mahello Hwlft, of Chicago. Itlchiird Houeck pleaded gnlliy In Chicago to the charge of murdering Waller Koeller. What Is expected to turn out n case of yellow fever developed on the transport lluford. Michael T. Horner, n Biltltrrf contrac tor, was awarded 31.0 0 by the New York State noard of Claims ou a prison coutraot. A circus band wagon drawn by six horses dashed down a steep street In Klohmoud. Light persons were hurt, but none futally. Two members ot a U iptlet Church In Oull ford county, Vs., exchanged eight shots In the crowded church. No one hurt. The yellow fever situation nt Key West la alarming. There nre four hundred case, thirty new cases are reported dally. The simmer City of Jacksonville t-trnnd- A In a storm ou the Non Carolina coast, but the crew whs saved. Mr. Lawrence Gardner, member of Demo cratic National Committee from the District of Columbia, Is dead. Six colored men were shot dend nnd on wounded ly white miners at Canervllle, HI. Governor Tnnner ordered troops to the town and pronounced the killiug a premedi tated wholesale murder. At a meeting of delegates to the Trust Conference who nro opposed to trusts a movement wnB started tor the formation of notl-trust organisation In all sections of the couutry. llev. Dr. G. T. B. Howard, notorious as n swindler lu connection with European ee tntes, was captured and taken bnok to tho Ohio state prison to serve out his term. Daniel Ermnntrout. member of Congress from tbe Ninth Pennsylvania district, died -In Rending nt the age of sixty-seven years. Henry O. Klog, of Bo'ton, has brought suit lu tbe United State Court for 500,000 acres of laud in Virginia and West Virginia. Bobbers gagged tbe watchman of tho Ex change Bank ut Frankfort, III., blew open tho safe and got away with (2,000. Mrs. EHz Barber, mother of the president of tbe Diamond Match Company, died ut Akron, O., aged eighty-three years. No clue was discovered to the death of Miss Laura M. Bacon, who died In Ylnelnnd, N. J., from arsenic poisoning. General Alger, it is now reported from D troll, has finally decided to withdraw from the senatorial race. Corporal piinliliment was Judicially ad ministered to William Hops, u colored boy, In Suffolk for thieving. ArlLur E. Cobb committed suicide lu Now York because he was abandoned by u youug widow. A meeting of antl-lmperlnllsts from nil over the couutry Is to be bold in Chicago, October 17. The striking workmen at Crntr.ps' ship building works, Philadelphia, have Informed the superintendent that they do not nsk for more wages, but for a ulue-hour Instuud of a ten-hour day. Twenty-flte lives were lost In the hurri cane along tbe coast of North Carolina lu August, and the losses to crops on the uiuln land amount to half a million. Cornelius Vauderbill'a last act of charity was the pnylug off of a mortgage on the home of a inun in Newport who bad ouco beeu weultby, Liu lost all. Cliailes O. Sumuers, an escaped convict, returu d Ironi the Kloudlke to surrondor himself to the nutboritle ot Jackson, Mlsr. Auditor Marye, of Vlrglula, deollned to j ii y the Gilines Battery lor services lu inuln talulug the yellow fever quurautlne. Tho Solehury Farmers' Club, of Pennsyl vania, have derided not to send suni le of wheat lo the Paris Exposition. The entire family of Water Bane was found dead iu Piatte Canon, Col., probably poisoned by the lather. The Window Glass Trust hns been effected, to Include llfty concerns, with a capital of seventeen millions, David W. Beallman, accused of setting fire to his warehouse lu Williams Grove, pa,, was acquitted. Fire destroyed half a million dollar.' Woitu of pro erv lu Lincoln, Neb. fcP.lNlhll.AMKKlCAN ISLAND. The Amerlanna had an engagement with the Insurgent at Bulemac. There were no casualties ou the Auierlu.iu side. H oretary Boot hss approved of the sup pression of the paper kuowu as Iiecouceu- trado, at Havana, Colonel Dunby atfd Trot. Dean Worcester, of the Pblllpplno Commlssluu, buvu beeu ordered home. Corporal Dnmphoffer, of Cnmpnny B, Sixth Iuluutry, wus seuteuced to be shot ut Manila. Captain I,Hrr has reported Ills arrival ut Gnnin, under date of August 7. Admiral Watson was reported to be enjoy, lug good health. The Filipino force became operative nt Manila. Th Cuban guards, not the Amerlann sol diers, killed the bnudits lu Hnluuln, Culm.' The Cuban continue to commit outrage upou tbe Spaniard. Tbe cruiser Cliarlestrn bombardd th Filipino' tort a. Sublg Bay, I ut did little dainug. Tbe monitor Monterey will con tinue tbe boinburdmeut. General Otis cabled to the War Depart ment lor additional slaff iffioers. Patients Still to Accounted For; Be THE DEAD AND INJURED. rnr Hod lea Huts Heen Taken from the Knln of the Hospital ). Vincent de Paul, Ml, lei, W.a Completely Con sumed by Fire-Thar Are Other Miss ing fireman and Nnrses Inlureil. Norfolk, Vs., (Special. )-The ruins of the Hospital ot St. Vincent de Paul have yielded up four bodies to the firemen's search. The dead are: Mrs. Mnrgaret McEwen, seventy years of age, a lady of weak wind, who was there for safekeeping. The only way she oould be Identified was by hot ear rings, the body being so badly burned. Mrs. Elizabeth White, an old lady who had beeu nt ihe hospital for a long time as n boarder. She was on the touch Moor, and the body bad fallen through to the third. She was Identified by the structure of her body. Cherry Boswell, a Ihree-yenr-old child, from Lewiston, N. C, who had a clubfoot, and was thore for treatment. Miss Plppen, of North Cnrnllua, who had Just entered the hospital, nud was to bnvo been operated upon. The body was found In the ruins of tho bed in which she slept. MIssTlppen was from Tarboro, N. C. Flremai Thomas A. Burrct, of the Qucn Street Euglnebouse, leg broken, right arm Iractured In three places, and cut on fore head. He is still alive, but bus not regained consciousness, nud but little hope ot bis re covery Is entertained. Fireman llobcrt A. Foster, driver, hurt about the head, but not seriously. Barrett, Foster and several other firemen had run a line of hose through thn main en trance ot the building, aud wore driven out either by the lire and :noke or by premoni tion of an Impending collapse above them. Hud they remained lu the poroh they would not hnvebeo i Injured ;but,n they went dowu Into the yard, a mas of timber, brick wall, etc., pitched out aud down Irora above them. Miss Kate Dolun, of Washington, D. C, one of the nurses of the Institution, jumped the stairwell from the third story to the first, lauding In a sitting posture nt the feet of Hitter Btroard, tho slater superior, who happened at that point just at that moment. Shewashuit about tbe neck, hands aud back, and Is considerably Injured. Miss Teresa Glass, of Blchtnond, Vs., nlo a nurse, Is badly burned about one bund and foot, and slightly about the face. She wus carried to a residence on Wood street. The property loss Is very large, and tho Insurance la comparatively small. The former will reach the neighborhood ot 000, and tho latter Is only some thirty or forty thousand dollnrs. There were very many narrow escapes from death nnd many heroic rescues by the firemen, who, despite tbe fact that they were exhausted by the large lire Just preceding the hospital holo caust, worked to save human life as though their own was ut stake. B-sldes, they were still further handicapped by the absence of thn eighty-foot extension ladder. The firemen from Portsmouth and tho navy yurd apparatus, manned by marines, rendered valuable assistance. They re sponded as quickly ns railed upon by Chief llyan, of Norfolk. Tbe light against tho devouring element was a long one, but tho north wing and n portion of tbe west wing were sated. The remalner of tho immense Institution of mercy lies iu ruins. As soon astthe ruin had ceased blazing, tho searoh for the bodies of tho victims begnn. Ambu lance bad been sent to every bouse that had offered asylum to the Inmates of tho hospital for Information, nnd still tbe list of missing was large. The authorities ot tbe hospital declined to make tho name public uutll they woro accounted for In some manner. Tho firemen discovered Mrs. Mi Ewen's body at the window of what bad been her room on the flourtti floor. All the bodies discovered were on the upper floors, and the positions In which they were found in dicated that the victims had made every effort to escape. They wero all charred to crisps. FOHKIOS AFFAIRS. The reply of tire Transvaal government to Great Britain, which was handed lo tho British representative nt Pretoria, It Is gen erally believed, declines to accept tho Brit ish dsmauds as a whole. Tbe reported al liance between tbe Transvaal nnd the Orange Free State has increased the war fouling lu Englnnd. Tbe Prussian government continue nt war with the Bund der Lnudwirtbe, and the Emperor bus ordered that all officials con nected with tbe organization be dropped from the court list. Under the reorganization of the German artillery, the number of field artillery regi ment Is lucreased from forly-olgbt to ninety-four. Germany hns nn automobile club. There are 3,000 union stogie-makeis. The 1'edoratlou ot Labor claims 1,000, COO members, Mississippi hasn't a bureau of statistics. New York plasterers demand (4.51 a day, Germany's army employs 10,0 0 musicians. Minneapolis Is shipping sugar mill to Hawaii. Shelby County (Mo.) oats yield 40 ceuts a bushel. American use 250,'. 0 J, 00 0 poker chips an nually. Chicago woodworkers buvo been conceded the eight-hour duy. New York bors truckmen say their busi ness was never so good as now. Fort Dodge (Iown) tllo worker' wages have been increased 15 cents a day. Minneapolis Taxpayers' Association has takeu up tbe subject of tax reduction. The Baltimore nud Ohio Southwestern U illroud has abolUhed the position of trav eling engineer. The New York Furriers' Union celebrated Its twentieth anniversary with a reunion. A sticker used In Kansas City: If It Were not against the order of the court orgiuiiz-d labor would boycott McCiiutook' reatuur ant. Socialist meetings have been hsld In Dulutb, despite tbe ol J. ctlons of Chief ot Police ilansiu. A New York carpenters' urlon has donated tin to the striking furniture workers lu Denmark. Denver Trades Assembly protests against the muklug of army uniforms iu eustoru sweatshops. The Typographical Union ot 'Frisco was ordered to pay $1,200 (damages) to a mau It kept out of work. Bedford (lad.) stoneplaners demand an Increase of 6 cents, making their pay 80 oents an hour. For overtime work they de maud 45 cents au hour. Muscatine (Iowa) women will operate the street car ot that ulty September 13 tor tbe benefit ot the park fund. Cluclnnatl Central Labor Union doe not want to accept a delegate from one ot the union because bo la a newspaper man. Mayor Johnson, ot Denver, say the street railway company cannot bar a perpetual franchise. Twelve year or nothing. Many Hl'NlMttnS Attn MlLHtf. Awful KarthqiiBk In Valley of Ih Rives Mender, Asia Minor. Smyrna, Asia Minor. (By Cable.) There was a terrible earthquake at Aldlu. a town of tho Blver Mender, 80 mile southeast of this plaoe. Hundreds of persona were killed In the Volley of Meoderiz. Volcanic cones and other traces of Ignc ou actlcu extoud over a considerable part of Aln Minor, of which the vlllnyet or province of Aldln is one of the division. Earthquakes i.ro frtqueut throughout that region, Smyrna, only 60 miles distant from Aldln, as stated la the preceding cablegram, and the most Important seaport of Asia Minor, hn especially been frequently ravaged by convulsions of nature. It was destroyed by an earthquake In A. D. 178, and rebuilt by Marcus Aurolius. Other calamitous visita tions of this character, affecting much of thn surrounding territory, occurred iu 1C8H, 17C8, 1H40 aud mi). The city of Aldlu is fonr mile In circum ference ami baa n population ot 85,000, chiefly Turks, but Including also many Greeks, Armenian and Jews. It occupies a beautiful site near the Biter Mender, Which empties into the .i:eau see about 15 miles below the Island ot Samos. The city has au extensive trade, chiefly In figs, grapes, olives nnd cotton. Figs nre grown In great abuudanco lu the orchards sur rounding the city. The province of Aldin, In which thn city is altuuled, cou ulns au nrcn of about 20,01') square miles und population ot over 1,000,000. WrUhY TO 1I t:lKI( IIS. Another Miiry Tlmt Manila Hero Offered li Fight Oermans. Chicago, (Special.) Tho ltccord prints the following from Its correspondent, under date of Nice, France, August 29: Speaking ot his experience with Vice. Admiral von Diedrlcbs, in Maniln bay, shortly after tho destruction of Admiral Moutojo's Heel, Admiral Dewey suid to me lu conversation: "I was maintaining n strict blockade of Manila, and bad to know the character and Identity of every vessel that eutered the bay. The fact that a ship Hew the Gurmnu flag was no proof that she was really Ger man. "In carrying out my orders my command ing officers acted discreetly and tactfully, giving no offense to tho naval reprosonta tlvus of any power except Germany. I don't know why Vlce-Admlrnl vou Diedrlcbs should have felt aggrieved. 1 always at tributed his protest to ft luck of knowledge of International laws. "Admiral von Diedrlcbs sent bis flag licu tannnt lo me with a list of complaints that ha wished to make against tho way I treated the ships under his command. They luid exjiausted my patience. 1 hud beeu for beurlng in the extreme, and this rotest or eomplnlut was loo much. As nearly us I can remember, my exact word were: "What Is It you wan:'.' Do you want win' You know what that means. If you do you can have It lu live minutes. Wo are n peaceable people, but we havo got Into a light now nnd we urn ready to go on. If necessary, we're ready to light the world.'1 MOltOAN CITY WltlitK. Tionp Transport btrurk n Iteef In tUe Middle of the Right. Yokohama, via V.ctorin, B. C, (By Cable.) Interesting details aro ut bund of thy wreck of the Anierlcuu transport Morgan City In tho Iulund H. a of Japnu. It appear that It cam very unr lolng an Appalling catastrophe. Strlklug upon a reef at 3 o'clock lu tbe moruing, the ship remained fast uutll duyllght, when, by ndortlug tho expedient of rushing tho men alternately from one side to Ihe other, tho si l,i vat rolled from the rocks Into doep wutor, where she at once began lo Mil rapidly. Site headed for tba shore of the bland of Iuosbluu, sev eral mile distant, sinking perceptibly with every yard of progress. She reached tbe bench barely a minute before otherwise going uuder. The discipline of the men was admirable nnd all were gotten ashore In safety. The seamanship shown appears not to have been bo admirable, ns no precautions wero tnken to make the boat .fast to the shore after beaching. Tho day was spent In removing stores, the transport lying very nearly bows under, but well afloat ia the afterpart. Latu lu the afternoon, without warning, the slid off the steep Leach and sunk in about six fathoms. liKCNION OK KX-CONFKDKHATKM. North Georgia Veterans of the dray Meet at thlckaiiiniiga. Chattanooga, Tenii., (Special.) A re inloti of ex-Confederates of North Georgia was held at Chlckauinuga Park. Addresses were made by Coniiressmnn J. W. llnddox, of Georgia; Col. Touillusou Fort, of this place, nud others. Col. Garrelt Andrews, of Chattanooga, urged thut monument bo erected In each Southern State to commemorate tho heroic) devotion aud solf-sacritlce of Southern women during the olvll wur. Resolution favoring such movement were unanimously adopted. M HUNG CHANG ItKCALLlCO. Advices From Orient RihI That Ovnr 3,000 Wars Killed by Typhonu In Japan. Victoria, B. C, (By Cable.)Over three thousand persons are dead und missing as a result of a recent typhoon in Jupuu, accord lug to advices brought l y tho steamer Em press of India from the Orient. Much dam age to shipping is reported. Tho E mires Dowager of Chlua Is said to bo seriously 11). LI Hung Chang has been recalled to power. British Haying Mule In Kentucky. Louisville, Ky., (Special. An agent of the British gov-mmeut is negotiating with a local firm that deal extensively In horses nnd mules for tho purchase of 1,000 pack mules for use In South Africa. Xi' is undei stood tbe mules uru to be shipped from New Orleans. UHUd Ills Sweetheart's Mother. Parsons, W. Va., (Special.) Sirs. Jacob Simmons, a widow, living near Miirlineton Pocahontut county, wn shot nud killed by her daughter' lover, Borneo Killlson. Mrs. Simmons protested against Killlson courting her daughter, nnd thus angered hlin to the execution of the deed. The officer lire liter the murderer. Withdrawn 1'roni National AllUnre. Raleigh, N. C, (Sneclr.l.) The North Car olina Slate Farmers' Alliance tins withdrawn from the National Alliance. No reason is given tor this action. Coal Mines to Itesnme, Huntington, W. Va., (S oulal.) The large Dlugess coal mines, that have been idle for two yeurs, hnve resumed. The general strike In th New river fluid has brought this about. tlv Vears for M order. Suffolk, Vs., (Special.) James Brittle was convicted at Isle of Wight Court House ot eompllolL1 in the murder of Patrick Mc Donalda white tramp, who was beaten to death Aud hi body placed on the railroad trucks last April. The Jury was out for one week,tud In IU verdict fixed th prisoner' aeutsul at five ysurs lo tbe penitentiary. SHOT T0 DEATH, Colored Men Killed by White Miners in Illinois TROOPS ORDERED OUT. The Whites Had Forbidden the Negroes to Knter Cartervlll When Thirteen of Them Came Into Town to Take n Train, the Whlta Miners Attacked Them-The Negroes Try to Kacap. Carlorvllle, III., (Speclal.)-Cartervllla was tbe scene of a bloody riot. In whloh six colored men were Instantly killed, and one fatally wounded, while two other received (light wounds. Trouble hns been brewing since the militia was recalled ly Governor Tanner. The whlta tninera of this place have refused to allow the colored miners to come Into town, alwnys meeting them and ordering them back. Sunday, however, thirteen colored men, all armed, marched Into town, going to th Illinois Central Depot, where they ex changed a few words with tbe whit miner there. Then they pulled their pistol and opened fire on tbe whites, who at once returned Ihe fire. A running fight was kept up. The colored men scattered, some being closely followed by the whiles up the main street, while the remnlnder fled down the railroad tracks. Here tbe execution was done, all who went through town escaping. After tbe flirht was over four dead bodies- wero picked up, nnd another morttlly woundd. They were taken to tbe City Hall, where the wounded man wa attended lo, and an In quest held over the dead ones. Trouble bag existed here off nnd on tr.r over a year, but no fatalities occurred until June 30, when a pussenger train on the Illi nois Central Railroad was fired Into, and one colored woman was killed. These were ou their way to the mines, having come from Puna, A short tfme afterwards a pitched battle ensued between the union nnd non union forces, during which time tbe dwell ings occupied by the nou-unlon colored men were burned. Several arrests were mnile, and tbe accused are In Jail at Marlon await ing trial on tbe charge ot murder. Superintendent Donelly, of the Bruu mines, where the colored people realde, r- pori tnnt they nro worked into a frenzy, and that, while be la doing all lu hi power to hold them In check, he I afraid that be cannot do so much longer. Company C, Fourth Regiment, I. N. G., arrived here, and will endeavor to i reserve order. Forty miner from the Herrin mine are reported to have left that place for this city, armed with Krng-Jorgensen rifles, and determined to assist the white miners there. On Victim a Treacher. Murphysboro, III., (Special.) One of the dead colored men at Curtervllle Is a preacher; tha others are laborers. One ot them, when first shot, started to run. He wn shot again, and fell. Gne of the white men then rnn up and shot him through tbe bend with a rifle. Tho shooting took place lmnif diutely In front of Mayor Zimmerman's house, and iu full view of several Indies seated on the porolt. Before the noise of the first shots had died away the streets began to llll with excited armed men. After the crowd of colored men hnd been killed and scattered, It was the evident Intention of the lnfurlnted miners to go to Oreanvllle, where the big non-uulon colored camp Is located, end finish the work. All the afternoon nu angry crowd of men patrolled the streets, Later the projeoted trip to Greenville was apparently culled off. WILL NOT SKNO KX II I IIITB. Th Solehury Farmer' Club Derides Not to H Ilepresenteil In Pari. Doylestown, Po., (Special.) Tba Bole bury Farmers' Club, composed of tbe most representative agriculturists In tho eastern section of Pennsylvania, at Its regular monthly meeting beld at Carversvtlle, de cided not to send sample ot wheat to tho Pnrls Exposition, as they had decided to do at the request of the Department of Agri culture at Washington. Resolutions were adopted to the effect that "it Is the duty ot every citizen of a country established lo In sure equal justice to all who express their condemnation ot the sacrllloe of that Jus tioe upon the altar ot militarism evidenced In the conviction ot Captain Alfred Dreyfus and of any system of government by whloli tbe innocent can successfully be compelled to suffer to shield the guilty." THE WHOLU FAMILY UF.AD. Poison Mail linen Probably Administered by the Father ltemsdy for I'livarty. Platte Canon, Col., (Special.) Waller Buoes, bis wife und two children were found dead lu their cabin nt the upper end of th canon, Th bodies showed no signs of vio lence, and tha house was undisturbed, leav ing th Impressiou tbnt tbe father bad poi soned the rest, and then lain down to die. The tragedy was prol ably due to the pov erty of tbe family, as the father bad been out of work for some time, owlug to suspension of a sawmill In the vicinity. The bodies were nil lylug In one bed. A tlu cup at the side ot tbe bed, showing dregs, wn the only Indication of the course pursued by the parent. Bervlce Stripe for It. A- O. ltnllroail Man. There are many uniformed employe ot the Baltimore aud Ohio Railroad who bave spent tbe better part of their lives with the com- any, but very few peoplo aro aware of their length of service aud devutlon to duty that fans mado them valued men. Vice Pres ident aud General Manager Underwood will shortly Issue au order, providing for service stripe for these men, that the public may know ot their faithfulness and ntl lty. a gold stripe will mean five yeura ot servioe, aud a silver stripe two year. Some of the Baltimore and Ohio conductors will be en titled to from seven to nine gold stripes. The uouipauy will alio furnish conductors, brnkemeu and baggagemen of all elusue with budge, so that they may be easily dis tinguished by those uufamlllnr with the service. ABOUT NOTKU FH.OfX.K, Melville E. Incalls was born on a farm nnd begun work a a lawyer. The President nud Mrs. McKlnley have given more brilliant dluuers nt the White Ilou-'S than at any time sluee tbe ante-bellum days. Lord Mayor Daniel Tallon, of Dublin, nnd John Redmond, nre coming to America to collect funds for a memorial to Parnell lu Dublin. Emperor Wllllara confines bis newspaper reudiog. to press clippings specially prepared for blm, aud posted on gilt-edged fooUoau paj;er. Held I by Masked Men. Greenst'tire, Pa., (Special,)- Michael Ms Nulty, und John Murphy, ol Calumet, were held up by masked highwaymen, beaten In to lii-eii.ii illty. and robbed of nearly oue hundred dollar aud valuables. The men ley lu the road uuconsclnu several hours. There is no clue ti the Ideutily of the rubbers. OH Cables for Ammunition. Gen. Otis ha cabled thn War Department for 5,000.0X0 rounds of ammuultlou forth ani yr.fl '. The consignment will be sent Uooi Bua FrubsllSO. CAI'TUKKO A CANNON. Americana Iloinhard Filipino Town Movement Wall Had. Manila, (By Cable.) -The United Htatca cruiser Charleston, the monitor Monterey nnd the gunboats Couoord and Zaflro, with marines and blue Jnckets Irom tbe cruiser Dultimore, left Cavlle September 1R, and, a already cabled, proceeded to Sublg Buy to destroy nu Insurgent cannon there. Owlug to tbe bad weather, the operation wa postponed until Saturday, when the wnthls for three hour horuhnrded tha town of Olancapo nnd the entrenchment where tbe gun wns sltunted. Men from the Cbarlenton,' Concord nnd Znllro were then landed under a heavy Ic aurgent Are, proceeding lo the ennuon, which was utterly destroyc d by guncottou, and then returning to the warships. The American hnd one man wouuded during the engagement. While wailing In Suhig Bay for betlei weather tho American descried Filipino re inforcement moving toward Olangupo, At 0.40 o'clock A. M. the Monterey begnn the advance upon tha town, wbloh wns nbout three miles east of tha monitor' anchcr.ige. Th Cbarltslcn, Concord and Z.iflro fol lowed. At 7.23 o'clock the Monte v opened fire with her secondary nnd main batteries, the Charleston and Concord joining Immedi ately. At 7.0a o'clock the Insurgent cannon answered, the first shot pnsslng closoto thn Monterey' Smokestack. The guu was fired twice only. The American bombarding then boenmo gonernl. At 0.3) the Monterey advanced to a range ol COO yard, using I er main lat tery. Two liundrid and fifty men were landed about 8 0 ynrds east of ilia cannon nt j 11 o'clock under n severe shore Mauser fire. I The men from the Charleston were the first I to reach the beach, but the Concord's men were the first ut the gun, which they reached nt 11.10 o'clock. The caunon was found to ben 16-centlmelre Krupp gun, presumably obtained from the Spaniards. Mennwhllo tho warships continued to shell the shelving beach on the east aud west side to silence the Insurgent lire upon tho sailors trorn the trenches skirting the bench. Gunner Olsen exploded 50 rounds of gun cotton, In three dischargee, in the ennuon, which bad suffered Irom the lire of the war ships. The Americans then returned to the boats, the llrtng Inland being kept up to protect the embarkation. The Concord's meu were Ihe last to leave thn shore, and thn warships were reached at 12.50 o'clock P. M. Cadet Brlnser, with tbe Concord's launch, armed with n Gatilug, did excellent work ou the left of the lauding party. Captain Myers, of Ilia murines, captured a muzzle loading field piece. Lieutenant McDonald was In command of the landing party, and the movement wus splendidly executed nnd controlled. The numbers of the Filipino there could not be ascertained nud no dead were seen. The Mouterey fired for four hours 21 shots from her 10-Inch gun and 17 from her 12-Inch guns. The town, wbloh was riddled with shells, took fire at several point'. , KILLED UEU LKAOINU MAI. Actress Mint Hint In Full View of 1h Audience In ChntlMnnnga, Chattanooirn, Tenn., (Special.) Julia, Morrison, leuding ludy of the "Mr. Piaster of Paris" Farce Comedy Company, shot nnd killed Frank Leiden, stage a nungnr nud lending man ot the company, on the stage of tho City Opera House just after tbe cur luin rose for the performance to begin. Three shot wero fired at close range, all taking effect In Leidou' In-ml. He sank to Ihe floor and was dend iu n few minutes. The woman was arrested and tukeu to the cltyjull. A coroner's Inquest was held, at which it was developed ti nt trouble bad existed be. tween Leldeu nud Mis Morrison, and she flapped blm. it appears that they quarreled river tbe woman' ullcged bud acting, Leiden accusing her of being an amateur. The woman claims that Leiden repeatedly Insulted ber, nnd tbut she shot him lu self defense. Tho verdict of Ihe coroner' j'iry wn to tho effect that tho murder win lomeditatcd, md wholly unjustifiable. Xho wornau claim to be from New Orleans, and a mau with the company named James, she says, I her husband. James hns beeu arrested n the Instigator of the crime. FIK.ItCK VVKV WITH bWOItDH. Photograph Oaller In Wisconsin llio Scene of Terrible Conflict. Eau Claire, Wis., (Special.) Hugh Thomp son' photograph gallery was the scene of a iuel with swords. A I andsome youug woman was hired by Thompson us bl tsslsinut. Later a man In a state ot grent excite ment entered the gullery. He said tils uame wns Magulre and that he was the husband nt tbe girl. Exactly bow the fight started Is unoertaln, but hanging ou Ihe wall were two saber, and In n moment Thompson nod Magulre were engaged iu deadly conflict. The girl called for help, nnd as Arthur lllckard, n lurnlture man, rushed Into the gallery, be saw Thompson on the floor, cov ered with blood, nnd Mauulre apparently about to run tho sword Into . Thompson's snest. lilckurd pulled Magulre off and the latter fled. No arrests have been made, 1'homi sou's Injuries muy prove fiitul. BAY4 Ma" IS HIS HOODOO. Illugliamtoa Citizen Will Hrlng a I nlo, Case Inlu Court. Dirifihnmton, (Special.) Herman Mcln lyre will sue his cliy for placing No. 13 on his residence. Mr. Mclutvre is free Irom uperstillou lu everything but the traditions relating to the unlucky number. On Janu ary 13, 1883, bis home burned down, aud he lost his wife on Muy 13, 1HH5. His son wns killed on bis 13 h blrlhdny and this was thn culmination of Mr. Mclutyre'a dread ot 13. When Crandall Street wus numbered it luil to his bouse to beur the number 13. Mr. Mclntyre will test the cuao with an uctiou agaltiBt the city, alleging that the number Is clearly a hooduo to himself aud hi prop erty, und the corporation bus no right to Jtiuauge him. DltOI'l'kl) MATCH IN rOWDKK. Hoy Klllad and Girl erlonsly Iijured Near (Jreensburg. Greeiiuburg. Pa., (Special.) George Keck, a miner, of Grit .town, sot a can of powder behind his kitchen stove utter returning from work. His two children, a girl, aged 5, nnd boy, aged 7, were iu the room, aud the. boy dropped n match Into the cun. There was a terrible explosion, nud both children were frluhtfuliy mangled and burned. The boy died a few hour later, aud tha girl Is probably fatally butt. Llqald Air Company Formed. New York, (Special.) -The organization of the Tilpler Liquid Air Company, with a capitalization of 10,000,000, baa been com pleted. The cifllct-ra of lb company are Charles E, Tiipler, president; Frank J. Can non, vlce-presldout Philip K. Reyuolds, sec retary; E, A. Klrkhiim, treasurer, Many Carloads of Freight llurnad. Charleston, S. C, (Speolal. The Atlantic Coast Line freight at Darlington, a a, to gether wtfb fifteen or twenty carload ol freight, wa totally burned. The total Ion I about (20,000. Local msrohnut lose muub ol their lull good by the Mr. THE WAR BECKETT SHORT SKETCH OP t ROOT'S CAREER A Native of New York State ' Interested In Legal lluslneas i, th Time of 111 Appointing!, fended Tweed In a Celebrated ff. Ellhu Roof, the new secretary , ? wag born at Cllntou, Oneida New York, Feb. 15, 1845. H9 .. .... r , nH .... 1J nuo i ii uiiui, iui muiiy ycur j for ot mathematics In Hi college. In his youth he school and paid his through Hamilton, subsequently W lng law there, nnd he compUidal course at the University Law sr.io New York. He then entered the :f j flee of Matin & Parsons. His fir. It: nerihlp wag formed with j( i Strahn. and the next with vie Hnrtlett, who became a Judge ft supreme court. Mr. Root wad n ed with the municipal reform t ment In New York city In 1871. f ' he was the republican candidal ' Judge of the court of common H but was defeated, though poll;; large vote. He wag chairman Republican county committee :V and 1887, and for many yearn P' five member of tho Twenty-fir sembly district. He was appolr, ' President Arthur as United .Sta1" tnrnev tni tViA .nuih... .it..- 1 J .v., uio nuiiiuciu Uleilii New York and served two yearf( lng his long career as a lawyer; Root has been leading counsel noted cases, notably for Tweed a gersoll on the exposure of the t perpetrated upon the county ofjf York by the Tweed ring, for Judi? ton In the Stewart will case, P executors In the Hoyt and Havef. will cases, and for the ccntestaJf the Hammersley will case. He ;! counsel for nnd director In .' banks. Is attornoy for several railroads and the chief adviser iV syndicate controlling tho BroV railroad. He Is also counsel foA large private corporations, y Root was chairman of Governor evelt's campaign oommittce las: Where I'eopls Never Marrj; One of the questions confr., Lord Curzon; the dceioy of li.ft how he is going to Introduce rlage. As things are female ed.s is out of the question und the ! ab!, happy state of wlfehoii motherhood Is Impossible. The has no existence, while the tie if tual love and honor which unl:; rents and children is unknown.! custom is known as "man yam." MARKETS. I A1.I1MOIIK. njiAix Kr-v FLorrt nmto. itwt mtt High firnrln Vxtrn WHEAT No. 2 Hod COHN No. 2 White Mi.tK,iiiH.i-u A roim... HVE-No. 2 ff 41 25 57 HI l0 12 01 it 50 fi 00 (i 0J 11 A Y t.liolco Timothy, iood to l'rlnio M llAW live lu car bis. Wheat llioeks Out blocks ruNJir.n norms. TOMATOES Stud. No. 3. in. .... TEAM Ntiindiinis." . . . 1 II) Hoconils. C'OIIN-Ury rack!!..!'.!. Moist r, iiidk. CITY RTKF.I19 t 10' ,' i tty Cows ., 0a' rOTATOKS AND VKOKTABt.a. FOTATOE8 IlurliaiiUa. . ONIONS ur, CO fit IIIOVISIO. if on nu)i)ccTH-shu ti.v t'lenr ribalde 7 Hums.... , Mess I'urk. or' liar " LAIIH Cruilit..' H st rellund tirrrrsn. lUTTTErt-Flrie Crmy. . .. 2M Under Finn 24 Creamery Itolls 21 Si it TURKS K. CIir.KSE-N. Y. I'aiicv... 12 iff N. Y. Flats n ISkim Cheose b)i (nas. pons Sliiti.. . n Hit worm Carolina.. 7 li) 1IV rOULTRT. CrTTCrrKNS 11 Ducks, per lb H TonAoon. TOTIACCO Md. Iufor'8.. 151 $ Hound common HO Middling limey !0) 10.)) I i ve a root I'F.F.F Dost Jlouvea BHF.EI' , Hogs 4 20 bit 4 U0 I' till ANU H HI tOt. MUNICH AT,... iluccoon lied Fox Hkunk llluck. . . Opossum Mink Ottor 10 41) 2'4 ELIHU ROOT." ''' ! NKW VOlU FLuCfl Southern 9 fl M Si WHEAT No. liilod 71 UYE -Western COllN No. 2 M4 OATH No. 3 27 lfUTTEll htiite 15 ECKltt Stuto li CHliEBE htnte 11 lUILADKLPniA. FLOUIt Southern 8 85 i, WHEAT No. Sited 7u.' COltN No. 8 87 OA'i'tt No. 2 2H 1IUTTKH Htm 21 taatj-i'eun ft nit' k. User r.OOU uiea are new out. tj f,Mi mrwj mnrm n ii