"Mr, f,J. itifr fa tllood Deep. !),-1 "d Hno a clean skin. K n'tMi v t ur blood snd keep it clean, by Tfc ii ;i 'tie Uty liver sod driving all im f"o the body. Begin today to diii '" boils, blotches, blackheada, it au kly bilious complexion by takinf oriftK.- beauty (or ten rent. All drug C JUuactioD guaranteed, 10c, 26c, 50c. Fonir Nevada will apponf l tho 'l pi!!tHi) lip ira llotmiv New V iirS, lu No II). r rr the Hrsl time In IS yenre. ' f i more VmtnrvU (n t.hi mir-tlon of ths O'fy Him, a!! pther di eaea put bHfetlier, pttl tlif I ant few ycir waa fttin08id to bo b. Knr n Brent many year doctor atmirrd It a lorM diHeaae and fireaprfbed ,.i Vnidi(--f nnd bv i:onantly fnllltitf to flth lo'-il treatment pronounced it lu SfieiicM lina jrvn eatirrli to he a ip.tutinni divaae and therefore requires tntlmri! tri'aiment. Hrtll'a (Catarrh ('ure, Otfnc I ni -'d by r. -I. Clieney A Co., Toledo, the Tilv rnn.Utiitlnnal t-uru on the i i taken Internally iu doaea from i, cm to (i t-aiKHMif ul. It arte directly on , pod and nnirona aiirfarea of the ayatani. 'fcaiTr one hundred dnllara for any cih H'l to cure. Herid for rlreulnra nnd' tsti us. Add row K..I. I'HKNUrAc Co.,Tuledo, O. " I ov !ri!,orM., 7V. 0;r f'.i'r.lv Pill ni'n.t!ia beat. lkn first known to the Rniana silk wa C;r that It wm sold weight for wulylit .0r1J- ; iiV Tottnrlne la l lie Miune or It. Ilf.bn hr any akin tlia'ta.n atii-h aa ociema, Bxuai rlnKirorm or tette', noMiiim will 1 tfon ao ijmoaiy or thoroughly aa Tatiorlns. ninod hoii.niiili and will rure yon. Nu .' la tentlni mlala lor Hie tietclu. Acvepl no 'Uiiin. J. T (ihiiitrln. Manu'-r., Mnvan il J.. Tdll annil you a loa pontpald forOCo. in ' If your di UKKiai donau'i k. op it. !j the bit ten ynara there Ima been on In- of s.ood nnnnilly lu tlio number of ' itih.i.-. i. .... ntiHl im i lojorco &uit ana bwoko loar i.ue i.riy. ipOuIS tobneco easily snd forever, be mar full ot life, nerve and vigor, talie No-To-the wonder-wori'er, that mr.kea weak men r(. All drucjlata, COo or tl. Cureguarno oc booklet und simple free. Addreaa ,lng itetoedy Ca. Chicaco or New Vorlt, id, KulUn of Morocco will not nllow ft gliny roil iRoiit to enter hie dominion. C Fludloy'a Kye Solve ( area I eyua In 8 day; chronlo eaeN In 3n . or money b;uk. All dniftflnti, or 'til, 5o. per box. J. V- llATTKIt, Doca- l ..'exaa. ' C'krleH Kmadway House la so admirer h idyard Kipling. , n'a Core for Conanmptlon liaa no eqnal luouvh medicine. K. M. Ahhoti', UK3 bon Viit., Hudftlo, N. Y., May 9, 101) 1. 'U Duke of York baa an lmpoalng collec I Jf I'ltfurottj-holilui-H. ' t No To-no foe Fifty Cants, 1 ininreed tobacco bablt cure, make! weak ;i ttroutf, blood pure. 60o,l. All druffKiaia, I Kinir of Uroece rarely dona a uniform. 'ben he doea ho shown a tuurked profer ) for lltjht colore. Vecesstty is the other of Invention. ft Ltuw the r.ectsfify for a reliable blood fier nj ionic that brought Mo exist-""-Hood's Srspar,1la. It is a highly tnirtted extract prepared by a com jBwn, proportion And process peculiar self And giving to Hood' s Sars&pA- 1 1 l Aek for it. If )our doalor biuu't o It lie tan got It eaaily. ei, , , ' jiCiinicerona Freak of Nature. irl'oui1 but dangerous freaks of na e frequently found in the deserts of oriu are called Suralderoa by the jeans', and Indians. They are ed pitfalls of quicksand that oc- ln the dry plains and are covered ,v a vivauiiuiuuB tiuoL ui viuy mat ;( tcen spread over tbem In fine par tes by the wind and baked dry by sun. The peculiar properties of tho retala all the moisture drained la'o Joi after the lr.frequcnt rains, and , w it to be filtered to unknown ' fo that a man or a horse or a a' Eheep that once steps upon 'ptlve crust Instantly sinks out beyond hope of rescue. Tho I are on a level with the sur- i ae desert. There is no danger iat Wmark them and their surface sj, not be distinguished by the or- ry eye from tho hard clay that founds them. Thej They occur most fre- ptly in the alkali-covered flats, and often fifteen or twenty feet In 'peter. Sometimes they are only pockets or wells that a man can across, but the longest pole has r'pr found their bottom. A stone wn through tho crust sinks to un ":ii depths and no man who ever Into one of them was rescued. iy account for the mysterious dls- '' l r .1 f r m 'in., ri n n n i .nllln J ' - 1.11 V ui . I. J ... l MUU LUlllC. A CAPABLE mother must be a healthy mother. PABLE 3GTHER- and consulted a physician, but received no benefit and could . i . . nut oecome pregnant. J 'Seeing one of your books, I wrote to you telling you my trouoies anu asking lor aavice. xou an swered my letter promptly and I followed the directions fuithfully, and derived so much benefit that I cannot praise Lydia E, Pinkhain's Vegetable r-ouna enough. I now find pregnant and have begun its use again. I cannot praise it enough." Mrs. Perley Moulton, Thetford, Vt., writes: ."Dear Mrs. Pinkham I think Lydia E. Pinkham'o Vegetable Compound is an excellent medicine. I took u--veral bottles of it before the birth of my baby and got along nicely. I had no tfter-pains and am now . . . i , . i H.UIIJ ana enjoying good "f ! oalth. Baby is also fat and H 1 iulthy." ftf nr.... C MRS. L-HAS. UERB10, 304 I lk r ..!. t ... . . 1 yu"i nionroe at., Ualtt- lore, Md., writes i "Dear' RS. Pinkham Before tak- ;g Lydia E. Pinkham's 'egetable Comnound I was pable to become pregnant! but since I have used it my ealth is much improved, and I have a big baby boy, the joy nd pride of our home." KEEPd CURIOUS BUQ9 ,3 PETS Yucatan Inaeeta Are Miahly Eateemed by the people. Froin the. Mexican HrM: Three of the most curious po' .t were ever ted were brought . Mexico City the other day. Thfy -wero brought there by tho butler in the household of President Diaz, who had been on a trip to Frogreso. They are three bugs of a rare breed. The only place in the world In which they are found is Yucatan, The average specimen is about an Inch and a half long. Its body Is in two sections, rosombling the bodies of some specie of the bee tle, and each section Is covered with a stout shield or plato which Is utmost flat, curving but a littlo nt the edges. When the head of the bug I placed under the mlcroscopo It looks rather intelligent and amiable. The bugs which were brought here are in a highly ornate state. Some cunning artist of Yucatan has pulnted' shields In the Mexican national colors on the rear plates over their bodies, nnd highly colored bunches of llowprs on the front plates, nnd has t-'lMod their long, doublcd-up ' loci. l.lttle gold chains are attached to tho middle- of the rear plate, wlilcii Is tho larger of each bug's body, by which Ills bugsblp can be lifted up or led aro'inJ. One of tho bugs was presented to President Diaz, ono to a Mexican Indy and the other to an American lady. They are pel In the literal sense of the word The American lady's bug Is receiving all kinds of sollcltlous attention r.nd seems to like It. An effort will be made to teach him florae tricks. Ills habits and manners are being closely ; watched. lie loves the sunshine, hav ing been raised In tho hot country, and when he Is lifted by his gold chain and dropped in tho full felare ot the sun, with the cork of a beer bottlo in front of him to munch, he seems to be supremely happy. HABIT OF TIPPING SERVANTS. One Instance Illoatratlng It Abate ot the Coatlnent of Europe, A Chicago woman who recently spent a brief season In Germany speaks In terms of condemnation of the custom, almost universal there, of tipping ser vants. The practice is not confined to the hotels and lnnr, but guests at the private houses of the rich are expected to cross the palms of those who attend to their wants. This woman, iu relat ing her experiences, said: "When my visit came to an end I was in such a dilemma as to what was the proper thing to do in tho way of feeing the servants that after some deliberation I went to my hostess for relief: 'You have such a retinue of servants,' I oald to her, 'that I simply .cannot fee them all. I want you to te'.l me which ones will expect a remembrance and what amornt it ought to bo.' Whereupon she '. Id me that the question had come up so often In this very way that she had at last hit upon a plan which l:er husband agreed was a good one and which had been In operation for a long time In their household to the entire satisfaction of all concerned. Including tho servants. She showed me a locked box In a dark nook In the hall, and into a slit in this her guests dropped whatever amount it was their pleas ure to give the servants. Ouco in six months tho box was opened and the contents distributed among the staff, the gifts being proportionate to the place held'-the butler, footmen, room maids and others who come in direct contact with the guest receiving the larger amount which. I can assure you, was the greatest kind of relief to me, end seemed a good idea to adept else where." ' Do und lien aa Chums. New York Journal: In the rear of a quaint farmhouse in Cranford, N. J., where a Mr. Sylvester resides, a daily sceno of mutual affection between a dog and a magnificent specimen of a barn-yard hen Is displayed. The dog is fed regularly and he at once seeks tho hen, and together they devour the re past, the hen clucking the while and the dog showing every evidence ot sat isfaction. After the food has been aten both the hen and the dog seek a sequestered epot and a nap is enjoyed by both. Regular- after the noon meal, the hen, as it in payment of the repast, will lay an egg In the aaue'epan in which the dinner has been served. Then the dog, in response to much clucking on tho part of the hen, will run to the pan and quickly eat the I fresh egg. I he experienceof maternity should not be approached without careful physical Dreuaration. Correct and practical counsel is what the expectant and would bo mother needs and this counsel she can secure without cost by writing to Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn. Mass. Mrs. Cora Gilson, Yates, Manisteo Co., Mich., writes: ' Dear Mrs. Pinkham Two years ago I began having such dull, heavy, drag ging pains in my back, menses wero pro fuse and painful and was troubled with leucorrhoaa. I took natent iiiprlii-in ' 1 . TAUsi THE EMINENT DIVINE'S '. DISCOURSE. Snhjert: The Dlvnrr yuaMlon 1 Ilaorilar a Knlijrrt nt Nation poi tanra I'nlfoniiltr of Dlvorre L In Ihe.Varlnu Stain 8iiKBtel. Copyright, Lnnl Kloparh, lano.i WAani!nTn!, D. C Dr. Tixlmnge In tl ulacourse dlacuasos a nuvatlon nt natlnm importance, which Is oonfiBi'uly as dim cult as It la uruftit. The li'xt la Mllhm xlx.,, "What therefore Ood bath jolne together let not mnn put aaunilcr." That there are hundred nml thovixaml , of Inrnllrltons homes In America, uo on will (ionlit, If there were only one akelto. fn mo i-iunfu, mm miKiu oe locxeii up nil REV. DR HIT ToX .'.eC.MiTak'iill-u'ltLLSBURG, PA., SEPTEMBER nil the apartment. "tTiihannllv marrlnd' i nre two words nVacrlptiw of many n home hti-ail. It needs no orthodox minister tr. prove to a badly mated pnlr that there la n hell. They are thure now. Hoinptimea n grand nml grnrloua woman will ho thus In carcerated, nnd her life will he n cruel. Ilxlon, na was the caso with Mr. Nlonr. liny, the great pneteaa emt the irroat soul. Hometlmea nconaenrntnd mini will bo united lo n fury, na wna Johu Wesley, or miitndto n vixen, iih H John Milton! HomntiTos nnd Kenernlly both Hrtlis are to blnimi. nnd Thomaa Cnrlyln Is nn lutoleniblu Krutnbler, nnd hi wife has n pungent re tort nlwiiva londy. nnd Fronde, thu histo rian, pledged to loll tho (diiln truth, hna to lmll Nldn tho I'tirtnlii Iroin tho lifelong S'lnnlible at C'rnlKniip.iltiick and 5 Clieyue row. Homo rn Hint for tho nliovlatlon n( all IhofO doineatln rihiorderH of wlileli wo liHr enay dlvoree la n good preforlptlon. Hod aonii'tliiiiin niitlioriao divoroe aa certainly ua He nuthorlxe marring". 1 have Jut a much regard for one luwfully divorced n 1 have for nue lawfully ninrrlod. Hut von know nnd I know Unit wholiKiile itlvo'rre la one of our niitlnmil iiiirge!i, I em not aurprlBd ut thia when I think of the inllu eucmt wlileli luivo been iihrmiil militating ngHlu.it the marriage relation. For ninny yenr the plntform of the country mug with tu:k about n free love uilllentiliini. There wero i.-.ee(lngH of this kind held In thj Acadeiiy ot Mimic, lln.oklyu; Ooper Ju.Htitit,', New York; Tremout Temple, llo.iton, und nil over the lam!. H me of tho 7omen who were moit prominent In that movement luivo slnuo been dlNtlngulahed fo.- great promliii'iislty of nffeution. l'jpu lur Uierae fur such (mention were tho tyr anny of nun, the oppression of the innr rlngo rHlutlun, womeiis rights uud tho nninilltw. I'ronilinint speaker were woinu with short curN und short "Ire") uud very long tongue, ever lastingly ii' war with (Sod Iwn'ne they wero ('rented wouien, whlln on the pint Iurm ant race I. umu with soft nooeut nnd 'owed denieiiuor, npologello for masculin ity nml holding the pnrnsola while the termagant oruton wont on privichlng tho gospel of Ireo love. That eninptiigu of ubout twenty venr sot ninrn devl into the innrriagi) mlnllnn than will lie exorelsud in tho next II My. Mnn nnd women wont liouui from such ineotiuga .o perniiinently con fused a to who were t.ielr wives and hus bands t hut tloy never gut out of tho per plexity, Hml ih: criminiil nm! tho civil court tried to diseutnnglo the Iliad i f woes, nnd the one got itllmony, und that one got a limited dlvorc" nnd tula mother kept tho ehlldreu f dltlou that t ti father could aomet no nnd look ut o poorhoii.sesi. tbem, uud these , 'J uud thoae went ir.l ie asylum, uud those went Into niblle life, mid nil went to destr y" mightiest war over made ngn narrlngo Institution wna that fce-t . J cumpalgii, soinetliiie under one name mi l toiuctiui': under uu other. Auot'inr inlluenne that hr.a wntre.l upon Ibe'intirrlnge reliitlon !,ns been polygamy !n Utah That Is u etereotyne.l caricature of the nutrrlugn relntlou mid has poisoned the whole Innd.. You might us well (Mink tbut you onu liuve nu nrm tun stute of mor-tlfli.-ution und yet the whole body not be elckened lis to hnve hiiy Territories ot Ktntes pulygnmlzed tin. I yet the tio.lv of the nntlou not leel tho iutrefnction. Hear It, good men und women or America, thnt so loug ago 1H6J a law wn paosed by Con gresH forbidding polgumy In tho Territories nnd In nil the places whero they lind Juris diction. Thirty-seven years have pushed along and nine ml ministrations, yot not until tho pnssuge of the Kdmiiud' law In 1HS2 wns Hiiy active policy of polygamic suppression adopted. Armed with ell the power of government und having an, army ut their dlsposnl, the llrst brick hnd not till then been knocked from that fortress of lib. nrtiblsm. Kvory new I'resldent In hi Inaug ural tickled that monster with the straw condemnation, nnd every Congress stultllled itself In proposing some pluu thnt would not work. Polygamy etood in Utah, uud iu other of the Territories more Intrenched, more brazen, more puissant, more brag gart and more Internal than ut nuy time in it history. J urn en lluchiiiiuu, n'mucli abutted mnn ot bis day. did more for the extirpation of this villainy than nil the subsequent administrations dared to do up to l.SS'2. Mr. Buchanan sent out mi nrinv, nud, although!!: wa halted In Its work, still be iicuompllsliud nioro than the siibse,noiit iidminUtrutlous, which did nothing but talk, talk. talk. Even ut thili late day mid with the IMmum'. net iu force the evil Iiuh Ijot been wholly extirpated. l'olygumy In rtuh, though outlawed, I still pructicod In souret. It bus warred against the mar riage relation throughout the land. It Is impossible to have siuili mi awful sewer of iniquity sending up Its nilitsmu, which I wafted by the wluds north, south, east und west, without the whole laud being affected by It. "Now," say omp. "wo admit nil these evils, unci tho only way to clear them out or to correct then I by easy divorce." Well, before we yield to thut cry let ns Hud out bow easy It Is now. I have looked over the luws cf all the States, und I lind that, while In some dtutee It is easier thun lu others, in every Htute it Is easy. The KtHln ot Illinois, through Its LeglHlnture, recite ii long list ot proper causes foi divorco mill then elosea up by giving to the noun tho right to miiku u de cree of 'Uvorne in nuy caae where they loom ft expedient, After that you ure lici? surprised ut the announcement that lu nue eat them were S:13 dl vorens. If you want to know how easy It if, you huve only to look over the records of the Stales la Massachusetts, C01 ill-vor-eH iu one yaitr; In Maine, 7S lu ftuo year, In Couuectlciit, 101 divorces In ono year; lit the city of Kan f'r.uiolneo, !UJ divorces In one year; in New England In on t year. 2113 divorces, uud iu twenty years In New Englnnd, 20, C00. I that not easy eui ugh'f If the suuie ratio continues the ratio ot multiplied di vorce uud inultiplled causes of divoroe, we are not far from tho time when our court will hnve to set apart whole days for npplluntliA), unit ull you will have to prove against a mnn will be that be lull bis (dipper lu the middle of thu floor; and nil you will luivo to prove iigaiuat u woman wlli be thut bar husband's overcoat was bultoulnss. Cause of divorce, doubled iu a few years doubled In Frauee, doubled In ICnglund nnd doubled lu tho United Ktntes, To show bow very easy It la, I have to tell jOn thut lu Western Keserve, Ohio, the proportion of divorces to marriages cele brated was In one year 1 to 11; In Rhode liluud, 1 to ft; In Vermont, 1 to 14. Ie uot that easy enough? I want j ou to notice that frequbDcy of divorce i.lwny koc along with the disso luteness of nuclei y. Home for COO years had uot ono case of divoroe. Those 'wero her days ot glory and virtue. Then the relgu ot vice began, und divoroe became epidemic. If you waut to know how rap Idly the oii'i'lre, went dflwu, nsk (llbbou. Do you know how the reign of terror was introduced lu Frai ceV Ity 110,000 nun-:, of Uivoice iu onu year In Furl. What wo want Is thnt the Congress ol the United States move for the changing of the national constitution so (bat a lav eau be pasted which aball be uniform nil over the country and what shall be-right In one Ktate shall be right lu all the Hiatus uud What la wrong lu one Htate will be wrong In all the Ktate. How is it now? If n par'y In the marriage relation gets dlssntlstled, It la only Deoessary to move to another Htate to achieve liberation from the domestlti tie, nnd divorce 1 effected so easily that the Itrst one party knows of y Is by seeing It lu the newspaper that Itev. Dr. Somebody a few days or weeks after ward Introduced Into a new marriage reln tlou a member of the household who went off on n pleasure excursion to Newport or a buslues excursion to Chicago. Married at the bride's house; no nurds. There are Urate of the Union which iiraatluallv out Local Correspondence. kV: " rr- inntrim. . AMARANTH, clnl iigiinc;-. lind out bow hia, bcrltod.and ne calcula . out how long it will ho beforiv with our will die and lyhnlher be cnn stnnd .,. ln"tory temper until ho does die, and P.' ho enter the relation, for h say. ' If v cannot stand it, then through tho divorce law I will back out." That process I go ing on all tho time, and men enter Into tho relation without any moral principle, with out any niTection. nml It . I a much a mat ter of stock speculation ns anything that I wa transacted ycaterday In Union Faclllc, Wuhnli aud lielawaro and Lackawanna. Now, uppope a man nndi ri-tood, u he ought to understand, that If be goes luto thnt relation there U no possibility of hi gettlug c nt or no probability. He would be mornlow to put hi neck In the yoke, lie should say to himself, "liuthiT than a Caribbean whirlwind with a whole licet of shipping in It nrm. giro me a zephyr olT Held of snushlncaud gardens of peace.'' lllgoroux divorce law will also hinder women from the fatal mistake of marrying men lo reform them. It i. young mini, by twenty-five years ot age oe thirty years of age, have the buldt ot strong diliil; fixed on him. he I ns certainly bound tor a drunkard's grave ns thnt a train starting nut from the (Ir.itid Central dep. it nt H o'clock to-morrow morning I bound for, Albany. The ttaln may not reach Albany,' for it may bo thrown from tho trauli. Tho young mini may not reach a drun:nrd' grave, for something may throw hint oil the Iron track ot evil habit. Hut tho proba bility I that the train that st-irts . i-mor row morn lug nt 8 o'clock for Albany wl'l get tltere, nud the probability I that tho young man who ha the habit of str ia;: drink fixed on him before twenty-live, or thirty year of u-re will arrive nt a drunkard's grave. She knows bo Iriuk, although be tries to hide It by chewing cloves. Kveryhody know.4 bo drinks. Faren'. warn; neighbor nnd friend-i warn. Hhe will marry hlui, she will reform him. It she I unsuccess ful iu the etperlment, why, thoi,, the di vorce Inw will emancipate her, bnciriso habitual drunkenness 1 a cause for df vorcn iu Indiana, Kentucky, Florid:!, C in uectlcut mid nearly all the States, ho the poor thing goes to the altar of sucrinVe. If you will show mo the poverty struct streets In any city, I will show you the home of the Women who married 'men to reform them. In one ease out of tun thou sand it mu be a successful experiment. I never saw the successful experiment, lint Imvo n rlgorou divorce law. and that woman will say, ''If I nm affianced to that man, It Is for life, and It now, in the ardor of bis young love unit I the prize to ho won, be will not give up bis cup, when he has won the prize surely he will uot give up his cups.'' Aud so that woman will sny to the man: "No, sir; you nre already mar ried to the club, and you are married to thut evil habit, ami so you ure married twice, und you nre a bigamist. C!o!" Let ma ray to all young people, before you give your heart and liund In holy llauce, use nil caution. Inquire outside n to habits, explore the dlpo.-ltnu, scrutin ize tho taste, ipiestlcu the ancestry and Hud out the ambition. Do uot tuku lli.i boroe and heroine of cheap novel foru model. Do not put your lllctimo happi ness in the keeping of a in a a who has a reputation of being a l'tth loose iu morals or In the keeping of n womtm who dresses Immodestly. Hememher that, while good looks are n kindly glit of God, wrinkles or accident may i!cs;oll them. Koiuemher that Byron was no more cejebrnted for his beauty thnu for his doprnvity. Remember that Absalom's hair wa not moru splendid than his liublls wero despicable. I 'car It! Hoar It! The only foundation for linppy marriage tliut over bus beu or ever wlil be Is good character. Ak the uouosol of father und mother In this most Important step of your life. Thev are good iidrlsun. They nre the best friend yon over hud. They made more sacrlllceH fur you than any one else ever did. And let me say to those of you who urn iu happy married union, avoid (I rut iptc.r rels; have do unexplained correspondence with former admirers; cultivate no his plclons; In n moment of bad temper do not rush out und tell the neighbor"; do not let any ot those gadabout of society unload in your house their baggage of gab and tittle taltle; do not make it nn invariable rule to stund on your rights; learn how to apologize; do not b so proud or so stub born or so devilish that you will not make up. llemomher Jhnt tho worst domestic misfortunes und mos.'. scandalous lilvor.io onses started from little lufollcltes. Tun Wbolo piled up train of leu r'ill ear tele scoped und smashed ut the foot of nn cm bnukment 10(1 feet down came to that en tastrophe by getting two or three Inohin off tho track. Home of the groatest domes tic mlsfcrtunos nnd the widcut resounding divorce cases hnve started from little mis understanding thnt were allowed to go on und go on until home end respectability uud religion and liutnortul foul went down iu the crash. Fellow cltls-.os ii well ns fellow Clirl thins, let us have a divine rage against anything that wnrs on the marriage stale. Blessed Institution! Instead of two ur.us to light the battle of life, four; instead or two eyes to scrutinize the putb ol life, four; Instead of two shoulders to lift the burden of life, four; twice the energy, twice the courage, twice the boly ambition, twice the probability ot worldly success, twine the prospects of heaven. Into that matri monial bower God fetches two sculs. Out side tho bower, room for nil contentions, uud ail bickerings, und nil controversies, but Inside thut bower tbcro is room for only one guestthe angl of love. Lot that augel stund at the floriil doorwnv of this Kdenlc bower with drawn sword f;i hew down the worst foe of that I over ousy divorce. And for uvory pisradlso lost may there bo a paradise rcgalnc.'. And nfter we quit our borne here may we Imvo n brighter home in bonveu; at tl.n rludo VI of which, this moment, nro frtcillur fiiaus wutcbing for our arrival and woiulcriaj; why so lour Tt tarrv. It AumsvU me Cui.au. "I was on the detail for street cleaning lu Santiago," said the vol unteer sergeant, "and I had four carta and a lot of Cubans under me in my district. All they had to do was to rake the refuse Into heaps and load the carta, and that seems simple enough for a born idiot. Tho way they went to work knocked me out. Instead of driving the cart from heap to heap they shoveled the heaps along for half a mile until they bad reached the cart. I let each gang do this way once, and then made the cart drive from heap to heap, and showed them that they had wasted four-fifths of their time. When they understood they stared In open-mouthed admira tion and exclaimed: "Ah! such peo plesuch Americanos! It ts no wonder that Cuba is to be free!" Encouragement, "Do you think, professor," said the musically ambitious youth, "that I can ever do anything with my voice?" "Well," was the cautious reply, "it rosy come in handy to shout wtth In case ot fire," Tlt-Blta. 28, 1899. WELLS TANNERY. Mr. David Itikhcy, of six Mllu Hun, ucfonipttnlcil liy ,T. II. Grooey, muilo a biiHlncHH trip to town. William Ia'o Woodcock, of Altoona, as assijrtico ultcmU'd tho mile of L. Lfino- & Co., on tho 22d inst. t ho w i tninty oleomas Allen, of Chambers True faith f,f ,Mrs, J In reach promised ends, t'Kt'il bruin und band a if nil . on mil selves, will look to him, ni nothing depended on us, but all on blm. l-t u rut count hcul when wo nr culled on to mke tlnd's side. His sol (Hers nre always In the minority, but. If be Is reckoned In, the minority !' comes the mujurlty. "They that b with us arc nmie than they that bo with them." Christ's men hnve no wcnflons to wield but the sounding out from them mm finni a trumpet, of the word of the l.onl, nnd the light of a Christian life. The first condition of a revlvnl of Mllglim In for (lod's people to be In such a poeltion that nil tho honor will be given to Hod, and not lo the human Instrumertnlltv; though (Jod usta tha Instrunier tall! v. '. K. Cospcl llymns.-ll!i, SI, 10,1, Ifi, 111. 2SJ. tlospel Hymns, 1-4. 11.1. 175, 121, 351, ?M, 16B. THE PULPIT AND THE PEW. ! I Minister Makes tha Consreg-atton and Uia Congregation tha Minister. Between a minister and his congre gation there Is an action and a reaction so that the minister makes the con gregation and the congregation the minister, says Ian MarLaren in the Ladles' Home Journal. When one speaks of a minister's service to his people one is not thinking of pew rents and offertories and statistics and crowds; nor of schools and guilds and classes and lectures. The master achievement of the minister is to form character and to make mon. The chief question, therefore, to consider about a minister's work is: What kind of men has he made? And one, at least, of the most deci sive questions by which the members ef a congregation can be Judged is: What have they made of their minis ter? By that one does not mean what salary they may give him, nor how agreeable they may be to him, but how far he has become a man and risen to his height in the atmosphere of his congregation. Some congregations have ruined ministers by harassing them till they lost heart and self-con trol aud became peevish and 111-tem pered. Some congregations, again. have ruined ministers by so humoring and petting them that they could en dure no contradiction and became childish. That congregation has done its duty most effectively which has ere ated an atmosphere so genial, and yet so bracing, that every good in Its mln Ister has been fostered and everything petty allied. MARKETS. rALTIHOB, nnAIW KTV I FLOim Ttalto. llestPaL I High Grade Fxtrn I WHEAT No, llted !OKN No. 3 White Outs Houtharn A l'enn... 4 50 4 00 71 H 2f, 1 13 60 U 60 10 01) 600 7 60 75 6 .140 HO 70 tit) 40 25 511',' 13 U0 IllE-No. a... HAY Choice Tbnotby. Oood to Prima H 01 THAW live In car Ids.. W) Wheat Itloeks 6 00 Oatlllocks 0 00 ciNsr.n noon. rOMATOE8 Stnd. No. 8.t 9 No. a rKAH Standards 1 10 Seconds COIIN Ury Pack Moist BIDS. CITY STEER.8 lnV 9 ln"i City Cows 0Y W rOTATOKS AUD VIOSTABLS POTATOES Biirbnuks. . 85 & 40 ONIONS 50 68 rnovrsios noo rnoniTCTs-sUis. i Clear rlbsides Hams SIcssTork. per bar LA III) Crude liest rellned .V 9 7 U 10 50 wrat I PCTTEI!-FlneCrmy....t 21 9 33 l Under Fine 8 U I Creamery Italia 21 23 I rnaEsa, i CHEESE N. Y. Fauoy. .. 12 12 V I N. Y. Flats 12 iV Ultbn Cheese 6,'tf Di I laa. , EflOS Ptate Wi fl7 North Carolina 15 18 MVS fOULTSt CHICKENS 10H' (9 H Ducks, per lb X w TOSAOOO. TOTIACCO-Md. Iufer's.. 155 I 59 Hound coiuuiou 8 0 4 50 Middling BO) 7 00 Fancy... 1001 11I0J LIVl STOOC BEEF Best Beeves 4 20 470 BHEEP 4 60 4 75 Hogs t W 6 10 rtJItS AMD SKIMS MTJ8KRAT Kuocoon Ked Fox Skunk lilac k.... Opossum Mink Otter 10 40 it 45 3(10 HO 2.1 HO (00 2a Maw tons, FLOUR Southern . . , WHEAT No., 2Ke4. BYE Western, CUItN No. a. , OATH No. 8..v UU'lTEH Utafs EGOS Htate.. ) CLUKBE bute..... ....I 8 85 9 4 20 Ti 73M fti M 80 8 S7 MX 11 19 17 . 18 U 12 rBILADSLFBIi. FI.ODIl BouthV" 8 85 (IV 87 81 1 i ao 70 7X aa aa IT WHEAT No, Sited COltN No. OATS Na 2.; JiUTTKU State , fcUUo Penka ft Personal. Hon. I. II. Pa tt Kit son, i quite sick nt his homo at Webster Mill. Miss Mattik Smith, of Mount Car rol, Illinois, who had leen visiting the family of Kx-ShorlfT Sipes, left for homo on Monday. Mil. W. P. Stouteaolk and littlo (laujjdik'rs Nettle and Mary, and neph ew Amos II. Stoutonjrlo, all of this "lace, spent a few days with tho fam- Dr. Hanks at Hays Hill. They Tuesday. McKlldilN, the versa W tM-oersburtf Journal, Hide of the IVORY SOAP ,,.r. COSVSISCT IM SV THt fl ORIQIN OF THE TERM CADDIE. loffenloas Explanation of Common Oolf Term by Frank Itovd. To some, at least, of the unnumbered and innumerable host ot golfers the question may have occurred at one time or another Whence rsme the word "caddie"? Frank Eoyd, in his "Omitted Chapters in the History of Monlficth," which he contributes to "The Book of Monifieth Golf Links Ba zar," offers an ingenious as well as highly amusing explanation ot the term. There was. he says, a Culdee, or "Keledei," establishment at Moni fieth at one time, till the monks of Ar broath dispossessed the Culdees of their lands and made them their serv ants. One day It occurred to a monk, while having a game of golf, to make the Keledei carry his clubs. He found this contributed greatly to his comfort. "The plan was adopted by the rest, ot the monks, and henceforth they never went out without being accompanied by their Keledei. Now you know," continues Mr. Boyd, "that in 'these parts the practice Is to cut short words in which the letter '1' Is used. A na tive, for instance, never says 'Balgray,' it is nlways 'Baigrie.' Thus it was natural that in the courso of time the T should drop out of the 'Keledei,' and It should come to sound like 'caydee,' and to this day this isdiow the word is pronounced by superfine Scotch youths. In the strong ForfarBhlre vernacular it was, however, broadened out to 'cad die.' " As a matter of fact, the origin of the teim "caddie" does not appear to have ever been satisfactorily explained. Jamieson, who defines caddie as one who earns a livelihood by running er rands, delivering messages, and so on, expresses the opinion that the term was originally the same with the French cadet, which, as he remarks, Is sometimes used to denote a young per son In general. Dr. Murray, in his colossal work, holds tho same view, but how the word came to be employed to denote the lad who carries a play er's golf clubs has still to be elucidated. Literature. How a Bra 3ull Catches a Mote. A farm manager at Fodderty, Ding wall, Scotland, watching a mole catcher at work, saw sea gulls hovering over, end occasionally alighting upon a tur nip field, in which the observer and others were at work. A particularly large and handsome bird attracted his attention by the graceful way In which it floated slowly over the drills, in tently scanning the surface of the ground. Suddenly, steadying itsolf e moment, it dropped, dug its bill Into the ground, and rose with a mole for Ita prey. Keating a few minutes, it gracefully began again a further uem.-h for prey. In a few minutes a second mole was unearthed. Look at. yourself I Is vour face covered with pimples? Your skin rough and blotchy? It's your liver t Aycr's Fills are liver pills. They cure constipation, biliousness, and dyspepsia. 25c. All druggists. Wmit your inmislut'liv or bar4 a liMUilful lirnwn or rich lilm-k ? Tliffn use BUCKINGHAM'S DYE whiter. 1 h: t Cry nih , n H. "My wlfa bad pimples on her face, but sba ban Den i.ikiint C'Ai'AKK.TS ana Diey have all disappeared. I uud been troubled with oousttpuiion (or some time, but after tak ing the first Coscsret 1 huve had no troiilda with this ailment. We csiinnt siwak too high ly of PttKoareM." 1'ino Wautuan, 67US Ueruisntowo Ave.. r&ilaaelibla, Pa. Plsaiant. Pslatstiis, 1 i.itinl. Tsute Govt, no Good, Hum blulsu, Wsskcu. or Grl.. loo, Jbcbln). ... CURC CONSTIPATION. ... turil.4 Rhw. tmtmfr (SIS' MmM. . nt Slfl Tfl Ptf Void and susrmnte4 br all drua KUIUCAw bwwilasiuw luWu U LlVaLLiy A PI CUP LIS iCTV CANDY if CATMART,C TSAOI MASS RISISTSMO NUMBER 2. Gf-oimik TitAKEn, ono of the nu'in Imth tif tho hustlino; lutnlwr firm of Frakor Urothfi-s, Fovt l,ittl(ton, was down nt Wt'l)sUr Mills, Monday. Mil. and Mrs. iV.TF.n Kmic kft Monday morning for I'hlladolphla whero tiioy will seloct thoir fall goods and jico the wonders of tho exposition. MltS. C.ICO. W. SF.Yt.Art AND MlSS Mamik MinoNOfoir, of IIan(!ot!k, Md., wero visitors toourtown on Mon day. A. V. Xacf;, our enterprising mer chant tailor, left forl'liiladalphia thin morning to add to bin utock ail thu very luust things in olotha aud men's furnishing generally. I "hop. and Mks. .1. 11. Hinyan-, ami their two children, IUishoII and .lone phine, vlnlled in Shipponsburg during tho past week. Mil. F.UJAH II. C'line, of St. Tarl., hut formerly of tills county, is Mr,hHn,lkCit-V,hls W,'('k' 110 eX' jo-eut a librsiijrf tho big Dcwcy parade . Jio way, wo notice Fits I fentisnently ifin nflrr Hrt riiiv ukp , Nrrv? Hi'Htnrrr.fil trial Hit7) to $400. ami l....lt.H.K...Nr,l.Ul..1lAsithftt Hen. Mllrs will set as marsha v,1 s.mia tr parade St Wasblnt(tin. U. fij al nlllv To Cars I ilpatlon Voravar , T(S (iscaiels l unily I'elhartlo. 100 or tW U C C, C. fall 10 cum. rtrunsisu refund tBoasf, The new dli-ei tor of the Ht. Petersburs; LU brary Is Lleutvnant-Ueneral Hchllder. M rs. Wlnslow's Southing Hy nip for rMhlren I tetlilSB:,so1ienstbeunuis,relu(duKlnflanina-i Uud, allays pain, cures wind nolle, bo. a bottla, ' Mrs. Frances HodKHon Burnet will retorv - to the L nltrd 8Utes lu Oi Uibi r. naatiataTanr Bowels With Catear). Oandy Cathartic, cure oonstlpatloa foi ISe.Sto. If ao.0.fall.arucslsiarfundknnta- Lanv. lane t'arew Is the only tlt''A,n' a srlun in Ureal Britain. . D. T. many Wholesale Prices I; ;litotl to uie to him Tbtrs U BO l bould pay r nthms I w ni .ml 1IHB .1 V',liza J. prli-e. lo an k oil Sat in. t C11.L I lt' h fi'StUtO thut unlcfiirll. ,tjrlliln V ilj blld (,'uirt'ii'iliril fitiiji, tua.ea. rrrrtlilns ;ou rst. It tell. hrilt .11 hirl. ,il Auririll- lursl Iwpli-im-st., ll tort. .j. a i,. of Vrhlrla .nd. ill f.rt. h v,ns tn . ib .t, .nd i.iv am- 4? returnod iriU. With this book in ft?fJ1,a vf KMtlnn )im tin Me I ; l3 from 4 Mr crnl. to H) :i.-" Usl per rriii, un your jomly tzT r- t,,lu mirrlis... v.m r an Knv t ff largo thut are U.rrl,..,, you .n bur Ti ,l)nn,l nn. rhfKpfr tlun your tlculrr. lur 61 Vfim vt mcrvhitmlitlNtf rim rntd MILLKU. Hit imms "Hlntu'' fin mii fx .rllrlf inrn-.linnd In tha Frtiihi yi.l, havo lerlini ui.ik on .liter. " t , , l iTHonRAMtcn rv'sndng HI'U VAlAUmm r'ntlifi uoons i s ,iahr aina- A,ll KXOf'l.sltKP VI. I okhkh ri.oriuJ,'Y r'' t.UHVK wlili ( 7.nr 1,14 , a TTArnt. o, A Kt: l..ti '!,u ca urn rs wr:n hkk y fhkiuiit 1 itr.iAir: ri.oth lS'l KXrREHHKn 'AA A , KVmiYWIIKHR OitnlnauH f ' MCSICAI. ISsTHrUKs'lX at4 ) uicrci.Es ALSO flitS. 1 TV. U $3 50. Which hook shall wc send you? Address this way: JULIUS MNES&S0N BALTIMORE, MD. Dept. 21 1 ;.icrr.s lai lilt PJInr I Clt-'j 1 Vy Send your name ind address on a poslal, and we will send you our 15-j A page Illustrated catalogue free. ($ I WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO. & Jj 176 wlnchtiter Avenue, Nw Hsn, Cons. l9 o Ranches, Mines and Orchards Are the bull of rrodnrtlv wsnllh In New Mixlco, Arizona. California Csttla and ah ap on tha rlalns, Old. silver, i-opiiac, iro i and cial la I a mnuu'alua. Laai'liiiia fnttta and soldan grain, in ibavalla.va. Abnndaut mi ahiua aud tur air avarywti.ia. A lacs to Maki Monty In s Writ, f, r fra pamphlets and Informa tion a-uut Uouii aaabara' ssvuralua ra.ra. Adilrsaa E. K. Bl'HNETT, O. E. P. Act, Tbt Aublion, Topaks & Basts Fi Eallwar, arr broadwav, ncw vohk, n. v. i W. L. DOUGLAS $3453.50 SHOES 2." Worth $4 to $8 compared with other siskaa. Iniloraed by over l.ooo.ooo vreurera. ALL If THER$. ALL STYLES Tea imm i k. w. L. Dm.u' hm aaS 9tm .uaiM aa ..ll.ia. TaL- ao aiibatlinte rtatmeol to b M soou, lrsa.t u&knra of S aoU s.i SO lnwa In iba vorld. Yourdialr.houldkesi & thrui If not, wa will .end fin. aiialron recetpiof prli-e. bi.ta Itlnd uf leather. .Ua and wiitih, tilala or sap tva. (alaloua V rrea. W. 1. pnutllts tHOt CO- Broc?in, Mart, MON BY In Cblckans. fud jtio. In stamps for Hook, Uooa PtHLi.msn Uumi i Ui Laouaid tltrtst, Hw Vui a. it IH ii m. rl BM C-nwb byrup. TaMua (iL Vmm I Inilnia. K lit br UiiiHvlxa. ' I" in.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers