The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, September 21, 1899, Image 5

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    n rnrtjf -afr la IUood Dep.
,,HV il-od fcvpni ft clean skin. No
Fvimmit it. Casearet, Candy tethar-
1,1 n vour blood and keep it clean, by
' tir i tie laty liver and driving all im
i',13 f i -u the body. Uegm to-day to
i,,l j)ii;i, boilf, blotches, blackheads.
'tat. tn klv biliotia complexion by taking
"tret a Iicnuty for ten cent. All drug
(Vlatutaction guaranteed, 10c,26e,50c.
a't i-...,,.. v-....tA win anTMA Hi the
H-potflii Op-irit llnuso. New inrS, In No
tttr fur ttie llrst timo lu 15 yearn.
' 'r l more CaUiri-'.i In this aor-tlon of the
Il'iri- thm all nth nr rti -eases put together, t!i'lt few (irWM siipisjseil to b-
'llf. nr a arvent many years doctors
llnni-e'l iralnoal iIIkci and jiresnrlbed
i ifiii'ilie, ninl bv ronsf-antly Tallin til
1 lth Im-iu treatment, iironnunretl It lu.
Tf-r. S"i'-ni'e lins nriivn etatiirrh to be a
( tnt'niinl disease and therefore requires
le: feaiment. HMl'a OaUrrh Cure,
ojfa hy F. .1. Cheney Co., Toledo,
i,1k thp nnlf cum on the
"it. His tken Internally In doses from
r )frn eatKftiful. It arts directly on
' x n I ami miirnna aurf'irea of the system.
'8 jilTer n hundred dollars fur any ra
u.iinri-ro. Send for i-irculnrs nnd testi-
llrt. A 'HI re r ..i . ninkioivuiuicuVi
!ln. A -Idee" r..i. I
b.- Irmnrtd. "fit
's family iMIj ni
ft,t'i bent.
I "in flr-d. known tn the Komana silk M
c-r thtt It was sold weight for weight
iti'- Tcittfrlne la 't'he Xume of It.
uf on tirj any nVtn dla-iasa such as oeaema,
'toeuat ringworm or tntte-. 1101111114 will
roii ao luioaijr r th iroinrhlr aa Tetiurtna.
freuted iboii-andt and will rure you. Nu
. m muim mlals lor tlie uaklu. Adept nu
1 1. Unto. J. T Mmiitrlne. Msnu"r., Sevan
er 3.. will send yon ho postpaid (orotic In
it If you.- di UKtflst dimau't k eu It.
C5 the lat ten years there 1ms been an In
. I of 2.IKKI nnnitilly In tlio nuinbor of
"i Url fella's Insane.
11,1, 1
lnl't Tojateo Spit and Smoko T oar lift Iwiy.
;e qnlt tobaeeo cosily and forever, be BW
, full of life, nerve and vltor. taUe No-To
thawoodm-worl'er. that nir.kca wealc meo
,rg. All drufglsta, COoorll. Cureguarao-
Out Boottlct and simple iree. aourtw
, tlDg Jleroedy Co.. Cliicaco or New York,
lu: tinltan of Morm-rn will not nllnw a
a,jlng rol aisout to enter hla domiuloiia.
3 c' 1'lncUey'a Kye Knlvo ('area
etea lu 3 dayn: clironlo ruin in 3n
,' or money bnt-k. All driiKvtlBt-', or
'til, fcW;. per box. J. V- Havtkii, Doca
a jexaa. ' '
"0firlea Uroadway ltouaa la an admirer
li ldyard Kipling.
"lira Cure for Conaimiptlon baa no equal
illiiDouifh niedlrine. V. M. AnnoT-f, Via bon
v tt.. buffalo. N. Y.. May , lBUI.
Icv-i Duke of York liaa an Imposing collec-
xf clguiottj-lioldurn.
)e t Ko-To-llao for fifty Cent,
1 "'arnnteed tobacco bablt euro, make! weak
OH (trout;, blood puru. 60o,ll. AUdruggiau.
i Kln of Uroere rarely dona a uniform,
rhen bn doea bo ahowa a marked prefvr
)V) for liKht o.nlor.
Vecesstfo is the
tker of Invention."
u L-w3 ih'e necessity for a reliable blood
fier and ionic that brought into tzist
m'rKood'i Srsapar,1U. is A flighty
'!tntra1td extract prepared by A com
. Hon, proportion and process peculiar
pelf and giving to Hood's Sarsapa
, Kunequalled curative power.
e a
lest i Ankforit, If jour dealer hasn't
t to ' 'ie t'an t0 ' eB8"y-
ievet -
Dangrona Freaka of Nature.
ta "CCrltous' but dangerous Ireaks of na
)ise I frequently found in the oeserts of
3R nona are called Sumlderoa by the
-'LflcaDK and Indians. They are
ked pitfalls of quicksand that oc
0T l la the dry plains and are covered
jju'lra treacherous crust of clay that
rej, been spread over them In fine par-
tB by the wind ana uauea ary Dy
sun. The peculiar properties of the
retain all the moisture drained ln'o
pj aner me lr.irequeci rains, uuu
it to be Altered to unknown
sij that a man or a horse or a
a cheep that once steps upon
ptlve crust Instantly sinks out
' beyond hope of rescue. Tho
a are on a level with the sur-
in Hocerr Thorn la nn dancer
1 K -
- aal lu mark them and their surface
J , not be distinguished by the or-
I fry eye Irom th8 nard clov that
110 round them. They occur most fre-
'e' hty in the alkaH-covercd flats, and
II lt'ilnfMrt flftApn nr tvfiitv fpfit In
Tucalan InaeeU Arm H'a-hJy Eateemad
by the People.
From the-Mexican Herald: Three
of the most curious pets that Wore
ever fed were brought to Mexico City
the other day. Thy wore brought
there by tho butler In the housrhoid
of President Dla, who una been on
a trip to Progreao. They aro threa
bugs of a rare breed. The only place
In the world In which they art found
is Yucatan. The averagfl specimen is
about an inch and a half long. Its
body Is in two aectlona, resembling
the bodies of some specie of the bee
tle, and each section is covered with
a stout shield or plato which Is almost
flat, curving but a littlo nt the rdges.
When the head of tho bug la placed
under the mlcroscopo It looks rather
intelligent and amiable. The bugs
which were brought here are in a
highly ornate state. Some cunning
artist of Yucatan has painted- shields
in the Mexican national colors on the
rear plates over their bodies, nnd
highly colored bunches of llowers on
the front plates, and has islldpd their
long, doublfd-up ' lcc3. Little Rold
chains are attached to tho mlddlo of
the rear plate, whlcii is tho larger of
each bug's body, by which his hugshlp
can bo lifted up or led around. One of
the biiRS was presented to Preeidnl
Diaz, ono to a Mexican lady nnd the
other to an American lady. They are
pot in the literal sense of the word
The American lady's bug is receiving
all kinds of sollcltlous nttentlon r.nd
seems to like it. An effort will be
made to teach him jorac tricks. Ills
habits and manners are being closely
watched. IIo loves tho sunshine, hav
ing been raised in the hot country,
and when he is lifted by his gold chain
and dropped in iho full fclare of tho
sun, with the cork of a beer bottlo in
front of him to munch, lie seems to be
supremely happy.
One Inatanee Illustrating Ita Abates on
the Continent of Kurope.
A Chicago woman who recently spent
a brief season in Germany speaks In
terms of condemnation of the custom,
almost universal there, of tipping Rer
vants. The practice is not conflned to
the hotels and lnnr, but guests at the
private houses of the rich aro expected
to cross the palms of those who attend
to their wants. This woman, in relat
ing; her experiencea, said: "When my
visit came to an end I was la such a
dilemma as to what was the proper
thing to do in tho way of feeing the
servants that after soma deliberation I
went to my hostess for relief: 'You
have such a retinue of servants,' I oald
to her, 'that I simply .cannot fee them
all. I want you to te".l mo which ones
will expect a remembrance and what
amornt It ought to bo.' Whereupon
she '. 'Id me that the question had coma
up so often In this very way that she
had at last hit upon a plan which lier
husband agreed was a good one and
which had been in operation for a long
time in their household to the entire
satisfaction of all concerned, including
tho servants. She showed me a locked
box in a dark nook in the hall, and
Into a slit In this her guests dropped
whatever amount it was their pleas
liro to give the servants. Onco In six
months tha box was onened and tha
contents distributed among the staff
the gifts being proportionate to tho
place heldthe butler, footmen, room
maids and others who come in direct
contact with the guest receiving tho
larger amount which.I can assure you,
was the greatest kind of relief to me,
and seemed a good idea to adopt elsewhere."
Sulijert: The Divorce QueMlon 1
Disorder a Subject of fiatlona'i
portanee I
laordera a Subject of national , aw hw,
irtanee t'nlfontilty l Divorce l,1Vj
the.Varlena Klalea Suggeateil. II II
ICnpyrigtal, Lnnln Klopwh. 1U ' 11 II
Washinotoh, D. C Pr. Tnliriage In th f
uiacourae uiacunnija a iftirniiiiu vi unui'i"
linportaneo, which la eonfeasedly as dim,,
rult as It la urgent. The text la Mnllhe
xlx., fl, "What therefore God hath Jolne
together let not man put aauniler."
That there are hundreds nnd thousand
of Infelicitous home In America no on f
will donbt, If there were only one akeletoi-
In the closet, that mlRht be Forked up "H'l
hondoned. but in many a noine tnere ih i t. i i VKI Kli KA NHH hMMr-kH 1 HOO
keletonlnthe hallway and a skeleton mLLOUUrvvj, rrt., JLf I tlVlDCK .0, 10 A
all tho apartments. " Unhappily married' i
nre two worda descriptive ot mnuy n home r
Hienil. It needa no orthodox minister to
prove to a badly mated pnlr that there la n
hell. They are thuro now. Sometimes n
grand nud gracious woman will bo thus In
cHreerated, nnd her life will he it cruel.
Itxlon, as was the with Mrs. Mlgour.
ney, the great poetess ami the great soul.
(Sometimes a conseernted in an will bo united
to a fury, as wna John VYnaley, or milted to
a vixen, im wus John Milton. Hometlies
nud generally both parties nre to blnnm,
nnd Thomiis Dnrlyle Ih nil iiitolernblu
grumbler, unit hla wife bus n pungent re-
ort nlwnva lendr. and I ronde, llio histo
rian, pledged to toll tlin plulii truth, tins to
ull iisiiie the curiiun iroui tun uielong
liiiilible :it'.iic'k and 5 f'heyue
Homo av that for the alleviation of nil
hen domestic disorder of whleh wo hear
nsy dlvoree la n good prescription, lo.
sonietliiixi iiiitborir.iv divorce as certainly
ns He nuthorlr.ea marriage. 1 have Jut as
much regard for one lawfully divorced n
hnvn for one lawfully married. Hut von
know nnd I know Unit wlioloanle divorce
a on of our nntlmiiil seourg, I am not
surprised at thla when I think of the 1 it 11 u -oueiM
which hnvo been uhro:nl mllltntliig the marriage reliitlon. For many
yenrs the phitforms of the eonntry raug
with tn:k nlioiir n iree love niilleuiiliim.
'J'here v;ero i.-.eetiiigii of till kind held in
th J Acaderay of MuhIc, Iln.oklyu; i. coper
.' aitit'lte. New lork: lreniont Tatnpla,
llo.iton, nnd nil over the Inn,!. Hjme of the
women who were mont prominent in that
movement have -lnc been distinguished
fo.- great pronilaeualty of nhVotlon. 1 jpu
lur thenea fur such onciptiuna were the lyr
im.iy of nan, the uppreaalnn of the inar
rlngo relation, women rights and tho
till till luf . l'ro'nliiimt Sieakera v.-ere
woinu with short ciu-U nnd short
dresn mid very long tongue, ever-
lastingly el. wur with (!od tacaise they
were ereateil wouiew. whllo on .ue plat
form sat mnul. meu with soft nuoeut and
cowed dcnieiiuor, iiiologell for inaseuiln
ity nnd holding the pnriisola whllo the
lermngaiit oruton wont on prcucliliig tho
gospel of Iree love. That eumpalgu of
iibout twenty yenrs sot morn devl a Into the
innrriago irthul-in than will n exorcised in
the next lll'y. Men and women wnut hoinu
from suoh ineotluga so pcrniiineiiiiy non
fused as to who were t inlr wives and hus-
IihihIs Unit 1 1 cy iievor got out of the per
plexity, nnd 111:) criminal am: II") civil
courts tried to dinentaiiglo the Iliad of
woes, and the one trot alimony, and that
one got a limited riivojv anil tula motliur
kept tli n ehlldreu f dltlou that tin
father could somettf no nnd look at
them, mid thesi . v
Local Correspondence.
meterv Sometimes they are only
1 01 Ii Tinnlreta nr wplla that a rrinn can
e'l across, but the longest pole has
ul0'V found their bottom. A stone
"'' jwn through tho crust sinks to un
rlion:wn depths and no man who ever
k su'!, in to one of them was rescued.
:h n'iy account for the mysterious dis-
l"ri'arance of many men and cattle,
11) ir .
' KVII--
Dog and lien a Chums.
New York Journal: In the rear of
a quaint farmhouse in Cranford, N. J.,
where a Mr. Sylvester resides, a daily
gceno of mutual affection between a
ddg and a magnificent specimen of a
barn-yard hen is displayed. The dog Is
fed regularly and he at once seeks tho
hen, and together they devour the re
past, the hen clucking tha while, and
the dog showing every evidence of sat
isfaction. After the food has been
igaten both the hen and the dog seek
a sequestered spot and a nap is enjoyed
by both. Regular ' j after tho noon
meal, the hen, as If in payment of the
pepaet, will lay an egg In the auc'epan
in which the dinner has been served.
Then the dog, in response to much
clucking on the part of the hen, will
run to the pan and quickly eat the
fresh egg.
iVU o,'
) liq'
ay liest
will r-
i-ise 4
i. oi.
by f'i:
IllllW f
11 (
ire; b-. ,
y. '
) attf
id u
us. '
a pur
r, ani
i otbt'
ns rec.
L WOS if
f tbe
e par'J
ailed f
SB an W
CAPABLE mother must be & healthy mother.
The experience of maternity should not be approached
without careful physical preparation.
Correct and practical counsel is what the expectant and would
be mother ueeds and this counsel she can secure without cost by
writing to Mrs. Finkham at Lynn. Mass.
Mrs. Cora Gilson, Yates, Manistee
Co., Mich., writes:
Dear Mrs. Pinkham Two years ago
I began having such dull, heavy, drag
ging pains in my back, menses were pro
fuse and painful and was troubled with
leucorrhaea. I took patent medicines
and consulted a physician, but received no benefit and could
siut become pregnant.
Seeing one of your books, I wrote to you telling you
my troubles and askmg lor advice, iou an
swered my letter promptly and I followed
the directions faithfully, and derived so
much benefit that I cannot praise
Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound enough. I now find myself
pregnant and have begun iti
use ao-ain. I cannot oraise it
enough." ..
Mrs. Perlev Moulton.W
Thetford, Vt., writes:
4,Dear Mrs. Pinkham
I think Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound is an
Kcellent medicine. I took
reveral bottles of it before
the birth of my baby and
fat along nicely. I had no
:cer-patns ana am now
F'rong and enjoying good
I salth. Baby is also fat and I
! iulthy."
I juth Monroe St., Haiti-1
t iore, Md., writes 1 "Dear
" RS. Pi hk 11 am Before tak-
g Lydia E. Pinkham's
egetable Compound I was
lable to become pregnant; but since I have used It my
salth Is much improved, and I have a big baby boy, the joy
id pride of our home."
T ' ' 1
I J '
1 il
"!1 I'll
I 1 iii'I
i j lit r
o ponrliou.HHii.
unci those went tr.r te aayluiu, Hitil
thoao went Into . iiibllu life, nnd
nil went to dost nilRtaHnat war
ever inadu okV narrlniie inattt'itlon
wna that fee- ,T eiunpiilKii, aomettmeK
tinder ouo name mi l oiuotiiu';i uuder an
other. Auut'tnr Inlluenne that lim w.iire.l upon
I be' innrrlNRe relation bua beeu polyHiny
!u Utah That la 11 stereotyped caricature
of the BiarrliiKfl relation iiml hns polaoueil
the whole laud.. Von mlRlit iih well think
that you onu huve nu arm lu 11 atiuu ot mor
tification and yet the whole body not ba
xickened ns to have tuy Terrltnrlea r
Ktatea polyiritmlzed nnl yet the body ot I lie
nation not leel the putrefaction. Hear it,
Koud meo unit women or America, that au
Iouk iiro aa a law wna paKBert by Con
Kren forbtddluK polKumy in tlio Terrllorie?
mid in all the plaeea wheru they hml juris
illetlon. Tblrty-aeven yenra have pushed
ulong and nine udmlnhM rations, yut not
until tho pnssuKO of the Kdmituds law in
1W2 waa Hiiy aetlve policy of polyKmnlv
uipresalou adopted. Armed with nil the
power of government nnd having nu unny
nt their dlspoanl, the II n't brink had not till
then been knocked from Unit fortress of lib
nrtitiUm. Kvery new President lit lilainnutr
tirnl tickled that monster with the straw
condemnation ,tt ml every Conurera stiiltilleil
Itself In proposluK pome plan tliat would
not work. Polygamy etoud In Utah, uuil
iu other of tho Territories more lutrenohecl,
more brazen, more puissant, more brae
(jiirt and more Internal thuu at nuy time
In lu history. James ltuchaitan, n much
abused man ot hla iuy. did mors (or the
extirpation of tills villainy than nil tha
subsequent administrations iiureu 10 ao up 1
to 18812. Jlr. BuchiiuHU sent out 1111 nrmy, I
nud, iiltbouxh !t wis linlted lu Its work, still !
he acoompllsliud moro than the subsequent j
iidininUtrutious, wbli-ll dlil nothing but
talk, talk. talk. Even at this late duy mid
with tho E lmuiu'.i net lu force the evil bun
not been wholly nxtlrpiited. Polygamy '11
I'tab, tlioilgb outlawed, is still pructicud
in secret. 1c baa wurred iiiraiust tbo mar
riage relation throughout tlie laud. It i.
impossibluto have sncli nu awful sewer of
lnliiiUy scuilluif up its iniusina, which is
wafted by the winds uorth, south, oust and
west, without tho whole land bfllug ufTecKid
by It.
"Now," say some, "wo admit all these
evils, aud thu only way to oleartltem out
or to correct tliuiri Is by easy divorce."
Well, before wo yield to tbut cry let ns tlud
out how easy it Is now. I linvo lookud
over the laws cf all tlie States, and I find
that, while lu some rttatcs It la easier than
In others. In every Htuta It Is easy. The
Utile of Illinois, through Its LeiilNliiture,
recite it iouk list of proper ciiusea for
dlvorco and then elnsoa up by kIvIiir
to the courts tin: rliiht to miiko 11 de
cree of divorce in uuy case where they
deem It expedient, After that you urn
no; surprised lit the announcement
that lu one year them were di
vorce. If you want to know bow easy
It is, you have only to look over the records
of tbo Stutos lu Massachusetts, CO I dl-vor-es
in one year; In Mulnv, 17S lit
r.uo year, In Connecticut, 401 divorce
In ono year; 111 the city vt San
.Friuiclsco, 3di divorces in one year; in
New Kniiluud la on year, 21U divorces,
and In twenty year iu New Enalimd, UO,
00. Is that not easy em tiKhy If the same
ratio continues the ratio ot multiplied di
vorce uud multiplied causes of divorce,
we aro not far from tho time when our
courts will hnve to set apart whole daya
for npplluatbaa, and all you will have to
prove aifaiuat a man will be that be left bis
slippers tn the middle of thu floor; and all
you will hnvo to prove ngaluat a woman
will bo that tier husband a overcoat was
buttouless. Cause of dlvorco doubled in a
low years doubled In Frauce, doubled In
Kngland and doubled In tho United States.
To ahow bow very easy It la, I hnvo to tell
;oit that lu Westoru Keserve, Ohio, the
proportion of divorces to marriages cele
brated was In one year 1 to 11; In Rhode
Itluud, 1 to f; In Vermont, 1 to 14. le not
that easy enough?
I want you to uotbie that frequooey of
divorce i.lwnyn iioe.-i aloutf with the diuao
lulenesa of xoclely. Home for BOO years
liad not ono naso ot dlvoroe. Those wero
her days ot Klory and virtue. Then tbo
relxu of vice btifiuu, and divorce became
epidemic. If you waut to know how rap.
Idly the cirpiro went drlwn, ask (llbbon.
Do you know bow the relun of terror waa
introduced In Fra' CcV Uy !!O,00O oas-; of
dlvoic lu ono year in Paris.
What w want is that the Congress ol
the United States move (or the chaulnn
ot the national constitution so tbat a law
can be passed which shall be uniform all
over the country and what-sball be. right
iu one State ahull be right In all tha Slates
uud What la wrouv in one State will be
wrong In all the States. How Is it nowV
If 11 pnr'y In the marriage relation (tela
dim at Is lleil, It U only neoessnry to move to
another State to achieve liberation from
the domestic tie, nnd divorce la effected so
easily that the llrat one party knows of y.
la by seel or It lu the newspaper that Itev.
l)r. Somebody a few daya or week after
ward Introduced Into a new marriage rela
tion it member of the household who went
off on a pleasure excursion to Newport or
a buslueia exourslon to Cbloago. Married
at tlie bride's house; no cards. There are
States ot the Union whtob nractlcalW out
ki. "
clitl acinic
tlnda out how
lierltid, nnd no calcula .
out how lotiR it will bn befor.v with
Will die nlid 'vhellier he nun stillld .',n.
tratory temper until lio does die, nud r.'
ho enters the rolatioii. for he says. "If x
cannot stand It, then through tlio dlvorco
law I will back out." That process Is go
ing on all tho time, and men miter Into tlio
relation without any mornl prluclpK with
out any affection, nnd it.N h mucii a mat
ter of stock speculation its anything that
was transa-tcd ycaterday In Union Pacific,
VYahnvli and lielawaro and I.aekawannn.
Now, soppoMt a mint nnili ri-tooil, ns ho
ought to understand, that If be goes I nt)
that relation there U no possibility of Ills
getting cut or no probability. Ho would j
be more alow to put bis nefle In the yoke, j
lie should say to himself, "liiitbcr than 11 .
Caribbean whirlwind with a whole fleet of j
shipping In its arms, give ine a r.opliyr off
nobis of snushlne and gardem of pea".''
lllgorous divorce law will also bin lor
women from tho fatal mistake of marrying
men to reform them. If n young mini, by
twenty-five yenrs of age or thirty years of
age, havo tlie habit of strong drink fixed
nu hliu. he is ns certainly bound for a
drunkard's grave ns tbat 11 train starting
out from Hie (irauil neutral nt
o'clock to-morrow morning la bound (or,
Allmnv. The tinlit may not reitclt Albany,
for II may bo thrown from tbo truok. Tho
young man may not reach a drunkard's
grave, for aometiilng may throw him off
the Iron track of evil bnbit. ll'ittue proba
bility la that the train that st-irts to-morrow
"morning nt 8 o'clock for Albany wl'l
get there, aud tlie probability la that ttio
young man who has the habit of sir.iui:
drink fixed on hint before twiMity-llvo
or thirty years of u;e will nrrlve
at a drunkard' grave. she knows
ho drinks, although be tries to bide it
by chewiug cloves. Everybody knows
he drinks. Paren'.F warn; neighbors
and frlendi) warn. She will marry hlui,
site will rofonn him. It alio Is unsiici-ess.
fill In the experiment, why, tlioi., tho dl
vorco law will einnuc Ipnle her, bnciflso
habitual druukennoss Is a I'linsn for df
vorca in Indiana. Kentucky, Florida, C n
uectlmit and nearly all the States. So tin
poor thing goes to tbo altar of sncrillcc. It
von will show mo tho poverty strut
streets In any city, I will show you tlio
homes of the women vno uiurrieit mon 10
reform them. In ono case out of ten thou
sand It muy bn a successful experiment. I
never saw the successful experiment. Hut
linve a rigorous divorce law, nnd that
woman will aav. "K I am afUanced to that
man. It la (or life, and It now, in tho ardor
of his young love ami I tho priZ to bo
won, he will not give up his cups, witou he
has rnu the prl7;e surely ho will not glvo
up his cups.-' And ao that womnn will say
to the man: "No, sir; you are already mar
ried to the club, anil you are ninrriod to
that evil habit, and so you are married
twice, and you are a Oo!"
Let mo say to all young people, before
you give your heart and bund In holy n -iiiince,
use all caution. Inquire outside n
to habits, explore ttie dlspo.-ltlou, scrutln.
i7.o tbo taste, question the ancestry ami
Itud nut the iimbltlons. not lake the
huroes and heroine ot '-.heap novels font
model. Do not put your llletimii happi
ness In I'm keeping of a inau who has a
reputation of being a Title loose lu morale
or In the keeping of a wuinau who dreses
immodestly. Iteinemher that, whllo good
looks aro a kludly gilt of Goti, wrinkles or
accident may dcsfoll them. Iteinemher
that Hvron was no more calibrated for hla
beauty than for Ills depravity. Kemember
that Absalom's hair was not mom tipleuilld
than Ills hablls wero despicable. I 'car it!
Hoar It! The only foundation for happy
marriage tbut over has been or ever will
lie Is good character. Ask the coiinsul of
father and mother in Ibis most Important
step of your lite. Tltev are good iidvlKur?.
They are the best friends you over hud.
They made more sacrifices !ur you thaa
any one else over did.
And let me say to those of you who am
in huntiv married union, avoid tlrst quar
rels; have no unexplained oorrnspoudence
(ortner admirers; cultivate no rus
Mr. David Uitohpy, of Six Milo
Hun, accompanied by J. II. Grncey,
mudo a ItUHinpHR trip to town.
William Loo Woodcock, of Altoonti,
ns assijjfnor' attended the sale of L.
tjopA Co., on tho 22tl Inst,
tninty rioinas Allen, of Chanibcrs-
n ir
' to vouch luiiniist'd enila.
1 t'Hi'd bruin nnd hnrid n If nil 1.
1 on titirmdvcs, will look to him. rt .
nothing depended on m", but all on
U-t ua nc t count hctda when wo nr
culled on to take dud's aide. Hla anl
dleia nre always In the minority, but.
If ho Is reckoned in. the minor. ty b.
inniPH the mnjurlty. "They that b'
with us arc more than they that be
with Hum."
("hrlst'a men hnve no wrapona to
wbdd tint the Rounding out from them
rk from a trunutet. of the word of the
Lord, and the light of a Christ Inn 1if.
The llrat condition of a revlvnl of
religion In fur Uod'H people to be in
such a position that all tho honor will
be given to Ootl, and not to the human
InKtmniertnllty; though Hod uata th'j
liisti tinii-r tullty.
I'. K. (loapel Hymns. 29,
111. ::i.'.
Ciwrel HynuiB. 1-4. 115. 175, 121, 351
nu, ific.
Hon. I). II. 1'attf.uson, id quite
sick at his homo nt Webster Milln.
Miss Mattie Smith, of Mount Car
rol, Illinois, who hail lnan visiting
the family of Kx-ShcrlfT Slpes, left for
liomo on Monday.
Mil. W. R Stoutkagli: and little
daughters Nettie and Mury, and neph
ew Amos II. Stotiteatfle, all of this
dace, siient a few days with tho fain-
Dr. Hanks nt llnys Hill. Tliey
' Tuestlny.
" McKlllllIN, the vetsa
Wt'Mrcr.sbur"; .lournal,
' ' side of tlie
St, 10.1. 10. ORIGIN OF THE TERM
Minister Make the Conrrra1on and
the Congregation the Minister.
Between a minister and his congre
gation there is an action and a reaction
so that the minister makes the con
gregation and the congregation the
minister, says lan MacLaren in the
Ladles' Home Journal. When one
speaks of a minister's service to his
people one is not thinking of pew
rents and offertories and statistics and
crowds; nor ot schools and guilds and
classes and lectures. The master
achievement of the minister Is to form
character and to make men. The chief
question, therefore, to consider about
a mtnlxter's work Is: What kind of
men has he made?
And one, at least, of the most deci
sive questions by which the members
ef a congregation can be Judged Is:
What have they made of their minis
ter? By that one does not mean what
salary they may give him, nor how
agreeable they may be to him, but how
far he has become a man and risen
to his height in the atmosphere of his
congregation. Some congregations
have ruined ministers by harassing
them till they lost heart and self-con
trol aud became peevish and Ill-tern
pered. Some congregations, again,
have ruined ministers by so humoring
and petting them that they could en
dure no contradiction and became
childish. That congregation has done
its duty most effectively which has cre
ated an atmosphere so genial, and yet
so bracing, that every good in its min
ister has been fostered and everything
petty killed.
i FI.OTin-
nnAin kti.
Hslto. Host Pat
CJOKN No. a White
Oats Houtharn 4 Tenn..
ItVE No. a
II A V r linb.A Tlmoth V.
tlood to Prime " J
(THAW live In, car ids. . W
Wheat lllocks 6'M'
Oatlllocks 600
rAKtr.n 0000a.
fOMATOEB Btnd. No. 3,
No. a
PKAH Htandarda
C01IN Dry Pack
City Cows
plclons; In a moment of bad temper do not High Grade F.xtra
rush out uud tell the neighbor": 1I0 not let WHEAT No, tiled.
any of those gadabouts ol society unioan
in your house tlmir bnggngo of gnb nnd
tittle tattle; do not make it an Invariable
rule to stund on your rights; leant bow to
nf ologl.o; do not b ao proud or so stub
boru or so devilish that you will not make
up. Kemember thnt thu worst domestic
misfortunes and 'most aoaudnlous dlvonm
fluses started from littlo iiifullcltes. The
whole piled up train of ten r'dl cars tele
scoped and smashed nt the foot of an em
bankment 100 foot down name to that mi
tastrophe by getting two or throe Inchm
oft tho track. Koine of the groatest domes
tic mlHferttinos nnd thu widest rcsouudlug
divorce cases have started from little mis
understandings that were allowed to go on
and go on until home .-ad respectability
aud religion and iniiuortul poul went down
in the crash.
Fellow cltlKOUS as well na fellow Chris
tians, let us hnvo a divine rugo
anything that wars on tho marriage htatc.
lilessnd Institution! Instead of vi nriiiM
to light the battle of life, four; instead or
two eyes to scrutinize tho path ot life, lour;
Instead ot two shoulders to lift tlie Li'.rdeu
of life, four; twice the energy, twice the
courage, twico tho holy ambition, twice
the probability ot worldly sun.-'oss, twice
the prospects of heaven. Into thnt matri
monial liowar (iod fetches two souls. Out
side tho bower, room for all contentions,
and all blckerlngi, unit nil oontroverstns.
but Inside that bower there is room for
only one guest the angl of lovu. Lot
that angel stand at the floral doorwav of
tills Kdenio bower with drawn B"or-.l t;
hew down the worst foe of that I over
oasy divorce. And for evory paradise lost
may there bo a paradise rcgalub.'. And
after wo quit our home here may we hnvo
n brighter home in honvou; at the vIuOotm
of which, this moment, aro fnii.illur fnooa
watching for our arrival nnd wcndcriUK
why ho ioup ?vt tarry.
13 00
4 00
13 60
12 50
10 00
7 50
rOTATOEH Ilurbanks. .1
noo rrtonucTa-auui
('tear rlbsldes
Mess Pork, per bar
j LAItU ('rude
Jlest refluod
! PUTTER Fine Crmy.. ..
Inixenlooa Explanation of Common
Tins by Frank IloYd.
To some, at least, of the unnumbered
and Innumerable host of goners we
question may have occurred at one
time or another Whence rme the
word "caddie"? Frank Eoyd, in his
"Omitted Chapters In the History of
Monlfleth," which he contributes to
"Tho Book of Monlfleth Golf Links Ba-
rar," offers an ingenious as well as
highly amusing explanation of tae
term. There was. he says, a Culdee,
or "Keledel," establishment nt Monl
fleth at one time, till the monks of Ar
broath dispossessed the Culdees of
their lands and made them their serv
ants. One day it occurred to a monk,
while having a game of golf, to mage
the Keledel carry his clubs. He found
this contributed greatly to his comfort.
"The plan was adopted by the rest, of
the monks, and henceforth they never
went out without being accompanied
by their Keledel. Now you know,"
continues Mr. Boyd, "that in tuese
parts the practice Is to cut short words
in which the letter '1' is used. A na
tive, for instance, never says 'Balgray,'
it Is always 'Dalgrle.' Thus It was
natural that In the course of time tne
T should drop out of the 'Keledel.' and
It should come to sound like 'caydee,'
and to this day this ls'how the word is
pronounced by superfine Scotch youthB.
In the strong Forfarshire vernacular
it was, however, broadened out to 'cad
die.' " As a matter of fact, the origin
of the teim "caddie" does not appear to
have ever been satisfactorily explained
Jamieson, who defines caddie as one
who earns a livelihood by running er
rands, delivering messages, and so on,
expresses the opinion that tho term
was originally the same with the
French cadet, which, as he remarks, Is
sometimes used to denote a young per
son tn reneral. Dr. Murray, in his
colossal work, holds the same view
but how the word came to be employed
to denote tho lad who carries a play
er's golf clubs has still to be elucidated.
How a 8ra ioll Catches a Mote,
A farm manager at Fcdderty, Dins
wall, Scotland, watching a mole catcher
at work, eaw sea gulls hovering over,
and occasionally alighting upon a tur
nip field, in which the observer and
others were at work. A particularly
large and handsome bird attracted his
attention by the graceful way In which
it floated slowly over the drills, in
tently scanning the surface of the
ground. Suddenly, steadying Itself e
moment, it dropped, dug its bill Into
the ground, and rose with a mole
for its prey. Renting a few minutes, it
gracefully began again a further search
for prey. In a few minutes a second
mole was unearthed.
Gi'.ortuK Frakkh, ono of tho inem
Imts of tlio hustling lumber firm of
Frukcr Hrothers, I-'ort Littleton, was
down at Webster Mills, Monday.
Mu. and Mns. 1'kter Kiric left
Monday inornlnp; for Philadelphia
where tbey will select their fall (roods
and ,sco the wonders of tbo exposition.
Mus. ciko. W. Skylar and Miss
Mamik McDoNOl'dH, of Hancock,
Md., were visitors toourtownon Mon
day. A. U. N'ack, our enterprising; mer
chant 'tailor, left for I'liiladalphia thin
mornlno; to add to bis atock all tho
very lutest thing's in cloths: and men'
furnishings generally.
Prof, and Mrs. J. 13. Uunyan, and
their two children, HussoU and Jose
phine, visited in Shlpitensburp; during
the past week.
Mr. F.ujaii H. Clink, of St. Purls,
' ' but formerly of this county, is
, "'ork V ity this week. IIo ex-
present llbras tho big Dewey parade
lho way,
I Kits nrrrnsnently ctir v,.nue houses aro
nefs alter nrsi nay a use
wo notice
Nerve HcMorer. trial hnttt to 400, Olid
Ml. K. H. KUMP, I.U1., Wtl Aly thut j,,..
lien. lira win set as tnarsna. ,.nt
fj parade at WaahliiKtun, 1). C
To Car C-imstlpotlon forever
TaWe Owcareta I unUv Cathartic lOoorSMk
Vl C. O. C. fall 10 cure, druawiau refund nose
The new director of the 8t. Petersburg Li
brary la l.leutenant-Ueneral Mchilder.
Mrs. Winslow'e Soothing Synipfor children
It rthl tena tlie git in a. reducing inflaroraa-,
tlun, alia) a ilu. cures w lull a buttle, '
Mra. TYannea Hodgson Hornet will returr
to the United States In October.
B4ncsteYoar Bowels With Ce-acery.
Candv Cathartic, eare eonatlpatloa fo
lOe, tto. It a O. O. tU. drugaiaia retuna ari -
Lad v Jane t'arew la the only tit'-10
arlan In Ureal Britain. , V. I .
m many
btetl to
Wholesale Prices i
me to Ills
Thsr U ao 1
kould par r
anything ot . ,M
ti-rvtliitii 1 wno was
and HSli at J.
Uuitrunttrd Bny'jy,
rfrjlblnl ou rat. II tells
abrilt all ori 111 nuni-m.
tnral lmplfmatn, all torti a
ol Vrhlclaa and. In (ai t, V
FTenthih ni'riit IriiBli- .
tlv. llnata, atm I.IVV am
trala. With thla book tn
vniir poafiirliin mi can avo
from 411 IMir ctnt. to M
per rnit. on jour ypatly
uirrha-c4. you an buy
ih-apfr than your loi-al
rlcalrr. Ilnr 51 ytara ul
mrriliatifb-liif ha mada
tlii iitmp "Hlnr" on Mil
arlble rorr-tprnd to tlia
sterling uiaik ou allftr.
Iihrea to 1
a H pait I
yrhb'h la fl-sttttO that
write fur It.
rY.MTtlilnn )1 in bud
hutuc, tveryi
was ill
ITPSJ.- a largo
V that are
'4 'poneu up.
9flc. fn , .
Freight Vtal.l, havo
A 1. ...
m u 1:41 A l.oti vx Cntha
0'l.1 IX X ATM a"la
AM) KXOt'lxl 1 K Me. Kl
j.iint'v trim ri.tTtY nd
I 'A H!'K TS UK a" AO HKK jf
IHKIUIIT lllhl'.lin: VI.OTh
i:mtv win: he cimmkm f
mv&icai. ix.rnrui:xr aaat
Which book sliall we send you?
Address thla wuy:
TV. U I3 AO.
It AiuaavU lUe Cuixiua.
"I was on the detail for street
cleaning In Santiago," said the vol
unteer sergeant, "and I had four carts
and a lot of Cubans under me in my
district. All they had to do was to
rake the refuse into heaps and load
the carts, and that seems simple
enough for a born idiot. The way
they went to work knocked me out.
Instead of driving the cart from heap
to heap they shoveled the heaps
along for half a mile until they had
reached the cart. I lot each gang do
this way once, and then made the cart
drive from heap to heap, and showed
them that they had wasted four-fifths
of their time. When they understood
they stared in open-mouthed admira
tion and exclaimed: "Ah! such peo
ple such Americanos! It is no
wonder that Cuba Is to be free!"
"Do you think, professor," said the
musically ambitious youth, "that I can
ever do anything with my voice?"
"Well," was the cautious reply. "It
may come in handy to shout with In
case ot nre." Tlt-BtU.
Under Fine
Creamery ltolla
CIIEERE N. Y. Fanoy...f
N. Y. Flats
ttkiiu Cheese
E008 Plate
North Carolina
iucks, per lb
TOBACCO Md. Infer's..
Bound common
PV VPHeat Deevea 4 20
811 KEP
aa fA 40
60 65 . "
aV U LJ VI Xavat M
151 9
8 0
lied Fox
bktiuk Block..
t 60
9 11
4 60
7 00
4 75
6 10
rtOUn Bouthern 8 85
BYK WeaWrni
COHN No. i.
OAT8 No. 8.1....,
bU'lTEH Stnfe....
KOOtl Htate.. A,
CUEEBE ttttat
10 9 U
40 5
v K0
u s
8 85 A 4 20
n my
6i M
U 8U
U7 S7
15 1
17 , 18
11 li
r nxt t3nk l
WHF.AT No. aid.
i;uhn no. o..
tOQH l'eiuVa ft -
8 85 4
4 30
87 X
sj Send your name and address on a
g postal, and we will send you our 1 50- j
(i page illustrated catalogue free.
176 Wlnchtitar Avanua, Htm Htn, Ceaa.
5 Ranches,
I Mines and
Look at vourselfl I your face
covered with pimples? Tour skin
rough and blotchy? It's your liver I
Ayer Fills aro liver pills. They
cure constipation, biliousness, and
dyspepsia. 25c. All druggists.
Want your iimualiii lia or a beautiful
lirnwn or rtrli lilsi-k T Then uae
"Itlywlfe bad plmplee on her fare, but
the has beeu taklnii CASOAKKTS and they
have all disappeared. I bud been troubled
wllb oonatliwiion lor some time, but after lat
ins the nrKi Cascaret 1 have bud no trouble
with tbla aliment. We cannot aiieak too blub
ly of Cascareta." Kllitu Wautmsn.
6708 Uertnantono Ave., I'biladelpBta, Pa.
VRAOf uas a ataiSTiasa
. O
Ar th basis of rrodnrllv walth In
New Mexico, Arizona, California
rttla and h tn on Ih rUlnR. Orll.
liver, ropiwr, iro i enn oi id m
niou a1 atm. Ltiex-tnut fruits nl Ruldtm
(rain In lltn vtlUvt. !. A
hlu euiii iut Mr rywhen. A slew T
Make Money In
Write f. r fr pamplilata and fnforma-
lion a.,oul Uuiu.aiMkwa' nurloB A
ra.ea. V
E. V. Hl llNKTT, O. E. P. At,
Tt Atohiion, Topaka k Banta T Kallwiy, f
Plaaaant. Palatabia. I oiont. Tat Gtwid. Do
Ouud. Ker Hlukaa. Waaki u or (irl.. llw, lUi.tasi.
Aiarlh UtmtAf eaasuf, tSKa, HaatMl. m. a
old and inaranKMI bt all dnt
fi.w to tlllt IWaeoo UaUk
$3&$3.50 SHOES
Worth 14 to M ooatparedaitla
Other ataku.
Indorsed by over
s,ooo,uoO weurera.
VMS bSMi;tHK ha W. Im SmkIm
hm a4 S'lM IUSM4 aa a.llaaa.
Til: no subatttute clatm4
tobsuaood. Lraat uion
uf aa and HSO alm la Ua
world. Vourdalrbould .(
thrui II aut, will aoud ll
aualroa rat'alpiorurlre. blue
Had uf leathar, alia and width, I'laiu ur s Urn.
(alaloeue C free.
r W. t. POUni-AS gMQtCBreeMee. Matt;
,iONY InCbloltens. "end Jo. lu etainr .,
J I fur Book. Mouk PbHLiaHllia lloubJi f
IM Ltwuaud btreet. New Voi d. ,
II N U It , i .
4 . i ii ..t aXIi laui I
14 let tVxiiib brua. Tami i;ik1. t'aa
f J " In timo. ai.-l.l tT llri.Hli.1.