The Fulton County news. (McConnellsburg, Pa.) 1899-current, September 21, 1899, Image 3

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k'heir Peculiar Habits and Customs
A Society That Has For Its Aim
j. the Bettering of Mankind.
I The religious sect known as
largo number of whom are en-
Ogod in agricultural pursuits in
jancaster, Lebanon, Franklin,
Cumberland, Dauphin, York and
other counties of the State, and
who, like tho Quakers, are known
to be tho most conscientious,
jieacoably inclined and order lov
ing people of the counties in
which they reside, are quite nu
merous in Lancaster county. The
: following account of their habits,
religious customs, manners and
j daily habits will be read with in-
Dunkards do not swear, they
j affirm. Thoy do not go to law
I wlt'i ecch other, for after (Matt.
xviiith) the case comes before the
' church and a decision is given by
( the members in council that is
based on ecclesiastical law no
, pourt will set it aside. Being
j pa-combatants, they aro not
;,?ound in tights or wrangles and
Mhey do not go to war.
- f They do not believe in divorce
I '1 jept for very grave reasons.
'. even then there may be no
nd mai'riages. There are no
"kards with twoiiVing part-
11 e are U'members of secret
1 t m
s Jj-'uie brotherfywd, and
ho were membeL 8 on their
won to the chutiih adjure
all connection with vrldly or
; ganizations, as without .Tejudice,
i the church affords all t advan
tage,. the most benj.'0(Ment of
!' secret or other order's.' There
are no poor in the church; that is,
' ' iere aro no paupers and no one
i irf allowed to suffer. Congrega
tions have supported their poor
members, the lunatic and tho in
firm and the sick for years at a
large expense without trouble, as
j it is a part of the practice and or
der of tho church. Tho brother
Aho is burned out in West Vir
ginia can readily collect money in
Pennsylvania or California . to re:
place his loss. Sometimes im
Tjostors cheat the church, but the
composition of the fraternity is
Aich that it is next to impossible
ti impose on many or in different
yuaces. A rascal when caught is
. advertised as such in the church
J jmpers and then' his occupation
isfgone. The principle of :uni-
i formity of dress prevails in
theory and largely in practice.
The men wear, when in order, a
tcoat without . a rolling collar,
.something like a military gar
1 ment, dlhy color or material, and
j ypu can tell them from the Amish
I by the Dunkard's coat having
'buttons in front and none on the
i ,The Amish use hooks and eyes
I aid nobuttons ordinarily. The
j reason why there are no buttons
is on the principle that there shall
(be no button whore there is no
buttonhole. And , the principle
I exists all the way through Dunk
ed theology. The sisters wear
bonnet like a hood, and must
;year it. The annual - meeting
tins said so, though men may, and
'Ji, wear any kind of head gear.
VlThe order, of worship is similar
" that of other churches, sing
,! 'prayer, sermon, singing,
i prayer, andno benodiction "The
j congregation is dismissed now in
; the fear of the Lord."
There is a curious concurrence
Ix-tweon tho periodical advances
in the price or pig iron and peri
odical advances in the prioo of pig.
iron and periodical panics. The
(commercial revulsions in 1857,
IHOO, 1873, 1882 and 1893 were all
preceded by extraordinary spoe
ilativo activity in tho iron trade,
ith extreme increase of prices,
"1 KM, from . ' 4olluni to HO dollura per ton.
ln4, from 1ft , -ilium to 7ft dollura per tou.
txi2, (rom KAd.illuni totHtdolluin per ton.
Juno, from ao dolluin to 4f dollura per tou,
Iww, from 9 tlullurx to 17 (lullura per lou.
There may be nothing more
Jan a remarkable coincidence in
Ilia showing. It does not seem
Oasonable that prosperity should
eget calamity; but there is a pos
bility that overdoar iron may
ut a chock upon industrial en-u-priso
as to bring on stagnation
4d a ix)ssiblo crisis. At any
: te, it is well to be somewhat
pkled by past experience oven if
e be nnable to find a bridge
irosa the apparent gap between
luse and effect.'
Tho Snn Francisco magnate,
Mr. Collis P. Huntingdon, made
an address not long ago complain
ing that the youth of the nation
were being over-educated, and in
a recent letter he has explained
that speech. What he was pro
testing against, he declares, is
that degree of education which
sets a young man above the work
for which he is fitted by nature
or into which he is pressed by
circumstances. The early years
of life, which are most valuable
in the struggle for existence, aro
spent entirely in the schoolroom;
he would break the pedagogue's
sway far more promptly. This
plain-spoken man of affairs has
great scorn for that Greek which
makes a man chiefly anxious for
a "genteel" employment, and
that philosophy which teaches
him to keep his hands soft and
white. "Do not think yourself
abovo manual labor," is his plea.
"Get what education you can use
and do not get more than you can
use in tho station for which God
intended you."
There is much sense in this,
and also much-that a worldly am
bitious and short-sighted young
man might turn into the mistake
of his life: Any education is too
much if it makes a man conceit
ed, or afraid to soil his hands with
any honest toil. On the other
hand, every man's education
should bo above his calling, if it
is possible; above it, and beyond
it. Alas for the bxkkeoier that
knows only arithmetic and noth
ing of astronomy; for tho farmer
that can appreciate his farm
journal, but not his Ruskin; for
the civil engineer that under
stands physics, but binds his in
terests by railroad ties!
Education is more than a lever
to pry a living up out of the
ground. It is a wing to lift us
from earth and make us, in spite
of shovel and trowel, familiar with
the skies.
Antique Methods Make the Business
It has often been wondered at
that Mexico, with a climate ad
mirably adapted to sugar raising
has never entered into competi-'
tion with the United States. Of
ficial figures show that the repub
lic of Mexico is now producing
annually about 80,000 tons of su
gar, all made from cane and with
the most primitive machinery.
It is all consumed at home. Fig
ures which are also official show
that Cuba produces annually a
million tons of sugar, or twelve
times more than is produced in
Mexico, and on one-fifth the num
ber of plantations. Tho reason
advanced for this difference is
that Cuba employs modern meth
ods of machinery, while Mexico
does not. There is no likelihood
4hali Mexico will como into the
sugar market as an exporter for
a great many years. Cuba, how
ever, will develop with great rap
idity in the manufacture of sugar
and under American direction
her factories are expected to al
most double their output within
a decade.
Mexico cannot hope to be a for
midable rival in tho sugar-pro-ducingindu
stry until she discards
her old custom of manufacture
and adopts at least some of tho
modern labor-saving appliances.
Tho House of Commons, with
all its faults, as a club, is the
coolest place in London during
hot weather. Immense pains are
taken with the ventilation, so that
a regular temperature of 60 de
grees shall bo maintained day
and night. Ventilation alone,
however, would not achievo this
gratifying result. Iced air is
pumped into tho chamber and its
precincts in generous quantities,
and in ordor to cool tho division
lobbies, which are not at all de
sirable places when a big division
takes place, miniature fountains
play on tho roofs all day long.
On the whole, a man who finds
tho heat too much for him cannot
do better than get a ticket for the
strangers' gallery, which is not
overcrowded just now, a,nd par
ticipate in the comforts which as
taxpayer hp helps to supply to
tho faithful commons.
Huckster "Want ter buy any
nice eggplants, lady?" Mrs.
Newed "Are they fresh laidy"
There comes a time in the
farmer's life when he is strongly
tempted to leave the farm, (trow
ing infirmities remind him that
ho is not tho man physically that
ho used to be. Ho feels that he
has worked hard enough, long
enough, and has abundant means
to mako his old days comfortable,
and determines to move to town.
He pictures before him a green
old age with all the comforts of
life, and rest from unceasing toil
and grinding care. These ex
pectations are seldom realized in
full, and, as a matter of fact, we
believe that most farmers who
remove to the city shorten their
days, and after the first year or
two, or perhaps after tho first six
months, are moro discontented
than they would have been had
they remained on the farm.
The reason is not hard to find.
To a man who has been active
either in mind or body for thirty
or forty years idleness is misery.
No man of this kind feels satisfied
with himself unless he has some
responsibility ,to occupy both
head and hands. When he has
nothing to do, life ceases to havo
much interest. He misses tho
healthful occupation of mind or
interest in events of tho farm.
Ho ceases to read agricultural
literature because he regards
himself as no longer engaged in
agriculture, and the result is
with him, as a rule, a loss of hap
piness, and a visible shortening
of life. There comes a time in a
farmer's life when it is exceed
ingly difficult to know how to
manage tho farmii( That time is
when ho can no longer manage it
without more exertion of body
than he Is capable of performing,
and when ho does not feel that
it will pay him to procure effi
cient help even if it could be had.
Happy is ho who has a son or
son-in-law on whose broad should
ers he can roll the burden, still
retaining enough of his land and
stock to occupy his mind and give
him the exercise he needs. Un
der these circumstances he may
spend a ripo old age and give to
his children and grand children
the fruits of his ripened exper
ience. We always feel that our
friends are making a serious mis
take when they leave tho farm
for town or run off after mining
booms. There are unpleasant
things in connection with farm
life in old age, and especially the
difficulty of attending church, but
those are less than the evils con
nected with breaking up all tho
old associations, and attempting
to form new ones. No one knows
how intimately his life is connect
ed with his friendships until he
breaks up those of a quarter of a
century standing, and under
takes to form new ones with peo
ple whose experience is in lines
different from his own.
Any one who gets out at work
on tho fields early in summer will
find the leaves of plants and even
the surface soil wet with dew
which Jias boen deposited during
the night, as the soil in spring is
much colder than the air. Tho
dew is condensed moisture in the
form of steam, which has ' token
from tho air somo ammonia and
some carbonic acid tras. It is
therefore softer than rain water,
and also richer in manurial ele
ments. If this dew is left uncul
tivated it evaporates when the
sun gets up high and vanishes in
to thin air. We know farmers
who get their teams out to culti
vato corn and potatoes while both
tho soil and plants aro wet with
dew. They do a forenoon's work
by 10 or 11 o'clock, and then take
for tho teams and themselves
three o$ four hours' nooning dur
ing tho heat of tho day. This is
better than beginning work late,
and then eating hurriediy and
eating the principal meal of the
day without rest in which to di
gest it. One of tho main advant
ages of this plan is that it turns
some dry soil over tho dew, thus
saving its fertilizing properties.
American Cultivator.
Spanish is to bo taught in Chi
cago's public schools, and in oth
er cities too. In time that nation
may bo enabled to understand us
That a politician won't got on
the fence, if ho can securo a post
simply means in tho former case
ho is sharp set.
List of juror drawn for (Vtobcr torin
of Court, first Monday, second day, at
2 oVlot'k, P. M.
Ayr John Holders, William Car-
Uel fa st James U. Mellott, Irvin 11.
Fisher, Joseph Funk.
Hethel-Andrew Mellott, J. Frank
Ilrush Creek Lewis Duvall, John
M. Truax, Frank llixson.
DublinMercer D. Ilaiston, Elmer
Fraker, John Loeke, Emanuel Sipes.
LlekingCrcck David Mart., Nathan
Deshontf, Matthew W. Mellott, Uriah
W. Clino.
McConnellsburtf George W. Smith.
Taylor Lewis Shaw.
Thompson William Shlves.
Tod William Grlssintfer, William
Greer, Sr.
Union James Lee.
Ayr Wm. Cooper, Andrew Washa-
Hclfast -Charles Hani, J. Frank
Hethel John Carnell, Grant Harn-
hart, George Grey, Stilwell Kirk.
Hrush Creek -Henry Harton, John
M. Lodtfo, Frank Spade, Vincent Hart.
Dublin-.!. C. McGowan.
Licking Creek Lewis Mellott, John
A. Ilauman, Leonard Hockensmith, C.
H. Hockensmith, Daniel Fix.
McConnellsburK F. 11. Sipes, Kev.
D. P. Drawbautfh, Charles F. Scott.
Taylor Joseph Melius, Martin D.
Matthias, Orlando Wagner, Harry
Lamberson, Z. 11. Harnett.
Thompson KliCovalt, Kobt. F.verts,
F.mauuel Reefer, Andrew Souders.
Tod John K. Hamil, Frank Wible,
Georjjo Miller.
Union William D. Ilebner, Isaiah
Lehman, McClellund Smith, And. J.
Wells -O. H. Dunlap.
The Tuscarora telephone, company,
of Milllintown, was chartered at the
state department, with a capital stock
of $-(), (KM) common und 10,(O0 prefer
red. The company will erect lines
through Adams, Hedford, Hlalr, Cen
tre, Clinton, Cumberland, Dauphin,
Franklin, Fulton, Juniata, Lycoming,
Milllin, Northumberland, Perry,
Schuylkill, Snyder, Union and York
counties. Tho directors are: A. G
Schall, Carl F. Kspenshade, Milllin
town; I. N. Grubb, Thomsontown, N
.1.; I C. Moorebead, Port Iloyal; F. A
Garman, Hichlleld.
The Fulton Telephone Company has
about completed its lines. The switch
board, which will bo in the central of-
lice the City Drug Store has been
unavoidably delayed, but will be
placed In position In a few days. A
number of private phones will bo put
in. J. H. Covalt, President and Gen
eral Manager, Covalt, Pa., has been
superintending tho work. Tho com
pletion of this system will greatly
benefit tho business, professional and
laymen of this section. Hancock Star,
Thomas Murry, tho noted chef
says that many cooks do not know
how to do so simple a thing as to
boil rice proierly. Each grain
of rice, he says, should bo dis
tinct, whole, but at the same time
tender. To accomplish this, a
small quantity of rice should bo
boiled in a largo pot neariy filled
with water. Put it into cold
water and a little salt and boil
rapidly for 20 or 30 minutes.
Test the grains occasionally, and
when a slight pressure between
tho thumb and forefinger will
crush them they are douo. If
allowed to boil till tho grains
burst or boiled in a small quantity
of water, tho grains wiil stick to
gether. When done, drain off
the water and sot the rice on the
range, where it will keep warm.
The greatestlongevity assigned
to any tree is perhapH credited to
tho celebrated taxodium of Cha
pultepec, in Mexico, 117 feot in
circumference, which is thought
to exceed in ago tho baobab of
Senegal inferred to be 5,150 years
old. In Lombardy, there is a cy
press tree which is said to have
been planted before our Savior's
birth. There is even an ancient
record that it was growing in tho
time of Julius Caesar. Near the
ruins of Paleuque are trees whoso
ago is estimated to bo from 4,000
to (5,000 years. Tho mammoth
treo has been estimated to live
4,000 years in California.
It may interest speculators to
know that a rise in dress goods
can easily bo effected by means
of a mouse. -
An uptown blacksmith, says
that if it wasn't for tho fact that
he's on strike continually he
wouldn't mako any money.
It isn't always advisable to
adopt a stylo of conversation that
you consider breezy. Other peo
ple may tako it for a fresh air.
HATS, at Special Prices.
Tools, Chains,
And, in fact, the most com
plete stock in the several lines
that go to make up a General
Merchandise store.
At present we have a
at Bargain Prices.
All wool Ingrain, elegant pat
ern, worth 69c. at 54c
Same, worth 55c. at -44c
Others proportionately low.
Wall Papers 25 per cent,
under regular prices.
Many bargains in the several
We are so well known
throughout the county that it
is only necessary to say in this
advertisement that you will
firid the same lines and quali
ties we have been accustomed
to keeping, and cordially invite
all to" come and see us.
, Respectfully,
McConlvibburg, Pa. --
ft.,., ....
.i i
. i
Wo wish to call the attention of our friends to somo uS
reductions we will make beginning with this day. A v
lot of splendid hats that are worth 50c. of any ono's (r )
money, that will sell at 35 and 40c. A lot of strictly vT
all right ifl.OO hats that we will sell for 75c. Wo waat jls
moro room in the hat corner and this is tho way we ;,)
will get it. We havo an v fll
f I "TTr n n ri
' HiI.K.nn Mill. K III
That, has sold and does spll right along for 25c. You MJ
can havo your choice at 15c. Positively less than f
, cost to day. We also wish to call your attention to Jjf.
I Our Shoe
Wo fool iKxsitive that we havo a better selected lino
all through than you can find anywhero elso in this
county of Fulton. We will show you the nattiest
stock of
j Men's and Boy's Clothing
This soason that has ever been our picas uro to show m
and at strictly all Yiirht prices. In rp
Ladies Dress Qoodsxl
Wo are not pluying second fiddle either. Our stock
ter dress hero than elsewhere. K
ili Sincerely
New goods in all the depart
ments. j j j
Elegant line in. all tho now
styles of Men's and Boy's
tt 4
Boy's Pants, worth CO cents
at 20 cents.
A splendid strong suit for
Boys 7 to 14 years old
good value at $1.50 our
jt j
Come and seoour fall styles
in Ladies Wraps.
and to protect their health they should keep
thoir feot warm and dry.
To do this it is necessary to have tho feet well pro
tected by good shoos. We have paid special atten
tion to this in our selections of our fall stock and wo
can offer our patrons
Better Goods and
Lower Prices.
Than wo have ever douo
can do this is because wo buy and sell for CASH
ONLY. Thoso goods aro now on sale and we V , ,
feel confident that we can please you both in styloid
and price if you will call and examine our stock. f
H. C. SMITH & CO.S -
Opposite Post Office. VZ !
5-T?""Watch our advertisement each week ;
V H n WX WAV &
1I1UH U 11UU11 11 UU1 (M
Stock I
Wo aro not hero playiivg "beat," but trying
our utmost to do tho best possiblo for you
always and all the time. 'O
iza j.
U that
was in
a largo
.hut ure
IX'llOll up.
V El-
Latest things in Boy's Caps.
j j j
All tho novelties in Men's
j j j
The largest selection of good
strong School Shoos.
j j
Men's strong, black cotton
clay worsted Suits actu
ally worth twice tho price
j j
Seoour lino of Blankets,
Bed Spreads, Sheets,
Comforts, Pillow Cases,
Ac, &c.
in tho pist. Tho reason we