VOL. XYI. NO. SO THE ONLY PAPER PUBLISHED AT THE OOUNTY SEAT OP SULLIVAN COUNTY. ********* **f COUNTY SEAT J |LOCAL AND PERSONAL| I EVENTS BRIEFLY TOLD | ■ : '**-xx* **-»****** *********** F.J. Glover of Dushore was a business visitor in town Tuesday. Mrs. F. H. Ingham and daugh ter Jean spent Saturday in Dushore Leo Moran of Muncy Valley was a visitor in this place Wednesday. Miss Murle Jillson of Mun3y Valley is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Ed. Potter. George P. Geiger of Mt. Herman, Mass., spent several days this week in this place. Miss Alberta Heess, who has been quite ill with tonsilitis, is much better. George S. Spittigue of Newark, N. Jtransacted business in this place on Tuesday. Michael Flynn and son John at tended the funeral of Mrs. Thos. McLaughlin at Bernice on Wed nesday. John Hassen, Jr., and wife auto ed the following to Dushore Wed nesday evening: Larey Lawrenson, Ida Hartung and Helen Maben. W. C; Mason, Misses Marjorie and lone Mason and Mrs. R. W. > Mason were shopping in Williams port on Thursday. The V. I. S. would like bids for attending the street lamps by the month. Send bids to the secretary before Dec. 30. H. O. Ingham, Secretary. Miss Frances Boice, of Philadel phia, died at her home Friday oi last wVck."" Miss ] C e was well and favorably kn n to many Sullivan county having spent many summer a t Laporte. The following fro. this place were at Dushore Wedgday even ing to attend the Imtnte enter tainment: Mr and M A. F. Heess, Mr. and Mrs F.X'Meylert, Judson Brown, Prof. Jahy and Miss Olive Keeler. The V. I. S. will he "Bake Sales" again, the first or. will be held at the home of Mrs Keeler, beginning at 2:30 on iturday afternoon, January 4, 191.' There will be cakes, pies, pudding bread biscuits, etc., on sale. Special orders filled on request. HILDRED AND BERMICE \\ e regret to announce tli death of Mrs. Thomas V. McLaghlin who died on Sunday mornin, Dec. 15, after a lingering illnes borne with a true christian spirit never complaining but ready andwMing at all times to help any one i' need She leaves a husband and tvj sons and one daughter to moun her loss. She will be sadly mfeed by both young and old. Mrs. George Webb of Vaverly, N. Y., was visiting Mn 11. J. Sehaad of Mildred last wi>k. Frank Ramsey was isi ting his sister, Mrs. ,1. B. Dugan of Sayre last week. Elizabeth Spence daughter of James 11. Spence, was taken to the Sayre hospital ast week. The mine at tlis place was shut down the greate* part of last week as one of the namos was burnt out. Mrs. Ben Helsman was removed to the Sayie hospital one day last week. We wfre going to say something about a certain principal but we will givi him another chance, to see if Ins won't do better the next time to visitors. Republican News Item. ' NORDMONT. I George Geiger, who has spent the past two years in Massachusetts is visiting friends in town. Mrs. George Gorman and son Charles spent Tuesday in Hughes ville. Misslva Hess, who is attending school at Laporte, is spending the week with her parents here. Miss Irene Hunter did shopping in Williamsport Saturday. George Fisher of Lewisburg was a caller in town Friday evening. Miss Sarah Fritz of Benton is the guest of Irene Hunter. Mrs. George Fiester and Mrs. George Derrick spent Tuesday in Williamsport. John Ilassen, Jr., of Laporte autoed to Nordmont Tuesday. Charles Hess of Ilarrisburg spent Monday night with Harry Smith and family. Zera A. Cox is spending a few days with friends fit Jersey Shore. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Searfoss of Jamison City are visiting Harry Smith and family. Miss Retta Sellers who is spend ing the winter in Picture Racks is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Sellers. William Stanle}' spent Sunday in Sonestovvn. Miss Edith Morris left Monday for Sayre where she will spend some time. Bert Snider and Monroe Phillips autoed to Sonestown Monday even ing. Th? Progressive Party- There is considerable "bosh" in Democratic newspapers just now about the Progressive party. The idea that the Republican party would adopt Progressive platform is ridiculous. If the Progressive want to consolidate they certainly will have dicker with the Socialists. No party can be successful under their platform. In a few short years the Progressives will be rest ing with the Green Back party. The progressive party which suc ceeded in polling such a large vote at last election was composed of Anti-Taft people, A nti-Adminis tration people, the followers of Colonel Roosevelt,the mighty hunt er and indefatigable word slinger, and a few, very few, people who were Progressives, and knew what the party platform was. Tried to Cremate Aged Man in His Home at Berwick Berwick, Pa., ■ Dec. 9.-The Seybertsville section, which stirred the country twenty-eight years ago with the grewsome Kester brothers' murder, and where, seven years ago, Thomas Miller was murdered, his home destroyed and the body carried away, has furnished another crime that for fiendishness ranks with the others. The third, how ever, was unsuccessful. Joseph Beuch, an eighty-year old bachelor, tenanes a small shack near the scene of the Kester murders, in a secluded distrrict be yond the Neseopeck mountains. He had been in bed only a few hours the other night when he was awakened, presumably by the fumes of burning oil, with the flames already eating in from the outside. He was able to put out the fire and found that his home had been surrounded with pine wood satur ated with oil. His timely dis covery alone made it possible to learn of the attempted crime, as the attempt on his life would have passed as an accident. LAPORTE, SULLIVAN COUNTY PA. FRIDAY, DEC. 20 1912. PACKAGES 6 FEET LONG CAN BE SENT BY PARCEL POST Merchandise Up to Eleven Pounds in Weight Handled BY CARRIER. Washington, Dec. 12. - Regulations to cover the workings of the new Parcels Post system, Which is to go into operation on January I, next, were made public by Post master General Hichcock today. The new system will be effective throughout the the entire postel service at the, same time and will affect every postoflice, city, rural and railway mail transportation route in the country. Every precaution will be taken by the Postoflice Department to have the mails moved with the usual dispatch, and all postmasters superintendents and inspectors have been directed to thorougWy familiarize themselves and their subordinates with every phase of the new system. Mr. Hitchcock today expressed the hope that the public familiarize itself with the nature of the new service by attempting to use it. Information will be availabbe at any postoflice in the country in a few days. The regulations provide, that parcels of merchandise, including farm and factory products (but not books and printed matter) of most every description up to eleven pounds in weight and measuring as much as six feet in length and girth combined, except those calculated to do injury to the mails in transit, may be mailed at any postoflice for delivery to any address in the country. Delivery will be nude, to ti.e homes of people living on rural and star routes as well as those living in cities and towns where there is delivery by carrier. When there is at present no delivery by carrier the parcels will goto the postoflice as the case with ordinary mail. The postage rate for the first zone—that is, within distance of fifty miles, will be five cents for the first pound and three cents for each additional pound. The rate increases for each successive one of eight zones into which the country is divided, the maximum rate be ing twelve cents a pound, which will carry a parcel across the con tinent, or even to Alaska and the Philippines. For a fee of ten cents a parcel may be insured and if the parcel is lost in the mails an indemnity to the amount of its value not to ex ceed fifty dollars will be paid to the sender. The law provides for the use of distinctive postage stamps and there is now being distributed to postmasters for use in the parcel post system a set of stamps of twelve denominations. Parcel post maps, with accompaning guides, are to be sold to the public at their cost, 75 cents, through the chief clerk of the postoflice department. Card of Thanks Mr. Storm out requests us to thank his many friends and neigh bors for their kind assistance dur ing his time of bereavement. NEW YEAR'S BALL AT HOTEL BERNARD LAPORTE, PENNA JAN. 1, 1 913 A good ORCHESTRA has been secured for the occasion EVERYBODY WELCOME JOHN HASSEN, Jr., IVoji. ■*■* ******* * | OBITUARY I *** * * * Mrs. Betty Lindsey Stormont Mrs. Betty Lindsey Stormont, wife of Robert Stormont,of Laporte, died at her home in this place on Monday, Dec. 'J, 1912, at the age of eighty-one years. Until a few days before her death she had en joyed her usual good health: but a sudden cold developed into pneu monia and the end came before many of her neighbors were aware that she was seriously ill. Mrs. Stormont was born in Glenclova, Scotland, in IN.'!I, and resided there until shortly before her marriage in 1859. For a time they resided in Norfolk Co., Can. In 1861 they removed to East Sagiuaw, Michigan, where they re sided until 1855, when they came to Laporte, where Mr. Stormont had a position with the Sullivan Land Company and later became superintendent of the Tannery. The death of Mrs. Stormont re moves from our midst one of our town's oldest and most highly es teemed residents. She was a woman of most admirable traits of charact er, kindly disposition and unas suming manner. Her long life was full of good works and kind deeds and she will be greatly missed, not only by her immediate family, but by all her friends and neighbors. She left to survive her, her hus band an I one son, William L. Stormont, of New York. Two other children, Mrs. W. C. Mason and Robert M. Stormont, died: severe 1 years ago. The funeral services were con-! ducted by the Rev. Charles S. Kitchin of this place and th> both was interred in the family lot in Mountain Ash Cemetery, this place. i Margaret Jane Rohe. Margaret Jane Rohe, died at the Rohe homestead in Cherry town ship Dec. 13, of cancer, at the age of til years, 5 months and 3 days. Mrs. Rohe was a daughter of Wil liam Brown of Forksville, whoi was a son of John Blown, Sr., ; who was born near Walton, Eng land, in 1770, and came to America in 1815, with six of his seven children, his wife having died in 1811. William Brown was born in England in 1801 and came to America with his father in 1815. William Brown married Mary Clark, a daughter of John Clark, a native of England, who came to America locating in Forks tow n ship in 1830. Mrs. Rohe was the youngest daughter of the family. She married Andrew Rohe and located on the Rohe homestead in Cherry. Mrs. Rohe is survived by two sons, John at home, Wil liam of Cherry, and one daughter, Mrs. Win. P. Shoemaker, of Laporte, also by two sisters, Miss Ellen and Mrs. Mickel Ilall, of Muncy. The funeral was held Monday, interment being made at Peace cemeter in Cherry. Miss M. Frances Boice Miss M. Frances Boice, founder and principal of the Boice School of Expression for 28 years, died on Ft iday at the residence of her sis ter, Mrs. Alvin Hunsickcr, of Weehawken, N. J. The body was taken to Philadelphia and services were he'd at the undertaking par lors at No. 1820 Chestnut street on Monday. Interment took place Tuesday at Brandywine Manor, Chester county, The Boice School is located at No. 1822 Chestnut i Street, Philadelphia. J. F. Harrington Pound Dead at Hotel in Waverly J. F. Harrington, one of the best kown merchants of Dushore, and a member of one of the oldest and most highly respected families in Sullivan county, was found dead at 11 o'clock Tuesday morning at the Fulton hotel; Formerly the, Christie house, in Waverly. Death was due to asphyxiation by gas which probably came from an open burner near the bed. His wife, two daughters, Mildred and Mary, and a son, Morris, survive him. Also a brother at Endicott, formerly engaged in the meat business in Waverly, whom he was on his way to visit at the time of his death. Whether the gas had been turned off and then accidentally turned on or blown out cannot be deter mined, It had evidently been escaping for several hours, BRUTAL MURDER BY ENRAGED SLAV Head of Victim Was Beaten Into Pulp Berwick, Pa., Dec. 16.-Refused warrant by several Berwick just ices of the peace for the arrest of Nick Baron, aged thirty, and single, Alex Dzibziniak, aged thirty, returned to his home in West Berwick Saturday night" and ac cording to his wife, took the law into his own hands and killed Baron. With a blacksmith's hammer, the back of Baron's head was beaten into pulp. With his wife and three-years-old son, the suspected man made his escape. The body was found in the kitchen a short time after the murder by Levis Godash, who was met at the door by Dzibziniak as lie entered and directed togo to his room, where he would find his lamp aw aiting him. The murderer had doubtless already mads his plans to escape, for when Godash went to the kitchen a few minutes later he found the slain man's body covered with a blanket. That the slayer was injured before the murder was completed is indicated by the blood stains throughout the house and a bloody shirt left be hind. Of nine boarders, only one, Andrew Baron, a cousin of the murdered man, was in the house, but claims to have been asleep. Held as an important witness, he has been committed to jail. Local officers and State troopers were on the scene within a few minutes aft,er the murder became known, and Mrs. Dzibziniak and her chihl were captured last night, after being driven by the cold out of a house in West Berwick, where they had found shelter. They were committed to jail. The woman told a frank story, stating that on Thursday, when her husband caught Baron and herself in the same room and gave her a severe beating, he lired four shots at Baron, none of which took ef fect. When the clash came Saturday night the two men fought with their teeth and fists, before her husband managed to get the ham mer and rain the deathblows on Baron's head. Then she ran away. At noon today the murderer had not been captured. "Mother and Baby" The National Stockman and Farmer, Pittsburg, Pa., have got ten out a 1013 calander. It is called the "Mother and Baby" calander and is one of the finest works of art ever produced along this line, A picture of so much merit would cost quite a nice price at any ait store. It will lie sent anyone free who will send ten cents to pay for packing and pos tage. It would ornament the finest parlor or drawing-room. As long as the supply last it is yours for only ten cents. Speak quick. (advfc) Jan 3 75C PER YEAR C. S. DAUBERMAN, EDITOR I The Right Light I I The Bright Light I ■ No odor No soot Hi I m Triple refined Pennsyl vania crude oil. The best rl Family Favorite Oil I ■ FREE—32O page book about oil I I WAVERLY OIL WORKS CO. | I Pittsburgh, Pa. I Gasolines Lubricants STOCKHOLDERS MEETING The annual meeting of the stock holders of the First National Bank of Laporte, for the election of dir ectors and the transaction of such other business as tnay come before it, will be held at the office of the bank in Laporte, Pa., on Tuesday, January 14, lit 13, between the hours of 10 a. m.and .'5 p. m. ED WA R D LADL EY, Cashier. Laporte, Pa., Dec. (>, 1912. xl-10 NEW MOKOMA HOTEL The foundation for the new "Mokoma Hotel'' is now complete land the carpenters are framing the timbers. The building will have office, dining room and kitchen on i the first floor and bed-rooms <>n ! the second and third floors. There will be about thirty rooms in the building. It has a line location [overlooking Lake Mokoma and will be a fine building. It will be completed by June Ist in good | time for next season's business. Henry Stepp has charge of the lerection of the building. He Laughed 'Till He Died Taylorsburg, Ohio. —Abe Skin ner, the village pessimist, laughed | himself to death by reading BIFF! the Great American Magazine of Fun which is making greater strides than any other magazine before the American public today. It is a magazine that will keep the whole i family in a good humor. The staff ■ of 15ilT contains the greatest artists, (•aricaturists, critics and editars on the continent. It is highly illus trated and printed in many colors. It will keep the whole family cheer ful the year 'round. You can af- J ford to spend ">oc a year to do this. Send this clipping and 50c today to I the Biff Publishing Co., Daytou, Ohio, for one year's subscription, (advt) x Jan 10 Father's Whiskey Caused Child's Death Berwick, Dec. 13. —Three-years- ohl Joseph, Jr., son of Joseph Chaez, of West Berwick, found his father's pint whiskey bottle last evening and drank the greater part of the contents. He died in great agonj' today. Best Gift of All To the boy or girl away at school or college: to the friend who form erly live 1 in Laporte, a year's sub scription to the R publican News Item makes a most acceptable gift, and is a weekly reminder of the giver all the year 'round. 100 Ships Destroyed Naples, Dec. 13.—A terrific ex plosion, the cause of which has not been learned, caused the damage of upward of I« H> vessels in the harbor here. No lives were lost. St. John's Episcopal Church Laporte, Penna. Divine Ser\ ice on Sunday, Dec. 2'2. Evening Prayer and Sermon at 3:00 p. m. FOLEYS hIDN tYCUM ■ikH Kidneys Md Bladder Night