.CONCERNING GIRLS AND GOLD BAGS The girl who likes to talk frowned and edged away from the gold mesh bag carelessly thrown down beßlde her. "Take It away," she ordered. "It's a solid one, as I can easily see, and it makes me nervous lo be near it! I'm afraid of their influence! Now, I can face a German silver gold washed one without flinching: but run me up against a solid gold bag and I begin to get chills and fever. I guess it is be cause I am always so overpowered by the thought of several hundred dollars tied up In such a small bit of frivolity. "Now, if I owned one—lf, that is, some relative should catch me and bind and gag me and thrust a solid gold bag upon me by main force —I think I should devote the rest of my life to sheltering It and giving it the r,everence which was lis due.l know 1 should waken in the night with a shriek, thinking I had not locked It up in the Jewel case that was in the se cret drawer of (he time-lock safe be hind a padlocked closet door.. And 1 know that in my waking hours 1 should either sit upon it or wear it chained to me. "That is why the women who actual ly do own solid gold bags make me so nervous. The minute you possess one it is the correct thing to act as though it. were the mud under your feet or as though you were so sick of having them cluttering up your pathway that you simply couldn't stand it another minute! You can't belong to the clan at all unless you learn to scatter your bag around recklessly where people will find it and have heart disease for fear they won't get it back to you be fore you have called out the police re serves and set tliem on their trail. "It is always the people who don't own them who do the worrying. "Why, I once knew a man who used to run around with a girl who owned a solid gold bag, and she carried it upon every occasion, of course. She used to drop it between seats at the theater and remember she had done go when they were three-quarters of the way home.. And then the man would be obliged to spend the rest of *'ie night chasing up janitors and box fllce men and routing them out of ed and groveling under parquet seats r traveling miles to the residence of ,ie usher on that aisle and having a ilk with him. The bag always was found, of •ourse, and the person finding it was inly too tickled to get rid of it and >erfectly delighted to pass it over to he harassed young man. But that did lot help much at 4 or 5 or 6 o'clock in he morning, when he was due at the jffice again at 8. If this particular ilrl did not drop it at the theater she would leave It on the table at the :afe, and then, when she telephoned ;his unfortunate young man at 3 a. m. that she had just remembered doing io and would he very much mind seeing about it, he knew he was in for a near-riot with all the waiters at that restaurant and that he would never dare face the haughty head waiter in that particular place again, even if all the other restaurants burned up and he had to starve to death. Really, by the end of the winter he was the most popularly hated young man in town at" restaurants and box offices. "Once she los' it on the suburban train, discovering the fact when they arose to leave. She said, of course, he could easily find it. Shoving her into her front door the young man tore back to the station and caught the same train on its return trip to town and tackled the conductor, pop-eyed with anxiety and responsibility and hopelessness. 'Gold bag?' repeated the conductor casually. 'Sure—here it is I I picked it up right after you left!' "But the unlooked-for luck was too much of a shock for the young man and he gurgled and fell all In a heap. • When he had quite recovered from his illness lie went away quickly and married a girl who had never in her life owned anything more elaborate than a $3.98 bargain mesh bag that, looked its price. "There was another woman with a solid gold bag who spent her summer at the lake last year and who used to leave the bag on logs in the woods or on steps when she went calling on the cottagers. The children, finding it on the steps, would gleefully bury it In their sand forts and forget all about what they had done, and then for hours all the resorters and inn serv ants would madly Bearch for that bag. "When they had uprootetd all the shrubbery and devastated their homes and politely accused everybody else, and when nearly all the maids and nurses had burst into tears and thrown up their positions, somebody would accidentally kick over the sand fort and fall upon the bag with a yelp of joy. Then every one would mop her or his fevered brow and call for lemonade and fans and talk about how they hated that woman. She actually seemed to enjoy the commotion she caused every day or BO and when she left they gave her a big party, they were so glad to be rid of her! "Must you go?" ended the girl who loves to talk. "If so, would you mind taking along this gold bag I see you ■re leaving behind? I presume you forgot it!" "I>ear me!" said the bag's owner. "I believe I did forget it! Isn't that funny!"— Grit. To Fatten Cattle. Good blue grass pasture with plenty of shade and supplied with an abun dance of pure water Is almost an ldesS kind of a place to fatten oaitie ID summer, especially If the oorn supply U ample. NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS To tin- tax payers of Laporte Township, 1 hereby inform you that •"> per eenl. w ill be added to ; State, Comity and Dog Tav not I aid by .January I, I (iI':()K(JK KAKdE, i \ 1 (advt,) Tax Collector. Pennsylvania Inventors The following patents were just | issued lo Pennsylvania inventors re ported l>y I». Swift A- Co., Patent [Lawyers, Washington, who | will furnish copies of any patent for ten'cents apiece to our readers. Ilarvey Hartley, Pittsburg, nut lock (sold): William K. (iiiihs, Pit t.sburg, aparatus for aniiiieudiug wire, (sold); William L Jlooks, Mars, Hroom, (sold): \lfred I. Ireinn, Pottsvillc, co\ertible bed, (sold): William 11. Keller, and S. I>. Sibley, Connellsville, recipro cating motor, (sold): Geo. W. Koyntz, Rochester, marking tcol holder: Jos. A. Shaw, Riniersburg, railway signal, Charles K. Thur nian, York, dust collector, (sold): .1 os. L. Turner, Phila., preparing colloidal silver oxid, (sold); It ley Wedge, Aril more. method of re covering copper from compounds, (sold). FIFTY MEN WANTED 5(1 Men wanted at once for cut ting, piling and loa ling Acid Wood and Pulp Wood. Stony Brook Lumber Co. x 12-I.'» (advt.) Lopez, Pa. Tree Agent Wanted I KICK A< IK NTS wanted to cover Sullivan County or travel. (Jood time now to start. Pay weekly. Write us for terms. Perry Nurseries, \ P_' I.'! advt) Rochester, N. Y. Raw Furs Wanted Trappers get after them ! I want io buy your Raw Furs; Minks, Foxes, Coons, Skunks, Muskrats, Ktc. .J. L. WIN KM AN, North Third St., Lewisburg, Pa. (advertisement) 112-1 .'1 SIMPLE DRESS OF TAFFETA Nattier Blue Woolen Materia! Would Make Up Well in This Charm ing Design. Nattier blue woolen taffetas makes up well In this simple style. The front of skirt turns up at foot of left side with a revers of black sat- I In, and Is further trimmed with a sat ' In-covered button and loop. The bodice has a plastron front that lies in curved points over a yoke of i black satin: a button with loop being sewn in each point. The sleeves come just, below the el | bow and are finished with satin cuffs: the small yoke with collar, also the under sleeves are of Brussels net. Cream straw hat, trimmed with , blue feathers. Materials required for dress: Four and one-half yards 44 inches wide, three-quarters of a yard satin 22 Inches wide, six buttons, three-quarters of a [ yard net 18 inches wide, on* dozen ' small buttons. [ THE /NATIONAL VACUUM CLEANER This '■ ,>®V Vacvvm 112 J| LAST CHANCE IONAL VACUUM CLEANER There :ue only a few ol these wonderful dustless cleaners remaining. Il you have not already taken advantage of this liberal offer, do not delay in acting. The first to respond to this last announcement will be the lucky ones. You need the NATIONAL Vacuum Cleaner because it is the only way you can keep your home perfectly dust less and sanitary. Doctors say that the clouds ol choking, germ-laden c'ust raised by sweeping and dusting are the cause of con tagious diseases so common during the house-cleaning season. In the NATIONAL you have a reliable Vacuum Cleaner effective protection against dust dangers at a price less than your present cost of broom a d sweeper. 'I he NATIONAL w* Lhs less than 5 pounds. It is i easily operated by boy or girl. Ihe large capacity of the NAI I()NAL makes it capable ! of thorough cleaning, through and through. Hut to get a NATIONAL Vacuum Cleaner you will : have to act promptly. If you want to take advantaga of this splendid offer you will have I to act quickly. One National Vacuum Cleaner, (retail priceS 10.50,) aud The News j Item for one year for the small sum of 8;>,00, i Statement Showing Financial Condition of Laporte Twp. llarvfy A. lie— in account with l.ii|Kirie Tw|» | as Overseer of Poor fur the year ending Dec. 1., 1912. To balance in hatal faoin la-t Audit *210,07. Recei vcd of Oeorge Karge. Col »o.7 Dr. Ra ndall. Med s.rviecs.Rroschart famil> 0.00 Kent A repaii> on lioust of Shed ivu»rmaii 10.00 licorgc K urge, j voltage for sending statement -00 Oveiseer services Balance in Overseers hands 242.07 $290.07 | l*liili)» Polonium in aooount with Laj«ortcTwp. ! a- < tversccr of Poor for tlio yoar ending Dec. I, IDI2. Received iroui outgoing Overseer $107.21) Received from < 'ount\ Treas 100.00 "207.28 Receipts tiled • Paid state Hospital a cot Mrs. F.mig Dee. 191 $22.7"» • I'aiil State Hospital aec't Mrs. F.mig, Mar. 7, 1U11! Paid staif Hospital acc't Mrs. Fuiig, Juno 1*» 191 2 UK) Paid Stato Hospital aec't Mrs. Fmig, Sept. 10, I 1012 23.00 j K. Sj»eary for wood for Broschart family 5.00 I F. speary for wood for Broschart family j K. Kocler, loading goods 25 | \V. B. snider provisions, Broschart family 82.58 Tar faro for Broschart family 2.00 Freight l»ill shipping Broschart good* to Rickctts • 176 ; , overseer services 0.00 I ! Balance in Ovorsoor hands « ; 1 89 j •-■O7. ; ortc Twp as ; Col. of Road Taxes for the year ending Hoe. I. 1 lis. Toamt. due Twp. from last audit $1,071.00 j To Hint. Implicates of Road »v Spec ial Road Taxes 1,900*43 $2,972,41 | By Fxoneratioiis on Taxes of p.»ll $ 40 20 | By Exonerations of 1912 Taxes 20.su 1 By Land Returns j Commission on same 2.42 J Amt. oolleetod 5 j>er cent, off 1,2*51.89 By Rebate on same f>0.22 Collector s Commission 87.M Amt. collected even 220.00 ( Commission on same 11.ou 1 Amt. collected 5 per cent, added Balanee in Collector's hands 907.8."» $2,972,4 1 Jacob Jaooby in account with Laporte Twp a- Troas. of Road Funds for the yoar ending Dec- I, 1912. Keo.d from Ceo. Karge.Colloetcr?l,s:»s,os Reo'd from County Troas. K. Sweeney 200.00 Roo d from Joseph Herman 1,21 M,40 ftee'd Bon us on ens h Tax 84.62 $8,*11.07 Orders Redeemed By work on road $ 1,028.18 ' By Lumber 31.81 | By Building Culvert 5.00 M By Culvert Pipe# :»15.00 t By supplies 8.».27 By Rei>aii> on machinery 18.75 ( By Water Traughs 10,60 By Postage and Printing 10.25 By Freight 00 j Supervisor Expenses Mi.oo ( Treas. & Sec'y commission for 1911 44.9 ft Auditors expense* for 1911 aud 1912 10.25 j A j Attorney Foes Is.uu i Judgments and interest |«asd 72H.50 | Treas. A* Sec'y nommission 17.71 Balance iu Treasurer's haod-. *.».»9.4*• $8,841.0t» j Financial statement of La|*orte 1w p. for the : year ending Dee. I, 1912. \mt. «»i iiaieptcdness Dee audit 111 $.'.04 >.M Judgments paid 701,00 Amt. of indcptedue«s 1.848.M 42.01.VM We the undesigned Auditors do certify that t'ie foregoing statement iscorrect to U». best of our knowledge. K. C PKTKRH t \ 1, 1;» IIOWAHD MASTICLLKK J U "" L " ,N TRIED TO MURDER 15-YEAR-OLD GIRL Shot Was Fired at the Girl While She Was Standing On Porch of Her Home Sunlmry, Dec. Esther Ser geant, Hie fifteen.year-old (laughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Sergeant, of Northumberland, was the victim of an attempted murder last night and as a result of a bullet wound in her left breast is in a critical condition today. About N o'clock last evening Mi-s Sergeant went to the rear porch of her home for the purpose of getting a bottle of milk that had been placed there during the day. .Inst as sh«- stepped through the doorway to the porch a man jump ed froni behind a tree near the tear of the lot, raised a revolver and fired. The bullet entered the girl's breast just above the heart and she fell unconscious to the porch floor. 111 the house at the time was no one but a fhe-year-old niece of the girl Startled by the report of the re volver she ran to the rear door and seeing her aunt lying there, the child ran across the street to the home of J. ('. Hopewell where an nounced that someone had killed Aunt Esther. After the arrival of Mr. Hope well a. physician was summoned. It was found that the bullet had lodged under the left arm. The affair is a most mysterious one. as the girl is not known to j have any enemies. There is no clue t<> the woiild-bc-mui derer. ?OIE 1 i, J £r Makes Kidneys and BlutJtlci* iiiQh* ( Williarnport &. North Branch Railroad TIME TABLE. 11l effect Sept. it, Mill'. - Kea " dow V Read up ■Sunday Kla« stations where time is marked "112" MJiuljiy I'M AMI'MKMI-M 1' MAM A M STATIONS, AM AMAMAMI M1I: I > »|. _ M 520 lift 1245 10 17 7 « Halls «25 7 35 '.I 45 IS> SO 4 CO .'. j} l u -U j .. 1 'enuwiale.. fti'2o #no9 4o 1226 : r;» \J' ll - Ljftf 10 - K - • < liiw-t wii. ft; 17 7 27 «»:►; 12 2K : ; • A 1 - I 1 :!•» fl 2* 100 10HO 7 fto .Hughes vilh- ]n 7 -jo A - ■ *'B 11 (7 V: ( 7 I • j> 140 8 SO ..So lies town.!. 102 Si ro •? -0 h 4ft ...Nordniont... * 3ti] 047 f90 r > ....Mokonia.... fh 21 1080 i??* i»oj> .... LajiorU- M 9 I 0 2h i92:» ..Kivgdalft ... j,, '! ;, 5 9 35 ..Berniee Jc... I 7 5h 10i:t Jy2 9 10 . i-Htterflelri.... 7 55 ]f.(o " 1056 ...Towitnda fi as' ••rtuin our opinion free whether ui mventi m is p. dm! y oiicni ;»ole. Communion tioiiß strictly '•-•ntldentlul. HANDBOOK on Patents sent tree. OMost f<»r securing patents. IVitents taken through Munn & Co. recelv* special notice, without •liutku, in the Scientific American. A hanilsmro-iy illustrated wpofcly. T nrtrest cir culation of any ncientiUc journal. Terms, |.i a year. four months, fl. Sola by all newsdealers MUNN XCo 36lliroadway, YOlk Branch Ortlce. 826 St.. Washington. *•-'' suits uiiu-: now. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF of Laporte, in the State of Pennsylvania at the close of business Nov. 20,1912 • = -H RES< >UK< KS. Loans and Discounts 00,41224 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 2108 Is. Bonds to sccuie circulation 25,000 00 I'rimumson I . s. Bonds - 2\>2 02 Bond Securities, etc- -2.970 00 Banking house, Furniture, and Fixtures-Mis 10 lute from National Banksi not reserve agts) 40 84 Due from approved Reserve Agents— - -7,185m1 lucks and other ( ash Items—- — — 77 tx» Notes of other National Banks 97«'»0'» Fractional Paper Currency, Nickels and tents isosf. Law ful Money Reserve in Bank, viz: Legal-tender notes 2,88. r >oo 7.v»:: i > Redemption fund with l\ s. Treasurer < 112» per cent circulation) — I,'JfiO (n» TOTAL 114,77">::i LIABILITIES. 1 aptial stock paid in 2f»,(00 im Surplus fune , 8,500 IK; Cndivided Profits, less expenses and Taxes paid 81986 National Bank Notes outstanding 21.40C00 Individual deposits stibjtet to check 48, its'. 11 1 'cinand certificates of dej osit— 17.t b'2 Certified ckeeks 1 00 » ashler's checks outstanding - 19 02 Total 114,775 81 -tate of Pennsylvania, County of Sullivan, ss: I. Fdward Lad ley, Cashier of the above-named '•ank. do solemnly affirm that the above state• tnent is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. FDWARD LADLKY, Cashier. Subscribed and affirmed to l>efore me this ith lay of Dec. 1912. ALBKRTF. lIKKSS, Prothonotray. Ci >RRFCT ATTKST; A. II BL'SCIIHA I'SF.N, F. W. MEYLERT, K.J. MtTLLEN. Directors. Foley's Kidr.ey Cure makes kidneys and bladder right FUR BUYING Since 1653thouMnds of dealer*and thippewof Raw F ur» have sent iheir akin* to us every year, with the assurance of absolutely fair and honest treatment. If you want to feel safe in your shipments and lure of highest possible prices and every penny that ] is coming to you. sa»4 yaur Raw Firs t* us. You will never again trade with any on* else. 1 TRAUGOTT SCHOT & SONS 136-164 Monro* Avenuo DETROIT* MICH. \Sit right down now andmait urn Jm? th is coupon be/ore you forget it p Traofott Schmidt & Sons, Detroit, Mick. I Dear Sirs: —I want to ship my furs where I can be | •ure of Honest Treatment and the Highest Pric«. ( Will you send me pne list, tags, etc., and put n* on your regular list ? Name - ! Address I | ■SWT 111,111--- it. l j ! JJ£cj: tq 18 PROFESSIONAL CAPOS. | ! ?J^23idS pRANCIS W. MEUEKT, Attornev-at-I.aw. Office in KeelerV Hlocl;. LA PORTE, Sullivan County, f'A. £ ( J. MULLEN, Attorney-«t-Law. LAPOKTK. J'A orrir* in (dobtv BI'ir.UIBO SKAni'OIIHT BOOB* j, H. CRONIIN, ATTORHKT-AT LAW, NOTARY PUBLIC or Pics Oil HAIR "4T i: I KT. I >USHOHE, pi First National Bank OF LAPORTE, PA. (htpitat - r, - 000.00 i Transacts a general banking busini ss. ! .1. 1,. < II KISTIAX KI»\V. I,Ani,KV President. Cashier, per cent interest paid on time deposits, SOLICITKI). ; Administrator's Notice In Ke Estate of William Fair man, defeased. Notice is hereby given that let ters of Administration upon the Kstate of William Fairman. late of Davidson Township, Sullivan Co., I'ennsv Ivania, deceased, liave lieen grajited to the undersigned. All persons having claims against the | said estate are requested to present same at once duly authenticated, and all persons indebted to the said estate are requested to make payment to the undersigned. LLOYI) FA I UMAX, Administrator. Soneslown, I'a., l)cc. 2,1 HI'J. \1 In Death of Michael Redding Michael Kedding died at his home in Onshore on Friday, Nov. 2!', at the age of till years. The funeral set-vices weie held Monday of last, •veck with interment in St. Basil's cemetery at that place. lie is sur vived by one daughter, Carrie at home and two sons in the West. PROF- C. F. THEEL'S 17 19 «ir SUurdru St., I'lnlada.. Pa. 4(1 >ear» Continuous Praetire. Cure* alter-Oilier* Kail. Pi I vale Dl«ra«ra (both lex) (fleet, Mklil Losses. tii-aios, l>i«rhat ires S»lf- Abuse, 1.0.t .Nanhooii, Debility. Slakes ieu tau'N (utT.l l-l»l l> . t -if. t.-.'r. |j r ». !»•», «-!•» Sua. U'-l. t ..| i •!•■»•.iul A r, s-t. ! ..,,1 • .Tti.ie.it KKMi'lß!:liqiiarl>« Aihi'i'tl i >« <., - vi• or Sp< • - >) ur« ' you Ml ofl.-i !,ig | I I -.p'lle. lit ill'" . s I pure .V simple,as I' mi . »»• , el) no i ure-alb. u .let Find Man With Throat Cut Wilkes-Barre, Pa., Dec. .">.—The body of Thomas Dudley, aged fifty years, was found in a brush patch at Plains, near here, with his throat slashed and his body terri bly hacked by some sharp instru ment. The police are searching for two foreigners who are believed to have commited the crime. The motive is believed to have been trouble that grew out of a dispute over money. THIS PAPER REPRESENTED TOR FORtIGN ADVERTISING BY THE GENERAL OFFICES NEW YORK AND CHICAGO BRANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES