Republican news item. (Laport, Pa.) 1896-19??, December 01, 1911, Image 1

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    Republican News Item.
VOL. XVI. NO. 28
HrTFFFr t±r±e±d2
Office in Keeler's Block.
LAPORTE, Sullivan County, PA.
Atto rney-«t- Law.
orrica in codrtv buildihs
First National Bank
Capital - - - pr>,ooo.oo
Transacts a Kenei al banking business.
President. Cashier.
3 per cent interest paid nn time deposits,
Trial List. December Term. iyn.
Return Day, December 11, 1911.
I.—<i. w. Bigger vs. John Manuel,
No. 49 May Term 1911. Framed Issue.
Plea—"Non-Assumpsit" &c.
Scouton. Mullen.
2. —J. G. Colt vs. Lee Rosencrants ami
John Uosencrants. Defendants, ami the
N'.ordmont < 'hemical Company, Garnishee.
No. 50 December Term, 1909. Attach
ment Execution. Plea—"Nulla Bona."
Mullen. Scouton.
Me) lert.
3. —C. 1). Ifood by his next Iriend, Em
ma C. Hood vs. Connell Anthracite
Mining Company. No. 9 May Term,
1911. Plea—"Not Guilty."
Scouton, MeCormick.
Mii I leu.
4. William T. Faircliild vs. I.ehich
Valley Railroad Company. No. OS May
Term, 1910. Trespass, Plea —"Not
Scouton. Thomson.
s.—l>. H. Dieftenbach vs Cora (Hover
and Fred J. Glover. No. 1 February
Term, 1911. Defendants' Appeal. Plea —
"Not Guilty."
Scouton, Mullen.
0. —A. T. Mulnix vs. Setli I'. shoe
maker and Win. I . More. No, 10 Feb
ruary Term, 1911. Framed It-sue. Plea
Mullen. Scouton.
7. —Alice M. Putnam, a. d. b. u. c. t. a.
of human Putnam, Deceased, Assignee
of N. N. Betts, Executor and Trustee ot
Mrs. 11. Charlotte Ward, vs. C. F, 1J m
singer and Lizzie (or l.lizabeth) Allen
and James P. Allen, her husband. No.
.*{ 1 February Term, 1911. Scire Facias
Sur Mortgage. Plea-—That Mortgage i.-
not a lien upon laud Ac.
Thomson. Scouton,
B.—Laussat Heyelin vs. Win. J. Law
rence, Charles T. Lawrence and <>. 11.
Lawrence. No. 8 May Term, 1911.
Framed Issue.
Meylerl. Mullen.
9. —The Township of Cherry, to tilt
use of the Treasurer of Sullivan County,
lor Cherry Township School District vs.
Fred Frieder. No. 25 May Term, 1911.
Defendant's Appeal.
Walsh. Mullen.
10. —11. J. Schaad, a Taxpayer of the
Township ot Cherry vs. Thomas W. <ia
ban, Frank llutlniaster ami Henry
Touschner, Supervisors of the Township
ot Cherry. No. 0(1 May Term, 1911.
Appeal fnim 'township Audit.
Scouton, Mullen.
Prothonotary's Office,
Laporte Penn'a.,
October .10, 1911.
ALBERT F. HE ESS, I'iot'y.
Subscribe for the News Item.
COLE'S *33?'" —
this question:' "What kind of
whatever it may be —"shall I buy? (jon't ponder over these things,
nor spend your time looking at pictures in "cheap goods" mail-order
catalogs. Come to our store and let us solve tin* problem. We have
a line variety of standard goods to choose from When you think of
We give special attention to Piping, Steam, Hot Water and Ilot
Air Heating. General job work and repairing In all branches, prompt
y and skillfully executed
Samuel Cole, - Dushore, Pa.
Mildred and Bernico,
Mrs. Caroline Peacock of Do-
Moines, lowa, is visiting her
mother, Mrs. John Cook of Mildred.
Frank Ranisy slipped on the ice
as lie w as returning from work and
broke his arm.
There is considerable talk of con
testing the election in Cherry.
Win. Cotters of Mildred is receiv
ing treat ment in a hospital at Clear
field, I'a.. he will he operated upon
in three different places.
We regret to announce the death
of Patrick M. (lever of Bernice,
who died on Thursday evening, be
leaves a large circle of friends to
mourn his loss having been a resi
dent of Bernice for the past thirty
years. He is survived by his wife,
one son and live daughters. The
funeral was held at St. Francis'
church the Rev. Father Enright
preaching as eloquent sermon.
Thomas Lenow and wife and
Thomas Wright and wife of Say re
attended the funeral of Patrick M.
Mrs. Joseph Voetli of Mi hired
died Sunday evening.
Robert McCee and wife of Say re
are visiting the lady's mother, Mrs.
Ryan of Mildred.
Register's Notices.
Notice Is hereby tfiven that the
following Accounts of Executors,
Administrators and Trustees have
been tiled in my otlicc ;
First and Final Account of Al
phonsus Walsh, Executor of the last
will and testament of Pan ic I'annon,
late of Onshore Borough, Deed.
First ami Final Account of Owen
Donation, Kxecutor of the last will
and testament of Lizzie Fitzgerald,
lute of Onshore Borough, Deceased.
First and Final Account of Mary
Drugau, Administratrix of the Es
tate of Patrick Fitzgerald, late of
Cherry Township, Deceased.
Third and Partial Account of \V.
\V. Jackson and Blanche \V. Sfur
devant, Executors of the last will
and tcsteniant of Bernice \V. Jackson
late of Onshore Borough, Deceased.
First and Final Account of Thom
as F. Kcrnan, Administrator of the
Estate of John Kcrnan, late of La-
Porte Township, Deceased.
And the same will be presented to
the Orphans Court of Sullivan
County, to be held at Laporte, Peuna.
on the Eleventh day of December A.
D. 1911, at M o'clock p. in., for con
firmation and allowance, and they
shall then bo confirmed Ni, Si. ; and
unless Exceptions, are filed within
ten days thereafter, Confirmation
Absolute will be entered thereon.
Register of Wills.
Register's < >Hlce, Laporte, l'enn'a.,
November 1:5, 1911.
Joseph A. Ilelsmall. Treasurer
elect transacted business in La
porte Wednesday.
In Divorce.
Granville B. Lyon, managing
salesman for the Singer Sewing
Machine company of Williamsport,
Pa., represented by J. G. Scouton
Esq., vs. Mary D. Lyons of Spring
City, represented by District At
torney, F. W. Meylert, Esq., took
testimony before Albert F.. Heess
Commonwealth vs.
Charles Hopper.
Charge, threatening to shoot and
do bodily harm to Monroe Taylor.
Case was called before 'Squire
Ca.'en Tuesday and after hearing
the evidence submitted by the
Commonwealth, the defendant was
bound over to await the action of
the Grand Jury at next December
Sessions. Bail in the sum of BUOO.
was given.
Knouse vs. Randall.
The case of Harry Knouse vs.
Dr. W. F. Randall, labor claim,
was held liefore Justice of the
Peace, A. H. Buschhausen, Tues
day, a verdict for the
plaintiff. E. J. Mullen, Esq., rep
resented the plaintiff while At
torneys F. W. Meylert and J. 11.
Thayer represented the Defendant.
Manoah T. Bird.
Manoali T. Bird died at Eorks
ville Saturday evening. Mr. Bird
was working for Mrs. I). T. Ilttck
ell and had gone to the barn to do
the chores ami not returning the
family went to the barn to look for
him and found liini detul iu the I
haymow where he had evidently]
died suddenly while doing the'
Drive Away Your Sorrow.
Did vou ever feel as though you
had lost your best friend Joe, and,
the world appeared so dark and
dreary and you felt so kind a weary, j
didn't give it contincntial if it rain-,
ed or snowed. Well here is it!
recipe that none other can beat;
just put on ii smile one that will
beguile, and everybody that you
meet will smile so sweet, that you
will forget its all a sham ami your
troubles will close the door behind
them with a slam.
Likes the West.
Dr. C. 1). Voorhees, recently of
Sonestown, decided to remove
to < >klahoma to practice, and scorn
ing the puny aid of the railroads,
he loaded his family into an auto
mobile and made the trip over land,
jogging along at a comfortable gait,
stopping for a day when he was
tired, and covering the lli!)7 miles
in three days less than a month.
Incidcntlly, he thought that if he
discovered a place that he liked, he
would locate before he got to the
new state. Letters received by
friends convoy the intelligence that
he is well pleased with his new lo
cation. and will not return east.
Canton Sentnial.
Miss Tessa Fries of Laporte, is
spending a couple of weeks, at Mrs.
Edward Schrader's on Maple St.
N. Rinker and Harry Harrison
are spending a few days hunting iu
Elkland. It wouldn't surprise us
to see them riding home on a 1 tear.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Harrison
have moved into their new home on
Main Street.
Harry Deiffendaffer of Kettle
Creek, was taken to the Hospital at
Williamsport on- Friday morning
of last week to be operated on for
Appendicitis. His many friends
are glad to hear that he Ss getting
along so nicely.
Ilattie Sclirader, Grace Hoffman,
Lucetta Borts and Nell Gtimhlc
made a business trip to Masten on
Thursday of last week.
Harvey Buck is clerking for
James Meyers in bis store recently
purchased of L. J. Voorhees.
Harry Baslcv. Robert Simmons,
Cleon Starr ami Martin Shoemaker
went on the North Mountain Mon
day evening to hunt beat - and no
thing smaller.
A. T. Armstrong is clerking in
his store below town.
Ben C. Speary was shopping in
Williamsport last Monday.
C. E. Snyder is stopping with
Smith lioudman having completed
his work at Sones' Camp at La
Smith Bondman, proprietor of
the Sonestown Hotel, butchered •">
porkers last Thursday dressing
I,"> 00 pounds.
The factories are running full
blast now, Clothes Pin, Heading
and Novelty Works.
George Kiess has postponed his
trip to Florida for a couple weeks,
lie is treasurer of Davidson Town
sltih and it will be necessary for
him t<t be present at the settlement
on Dec. 1.
Shipman Poust of Mttney, li. I>.
1, was in town last Wednesday
and purchased several head of
cattle of A. T. Armstrong.
Charter Notice.
Notice is hereby given that an j
application will be made* to the!
Judges of the Court of Common
Pleas of Sullivan County, Penn
sylvania on the 11 day of December, '
lilll, at 'J o'clock. P. M. by the I
citizens of Eagles Mere, under the]
act of assembly, entitled "An Act i
to provide for the incorporation'
and regulation of certain corpor- j
ations,"' approved April 'Jit, 1574, [
and the supplimcnts thereto, for
the character of an intended cor
poration to be called. "The Eagles
Mere Golf Club,"of Eagles Mere,
Pa., the character and object of
which is athletic and social enjoy- j
incut, and for these purposes to!
have and enjoy all the rights, bene- j
tits and privileges of said Act ol'j
Assembly and the supplements!
J t hereto.
The charter is now on lilt* in the |
' otlice of I'rot honotary at Laporte.]
F. W. Meylert, Solicitor.
We Demand That Yon Smile
Once-in- A while.
If Joe Carpenter's oldest hen lay
an egg in ti hours how long would
it lake the same hen to Laporte.
If the Lake Mokoma Company
tilled their icehouse this winter
would Ex-Governor Pennypacker.
If you owe a man in Mildred
two cents how much would be
If someone should hallo lire
would John llassen.
If Mrs. Maben's pig was a goat
would it Puck Carpenter.
If the Clinton Lloyd sunk to the
bottom of Lake Mokoma would a
safety razor.
If the man iu the moon had a
son would :t sky-rcckit.
Teachers' Meeting.
The fourth monthly teachers'
meeting will be held in the High
School building at Sonestown. Sat
urday, Dec. 2.
The morning session will be de
voted to the course of study.
Program for the afternoon session:
Arithmetic to the fourth grade..
Miss Myers.
Third ami fourth grade Physi
ology, Miss Amies.
Busy work, material and plans.
School Discipline. Mr. Jtuptish.
Truth Telling, Mr. Green.
Sheriff's Sale. j<
By virtue of ii writ of Fi Fa .
issued out of the Court of Common <
Pleas of Sullivan County, Pa., to ]
me ami delivered, there will be ex- ]
posed to public sale at Hotel Carroll 1
in the Borough of Dushore on 1
Friday December 8, 1911. j 1
at Ten o'clock a. m.the following' l
described property, to wit: j
All the following lot, piece or' l
parcel of land, situate in Cherry i 1
Township, Sullivan County, Pen- ]
nsylvania, bounded and described!
a* follows :
BEGINNING at a small Beech, I
a corner of land of Catherine N. }
Morris, being also iu the line of]
land of Israel \Y. Morris, now Ter- i
rence Bennett, thence by the last
mentioned land South, .'JI degrees j
West. 'Jl") perche,s to a post; thence
by land of North. S'.l degrees
West. . r )2 perches to a post; thence j
by other lauds of the said Israel
W. Morris, North .'ll degrees East,
'215 perches to a post in the line of
the said land of Catherine W.
Morris; and thence by the same,
South ISK degrees East, r> - _' perches
to the place of beginning. CON
TA 1 N 1 NG (10 acres and 80 Perches
of land be the same more or less.
The above is a good farm property j
ha\ ingerected thereon a good frame !
dwelling house, barn and out-build-1
ings. Land well watered and in
good state of cultivation. Aquan-i
tity of standing timber on the |
premises. Also good orchard.
Seized, taken into execution and
to be sold as the property of John
Michael Ralim, at the suit of l>. E.
Carroll, (use)
Sheriff's otlice Laporte. Pa., Nov. |
l::. 1911.
m *"
Prothonotary'e Notice.
JJotice hereby given that, the Tnird 1
ami Partial Account ol \V. \V. .Jackson j
ami Blanche \V. Sturilevant, Trustees lor |
the Mevineea ot tieorge I'. Jackson, late j
nt Dushore Borough, l>ecfased, has heen
tiled in my otlice.
And the same will he presented to the j
; Court ot Common Pleas of Sullivan
1 County, to he held at Laporte, I'enn'a..
ion the Klventh day ot l>n-emher A. I'. '
I I'jl I, at 3 o'clock P. M., tor continuation >
' and allowance, and it shall then he con
| tinned Ni. Si., and confirmation ahso
< lute shall lie entered hy the I'rothonotarv j
lof course, unless exceptions in writing '
are previously tiled, as provided by Kule j
! I of the Court ot Common Pleas of Sul
| )ivII ii < 'ounty.
ALISKWT I". IIKHSS, I'rothonotarv.
ProthonotaryV < Mlice. l.a Porte. Penn'a., j
1 November Ilyil.
For Spark Plugs, Batterys, l'rest-
O-Lite Tanks, Carbide, Automobile
tires, Patches, Cement. Brass Polish
Automobile Soap, Sponges, Cham-
I oise. Gasolene and Greeses of all
kinds, etc., call at Murray I trot hers
Garage, Lope/., Pa. Mail ami phone
calls promptly attended to.
The V.l. S. will meet with Mrs.
F. W. Meylert Monthly evening.
Dec. 4.
$50,000 W C. FRONTZ President.
Sur P lus ;,nd FRANK A. REEDF.R, Cashier.
\et Profits
i 9()00 °- DIRECTORS:
Transacts a General W. C.Frontz, John C. Laird, C. W. Sones,
Banking Business- Lyman Myers, Frank A.Boeder, Jacob Per,
J. A. S. Ball, John Bull, Peter Froutz.
Accounts oflntlivid
uals and Firms
Safe Deposite Boxes for Rent, One Dollar per Year.
AAA iimaia
¥~w V W V WWWWW▼Wvw▼WTVf Vf VvTv
S When people realize that it Z
2 is not the quantity for the 2
2 money, so much as the >jutility 2
t that counts, tiien they will ¥
♦ patronize the store which does ♦
i* business in good pure goods. Z
I* <'ut prices often mean cut 2
* qualities. <>ur prices are as i
jx low as good goods wil allow. J
.# Our p>ods are not of the cheap ¥
!• mail-order variety. When ♦
• comparing prices do not for- *
Z get to compare qualities. It 2
Z you tind the prices lower than x
Z ours, then you will find the J
£ qualities inferior—generally W
! T "bargain house" job lots. Z
i Z Ask us to show you why 2
2 our stock is superior. *
I Buschhausen's. T
PRICES For This Week.
ton 100 11)
j Corn Meal 32.00 l.t>s
; Cracked Corn 00 1.05
I Corn 32.00 1.05
• Sacks each tic with privilege of
returning without expense to me.
Schumacher Chop 31.00 1.00
Wheat Until 2K.00 1,45
Fancy White Midds. 31.00 1.00
I Oil Meal 44.50 2.25
j Gluten 31.00 I.GO
j Alfalfa. Meal 25.0 i I.S"
Oyster Shells 10.00 '
j Brewers drain 27.00 1.
I Choice Cottonseed Meal
! Luxury Flour sack 1.
! per 4.
oeefsctap Br*
j Oats per liu.
! Charcoal 50 lb sack
! Oyster Shells "
140 Ih bag Salt coarse or fine .i
56 Ih bag Salt .2
I Buckwheat Flour
! Slhuniacher Flour sack 1.5
Muney '• " 1.2<
j " " per bbl. 4.(1;
Spring Wheat,.(Marvel) " 1.7<
Veal Calves wanted on Monday,
; Tuesday and Wednesday. Live
! fowls and chickens on Wednesday.
\l. BRINK, New Albanv, Pa.
t 7
Bernice Won.
The Bernice High school basket
ball team defeated the strong Du-•
shore High school live by a score
<of 22-N in a fast and interesting
game played at Bernice Saturday
evening, Nov. 25. The feature of
the game was the all around work
of Wm. Median for Bernice. The
I Bernice High school would like to
arrange games with any High
I school team in Bradford or Sullivan
I county.
Fdward and Adam (ilockler of
Elkland township transacted busi
. ness at the I'rothonotary's otliee
| Wednesday.