Republican news item. (Laport, Pa.) 1896-19??, September 16, 1910, Image 2

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    Republican News Item
By The Sullivan Publishing Co
At thß County Seat of Sullivan County.
THOS. J. INGHAM, Sec'y A Troas.
Entered at tlie Pout Office at Laporte, ae
Becoml-clftHH mail matter.
CAFLTAL - - $50,000
F URPJIUB - - $50,000
Does a General Banking Business.
President. Cashier
,t per cent interest allowed 011 certificates.
Oitice in Keeler's Block.
LA FORTE, Sullivan County, PA.
J. J. & F. H. INGHAM,
Legal business attended to
in this ami adjoining counties
o*nc« IR COOHTV BuiLoma
First National Bank
Capital - - - $-25,000.00
Transacts a Keneral banking business.
President. Cashier.
3 per cent interest paid on time deposits,
Pool Room, Confectionery, Tobacco and Cigars.
Opposite Hotel Bernard
Pennsylvania's Capitol.
Pennsylvania recently erected
the linest state capitol to he fomul
anywhere in the Union, at the rea
sonable cost of $4,550,000. It is
more elegant in design and finish
than Massachusetts capitol in Bos
ton, which cost nearly 87,000,000,
or the New York capitol at Albany
which cost $24,000,000. This
beautiful building, in every way
suitable for tlie purpose for which
it was intended, and of which the
people may be justly proud, was
built entirely by funds already in
the treasury, and no fresh taxes
were levied for its construction.
There was no fraud in the erec
tion of this noble building itself.
The contractors did honest work
for the price agreed upon, and
charged only a reasonable profit on
their contract; lint, the men who
supplied the furniture, fixtures and
decorations for the interior, in
league with the state officers and
architect in charge of the building
robbed the people to the amount of
three or four millions ol dollars by
enormous overcharges in payment
for the articles which they sup
plied. In some instances the
charges were from ten to twenty
times what the articles were worth.
It is astonishing that men who
were not-crazy should think they
could steal such an immense sum
and never lie detected. The guilty
men have been convicted and se
verely punished, three of them (as
it were) by the Lord himself. It
is said "The wages of sin is death."
With the door of the state prison
opening for them, with the delim
itating and depressing effect o
grief and remorse in contemplation
of their crimes, and the ever pres
ent thought day and night that in
an evil hour they had yielded to
temptation, disgraced themselves
and their families, they sickened
and died. Huston, the architect,
who has been sentenced to states
prison is trying to obtain a new
Mrs. I'carle Beels and daughter
of Williamsport, are visiting the
former's sister. Mrs. K. \V. Sim
Rev. and Mrs. J. 11. Hertz vis
ited their son in Ilarrlsburg last
Mrs. Keeler of Williamsport is
visiting her daughter Mrs. R. W.
IT. I). Lockwood has purchased
I an automobile.
L. J. Voorhees autoed to Wilkes-
Barre last week, lie returned on
Monday accompanied by his wife
who has been visiting her parents
iu that place.
Ward Hall of Altoona spent Sat
urday in town.
Howard Bay, who spent the past
summer in Eagles Mere, has re
turned to take up his duties as a
Readier in the schools here.
A beautiful band of asters was
among the floral offerings to the
late Harry M. Fiester, presented
by the teachers of the school, and
the Senior class of which his son is
a member.
John Watson, Sr., is on th,» sick
The Evangelical church has been
remodeled and will reopen for ser
vices Sunday. Sunday school 10:-
30, a. in.. Christian Endeavor at
l»:30 p. in.. Preaching services at
7: 40 p. in.
Methodist church services: Sun
day school 10:00, Epworth League
(>:3O, Prayer meeting Thursday ev
ening at 7:30. All are invited.
Among the out of town students
in the high school are Freas Hess
of Nordmont, Mabel Fulniej of
Mount Vernon, James Miller and
Harold Bender of Muncy Valley.
Jack Frost has visited several
times of late.
O. J. Williams visited his moth
er at East Canton Sunday.
Earl McMullen of New York
State has been visiting his aunt,
Mrs. A. E. Campbell.
J. 11. Campbell and wife attend
ed the Oild Fellows' picnic at
Forksville Saturday.
Leslie McNamire is moving into
Austin Brown's house.
Mrs. Joseph Bedford is very ill
at this writing.
Born, on Thursday, Sept. 8, to
Mr. and Mrs. Hurley Brown, a
San ford Fanning visited friends
in Grover Sunday.
Mr. Bullock and wife have
moved to Pleasant Valley for the
Floyd Williams and wife of
Schuyler Lake have returned to
this place.
Howard Kilmer returned from
Williamsport Saturday.
The smiling face of Lewitf Me-
Bride is again seen liehiml the
counter of Campbell's Department
A Good Position,
can be had by ambitious young
men and ladies in the lield of
'•Wireless" or Railway telegraphy.
Since the 8-hour law became effec
tive, and since the Wireless com
panies are establishing stations
throughout the country there is a
great, shortage of telegraphers.
Positions pay beginners from S7O
to $!»0 per month, with good chance
of advancement. The National
Telegraph Institute operates six
official institutes in America, un
der supervision of R. R. and Wire
less officials and places all gradu
ates into positions. It will pay
you to write them for full details
at Cincinnati, 0., or Philadelphia,
Card of Thanks.
Mrs. Margaret Fiester and fam
ily wish to thank their friends and
neighbors for the kindness shown)
them during their recent sad be
F. M. Crossley was a Williams
port visitor Wednesday.
El lory Carpenter is visiting
friends in Corning and other New
Vork Towns.
Samuel Pennock left Wednesday
morning for Cleveland, 0.. where
he has a position.
A number from Eagles Mere en
joyed a straw ride to this place
Saturday, spending the day at Mo
koina Lake.
Anthony Murray recently per
formed a ditlieult hill climbing feat
at Wyalusiiig, with his automobile
He drove his car up Browntown
mountain which is over a mile in
length and of such steep pitch that
many ears have been unable to
take the grade.
Road improvements have been
going on at a lively pace during
the past two weeks. Ingham hill
has been tilled iu with rock and
soil and the street bed from Muncy
to the lake road has been covered
with red shell making a firm hard
Lloyd W. Bowers Is De».d.
Solicitor General Lloyd W. flowers,
■whom Preaiteat Taft had picked for a
supremo court Justiceship, died in Bos
ton of complications arising from an
attack of bronchitis.
Solicitor Qeneral Bowers had been
111 for about a month, but it was sup
posed he had recovered.
Mr. Bowers was appointed as solici
tor general by President Taft, March
22, 1909. The appointment was one of
the first official acts of Mr. Taft as
president who had long held Mr. Bow
ers in high regard.
The first news of Mr. Bowers' illness
became generally known through a
telegram sent by Mrs. Bowers to Pres
ident Taft last Tuesday while he was
returning to Beverly from the west.
So solicitous was Mr. Taft that as soon
as he reached Boston he called at th*
hotel and found the patient so much
Improved that he was able to see him.
The physician who has attended Mr.
Bowers here said that the patient was
chatting cheerfully with his wife and
son when, suddenly, he stopped talk
ing and a moment later was dead.
The physiclau. Dr. Kredorick Cog
geshall, sped by automobile to the ho
tel on a telephone summons only to
discover that Mr. Bowers had died In
stantly of a blood clot in the heart.
I)r. Coggeshall said that the original
illness of Mr. Bowers, which took the
form of a violent cold, was duo to
M«at Packers Indicted.
J. Ogden Armour, Louis F. Swift,
Edward Morris and Edward Tllden,
the big four in the Chicago beef trust,
were by a federal grand Jury,
charged with being in a combination
In restraint of trade in violation of the
Sherman anti-trust law.
In addition named in the true bills
were Arthur Meeker, of Armour &
Co.; Charles Swift and several other
men, ten in all, of lesser night In the
beef combination. The corporations
named in the recent true bill which
was found faulty by Judge Landls
weren't named. The grand Jury had
followed out the Instructions of Judge
Landls and indicted the men Instead
of the corporations.
Under section 2 of the Sherman an
ti-trust law those convicted under this
Indictment may be sent to prison for
one year, fined SSOOO, or both, In the
discretion of the court.
Trades Hi 6 Baby For Pig.
A Russian woman living near Win
nipeg, Man., gave birth to twins, but
her husband was so displeaced over
tho dual addition to his family t*iat he
promptly traded one of the babies to
aiiot her Russian for a pig.
The case came to the attention of
the authorities, and a constable forced
the father to cancel the trade, which
he had made over the bitter protests
of the mother.
It is probable that the entire fam
ily will be deported. Government offi
cials point to this case as showing a
need of reform in the divorce laws.
The woman will be deported because
of an unpardonable act of her hus
band, though public sentiment favors
letting hor remain and shipping away
the husband.
Will Meet In Richmond Next Year.
The Atlantic Deeper Waterways as
sociation accepted the Invitation of the
southern delegates to hold next year's
convention In Richmond, Ya.
winter clear, $4&4.25; city mills, fan
cy, 16® 6.40.
RYE KLOUR steady, at $4®4.10 per
WHEAT steady; No. 2 red, new,
CORN steady; No. 2 yellow, local,
66tfj 67c.
OATS quiet; No. 2 white, 38V4c.;
lower grades. 37c.
POULTRY: Live steady; hens. 16®
l<;i£c.; old roosters, llVs@l2c. DresS
ed flrm; choice fowls, 18c.; old roos
ters, 13c.
BIITTER firm; extra creamery. S3c.
EOGS steady; selected. 30 32c.;
nearby, 26c.: western, 26c.
POTATOES quiet, at 50c@51.50 per
barrel, as to quality
Jury List.
List of person*, with their occupations ami
places of residence, drawn as Grand Jurors lor
Septeml»er Term commencing Monday, hept. 10.
Name Oceupation itesidetice
Albert K. Bennett I'arpenter Mt. Vernon
Arch Brown Farmer Cherry
John Clymer Farmer Lopez
Wellington Uraifley Farmer Cherry
John W. Green Farmer llillsgrove
Kalston Huusinger Farmer Cherry
Freeman Huusinger Hotel-kee|»er Colley
John Hassen, Sr. Liveryman Lajtorte Boro
Frank Hanuon Retired Forksville
Brady Haus Laborer Shrewsbury
John Laylou Laborer Shrewsbury
Frank Mngargel Merchant Davidson
Wardner Molyneux Farmer Forks
Dennis I'almatier Hotel-keeper Davidson
Willium Powers Retired Dushore
E. H. lU>ger.s Farmer Klkland
r. K, Riorden Lal>orer LO|K?Z
Fred Sarnoski Laborer Bernice
Mark Smith l.aliorer Lo]>c/
L. K. Travelet Laborer Jamison City
William Walsh Carpenter Lopez
John Watson Foreman Davidsun
George Yon kin, Sr. Farmer Cherry
I Joseph Youkin Farmer cherry
j Name Occupation Residence
j Frank Allen Laborer Bernice
Harvey Bond Farmer Fox
I F. A. Boyle Farmer Klkland
Kdward Boatman Farmer Davidson
Daniel Belles Laborer Ricketts
Oliver Bird Farmer Forks
J. W. Buck Merchant Davidson
D K. Carroll Merchant Dushore
James Cuuningham Meiehaut Dushore
George Caseman Farmer Fox
Nelson Cox Miner Dutihore
Frank Cole Laborer Ricketts
James Driscoll Farmer Forks
A. Dietlenba. h Farmer Cherry
Frank Fowler Laborer Laj«orte Boro
(ieorge Fiester Hotel-keei>er Lai>orte Twp
John Frey Retired Dushore
Frank M. Farrell Bottler Dushore
O. W. Colder Farmer Shrewsbury
Frank Hutlmaster Farmer Cherry
Mordica King Farmer Luporte
Wesley Kneller, Jr. Farmer cherry
A. A. Ludy Farmer llillsgrove
Leo Lynch Laliorer Loyez
Lawrence Luca> Lal»orer Hillsgr<»ve
Thomas Laird Blacksmith Davidson
John W. Mulnix Farmer Klkland
T. V. McLaughlin Superintendent Bernice
Warren May Laborer Hillsgrove
Klmer Miller Farmer Fox
RoU»rt W. Mason Clerk La)>ortc Boro
H. O. McCarty Laborer Fojks
11. M. Mullen Farmer Klkland
John McCarroll Farmer Loi»cz
John T. Rogers Farmer Klkland
Maiulus W. Reeser Farmer Colley
John Russell Farmer Fox
Fred Rinker LaUner llillsgrove
Thomas I>. Swank Laborer Davidson
John A. Speaker Farmer llillsgrove
Jacob Snyder Farmer Forksville
Leroy Stein back Brakemau Ricketts
Henry Touschuer Farmer cherry
Charles Taylor Farmer Davidson
Henry rpmanu carpenter Lnporte Boro
S. I*. Worth ing ton Farmer Mt. Vernon
Charles M. Yonkin Farmer Cherry
Levi B. Yonkin Farmer Cherry
Trial List September Term, itjio.
Heturn Day, Septembor 19, 1010.
Emma ('. Hood vs. Conncll An*
thracite Mining Company,
No. 50 February Term, 19011.
Plea, —"Not Guilty."
Scouten, Bradley, | McCorinick
Kaufman | Mullen.
Anna Killo vs John Decker.
No. '2:i, December Term, HIOH.
Plea, —"Not (iuiltv."
Thayer. | Scouten.
J. <l. Cott vs, Lee Rosencrants
and John Rosencrants, Defendants,
and the Nortlmont Chemical Com
pany and the Luzerne Chemical
Company, Garnishees.
No. f>(i, December Term, 1!M)!),
Attachment Kxecution.
Plea,—"Nulla Bona."
Mullen | Meylert.
Elmer E. Rinebold vs. Township
of Cherry.
No. 56 February Term, It)III.
Trespass. .
Plea—"Not Ouilty."
Mullen. ] Scouten.
Connor vs. Margaret Con
nor, Administratrix of John Connor,
No. .18, May Term, 15)10.
Thayer. | Walsh.
Protlionotary's OHice,
LaPorte, Penna.,
August 8, 1910.
ALBERT F. IIEESS, Prothonotary.
Notice is hereby given that an appli
cation will he made to the Governor ol
the State ol Pennsylvania, on Monday,
September 19, 1910. under the Act ol As.
sembly of the Commonwealth of Pent s\ I -
vania, entitled, ''An Act to provide liir
the incorporation and regulation of cer
tain G'or|»orations," approved April L".f,
1N74. and the supplements thereto, lor
the charter of an intended corporation
to he called the "MOK<>MA SPUING
WATER COMPANY," the character
and object ot which is to supply water
to the inhabitants of the borough of La
Poret. County of Sullivan, Pennsylvania,
and lor the purpose to have, possess and
enjoy all the rights, benefits ainl privi
leges of said Act of Assembly and its sup
The pro|>osed Charter is now on file in
the office of the Secretary of the Common
wealth, at llarrisburg. Pa.
F. W. MEYLEItT, Solicitor
Are Yoar Kidney* r
Dr. Hobtw' Hpiragua ptllicureaU kidney Ills Bank
tUUM Ada. tJierlW Ituwedr Cu .Cblraao or N. V
Kstttte of Harry M Fiester, lute,
of Laporte Township, deceased.
Letters Testementary in the above
estate having been granted to the
undersigned, all parties having
claims against said estate are re
quested to present same without de
lay. And all parties indebted to
said estate are requested to niak>
immediate settlement.
Margaret s. Fiester,
Lee R. Gavitt,
F. W. Meylert, Att'y. Sept. 12 '1 o.
Resolutions of Respect.
WIIKItKAS, it has pleased the
Great Master of the universe to re
move from among us our beloved
sister Malinda E. Kilmer, and
WIIKRFAK, by her death this
Grange lias sustained a severe loss,
she being a faithful member, always
ready to shate every duty and bear
any burden for the good of (he order
therefore, be it
RESOLVED: That we extend 10l
her bereaved family our deep and
heaitfelt sympathy in this time ot
trial, and them to Him who healeth
all our sorrows.
RESOLVED: That our charter
be draped in mourning, and mem
bers wear the badge of mourning for
thirty days; that a copy of these res
olutions be spread upon the minutes
of the Order; that a copy be given to
the family of the deceased; and also,
that they be sent for publication to
the ('anton Sentinel and the Repub
lican News Item
Sophya Westcott, |
Lavisa Warren, -Committc.
Harriet Sargent, )
Register's Notices.
Notice in hereby given dial the follow
ing Accounts of Executors, Administra
tors, etc. have been lileil in my ollice:
First ami Final Account of Samuel
Cole, Administrator ot the Kstate ol A1
I'red Cole, late ot Onshore Borongli, de
First and final Account ol Elizabeth
Graiflcy, Administratrix ct. cutn. testa
mento annexo ol I !>• Kstate ot .lacoh .1.
'irnifley, late ol Cherry Township. De
First and Final Account of J. T. Fair
bairn, Administrator of the Kstate ol An
nie 0 Fairbairn. iate ot Laporte Borough,
First and Final account ol Kmma Shoe
maker (formerly Swank), Administratrix
ol the Kstate of Kllis Swank, late of Dav
idson Township, Deceased.
First and Final Account of Florida
Itightmire, Administratrix of the Kstate
of Caroline Glidewell, late of Klkland
Township, Deceased.
First and Final Account of Mary A.
Deilienhach, Administratrix of the Kstate
ot ( harles M. Deilienhach, late ol Cherry
Township. Deceased.
First and Final Account ot .1. S. Holla,
Administrator of the Kstate of Maria
Holla, late of Dushore Borough, Dee d.
In the Estate cf .lacoh .1. (irail'ley, lale
of Cherry Township, l)ec'd., Inventory
and Appraisement of Personal Property
set apart to widow.
And the same will he presented to the
< Irphans Court of Sullivan County, to be
held at I.aporte, Penn'a., on the nine
teenth day ot September A. D. 1910, at
■/, o'clock p. m., lor confirmation and al
lowance. and they shall then be continued
Ni. Si.: and unless Except ions are tiled
within ten days thereafter, confirmation
absolute will be entered thereon.
AI.BKHT F. IIKKSS. liecister ot Wills.
Register's t '(lice. Laporte. l'a.
Ausust i!'J. HMO.
lloiionil>lc» Henry Kiehlin anil K. I'. It.
K*kiiikn Assoc. Judges of the ( onrts of Oyer and
Terminer and (ieneral Juil Delivery, Quarter
-U'ssiotis oi the l'eiiee, Orphans' Court and Com
mon I'leas lor tile (,'ouuty of Sullivan, have issued
their precept, bearing date the llth day of July
1310. to me direeteil, lor holuuiK the several
courts in the ltorough of LaiHirte, on Monday tlie
1!) tlay of Septemlier, lull), at 2. o'clock p. m.
Therefore,notice is hereby given to the Coroner,
Justices of the I'eaee ami Constables within the
county, that they lie then and there in their prop
er pel-son at 2 o'clock p. in.of said day, with their
rolls, records, inquisitions examinations and
other reniemiterances to those things to which
their offices appertain to lie dime. And to those
who are bound by their recognizance to prosecute
against prisoners who are or shall be in the jail of
thesaid county of Sullivan, are hereby notified to
be then and there to prosecute against them as
Will be just.
Jt'IIKON BROWN, Sherill.
Sheriff'sOUiee, Lul'orte, l'a., Aug. 11.1910.
1, 4 t t 1
FOR SALE —Three cottages in
Laporte Boro. Reasonable terms.
Inquire of Win. I'. Shoemaker.
FOU ItENT—Brewster corner
house; yearly lease to desirable ten
ant. Address, 12.'17 Tea St., N. \\\,
Washington, 1). C.
AL"1?OMOIII l.Ks To II IKK —by the
day or week at reasonable rates.
Bell 'phone No. 2 and 32 I.
Murray Bros.' <Parage, A. W. Mur
ray, Mgr., Murray, l'a. KMn2(!
FOlt SAI.E—No S Othello Range
with water tank, high shelf and
water front. In excellent condition.
SIB.OO cash, worth wholesale s:{s.uo.
See F. \V. Meylejt or A. I'. Wie
land, Wing Cottage.
PRICES For This Week.
100 lhs.
Oil Meal 8*2.00
Gluten ] 50
Corn Meal 1 45
Oracleod Corn 1.45
Corn 1.45
Best White Midds. 1,60
Brewers Grain 1.35
Oyster Shells CO
Wheat Bran 1.30
Schumacher Chop ] 45
" Calf Meal 50 1b 1.50
Lump Salt 75
Beef Scrap 2. 75
Meat Meal 2 50
140 lh hag Salt 55
50 lh hag Salt 30
-00 ]li bag agricultural salt 70
Slhiimachcr Flour sack 1.05
Marvel •' " none
Muney " \4O
24 lh sack Schu. Tahle Meal 00
10 lh " " " " 25
Veal calves wanted every week
on Monday, Tuesday and YVednes
Live fowls and chickens wanted
every Wednesday
M. BRINK, New Allianv. IV.
The Best place
to buy goods
Is olten asked by the pru
pent housewile.
Money saving advantnufrs
arealways be searched lor
Lose no time in making :i
thorough examination ofihe
New Line of Merchandise
Now on
?????? ? ? ?
ALi answered at
Vernon Hull's
Large Store.
Choice (iiiomii,
Groceries, to he choice must he
fresh. In order to sell fresh gro
ceries we must keep them contin
ually moving, buying and selling.
That's just what we are doing.
: Therefore our groceries are fresh
land choice in the true sense of the
| word. If you are not getting the
best in the grocery line tell us and
we w ill tell you the reason and how
j to overcome it.
Xtme Uttlns.
Lime furnished .n cai
load lots, delivered at
Right Prices.
Your orders solicited. !
Kilns near HughesvilU
jM. G. Reeder, i
At once. Men to represent us,
either locally or traveling. Now is
the time to start. Money in /«,e
work for the ri<j;ht men. Apply at
once and secure territory.
ALLEN NURSERY CO., Rochester, N. Y,
Try a SMALL AD in th s
paper, It will pay you.
SALVE For Piles, Burns, Sore««