Republican news item. (Laport, Pa.) 1896-19??, September 02, 1910, Image 2

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    Republican News Item
By The Sullivan Publishing Co
At the County Beat of Sullivan County.
THO9. J. INIiHAM, Seo'y A Treas.
Entered at tlie Post Office at Laporte, an
eecond-claee mail matter.
CAPITAL - - $50,000
HI'HPI.US - - $50,000
Does a General Hanking Business.
President. Cashier
3 per cent interest allowed on certificates.
Office in Keeler'e Block.
LAPORTE, Sullivan County, PA.
J m J. & F. H. INGHAM,
Legal business attended to
in this and adjoining oounties
omca m oouhty buildih#
First National Bank
Capital - - - $35,000.00
Transacts a general banking business.
President. Cashier.
3 per cent interest paid on time deposits.
Pool Hoom, Confectionery, Tobacco and Cigars.
Opposite Hotel Bernard
Labor's Holiday.
Labor Day grows in popularity.
The laboring men anil their fami
nes who this year celebrate the day
are more numerous than ever be
fore. This is partly due to the
growing appreciation of the day
and partly to the great industrial
expansion of the nation which cre
ates an increasing demand for both
skilled and unskilled labor.
The occasion is one of recreation
and everyone, whether toiler or
not, wishes for those who partici
pate in the pleasure and relaxation
of the hour the utmost enjoyment.
People of means can take t heir out
ings when they please and for an
indefinite time. Hut the man who
works by the day, who has to sup
port a wife on the wages earned,
and for whom a day oil usually
means the loss of a day's pay, can
not afford many holidays in a year
and therefore to a very large extent
he concentrates on this one day.
Incidents of Important Tour to
Be Described by Special
Former President Roosevelt has
started on a tour which promise*
to be more important than any he
took while in the White House.
From now until September 11 lie
will be traveling through the coun
try making speeches of profound
significance, and exercising a great
influence upon national affairs.
The North American is the only
paper in Philadelphia—the only
paper in Pennsylvania—which has
a special correspondent on the
train with Colonel Roosevelt.
Angus McSween, the North
American's Washington corres
pondent, will be with Col. Roose
velt every day until the return to
New York, and will wire full re
ports, not only of the incidents of|
the trip, but of the political devel
opments of each state.
Pennsylvania—"A, Rich
But Laggard State."
Albert Shaw, editor of the Re
view of Reviews, an exceedingly
able writer, has for a number of
years past been an efficient advo
cate of Republican principles and
measures, and supporter of Repub
lican candidates who were fairly
nominated. An amazing "change
has come over the spirit of his
dreams" and he seems to have lost
bis former imprudence of speech,
and endeavors to defame the enter
prising character of a great state.
In the August number of Review
of Reviews, speaking of Secretary
Knox, he says:"He would prob
ably find it more congenial togo
back to Pennsylvania and fight for
all kinds of progressive and im
proved things in that rich but lag
gard common wealth."
No Pennsylvanian will object to
liis state being called rich for it is
one of the richest in the Union Jts
natural resources are very great;
It was well timbered; its mountains
in the western part are filled with
bituminous coal, and in the Wy
oming, Scranton, Schuylkill and
Sullivan County regions the hills
and valleys are stored with black
diamonds; iron ore is abundant in
many places; quarry stone and
roofing slate are plentiful; new
wells of petroleum are found as fast
as the old ones are pumped dry.
These great natural resources, be
stowed niion Pennsylvania by the
bountiful hand of the Creator,
like Robinson Crusoe's gold, would
be of no value if not developed by
the enterprise and activity of the
The word "laggard" according
to tin* Century dictionary means:
"slow, sluggish, backward," and
that a "laggart" is a "lazy, slack
fellow." When Mr. Shaw called
Pennsylvania a "laggard common
wealth" lie either slandered the
state intentionally or else betrayed
bis ignorance of its history. It is
charitable to believe in his igno
rance. He is not so great a scholar
as we supposed.
The enterprise, industry and
public spirit of the people of Penn
sylvania are known unto all men
—except Mr. Shaw. At the close
of the year INTO. (.'sl years ago)
Pennsylvania had dug and in oper
ation 574 miles of canals, most of
them constructed by funds appro
priated by the state, in that same
year there were in operation 15,011
of railroads, principally built by
Pennsylvania corporations and
some of them extending outside of
the state. At the end of the year
1870, New York had 85f» miles of
canals in operation and f>,OOK miles
of railroads. Thus it appears that
Pennsylvania had at that time in
operation 19 miles of canals and
9000 miles more of railroads than
New York, the Empire state.
School Flag Raising.
The new school Hag recently se
cured for the use of the Borough
schools will be raised, with appro
priate exercises, on Monday, Sept.
5, at 3 o'clock, p. m. The public
generally is most cordially invited
to be present at the exercises.
The Hag to be raised on this oc
casion is a beautiful design of the
national colors, ten by twenty feet,
and was secured by popular sub
scription through the efforts of
James C. Caven, Esq., Secretary of
the school board. The flag staff is
seventy-five feet high and was the
gift of C. W. Sones, This Hag will
add much to the appearance of the
school property.
The school opens on September
5, with Prof. Willard W. Render
as Principal of the High School,
Miss E. Jessie Wrede, primary
grade and, Miss lone Mason the in
termediate grade.
Ice Cream Sale.
Immediately after the flag rais
ing at the school house next Mon
day afternoon, ice cream will be
sold, the proceeds to he applied to
the purchase of reference books for
the use of the school.
There will lie a big Labor Day
picnic at Dushore Monday.
Mrs. J. A. Helsiuan and son
were Wilkes-Barre visitors last
Miss Luc3' Hannon of New York
City is visiting her parents in Mil
Mrs. J. L. Brennan of"Washing
ton. Pa., is visiting her mother,
Mrs. Mary Cunningham in Mildred.
Thomas Spenee and wife of Mor
ris Klin, are visiting friends in
Mrs. Tressia O'Brien has return
ed to her home in Wheeling, W.
Va., after spending two weeks with
her parents, Patrick McGever and
wife in Bern ice.
Charles Helsman spent last week
with friends in Williamsport.
Mrs. Margaret Cook returned to
her home Friday after a two weeks
visit with friends in Reynoldsville.
There will be a picnic at Bernice
on Labor Day, under the auspices
of the Counell Key Fund.
W. J. Gallagher is visiting rela
tives and friends in Sayre.
The Wheatley reunion was held
at the I. O. O. F. hall.
Messre Win, and Leo Johnston
and wives of Wehrem, are visiting
in this place.
Mrs. Thomas Collins was re
moved to the Williamsport hospital
Friday to undergo an operation for
—» • rnmm
Frank lla/.en and family of Ilar
risburg are visiting relatived in
Mabel Ftilmer of Mount Vernon
spent part of last week with her
aunt, Mrs. C. D. Yoorhees.
Ester Hertz, who has been visit
ing in Canton, has returned home.
Mrs. Jerome Laird spent part of
last week at Jersey Shore.
Mrs. L. R. Boatman was a Wil
liamsport shopper Tuesday.
Mrs. R. W. Simmons is visiting
her mother in Williamsport.
Dr. and Mrs. C. I). Voorhees
spent Sunday at Mount Vernon.
Collins Ha/.en was an Eagles
Mere visitor Sunday.
A large number from here at
tended the excursion to Lake Mo
koma last week and enjoyed an ex
cellent time.
Burros Dewald of Williamsport
is visiting bis parents here.
Mrs. Harry Bassley and daugh
ters, Edith and Gertrude are visit
ing in Dushore and vicinity.
Blanch Mortar of Lovelton, who
lias been visiting her aunt, Mrs.
Harry Bassley, has returned home.
Miss Lizzie Voglit has gone to
A. L. Plotts' where she will board
and attend high school.
Estella High School opened Mon
day with Prof. M. R. Black as
Principal and Miss Grace Wheat
ley, teacher of the primary grade.
C. B. Wheatley and wife have
taken a little girl from the child
ren's home.
Mrs. D. F. McCarty has gone to
Buffalo to visit her brothers.
Myra ChalTee of Towanda, is
spending a few weeks at "Octogon
J. Ettis Brown is visiting his
brother George at Breezy Summit.
Mary Mclntire of Millview is
staying at W. H. Plotts' and at
tending high school.
Ada Mulnix who has been in
New York State for the past sever
al months, has returned to her
home at Lincoln Falls.
Lee Rosbaek and wife of Rich
mond, Va., are visiting friends
in this vicinity.
S. P. Shoemaker is building a
dwelling house for Wm. Painter be
low Lincoln Falls.
FOR SALE —Three cottages in
LaPorte Boro. Reasonable terms.
Inquire of Win. P. Shoemaker.
Jury List.
List of persons, with their occupations and
' places of reside nee, drawn as Grand Jurors for
■ September Term commencing Monday, Sept. Ith
Name Occupation Residence
Albert K. Bennett Carpenter Mt. Vernon
Arch Krown Farmer Cherry
John Clymer Farmer Lnpez
Wellington Uraifley Farmer Cherry
John W. Green Farmer Hillsgrove
Kalston llunsinger Farmer Cherry
Freeman llunsinger lloiel-kce|»er ' Collcy
John II us sen, si*. Liveryman Laporte Boro
Frank liaimon Retired Forksville
Broua llaus Laborer Shrewsbury
John Laylon Laborer Shrewsbury
Frank Magargcl Merchant Davidson
Wardner Molyneux Farmer Forks
Dennis Palmatier Hotel -keeper Davidson
William l'owers Retired Dushore
K. 11. Ilogcrs Farmer Kikland
11.I 1 . K, Riorden Laljorer Lopez
Fred Saruo>ki Laborer Bernice
Mark SSmitli Lalmivr I^opez
L. E. Travclet Laborer Jamison cily
William Walsh Carpenter Lope/.
John Watson Foreman Davidson
George Yonkin, Sr. Farmer Cherry
Joseph Yon kin Farmer cherry
Name Occupation Residence
Frank Allen Laborer Bernice
Harvey Bond Farmer Fox
F. A. Boyle Farmer ' F.lkland
Kdward Boatman Farmer Davidson
Daniel Bellrs Laborer Rickctts
Oliver Bird Farmer Forks
J. W. Buck Merchant David.-un
D. F. Carroll Merchant Dushore
James Cunningham Merchant Dushore
< leorge Caseman Farmer Fox
Nelson Cox Miner Dushore
Frank Cole Lalxirer Ricketts
James Driscoll Farmer Forks
C. A. DietTenba. h Farmer Cherry
Frank Fowler LaUnvr Lajiorte Boro
«icorge Fiester Hotel-keeper Laporte Twp
loliu Frey Retired J)ushorc
Frank M. Farreil Bottler Dushore
(i. W. Colder Farmer Shrewsbury
Frank HutTmaster Farmer cherry
Mordica King Farmer Lai*»rtc
Wesley Kneller, Jr. Farmor < herry
A. A. Ludy Farmer Hills,crove
Leo Lynch Laborer Love/.
Lawninee Lucas Laltorer llillsgrove
Ti|omas Laird Blacksmith Davidsou
John W. Mulnix Farmer Kikland
T. V. McLaughliu Superintendent Berniec
Warren May Lalxtrer llillsgrove
Klmer Miller Farmer F»ix
Robert W. Mason Clerk Laporte Boro
11; t). McCarty Laborer Forks
11. M. Mullen Farmer Kikland
John MeCarroll Farmer Lope/
John I'. Rogers Farmer Klklaud
Mandus W. Reeser Farmer Colley
iohn Russell Farmer Fox
Fred Rinkcr Laltorer llillsgrove
Thouuis D. Swnnk Laborer Davidson
John A. Speaker Farmer llillsgroAc
Jacob Snyder Farmer Km k>villi>
Leroy Steinback Brakeuiau Ricketts
Henry Touschucr Farmer cherry
Charles Taylor Farmer Davidson
Henry I'pmann < ar|»cnter Lai*>rtr Boro
s. p. Worthiugtou Farmer Mt. Vernon
Charles M. Yonkin Farmer Cherry
Levi B. Yonkin Farmer ' cherry
Trial List September Term, igio.
Return Day, September 19. 1010.
Emma C. llooil vs.. Council Air
thraeite Mining Company,
No. Till February Term, 11)011.
Plea, "Not < inilty."
Seouten, Hradley, | MeCorniiek
Kaufman | Mullen.
Anna Kille vs John Decker.
No. 23, 1 lecemlier Term, 11)01).
Plea, —"Not Guilty."
Thayer. | Seouten.
J. (J. Cott vs, Lee Rosencrants
and John Rosencrants, Defendants,
and the Nordniont Cheniical Coni
pany and the Luzerne Chcmicai
<'oinpany, <iarnishees.
No, 5(1. December Term, 1i)<)l).
Attachment Execution.
Plea, —"Nulla Rona."
Mullen | Meylcrt.
Elmer E. Riuehohl vs. Township,
of Cherry.
No. f><> February Term, lltlti.
Plea —"Not Guilty."
Mullen. i Seouten. 1
Patrick Connor vs. Margaret Con
nor, Administratrix of John Connor,
I leceased.
'No. 38, May Term, 11)10.
Thayer. | Walsh.
Prothonotary's ()Hice,
LaPorte, Penna.,
August s, 11)10.
ALREItT F. II LESS, Prothonotary.
Notice is hereby given that an a,ipli
cation xvill he inaile to the Governor ol
the State ol Pennsylvania, on Moinlav
September ID, 1910, nailer the Act of As
sembly ol the Commonwealth ol' Peni.syl.
vania, entitled, '"An Act. to provide liir
the incorporation and regulation ol cer
tain Corporations," approved April 21).
IS"I. and the supplements thereto, for
the charter of an intended corporation
to he called the "MOKOMA Si'b'l Mi
WATEU COMI'ANV," the character
and object ol which is to supply water
to the inhabitants of the Borough of I,a
Porte and the Township of
County ol Sullivan, State ot Pennsylvania
and lor the purpose to have, possess and
enjoy all the rights, benefits and privi
leges of said Act of Assembly and its slip
The proposed Charter is now on tile in
the ortice of the Secretary of the Common
wealth, at Harriaburg, l'a.
F. W. MEYLKRT, Solicitor
How Are Your Itlitnrya »
Dr Hobbs'SpttratfiiH lMUaouroall kldner Ills. Hanv
Add. Uisrllutf Itoinoily t'o .CUlcmio or N. V-
k l ¥
Register's Notices.
Nolioe in liereTiy given lliat (lie follow ;
iiifl Accounts of Executors, Administra
tors, etc. have been filed in my ollice:
First and Final Account of Samuel
<'ole, Administrator ol the Estate of Al-
I red Cole, late of Dushore Borough, he
ceased .
First and final Account ol Elizabeth
Graifley, Administratrix el. cum. tcsta
mcnto annexo of Ilia Estate ol .lacob .1.
i-trail ley, late of Cherry Township, lie
I'irst and Final Account of.l. T. Fair
bairn. Administrator of the Estate of An
nie H Fairbairn, iate ol Laporte Borough,
I >eceased.
I'irst and Final account ol Emma Shoe
maker (Ibrmerlv Swank), Administratrix
ol the Estate oTEIlis Swank, late of Dav
idson Township, Deceased.
I'irst and Final Account of Florilla
liightmire, Administratrix of the Estate
of Caroline Glidewell, late ol Elkland
Township, Ileceased.
I'irst and Final Account of Mary A.
Deillenbach, Administratrix of the Estate
ol < harles M. Deitleidiach, late ol Clierrv
Township, Deceased.
First and Final Account of.! S. Holla,
Administrator of the Estate of Maria
Holla, late of Dushore liorou<jli, Dec'd.
In the Estate cf .lacob .1. II rait ley. late
ol Cherry Dec'd., Inventorv
and Appraisement of Personal I'roperlv
set apart to widow.
And the same will be presented to the
< Irphans Court of Sullivan County, to be
hehl at Lu|iorte, Penn'a., on the nine
leenth day of September A. D. I'.IIO, at
3 o'clock p. in., lor confirmation and al
lowance, and they shall then be confirmed
Ni.Si.;and unless Except ions are tiled
within ten days thereafter, confirmation
absolute will be entered thereon.
ALBERT E. 11 EESS. I.'etrister ol Wills.
Register's Ollice, Laporte, Pa.
Aususl 22, 11)10.
Notice is hereby given that application
will be made by John Hughes Blackmail,
May Allen Blackmail, John C Hughes,
Ellen I. Hughes arid Frank E Carter, to
to the Governor ol'Pennsylvania, on the
I4tll day of Sept-ember, 1010, at 11:00
o'clock a. m.s under the provisions of an
act of Assembly, entitled "an act to pro
vide lor the incorporation anil regulation
ol certain corporations," approved the
—Dtli day ot April, IST I, and the supple
men is thereto, lor a charter lor an in
tended corporation to be called Stony
Brook Lumber Company, the character
and object of which is lor the purpose ol
the manufacture of any article ot com
merce from wood and the buying and sel
ling of such articles, and for such purpose
ol acquiring, possessing and enjoying all
the lights, powers, privileges and immiin
iiies conlerred by the general corporation
act ol April 12V, A. D. IjTI. and the sup
plements thereto, upon corporations ol
the class mentioned in the seventeenth
clause ol the second section of said act,
and lor these purposes to have, possess
and enjoy all the rights, benefits and
privileges by >aid act of Assembly and
the supplements thereto conlerred.
EDWARD B. FARIi. Solicitor.
Tuiikhaniiock, Pa, 15t3
\V IIKITKAN, HON. I ins. 1 TKRKY President
.luilpe. Itiinoriibles Henry Uichlin and K.
k>k itiku ,\>snc .lintKes nl the (mi iis of • Iyer and
'rerniiiier and lienenil Jail Ilelivery, Quarter
Sessinn> ol'tlie Pi-ace, o|-pliau>' I'nuM and Com
uw HI I 'leas tiirllK I'imiu.v of Sullivan, luive i*>iu*<l
their precept, bearing date tile Ot li day of luly
i.'lii. to nie direetiHl, lor IIOUIIIIK the several
eoiirU in the Horointli of l.U|mrtc, on Monday the
!".» day of September, HUH. at J o'clock p. in.
There fore,notice is hereby given to the I 'n roller,
Justice- of ttie IVaee and constable:, within tile
county, that they be then and there in their prop
el |ie I>l in al o'clock p. m.of said day, with their
rolls, records, inquisitions examinations and
other rememlieranees to those things to which
tbeir otliees apjK'rtaiii to Ih'done. And to those
vvhonre 111 ail id b\ tlieir reeogni/a nee to prosecute
against prisoners who are orshall tie in the jail of
thesaid county of Sullivan, are hereby notideil to
lie then and there to priK>ecute against them as
, will be just.
It'DSON HKOWN, Sheriff,
sheriff's Office, LaPorte, I'ti.. Aug. 11,1910.
t I.
FOR RENT Rrewster corner
yearly lease to desirable ten
unl. Address, 1237 Ten St., N. W.,
Washington, 1). C.
At roMiinii.t'.s To Hutu—by the
• lay or week at reasonable rates,
lieil 'phono No. 33-2 anil 32 I.
Murray Bros,' Oarage, A. W. Mur
ray, Mgr., Murray, Pa. U)ln2(>
FOR SALE —Two improved and
ill fee unimproved lots 52 x 2(i<> ft: in
part or a-, whole; opposite Park La
porte, PH.. Address Alice Hrewster
Cassidy, 12.">7 Ten St., N. W., Wash
ington, I). C.
MAUl)—Trusty family mare for
riding fir driving anywhere. 0 y'rs;
1 I hands high; light dapple gray.
MAX Kind saddle horse; I years;
14 hands; dark dappled gray.
DICK—One of the Tony-Pony
Line's best for riding or driving; 13
inches; 3 y'rs; wiiite and hay.
Prices Attractive; Photographs.
L. L. Ford,
LaPorte, Pa. I
PRICES For This Week.
100 lllS.
Oil Mc*aJ j}2 no
Gluten 1.50
Coin Meal 1.45
Cranked Corn 1.45
Corn 1.45
I»»»st White Mi<l(ls. l.f;o
Hrewers Grain 1.35
Oyster Shells 1 (>0
Wheat Bran 1.30
Schumacher Chop 1,45
" Call" .Meal 50 1b 1.50
Lump Halt 75
Beef Scrap 2.75
Meat Meal 2.50
140 Hi l>ag Salt 55
50 Mi hag Salt ;!0
200 Hi hiig agricultural salt 70
Slliuniacher Flour sack 1.(15
Marvel " " none
Muncy '• " 140
24 lh sack Schu. Table Meal 00
10 Mi " " " " 25
Veal calves wanted every week
011 Monday, Tuesday and Wednes
Live fowls and chickens wanted
every Wednesday.
11. BRINK. New Albany. Pa,
The Best place
to buy goods
Is olten asked by the pru
, pent housewife. .
Money saving advantages
I .irealways being searched for
Lose no time in making a
! thorough examination of the
New Line of Merchandise
Now on
? ? ? ??? ? ? ?
AM answered at
Veraon Hull's
Large Store.
Groceries, to he choice niusl lie
fresh. In order to sell fresh gro
ceries wc must keep theni contin
ually moving, buying and selling.
That's just what we are doing.
Therefore our groceries are fresh
and choice in the true sense of the
word. If you are not getting the
best in the grocer\ line tell us and
we will tell you the reason and how
to overcome it.
IV ix hluiHsciy'x
I_ , -
Xime IRUtts*
Lime furnished m car
load lots, delivered a 4
Right Prices.
Your orders solicited.
Kilns near Hughesvills
Penn'a. i
M. E. Reeder,
At once. Men to represent us,
either locally or traveling. Now is
the time to start. Money in the
work for the right men. Apply at
once and secure territory.
Try a SMALL AD in th s
paper, It will pay you.
SALVE For Piles, Burns, Soros*