Republican news item. (Laport, Pa.) 1896-19??, February 25, 1910, Image 3

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    County Seat i
Local and Personal Events
Tersely Told- I
F. \V. Mylcrt andjWifo arc visit
friciids in Philadelphia.
Ilenry Kraus recently purchased
a line team of long-ear«'d horses..
livery farmer should take advan
tage of onr bargain clubbing offer.
Services at the Kpiscopal clmreli
will be held every Sabbath at .'s:.'!o
p. m.
Mrs. W. 11. Randall spent part
of the week with relatives in Wil
T. J. Koelcr and wife spent part of
the past week with relatives in
Sam Mahaffey and family are
visiting friends in Lairdsville part
of this week.
llorance Edgar of Nordmont,
drove the White famiiy to this
place Wednesday.
Adam Morey, proprietor t>f Hotel
Schaad, Mildtvil, was a bu.-.iness
man in Lapoi te Wednesday.
The Farm Journal 13 years, the
News Item 2 years and one copy of
"Horse Secrets" for only $1.25.
Irvin Ilottcnstein and Ezra
Vough of Forks, transacted busi
ness in the county seat Wednesday.
Mrs. 11. M. Shaffer was recently
called to her father's home near
New Albany, on account of his
serious illness.
Old L. A. Grippe has been hang
ing round our diggin's this week
and we have a dum poor opinion
of him as a companion. He very
near pied our form once or twice,
and only with the assistance of our
friend Quinine could we keep him
quiet. If you haven't met him,
keep shady for he's no picnic.
The next •Mite" social will be
held at the home of Mrs. Frank
Ingham on Friday evening, March
4, for the benefit of the Village
Improvement Society. Refresh
ments will be served and a collec
tion taken. Some new games will
be given. As it is one of the ob
jects of the society to establish
more social life in Laporte, it- is
hoped there will be a large attend
ance All are cordially invited.
We have arranged with the pub
lishers of the Farm Journal to
give for a limited time, one copy of
their new book, "Horse Secrets,"
13 years subscription to Farm Jour
nal and 1 year's subscription to
the News Item, all three for 81.25.
This is an exceptionol offer and we
want every farmer and horseman
to take advantage of it. Samples
of the book and papers can be seen
at this office. Renewals accepted
on the same terms.
Entertainment and
Spelling Contest.
On Saturday, Feb. 2(1, an enter
tainment and spelling contest will
be held at Sugar Point School house
Nordmont. An interesting local
latent program has been arranged
consisting of songs, dialogs, one
act comedies, otc. An admission
of 10 and 15 cents will be charged.
Proceeds will be used in increasing
the number of volumes in the
school library. Spelling contest
will begin at 7:1 -"» p. m.
Anyone sen 11 tig a sketr li and description may
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an
invent ion Is probably patentable. Communica
tions strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents
sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents.
Patents taken through Munu & Co. receive
special notice , without charge, in the
Scientific American.
A handsomely illustrated weekly. I.srgest cir
culation of any sclentitlc journal. Terms. f;i a
year . four months, fi. gold by all newsdealers.
MUNN&CO. 36IBroadway, y YOTk |
Branch Office. 625 F 8t„ Washington. n . C.
Try a SMALL AD in this
paper, It will pay you.
@aturday Qight
/Califs By Rev - F - E - DAVIsON
; Rutland, Vt
International Bible Lesson for Feb.
27, 'lo.—(Matt. 7:13-29.)
Every nation has its citizenry,
those who speak its language, support
its institutions, love Us government,
follow its flag. They sing, "My Coun
try 'Tis of Thee." They rear their
homes, and educate their children,
and invest their money, in the land
of their nativity. They were cradled in
their fatherland and they expect to
be buried among their kindred in the
land they call home.
Hut in every nation there are to be
found a class of people who are aliens
and foreigners. They confess that they
are strangers. They are far from
home. For the purpose of trade, or
the enjoyment of travel, or for educa
tional purposes they sojourn for a
time among those in whom they are
interested, but they do not owe allegi
ance to the government, they do not
invest their money, they do not take
upon themselves any obligations, they
hold themselves ready to pack up and
depart at a moment's notice, they ex
pect to return to their own land soon
er or later. They live side by side
with the citizens of the country, but
so far as citizenship gops there is all
the difference in the world between
So it is with the Kingdom of Heav
en. There are citizens of that King
dom, and there are those who are
aliens and foreigners to it. The apos
tle writing to a certain class of peo
ple said, "Now therefore, ye are no
longer strangers a:id foreigners, but
fellow citizens with the saints, nnd
are built upon the foundation of the
apostles and prophets." And Christ
in our lesson to-day says, "By their
fruits ye shall know them. Not every
one that saith unto me I.osd, Lord,
shall enter into the Kingdom of Hoiv
en; but he that doeth the will of my
father whi"h is in heaven.
Church Net the Kingdom.
It is evident therefore that the
church Is not the Kingdom of Heaven.
Church membership may be the same
thing as citizenship and it may r.ot.
All church members are supposed to
be natives of the kingdom, but their
fruits show that oftentimes they
are only aliens masquerading un'or
the guise of citizenship for some per
sonal reason. A life insurance ag:nt
joined the church In a certain,
and when he had succeeded in writing
insurance policies for the most of the
brethren ho suddenly had a change of
heart that took hirn off in another di
rection. He came in evidently in or
der to shear the sheep. Church mem
bership will never save anybody.
Creeds may be subscribed to, confes
sions of faith may be accepted, the
pew may never be vacant in the
hoi .-e of God, and yet the individual
be an utter stranger and foreigner to
the commonwealth of Israel.
Infallible Tests.
There are two infallible teats of
citizenship. The lirst test is charac
ter fruit. The test of all religions
teaching is its practical result in the
lives of those that receive it. The
answer to modern eulogists of Bud
dhism and Confucianism is India and
China; the answer to Mohammedan
ism Is Turkey. When men sneer at
Puritanism point them to New Lag
land; when they claim that "pure rea
son" is all that is necessary show
them the Bible trodden under foot in
The Fruit Test.
And what is true in general is t-ue
in particular. Men do not gather
grapes of thorns or figs from thistles.
The tree that professes to be an or
ange tree must bear oranges. As a
tree it may be beautiful, broad
branclied, full of leaves, and birds,
and blossoms but if it bears crab ap
ples instead of oranges it is a fraud
in the pomological realm. In other
words, men are known by what they
are rather than by what they say they
are. A real professor of religion on
the outside of the fence of the church
is of more value to the world, so far
as fruit goes than a sham professor
of religion inside the fence of the
church. And that is not saying any
thing against tiie church fir without
doubt the vast majority of real, genu
ine Christian fruit trees are within
its gates. And all of them ought to be.
Nevertheless, fruit is fruit where'er
you find it, and you sometimes come
upon it in unexpected places. All such
do the will of God.
The Foundation Test.
Another test is the foundation upon
which men build personal character.
Christ said, "These saying of mine"
are a rock foundation, and all other
ground is sinking sand. The matter
resolves itself into a selection of gran
ite or gravel, on the rock or on the
sand. Everything depends upon the
kind of foundation you erect your
soul structure upon, and the material
you incorporate into the building. For
faith makes a Christian, life proves a
Christian and trials confirm a Chris
tian. The providential afflictions of
life may be likened to torrents of
rain, the passions of men may well
represent the impetuous Hoods, and the
spiritual attacks from the Invisible
world of evil are often like the cyclones
and whirlwinds that swoop down
threatening to carry everything be
fore them. In such hours of trial and
tempest lie who is built upon the rock
will weather the gale, while he who
is located on shifting, treacherous
Baud will be washed away in ruin.
HxponsoM of Sullivan County for tin* year Isuj9.
Assassin# and registering SI,.V.MI.Uf> Janitor's salary 1M0.D7
Agricultural Society 100.00 Jury commissioners ami clerk
Amlltln# Prothonotaiy\s account.. !.•"«) Jail expenses lf>r».7*">
liurial of soliliers f»o.oo Penitentiary hills s.:;o
Hooks and stationery 20. SO l'osta>?e and telegrams 20.02
County institute !!>:{.U7 Printing and advertising 000..V.
County costs n.oo Public buildings and grounds •'!* I 1*
County bridges 2,f»77.20 I'rothonoiary's account :;jl.o::
County auditors *jni.:;c» kt funding aecomit N<(
Court reporter 25H.00 lioad views and township lines .. 17-..'51
Court crier is.oo Sheriff's eosts :104.01
i'onstahle's returns 2'»7.04 Sheep e!alms ?>:! 5
Coinmoawealth's costs , r >(»s.<»i School l>irectoi*s' Association
Coimuissioners clerk's salary, Tlios. Solicitor's salary .'{OO.O'J
K. Kennedy 490.02 Tipstaves ' 70.r0
Commissioner's salary and expenses, Traverse jurors 2,'Jlo.Nfi
I*\ M. Crossley JWJO.To Temporary loan account -1.000.0 c
Commissioner's salary and expenses, Telephone account PJ.oti
Valentine Holie rw»7.-."> Local register for 100.x 1i
Commissioner's salary and expenses, .Mad dog damages 210.H4
Win. 11. Rogers r».*57.75 Memorial l»ay ' 7.*».«»*#
I istriet Attorney's salary 400.00 County order drawn in iI)US ....
Elections i,«3n.:.0 $2.~»,g.iu.4>«
Elections, primary fioo.oo
Fuel and light 7.09
Freight and express 0N.7.°, COCNTV OItIWRS PAII> IX 1900.
Fire wardens l,.TJ»;.t»r> I»y aint. County orders redeemed
(J rand jurors O.'lN.os in 10t>0 $25,024.4*
Inquests r»:5.00 I.y amt. of Slate lax on interest
Interest 502.07 orders and judgments 15.0i
Interpreter 10.00
Insane asylums ?00.01 $25,0.'j0.4S
Financial Condition of Sullivan County for the Vear 1909, Officially Ending Jan. 1010
LI AIU MTIICK. claims, 1908 1,707.ii
To amt. of County orders out- Hy amt. due from State for bo in
standing $l:»,oo:;.5 > bies for loos "02.0<
To amt. of County judgments. .. . 8.940.00 P.y a.m. due from Stat.* for Spring
primary elections . ... 500.>
$22,000.50 P.y amt. due from F. Shanu
bacher (note) 48. 5.
I»y amt. due from Fred Huttke
(note) > 10.0-5
15.\ amt. due from P.Murphy (note) if.>. ! .
ItiNOI'IJCKS. l#y amt. duo from surcharges... l.'». 1
Uy amt. due from collectors for lfy amt. due from State, i per-
P.M'O and previous year {?:*»,750.07 sonal tax le.-.s 10' S-14.'!
My amt. due from Colley townshi|> I»\ amt. due from Ivan Crosv\k
poor district for support of F. (note) 24.P
.Morni'jgstar for 1907 8-0 .".42 <o Uy amt. due from Joseph Honaski
I'y amt. due from Fox township (note) : 20.:.
poor district, for support of Liabilities in excess of resources. . 14.120.1"
Harvey McKay for 1908-9 152.50
lly ami. due from State 2 :i •lire $22.000.5.
To amt. of County orders outstand Uy amt. of o.ustanding orders re
ing at last audit $ deemed $ ."-.Si
l<> nmt. of County orders issued Uy amt. of interest hearing or
during 1909 2 s,o.*}'LOS hjV's o.itman ling i:»,00G.5<
F<> amt. of interest bearing orders Uy ami. of County orders re
issued In 1909 4,900.00 deemed 25.01N.0-
I'o :imt. of interest bearing orders Uy amt. of Slate tax on interest
outstanding ai last audit 8,100.50 bearing orders 15.0;
$38,705.9. > $ :J8,705.1 t
To amt. of redemption money due Uy anil, of redemption money
from county $ 5i5.5. , » paid out for county •$ 518..5.*
!'o amt. received during 1909.... 0.'1.00 Uy amt. of redemptiou money pail
S'o amt. of redemption money paid out by County Treasurer in 1009 007.51
by county 60.'!.00
!n account with the several Townships for Taxes received on Seated and lux ate.
lands for Road Funds during tin* \e:ir loop.
i Received j I >ue Tres| Iwetwpj Total i Paid by ! Co. Ties.) t »»i«•
Boroughs an.. Twpsj in pioo | last au.f last au. | iCo.Troaal ( 'QUI. [ Twps.
• iim : \ T«~nvi7sl»ip. ........ . | .V-2 :Is " s 7 < »_• *. ►1 s" ll.':o.ooj; i«.i n
Colley Township | N05.12 4 :.(»:: 848-.lf»j 000.00; lox.:::
'•avidsoii Township I 794.2.'»{ 01 827.271 800.00) 24.00 11.2*.
Magics Mere Uoro | I 2.8." 2.8." ] ; | 2>."
Klkiand Township | 81.01 15.50 07.17, 50.n0 1.50 l~ o.
!<\»rks Township j l.'h'i2.t»'j| 44.24 1 .'170.87 looo.onj .*50.00 .'MO.s,
l-'o.r Townsliip ! 4.o<»i 1 17.9t>i ; 17.9'.
'illlsgrove Township j 222. .VI j 49.0S 272.22;. 1 I 272.1:
I.a porte Township j 452.14j r»l.or» 19; 44s.Oiii 1 i. 7! 7
Lajmrte Uorouirh I lo..'MJ 10..'»4i i lo;; 1
Shrewsbury Township ....j 967.821 55.14] 1022.96] 890.001 20.7<> t I
'n account with the several Townships for taxes received on Seated and l u x ated Lan I
for Si'hool and Uuildiiiu Funds for the year lOOP-
I Received jlMieTresj l>uetwp| Total | Paid by j Co. Ties.j I >Uc
Uorouuhs anil Tw£s| in 1909 | last an.l last au. j jt'o.Treasj Com. 1 Twps.
Cherry Township F? 3233.1019 118.5919 3351.75(9 950.0019 28.501$ 23i».2A
Pollev Township | 2t»70.07i 181.4:.! 22r»«J.r»2| 2000.0<i| tU).o«l| 19»i..",v
Pavidson Township I 14ir...V»| 181.14 1020.691 1540.091 40.20; to }
lllkland Township 08.20 4.19 72.39 50.00 1.50 20..v.'
I'agles Mere Uoro \ I 3.44 3.44', \ 3.4 1
Porks Township ! 1202.98| 181.79 1384.77: 1281.79) 38.4."! 04.:..
"ox Township I 13.02 39.38 52.40 j [ 52.40
Millsgrove Townsliip | 475.19 121.19 59ti.38 550.0ti 16.50i 29.5-i.aporte
i.aporte Townsliip 349.80 o.3.thi 494.40 39.00 .90 373..#«
La porte Uorough I 28.52) 4.47 32.99;
Shrewsbury Township ....| 870.011 82.91 ( 952.921 1 '.'.>2.9-
In account with the several Townships for Taxes received from Seat-»d and Unseated Lands
for Poor Funds during the year IP9P.
| Rec«»iveo j 1 >ue Tres| I nie twp( Total | Paid by , i «». ires., i
Boroughs and Twpsl in 190;» | last an.j last au. < |Co.Treasl Com. 1 'I wps
Cherry township |$ 490.8119 17.91 H |9 478.0019 270.0019
Collcv Township i 190.94j 1$ 24.f'»l 21 •»..».» 1 li.».9tit . •».•
Pavidson Township . . 403.141 j 221.2 1 021.38 • 000.99 18.90, (... .
Dushore Uorough ....| j I »ol *yJ | i
Kagles Mere Borough. . \ ; •* ,, | ~ -VJ I .
Klkiand Township | 35.91| ! .i4 ;; !•••-••; "
I'orkH Township ! | 11.-i I 'J '
Fox Township j 5.92 .'.i-'L- 1 o'.U .'r
llillsgrove Township., j 215.02 ! -9.8.»j ....».Boj ; •.»
!.a porte Uorough ....j 1.711../ | ~..7 s:.: V ;,J itT/v'.
Shrewsbury Township*! 241. 0il 1 —»•»< -(4.9,1 1 1" «>< 4.»Q|
|9 1857.54(9 ' j* 351 .25 .112 2P90.88|#
In account with the County of Sullivan for the year 1909, officially endin,
Januarx 3, 1919.
To amt. received from collectors To amt. received from K. J. Mullen
for previous years 92.005.40 for office rent ofl.OO
To amt. received for 1909 county To amt. received from P. 11. Far
( ;IX 99.949.21 ,v 'l fo** spring primary election
To amt. received for 1909 state 1998 •• • • 0d.».•>..
i ax 1,001.14 To amt. received from iloyd I Mien-
To a nit. received for 19t»9 dog i.ett for over payment of interest
tax 521.99 1 1,472.34 In 1908 6.8'
To amt. received for county from To amt. received from W.C. Mas .a,
seated and unseated lands in refund ,-.• ••• 29.8(1
1'.)(»«) 5,937.81 To amt.received from (icor >• Karge
To county's portion of liquor li- for ad«l:l ior.a! lux 2.(59
censes 040.29 -
To amt. of borrowed money re- —' n,>
ceided 9,854.17
To sheriff's and protli'y's cost on
Anna Rea tax 7.04 „ . . . ... . . 81/ .
To amt. received from A. F. Heess, I»> j ll ] l * Interest 011 fust seres
jurv fee In Uruckman vs. 0 ,K,n ' ls I.•»- .
\Viiber ...<4.00 By amt. of interest on second se
ro amt. received' from A. F. „ r t ß of bo ? (,M ~i~"!7
Heess. jury fee in Urack y t .-easurer s coin 011 same... . 4.».t (»
man Urow 11 $4.00 8.09 By amt. of redemption monc,\ paul
To amt. mi ivi'il from A. I-'. 11.-css, «>"t in I'.hhi. s(
dlstrlrt atlv-s fw, Com. vs. Uy tivawirers com. on sum.-. . .
Uiikor <•! 111 4.00 I'y. Mint. I'ili-1 (om w 111 for ; itilf
To nmt. received from SiieritT iimount of county orders
Itrown. costs lax iein Silas (leemeil in l'.m'.l '• 4h
Sweeney 8.35 Uy treasurer's commission on the
To nmt.of )iulsm<>nt Sullivan lioun- same •• ■ • XSo'. 1 .-
tv vs I)an 11 Snlier 122.".0 personal tax for year 1it0'.1.... l,_".iM.!ia
To nmt. oltl countv liriil;e at Ity treasurer's com. on same i:t.l2
Senmons 01.0:i lty Amt. paid rom iv la for tax
To amt. received 'from A. Walsh on county indeliteilne i for yen.'
for tax nnd costs lCdkin sale.. 17.10 1!MM»
To amt. received from A. F. lleess, Hy treasurers com. on same.. 11..H
di'-Mrlct attv's fee- liv ami. of redenwtion money pail
Com. vs. John Peep $4.0(1 out of county funds OOXl'.o
Com. vs. Xlc.Mahon 4.00 S.OO Hy balance in liunds county
To nmt. received from W. I\ Shoe- treasurer i.s,.i o
maker for costs, Proth'y., etc.,on 9 „
13 1-2 acres. J. T. Urad.v 12.9S
Statement Showing the Standing of the County Treasurer.
To amt. due township nnd l.or- Uy balance as per statement... .90, '
ougbs $5,717.17
To amt. of redouti>tion funds due
from county 518.83
To amt. of county funds in treas
urer's bands 087.00
\ciual balance in hands of coun
ty treasurer £0,404.17 90.923.90
111 Ac<*ount with the Common wealth of Pennsylvania for C:e Year 1909.
Retail and Wholesale (Mercantile Tax) Licenses.
To amt. -if retail license, 1999....5879.70 Uy state treasurer's receipts $757.40
To ami. of additional license, 1999 21.02 Uy county t •••»asu" r's com 43.70
To ami. «»." wholesale license. 1999 i.'.VA Uy exonerntoiis allowed ......... le.M
To ami. due county treasurer 8.13 Uy cost of postage and advertising.. ss.(.i
9905.04 .'995.04
Wholesale Liipc r Lleei's 's.
To ami. of Wholesale Lit|Uor Li P.y stat • treasure!'s receipts $593.7:
cense:; $325.09 P.y county I a hirer's com 11.:..
$025.90 9025.90
P.rev.ers and Distillers Lie m. • .
To amt. of distiller's license SIOO.OO Uy state fens :r-Cs receipts 995.n0
Uy County treasurer's c Hiiiuission. . •».?•()
SIOO.OO 9100.09
Illl! 11 r I Licenses.
To amt. of billiard licenses $55.09 Uy «lul |:va,r*"f rcdots..
U> < . !!ity Ir i;iru*s co.u olssion. . . I .
985.00 r..9r..00
Coutiiuied on pago I.
Best Goods
F( r Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, lints
and Caps, Gloves and Mittens, N tions, Fancy Gt ods etc.
call and exnmine my stock You will lin.l my go >ds and
pri;es attractive.
James McFarlane.
LdPorfe Tannery
The best is good en= j
Sough for anybody.
I It is siot too good for |
| you. You gel the best 'j
|tW mi
Don't Buy a Doped Horse
and don't let yourself be swindled by a
crooked horse dealer on any of the score
of tricks he has up his sleeve.
The " gyp" is abroad in the land. Every day
buyers of horses are shamefully fleeced. DON'T
protect yourself in buying, selling or trading. Get
the sensational new book
" Horse Secrets"
by Dr. A. S. Alexander, and make yourself horse-wise
and crook-proof.
Learn how " bishoping " is done —how a " heaver "
is "shut" —a roarer "plugged " — u ~w lameness, spavins,
and sweeny are temporarily biddc "burglar" dodge
—the horsehair trick —cocaine and gasoline doping —the
ginger trick —the loose shoe trick —in short how to beat
ALL the games of crooked auctioneers and dealers.
It is all ia the " Horse Secrets " book, and if you ever buy or sell a
horse you need just this knowledge to protect yourself from being swindled.
Read Our Remarkable Offer Below
A WORD ABOUT THE FARM JOURNAL : This is ihc foremost farm and home monthly in the world ;
33 years old ; 650,000 subscribers from Maine to California. Cheerful, quaint, clever, intensely practical, well
printed and illustrated. Is for everybody, town, village, suburbs, or country; men, women, boys, girls, the
whole family; absolutely clean and pure; 24 to 60 pages monthly. We recommend it absolutely to every reader
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OUR OFFER: {1 All 3 for $ 1.25
(We cannot sell "Home Secrrts" I>> ilnelf— only in fhis Combination.)
Th<» K< i>n!>li<'iin Xi'W> Iti in, I aportf, l a