Republican News Item F. L. TAYLOR, LESSEE. B. M. VANDYKE, EDITOR. PUBLISHED FRIDAYS By The Sullivan Publishing Co At tho County Beat of Bullivan County. LAPOBTE, PA. THOS. J. INGHAM, Sec'y & Trcas. Enteral at the Tout Office at Laporte, ir Becond-claßß mail mailer. ImFiSrLcgrer § FIKSr NATIONAL BANK OF DUSHORE, PENNA. CAPITAL - - $50,000 fOJSPIiUS - - $40,000 Does a General Banking Business. FISHER WELLES, M. D. SWAHTS. President. Caslilei S per cent interest allowed on certificates. 112 RANCIS W. MEYLERT, Attorney-at-Law. office in Keeler's Block. LAPORTE, Sullivan County, FA. J. & F. H. INGHAM, ATTOIIRKYS-AT-LAW, Legal business attended to in this and adjoining countiop -APORTE, PA r J. MULLEN, Attorn ey-at-L«w. LAPORTE, PA OFFICE IH CIIUBTY BUILDIHO RKAIt COURT BOUBR. H. CRONIN, ATTORSKY'AT LAW. ROTARY PUBLIC. OFFICE OR HAIR HTItBBT. DUSIIORE. '' A First National Bank OF LAPORTE, PA. Capita/ - $25,000.00 Tran acts a general banking business. TIIOS. J. INOHAM, EDW. T.ADLKV President. Cashier. 3 per cent interest paid on time deposits, ACCOUNTS SOLICITED. J P. BAHL, TONSORIAL ARTIST Pool Room, Confectionery, Tobacco and Cigars. Opposite Hotel Bernard LAPORTE, PA Scarcity of Cattle and Swine. Redundency of Currency. The Livestock World, a reliable journal says:"The federal census, by the Agricultural Department, of live stock in the country on Jan. 1, 1910. did not show so great a decrease in swine as expected, but: there was a falling oil' of ti,3(S~>,ooo hogs from last year. This decrease in hogs however makes a big deficit in the available supply of meat. The reduction when expressed in pounds runs up to the billion mark, and means a decrease of about 12 pounds per capita in the United States. In the beef cattle depart ment the government shows a de crease of about 2,000,000 head. This reduction of beef represents a loss of something like 14 pounds per capita." The records of the stock yards show that for the first eleven weeks of the present winter's packing season the slaughter of hogs west of the Alleghanics averaged about 200,000 head per week less than during the same period last season. Not. only the hogs, but the number of cattle and sheep was less, and the weights lighter, as, when corn and feed stuffs are dear animals are not fattened so long. There is every legitimate reason for dear meats—shortage of live stock; dear feeding materials; increased popu lation; and general industrial ac tivity, which gives employment to laborers. These reasons would seem to be amply sufficient to account for the higher prices of meats now pre vailing, but there is one more po tent reason—the reason that has made everything higher than for merly —the inflation of the curren cy which alway inflates prices, as proven by the inflation during the i ivil war. With gold and silver coin, gold and silver certificates, greenbacks and National bank notes; with our c ipper and zinc coins, and with more silver ami gold being dug from the mines and coined every day, our currency is inflated and property has raised in price. Cast ki, Ait. Judging from the reports that come from all quarters, Dr. Cook, during the past few months, has been in every part of the globe but the north pole. HILLSGROVE. Miss Katie Morris is confined to her home with tonsilitis. Bert Greene and family of Pic ture Hocks, spent Saturday and Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Ed ward Hoffman. Buras Woodley. who was oper ated on at Williamsport, Tuesday of last week, is doing nicely. There are a number of cases of tonsilitis in town among the school children. Misses Myrtle and Nelle Gumble entertained a few of their friends at their home Saturday evening. Greydon, the thirteen years old son of Mr, and Mrs. Walter Hoff man, has scarlet fever. Mrs. Albert Lorah was called to Unityville on Thursday of last week owing to the death of her father. Mrs. Ellen Vanderbilt of Picture Rocks, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Susan Morean. The little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Boy lew is quite ill with pneumonia. Master Elmer Barret is confined to his home with tonsilitis. Wm. Gumble, who has been on the sick list, is better at this writ ing. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Flagian was entirely destroyed by fire early Sunday morning. The family had a very narrow escape and only a few of the contents of the first floor were saved. They have the sympathy of the entiie community. NORDMONT ITEMS. Fred Hunter and wife were cal lers in Ilughesville Monday. Miss Eva Gavitt spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents at Sonestown. Howard Hess transacted busi ness in Laporte Tuesday. CletJn Starr and Victor Bird of Sonestown spent Sunday with friends in this place. B. Hazen, wife and son Melrose, and Miss Eva Gavitt attended tha P. O. S. of A. banquet at Sones town Tuesday evening. Mrs. Mynard Petcrman is seri ously ill with pneumonia. Chester Forest and wife of Wal ler, are visiting relatives here for a few days. Dr. Randall of Dushore, was a caller in this place Monday. Mrs. George Rea and Mrs. Benj. Spcary visited the former's parents in Columbia county over Sunday. Harry Horn and Misses Mabel Hunter and Reba Hess, were the guests of Miss Olie Ryder Sunday. MUNCY VALLEY. Torrenee Bender and wife spent Sunday with relatives at Stillwater. Charles Parmeter and Lester Bordeman were shopping in town on Saturday. A jolly crowd of young people from Sonestown, were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Ruth on Saturday evening. Wm. Parmeter and wife spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs Brady Ilouseknecht. Mary Cook and Mary Herrington spent Saturday and Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Ruth. Smith Bordeman and wife were shopping in town Saturday. Mesdames Craig and Bradley are spending a few days in Jamison City. Miss Kathryn Brooks was in town Saturday. SHUNK. Miss Isahclle Potter, who has been ill at her home in Ellenton, is aide to attend school at this place again. Mrs. Clarence Cott spent Satur day and Sunday at her husband's home near Lincoln Falls. The dance at U. Hoagland's on Saturday evening was well attend ed and all report a good time. Mr. Ford Mauley is visiting friends in this vicinity. Leslie McNamire has returned , i IRk fcEsa Lj L L zis laß j , lj The Greatest Offer Ever Made to Those Who Would Like to Have a | i Beautiful Player-Piano in the Home. If You Want to Earn One Get Busy Now. a« Vo® » <=> •» « s e o\°»*i ] Itt&yHfliv -* g "* I Rt> * »—'rL?-? 9 *•»»»•«» »C B fttfl.t .8a - a . q C _g« j& ' <-J £• 1« ««« « H Eewnmua®^'; # 8 ?,» ®3"» 0 * 0 L,° a g®. ®» % •*•*B M ■ p i K*' l« • 2® • M ® ®« # s '-I i f;w viw\ I" i i' ««W a ° ® *? •» a,"l® O* »§ *® V-> 5 0 8® (••• •Xt«* IV. A; JI*».•••••.*• ..r>«Ui*« •;«!•••?• I I ::s-V °•• ••*•.••'.***.'••*•,,v.\'R?:J:x»'.:;;:%•«>© P»H h if V£bJV • f'f• *"• % e o? •'*. Vi fc «S4 * o °o*« e« • l e\%».V l*V*eDXi.Vi?»o •*• •••••• -'5 ftf r. ::I:uJ4*•.V-• °c«' • : *.VvV"*:"c a > ?l* *\%°« 1 •*»" «*r%« 0 y hi fi^4::%Xvov'o% a r• a .:v\ 1 f| I i M tevfeW:V/J- 1 9 Bl K'. I IT'S A SNAPS JUST COUNT THE DOTS I LIST OF PRIZES 1 Apollo Player Piano, .... valued at $ 850.0G i Poppenberg Bros. Piano, ... " " 750.00 J Four $125.00 Due Bills, ... " 500.00 j Nine SIOO.OO Due Bills, - " 900.00 Twelve $75.00 Due Bills, ... " 900.00 ' Twenty-Two $50.00 Due Bills, - " " 1100.00 i $5000.00 | B A PEW PREVIOUS PHIZO VVIINISERS Mr. C. A. White, Clearfield, Pa. : Mr. F. A. McCollum, Little Falls, .Mr. \V. F. Panuska. Mr. J. Mulvey, Bullls Mills, Pa. N. ¥. Mrs. A. H. Itossborough, Linwood, Mr. E. L. Colevllle, Poughkeepsie, Mr. S. Darto, Dunkirk, N. Y. N. Y. N. Y. Mr. G. C. Fanelli, New Rochelle, Miss Ethel Perry, Clermont, Pa. Mr. S. O. Aregood, Pottsvllle, Pa. I N. Y. Miss M. M. Brown, New Oxford, Pa. | Mrs. C. A. Morgan, Falconer, N. Y. j Mr. E. Horohelmer, Brooklyn, N. Y. Miss L. M. Doyle, Chester, N. Y. I Mr. L. Johnson, Batavia, N. Y. Mr. J. W. King, Rainey, Pa. \ Miss Mary Guy, Dal ton, N. Y. fMr. C. F. Heinsheimer, Allentown, Mr. E. Groother, Bridgeport, Conn Mr. Albert Joy, Hazelhurst, Pa. Pa. Mrs. M. D. Rose, Buffalo, N. Y. Mr. j. s. Mulholland, Lockport, N. Y. 1 Mr. P. J. Manning, Buffalo NY. Mrs B. Caldwell, Syracuse N. Y M Q g Mil]c Bath NY . Mr. R. D. Leahy, Buffalo, N. Y. j Mr. H. B. Gordon, Long Eddy, N. \. NT v t Mrs. G. M. Kinskey, Buffalo, N. Y. Mrs. M. A. Mullen, Hoboken, N. .1. •*'''■ Ro >' Wisher, Roche&tei, N. Y. Mr. S. L. Gibbs, Springfield, Mass. ! Mr. C. S. Farmer, Churehville, N. Y. Mrs. J. Morrow, Moscow, N. Y. r. SEE IF YOU CAN ADD YOUR NAME TO ABOVE LIST BY SENDING IN YOUR ANSWER AT ONCE $ rules Count the dots and send your answer in now for prize. Only one member of a family may enter. Only !|j one estimate will bo accepted from same party. No one connected with the music trade may enter. The Em awarding of prizes will be left to disinterested judges, who. ede i-ion will be final. Contest closes April 4, fc3 1910, at 6 P. M. |H ln case of tie the value of the prize in question will be divide.! equally. You may lill out blank below |£( or at your option use other paper. Write xon name nud address very plainly. I i THE POPPENBERG'PTANO CO.| 67T-67tTwHiTi St., Buffalo, N. Y. || 1 have counted dols and 1 afiree So u'.ikle !i.v ihe decision of the judges. !: j Name Address H e. t. 112. c»y S(alc fl niSTHIBUTORS FOR Chl« U»»rl!ijJ H Sons, Kimbnll, Ifoluos Bro*., IMnslns. Krell. Marshall fit' Wendell, Apollo Flayor-Piuno. Bous Player-Piano. Kr&iua Player-Piano, P.r»-vistor, Armstrouii, (lomcron, Aibrecht fci Co., Kefjent, Hoyal, etc. |; | ADDRESS ALL ANSWERS TO CONTEST DEPARTMENT g 674^76^M^N^ J BUFFALO, Y. |i to this place after spending some time at his former home, Shingle house. Jackson Williams accompanied j his wife to Corning this week, where she will undergo an opera-! tion. On account of illness Dan Letts, ; who carries mail between Shunk and Wheelcrville, has been unable to work for the past few days. Miss Euiily Porter is working for Mrs. J. P. Morgan at present. ! ESTELLA. Ex-sheriff IT. W. Osier and wife of Berniee are visiting his parents, ' J. M. Osier, at Meadowbrook farm, ' Lincoln Falls. There was a gay sledload of young people met at J. W. Brown's j last Thursday evening and enjoyed a "sing." They were invited to the home of C. 15. Wheat ley this week Thursday night. Miss Tina Mulnix of Little Mea dows, is visiting her parents at j Lincoln Falls. I Mrs. U. G. Little spent Sunday with her parents at Lincoln Falls. Wm. More is visiting his sou George at at Pennsdale. Agricultural Meeting. The Sullivan County Agricultur | ill Society will hold a meeting at Estella on Saturday, March ■">. 1010, in the Union church. Fol lowing is the program: Morning Session opens 0:30. i Music; Devotional. Rev. o to Maintain Our Timber Supply. Ulysses Bird; Questions and Discussions. Evening Session, 7:30* Music; Devotional, F. A. Boyle; How to Educate Our Girls, Minnie Hart; Why So Many Boys and (iirls I eave the Farm. Erie Kunzinan: Nature Studies in Our Common Schools, Ollie I'lotts; Recitations, by pupils; Education of the Farm-: or and His Family. F. W. Mylcrt, j Esq. Order of Com.: M. R. Black, Ulysses Bird, E. R. : Warburton. Are you a farmer? Do you own 'ordeal in horses? Then you can- > notalTir.l to be without ''Horse Secrets " 'Tis the best book in its i i line ever printed. B Educational Meeting at Soncstown. An educational mooting will be held at Soncstown on Saturday, March 12, 11)10. Tli.« R«MHK.I Table plan will lie followed during (ho morning session, Supt. Killgore will have charge of the High School department, Miss Flora Cook of the Crammar Grade and Mr. Wal ter Ilazon the Primary Work. Tho afternoon will be occupied hy general discussion. Teachers will lie assigned work l»y mail. Teachers and patrons should show their interest in (his great, work by attending this meeting. Long Ways Around. Says th:• Xew Albany Mirror: ' Fred Newell of the Canton Sen tinel, suggests as a relief from iho high price ol meat, togo gunning Ijr I'.nglish sparrows. lie says '■ley make bully good oatiu". We hive 110 particular fault to find with the proposition, but it seems like a dickens of a round-about way to get your oat-meal." I'red has something besides bees in his bonnet. 1 here was a fortune i:i the idea of exploding wheat and rice for breakfast foods. Why not "oats shot from guns?" His Wounls Are Serious. Occupying a cot in Mercy Hos pital is Peter Bobnogonski, of Ber nice, and it is feared that he will not survive his injuries. \\ bile blending a Polish wedding at Bor niee (wo we.-ks ago, Bobnogonski '•vas stabbed in the back. Jealousy »n the part of one of the gnosis is apposed to have been responsible for the crime. The assailant es caped and has not yet been cap tured.— 1 owanda Daily. Base Ball Club Organizes. '1 lie Soncstown P.ase Ball Club has organized for the season of If 10. by electing 11. I). Look wood as manager. ( >. Starr, captain, and L. J. Voorhces. treasurer. A I estiva! will l>e hold 011 Saturday evening, Feb. 2G. to help defray expenses of the coining season. Administrator's Notice. Iji Iters of administration on the estate of Albert S. White, late of Davidson township, Sullivan County, Pennsylvania, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons in debted to the said eMate are request ed to make payment, and those hav ing claims. to present the Mime with out delay, to Mrs. Sibyl liallstead, It. 1). 1, Sonostowu, Pa. Administratrix of Albert S. White, deceased. Feb. 23, 1910. -10t(! Administrator's Notice. 111 the Estate of Thomas Morris, lite of 1/aporto Township, deceased. Notice is hereby given that letters of administration upon the above es tate have been grant* d to the under signed. All persons having claims against said estate are requested to present the same tor allowance, and all persons indebted to said estate are request* d to make payment without delay to the undersigned. Jan. 1';"), 11>10. Frnost Morris, Administrator. F. W. Meylort, Att'y. :!7t(i W-A-HSTTZEID Poultry. Butter, Fggs anc Country Produce. Dressed Calves ami-"! logs. Write for prices: I'ARRISH SOUARE MARKET. Kith & Parrish Sts., Philadelphia, l'enn'a. j; 3 Cms A LINE ADS. ] LOST —A two year old bull. Notify Henry Kraus, Butcher, La porte, Pa. 3St.'i FOB SALIC—A team weighing about 2,ot'(t ib-. Broke single or double. Sell si jmraie or togotlu r. Inquire ol (J. S. Kddy, Laporte, I'a. FOB SA LK—Yoke of mated steers; 8 years old: partly broken. Als > 3 cows coming fresh. This ad. will discontinue when sold W. 5. Sai dor, Nordniont. Pa. 38t£