Republican news item. (Laport, Pa.) 1896-19??, January 28, 1910, Image 3

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Ifif For a limited time we ft£
|t|f will accept subserip- 0|
fife tions for I lie I|i|
!» 44 :
■ . __ I■ 11
i at the low C 112 AA 1
If price of % t lj+|
T4.T4 " fits
-'H H. "A
Don't delay, as this of- p'-'
i : m fer may he withdrawn at
t|f| any time. Send or bring |f|f
jill a dollar and we will srive fltl
: ' -y' •'•y 4 . •>
!t& you a receipt- for 2 years. I®
•i: 4 * * * 4:4:
tlti itiY
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(fit Liberal terms will be given old subscrib t^tx
;4j4 (rs v\ ho pay lip arrears and accept this < tier fi+i
> ■'-•*■ 4^-f-:
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F. 11. Ingham transacted busi-1
ness in Hugliesville Monday.
11. C. Hess of Nordniont was a
county seat business man Tuesday. '
Ciias. Murray and lady of Mur
ray town took supper at Hotel Ber
nard Sunday,
Steve Ilornist and Mary Fongcr
of Lopez took out a,marriage li
cense on Wednesday.
Mrs. F. 11. Ingham and daugh
ter Jean spent part of the week in j
Muney and Williamsport.
10. C. l'otter is painting the Tay
lor and Keedu liouees belonging to '
the Elk Tanning C■ >.
Chas. W. IlolYii of Dushore, sus- '
tained a fracture of both bones in 1
his left leg Thursday, by a fall on
the iey pavement in front of his
Samuel Overpeck, the oldest per- '
son in Bradford county, observed '
the hundredth anniversary of his !
birth, at his home in llerrickville
on Tuesday.
Sixty-two of the seventy-eight
liquor licenses asked for in Brad
ford county wore granted, the re
maining sixteen being held up by
A union caucus will Vie held in
the Court House on Saturday even
ing, Jan. 29, for the purpose of
nominating candidates for borough
off*. '1 voters are requested to
attend. • - »
The Post Office Dejmrtment has
ruled that after Feb. Hi, all out
going mail matter on rural routes
n list be stamped. Placing coins
in the boxes lias been fi serious
menace to prompt service. The
department estimates that some
three hundred millions of coppers
had to be picked out of mail boxes
during the past year.
Muney Valley had a. fire about
noon Friday, which completely de
stroyed everything in Taylor Bros',
meat market at that place The
loss on the contents of the building
totaled about 82,500 in stock and
checks. No insurance was carried.
The lire broke out while no one
was in the market, and gained suf
ficient headway before being dis
covered to make it impossible to
save anything of value.
Hand in your items.
Wilbur Warburton Jr., has been
quite ill for the past week,
W. C. MeCarty of Millville was
a county seater Wednesday.
A load from this place attended
a dance in Dushore Thursday eve.
11. 11. Taylor of Muney Valley
was a business man in town on
Editor Taylor of the Dushore
Beview, and wife were in Laporte
Thursday and made our office a
pleasant call.
Dr. Win. 11. Randall was called
to Williamsport Wednesday on ac
count of the serious illness of his
brother-in- law.
The work < 112 building a dry loft
at the tannery is completed. The
carpenter crew left Thursday for
(ialeton where the will start a sim
ilar job.
The man best qualified for the
office, will be the result of the non
partisan caucus if every voter at
tends to his duty as a citizen and
is present Saturday evening at the
Court House.
Last week several people of this
place received invitations to a wed
ding in Tokio, Japan, The bride
is Miss Agnes Sweet, daughter ol
Rev. Chas. F. Sweet, formerly of
Laporte, now a missionary in To
Old Boreas is a cold hearted
geezer judging from the way lie
allows mother earth to bask in the
radiance of Sol's smiling counte
nance until the perspiration trickles
down her face, then freezes her
with a scowl which makes her ap
pear like a glass ball covered with
soft soap, causing much disaster to
the smooth shod pedestrian.
When you go in the post-office
just leave those items of news you
happen to know. We like to talk
about people and the News Item is
our talking machine, but with the
duties of editor, manager, devil,
and everything down to keeping
the office cat out of the ink pot, on
our hands, it is impossible for us to
get all the news. If you will kind
ly pass in the items, we will spread
the ink on them and serve* tliein to
you iu a style a la interestable.
Notice is lit-roliy jrivon to sill taxa
ble* that th«> Commissioners of Stil
livan County will IK. Id the triennial
appeal for the your 1!)I0, at the places
and on the dates as follows in the re
spective boroughs and townships of
<a:d county and at no other time
v* ill there lie. adjourned, special or
pri vale appeal days held :
Cherry, Jan. .'II, 15)10, at the Elec
tion House in Cherry twp.. 1(1 a. m
tnd I p. m.
Col Icy, Teh. 1, 11)10, 11 r
I lotel, 10 a. :l p. m.
Onshore, Kelt. 2, 15)10, Council
I looms, 10 a. I p. m.
Davidson, Felt. .'5, l!); 0, Hnshy's
I lotel, 10 a I p. in.
Ivijj-lt suiere, Kelt. 1, 15)10, Allegha
ny House, 10 a. 1 p. m.
' I'llkland, Feb. 8. 191(1, Election
I louse, 10 a. I p. in.
Forksvillc. Feb. 7, 15)10, Snyder
I lotel, 10 a. :i p. in.
Forks, Feb. 10, 15)10, W irburton
Schoo l House, 10 a. :| p. m.
Fox, Feb. !), 1910, Election House,
10 a. :'». p. m.
11illstrrove, I'eb. 11, 15)10, Election
I louse, 10 a. :i p. in.
Laport<> lioro., Feb. 2:5, 15)10, at
Court House, 10 a. 4. p. m.
Laporte twp., Feb. U4, 1910, at
Court House, 10 a. 4. p. m.
lion House, 111 a. 3 p. m.
(leneral Appeal, Feb. 2S, 15)10, at
' 'ourt I louse, 10 a. f> p. in.
F. M. Cros-lev, )
Valentine llohe, j Coni'rs.
Win. 11. Rogers, )
P. K. Kennedy. Clerk.
Executor's Notice.
Estate of James Tompkins, lute of
Flkland township, Sullivan county,
i'eiinsylvania, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that letters
cstainentary upon tin* estate of
lames Tompkins, late of Elkland
lownship, Sullivan county, Pennsyl
vania, have been granted to the un
lersigned. All persons inbebted to
-:iid estate are requested to make
payment, and those having claims or
demands against the same, v ill make
ihein known without delay to
Walter J. Maurer, Executor,
Bradford Co.,
December, 2:5, 1909. Fa.
Auditor's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned, appointed Auditor by tin'
(irphans' Court of Sullivan County,
to distribute the fund in the hands of
the executors of the estate of L. M.
Hartli, deceased, as shown by their
second and final account tiled, to and
imong those legally entitled thereto,
ind to make report to the said Or
phans' Court, will attend to the du
ties of his appointment at the office
of Rush J. Thomson, at Dushore,
Pa., on Friday, February 4, 1910, at
eleven o'clock a. m., at which tinu
and plac all persons having claims
against!-lid decedent shall present
the sanu before said Auditor or be
torever (/charred from coming in on
■•aid fund.
F. \V. MEYLEHT, Auditor.
Jan. 4, 1910.
llonorubles Henry Kichliuund K. l\ K. ,
Kskiiiku Assoc. J lid ges of tlie ( ourtsof Oyer and ;
lennmer and General Jail Delivery, Quarter
Sessions of the Peace, Orphan? ' Court and (.X>m
mon Pleas tor the County of Sullivan, have issued
their precept, hearing date the :\] day of Dec.
liMM, t<> me directed, lor holding the several
<*ourte in the Uorough of Laporte. on Monday tin
i i day of Feb 1910, at J o'clock p. m.
Therefore,notice is hereby given to the Coroner,
fustices of the Peace and Constables within the
county, that tlicy bo then and there in their j»roj>-
•1 ncrson at 2 o'clock p. m.of said day, with tkeir
rolls, records. inquisitions examinations and
»ther rememberanees to those things tow hich
their ottiees api>ertain to be done. And to those
w ho are Ixmuu by their recogni/auce to prosecute
igainst prisoners who are or shall be in the jail of
ihesaid county of Sullivan, are hereby notified to
•>e then and there to prosecute against theiu a.-
will be just.
Sheriff'* OHlce. Laporte Pa.. Jan. f>, .lylO,
Trial List. February Term lyio.
Upturn Day, February 14, 1910.
(leorge W. Hoover vs. W. J. Mc-
Cartny, Mrs. \V. J. McCartney and
William Landbauk.
No. (> December Term, 15)08.
[nghams, Uartk-x, | Mullen.
■ ALHIvUT. F. lIF.ESS, I'rotli.
Troth. Ollice, Eaporte, Pa.,
January Jl, 15)10.
Notice is hereby pi veil tliat the follow
ing accounts ot Executors, Adniinistra
tors eic. have been tiled in myoftice:
l'irsl anil Final Account of George T. Deeeaii,
Administrator of Klla 1!. Ueegati, lateof Dushore
Horotigli. Deceased.
First and Final Aecountof Adeliue K.Tulmeh,
Administratrix of t'tiilip J. Tubaeli, late of Col
ley Township. Deceased.
And the same will he presented to the
(Irphans Court of Sullivan County, to he
held at La port", Penn'a., on the Four
teenth day of February, A. I>. 15)10, at
■i o'clock pin., lor continuation and al
lowance. and they shall then he continued
Ni. Si ; and unless Exceptions are tiled
within ten days thereafter, confirmation
absolute will he entered thereon.
A I.HEItT K. IIKESS. Register of Wills
J Register's ('tlice, Laporte, Pa.
January 17, 15)10.
nrrmra r ° Gt) ° d *****
. 1 "A may be secured by
ill 1 L| S our aid. Address,
IU LJ I HI THE patent record,
111 111 n ■ Baltimore, Md.
Subscriptions to Tlx* Patent Record tI.UO uct aiiuuiu.
Choose Your Words.
A lady who was very plain looking
called on a friend.
This friend's little girl came into
the room and her mother introduced
"Out, mamma, isn't she awfully
homely," said the "young hopeful."
"Why, Laura, you mustn't say such
things, It Isn't polite."
"I meant it only as a Joke."
"Rut, dear, how much more of a
JoUe It would have been if you had
said 'how pretty she Is.' "
Household Reform.
The reform that applies itself to
the household must not be partial. It
must correct the whole system of our
social living. It must come with plain
living and high thinking; it must
break up caste, and put domestic serv
ice on another foundation. It must
come in connection with a true ac
ceptance by each man of his vocation,
not chosen by his parents or friends
but by his genius, with earnestness
and love. —Emerson.
Arabian proverb: Men are four; he
Y.-ho knows, and knows he knows lit
is wise—follow him. He who knows,
and knows not he knows—he is asleep
wake him. He who knows not, and
knows not he knows not—he is a fool
- shun him. He who knows not, and
knows he knows not—he is a child
teach him.
Ancients Were Wise.
Barbers, in the early days of the
Christian era, were not permitted to
talk while shaving a patron. Indeed
silence was so much appreciated by
persons while under the barber's
hands that mutes were preferred for
this service.
Enormous Sum Spent on Roads.
Mr. John Burns stated in the par
liamentary papers that the cost of
maintaining and cleansing the public
roads of London in the year 15)07-08
was ,C 1,469,291. —London Mail.
Sport Notes.
"Many a man," said Uncle Ebon,
"thinks he's havln' a tremendous big
time as a sport when he is merely
goin' through de imitation of de
'Down-and-Out club.'"
Jury List.
Names offirand Jurors, villi occupa
tions and addresses, drawn lor February
Term to beheld Feb. 14, 15)10:
Brink Charles Carpi ntcr E tglesniert-
Rigger George \V Blacksmith Davidson
Rrenchley J 1' Farmer Elkland
Cook William L Carpenter Husliore
Crowl William Engineer Ricketts
Dyer John Foreman Ricketts
Ilartung August Merchant Elkland
Iloag R 11 Merchant Dushore
llartzig Ernest Laborer Cherry
Ilaz/.cn Walter Teacher Davidson
11 unsinger C 1' Farmer Forks
Hiletnan John Sr Mason Dushore
Kschinka Raymond Teacher Chetry
Kccney Ezra Farmer Forks
Lavelle James Miner Lopez
Morau Andy Laborer Ilillsgrove
McCarroll John Faituer Collev
Runisey (.urtis Farmer Forks
Shattiick Harry E Blacksmith Elkland
Spiinger Charles Fireman Lopez
Wright Martin Farmer Foik.-
Wilson Elian Laborer Davidson
Yanney Anthony Farmer Fork.*
Yaw John Farmer Forks
Abbey William Laborer Bernice
Amiable John Farmer Elkland
Brong Robert Clerk llillsgrovi
Biddle Richard Farmer Ft>.\
Barnes Miles O Farmer E!l>laiiil
Battin Walter C Farmer llkland
Beinli li Frank (' Farmer E kland
Ciimmings Henry Fanner Eaglesinere
Cole Zach Teamster D> shore
Dempsey John M Blacksmith hern
Drake Smith Laborer Lol'ez
Dempsey Anthony Farmer Cherrj
Dutter Charles Laborer Lopez
Einig Philip Farmer Ringdah
Edkin Munroe Farmer Davidsoi
Fuller (/J Bhtcksniii h Elkland
Full r Thomas Farmer Fox
Gilbert Jacob Farmer Forks
Houseknecht Brady Hotel Kpr D.ivid o
lleess Koberi T Farmer Elkland
lliillmaster Edward Farmer Cherry
lleatou John W Retired Laporte Twp
Hill A1 viii Teamster Jamison Ci'j
Hoitenstein Frank Farmer Forks Twp
Hall Nelson Laborer Forksville
Hanison Oarlield Laborer Ilillsgrove
llottenstein Irvin Farmer For s
Jacoby l'eler Farmer Cherry
Kay Albert Farmer Elkland
Kraus William II Butcher Dushore
Kilmer Samuel B Farmer Forks
Lorali Daniel Hotel Kpr Davidson
Meyers (ieorge Merchant Davidson
Miller A l 1 Farmer Davidson
McCarty Sumner Farmer Fox
McKay Eugene Farmer Fox
Miller Daniel Farmer Elkland
Mosier F J Laborer Riektlts
Mars hull Joseph Farmer Forks
McLaughlin E'ectrician Bernice
Potter William Miner Bernice
Plotts Wheeler Farmer Elkland
Plotts A L Carpenter Elkland
Selluck Oeorge " Laborer Lopez
Sa.\er Fiedein k Firmer .Cherry
Sicilies Samuel Lib r r Jamison City
While John Sr Miner Bernice
Walsh Patrick Carpenter Lopez
You Don't Know
mmmmmmmumm mmmmmmmmmmmmm —TWT mrawiinrn
How Easy It Is To Cook
Perhaps your folks arc among the few in this town who have never had a
taste of Beardsley's Shredded Codfish.
Perhaps you are one of the women who have a mistaken prejudice.
Perhaps you thin!; that because this is a fish food, it is too much trouble to
cook. Perhaps you think that it scents up the kitchen.
Please let us point out your mistake. For this is one of the world's
choicest foods. And we don't want your family to miss it.
Nothing Else Half As Good Not Like Other Fish
Nothing else half as pood for breakfast Beardsley's Shredded Codfish isn't at
or lunch is so easy to prepare as this. all like the old-fashioned dried codfish.
Beardsley's Shredded Codfish is ready There's none of that strong taste. And
to cook the instant you open the package. none of the odor in cooking.
No bones to pick out—no washing—no For we use only the choicest fish—the
soaking—no boiling. Our patented plumpest and fattest—the finest that come
Shredding Process saves you all that. out of the deep.
And it makes the.meat fine and fluffy We git them from Northern waters,
and dainty. This shredded meat cooks Where they attain a superlative flavor,
almost the minute heat reaches it. And we take only the best part of each
Any way that you serve it, you can fish—the sweetest, most delicate meat,
have it ready for the table in less time Have It Tomorrow
than it takes to make cofk-e. Now that you know you were wrong in
, thinking Beardsley's Shredded Codfish a
bother to eook, why not try it tomorrow—
-1,. .... — -iff "fish-day"? Just to see what a delicious
I BEIBBMMiEY'S B breakfast or lunch you wilt have.
I#* -BSEVESL 112 J( A package will cost you only 10 cents.
1 T.h Ox An< ' '' I lll *- 08 a meal for five.
PSCTKjHTSfIII jM There is other codfish in packages. But
lii no other Shredded Codfish. No other
kind you will like halt as well as ours. So
P * please see that you get Beardsley's—tlie
.n 112. fiflMl* package with the red band.
Wyr et f" ree Recipe Book
• •>" L Sy' Ask your groct r for our book of tempting
ncw recipes. Or write us—we will send
you the book, and with it a generous
THE PACKAGE WITH THE RED BAND sample of Beardsley's Shredded Codfish.
1.1 nod with wax-paper. No prc»crvatlvc Beardsley's SonS
whalrvcr, uvi the- put-rat Bad flacut nua-iiuU. ._ 0 „ , , - r ~ ,
Also pitoked in tin und IUM. 474-478 Greenwich St., Ncw ork
Best Goods
Per Diy Groceries, BDots and Shoes, Hats
ind Caps, Gloves and Mittens, Notions, Fancy Goods etc.
call and examine my stock You w.ll tind my gods and
rrices attractive.
James McFarlane.
UiPorte Tcinneru
I Printing I
| The best is good en=
Lough for anybody. L
St is not too good for ®
you. You get the best
fltthis Office