Republican news item. (Laport, Pa.) 1896-19??, January 14, 1910, Image 3

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    £. 112 !
S&p j
Big Bargain J
4 in-, HI i -
—; — • $?!
For a limited linn 4 wo |f|+
ftff will accept subserip- |.H|
|M tions for the fjfi
©a*! 4. ;.&•
IS l?t
at the low & 112 AA g
g price of HP * * vv ||
J For 2 Years ft
I# tk Tr
?«!?# *••*•■
|?j| Don't delay, as this of- nfl
jjjl fer may be withdrawn at |t||
t|4| any time. Send or bring
$ a dollar and we will <>ive jfjl
tff| you a receipt for s 2 years.
— - M
««p| Liberal terms will be given old snbscrib Tit.
ers who pay up arrears and accept this< Her
Ss| ®1
• ■ ll «JUc*• ; &-e*s»• <■>&» : • »2K- • • *»^i• • *s• •■■ •V■ • •• *$ ■. -
/^//-Air •*s*•*«s •«s«••*£' 4' "*4 " "V" ' •••<'/•••• \) v- ft
County Sent "j
Local and Personal Events
k Tersely Told. J
One dollar for two years. Oct
Fred Healon has returned from
a trip to Elniira.
W. J Higley lias quill'ill for
I hi* pssl two weeks.
Joe Wrede made a trip to Soix •
town one day last week.
Ellen Walsh of Dushore, is visit i
ing friends in town this week.
Mrs. Jos. Carpenter left Wed lies 1
<lav morning for English Centre.
John Hftssen Jr., and wife en. J
joyed a trip to Mildred Sunday.
If you like the News-Item tell j
your friends about it; if you don't :
like it tell us.
T. J. Cavanaugh of Dushore. i
was transacting business in the l
county seat Tuesday.
I)roi a dollar in our palm and
we will mail the News-Item to you
every week for two years.
Dr. Donald Guthrie of Wilkes- j
liar re, has been elected chief sur-j
geou of the Robert Packer hospital!
at Sayre, to succeed tV> late Dr. !
Chad. 11, Ofcfc.
Owen Devanney and Lawrence |
Lovelle rf Dushore, were in this
place the fore part of the week, |
attending to their duties as Jury!
1 Ivsses Bird of Forksville, Dr.
.1 L. Christian of Lopez, and W.
li. Snyder of Xordmont, were in
towu Tuesday to attend Bank Di
rectors' meeting.
Explorer Cook undoubtedly en
dured some very cold weather on
his North Pole (?) expedition, but
he has had enough warming since
his return to take the frost out of
anyone. Don't blame him for
beating it to a hiding place.
While working around the gaso
line engine in the pump house at
Hotel Bernard one day last week,
ati explosion of gasoline occurred,
knocking Win. Sacks backward
through tln> door and setting the
building on lire. Slight damage
— >
I~ , .
j Send in your items.
i The New s Item two years for SI.OO
laud worth twice the money.
I_- - -
! The Mokoma Ice Co., have in
stalled telephone service at the
i Have you taken advantage of
that two-yea -f a 1 Har bargain
yet ? It's worth while.
The next meeting of the V. I. S.
will be held at the home of Mrs. T.
I J. Keeler on Tuesday evening,
I Jan* IS,
The '"Mite Social" which was
1 delayed a week, will be held at the
home of Mrs. Frank Ingham, to
night, (Friday). \ good time it
expected a- there will be plenty of
J amusement. Refreshments will be
j served and a collection taken for
the benefit of the V. I. S. All are
cordially invited to attend.
| On Saturday of last week Miss
: llatlie Schrader entertained at her
home for dinner Misses Ha/el and
| Fthel Fcatherby, Bell and Helen
: McC'arty and Anna Yog lit of El
i dredsville.
Miss Gladys Lotah spent Satur
j day and Sunday with Reuben I'ea
j therhy's family at Eidrcdsv'lle.
! Mrs. Wm. King and children of
1 Muncy Valley are visiting her par
t ents at this place.
! The Infant child of Mr. and Mrs.
! Wm. Reede, who was operated on
j for an abeess on the neck is ini
! proving at this writing.
Dr. Mervine entertained his Sun
day school class at his home on
New Vent's evening. Ice cuam
and cake were served.
Mrs. Dr. Mervine also enter
tained her class of little children
on New Year's evening.
Correspondents Wanted.
The News-Item wishes to s"cure
a correspondent in each of the fol
lowing places. We »ugge>t llnit dif
ferent ones seiul us a list of items
for next week's issue, and if more
than one li-t is recti veil from the
same town we will the one
for a steady writer. Items must
reach lis not lati r than Wednesday
night. We will furnish stationery,
postage and subscription to this pa
lter to those chosen: Sliunk, liick-j
etts, S.inestown, M ■rlinont, Muncy j
Valley, Forksville, Estell i, Hills
gr< \c, l.t 1 1 z, Ih mke and Mi Vihl
Notice is hereby i*ivt*n to sill tuxn
, l>U's that Hit' Coiiimirwioncrri of Sul
llvnn (Nuiiity will Ik«!<1 tin* triennial
•appeal for the your 1910, sit tlic* |duces I
j ami 011 tin 1 (lute* as follows in the r<—
I sjiiftivt' boroughs and townships of
' -aid county and at no other time
j u ill there lie adjourned, special or
private appeal days held :
Cherry, Jan. :{l, 1910, at the Klec-|
I lion Mouse in Cherry twp.. 10 a. in j
I anil 1 p. in.
i Colley, I'Vh. 1. 1910, I run.-inger!
! I Intel, 10 a. :! p. in.
j Dnshore, l'el>. it) 10, Council;
1 Rooms, 10 a. Ip in.
| Davidson, Feb. 19i0, IJashy's
i I[otol, 10 a Ip. lit.
ivitrlesmere, Feb. 1910, Alle(>ha-|
ny House, 10 a. I p. in.
Elkluwl, Feb. X, 1910, Flection
riotißc, 10 a. 4p. in.
Porksville, Feb. 7, 1910, Snyder!
Hotel, 10 a. :> p. m.
Forks, Fell. 10, 1910, W'-irburlon '
School House, 10 a. •'! p. in.
Fox, Feb. 9, 1910, Election House, i
10 a. p. in.
I lills-jrove, Feb. 11, 1910, Election
I louse, 10 a. :5 p. in.
Laporte Horn., Feb. iJ:», 1910, at j
Court House, in a. 1. p. in.
Laporte twp , Feb. :M, 1910, at
Court House, 10 a. 4. p. in.
Shrewsbury, Feb 225, 1910, Flee- j
lion House, 111 a. HI. to;} p. IN.
General Appeal, Feb. 228, 1910, at
Court House, in a. 5 p. in.
F. M. Cross ley. 112
Valentine Rolie, Cotn'rs.
Win. 11. Rogers, j
T. E. Kennedy. Clerk.
Executor's Notice.
Instate of James Tompkins, late of
Flkland township, Sullivan county,
Pennsylvania, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that letters
testamentary upon the estate of
lames Tompkins, late of Flkland
low; a sip, Sullivan county, Pennsyl
vania, have been granted to the un
dersigned. All persons inbebted to
-aid estate are requested to make
payment, and those having claimsor
demands against tin 1 same, w ill make
them known without delay to
Walter J. Maurer, Executor,
Rradford Co.,
December, 2:1, 1909. l'a.
Auditor's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned appointed Auditor by the
< irplians' Court of Sullivan County
(o distribute the fund in the hands of
the executors of the estate of L. M.
Uarth, deceased, as shown by their
second and final account filed, to and
among those legally entitled thereto,
and to make report to the said Or
phans' Court, will attend to the du
ties of his appointment at the otttce
iif Rush J. Thompson, at Dushore,
Pa., on Friday, February I, 1910, at
eleven o'clock a. in., at which tine'
and place all persons having claims
against said decedent shall present
the same before said Auditor or be
iorever debarred from coming in on
said fund.
F. W. MEYLERT, Auditor.
Jan. 4, 1910.
Judge. ilouoraMes Honrv Kichiiuan<l R. <\ K.
Kskn.ka Assoc. Judges of the ( ourtsof Oyeraiul
i. • • uei and General Jail Delivery, • luai t<
s»»•«.!» us of the- IVitce, Orphan.-' Court ami (.\»ni
np.ii l'leas tor the County of Sullivan, luive issued
their preeept, bearing 'late the M day of Dec.
liKW. to ine directed, lor holding the several
i i'urt.- in the borough of Lajx>ru\ on Monday the
11 day of Feh lylO, :>t J o'clock p. ui.
l ljerefote.imiice is hereby given to the Coroner,
fuhtiees of the J'eacc and Constables wilhiu the
county, that th«-y be then and there in their prop
er |vrs»>n at 2 o'clock p. m.of said day. with their
rolls, records, inquisitions examinations and
>tiier renicmbcraino to those things t« which
their ottioer. appertain to be done. And to those
who are bouiuiby tlu-ir recognizance topro-ectae
v/aiurf prisoners who or shull »e in the jail oi
tin aid county of Sullivan, are hereby notified to
t hen and there to prosecute against them as
A! 11 be Ju*t.
Jl'hSON BUOW.W Shciift.
Sheriff'sOflice.l apirtc Pa., Jan. .I'dO.
Trial List. February Term 1010.
Return L>ay, February 14, 1910.
fjeorge \V. Hoover vs. \V. J. Mc-
Cartny, Mrs. W. J. McCartney and
William Landbauk.
Xo. (! December Term, 1908.
Ingiiauis, Parties, | Mullen.
Protli. Ottice, Laporte, Pa.,
January 1910.
A Pound of Honey.
"When you oat a spoonful of honey
you have very little notion as to the
amount of work and travel neces
sary to produce it. To make one
pound of clover honey, bees must de
prive G2.000 clover blossoms of tlielr
nectar, and to 'o this requires 2,7 r >o,-
000 visits to the blossoms by the bf>es.
"In other words, one bee, to collect
enough nectar to make one pound of
honey, must KO from hive to (lower
and back 2,750,000 times. Then, when
you think how far tl'ese bees some
times fly in search of these clover
fields, ofiener than not one or two
mill's from the hive, you will begin
to get a small idea of the number ol
miles one of the industrious li tla
creatures must travel in order that
you may have the pound of honey that
gives them so much trouble.
"It may also help you to understand
why the bee is unaniiable enough to
sting if you get in its way. Wen
I one has to work so hard to accom
plish so little, it is quite irritating tc
be interfered with."
, French Peasant Girls Refuse to Sell
Their Hair.
| A recent cable dispatch from Paris
| declares that another crop besides
| wheat which has failed in France this
j year is that of human hair. July is
I the month when the human hair mer
j chants goto France from the United
, Stntes and England to visit the towns
' and villages of the Limousin, of lirit
! tany and Auvergne, where the annual
j hair markets are held. High prices
I are paid in New York and Chicago
I for "postiches" of French growth,
! which are best suited for the require
! men's of the present fashion of large
! hats and of the latest modes of coif-
I fare, hut the peasant girls of Limoges
I and Brittany have now abandoned the |
j national bonnet which hitherto con
j ceaied their shorn heads, and season
I they refuse to sell their hair, saying
i that they need it for their own use.
This strike of the peasant, girls has
! given a disastrous setback to the
i French trade in human hair, and the
: dealers, unable to do any business in
France, are leaving there for the Ty
rol ami other countries.
Advantage of Cash.
The man who does business on a
I cash basis can often secure better
; terms than the man who wants a
| long time to pay his account with the
i wholesaler. Some of the bargains se
cured by the mammoth houses who i
have plenty of money on hand all the
time are surprising. The small re
tailer who can pay for goods immedi
ately undoubtedly gets some of the
bargains in the wholesale world. A
hundred credit men know his record, j
. They pass no sleepless nights in think- j
ing out whether it is safe to trust '
such a man, and he is going to set j
a better deal from his wholesaler I
than his competitor who sells on j
• credit. The trader who does businctf i
on a cash basis often gets the cream
of the buying market. lie usually gats
those who have money fifty-two weeks
in the year. The question of giving
credit enters at all times into the life
of almost every one. It is almost im
possible to make a rule never to ex- -
tend credit, but when it is necessary j
there should he a hard and fast under- j
standing about payment.—Boot, and j
Shoe Recorder.
Up v.'ith the Times.
"I was detained in getting here,"
explained the calle", who had come to
look at. the flst. "I boarded one of
those pay ..s-you-enter cars, and the
conductor refused to change a tl\e
doilar bill. So I had to get off, hunt
up change for the bill, and take a later
"That's all right," said the agent of !
the building. "I'll show you the |
rooms now." I
After half an hour's inspection the 1
caller declared himself satisfied.
"I think I'll take the flat," he said. !
"By the way. my moving expenses are
going to be pretty heavy, and very
likely I shall be short, of cash for a
while. If I should >riy the first
month's rent a couple of weeks or so
1 after moving in,l presume it would be
all right?"
"No, sir," grimly answered the
agent, who did not much like his
looks, anyhow. "This is a pay-as-you
enter house." —Youth's Companion.
Signboards in Japan.
From the island empire come these
examples of "English as she is Jap
i "Tailor, native country; draper,
miilinor and ladies' outftter; the rib
i horn, the laces, the voils, the feel
j ings."
"Hand-painting post-cards."
"Extract of fowl kept."
"Photographer executed."
"Head hair cutter."
i "Writing for another done here."
1 "Specialist for the dicease of chil
, dren."
■ "Best .lerfuining water, anti-flea,
s dealer of."
"Notless- Our tooth is a very im
portant organ for business life and
countenance as you know; therefore,
v. h"U it is r Hacked by dicease or in
jury, artificial tooth is very useful. I
am engaged to the dentistry and I
will make for your purpose."
I "Smack Dab."
A Doniphan County teacher asked
her charges recently to observe the
shadows the trees cast at noon, and
report to her.
"Well, James," said the teacher,
when school took up in the afternoon,
"what did you notice?"
"The shadow was smack dab
against the tree," was the ready re
"What?" said the teacher.
"Smack dab against the tree," re
plied Jiminie.
"Where did you come from?" she
asked the lad.
"Missouri," lie replied.
"O-o-o-oh!" murmured the teacher,
apparently satislted.
Three Months Counting Leeches.
The chamber of deputies has be
gun the debate on the report of the
naval committee, M. Plichon gave
manyillustrations of the naval ad
ministration's red tape, quoting the
number of signatures up to the min
ister of marines that were necessary
before a glass costing 75 centimes that
had been broken aboard a flagship
con id be replaced and how one com
■ mission's duty, occupying three
| months, was to count the number of
leeches that had died in naval phar-
I macles.
i "
British Women "F'o*tmen."
There arc no fewer than 1.000 wo
i men "postmen" in Great Britain. They
are chiefly employed in the rural dis
tricts of Wales, Scotland and Ireland.
A Feast
for Five Hungry Pec
—»■ M FITM IR LOOE N - **- *■ -- '■ .J
There's a full me I for five hungry X'eople in every package of Be a
ley's Shredded Coiifi ;h.
A dclL'ious meal you can have ready for the tablj in :: tiau \h '.a )t takes
to make coffee.
A breakfast or luncheon feast that will cost you on.; _ < •
The finest kind of a meal any family ever had v"u\ cil l.eiorc 111cin.
LeiaAi* r>° -. > •Lsi ii w
.. '
'The Choicest of » 7 ood Th nt etak< nlyth bst ;
The whole -world kno .vs thai isoue "VjL *7.'.',j{ ■ ...
ofthett°»t nourishing and strengthening SScm makes 'the meat fine
foodh ill existence. , ' n , ,
And. as we prepare it, it is also one of Codfish is
And°one of the easiest to cook. th - i: ' ' : 1 > 10 '
We use none but cod of superior
quality. Instead of Meat or Egg*
We get them from Northern waters. Just »••> lei v\v : .-ni; 1 ' • •• .1
The fish which feed here attain u super- serve Beardsl • C lfish
lativc flavor. tomorrow.
And oi these select tosh we pick only j-vtcail • £ ;-i i or ■ A
the plumpest and fattest. Each lish is p ; ..ckir.;e, <■ sun i.,-, u-;i go
examined three times. farther than r -o i r tlir'-.j poai' : . oi r» at,
.~--i or a dozen e s.
~ L '\l OIK il; ■ > . * .hi
#2'. v'K \ they'll * •in r.- it. i. ; i j
112 'V>' ; 1 I arc dozens of d« !. .• v . pi.,-, re
! ■S&KViS* I ni".c il it- So no on<-ever no ji
Hi i! j| IVee Book of R r.'ties.
.' ! ' "|j With the 112
■ 'ii B< is the oil!
I * I J\ C)ur wondc iiv.l S 1 • . i
I l i 'i /s '
1. ■■ IBiLiLl band, l >rt'i .t is itie ! :n<! v .* v iil like.
lln.d with wai-pupc". So p|.e»urv«ttve J. ». c) JUUB
liS^ZSV^tis h »«seu». e ™ ie ™ e,t "* 474-4 SGi
Best Goods^
Right Prices
FrrDiy Goods, Groceries, Ibots :ind S' • , I:
and Caps, Gloves and Mittens, Noti ins, Kancy G -oJ i'
call and examine my Stock You wli find my gods • w
; rrices attractive.
li -
James McFarlane,
LciPorte Ttinnerg
p * ",. -y %
T I \ H' "v v
I i j
13E^ 3C* iT* i
' v 11
The best is good en= |
ough for anybody. 4
It is not too good fort
you. You get the best j