Republican news item. (Laport, Pa.) 1896-19??, January 14, 1910, Image 2

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    Republican News Item,
tiy The Sullivan Publishing Co
At thu Couuty Seat oi Sailtvan < otmtj .
I,<> PO|< I'W PA
TIIUS..I. INOHAM, s-.-r y Trc.l >
C.iiereJ at tin Pon utfu-e at 1.-.,orte, ae
8"C'»ul o!b>8 mail ma:!'-:.
OK DrslfOßK, PJ- NNA.
CA.PTTAL - • 50.00 C:
• i'B*U.U3 - - 440.000 I
a Banking Bn w nc-s.
L». STKURi !• lit:. M I). sWAII 18.
r.V'\<l«lh. ( i-bicj
; jn.'r cent interest allow* il on certificate?.
. itice in Kc.-ler'f. Block
LA POUT 1 '". Sullivan Count 1 i'A.
Y m J. & F. H. INGHAM,
ATTonnurs AT-I AW,
J.etfii! l.uvu :-a attend' to
ill thi« iiD'l aJjinning oouutie?
4 PORTE, l ' A
p j. MULLEN,
I, M'OHTE, l'A
j t H. CRONIN,
■ I - IIOKE. Tv
First National Bank!
<•;,;(«/ ' - o<>
Trim nets aconei-a) bnukmK busings.
TilO*. .1. IN'ItA.M, llinv 1.A1M.1:.'1
President. Cashier,
pr oont interest p;ii<l en time <lo;o»it><.
Col. Andrew's Birthday.
i liiia. EvoninK Star.
Colonel W esley U. Andrews cell -
I 1: Nil hi* severity-second birthday
■ 11 Thursday, Dee. '2:!. P.HJl>,nnd there
*v< re.thousands <i)' friends to wi-h
him many returns oi the day.
<. Amliews i-
tin' • 't»;rsiinl old man'' of Penu.-ylvn
lli i polities, .No one would credit
l.iin with having: leached tin* age
witi'h ho proudly acknowleges at
this time, ile is as active as ho was
:i M'-ore of years afro and ho docs'
in.iii- work today than any othe
1 hree liicii in t In- slate.
Tin? positions which the Colonel
(i.-i ;:pie« arc not tho>e which mo-t
Hii i: past middle life seek, lie is
m>! one to look for empty honors nor
f.-r sinecures. Work is what Col. j
Andrews craves- and plenty of it
.V this time he is chairm in of the
I;. | itiilicau Stale Committee « *i"
Pennsylvania, the Secretary of the
s a ite Committee 011 Post Ollices
mid I'ost Roads (which attends t >
1 In' post office business oi the conn
ii ), the Secretary to the I nite I
Sinles Postal Commission, and in ad
dition to all this, Secretary to j
Senator Penrose, one ol tin*most .senators, who has .in int uniount of business to look
Ci.l. Andrews is the living refuta
tion of the theories of Prof O-ler.
There is no other like him. Penn
Ivania is fortunate to possess vuch
a mail. Wo congratul nte liini upon
passing another milestone in h is life
aed wo hope that lie may live to pa--
scores more. We know that each
lime he does so he becomes more
useful, more active and more in
louch with the men and things of
I he day.
M. E. Church Announcement
Revival meetings will con vino
this (Friday) evening al 7 o'clock
• ml Saturday evening al 7:MO.
Sunday Jan. 10, Preaching at lo».
u> , Sunday school at It a, in. I'.p
\v u'th League at 7:-'iop. 111.
Revival service, «.-v«?ry evening
ie xi week excepting Saturday, be
. inning at 7: ; !0. We welcome all to
, m services. 11. L. Jam tt, Palter
Pocket book Stolen.
Styre Timas-Keoord.
Mrs. Robert of P.eruiee claims that
1 ■ ei* pocket book was stolen at the
i.vre station Saturday afternoon,
I r*ihc carne here on train Xo 11. (hi
lt*" i.ioridng ami purchased a ticket for
iltiH'alo. Sin" made a few small ptir
i lirtsi s 11111J iinally reported liiat her
I 'aketl eok \\iis missing. Arraiifre
ments were nonle fur to complete her |
I rip without the til-kit -lie pur
Do You Knov. ?
| That the gem ml ollicers of liie;
; State W. C. T. V. issued a call fur;
, the olist rvan-. Eof a Tenij ej oce I»al- !
ly week in every county in 'lies! i
That the ilali •« are Pel). Ii to
I )on'i 112 rjret Ihe ila(e.
Tnal Feb. 17, A'.i-s. 'v\ iii rd's I,'. -
1 veil I y birili lay, i tit bid ii in lie .-e
dates? A day observed !>>' all tin !
That pastors, Stind-i> • lioul worL
'< is and teaclu rs, to.d i very nun,
I woman and child in the county is
■ as!<i d to co-operate in tin
l of litis week? Because this is no
] only ac• u -1 ion of mm a I reform. \ ■
' touches evi ry ph -e of human life,
j Koeially, et'onoiniea 11 y. Industriully I
and politi' ally. llt n--e, -inct it tone- -
'es directly oi- im.ii- etly the life of
1 vi ry l ilizeti of our Hfre:it eetom in-
Wiaith, it is the btJsitH s-. uf all llu
pen!" to help settle i!
i That two thirds of the territory in
I the Cnited Stales is dry, and that
■ mor ■ than half of our popul ition live j
i in Hi- tenitor\?
, Tliat somebody ii ?t lppetl ilrink
jiug, for tin i'e has been from l!io7 to
' I (HI!) a f.■ 11 i g oli'in the -ale of \\hi --
! key of 11. (107, ."Ii! 1 gallons, nod ofnet r
' J.I b'.'" 11 barrels.
That the county ollicers of the W.
C. i'. C. want Sullivan county t>'
: rank high with the other cou 'ii■ of
lln -late i'.. the battle for ei, •
• That they want to plan with
'workers for mass meetings, medal
eonie.-ts, Wiilard memorial *. 11 ■e 1 -
lings, praver meetings social- -(>•<■• t
parades, or in any legitimate way
Iliat will be best -uited to arouse
sentiment in any locality?
That correspondence is solicited by
Co. Pres. Sarah A littckill,or
Cor, Sec. Mrs. A una P. Xye,
Central Com. I'orksville, Pi.
Sullivan ('<>. W. t'. T. P.
Institute Resolutions.
The resolutions adopted by the
Sullivan County leaehei-' ln-iilnte
! held at Onshore, are as follows :
We, the teachers of Sullivan comi
ty a-so tiled in this, the forty-fifth
annual in-t it ate, ail 'pt the following
risolulion :
itesolved. that w. extend to Ihe
■ pi'<>ple of Onshore borough and vie
inity our thanks for their liospitalily
and h 'arty welcome.
I! solve I, (hat they have lent a
helping hand to the cau-'e of editeti
Ition by their cheerful and much ap- :
on < iated support.
I! solved, (hat we show our appre
ciation of our Superintindeut'- en
tiring efforts in our beha'f, by j• • 11-
! ting into practice the heb fill -ng
-1 jresliotis we have received from the
! noble core of instructors.
Ke-olved, thut we thank ne-t
; mo-t heartily Mr. Tulweh for >tage
furniture and decoratiotis, Mr. ])ei •
1 gan for hi- -■ rvices in -elliiu tick' l
and Mesris. Kline and Iloag for
ill: i.i kind I —• ill kei pilig (he I:.ill ill
! jiroper condition, and all others \\ h •
li.ive contributed in making t':i- in
-151tj{« a -licce-s.
I Whereas we believe fi linifoiiii
! course of st feiy would fnrihii pie
i mote the cause of education, be ii:
pe-olved, Unit we recommend ihe
: adoption of a uniform state c «ur-e of
! slndy for the coinmon s ihools of
pentisy Ivaniu.
j Signed; 11. I!. lTenning, Jas. A.
. Mowles, iianiei Jl. 1.-.vt Ite, Julia M.
Croniu. L iura Wagner.
'Coasting Accident at Estella.
| A eoisting accident occurred al, il:i Sunday evening, to.six young
linen of 1.1, if place, wiiich resuiteil in
j broken bones, cnls and bruises for
! the parties Paul and Fred lingers,
l.eny Jennings, I! ivmoiid Thomas
; Harry Ph Is mid Karl Me,ore win
Ihe gentlemen in the party.
They started do\\ n a stt 1 p bill o;
' ihe farm of.l. 0. I'lotts, on a pair ol
■'■ hobs' 1 When part way <l. wn tin
I hill the sh ds. going al territlc speed,
j cut through the crust, forcing young
. Moure who was steering, ahead can
ing him lo lose control of (lie sled
; flu young men were thrown in nil
! directions. Paul lingers si.ifeied a
compound fracture of one leg.
Tin mas t. s thrown against a 11 •
striking his h ad aud was tin ->n
scious for r.e iriy three hours. I'lott
was ipilte seriou-lv injured internal
I\. Tiie o! hers escaped with -liglo
1 bruises.
Dr. Randall of Onshore was called
, mid atten'b d iln unfortunate coa.-t
--| ers, who are rapidly recovi ring froii>
j the cifects of their wild ride.
Uurea i>o!d»; Frcvcmis Pnouir.onia
Bank Election-..
j The aaitu d meeting of tin* t'lck
\ holders of the Kii st. N itiunai link
of Laporl" \v;f- held 'l lii" 1>; i: 1< on
!'• osd.iy, .):>». i!. 'I in' <*!••< (i■ i:i i ■
i>iree ir.H 11 -..iii'tl i- follow -: Hon.
.J. Ingham. I'I;,-. ■> liird, W.
Sn.der, T, .1. Keeler, !'. .J Mul
len, Ewj., Eil\r. Ln.llcy, W. ('.
: .Ma- '-ti. .!. 1 Vi.n > -k, .1 .S. 1 11iI
Ii | is. A. 11. I'll -a'lilai n -e!i, i'\ \V.
I Meylert, ivij., John Converge, Dp,
J. L. Ceri i: hi. I'. .J. Mntany Mild
lH'. I>. V.j n iu is
'i ii • direeii i., or, aiiiz- d liy cU;«.I
;(he following olTi.'"is: Presi
dent. 1! in. T. .1 I'ii«'li:mu; Vi *e
i Yos'idents. A. ii. Busohhintsen,
Dr. .1. li. (Jhrisfiiln; Cashier, Edw.
Ladle-.: So'.i,:i.l M:115<•;i.
'i - kliold. rs oft! .• Firs'
National Hank of Onshore !n*!<»
tli 'ir eleetiou Tuesday, ,J:in. 11.
The following* diri'':toi !< were elee!-
jed: J. I>. lv'ijsci', 1". li. Silvara,
| Samuel (aile. Ffohd' \Wl*, Lincoln
; WYIIk ii, M. !•".<ll J.naes I'.
: Mcdeo. A. r. 1 loess, .r. .1. Iran
noli. i h" In:::<! of d'i'Oeior.s • •i.e. -
• •■i the following; olli-crs: iYesi lent,
i'isli.T Wells. Vice J.Yea . .1 .'in 1».
lieeser: Ca>liier, M, I*. Siwartz.
At a meei a; • >!' the stoekholdei
of the First National Hank of Mil
dred, .lan 11, I hi.' i Hawing direc
tors were steeled: John . .Schaad,
Lawrence Dunn, (i. t\ Whipple.
11. .1. .Sii.U'h I'. I*. Murray. Fi-nk
Moyar, .1. G, S.-oiii.'ii, I'. llaunon,
M..1 T'lemons. A. \\". MURRAY
•I. I'. Ut/., L O. Kinsley. Ualph
| Lit/!t man. Jah n Daly. The board
jof direehu's organized l'.V ( lectin .'
a: i'i e-ident, John. t• . rs -h tad:
\ ; I'r. • . I', I'. Murray; (i. hi< r.
K. <i. .)oin>.
-mC tr*~
St ite Treasurer Elect
Found Dead in Bed.
Willirmr pi :'v tw ;
• Tt.»-uit •.<m*r, .! 'illi 111 A
.Slolter \\ :i t itind (h ,n| in i r,| at <i
o'el .fk >nday lie ailing,'i.V lii-; wile
at his home ill S-h i-n ek She h:ui
>jvokcn to hi .i •'! o'clc- U and
lie harl in ele no complaint at that
. j ne of i'ei ~n:. Will.- tleui n~ 1.
Mr. Sti 'ier had not hecn feeling well
for -eve)'. I \ V e i I, s hilt (lid not dei 111
the indisposition -< tiois- enonuh to
| w :u r uit calling *i physician.
.Jeremiah Albert Slolkt was horn
in La!i>-'sler c liiity. 1' i.."ii Jan.: a
in, I*l2. lie was educated in '.I.
common ~i 1,,-tls and a l-'phrata A
adainy and at the = > re of i 1 \ i ai- In
! came a i.lei k iii a country * ton , II
I>> rved inr a short time in!■ ■■; in th
' i 'nion Army. Since |Ss| lu> ii ■ .
! l)ii n ia> a in.mnf.iclu.'t • 112
| civi'.i r~ ;■ i" I a ad- -del' in i, 11' .!• ..•••
Mr. Suii, i' wa« a justice oft lie
Ipcaei-'iti W'es! ('.icaui'o low i- iip,
| Lancaster co".nty 112 r a pi ri . I <>f
! more than L's y. ars and fa' mor -
than !!0 year- ri pr< s-i.ted th • town-
I ship io th ■ Ui'pnhlicin county eom
\ mi', ti ■ . lie ;dso serv; d - l. 1
.! iei nis as a mom!u rof tin- Hcpul ii in
|st:Co connnitteo. lie wai cl- clod
>!.,tc ti-..-aii ' I.>-t ,\';)Vi'iii!i''l' !.y a
hirjj*' majority nvi r loniier t onel ess,
r' man •• \V. Kipp. 1 'cne -i it.
Champion Slaver.
Now Alaniy Mirror.
j lievie.i of Mhany town
! ,hip, i i. ''l - t'no di-;ii;ction < i t. in.r
; champion w i• h i<*k hunter of uc
_ ' i.lie. : ' a'," Vpril, I Xl'.i, he h -
t ' IV iIII li .- ..••■tit.s -i\ w i odchi; i:s.
Anyone ii. in.;' I. iii 1 .-'evclity-si s
. .mil a hail' or naii'i", ''.'ii have ihe> iit
. by negotiating with Mr, Devine,
prodivin.:. ihe w'oa k'ln.ick holes and
, ;n h oil; i' evi c nee a- in.iv !»<• le
• piirt d.
Fcor Liitle o : rt
Little- Ileh a. ho fi ev
• ami r. .eii jus i ;l,n' •. w a .nnher
; faihnr, nue (lay. ay her idr. >• t endless
chatter. He xr.-.x wiiL-avorliig to iln*
i !i soira in.iioit■ t wvaic.a. ■< .■ i
, "Ran away, dear; daddy i.; \ ev .• bu.'.v."
• J Helen toddied off, and ato: 1 the
' sj.ace of about five minutes r. ;nr •••d.
I ant! F.iandiriK be a ido la r fatlur's < .air
' laid an appealing fat hiind on !iis ru ai
' aiaJ looV eig up into his face with a
■ . ii ■ -i gr'-v.-d a ; said, "Daddy, I'se
vi v le'. y- I't find any one to
1 leave wlf."
Fair W -aing.
"Yon are a r-looklnp chap,"
I said t'tC il!ib-ton,-,iu , c pveprietor ol the
j summer hole!, •;.■:>! there arc lots of
;in cty R is around he:v. Why not
; spend yc .r ti e lov ■ a ~';in;;?"
' I"1 may," r< poaih-d Iho yn.,ii?, pn' s
! man on vacation, "but ii is Just
one thin;.; I wish to Impres.s upon your
"And what ia that?"
"1 am ant one of those eh is who
would rather make love than eat."
| NiSai TALES |
0 "bTke v. r. e."dw"iFgn ~
8 Vi. 8
International Bible Lesson for J.»n. 10,
1910— (Malt. 4:12-2:5).
w .. fj le KCha t ; eil
of a cr.blnet e,r
| • presulonts and •
Je,- ' lea -a -a •.t
1 ' : reriotai une'e "l.a .•
•• ] i' y. v
' , n< ■; is necc - ary
i ' 1 for frv-. t.iUive o.'-
; ' •' j lief*, s rial ri *, !
| • \'/ ~ . j i eai:a. la,:Y^r.u
?• ■ : j ii:g tie\.*n to siie
• j I.: VOl pool do- 'a
io find a prime
minister, or President Taft seirchlng 1
a.aor.s li'.a five, ~ e.i of J.t.irbh. a% ad
for a, H.-crctar;.* of State.
Yet that t- pieciae'.y what the Kins
of this kingdom did. lie deliberately 1
pa .1 by via' jiva *, and in(lll<M a 1
and mighty and too'; the majority of :
he; earthly cabi.ict from liio li* : .ing '
boats of Galilee. Imagine the scene.
In the 1) ' ■-;*. • .nd t. < '-e in he
grey mornh ihe .i. -Ui.vly ri.- P.?. ;
t i' de cried 1.,0n.- •< p tip on i.h-.i I
v.. e. n '*' d • .-a. *. -la- 71 ; '
w':h a b wviide . d lea', a: , a his 112 -. '
trying to iiaaaa'c 'ird I. ■ wou'd do i
without his s in.-, and a* . woue.l ;
do without him; and in the foreground i
s'.*. * '( U a aia , Co a* (~'" t' r!1
without the a ■ iiP t of \I. ro they
were going or of What they were go- ;
ins to do. * Tint Is ti e beginning of j
the king's ca'd••.'?{, Co 'd nay hing la'
flsherraen t. i:a ip Over a. ing them- i
selves that day and said. "Simon Hcc- !
ei ' • d Andre-* . in li e "
1. :t iheir nets ; nd . a. •• off aftei that .
I) .11. Joans or N a . V • n i . . a *(•.->
, i-i a-. If a 1.1: * li I.hi. ad • th-W :
believe thai . 1,, r e Jew! li Messiah
mat that h<- is to cet up the kingdom !
forsaken every 1 ; i* gene off pa
; a fool's errand after him. \v* 11. They j
* iii soon ia-ali • r :>• ii.'. : :e. thry •
will be back : * i. Fortunate for
tl'.en '/ i*ai■. .a • wi! I.i ■! e fi hing
boats and the tackle, that they may j
have so.: - ' ins te t 1 ! civ upon
• When 1.1 icy oi. mar i.o,v i-iyy have 1
been deluded."
Iv is almost i ip' '< us te» real
ize what it a ant .a those days, to j
those peopie, when i arist mode up
a - <• V, I:, r e wa th. t r
■ '■eh a beginning? How could any
ji'iaa l>c iii*..> I* -... i a 11111 is in worldly
laid sia li a. " a oi aa.ivi . -ad domin
ion, weakness in the folio wars to
task of which tiny knew ab oiutely
And yet, as we look back upon th -.
8 ene, n* recognize i' now a.*, one of
li e,1 and nio ' l.',i( 1 la ia
■ i .tigs the world lias ever -.c.-n. No
j wonder Paul says of it. "God hath
rchosen the foolish things of the world
to confound the w; • and ' 1 .1 ha i
chosen-the wet k I hit gs of the world
to confound ti:* things that are
mighty, that no flesh should glory in
His pre i ni c."
The trouble with i!• o- * 1 men
1 who enter the .service of i'i is taat
I aie;* have ao i : o ■:
il ey can n iii*. s.« wdtne. ill y
know so ma. iy lie a iii i! aa . not .o,
they are o naa-h in ove *.i.ii their
own Ideas and c* iaions, tai-y ha.aa
. a a an ovtralie 5 :• a i >n.;ilh a of
, their own i; a a " a e. ti it tiny
consciously taint the w* r-r of life
! With their <• Nil per: on iiiic-.-' '.nd h'du
ii. ir Master b ava! t ■ They
are not s.ei " I to «'• I! * . j aa
sage until the;, have rc viit" i it. a I
taken the heart oat of i with their
explanations, which do not explain
'The hi: ,si him vi. a tn •!»!•. I
Willi any of these thlaas. The> were
to be witn as a,no Mini and /
' knew no more than to her IP., ■•ntiy re
peat ji: ,t v.'hat e ej luai seen and
heard. They ni r a: . :*aed io
nra ae a i . at look fa* v. line s
' box and Ulll'iil'al'iii*, a,ly loi.l ja.t exact,
ly what tin. y Iniew i: tit. 't'i'i y
had nothing to utile am, t *y were n.,t
| troubled witii the IntellecUial, social,-
rnii: aial, r.r.i "a poi :ia.. : , se a.: i n
< I flic alt i of lie.'' lag i aiof. ■-
i ers aid W-.a h of i.'a i' (. y. Th- .r
■ minds were liae tin*oiled paper on
which tile Kin..;* < *> •!.; wa .a '.is nil >
i-'aa* - to v lit 11 elf. The;, ca.rried
the seed o the kiagiia.a in ant. iuted
vis . !a. am! ail th. v had to da was io
sow ii far and wid'\ • The> a'ere tn be
merely the ea'm o' i : a viae wilhoaf
:u:.v attempt, too* - a.ite id- is- or to
:j. aiv their oi. a a • t * ;e. A i 'ri.
«ut pre eh' rs v »vc .; w>• -M de
mand physical ae. air a and (-bi'vlo :a
ness of weather condition.', those
brawny, suii-h :;aed, rm-ged fiaii . e
fishermen wcr> deal ti la-r ihe
: ills of the spiritu d • was
, bout to ere. t. 'i a o. - : 'ii; «
(if it.the ■ lore oi ■ >au t * i cola
that when the King formed iii. i
net He showed His infinite .am in
the selection of the men ..ho ware to
< rry on iii ■ >:•'•; in the <7o*.. 'op
rf I'i * a a.ana:. . No * or-. ■ ' ap **•
tie in d> c-ii iii a Lie church long at a r
vaud said, "We are built upon the
fe.nidation of the apostles and
prophets, Jesus Christ, Himself, bo
lug tho chief corner stone."
Roman Cooks and Clocks. •(
It is pretty well established that
the citizens of ti " Internal City went I
on for more than six centuries with- |
out any a curate means of knowing
the tti"y either by night or day. The
('(send P. Sci; io Naaica, in 15!! B. C„
a t up in Rone a public clepsydra, or
Waaler clock, the first timekeeper in i
the hi: fry of the city, waiving the I
on.inar/ . n dial. The prison paid,
even in t e mo t luxurious days of
Ron e, lor axipa: ite (eol.s; were not up .
in lia: a of to-day. the highest snlai y
bell;!', i it) . eaieiaes I:*..",,000), while
so. e no'i d chefs of to-day receive
SIO.OaO. j
i'K I 'l S For This Wei k
' I
ioo li.s.
Oil Meal $ 1.00
i, Ini en 1 ;
■ '•iili Meal 140
(Yackeii Col li 1.40
torn 1.40|
ijerd iMnnoy Midds. 1.0 •
i'.rown Midds. ].-J.a
Iliickn heal Middrt. 1.15 !
()y: til- Shells 00!
Wheat liran 1 411
Sell am udier t.'liop 1.50
1 in lh liajr Salt ' tit) j
, -'if. lli I ,ig' Sail :lo |
■ iii Hi l i.; racking UocU Salt 40 j
! ailii|is 7-a ;
3eei Sera]) .'5.00 i
Meat Meal li 50
are iiaving* 7e 111 for Ihe bent '
veal calves, and 10c lli for pork.
iSI lilt i unci ici I'Monr sack 1.0 a;
Marvel - " 1.05 i
.Minify •• " I.AO
■J 1 lli.-aek Sc'.m. Tal>lt> Meal 00 j
luli ' •' -'j!
100 lli Ilnckwheat l'lotii' li.'Ja
2i Hi " " 05|
11. IIRINK. New Altamy. I'a.'
r, '
iOf course >ou uet v ur
wish if you come to our bi j !
siorc i'-f y< ur \\\ •
fiave al out ever) thii g ir, '
lli- r, ncr 11 Merchan !'>« !
i'.• it' >'OU todld wish ,ur
;inp our stock i> neat, clean !
and up-1 > date in guaiity.
c : \(?V,c,y fysvO
Short Talks on ~~j
successful men have been sul
c —""v. s, vertisers.
112 :1 —*- 7 s ) t}{.£k Advertising is the greatest
* . »M of all modern engines for l'ftcil-
I ;•' • I"' I itating business. Reside it, the
V ■V - iT-" .'\ telegraph, the telephone, the
" V ' locomotive and steamboat are
v v ' ~ dwarfed. If it were not for
p \ \ !, advertising, these would not
'Vfl \ /' 1 36 used. Business would not
fib '' $ j be of sufficient volume to justify
, \ ft ■• | -7" their employment.
A ~ V \K \ AX'f/ The man in Chicago ad
t" r _. ' 'C- vertises, and the man in St.
y Paul buys—by telegraph, per.
112 I ' / [* 'I \ a P s —and has his purchase
I r'\ y. J delivered by the locomotive.
V: V |j \ v, I ® ut t ' Je advertising came first,
\ . / J It always does.
-' ' *■* *■&"' It conveys information,
and an invitation to buv at
■ rtq; is :>:c greatest rf all f*'oJt rn ergmes %
B{>:jri\ /';• tie tet,/-,(,,'t the same time.
/.wmwrr Ail advertisement in the
best paper in town places this
information before thousands of buyers, either present or prospective. Count
the cost of a suitable advertisement against the possible number of those
win v iil nco.l some special thing on any day. The chances will alwaye
be found <:i the si.le of the profitability of the advertisement.
Nino times in ten a good
ad will bring more than %1-Mm
ofit to
*tssf *t%l Cil&ftt MM* .i./?r nn 112 tke m*n IM
AV:c J 'to i. be. hxui buys* t<Ufrupi t
AnTono sending » sketch »».l dMarlptlon m
qui- kl, .wfCTfuin our opinion fraa whether .
tpeciin notice, without ?har?e, intha
; Sckatiflc American.
A hundsomni? Illustrated wurtlf. I.arirMt rlr
culntion of nny ruientißc Jaurntl. Terms, 11 4
*'• So ' d »>*■'»
toM SCo. 36,BrMrtw, »'Hew York
Biaucli Office. «S F 8U W»»hl»«t«n, H.C.
jThe Best place
to buy goods
Is ottcii asked by the pru
pent housewife.
Money sjvmg advantages
arealways bein# searched lor
Lose no time in making a
thorough examina'ion of the
New Line of Merchandise
Now on ij?
ij? y 0 yjiME
?????? ? ? ?
All answered at
Vernon Hull's
Large Store.
HiHaerowi Pa.
Xime IRUns.
Lime furr : ' ~ t n car
loaa lots, u ivered al
Right Prices.
Your orders solicited.
Kilns near Hughesvilla
M, E. Reeder,
Try .1 SMALL AD in ihis
!papi r, It will pay you.