Republican news item. (Laport, Pa.) 1896-19??, January 07, 1910, Image 2

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    Republican News Item
t?.y fa< Solliv;:n P-vtblisfciufc ('«
A-ixhu CoihZiW at »«lli v*u V<\u*<j.
UJ'OH'ff, PA.
JI4«SS, t-.ii.yVii.
iSIjK. j. 1 NulU*. rci.' j \IifHS.
*'• tilt P n 'il vfiicv *t '.ftforU\ a*
njft.i* tuiuirr.
.•"APT'i'AI. - - foO, 00(1
'ViJWI.OtJ • - »40.000
!)•.«, u (.U rst-iil ttttnking Basim-P*
. D STEHiaiH B. H J). .-•WAHTS.
A ttfi-oi t-r-v alfowtA oil rrrtiiU'iiU"/
,Slice in Kci.']er'<- ]llonl».
[.AIVtfT r, SuJHvaa Ountv, J*.\.
j; J. & F. H. INGHAM,
Slit* io
in this RTi>i a<4;4inl«g «<natti«i
.MVJJWK. l ' A
u j. .MULLEN,
wnc* J* ojuhty tuitPifii
oeritT uc-triß.
AVI fltt.W *V- AT -t.A W ,
9rri«!« •»* **»*
• 1/UtiKF.. '' A
First National Bank
- - ■*^.OOGJ>»
»otr. Et HOOKf!!! bauli -wfl! ss.
Pi psideat. CaaMf?.
:*,.<■ cent interest pit l " time
accounts «U;.IMI KP.
«"■••Kitty Auditors, t«. Kdlack V\il>
. . M, F. M<.L'*Hy *«mi W. R. Ma*-
~.i, .• real work Hiidiling the st<*connts
ffiv onunty officials.
\Vffl. Sucks, the :iccnujudaiinj* por
ter Hf fclotel tteiwartl ttud some ijml
iVi.jj *xprri*>ncp* with tin? water
i)••.'-» this wank. White on u triply
jkl.mwrl Farm, th* pipc*took aUvan
ot Ills' absence and lai«l in thoir
,:ik! !y of ice, and caused Hilly much
tr« iiSle fur spirit' fim<\
(>.j Tuesday evening ul" last wed.
j » igh load from Xordmont rtwiiic
v>> this phiee and at M o'clock were
o rv< dan elaborate rsnpper at iloti'i
aftiT which tli'.' merry piir
<v •. ••■ uiitil tho eurly hours <.(
t.»i. iijinff. ]'i>ll«>winsf iof tho iiitiro.-ss
t-l in i >sfc' presont: Joft M'.-nciof.hall,
V t'Kiik i-'iix, A una
t-r-ft »nul«-r, Miirt 1-i'isUT, ,Slw-!rivk
HMnLol .Hunter, Horticf
Utylj'B Sn.vdor, H. F. Horn, >!»■ x«-i
]<ay Andrt-wt, Il*»ba lies*,
• li«>3iarnis ll.iv\ty,>
faw'.vard Hess, Lara F'elstt'r. and
«'iifKU-r t'ct'-rxiiKu.
P.rginnine; with *i»is tin'
will rturt on its rtnntia)
s,'.rui»e t-tM'Hlgh l-hc -iienr: of
v : .i}i your servant, 15. M. V'.itil>yko
B'. : pilot. WliiU; T'(>!rir»i licitt,
.nlirtp F. Ij. 'Paylor, will stilt w»n
rt.aitd i-Ki> sliip for iho pi'csfnt. b«
will itt<ind to his dalies im tli
i«:« w Al'iauy Mirnir and
ir ; " keep the Xo\vs-it«io b >ai-sai)-
ii.«- iilong ilb ouui'sp with—as w<-
i.ftj.t 1 —an apprpoiative oiviv of pa
ii'iiis, Wo in a v eucon titer storm*
;»i go thronyh current? which will our progiWH h little diiVicnll
». limes, brit with the aid of the
.'ivw, w have traveled the cotirso
iH't'jW, to help os keep the ship on
tk'-f.i by calking ihf l«*aks wi*l« iwti'i -
i-.-Ming iivuis aboirt themstlv<.*s or
I'; i' ttdr. we think the ti Ui will a
hi tory Hue to iill iju bi'ai'd.
'rt e ask your hearty co*up«'ratii»n
'•» n3#kiiij this a haiuirr year for
.'.t We come as a
• "ranker in ytvur midst, and alibo
*•« a» making nxcellsut
. . ilw ••jiUt.ipg acquainted" btisi*. lnv.< cvci* it is now, and will
!•>: a tVw weeks sutacwhal dilJi
c-iifc for us t<i g«in inforination eun
• ■••i-ning all the local happening-.
<.t with our wishes f.>r a happ>
prospoi'uuM Nmv l'car, we in
vite yon to call at our oOice. shake
i.viwe. tell us what you know and
i.ct aeqvtainttil.
A Condensed Report of Tho '
Sullivan County
I'he Ic j l.v-lil'lli iitmum -ession of
; the -Twu'lifr'ij Institute of Sullivan
cottutv wa.i (aillcil to order iu Klihe's
Api/a lloutfa*, liushore, «.• 1 :ii> p. u«.
Moudny, Pee. 'J~, m\), liy Prof. M.
Si. Bfock. Nmrly one hundred of
tht*.teachers fit' the c-ority had en
.i«»llwd, Ait'jrii«yJ. i). i'linyer de-1
liVftt'td lilt' Kll(h>*ss of W'i Iconic. Hi.'.
spoke very highly of the work bung .
'June by the teachers ami superin- !
tendent Kiilgore. Prof. Black re-!
bpotided to llit' address, thanking'
.Mr. Thayer and the people ot Du ;
chore f"t their kind welnome. ;
}tev. If. 11. Wilkes led the uhimc.
which Nup't. Ooughlin ofj
Wilkes-liurru, addressed the In-.ti
tule on "Tho Jtevivtd of the Art of!
Tenching.'' He hit this question ;
Willi the teachers: \S hat wouldyou |
expect to find in a great a> hooland !
What comtituUis a great *vho«dA ;
jrre-at pchool most have dieipline, i
must he idert, thorough, develop j
love, of home and country, self d»'- •
pendence, and power of independent
action, strengthen be] let in Mod, in
.... |
one's self mid belief iu fellow man. •
Dr. Pattengiir lecture ''Made in ■
America" wa# instructive, filter-,
taitdng and lull of humor and com
mon sense.
Singing l*d hy Ht«v. Wiikes.
"Kel»ti»m of Language to Aritli-j
itiHu'," wan the topic discussed by
Siipt. Coughlin. One of the dilficul- !
tie* of arithmetic is that the pupil* i
do not understand the langtruge of
the problems; language is the mil i
diih -uity of ui:>tli Problems I
without figure will help pupils to I
to g«t the work e.g.
Snpt Lose of the Will jamsport I
schools talked on ''The Professional,
Teacher." The professional teacher j
has a. knowledge of more branched i
than she ha* to teach- r»he i- an,
expert in teaehiug and managing, j
knwfts the individual pupil, is fond'
of children and knows the law of the j
proffwion which i» ilh»- use of expert j
kftowirdi;v to ->avf a lif»j nr a soul, i
Tile gi*t of Dr. I'attengiil's h<rtiire j
ou ''Primary Reading' l i« that |*if- ;
piU should he taught to t'twd .-kill-!
fully, joy fully, readily and enterpre.f. j
rcncliwc -*NouitJ not confine tiiern- i
srlvh lo the word metho'l, the a b c;
uiethcd or the synthesis unshod hut
should Use tho 0 lectio method. A !
child should be led to imagine situ- j
at ions when reading stories. Dr.'
Pettingil! is not alone in thinking I
Miut Pennsylvania should have a |
course of study for primary school-'
as -.Nell as for the h?gli schools,
"ll»w to Study" was the topk'div ,
cu«sed hy Supt. t'oughlin, 'J'he J
ttuc'ior should help the pupil to ar-;
rive at knowledge of tank with tiivj
leaat amount of time and energy, j
Kn<i\i'ltMge of whut words mean is!
!>>e htisis of ulißost e\tv.vthing I
isupt. L;ise covdialiy invited tho
tiwcbt rs of Sullivan county to enroM i
in the SPiK'
wliiatL he is
l>r Patte.nurll give « v«.ry helpful ;
la.lw on •Mnruinir Exercisf-s,?' Jit:
SUggfM* Ih«t the tfji-hers have a;
prt'-riinining ex< n i-e; that the teash-1
er-i read frfun a b'jok Irom five
•>r ten minutes before nine. !
A\ i>xKSi>A v nort> i \ <,.
Singing led hy ii<»v. Wiikes.
Dr. petHngill talked on ''Master- :
piece Study.
After and sintiinjr.
Supt, t'oughlin addressed the insti-'
tut''on 'a 'oncrele Work in Arithinc-1
tii:.'' Child's mind should he kept'
on the active side. There are two
kiuda of study •—memory study and
thought study.
Dr. P.-ittmgiil iutroduced a new:
feature .if the close of the singing of'
Columbia, The Oein of The Ocean,;
having the institute give Uuee,
t:litter? ami a tiger after which he 1
>r address on ''The <'it-ifttii 1 :
Tri-square" which was <fh<' of the!
bftt talks given.
A h«r Supt. Cuugh'iu dis»'
"Schoo; Dicipliue.''
Dr* Puttx'itjfiil addressed the iiiHli
lute on '-Schools nod Tlit' Labor
"Pedagogy of Heading" the.'
subject of Supt. Couuhlsu. i
The tul'jeot ot Dr. P.i!tcngill's
t<tlk was '•America Spells (>p t .orlun- :
ity." J
Siupt. < "oNghllii's -ul.ject waf 'How'
!tn Muke X(i. 1., ia the Pmiitiw of
, 'lVjit^ilng.''
I'UlftAY HORMXu. •
j ttingloif it'll by ft*iv. Wiljtu*.
< "Tli* Prime Factor* »t » (joocl
School'" wfts the nni>j<H:Jt Mf I'M*. IVt
fengiV* l«*t tulU to <h»; teachers.
Tin on rwgitlnWrrtis re
ported on r>:s.ilurioiiH adopted. (*i J
Thv report was ndnptni js mul, j
The njp'irt of the ootunuUve OH'
l>rofo*>riou.*l wuuUug \vai< n<ivi|>t*'-(l a-s|
I mol, j
The ipjmir of the nii'.litiijg e-.iu-l
; iuiii«-c win* nil«vj,teij Mn read. !
, Tli<* siilijwl: of H'.i jit. e ]
; last L.tlk was ' I,*ii£»m£<* anil tyiter-;
(attire." '
1 The* U-rtcliers }»i<-seute«l a travelijijjj
; l»»#f to Kiilgore as a tckeu of j
. honor ipul esteem which they oritur-!
, lniti lor liiiu.
j ACI or >«i tivri n«* a number of favorite !
-onjr-« ttie i(i«ti(uto i.tfljoun»t'H.
• (A i-.ipy of rtMolutiutmudVi|>t«'<l will j
bo printun next week.)
j State Horticultural Meeting. j
Tbe animal meeting of the Btatp
' aiost interacting meetings th<;
i sociatioii has ev«r held. A nuiw
: bn of county societies are a-rrfciig
iug to have fruit ou display ami a
line exhibition i" exported, 'fypios
i of interest to fruit growei*
and ho: t.ii'iiltui ists -will lx? <lis
eusht'd. Any person rait become a
! member by "paving one dollar, and
j w ill be entitled through such pay
ment to iwtive a copy of the ;*u
iuiiai report. IVof. tt. A. .Surface,
| Stale Zoologist, wi 1 be iu aftenil
,nucf and Kill R»k.e an oe(ivn |«»it
in the piweediugs.
John Hoppes.
• John llo|ipt>K died ttt the home of
his daughter at Hiilsgrove ou Thai's
d iy, l»oc. litos, at the age of K2 ;
j yo.o -i. K uioiit hand 2>i day*.
Ite wai a vemail of tfce t.'ivilj
I War. He i< survived by the follow- j
j ittg V-ltirdreo : Mr«. John (Jumble, j
j of l/apoi ty, Mr*. X. ( ' (.Jrier of Prut* j
j Uwr, iliv Robert Cletrg of Millsgrove <
i S'ilvvslar of Lycotuiug county and I
j one biotber. Puueralservtafet were
held at iiilNgiwe wilU interment at |
!Wbouri« Milln.
Mrs. Feagles.
Mr*. FfHgle"* tUwl at the home of
! lior Uiiugltit'r, Wis. Win. Otinibh- at
I I tilNjfrovo, nn Monday, IKv. 27,
■ after an illness of one week of
•<uiia. She .survived by ;>
; and two Mia-i.
Drop a dollar in our palm and
' wo will mail the Mews-Item to yon
every week for two years-.
An Indiana Man Ha« Gjv«n a Practi
cal Hint of aatutlon.
ErHHttCjii, lxjiri of Doveltioa, po«M,
»nd Mitt macb «U« ia
U£« Chat i«T<io<r and K«»at, ta agaia
if, ttoe A wealthy f.sriaer
am tiinre haj preaent«il ktt sinter
nixly acr«« c*f loud. v«tip;d at >IJS p«r
Ht".*-, be'eaubt be au»*V: tits j
nhori aud to V\« pomt. liSirt# i> food
for thrtuftht lijr rt:oat- bft"or« »t» pid pit
au wall ik thou*- b*>bji\d Tike pi««»en
tMton of thf* in io a raika
of, TUcre i« an diaiW Viat J
nJw>rt sarmonw waokl h«lp to l\ti *«- l
o*at anil ptigstbjy Indiana h*« '
tftfrrted n niovatneot that uiay becama t
unlveraal. i
Tti# Huosier Btaitf has (kvne i&any i
admtrablt- ctttnsa beaidtiS vrodueliog !
Jaoies Whlti-owb Riley. She may tie |
the fiieaaii ot solving tho vacapt vhy* j
probHun, Vesldwa bi tii*l tig chwrch ;
arte* up to a more satisfactory aej J
Just olevatton. >»«t e*aefty, "iA« j
sbai.te.r tliW aarmoo tho greater the i
salary;" Unt. rather, '»thfc tte
»<*poi«a fi»* abotter Uie s*!ary." ' Indi
ana, ber p4MU>r. aa«l her humur are
to l>« renirvftttilattid.
A "Mt.t*."
The ti|ieri«tit:i»d by our i
tit to nerkoa monfjr
In very small proportloiu app«ar in j
the rarltoie values igtvec to a
hi \h* aj*te*«tti and aeveutvinith c*jri- |
t-u.isy hotdmi «112 fommarrtal arttt»vi«ttp.. j
TM»- original ''mil*" M>«>naa to hate ,
u Uiird oi a Fiembsh penvy, ;
the ii«» ut the word tar t%« vWon'a !
or>i« »«f Wia New Te»tai»e»t made Its j
roft'ular KnsMsb jD»antryf half a fajrth- |
iirt uud iiitvo old people may remain
tier applying tbi; nsuii* to the !
liied nineteenth ct-ulnry oHub of tl*»t : In tlnNse old arithmetic books
"ii'tte" for various values >rt |
by actual <.:oiu«i. b»t ob- j
vlo.iely nsad in A of
rftakeif tt out-twelfth of a vcna.v,
two sixteenth century Wjolw noe
rixtli of a fartliing, and W 1 Jeakc'e
arlfbnjftU:: laade tt :«6 tittle mi one
eiirty-tout th of a pcauy.
j Pruklent Calls Conference to
Ducum Bills Covering Corners
in Life's Necessities
J Ha's Been Advieiog with the Admtnia
tratlen Lawyers as to the Scstt Bill
for Tha4 Purpose—Tatk of Radic<il i
j Measures to AcomplcJsh the Object.
| U'tgjliingMm, Jan. 4. Preaideitt .
I r J's,fl Wilt wpprtrt le*i.«lation to pr«
| fitiviUlirnf In. future* o'u food pro
! doe is, «4f»U and cotton. Ht may ex- ;
! toii'd hLa sw>n>ort to roltriotlre J«fsiala- •
i ti«M for all marginal dealings in
j ttr.i-kji aa<l a«<:iirieSei>.
Tee Preeld*nt has lnvh«d Con^ioaa- 1
ittfli Tsbo art'ocat® tUwse refoi-ius to a ,
! c(niF(«rKai-« at the White H«up«, aiaonK
tUftai boiiia BHii<»s(»H. Texas; Scott,
Kauaaa, intd Loxeriag.
"t'Jii?o>' are to meet Attorney-fteneral
Wlvtiwrsitaia and B«ufi;t»tar> Kbox. The i
fpafowneei ens caitt'd fur to-moiro*. j
but baa - i
enrtuii. its* bwen d«»tctDsd In New i
Vortr by th# atorm.
Uurlcaou advona«#a lealaintiou pro- j
btt>ttiiiiK deallns* in notimi futures, j
>v*nts thir HXtunU<9d 112
t« food iirodin tH, sush as wlitut and ■
toru. and l<ov*rtng asks t.hat meats ;
be Uiclodied. FTHs «M>rwtoa eaoli at |
taesv tavads are befou'e the House i
('»uiiu.ltsi'e on Agriculture, of wtikh '
St wtt is chairman. At the last nes- ■
»i6n Colonel Hopbtmu, of lowa, ltitrf> j
diteed a bin douls 1n se- i
curttJa* t>n tuariries.
ft I* the Intention of the Committee i
ou ■\|frUTii'ltti!'e to draft a compoaiie \
bttl covwlue cotton, lood prod acts and i
uumiis. Whu-tber marnlfia in securitl«g j
wIU l>e tncl ii<ted ts doubtful.
'Fkv Pnc«l4f.m wtPl dts<'.«ss the eo
ttJ« with tbe IrtitlHlHtors. He wilt I
< <*«r lt *U}»ti»xi to cootra) the j
kreAt. fftm'k esifbanaes. Me Uas 'ntii- i
csta-d a deal re to (Hit a at«>t> to all
t«M'M<trs In food produrts and t.o re
strict (n»ifibilMg an stock exchaiiffixv
The President'* »opport lsi expected to i
In the pass>Ke of muedfsl leg- :
i JijUiUot! itnrlnD the present sitaaion of '
I <"<rusivsa> ',
| Ht»h Reading Official Violent In |
Base's Ream,
j I'hiUdylphtn. Ja». 3.- Mia mind .
I Wv overjs'ork, Bacnanl H. ;
' Ra>i. seooad v{cepreaid«>at of Uir
I t'l)»lMdalpl>ia St tteodic< Vtailioad. aiv!
! reK*rded a» one of tbo frclfiit
i a|#*its In wuntry, was rruiiorad
• froui tbe crfflces of tfce corn- \
paay In tt:e Dirfldlnf to &n
iaraue asyiuui.
Tte crlajs in Mr. HaH'a condition I* ;
1 to have h«en caused by tbe i
severe !«toEHi whlc.ti bl<»<4ied trt.fflc '
alotijf Uie lioe for tba past few days, i
T>m police were telepboned today aud ;
"i w>:cn they arrfTed at the o®ce fonn>J
tbe bt>Uk* betd down by private j
tfolective* and other employees e; the :
f«a*l. Ul* Ivtd tveen handcuffed a-nd !
sus tirilnK Ueld to proveat htm from ,
du4iif( tr.Jtirr }© bt-jiealf.
Ho Motive Repealed for Murder of
Old Couple.
Wasbir,gt«w. In-i., Jan 3.- Friends !
ani? nv'sbbov* are trying In vatu to >
ttiMl a nioUVe for tbe lourrter of the I
ttev WJlJiairi Bitter and hla wife, ■
j bwtiei}*i found this ft Mar- '
ra,on lu tt».e.!r boine balf a mile outride
riC >Snor« t tienr here. Tt U believed j
foe '.vfttuaa wjuj c-fcifked to vWatli. an I
then* are an ksife or bi'llet wvuadß ;
; tii'linr b<«ijf. Tlje of kw husband j
*3j l'ouarf rn the o«!lar at the foo'! of ,
' a flight of etxlri. It in suppesod be .
j was thrown down the ulepp by hla as- |
• btilajjt-K and hla nock was brokeo ill |
»t)e fall.
> Bite Horses and Try ts Jump Into j
Bfetgh Near Chicago.
Chicago. Jan. 5. A pack of eight <
so!V\»h at-faeked Henry I,uud and UiH '
l;or: ej while he wa» di ivlug through 1
the *oo<|* near Mmitd&siery, 111., foi- !
j ty oae miles fvwui Chicago.
, The w.olovs flmt attacked the 1
I honaoa, a»y*r«ly thewi, anl than .
| sUefY>vt*il to leap >nto fhe sicitih. |
I lAlad fta.nlit off the wolves witb a
I h«a.vy reads, ttaally rea<.l<ed a clearlug '
! and cxtmitslel by a Utny gallop over j
! lutavy ndully reached a «i-leariug !
j where, the wnlvee weif. frightened
) away. Farmer* or.ganli.ed a party to .
I hunt rbv wolves >
I Buying of Real Estate Cruelty.
I OlnetsHarl. Roc. Anxeline M.
L« Botfeatix was rati ted a divorce
' from Geortti* X». la* Bolteatix. Thu ;
wtfe alleged cruelty, specifying tliut
her husband ftn»nd pleasure in buytug
j real estate and har'.nu h»r pay for it |
j She Med *uit», sfce asid. when be
bought a hotel for sti,(i»W, Icuowing
n<ifclti*i« «112 the hotel btta(n«M ex
pertinnr tier Ui pay fur the hostelry.
Bryan Arrives at Colon.
I'ohm. Jiui. 4.- WllMam Jennln*»
Wryan arrived here or. the steamer
He lmmediately took a
tfaln tor Fa&auia.
To Be Sent Ten Feet a Letter Must
Travel 294 Miles.
Oue of the most remarkable mail
routes in the world Is that which a
totter journeys ill setting from Beebe
Plain, VL, to Beebe Plain, Quebec,
Canada. While tbt two offices are
within toi feet of each other are lo
cated iu the same room, in fact a
latter matted from one office to UlO
other miMt make a trip of 204 miles —
gixtyneveu miles In Canada and the
row iu tbe United States.
The plutn old fashioned store build
ing. which ts situated on tho inter
national bound My line, contains both
lise thilted States and Canadian of-
Sees. There are separate entranct-s
to each, hut both are In the same
room, have the time lobby, and there
are no partitions to mark the divi
sion between the domain of Fncle
Ssni and the pousesston of King Ed-
tf you matt a letter from the Ver
mont side fuMyossied to the Quebec
side." says iho postmastpr, "it goes
from hsre to tho junction, then to
Newport, then to White Kiver Junc
tion and back to Lennoxvitle."
To Legalize Tipping.
Wbtle praisev.orthy attempts are
b»>4«ije made in I.'mduu to minimize
the tipping system, a movement has
mtailed iu Berlin to make the
custom compulsory. The cafe watt era
in the Kaiser's capital have formed
themselves into a union with the ob
ject of lei?allztnß tipping. They have
drawn uj> 11 scale of tips and passing
resolutions to enforce it. If the order
a customer tcives in a restaurant
wiionnts to tbrev Hhillint;* he will be
expected to tip the waiter to the tune
of 12 per cent. If the order is over
three shillings the "kellner" will i<e
contest with n tip of 10 pe. cent.. Iu
tiau larger restaurants tho waiter will
be aoiisfied with a modest $ per ccr. .
Hp if the bill t Th.>
restaurant keepers protest nsainst
tUi* Uvrift at tips, which they consider
wtil interfere with their business, b
the waiters refuse to give v. t.. 4 .
Electricity Known of Old.
A writer la the Kleklrotecli'-iia* be
Au/.olgt-er cites many incidents to
that electricity was not unkuov 11 tc.
the ancients, and that George i 1 •
MUSRestlon lu a novel tliai tl:> Kf...
Uuns made use ot lightning
lors was well founded. Instrtnn-a:
much UHe the modern hollograph we
used, tlie writer s.iys, by prie
as a means i>f communication between
temple*. Thero can be no doubt, he
says, as to the temple having been
protejtnd by llshtning rods. The
Eibllcal tloßcription shows thnt 'be
roi>f was provided with metallic points
ht'id aloft by coluiuns and that tliese
ci»d!lig >n chains terminated In great
water tacks. He adds: "All of which
ir vouched for in the first book of
Ktfißs and the second book ot Cbroul-
Wtvat's in a Name.
BcaiaOiifc House. A. Hotsell .. s(i up
Outsell lintel up
Ijotel sii «P
HotseU Inn SIS up
Hot#cll Court s2l u;j
Hotsetl Arms ?24 up
ByCharles •
, No. 35.
There is no business or profession w'.i.-'r. advertising vi-'. not h
the professions have been very slow u > . ■ ui>;c this, i ; gra-'
j enroiug to a realising sense of die of pu'oH.-::,.
" ntuUkfym*HHragt.><
mental element with the exercir.e of his a:' iiot suifice that lie considers himself
greul; lie must succeed in imja c l i!. i>
with that fart" |
Jadvet tisiisg wSifiSSSj^ * * "il
not sell a dollars worth r ; ! t • '> • in
ttJv§s net iH#i i :i*t nt .-. nsiJtrs people for 1. s. ■ ilv I.
«*»'/*"«/■ Hr tousl sih\itJ ... . , •
t* ethtrt with "'' * ,u , v ' J "' '
I'WAirf." figuring will dcuiunstraic !.«•>«> . ,:gu: icr.t.
Csfyright, Charles Aiutin D tcs. .\\~v
tf ny
: -i S^£U»
J ' \ S yjl
• Ft^CE
I r r?j*#T* C( j; ;
Ani(.r.c • ."leg - • ltr-t« hr..;'■"! («
, C«lli'M> :!*■'".'•• Mm < '-.• m « , ••
| invention m i»rr»bft!» y t ,iu ( <
ttOKS*?>! io "• •■• •: .! j'/V |-j[' 'V,K «■•
.•■n' {rort. «,j m-.*i itj*.••:.•*. 112 ..• . ...
Pu» put; ■ ;k- i i i; .
; sp'cialKofi^e t without ■
: S&xwfc fiiihi
, Abn !■ Ulus *\*e ! weekb- 1n" .
! eulHtton nf d:iy nuectlflp l«»i:••
| HE?' to . Ci. BoM b/aU ni .
BIOXNI Co. 38!S Vn;.;
1 Branch Officii, 625 F Washington, *»•€'.
| The Best place
to buy goods
! Is otu- • !>ke,i b> Uu pm«
I pent h" ! • •.•V ti
I Mu.) \ ••• ■ \ .1; i! :, S
J"aFe;»lvv c r v bei :. v archt'd for
I.ose • i i ifiv. . i
j thorough txnm :Vi nol
I New Line . : ,-r' e
i Now on
if VV.«'V " r- 112 ~ V • -V
»>iiOm»l»»Kt<tlK<i *4 .
j ? ? ? ??? ? ? ?
: STEP IN / n a
All answi J at
| Large- Store.
t-;'-':sn<--. ;/i •. ;
; a- r
<t • 8 '... 4 < •t» 4,
I •U/U* . V*'
I'f * *
i V * ft •>. > . • .
! 118 *
Lime furrisheo .11 car
load lots, d liverf d it
j Right Prices
Your orders solidu
Kilns near Hughesvilla
M. E. Reader,
M'' 112 • \
Try a SM\L! AD in.this
!pa i X'!, \ 1 \v I 1 ..