Republican news item. (Laport, Pa.) 1896-19??, December 24, 1909, Image 1

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    XIV. NO 32
HUO-HBSVir-X.E3. > V '-A--
$50,000 W C. FRONTZ President.
Surplus and FRANK A. REEDER, Cashier j
Net Profits,
otate Librlry DIRECTORS:
Transacts a Genera/ ■; 1,1 I'font'/., John 0. Laird, C. .
■ j .. , p.- W C.Kronlz, Frank A. Reed or, Jacob IVr, ;
Banking btisiucSS. • ~ , „
Lyman or?, \\ .1. » Him i ton.z, (
Accountsoflndivid- j" A s f V ul | jolm Hall.!
uals and Firms
Safe Deposits Boxes for Rent, Cue Dollar per
No Place Like this Place
For Reliable
H kiA / EL RS:
House Furnishing Goods, Toois of Every
Descriptor n, and Ammunition
Bargains Ilit bring the buyer back.
Come and {.A ihe truth of our talk.
A lot of saoom' fc.- tici • > v..-j and ranges for sale cheap.
We can soli yen in .:c : anything from a fine Jewel Pase
Burner tor. low ;.-rk*«vi bus 'jatiafacbory- cook stove.
Hot Air, Steam and Hot Water Heating and I
General Repairing. Roofing and Spoiling.
a tu uet re JPci
Ready For
Christmas Shoppers . ..
* 4
The Commencement of the Holiday K"u«oii find- litis st, rroad," ith
Appropriate Gifts for personal or household needs.
Always one of the leading stocks at Christmas time. Larger an<l more
varied this year than ever. Tcinpti; values to show you for 5c to jJ,OO.
Chris'mas Gloves Umbrellas;
Dress Goods and Si ks
are here for your choosing and at our very low prices. You woidd -eei;
far to tlnd a mote aweptal»lr> remembrance.
Good Wool B1 ankets
AH timely and serviecahle «rif!lN tieoats S:j.OS to SlO 00. Blank -h- .",0c i
to SIO.OO a pair. Whatever W the f.ul in neckwear, you'll find it in re.
MM jj-tcwe irtein ©fficeJ
! mm OHLLFO ™
AcjJ ie< • 1 SU" £ S lL» A*-Li to*? &*0
uSCLL IftlHlf ESii'l
Conference Pressed Over Ly
Gon;pc- . 112 (-. Fight
"Open. ~-l. iop" I\uie
nm ri!!'n i"- T 'i rz nsiern
Lr; rbkJ lo ij UC ;
1,5-iO.OOO Gteel Workers Assessed Tor I
a Fiyht—A. F. L. Conftcjj at Pitta
burg Appeal IJ All Unions to Join
Utfggle in V'iiioh a Dafcat Means
Their Extinction.
Pit O.burg, Deo. 21. Y.'.m- was for- j
! matJy deciart a afeionst the United t
States Steel Coi |io; ::tit-:i by tho 1< •d- j
I or;. of organized labor tor- ghout the «
; I i:i-i:d State.and Can. ■: ■- ' tbe a ;
c a momentous "two days" to:: or* ;
I The decision to battle, long find .
; hard as:i - the < !'•"■■ «'• ■a ■
, shop" pi-bey was l!-e '■ ■'' • " an ;
, order iss>Ufd >.ev. year; :;no by ihe
! mnr.agsrs of the • <•-: a .uoa a;.;:f;tst j
i all Di-.m iu the trr-si's raHU. Oao i
mill after anus It. I • •' dfi> a :
1 III: -n L hop to I a : a l l 'ie I
I Ad;; Igamated 6teel and Iron Workers'
: foul •. thai: - Vi i t: •• pro.-: «:t ;
of coiKplete e !!ue ■tf t.. *i un.ons. I
1 The last victory for the trueta w«a j
In the . trihe a' <> ' ■ i; u-ks
ja nt of i'.r- r - .i : Car Oonv j
p;i ay. The!.■'•••• : ; -.;n ,:t !hn At Mia I
MOls. In IS -'rt. O o. wj.ith !
I called out f.tati 1 < - only :e- (
! suited in the indefinite shutting down
of the milk; a dr . i ba; 1 e with the j
fa.; i... ■; sln da' ;:er <•' ■ t:e > .c. i a-ht- ;
Ing now for their v.ay c\ tenee, the •
unions of aten w ho work in th>> trades
employed by the fcU'al 'Trust have r;l- j
litil to their sup; . , -all the unto:.a j
co aprised in the American Federation ;
! of 1 .abor.
To furnish sinews for the great in- j
dust rial war, an aasersn ent of 10 i
cents per member v ••••• (aalered. Th.e j
Federation has a paid-up teembei diip j
; of 1,5 0,000.
jacT pVi Tiir cniAicpv
till J uii MIL DUVJL.fii
Fte.'ient Addresses 500 of New
York's Tra:npo in Mission.
New York, N. Y„ Dec. 20. For the
first time in the unwritten history of
the Bowery, the President of the t ia -
ed Plates talked last night to an audi
ence coin pored aln «--r entirely of ho
boes, panhandlers and a;tte-slamme:s,
i gatlic-i :il in a rraaad ntas; within the
hospitable walls of the llowtry .1.
Blon. There were . it . •■) of tia; o
| ragamufllns, of all it, sizes, w'■ s
and laces. That Pre ;iilent Tr ft. e. • r
saw a stranger i-gsromtlon of Amerl- !
; can t iti/e ns is do .feful.
But tlie President v. ■cd not to ,
, kno.v how great the d't, r •.•••« "i.oin >
the White l!na: « io th" iio • ery," as \
! one of the sr-vke-.-H pat it, aet.ailly |
was. lie told his nsh•>.':» lis •rs
1 the "so-called chasm betv.-ft n us does
not exist," ai d the good fortune which ;
; had made him seem temporarily above t
them might lift them up at any I we I
In the same way.
Denounces Promoters, Whereupon
Pittsburgers Drop $1,000,000 Project, j
Pittsli. rg. L)e' . v. David Belasco,
who was in Pittsh ; ■ declared that ,
the American d:;....a . I:ring rapid
ly ruined by the eve ion if too many i
I th. aires :tnd tbe creation of too inany
1 "slurs." lie declared that in the in ad
i rr 't lor wealiti ptotnteer.-? b'iilt the
aires which they a. ml in order to
pay the interest on the money in
( vested. To do tM he said they must
accept inferior at. and thus hood- j
wink the public, which vas rapidly '
becoming nngei d at the entire the- '
otiical proposition.
| .So plain wo -e tia sia-e a nts of Mr.
Br la co fha.t. I'i" ■al> a.; pr. . o ivi'O '
announced the cancelling of pia.ns for j
0 new Sl.eatMr . (1,. t . a.iaiiticd
I' L his fa '0 '.cilia itl'"i£>ncod ;
them greatly.
| OTS only am ooo!
S.rat. Mix Urid .rv. ant the Mast Sol
entifa- Ti. ;:tr.;ent.
fc ■'.tin,ah. 1 tec. 20. First an
Chit ies O. ix. U. A. t ; e • I of
j Fort Sere von, died at 5 o'clo-.-H eU er j
! u!> iMne:-s of se'-eiat jrars. \t e
-1 .oi.ts are bcin j. if .ue to < v 'ais
b ay to Xorth Georgia for in.- . i
1 In the National Cemetery. This was
! ti - final request of Mix.
'i'he death of Sergt. Mix. who vas 1
j car. •:tl on tie rolls as first so; .•••ant .
lof 11: a Seventy • coid Compiiny,
; < ii., t Artillery, removed the only man j
! in the entire service who suffered j
I from leprosy.
I "hues" MM IN
CTfjan q nf>n 95 umdt
uiun; ~ u uirtu, wj liuiii
At Siyiv an Hour it (tits Rear
Train of Three St-!led by
D.'oketvDown Engine,
i a ie, Fa., Vc. 21.—Tie T.ake
I Shore's Chicago to Boston special No. !
n i;-.. 0 ';e r< tr end of l; : g Four :
:; fi :•:<). " kt.own as the New York
('antral Limited, from bt. I.ouis to '
v Yr-rk at North Tinst. six miles
i!':••• i hi c. in o blinding snow storm. !
j : -!,.:g three persons rnd injuring
|; a. a s"oi<o who ware riding in the i
I r Big i sir car, a The
dead a.; :
i'r n -; , Itiard. C -.'ar Point, Kon.;
Jftcli Clair, Cedar I oint, Kan., and An- I
" Lett. '• :i ,i"--.\ C. 1.
"i'he folio win;; are the moat serious- j
1" hurt, seven of whom v.ere taken to i
a hospital have:
j V. L. M. J' . -iden, lii'f." lo; left shoul- ;
1 d ' 1 rr.'-en. Lric-.i litlaie. Cincinnati; !
! !■•-,,! -nt -ipd ini;: ;r brttires. Flunk I
F. Coo'.;, t'u.- i flay, Wis brolo'ii j
; and gnir.e 1 rti .rod. 10. 1 ''int-am, ;
! Jan i i. a Plain, Mass.; U-ga fractured ;
! and hands iajttred. Gaorge H5. MeFan- \
| gi' 3 . Tntliun l-larb r, 1 onn.; head
; bruised. \e« ola P ' tios. Aubutn, N.
I Y.; badly cut. 1.0 tis Zido trave'ing j
j man, with notiiii-.-r to indicate resi- ;
j deuce. George S.?■: .'"addon, Croon
wieh. Conn. Frank A., Gican- .
: villo, Wis. Mi.. Hdna l.oa'.us, New
! York city. W. !■'. Br IT. N- .V York «ity, !
head bruised. M. Mrater. . Cincinnati. (
; Clayton Ch i) aan Klyt-ia, O'.to. V.'ii- ;
llam Conic, W. a. Ohio.
A freight pn . a,;".1 th. P.o-ton rr" ; n j
and out of Kri® .-he dt y d ihe .-. e- ;
i cial, so that by the time the Limited j
left Brio rho v-.s 'y r fa.v miuutes
behind . !to- -a ii>, j., ;r No:- ii I
, East the Bos v« .Iyer !, d r.'.a ost '
, to a f'.to'.i behind the ffe'ght. Tite ,
| I tin!fed '• is boa, :!•'. t : c •• nt do»o to !
| top speed. Til: "aw obscured tbe j
i rear signal lis' r of (';< i'yer and th ■
Limited p'o;::.';i ,li» o ii.
i The flyer c ataiod a s : oker ns the ;
i rear coach, it ts splintered. It va.s ,
i In this that the > :d and tlured wore |
; riding. Man • of the pa. c y.m. on the j
| Limited wa-. icjcrcd.
i blbb3l Liif LtiJ UuCi) WLi i
Worcester. Moss., with a l.andsiide
Vote Returns to tite Saloons.
] :
i Worcester, SI a as., Dt.-. 2d.- With a
i landslide vote the p- ipio of \Yor< os- i
| ter, tho la'-erst no license i-ity it' the
world, drcii't d for ti .■ return of the j
Faioon bv -i • ihv'-ty > 112 S.7!ti), ss !
against tho no !•' •. e laajoriiy last
' rof 200. Tii ■ la,ii<|s';;;o tcr license j
a; big enough to cause even ti: 1
:: o • rabid liquor man o: the c : i.v to'
• dor ho.', it happe* .1, .uil aliho ah
i a ring the eatipaign •••ll ; : nds of pre
di. 'ions were cade, no e;to believed j
la ' licence vom w!a at all.
i r was evident that speßbindcrs for ,
aivi ; yit., the oi n saloon had i
' nothing to do with the- majority that I
i was piled tip to-day, and that the poo
. Ie of Worcester had decided that
I the - peak e. y nd the unb ..-ful dive
} wore worse ti; n the open saloon. .e
j vt e shovveii that the people have j
j tired of prohibition and aio a-ix'nns !
to return to the o" n lo a and to
| the In"''til : :'to o." iiqiior in regularly .
! licensed places.
I emin, ns caft. FBMN |
Ar..ty Officer Sentenced to 2 1-2 Years
in Prison.
New Yo; k. N. Y., Dee. 20 —Captain
I Thomas Fi-ain, i . S. A., who as
coti ii:. .■ iy and ; -eaaare of the Uni.-
i (1 States Mil ary Aeac'eaiy in West •
Point so ir.iproiod tit:- kitchen and
the moss that it b- .. 'o famous
throughout the world, p'ouded guilty |
before J.tdg.* Hand, in the United
States Circuit Court, to thru? distinct >
chaises of embezzling the funds of {
tl:t Government and the cadets rati
presenting fatso voucate's for approv
al to the sup< rinlendont of the Acad-
I em; , lie was sentenced at 4 p. ni. to
j two years and six months In the Fed
j era! penitentiary in Ath-nta, Ca. His
co;a -;ei. however, will seek to appeal
; the c.. sc.
Cleveland Council Ends Fight and
| Mayor J&hnsoa V.'lnr. Victory.
Cleveland, Ohio Do . 21. —Aftor |
j trat :icn troubles c eadi'.g over oiglit j
. you .. the City Council pa-trod an or.!'.- '
raneo granting the Cleveland Railway j
Co . I'uuj a actio tl frail, "tiro for twon- |
y-ta e years, providing a 3-cont far.- '
•. i rice with 1 tea!, for transfers, if;
• »; it* does r. t briny in tin income ,
oi ti par cent. ;he fare may be in-
I to a n.a\-:ituni of 4 cents. Ta
ant e is eubject to a referendum ;
! v<y c.
, ; t j'ds of Mayor Tom L. Jniitttw'i |
: sr.. the ordinance marks the succo'- • i
of:-'s l-ang Pght for 3-cont faies ami |
! i a victory for the closing hoars of hi.,
qilfiHß purr/eos
uuulsi' UHUiiiLhu
m- FRMNn jy
fii L I <3 UIL. a i
Biit the Jury Disagrees Aboui
Bcndernagc), Accused of
Customs Fraud
Stimson for the Go vein- - nt Move? to
Stpara.c Ds.-.dortirfgcl e indict n.-nt
from the Others and tiic Court
Granted the Motion.
New York, N. Y., Dec. 21. After '
. deliberations lasting m. . e than eight :
I hours, U;e Jury in li e .1 of ti;o six I
| former employees of ho Arren.-au 1
; Sugar 11-iiiiiii.', eompaa yon charges .
;of cons::;j .icy to deirrn:- :lio govc-.n
--! luent out of duties, an
nounced a disagree. 'oat ao to James •
P. Bendernagei; ' as cluu god,
vvitli recommendsilo;>s :o :t><»r v as i
j lo the former dock e • ;>?»•! at* ;»de it, !
| Oliver Spitzer, and the fo> r former !
I checkers, Thomas John R. ■
Coyle, Kdv. ard A. Bo>l. and Patrick 1
I J. Hennessey.
j file federal grand i gau an in- 1
■"estigation of the Arb. • L oii•--i a" 1
i sugar concern alf airs, a- . ;i. c even- i
: ir.g it was repork t i t t-a - r. : of. I
! tne employees had In. - tod •• > \
| responsible for the fi- .'or ;:!i j
1 the owners of 'he bus! sh id »>a ie j
nearly |700,C00 restitute a to the gov- i
\ eminent.
I From an authenti • *:rre it xvas
learned tii '.t the Fejle l al Saaar Com
! pany, an independent ancirn, wo i! 1
soon be called upon to pay to 'oe
! government duties ti:r;oe :'»><•; to neir- j
i ly S7 tfO.OOO as the result of an inv- ;i- '
; gallon of the eoaipan:V books begun !
I several months ago.
The verdict in the . v of »l. j
j former employees . db; r' at- |
i ment to the counsel aa.i friene.. o f
! James P. JBendern .gel. .; o was <• h
ier of the Ilavemeyer i r d-r plan'. e;
tlie American Sugar refining Com
j.any. Instead of a e' >rv.->em<mt an
a ' l'iiital v/as expect »•;, ' 1 'on P. .hv
tii'f, tbe foreman, lead t're twelve > iry
; r.en an they filed into the commi.
where Judge Janes 1.. U.rtin sat, all
I ready to receive 11 • ■::•. Mr. Plaiuiifl
read the findirg, r.« fo'U-'vs:
"We find the Oof, •> j nta, Spitzer, j
! Boyle. C'oyle, Kehoe • I Henne -y,
guilty as cha g. din t. :nd!-.-!meat, j
j but cannot con e to a a ,i. ■ i eat on i
1 the defendant Bend■ : ■!. We rec- i
' amend the five d " :dants found j
j guilty to the me; ay of . ■ co: i
j The peual'y for iV onvicu-d m.-n |
I may be two years or >OO fine e: -h, i
i or both, on each count .if the indi t- •
, men!. There are two «; n'.-j.
I l ollowing the anno' r. ••• ent of (lie ■
i verdict, Henry Su <a. for the |
| Governset-nt, moved li 1 r the ind'.er- j
ment at-iilnst llenderr. :.•! 1" j
f;o:a the rest. Judge , L. .Mar- I
tin grantsd the nu oa.
CipTrciCi CLT " ! Z nri n
rAli!ur!tb bhun, it wuc
■Susy Water!?i*ry In;.' ;tions Need i
Nearly 1,200 More Hands.
I Water'jiiry, Corn.. I;ee. 21.--So !
great has been the r ■■•"re of row '
busliic: s liese O mil'-.t i th.iL
I most of the factories, r lUr-.-r than at- !
! terapt to get new a labor for
a day run, have ln■ a e ;-'reded or
, slightly increased the Ulrg t.a a.
focrlug thai tlie i.i-» o • n-r of Hangs
' was bat temporary and had no. coaie ;
' to stay.
The developments wit In the past
twenty daya are • • a ■•. wo: ;d lea 1 ;
to the ccnelr..,;oa • . ait to en- '
1 joy an unexampl"-' c nianufac- j
j luring pror-peii y. T i a.<-toi ie 3 'ore ,
, are nearly l,.'a • i en t' o-t of the I
quoia Iht.v woald ■\c i.< iae. This
condition is liable o ■ r»• v;.ii unless
they brins new re : a and edu.ate
! them.
r-n r Mrs»n 112 I'i.U' □ D
ti-J CUUi !J
Prize for Unsartliiiig W.-ghing Fraud
May Be- 31,000 O'JO.
New York X. V.. IK it. William
1 1.0. h, Jr., 11 o 111" ' ot a-3- Port, has
I approved the clfcla' f' l a.ale-y by Itieh
• nrd Parr on t' ■ J . • .!J paid inio :
i the Unltv -.1 R". ties 'i . -ury by tin:
i American Si gar Refha. ; < omj-any as
I restitution on eu- o.a . : t-s evade.i
I by means of 1 o:i .lo.ks of the
. Havemt.voi & pi. t >i< Williams- i
| burg. This was done after an exhaus-,
I tive oaanin i :.a. b> larrioon Os
! borne, aoiiclior of c.e' . The larg
est snai th. i <e : •! be . warded would
; be about Jp 1 ,000.
Family of Three * -niyxiated.
Topeka, Dec. Hi. -Jo s.t Richards,
his w> and son Ta • a:s Richards,
were aspl.yv'-iUvi by ' es from a t,as
stove in '. ifir l:o:i o he a. The three
bodies were fo-.r.d by the wife of tho
younger Richards.
Cars Plunge from Trestle Near
! Or»er»fi.-3ro, M. C., a..-- Pas-
Binsars Are Crushed.
Grc< neboro, N, D a. 21.—Cuorao
i J. Could and bis son Jay escaped in
• Jury in the wreck of !oe. 1 pa
train No. 11 on the Southern n 'w y,
ki. *n ns the K! i •':> 1 Ati .
I The train, which was due in Or< v
bovo at (MO a. m., \Viv,: ; r. : nr.
, 6.32 o'clock at Ready p. , t i
| miles north of here, befo: nmy o.'
the passengers in the to sleeping oars
i bad arisen. Twelve are Known to b-j
' dead, ard tlie numb • i . rcic'i fo <i
toon. Twenty-five injured are being
oared for at. St.l eo's Hospital.
The idontiiif d (!> • d i
A. P. CO NT", rc.p ii/ n : -nt of tho
j Rifhinoud & Uanvi!!-.-i division o; the
j Southern Railway iNchmoad, Va.
I 11. C. WHITE, travelling auditor,
V>" t ; hina' . : !). C.
AAC DA.MMAI.H, per ron tho
I Rir i -nond si
PRANK W. K'LHV, Biniiu',
Ai i., or V. ill.charo, Is'. C.
I VTR.iIL i-.. HOIXO.Mii, Moun' Air/,
j N. C.
I rD. si !a'l"o>',,'■.in, \ T . C.
IVTO;:: FA v ; min.aa <,
i of i ; ' i N. C., and N v
Y'j.'k ( :y.
iO:i.N G. HUODNAX, Hichmon i,
rn. Ti.M■ r:y, Rich; ~->a 1 Va.
ciiARLi:;; r. uroai m ld, A> ..-r
--ii i ( : 'i.
An-ong the fatally injur' >1 p. :* *-?
at the hospital are: Henry L. Siri»
1 J. ••• ~ and i'. C. i'i ,
£ i-r, N. C.
'i be lii-fatod train was caripu . .1 of
(an b ';.- 1 . expa nr. ? rail 0,, a,
tl' ■.« ' O.icat .i : 1 two Pill ■ .
Tho fii-.l:-..' and the b ; ■ a
!' • il < h i;! I !<: ; d 0\ • . tllO '' '!■
tr .lie before -'»• . ah •? iail i; an.
V •; --n this fcit!allied ts>e first oi a
day re: i.-iies was , With o'.
b)i k (he : of fro car
p'd ti!..; . ; coach \v >s har; \l >,• ••>
th.-> U. t.-r 11:0 i"■ ;o <sl • • 112 >
iriro the cru-k below. As- . ■ .'I It
dragged with it the other coaches and
the Pul'rr.ans.
The uii'.u-cranee of th<? dead at i!->
urdcvtakei s "lion -vod tl;* ' *
Ii; ; b- on a■ t;I ,• . . th !• . ' ot*.!•. •
Ii". •! 1:* y n: •! lia ■ rl, while 112 va: i r.'.
in ilf a tin• tho I • na
the body b , , ■ . i it. o;e eiols
of »he coad:.
T'".e Elor<"l< ly in ,ii»t of
t'.o o»e 'i:'i apiei; by tho Coal i..;:"-
I p d !•,-«."• : in a crfi A nidi -, on .:o
b.oik. 'lost of the twelve deaths and
tWs>nty-fl-ve injuries occurred in that
v . . . . ...
e ;r. t w . de" iiu d .;tri •
the batik. The C "id car ' d 112
;ge he: - i l [': v. ■ ai ; '■ . h
| tl;. ci .j ■: 1 in ,r . .•ir . s
( Is (.. . \\ r : . .
TCi ayi qtcdc niir
iCl.Tiin U ; ?..j J i, j 1
i Niiaraguan President Doc's res Ho
Wiihes t.i Prevent American
Ml Juan P- ! .•. : •. ' •». Jr •»
i~; :tos 'i fiaya .1 'i.H ; hi •••
as President cf Nicarag-ia.
i Tho doeun.'.tit v ; co; p u; d by a
| ir. .wage fro a /a : ;. i in whi i he de
!cl .is lie «•!:•!•< io r.vcv 'it Aui iv .-a
| it)'; rvenlion.
| '• •; . h.,. ; i" : "I .nctua, N:taraßin's
! c■!, fear : • H by Z ; yaV
i lo • ers, and .-ho ;i - 'alo. at I an
i with TOO marines aboard, was ordered
i tc to to Coriato.
»; .y v - i-. r/i."?
1,. .. i . t
VVholeEa'e P I cf i~: i Prodi, ta
Oaotid f'.-. - ' .. V. .. a.
MILK IV >■ . '■ : v
' 1. I ■! A'. o ■
I Cl EI SB- -State full'.cream, sj-oc. il,
1-1" . ..ii-I - p ••
j 4C0.: do, v.. st a n ii;
AFPUSS-Baldwin, i-r bbf. r.-.O
DII KSSEn POULTRY—Chi kens, vvr
| ll.„ 14 J 24.-.; Ci. .s. ii r !:'' •
I i; Si;jab*. } i"> a. i ■.. ...
Tt HMKYii i- i- I .
\II VY P.lmo, - i l ib ... >1
Si {A \V- LOB;; I;> i , • >
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POI \TOSS - Jerat-y. , .
i 1
\ CBANMERUI!-'S ' . •' ' ; . I.'
i -V-'. iO ■'; .' " ■ ' J
i (;7 4.50.
i ONIONS—White, pei crate, 60* #
; H.OO.
pi orß—wit-.,0i » ••• <)
8;i .ng nat«M ■- .
Willi AT No. i
No. 1, N". ' - i
CORN - N'o. C .
OATS Xau.!»l, v. >
j;ed white, 4>>"
BEEVES City I) • 11 '; o.
CAiiVi s t :,y n 1 11 -o
SI 1 SEP -Per 100 lb- ; .* a.
LAMBS -Per 100 lbs.. - • 5
HOQS —Live, ner 100 lbs., • >;
Country Dressed, per lb., la