Republican news item. (Laport, Pa.) 1896-19??, December 17, 1909, Image 3

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Tersely Told. j
X 11:;i one week from Salardiiy.
Siii) til. Clans headquarters at
Re chhailSCn'S.
A crew of l."» carpcaters are en
).■ ;4' liu 11.ak«11;j; e\lensi>,c repairs
a: tin' tannery.
Dr. Randall and wife -pent sev
eral da\s last week on their far.a
item- \\ illiamsport.
Miss Cnarlotlo Qninn. trained: of Williamsporl, spent a few
hours on Saturday with Francos |
Charles Brink of Eagles Mere, .
and.l. (!. C'ott of Forksvillo, were!
iunong those attending- court at the ;
comity seat this week.
No need forgoing to the city t< i
do your Christmas shopping. Yoit i
can get anything you want light at ;
home. You will not only save!
railroad fare, hut you will gci yot.i
goods for less money at Buschhau- ;
sen's big stoi'e.
Mr. and Mrs. \. .J. llaekley have
returned from u two months' visit |
with relatives ;it Benton and vicin
ity. The many fiiends of Mr. |
llaekley are pleased to note thei
great improvement in his health
during his absence.
The socirl which wss advertised
last we v s ostponcd on ac
count of preparations for the!
f'hri-iin.i-s tree exercises iit thei
M. i'.. church. We wore sorry to
disappoint so many of our friends, i
but hope to sec tlr in all at. our j
next social enrlv in J >miarv. —See- !
rotary of V.l. S.
King Leopold of Belgium ion
hi- last legs, and w hen he jel - ;
good and dead, this world can cm j
itself upon ihe pa.-sing of'
tl o most inhumaii tyrant that .
ili r icei I a throne. Mis favorite!
method of punishing his slaves on
the Congo rubber plantations of hi - 1
domain was to lop (>II ii hand or a !
foot, and there will be scores of'
hi maimed and mutilated subject
to rise 111> ami e.ur. c him. Later—
Le-ipol 1 died this morning.
lion. Lewis I!. Zanorof Dushorc.
was in town Monday and made our
office a plea-ant call.
Brother Arthurs. Baldwin, the
skillful foreman of the Dtishon
Review, was ')ue of tin jutors iit
court this week.
Monday wits a rainy one, and it
the water which fell got injo the
; proper sluices it will help a great j
ideal toward relieving tlur stringen
cy of the moisture market.
William Wease aged It), and
lJohert (jltint agotl I.'!, were drown
id in the river at Williamsporf on
Sunday ;is the result of skating on
thin ice. Both bodies have been
recovered. There were several
other narrow escapes.
Austin W'arbui ton of liillsgrove.
returned to his home Wednesday,
accompanied by his 1 year old
daughter Edith. Mr. Warbnrton
solicited the aid of the Klinira po
lice in locating his daughter. It
was alleged that she had run awav
from home with JIUIMUI Leonard, a
young man residing at Bulkhead.
It ia alleged thot the couple when
first found by Mr. Warburton.
claimed that they had been married.
They were unable to produce the
re.iords, however. The girl insist
ed on staying with Leonard, but
her father, in the terms of laspect
ior Eddward Kennedy, "read tin
riot act to her,'' and she consented
to accompany him home—Towan
da lieviow.
The shades of night were falling
j fast on Tuesday night. Deecmbei
: seven, w hen through old Laporte
village passed a pilgrim on his way
Ito heaven. Ovet" the frowning
: court hovso tower the sleety gla
ciers gleamed and shone, and man\
{a delicate penciled flower encrusted
on the slanting stone. Try not
I'die pass the old man said, but no
| ibing did the pilgrim care, >1- ppeu
I out. slipped up and banged his
| head on the sleek pavement's glos
y glare. Alas ! alas ! the pilgrim
j cried from the smooth ice whore hi
| had fell, I thought this was tb
' sea t»f glass ait peradvonture i n
jiu well ! 1 his place has a familiai
look. I've soon that park, I know
that tree ; why sine, '(.is Laporte !
hero I'll camp, lor this i- heaven
enough for me.
% I
Kobert Little lias moved into the
Mill.'i' house 011 Minify Street.
Mrs. Ilemy Slepp nnil Miss lone
Mason were Willianisjiort shopper.-
Sat N rd IT .
'l'. .1. Ingliain ami Mrs. F. 11.
! Ingham spent Thursday sdmpjiing
in \\ illiamspori.
Mr. nnd Mrs. (i S. IvMy drove i
l i. N'i-v Alliany Saturday, spent ;
Sunday with their daughter Meri- j
! >a,li, returning home' Tuesday even- j
jjE. W. VanDvUe. who is in
chair of i lie work of construe! ion
ou the new bank, attended an oys- J
ter supper given by the New Alliany !
< )dd Fellows Thursday 11 ight.
- -
Some bone headed son of a sim
pleton stove in the back door of tlie
W'i:! iaiusjioi t News olliee Ihe oilier j
night and thought to steal some- i
thing of value. He found three orig- i
ina! ideas and four matches. He
linn Id have known that newspaper j
■ •(Vices sre not worth "burgling." c .
Now think of it. Christinas is at j
hand, and what can you buy for a |
:l< liar that will give so much and
lasting plea-sure to your absent 1
friend as a two-years subscription!
0 the News Item ? It will be ap
preciated more than any gift of;
isc or ornament. Think hard and
ib • i act promptly, tor Christmas is
right on our heels.
A lire occurred in the Saxe store
building in Dushorc, Monday!
nornliig at Iwo o'clock, and before ,
h'* flam s could be controlled the
iiiilding was badly damaged and
lie stock of merchandise of Mrs.
\\ inifred Wagner was nearly ruin
ed. The:>"> 00 insurance cani.-d
!iy Mrs. Wagner will barely cover
• me-fo'.irt !i of her loss.
The body of .John I'a-trieian was
.'oiiiid last week Wednesday morn
ing in th.' Little Loyalsock creek
it the Lehigh \ alley arclu'd bridge
:f Mildred. T!ie unfortiinate man
\aslast seen alive at a hotel in
Mildred on Tuesday evening. He
'eft. for his home at about eleven
•'clock a.'id it is- supposed he look
"if railroad track to shorten the
distance and in crossing the bridge,
fell from the structure tc the creek
1 distance of about thirty feet and
\as killed, lie was a foreigner of
ihout ;Ui yea? sof age and leaves a
I \ ife and three children.
I _ — ______ w_— _~- :
Best Gocds
Right Prices
For Ory Goods, Groceries, B.:ots and Shoes, Flat. 4
md Caps, Gloves and Mittens, Noli >• s I :mcj G> ods etc.
call and examine my sto k You wII tind my gods ;IH
prices attraotive.
James McFarlane.
LdPorlc Ttmnenj.j
Clothing Store.
|An up-to-date stcre well stock-;
'eel with Mens' and Youths' Cloth-!
;ing of good quality and low price
Ladies' Misses' and C.hild:en's appare'. ! umbermen's
Hmnels Shirts, i)raw> and Sxks, VVool.u and Cotter
linger wear and I o i'ry, Men aid Bu\ s' Hats, Caps
tnd Mitten-', ! adies-md Children Coat 1 .
A Full Assortment of Boots, Shoes &. Rubbers!
No trouble to show goods. litis slore a \ isit antij
Ibe convinced that bargains will greet you on every lia j
December court convened
Monday, and on Wednesday
evening the calendar was
cleared and Judge, jury and
all ihe litigants went home
happy. We will give a few
! notes of the proceedings thb
week : we lvave been promis
ed a full report in time for
next issue.
| Com. vs. John Deep, ped
! dling without a license. Noilej
j pros.
I Com. vs Edward IMcMahon.
j Defendant found guilty. Sen-;
; tencesuspended.
C. B. Jennings vs. Averv T
I iV' ill nix. Assumpsit. Verdict
| for plaintiff #344.68,
0. R. Wood, Richard Wood |
and George Wood vs. Laussat'
1 G, velin. Plaintiffs suffer vol
untary non-suit.
i Ladies ami gents calling: eanL j
! neatly printed at this ofHee.
; . I
The News item two years for j?I.OO i
| and worth twice the money.
The annual meeting of 11»«':
stockholders of the First National j
Hank of Laporte, for the election ol j
directors and the transaction of j
such other business as may come
in tore it. will be held at the ottiee j
|of the bank in Laporte, I'a., on i
Tuesday, January 11, 1010, be |
I ween llieho.Ms of ten a. m . am'.
I 111 ee p. in.
i.DW. LAI)I.i:V. ('..shier,
Laporte, i'a., Dec. 10,
Jump of 27.13 Per Cent, in 10 Years,
in New Jersey, Statistics Show.
Trenton, N. J.. Dec. 14.—Chief Win
ton C. Garrison of the State Bureau \
oi' Statistics reports that the cost of j
• li\ing in New Jersey has gone up
; 37.13 per cent, in ten yearn, not count
luxuries, but bare necessities, tie
had bought poods all over the State,
and on a test bill of actual household
necessities has got together data
showing how high articles of actual I
, ne o si;/ have gone.
Strange to say. he says, the cost of j
the actual necessities of life are high- j
er ii the largn communities, where
li.ein is the fiercest enmpeiition, and
lo." iti the small municipalities,
! . > 6 there is no competition.
| I
What Thousands of Women
Can Tei! You
« axjrMK.a«rjua tm&sitviMsgx&m
Thousands of women can <(ive you hundreds of
reasons for serving Beardsley's Shredded Codfish.
They know its convenience. They know its econ
omy. They know the delicious meals it makes.
They know how it delights their families. Every
time they serve it, they add to their fame as good cooks.
And they know the pieasing variety it means in their
meals. They serve it a new way every week. And each
time they bring out a new taste.
See The Advantages to cn °k tile instant they Open the
All these women who serve lieards- P' ll -ka„c.
ley's Shredded Codfish enjoy count- What They Save
less advantages over tiie women who 4 ,
don't Ana see wnat the -e women save by
They are never worried about what "erviflgßeardsley's Shredded Codfish.
to have lor a new and tempting meal. 112 ° ne * '• ■- ! 1 12«» '»-» lor
' .... .... , , , f s xr , T> ~ five Yet the cost *s only ten cents.
1 hey serve Shredded Codfirit Had* Anything else half bo good for
Or they have it Creamed. Or with , )rt . 112c > ; hll . ch v . (mlU lhrec or
Macaroni Or they maki a Shredded f(iur linws as
Codtjsh Omelet or Or Chops
°"" ey Just To riease Your Family
And they don't goto any bother or V\e have told you what thousands
I trouble. of women kr-nv.
Anv way that they serve it, they You will thank us for telling yon,
have it ready for the table in less time * Shredded
than it takes to make coffee. Codfish. \on will find that all we
For this delicious fisii food is ready ,la \' c V J '' yuu l 't L trllc '. n ~ , • 112
And your folks will thank you if
you sen e this fiuc food tomorrow.
-- : r They will be more than delighted
~. with this new kind ot iner.l.
Irn E Uut i >ieast ' ° r ,!ut >"•' r.vt i'- irds
i;. " i I I|S* , ; ley's—the jincl.a;".- v.r,.: die red hand.
S. t rv ! i, nKf- ' For lleardsley's is the only Shredded
hSfeiVH i! :l Co.lf.sli. Our wonder.,:! Skre.lding
I proce ;citent- d. lieardsley's is
' t. j l "" 1
I' a, i ;j Ask Grocer 112 .r Free Book
'' 1 ji As'., vour t for our 1> , k of
i. . ' v-; ; : i • , >
'■ v! : *■''•*-• •' v
" v j,v ' • '. y / l an-! ;•!>. . i
—lieardsley 's Shre.Me.i Coiitisli.
~ . v . J. . ijcdlubivy S iJCilb
Itlnocl with wax-paper. No prt'sona- J
live whatever, suve the«Rt ami 47 a q O* \T v r I
lea-salt. Almo packed i» tin and ;;laH«. uiCCn^il»l iiCVV I Oiii
>S«»/7»c' of Our Other Pure Food Product •
Acme Sliced Uncoil; Acme Sliced Dried Ji.-cf; Ai .ne Pennut Mutter.
L<!\l I
j 0l >
I The best is good cn= j
A ough for anybody.
J you. You get the best |
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