Republican news item. (Laport, Pa.) 1896-19??, November 04, 1909, Image 3

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    r.Z SOUTH.
Jondeneed Milk--
j Distances,
of cream In tho ]
.ing to the scarcity j
JI rather tliaii to a lacli
The quality la variable,
tielng equal only to rich rnilk. !
The result la that unsweetened con
densed milk is consumed in larga
quantities in the cities and to soma
extent on farms.
There is a large consumption of ics i
cream, but much of the product is !
made from bulk condensed <*r whohs I
milk of low grade. The price varies
from 70 cents to $3 a gallon, the aver- j
age being about $ 1.50. says the South- j
ern Workman. The city of Memphlu
has the distinction of shipping tho J
largest quantity, one of its manufact
urers making ts much as 3,000 gallonu
daily during th< summer season. lea j
cream manufactured in Tennessee and
Georgia is shipped as far south as
Is Tired of Praying.
A little girl in St. Louis tho other
evening was through the usual
form of prayer: "God bless mamma,
end papa, and make me a good girl,"
and so on, when ail at once she seem
ed to come to a decision. "Now that
Is the last time I am going to say that
prayer," she said, very gravely, look- I
lng at her mother. "You older j
than I am and it is your place to ask j
for all those -hings and 1 don't see j
any use in two peoplt's asking the j
same thing." Since then she has !
firmly refused to pray, insisting that
it is her mother's place to ask God tor
When They Made Good.
Ceorge Washington as command- !
er-in-cliief of the army at the age of !
43; Cromwell entered upon his re- I
nn'ikable career at 23; Napoleon con- j
quered Italy before lie was 30; Glad- !
stone was a member of parliament at j
23, Maeaulay began his literary cu- I
reer at 20; Columbus started out on j
his voyage of discovery at 30; Fred- I
eriek the Great began the Thirty j
Years' war at the age of 30, and Black- '
stone had linisiied his "Commentaries" j
before lie was 35. —Scrap llook.
For Future Dread nought.
That the German government be- j
lieves ships of war will be much big- |
ger in the future is shown by the en- \
largement of the Kaiser Wilhehn ca- ,
nal, which is to be deepened at onco '
to 36 feet, with provision for a later |
deepening, if necessary, to 46 feet •
The width of the canal is to be dou- j
bled. The new dimensions of ill s 1
locks will considerably exceed those at
Ancient Pagan Festival.
In the highlands of Scotland and ;
in Ireland the Ist of May was called
Beltane. This was the name of an
ancient pagan festival, traces of which
have, survived'to this day. The nanus
is still used for May day in Gaelic
Scotland. It is said that the Druids
on that day used to make two fire 3 j
with great incantations and drive |
their cattle between them as a safe- l
guard against disease.
A Plea for Eachelors.
There are few people in the com- |
munity more generous, according to
their means, more unselfish, and more |
self-denying than the rauch-maligned 1
bachelor class, Why, then, should it
be taxed? If a tax is required, let it ]
he levied on the pampered, petted, j
over-indulged, usually ungrateful mar- !
ried man. —London Daily Graphic. j
When Fortune Topples.
The demand for employment hy edu- j
cated women is greater proportionate- j
ly in England than in any other coun- i
try. Nowhere in the woild is tho
dilemma of a woman accustomed to j
luxury and suddenly thrown on her !
own resources so distressing as in
Lady Aberdeen's New Sphere. I
Lady Aberdeen, who has been carry- !
lng on an energetic propaganda lo bet- j
ter the health of the Irish people, has j
undertaken the editorial work of a :
monthly magazine, which will be is- i
sued by the Women's National Health
Would H.sve Home Course.
Mrs. Julian Heath presided at tha
meeting which was hekl the other day j
in New York for the purpose of urging ;
the creation oi a federal bureau to in
struct mothers in the care of their .
homes and families.
Askii-.g Too Much.
Jenk? (ringing up the theater gets
the wrong number) "Can you let IIH
have a box fo. - four to-night?" Bones j
(the undertaker) —"I'm afraid not, ;
sir. I only make 'em to hold one." —
Great Enemies of Peace.
Five great eiemies oi peace inhabit
us, namely, avarice, a ibition, envy,
anger and pi ice, but if those enemies
were banished, we should enjoy per
petual peace.- Petrach.
Once in a While.
Occasionally there is a college pres
ir'cnt who receives as high a salary as
a iirst-class baseball p: clier, m spita
of the prevalent impression to the
Paradise for the Trapper.
As game preserves, it is claimed
that the northern regions and forests
of Canada furnish the finest fur-bear
ing animals in the world.
Most Students in Motor Schools Have
Sat on the Box.
| The instructor of one the largest
schools of motor instruction in the
country says that HO per cent, of his
pupils are old coachmen sent by their
1 employers to learn how to drive the
new carriages. They make good chauf
: The simple reason is that while they
may not be ble3s;>d with a great
• amount of mechanical knowledge they
; know what" a vehicle is. what it is for
and that it should be treated serious
I The same testimony, according to
I the Review of Reviews, iw given by I
one of the large automobile manu
facturing companies which has estab
lished a chauffeurs' school. This schoel
makes chauffeurs out of any kind of
material that purchasers of cars may
ship in.
Most of tlie material, and the best
in a general way, is composed of !
coachmen, old and young. They have
had experience In caring for line car- j
rlages. They know how to drive on
city streets.
Study Mysteries of the Air.
Man has been born of woman for
centuries upon :enturies, yet he is as
little wise to the control of weather
| conditions as he is to the truth of
[ what comes after death. Must it be
: ever so? Is prophecy, even as it may
j some time be perfected, to remain the
i Ineffective substitute for the power to
I regulate?
The air throbs with wonders. It af
fords tlie medium of wireless teleg
raphy, perhaps of telepathy. The mys
tery of how it absorbs and restrains or
lets loose the elements that make for
| storm or sunshine is infinitely better
j attention than are the short
| comings of a forecaster. Let some
j earnest seeker find a key to the riddle
I and see how the farmers and sailors
j and baseball players and Raster belles
and all the sons and daughters of timj
! sit up and take notice.
The Stock Gambler's Voice.
As a rule, great manipulators havs
high, thin voices and take a distrust
ful view of securities. Their vocal pe
culiarity must be left as an arbitrary
Tact; as to their bearish slant of mind,
I it is easily accounted for. It comes of
! the fact that their services are mors
1 often solicited by men having some-
I thing to sell than hy men wishing to
| buy- in tlie ratio of about five to ono.
i Nevertheless there is no instance of
i a bear manipulator's having died rich,
i It is a bull's country.—Everybody's
Invented By a Woman.
The Solano targets that have been
approved by the War Office were in
vented by a clever young English
woman. Miss Hubbuck. This target
takes the place of the old black and
white target and makes ritie practice
; under conditions that are said to ap
proximate those of war. The targets
are in the form of painted landscapes,
and soldiers in natural colored uni- I
forms are painted on it. This makes
the scene so much more natural that
the practice cannot help being more
Delay Easily Explained.
When once a famous member re
turned to the British house of com
mons after a by-election lor Knares
borough, his unusually delayed appear
ance was commented upon in the pres
ence of Sir Wilfrid Lawson. The new
ly elected member, though a wealthy
man, was known to be extremely care
ful about stray sixpences. "Isn't It
odd," some one said, "Tom Collins
doesn't turn up?" "Not at all, not at
all," said Sir Wilfrid; "he's waiting
for an excursion train."
A Dreadful Analogy.
The hypothetical question had juot
been asked, and the prisoner fell for- |
ward in a faint. Ail was confusion in 1
the court room.
"What is the matter with the pris- !
oner?" demanded the judge, hammer- \
ing his desk madly.
"Nothing, your honor," groaned the
unhappy man. as he came to."I was
only thinking how long 1 should have
to serve if my sentence was as long
as that."
Only Woman of Her Kind.
Miss Polly Page, of Philadelphia, fa
the first woman in the United States :
who has ever been chosen master of j
the hounds by a fox hunting club. She !
is a thorough horsewoman, and fully 1
capable of carrying out tlie duties of
her office. The season opens in No
vember, and Miss Page says she will
be ready for it.
Value of Tress in Cities.
There is no well populated country
In the world which has so many well
wooded towns as .lolland. .Most of
our streets and canal banks have ave
nues of trees. These abundant growths
: in thickly populated cities are highly
useful and hygienic as well as orna
mental. The great European capitals '
, should follow this example.—Hague 1
; Handelsblad.
Two of the most detestable kinds ot
people in this world are the ones who
are ashamed of their grandfathers and
those who boast of the hifeh position#
their grandfathers had in society.
"A man who is tlie architect of his
own fortune should get a great deal
of comfort out of life." "But he doesn't
IRS a rule," answered Miss Cayenne.
"He's too busy building additions."
Warms Their Hearts as Well as Ailing
Parts of Their Bodies.
A new hot water buttle calculated '
to make the Infantile heart yearn for j
possession has been placed on sale In '
certain shops. When the baby's ear I
aches—not to mention that more '
probable location known in the nurs- j
ery as Its "tuiumy"—the new hot i
■water bottle comes mighty handy.
| To all appearances it is a doll. Her
pretty Indestructible head and blond
■wig are covered with a pointed hood
of blue or pink flannel and her body
, Is enveloped in a cape of the same.
I Lift up the cape, says Town and
Country, and you discover that the
; rest of her Is a goodly sized hot water
bag, the stopper part being where her
feet would otherwise come.
Pneumonia in the Lead.
Lecturing at the Harvard Medical
school, Dr. Elliott P. Joslin declared
that pneumonli was the most fatal
malady in Boston in ISOB, claiming 3,-
, 000 victims, heart disease and the
| "white plague" coming third. Pneu
monia affects all ages, and about 25
I per cent, of the cases result fatally.
It is not usually supposed, said Dr.
Joslin, but develops from bad physi
cal or hygienic conditions and from
exposure. It is contagious in that one
may catch it by breathing in the at
mosphere where there is a pneumonia
patient in the vicinity.
Johnny and His Boss.
The boss entered the office, his face
clouded, his brow wrinkled in angry
thought. He called the office boy.
Regarding the youth sternly, he said:
"Johnny, do you smoke cigarettes?"
"I d-d-d-o a 1-1-111tie, sir," stammered
Johnny, paling beneath the tan of the
the baseball Held.
The boss fixed him with his eagle
"Then gimme one," he said. "I left
mine on the bureau."—St. Paul Dl»-
Word's Meaning Modernized.
Literally the word "rajah" meana
"King"; and "inaharajah," the "great
: king," or ruler over several kings;
j but, generally speaking, the titles "ra
' jah," "maharajah" and "nawab" have
j no greater significance than the words
"feudal lords," as used in medieval
times in Europe. Many of them have
been made by the will of the reign
ing chief; many bestowed for merl*
toriouy acts and deeds.
The madstone is a stone popularly
supposed to cure hydrophobia. Such
stones, usually of the size and shape
of an egg, are superstitiousiy pre
served in parts of the United States,
bocause they are believed to absorb
venom. The madstone is a light, por
ous stone of greenish color. They are
quite rare, being only occasionally
found in the south.
Not What He Meant.
The Liverpool Post tells of a Birlf
enhead church secretary who an
nounced in church on Sunday that a
Shakespearean recital in character
would be given. When he was in
formed that the recital would not be
"in character" lie corrected himself by
saying, ' None of those taking part ia
the recital will be dressed."
Providing for Emergencies.
"Look here," exclaimed the angry
man, as he rushed into the real estate
agent's office, "that plot I bought
from you yesterday Is 30 feet under
water!" "Pardon my oversight,"
apologized the gentlemanly agent
"We give a diving-suit with each plot.
I will send yours to you today."-"
Stray Stories.
Men Can Care for Themselvee.
A coal company in the Hocking val
ley, 0., employs both men and inulea.
One mule costs S2OO, and in point of
! work equals six men. The company
, has this order standing on its books,
I "When the roof gets weak, take out
i the mules." —Vancouver Mining Ex
j change.
Remedy for Hoarseness.
A simple remedy for hoarseness and
an irritating "tickling" in the throat
: consists of making a gargle of an egg
J beaten to a froth and adding half a
j glass of warm, sweetened water. Drink
this every little while, rather than all
at once, as most men drink all liquids.
Her Gifted Relative.
"I've got a cousin on my mother'e
side," remarked Mrs. Lapsling, "who
can do anything with her left hand
that she can do with her right. I
tell you, it's a great thing for a per
■ son to be amphibious."
Diversion of Energy.
Mrs. Partington was trying to sweep
back the Atlantic with a broom.
"Don't discourage her," begged her
husband; "it distracts her attention
from the house. Thus we learn even
the impossible lias its uses.
Something New.
, An odd alarm clock is In the shape
;of an exaggerated watch. The stem
i is fitted with a ring, as in the case
of the pocket timepiece, and can be !
hung up by means of this on a hook
or peg.
Marks Era in Mexico.
Mexico's iirst modern normal school
has just been opened at Saltillo. The.
event is believed to mark the begin
ning of an epoch in the history <Jf
Mexican education.
a :
New York'* Toll.
Seventy-three people were killed by
automobiles in New York City in the
laat. year.
i Judge. Honorable* Henry Kieliliiiund K. C. R. :
j Kxkiiiku Assoe. Judges of|the Courts of Oyer and
Terminer and General Jail Delivery, Quarter |
I Sessions of the Peace, Orphans' Court and Com- [
I moil Pleas tor the County of Sullivan, have issued I
| their precept, bearing .late the 18 day of Oct. I
I 1909. to me directed, lor holding the se\era ;
, courts in the Borough of Laportc. on Monday the
I i:J day of Dec. 1909, at 2 o'clock p. ra.
| Therefore,notice is hereby given to the Coroner,
i Justices of the Peace and Constables within the
• county, that they be then and there in their prop
jer person at 2 o'clock p. m.of said day, with their
rolls, records, inquisitions examinations and
other rememberances to tlior.e things to which
I their otlices appertain t« be done. And to those
who are bound by their recognizance to prosecute
against prisoners who are or shall be in the Jail of
thesaid county of Sullivan, are hereby notified to
betheuaud there to prosecute against them as
will be just.
JHi WON BROWN sheriff.
Sheriff's Office,Laportc Pa... 4, Nov 1909.
Trial List, December Term 1900..
Return day, Dec. 13, I'.IOO, at 2 o'clock,p.m
1, C. H. -leanings vs. Avery T. Mul
nix, No. 95 May Term,-1909.
Assumpsit. Plea, Non-Assiimpsit,
Payment and Set oil'
Meylert. | Mullen.
2. E. R. Wood, Richard I). Wood and
George Wood, Executors ot the Estate of
Richard I). Wood, Deceased, vs. Henry
Laussat Geyelin, Atlinr. oi the Estate ot
Kstella A. (ievelin. Mortgagor, who was
also Executrix of the Estate of Emilo C.
(ievelin, Mortgagor, anil Henry Laussat
Heyelin, Terre Tenant. Scire Facias sur
Morrtage. l'lea—•'Payment," •'Presump
tion of Payment," and "No Lien,"
Mullen. | Meylert.
ALBERT F. HE ESS, Proth'y.
Proth. office, Laporte,l'a., Nov. I, 09.
Orphans' Court Sale, of Real
By virtue of an order issued ou: of th<»
Orphans' Court ol Sullivan County, Penn
sylvania, (lie undersigned administrator
of the Estate of .Jeremiah Edgar, late ol
Davidson Township, Sullivan County,
Pennsylvania, deceased, will expose to
public sale at the Court House in tin
Borough of Laporte, Sullivan County,
Pennsylvania, on Saturday, December 4,
1909, commencing at ten o'clock a. in.,
the following described real estate, tow it :
All thai certain piece, parcel or lot of
land, situate in the Township of David
son, County of Sullivan, Slate ol Penn
sylvania, bounded and described fol
lows :
Beginning at a hemlock, thence north,
sixty-six perches to a comer ol lands for
merly of John Converse; thence east, two
hundred nineteen perches to a post cor
uer of lands formerly ol Andrew Edgar;
thence south, sixty-six perches to a beech
tree, corner of lands formerly of Miles
Speary; thence west, two hundred nine
teen perches to the place ol beginning.
Containing eighty-live acres, forty-seven
perches, strict measure be the same more
or less.
Excepting and reserving therefrom 5
acres and U0 perches conveyed by Andrew
lvlgar to John 11. Andrews.
Also excepting and reserving therefrom
a lot of one acre and sixty-four perches
conveyed by Andrew Edgar to John
Also excepting and reserving a lot
containing nine acres and thirty-two per
ches conveyed by Jeremiah Edgar to
Fletcher 11. Brown.
Also excepting and reserving ,a lot
containing nine acres ai d thirty-two per
ches, conveyed by Jeremiah Edgar to
Fletcher 11. Brown.
Leaving fifty-eight acres, one hundred
forty-eight perches retuai' ing, belonging
to the estate of Jeremiah Edgar,deceased.
This properly is improved and in fair
state ol cultivation. Farm buildings erect
ed on the property. Hood Iruit and plenty
ot water.
TKRMS OF SALE —One-fourth of the pur
chase money at the striking down of the
property and the remaining three-fourths
within one year thereafterjwith interest
from confirmation nisi. Security to lie
given by purchaser to comply with the
terms of sale. ANDREW EDOAR,
Lnporte. Pa.. 112 Administrator of Jer-
Oct. 25, 1909. | emiah Edgar, Dec'd.
Meylert, Attorney.
■ ■
1 Our Newest Watch B
g You have probably no-
| ticed by all the magazines
that there is a new watch out. g|
H Every new thing in the ■
J jewelry line—if it's good Jj
J —you find first in this '
H store. gl
J We havr examined the new B
■ W * B
5 watch, highly recommended 5
mm for all who need a good pop- M
2 ular-priced time-piece. $3, p
m $7 and $9 according to cases, m
_ Mart than thtmonn evtr bought btfon «|
■ "The Jewel Shop"g
tstervb Mjy Say* so.
Cascareus Candy Cathartic, the most won
derful medical discovery of tlie age, pleas
ant and refreshing to the taste, act genu}'
pud positively on kidneys, liver and bowels,
cleansing the entire system, dispel colds,
cure hcailaohc, fever, habitual constipation
and bi'iousness. I'lease buy and try a box
of O. U. C. to-day; 10, 25, SO cents. Hold an 4
guaranteed to cure by all druvglsts..
What to Have
For Tomorrow's Breakfast
No family in all America will eat a better breakfast than yours
tomorrow, if you have Beardsley's Shredded Codfish. -
Even a millionaire's table could boast nothing more delicious.
Yet more than enough for five hungry people will cost you
only 10 cents.
So just for the sake of variety, let your folks try this fine
flavored food.
Let them feast on it tomorrow—"fish day."
We promise they'll everyone like it.
Ready in 10 Minutes Co<l of fair quality can be bought for
... ... half what we pay for ours.
Beardsley s Shredded Codfish And we take only the choicest part
means a breakfast prepared without G f ea ch fish—Vlie sweetest, most deli-"
bother. cately flavored meat.
fJo bones to pick out—no washing—
no soaking—no boiling. Instead of Eggs or Meat
X ou . c t an „ U r « d t y to serv , e - Your folks will find this Shredded
cooked to th. Queen s taste-in less Codfish a welcotne change from s
than ten minutes. . b
And please don't think there's anv uis more nourishin and strenffth .
•fish-odor" in cooking-instead, ening than either,
there s a tempting, savory smell-a lt Contains 2 2 per cent protein,
smell that will make you hungry. girloin sU .
:ik only 17 per cent, liggs
You'll See a Biff Difference 01,1 > P er , ctnt
IOUII aee a Dig LMlierence And see what yon save by serving it.
Beardsley'a Shredded Codfish A package of this—plenty for five —
doesn't taste at all like other codfish costs only 10 cents,
foods. - liggs or meat for five costs three or
You'll see a vast difference the mki- four times as much,
ute you open the package. After one breakfast or lunch of this
The meat in a package of this is so delicious food, your people will want
fine and fluffy and dainty—so sweet- it at leafct once a week,
smelling—so delicious looking—that In New York, where most people
you'll be tempted to eat it without know how good our Shredded Codfish
waiting to cook it. is, it is served about that often in
We use none but fat, plump fish— nearly every home,
the finest that come out of the deep. There are so many tempting ways
We pay the top price to get them. to prepare it, tliatnoone ever tires of it.
Get a Package Today
„ift Order a package of this Shredded
ill u'/ | Codfish today—please make sure you
~ 112 get Beardsley's—the package with the
Pg I r\Ht red band. There is other Codfish in
|1 ' packages. But Beardsley'sis the only
V Shredded Codfish. No other kind will
taste half so deliciotts.
j Free Book of Recipes
AO A' nflCiOU Ask your grocer for our free book of
rec i i es —directions for do/.ensof teinpt-
IT I /x ing new dishes. Or write us—we'll
SON'S send you the recipe book —also a gen
ryr erous sample of our Shredded Codfish.
Lined with ww-paper. No prewrrn- ~ - r ,
tlve whatever,save the ptirent »n<l fluent 474-4/0 GreCnWiCH St., NCW I Ork
Ma-salt. Alio packed In tlu uud gliiM.
Some of Our Other Pure Food Products:
Acme Sliced Bacon; Acme Sliced Dried lieef; Star Brand Boneless Herring
Clothing Store.
An up-to-date store well stock
ed with Mens' and Youths' Cloth
ing of good quality and low price
Ladies' Misses' and Child.ens apparel. I umbermen's
Flannels, Shirts, Draws and Socks, Woolen aid Gotten
Underwear and Hosiery, Men and Boys' Hats, Caps
and Mittens, Ladies and Children Sweater Coats.
A Full Assortment of Boots, Shoes & Rubbers
No trouble to show goods. Make this store a visit and
be convinced that bargains will greet you on every land
Williamport & North Branch Railroad
In effect Monday. J, 190i>.
Bead down . Rend up
Flag slutioiif where time is- marked ' i"
I I I I I ' ' I
AM p,m. pill P.M I'M P MAMA M AM STATIONS. AM A M A M I'M 1' M r»t I'M I M AM
10 10 520 4 Ifi 210 12511020 7Mi | llftilf 7#5 9 40' v.' I.VI ICOft Ci
101 ft ft 23 4 19 12ftftlo2ft 7 ftft ..I'tin-dale... 7 :I0 v: l2 10 1 .0 »."<:< ft en
10 IS ft 28 1422 12-R8 l(t 2H f7 ftS .. ('1 i).) e« 11.. 727 V:2 I: 07 I 7 S>.'4 7
10 2ft' ft 32 4282 22 102 10:1") S ftft 7 4ft .Hmthesville.. 720 ;i 2". 121 0 1 Id :i i t ,nt ;n
5 39 4 34 i1042 18 11 .. .. Picture Koeks 1> IS 11 15 :t •> « 112:
ft 41 439 fs 18 Ctnmoiuii ... 91211 10 2 i -
ft 49 14 44 R 21 C.lon Mawr. . 9 < 112. 11 10 3 2ii i
■ fftßß f452 1829 Ptiawt.rlilpre., fsf3lo4l r
1803 4 ftft 1833 BeeeliGl. il.. M'J IC : l (• IS
8 oft 4. r >B 8 3ft MuncvY»l!e> 8 47 10 30 307 0 U'.
1 6 10 ft Oft 2 ftft, ; 8 40 8 15 ...Suiw.-town ... 8 40 10 20 3 00 0 10
633 ft 20 ' 9 07 ...Nordmont... 9 ft? ft ;V>
Sft2 ft3M fi»2ft ....Mokolua.... >.. SI
855 Ift4o 927 I.«|>nrte 927 ■ ;
fft ftft f939 ...Rlngdale ... 9 Oft Hi 623
60> 948 llirel.Cle< kJe 8: ft ft 18
6 09 . Satlerfleld.... 8 80 5 oft!
AM 1' M
! I I I I l it'
Gen. Manager,Hughesville Passenger Agent.
Business Institute
Many mora ealla for graduates to fill good positions than gradu3tos desiring
places. Enrolment much larger than last year. The managers arc the
authora of the leading series of commercial text-bocks. An unusually
registration expected In January. Cataiopur free. Co'rasoonticer.Q InvlUd.