! ; .'; \t • r ' t. tv;fit b>Jlirau Oouaty. BA-POIITH. PA. \V (.. .Ma '.v. vvi. • TllOrt. I. IMUIA.m. v./'yA rieas. Entered at the J'.- Ofii ' porte, an Snwud-cii -t mail mat';-, A HUSTLING GRANGER. L. H. Heal- ; , roaster Connecticut State Grangs. L. XI. r 'or, tho energetic ma- tor t: Conr.i it state prance, is sliow !: % his o ; i Ity for work and his ttbll- I to i : ! l;i- office In a most commend • *•'<• way. ■■■ range In that state is ; .iwii .; mi'. . • lly uncer Ills man ar.'inent. lie is a tiuent and forceful speaker and is.» s reat demand among t!:< of that state. •ne of ll 1 ' :s driven home by is the fact that tbe grange is irmers' or;;ari/. tion and that the ] ii 1 "!' o ■'» ■; it i members to bring *■ i :in tii- r reach the best informa l; ••• I ' M'h> • "I.C I'i'ing W >l'!c 11!':'!! tilt- farm. I' tcr met I...ids of agricul i,i arc -d, ■ nil cases are too in wi.i-h farmers aiv receiving , ' l!) nii :'.-::Oi'K of 11 'ir be lt :i". most m: erssfol farmers on topics • to ii e • . ihe hoU':cb".'u and the home. Let the grange be the center towrtrd whi h nil the beßt farm ers ':ml t' f.-utiles look for prao tn .! 1 a::" u • in their work. ■ ,-f ]v .- v.- w mh-,' over 3' ' 1 men i is, Sinio Masii i* iiea ey v,« > at the la'-f state r.vran-e i> ai; to ■ : ; int ar ■ .*mitt>. Eof ten from each Pomona jurisdiction to as sist to develop plana for more general r.>-i; ratio nm< ' wo •' "■< <■' the 1 rder with regard to financial mat to vs. . ies o National C'isers. Will thee 1 C me " : •• *' m tic to s' : xries « 112 , • > • - i nembe's oft. a c-» u-. - At the last annual meeting of Ihe national grange tho finance coi > nittee fi- - •-I ri n! ' as iV'-W'-; S'at.e : ■ ■ s;v i per year and :-:t per day ;.nd .1 •: -1 I!avejl at expon; •< \vl iie *t a; from his office in "thy lc lorer. s'OO •i ,• 112. .1 :n - day and ( aisi the >rthy secretary, $1,200 a year and • ensc- v h'"i ''ii dir./ 112 r the ruder; u;e wcrthy ireuynrLT, ?500 ,i year and expenses. iSJacb member of ! eye.-! Ive cointnitt.ee fptr- Hp' r v •,i , ; ; v ! " n eu ..-;;;1 in the v irk of the grange. £;•: ■ I.oci'tirer L well of New To ' has vised a. leaflets for u a , 112 «!• ird'• 'c ! ■ urer vi >h ovii . : !. ;.'f < : i.■ sand oth-r ai.prop:-!- ate r.'n;;cr. ■ i; , i ?en a rapid advance ia r'.c u oof industn 1 alcohol the yc.-t -. >v.. tcr an go halls arc n -w ii'raitd wit.; it. Police. . -. . ,ix elephant." '. p : s at wo. oap' T ':i:ir a !-.!i' .'i i .•llug trt: i]ieting , a,i .a -. 1.'.l . a pair i.f animal policemen arresting a pris • am ' t ~:s s'. : ■> : '••iigside • • ... t ■ hii.i b.-ie. ait' and stl • and fi • ease and worry lilm, tall i ; >\\i .J .'i i • ]a, cry i'.iL ii is '•ll ! ... i' .- a ' ".ill I';'liters . .- iri:. v.a - . t. •• .r - '.lisp the Uttlo brown a'cphapt catchers slide .■ii- *i». ioa to the ground, crawl i'.: . the . :ov. i beli.es and shnf i- ;icl; : . I'-et. slip cable alings . ; . a ... i , aia. !.:• a turn ...i 112. tr. " Strand Maya;.inc. U % 99 i he Best place • o buy oods is ot: ■!• si by the pru- T \'a housewife. uney • ving 'dv;i. tages f»fe always searched for I >se no time in making a ■ 'oiuh examination of the : ■ / Line oi Merchandise Mow on If" H JFXHIBITION | ? ? ? ??? ? ? ? S, EP IN AND ASK ABOUT THEM. AH answered at! Vernon flu j's Large 3 tore.j SfiiijflKro ■/<)» ? •» •* ,<% v * ?? ' j '\ .if v.J* i. JU A'** * tf iCnnduuted by J. VI. IRaOV?. th^lham, N. Y.. j Vic** O'n\nf)o)uU'nl SiU) York StaU 1 j i 1 '''''''llLmnmmJ i tiiireSTHEFW: I Value of Immigrants as Agn-, cultural Workers. European Land Tillers Prefer to En -.go In Oilier Pursuits When They Come to the United States—Sugges tions For Sscuring Farm Help. C. A. l.arinon, who is at the head of th ■ iuiuiiarant bureau at Albany and w > was chairman of the committee or: Immigration and farm labor at the New York state grange meeting, pro se red soaie very important facts eon cei liiiKfarm labor in tills country. lie said that the question of immigration ha 1 become one of vital importance in vi.'W of the fact that in the past ten year iS.OOO.uOO immigrants hall cone to these shores, speaking tiftv .ii (-rent languages. Since IS2O 20,- 00.i.000 ha ie come. It is mjeessarv, ho sai;l, that they should be properly in formed, directed and cared for when they arrive, and if they are they may be expeo'cd to add millions annually to the nation's wealth. The last year 13f,,000 of the immigrants who came he e were farm hands In Europe, but in all engaged in some other pur suits here. On tho subject of securing help for the farm. . s of the state be made tho folio win tc u gg< 'St ion: i irm homes should ho established In nil parts o£ ll tiato and be placed In charge of xperk.iH. ii men to which iriiinisr.-tnts do rin£ to engage .is farm laborers can bo sent u: n arrival, to be t'.ero taught tlia care ..t.d handling of domestlo ani mals. machinery and someti.lng of the Bnslish ia:':;uahe. Such homes in Charge of men under.tandlnK the language of the iinnr.t rant would so.>n malce t :om useful to our faimeis. They would then have a home during peiiods of emrioy ment or n. -s, and this wo'ild pre', out in.l i tr,Te n ■ ure many ot thsui return ing to the i ity. The amount of money a. .! by iv,migrants to relative and fri ills la ICurope iinnually is e-ttmated j at 5.1 jO.OU'-.i-". a drain that probably no I oti r iKitl. . could long Fiiund. 'j',.e J.",. 'at ut m ugricul' ire of 'his I rtate has for three and a half years maintained •. bureau for securing help for the faiav.era of tho slate an 1 has: cur ing i:uLt j."i-jod Kent out over 15,«K) It har boon (lifilc. It ot tim»s t» se.".tre i.ooil men, l.ut during is the mini or T. as larrely In of tlv. aaud. nd much better men wcro seei™ '. Applk-a lli.i to i, >!. >...i ini.-i.t ul Ail-any 'ill t c ..re its . v Mice i'.riiir.;>tl> and with out charce tor iis services. " . e deeiv >'e in immigration at pre-ent and the fi.ining of man;.' mill, and :ac tor: ;s will a' parently make a tcarci'.y of g.. farm help f..r a time Your .•. •>- nil;tec st.'oaitly re omnu-ads. Ilio r li' .'ge of lepi:--1.-.'i--.i I.* tho federal govern.i '-nt to i. alee a . .i ro »t«i«l examination for cd- , mi -ion li" ! .i.i rantr. to t'Or cou lirv in j or' r to !. ■ ■ • '.it u . i - rable inrt vicious , el'- -.u.; .. a '. '.' .Id : eccr..'.ii.':ol art.' re mo ( th "Islat'ir. of this state to co act such ; ivisliition as will tend to re foi i. proe ' aid distribute immi:;v. ota s.u mahc t'.ieir ho; 1 :- : in ills at ate and such legislation as will tend to >•••' '.re tiie •!•>•. • '-.pment and d'strlb" ion of i..« ind . ..t the state and secure and . -cion.t tl-- possibilities 112. r the cm pio. s>nt of !,.bor of nil kinds in this t . GIIAPPLING BIG PROBLEMS. Gacd Word For Massachusetts Patrons by a Competent Observer. In a re.it issue of the New York ; Tr'inno i i.itior George W. Twitcl.-'ll i of line i. -i this to say of the work i of l!io gi-iiii in MassHchus"tls: "Within the last few years the gr: lge in Massachusetts has baeti gr. »i.iiiig Iproblems, and, ceutei lag att< ntion here, there hnve followed wl-.: !iit ; attend niiiied cons.■-u- tive elioi't, decidedly increased atten tion tot- Older ami appreciation of its i'-issibie w irtb and aervice. So non era! have those become thai, throuvh oul jiublK life the question of what j tin grant"' wants or thluks is eagerly ! being sought. Naturally there has bei :i an acrcasing number of addi tions to the membership; but, if I can ! nu sure up the situation, the workers I are serlili . first to strengthen work ! alo ig all 1 .Ipful lines aud increase the j po: iiile s -vice the Order may render | the state. The wisdom of this policy i Is ippan • r in the attendance upon ! th. -;'' field day meetings and especially In the cuthusiastlc Interest recognised • everywhere in the presentation of, oiiest!""!.; bearing upon the farm and : rural life, those related to construe- ! tive education seemingly taking iirst j rank. "i.arjroly through the strong, posit ive j potion 0112 the Order upon educational lines the i aster of the Massachusetts j state gras ;e has been made a member of .be state commission of Industrial education, and today active prepara- • tioi's are being made to start a school in "Northampton to be devoted exilu-| slvely to industrial training, agricul ture hi all its phases to receive spatial attention." Nev/ York's "Old Gu»rd." j There is an organization in coni ec- i tion with ilie New Vork state grunge j con:posed of (he organizers of the • )r --| der in the state who are si ill living. ; There is how about sixty-four mem- ! I bers who v ere in the Order In If'SO, j i and fifteen of these were present at 1 I 1 Lie last meeting of the state grarge. I I A. 7. ISartlott of Kendala, the pioneer j granger, who has never missed a n eet- j ij a of the New Vork state grange is j j Tho head of this organization, whose inotio is. "The old guard may die, nut . nev >r surrenders its grange principles." J Now York state grange pays Its worthy master SI,OOO a year, and ho learns it. Short Talks on , Ad vert isind j ! i ByXharles Austin Bates®*,p \ No. 10. People general'v read advertisements more than they did a few years The reason is to be found in the advertisements themselves. Advertisers are more careful tlian they used to be. They make the advertise inenis more readable. Somo of them even become, in a way, a department of the paper, and p> iple look for them • every d'iy with as much zest and pleasure ns they turn to/"""A uny other feature. jt This is true of many department stores all over A&rj -J- M* 1 the country. Inn.any cities there is just one man who appre- (i C? 7/ ciates tho value of such interest. I it' ! He breaks away from the old set style. Ho tc'-.s jAv 112 ? something interesting; in his space every 'lffi E£v..-f day - There are lots of interesting things in business. Look over the miscellany page of ' - my paper—look, at its local news columns, J ViSf?jp' sj? I and its telegraph news, for that matter, (112 : {1 pud you'll see that the majority of the 1 •) items are more or less closely related to some business fact. W& Dress these facts up in a becoming tk , „ wW „ me aff hi , garb of words, and they will find readers, /uJestai." even though they be in a "mere advertisement." Let the merchant come down off his pedestal and talk in his He r.eedn't be flippant—-far from it^ fljj IpK a^out sornef l J ' ;l g nt e\ en a greater ~j" is •?; j The newspaper goes right into its SM •-**. reacVr's house—goes in and bits down It is co the table when he cats, and y'' ' S an^s he »s smokitig after J ' jßMpWp.the r-< al. It reaches l'im when lie is ig I j,| ati approachable condition, j * ' .>»'*'* That's the time to tell him about j ' )'•ss'* yonr business—clearly, plainly, con viae- icgly—as or.o mau tai»s to another. , \ " Ti.A tu uxt+H* ftrn Pi'fUt init its '» _ . i*L. r* ar.J sic avvj* tjw/A iw,* L»£rr*fkt. CkmwOt Austin Fates, A War JVrJu p m JS.V &o T t llnL i J'JL^s,-, MUNCY VALLEY, PA. j Never Before Havel,We Received v 50 and 75 so many praises and heard s.o |"" V | Boys' Knee many flattering remarks c-s we | Pants have had this Season. J ,opeuai. crowded <'ur store during hep i-.: e V|,;f advertised? II not you shoul-! 4ft'y^ t ! COME HER E NC (I) fl|| | We are making new friends fast: selling n;< goods than ever beiore » jfCP^ But we siiil want rrore friends, want to sell our stock '; * or. v 1 we are spurred onto deeper price cutting. People wo ; h r „ ■ |, we can do it. To this we can answer, mat no oth ;r sior. . ' 'section, has the wholesale buyir- facilities enjo ed by t •!.■ «-st. .> lishment. We can buy lower, we can se 1 lower, - j I Sweater Coats specials Men's < orduroy Pants ivlen's Shirts I Men's or Boys' Sweater Coals .38? Vtom '\ 19 2 '>° 39c ! Mens'swenter coats .7 > CHILD KENS' SUITS f\\ Mens i-weater coats 125' FfOm IMC tO -.CO aild s 5 ' j Mens sweeter coats _ 1.50 . . ' 1 i'. (.)' ..)Ct\.S ! iVJeuimiecli: sweaters 25 and 46c l" I*olll (H)C t( - nV extra heavy cotton Mens cardiaan'jackets 1.25: ~, N ,, . , , rn % , c ■ mixed socks 08c i ! __ - _ MhN :> OVEKALLS. twl swka lUe Underwear From 39C to 75C Roy* indtiirls Stockings 09c.' It,??."';;,, „ mensoddcoais 2 i "ribbed or fttcceil 20 ami 2(>c . All ITICeS All t i'R.< S Men's ribbed*nnderwear L)UCh aild CoidurOV tO 2 2", Vl*obig line im. - lumbermen ; all colore 39c " .-libbers—Lambertville amM Ball j Men's fleeced lined underwear A bi S «avi»g 'or you , 39C T T / \ 17* Men's Caps 19c Boys Corduroy i~l v JIVO - c apß i 9c Pants " ' Also big line of Shoes at sav- 1-m'ie,' FUR.-? at irreat reduction. Boys', conluroy.knee pants, yined, itig priCCS sl.6£ 2.->0 I'. sS I-■: I ► Hi.A VKI-TS from 75c*"up. ! througliout, fine ril>bed quality SIIOC. Ladies I o®> vllOeS lOt i 0 | worth regular 75c Special 39c. Meil'S Workin" Shoes 1.6«S N'KS all sizes from 1.50 np. | Men's Suits DouglJS Shoes at reduccil ladies' Sweaters | I Men * Suits 4.t>5 r». ■ • pIIs __» I I.adies'Sweaters all colore 99c j Men's Suite 0,75 |3|g |_| ITO 01 IV'OH O 3110 Ladles' Waists, line, black, 39c iSSKIT o.f>s £m\ Children's Overcoats at re- , , , r . iMensSuits 11.75 14.50 HllPPrl clJivS v.< ..cilo ;»> 15.50 16 251 vJUI/CU [JI IUCO. |Ladies' Coats from 3.50 to "12.00 I fSo Come to J. M. Wigliton's to satisfy your wants. Kemembe only lasts this month. Railroad fare from Lapo nd mont for purchase of sio'oo or over. |r;p I h'i;?F 1 .(WEEKLY J LaPGGTE ' GAZETTE and SULLETINj pEPI/BLICAN N£WSITE/ j Tells all the general news of the I Best (l-essed and most respected 1 world, particularly that of our D newspaper in Sullivan county, j Staii', nil the time and tells it I Fre-eninently a home newspaper j impartially. Conies to subscrib- J * The only Republican paper in ' ers every other day. It is in fact t | count)' anil eomes from the sea: j almost a daily newspaper, and j of jiistice with new news from j you cati'iot afford to he without B tlie nounty offices, clean new? ] it. We oiler this unequaled 1 from all sections of the county 1 j-ip.'r and the NEWS ITEM and political news you want to j together one year for I read. This with Tri-watklys at. J $1.501 j $1.50 | Hi ? lEFUMICAN NEWS ITEM j and Tri-Weekly r .AT-:TTP AMFI FIT 71 ¥ FTIM V .A & i- I. Jl\a# Jh>ULJAJL aim* 2 "i . I I } t In 'very city there is one hest jy If you want to keep in touch ' 5 pMjier, and in Williamsport with the Republican party 1 | it is the Gillette and Bulletin. organization and be informed j s It. is the most important, pro- on a " rea ' estale transfers or | I giessive and widely circulated legal matters in general that | | paper in that city. The first transpires at the county seat I jj to hold the fort journalistically. you must necessarily take the ! j Order ot the Xews lteiu. NEWS ITEM. j ■f .T\» ■ mil * # 1 MJF'MCSf ESTERi ? gfw "HS.W RIVAL" < ir w F , STOR y LGAB c 3 shotgun shells g No black powder shc!lson tfie market compare with the "NEW RIVAL" In unl* ► b formity and strung tihootinyj qualities, w ire »ire und waterproof, (jet the genuine. | 8 W!?>'nHS;STER REPEATING ARMS CO. .... New Haven, Conn, i 1 cllfiEsl IRHEUMATISM! ILUMBAQQ, SCIATIC*! iNEURALGIA and! ■KIDNEY TROUBLEI I"SDROPS" taken Internally, rids the blood of the poisonous matter and acids wbich njj are the direct causes of these diseases. Sft Applied externally it aOords almost In- m Stant relief from pain, while a permanent K) cure is being effected by purifying the K& blood, dlssolTlng the poisonous sub- Kg stance and removing It from the system. B| DR. S. D. BLAND i Of Brewton, Ga., writes: Pf* "1 bad been a sufferer (or a number of years ■jj with Lumbago and Kheumatlsm In ra? arms IK and lege, and tried all (he remedies that I could ■■ gather from medical works, and also consulted Q| with a number of the best physicians, but found H nothing that gave the relief obtained from H< ••6-DHOPS." I shall prescribe It In my pr*oUc« M? for rheumatism and kindred diseases.'' FREE! If you are suffering with Rheumatism. B Neuralgia, Kidney Trouble or any kin- HK dred disease, write to us for a trial bottle J3 of "6-DROPS." and test it yourself. £S Is! "8-DROPS" can be used any length of §8 time without acquiring a Mrug habit." KM ga as it Is entirely free of opium, cocaine. BJ H alcobo!, laudanum, and other similar m ®-1« LarJePlzeßottle, "IS-DRO??" (800 DOOM) M |j (1.00. For Sale bg VrurcUto. Ki H BWAN3OS IHIUMATII BORE COMMIV, U Kept. 80. 160 Lake Street, Chicago. iU iCAVEATS,TRADE MARKS, | COPYRIGHTS ANO DESIGNS, j! J Send your bnsiticss direct to Washington, j j Bitves time, costs less, better service. J > My office clo«a tn \J. S. Patent Office. FREE prelimln- * t arv cy.vaiaationi xaxde. Atty's fce cot due until patent * • u secured. FEIWCNAn ATTENTION UIVEU-19 YE4R3 * } ACTUa', EXPERIENCE. Book "How to obtain Patent*," t t etc., ssut free. FateuU procured through E O. Bigger* ? 5 receive iipeclal notice, without charge, in the 5 INVENTIVE ACE : * illustrated nonthly— Eleventh year— terras, $7 a yeai. \ ||E.B.SjfiBERSB^^i ) Wo promptly obtain IT. an«l hotveigr^jj ii aiodel, skctoti or 1 o'o of inT4 nticu lor £ / free repot t 011 patentability. For free book 112 '•< ; • Pa vent Office | 'WASHINGTON D. C. 5 V''toWVW% "» VV>W