ului* The News Item lias succeeded in-its efToit to supply this County with a new READY REFERENCE WORK, consisting of many Maps, Illustrations, Census Tables and Charts. Six Pages, Varnished front sheet, brass binding and hangers, 4; , . , » Regular price in educational supply stores -P j•CJ O THE SIMPLICITY of the WALL CHART as a reference work attracts at once the busy American men and women. Every one reads a news} aper, and with ITS ever recurring men tion of hew places, new schemes, new scenes, one needs AT JA- D THIS INSTANT ACCESS TO CORRECT INFORMATION. Its Field is resourceful and instructiv eto every individual. slh5 lh page. Distances between important centers in ist oa<*e Large 17x26 map of Pennsylvania, a 1008 3d page. Map of the United States and outlying United States. Route and mileage from Port to Port rcvis'o*" I 'of IbEstate! showing Congressional Dis- possessions—Alaska, Philippine Islands, Porto Rico, of leading Countries. Colored Map of United States tr : ~ts counties interurban roads alf cities and town also of Cuba, jamaica, Haiti, Mexico. Government giving date of acquisition of Territory since the for- Jd their relative import: nee. Also beautiful pot- Seals of each State. mationol the Uuion Map of Canada. Fine portraits u ; } .. t «:.i - K»<^ v fc I:.;'. i-M *!■•'• -i. 1.4 ifi \ / 7 feu3£^-j£«- P "■—-~ fa : -v- 1, I 4'W'l To v e Pacific Coast—to O liT n. a, Oregon, Washington - f>'■?£' ?• rojnd--r ?% long transit an 3 re 4 -.T iiraiJs, liberal stop-over '• ; 4|j Th. rate is practically on the tasir of one fare for the round • ::M tr?vs. 0 coivrse, if you *.v»?h 'o visit California and Oregon . 5 , . Y. ilowt .;»re National F juris; m the "Southern" route you can go .; J. ' via El F -so, thru New Mexico, then "up coast" to San Francisco • ' •.; "^ v j, *V ai:.d on i- Portland or Saattlc it e'esared. 1- ; : %, ! >v-- ■» F I„ sliort, thr se Pacific Coast excursions offer an unusually good • •< -■ ~ •• • 1 1,' ;. chance to see our wesiern co'.intry ;n a comprehensive manner. J:, ;, ... ► • If you desire togo only as far a' Colorado, there are excursion •>' 'MH rn'es b effect to that section e/id return, all summer lone, t'': v.', Bp?c ; a n. reduced June 3C to July 4, August 12 and 13, V';• s r l t;\ V4 lOfll " U ' J August 30 to September 4. Extension trips to Ogden i or Salt Lake and re'.urn at low cost also. 1 k:' i; From September lii to October 31, one-way ' • • j £ & K^ctSTo^Bive'LT."^vTf^JS'a one-legged, one-lunged defectives aomctines givin a two h^ra'entertainment at youi home but not the best. Don I allow anyone to W«K si rr . riis tonuin rhr l**s: hand and orchestra persuade you to buy another make of phono- BHR fig piece., instrumental and vocal solcu, vocal ducu graph until you have sent for and received ImK 1 t'i ' VDITF p Al* At Onir* kind*, capable of producing music soft and sweet and ) A IVLi Ij vA S ALvU V t-J lew enough for the tick loud andjoyou. enough | which explains hilly the auperior qnalitiec of oil. a trat-c'-a oil can, a can ol Monarch metal pclah, the Duplex. We ate the only Company 112 actually manufacturing phonographs aua TlYF<* A 112 eveuingt of entertainment, and \ve give vou six month* to pay | selling direct from factory to user. Ail other con- Ilia-# l/LALf for it. a small payment down and six »mail monthly m«tallmer?s. j cens are either jobbers and dealers who do not and has consented to auist the readersicf this Tl- f>iT ST AAVC PD IT IT TDI ht" m.n„fwt„re what thev sell oi are manufdctuiers pnp« i i every way in placing their etders lor 1 JfrKUuEi *JAI3> (KLi> I KIAL tlfto ri* user, but market wfc'yt'S **» .re not »Mlto buy th_- Duple, aadH.™ Coo their output through jobber, and dealers. Her.ce, iSf? XibUsSctaSwe allow yoLfuUtLeday.' Save All The Dealers' 70% Profit Home Concert Collection tle^'^nd^li^*yZ^ . , . . which we tell on Easy Payment*. It conaittsof vance uioney back. But vos we fed sure it will) if it pleases i for our customers. We are content with a fair thr Duplex Phonogr ph with all tie latest yon, keep it and write u« and say so; and thiity days after- ID anufacturer'i profit. When you buy any other improvements—our mechanical feed which re- ward send us your firu monthly payment, cr pay it over to ; , r» » »L • Sieves li e recora of all lie destructive work oi th- Lditor or this paper, who is authorized to receiv tnake you pay a profit tne manuta.turcr, a pi spelling the reproducer ;ound box) and mr»-tMv payment* and send them in. And each thirty days \ profit to the big jobber or distributor, and anoi.ier nr-tfllr toint across its suf fac?; and our weight rraicr a sirr.ilnr payment until all the installments are pav l . \ f l- ft |- r Wm have no aor.uts* hut tc ulat ; r.g device which is the greatest record This is the biggest snap in phonographs ever offered to the p»S» to the dMler. We haveoo tl nu» taCctr . ,» )nv<:n ,„, Both the".» eaclusive public No Lrm in mvestuarioe it. at any tate. Talk to j.' the Editor or this paper hat made tnv< f»Aturr*of the Duplex and can rot be had the F.ilitor of th»s paper; ask huntosendin for a catalogue i and is fatisfied that we give all our customers cn any other phonograph Home anci terms for you, or write direct, mentioning this paper, to J DUPLEX PHONOGRAPH CO., RO« Kalamazoo, Mich.| NOTE:—The undersigned has maee careful investigation and finds that the Duplex Phonograph Company giva their cußtonters fair and honorable treatment, and advises readers of this paper to send for catalogue am further particulars. It costs nothing but a postage stump or a postal card to try. It you do not wish to take th> trouble to write, give me your namo and address and I'll do the asking. And I'll see that you get a square deal Always mention this paper when yju write. I'AS. L WING, Editor. Cait off that cough with 112 ja.ytia'3 LxpectoTaT^T""——^ r-JL Psr^^T T^ and prevent pneumonia^ —'Sayx and consumption. The world's Standard Throat and Lung Medicine for 75 years. Get ii of your druggist and keep if always ready in the house. from your STRENGTH-GIVER amulet, JAYNE'S TONIC VERMIFUGE, and MEN