Republican news item. (Laport, Pa.) 1896-19??, May 28, 1908, Image 2

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    "r.ICAK KEWS 7T*M. ;
Si'ACLii 1 ! L WIKfl, Ldiiot. j<
PsbttllMd-iyOT Tiiursduy Afternoon J
iiV The Sullivan Publishing Co ji
At tha Oouuty float, of SnliJ vac County. I,
V. M a-SON. Cry-iitiM. I ]
llli.) Uti.llAM, *w :< A' l'rtus.
V.- ere«l al the Post Offiow at Eaportej u]
second-class mail matter. |
.Vhile Secretary Wil«m ;
in goods oryp-i lie is uot jirodictinK
.1 hnvor cost of living Jlf says thy
jn i oof food are duo to the increas
ing number of people who do not '
jn'.l luce it. Urban and industrial
]i .;.al:itioii is irion l i-iiitj faster than
lln :• i-r»j» (n.-rt'i'gK A nf-s\ paper ill
C n-stor county lately appealed to
one >; the lcarnpd men in Lincoln
I uiver-iily'to toll the people why
tine farming; laud- in that country
win- waiting for buyers at is'-'iO an
mi e. and tin- professor replied thai
it was because the people who left
the far ins and Went to the towns to
,•■!! utpe mvl banjj on typewriters
ml vurk as chauffeurs on trolley
.•! -. If people are leaving the
, I'l'n-- it nji'.ht iccoiint for the ditli
en! ty. of selling farm property. Hut
:• rbau me- >■ Miient of population
■ .i inj? tlie price of farm products
ii or. rl»t to make farming pay and
t. itij. nuii.' men to y.o into the liusi
\ eeiitkmiu who ba probably ob
:eiAeii the turtd ofthiiiu-iU the post
oiik-' has handed in the following
for publication.
■ ... > letters will be delivered un
til received If you don't get a letter
or neper ou the day you expect it.
h.u'o the postji. i-der <>t clerks biuk
Mii.« . a all the boxes and in the eel•
l.i. al- i. !t ought to be tie re some
• and tls c-> iike to lnuk l'oi it
ji; !io please you. If yom friend
i.i . i vrite i.'ijfse the postma-fe) and
ilie I'l-rks, they ar<- to blame Ii
tii"y I'll you thfci- is no mail foi
. ip it on -i grieved expression and
•There ought to be -oine.'
• -ro probably hiding your idail
l'oi to< plc t-ure of h:iving you call j
for ii two or three times a day. Ask
i 1 o to look again." Exchange.
i .-x oiinatinii in the ■•boo!-, a*
t. • ire ■ inducted un I t the pro
ont system were given a severe rak.
ing o\ r the coals by Stale Superin
ii ideo ■ of Public Instruction Nivth
■ i r chaofl'er In an addrwss before
; i wit rig uf : i-.e public school teach
i < 'onn.sylvaiiia. Jn a nut shell
:. he.d 1.1: ■UK lit of a pupil to
■ui , it.' iiiniher grade should be
1' to the il'. i'i ion of the teacher :
• : i i ie examination plan of deier j
iniu: ig tlie ipiestion of promotion
ie il'olished.
i. iininations he characterized!
. lite last tort t.f incompetent]
i »-t ( e; hoMi.'!;; that a pupil in pre- !
pa"irig for an examination Juts in
i iiti'l chiefly the *ins\vei- to the;
• jn- - iii- and not absorbing the]
prop* r conception of the subject mai
ler. 31 any successful educators hold !
tie- - one view. [while many another, ;
looking back on the nervous excite-j
incut which usually preceded the j
e am natiou visit will agree that)
111 noli better showing could have j
been m ale iI tl te-ts as to nctrmt
i.'v, e.-d'.-a eould have been brought
out i : -onie other way.
It. wasn't n Missouri editor, but a
printer's devil who WHS going
tbrou.h his tlrst exper'e-nce «»t"• *
miiknig-up" form- The paper was
late ,nd the boy got tlr- galleys
mix 1 The part ot the obilu
■ ry notice nfn pecuniou* ci'■ i/,eil hml
been dumped into the furuis, ulid
til nex l lialKl fall of type came ulf
a galley describing H recent fire. Tt
i• ;n 1 1 iI--1• thi . -■ 112 lie pallbeanh>w
(i il ihe i e.p, !■ {be! ami it
was voi'signe.l to the 112 ame;, (here
were few, if any regret-, tor the old
wreck let ! been an eyesore to the
town lor years. Of c"ir,-e there
was individual loss but that was
fu I Uncovered by insurance." The
widow thinks tin editor wrote tl .
obituary la- • way II'IMU* the la
mented partner of li"rjoy- ami -.n
rows owed him li ve years subscrip-'
t ion
Family Secret,
t • - ■ •--••• •> nicuti-r." expliiiucil
' tittle il'' 'e ilie caller wlio was
1-. .iiiu al a frit nil -it jibetdgrnpti on the
-1.1. "V-iu v, i.. i'l know ii unless I
inM you Viiusi' it ■. j»ot a suiilo on the
t e."— i 'hti-ago I ribune.
DoHginci the Water.
• onsiable i.'unie atoug. Yoa've got
to iiavo a balli. 'l'raiii',> A barf! What.
■ iv water': f.'onsta'.ie Vcs. of course
Tramp- Cmjldirt you it wtv
• eo' them vacuum cleanurs? bond on
it 1H ilie cominmi winder of nil men
lion amonf so turiny nt fa.-cs
tu<!re shotiid be untie alike.—Browne.
•• Mothers day."was recently more
or less celebrated throughout the,
country by newspaper editorials, !
magazine articles, special sermons in
the churches, and entertainments, 1
and Senator Bui. kett endeavored to;
have May 10 endorsed by Congress
as Mother's day. Whats the matter |
with father? tie's all right!' d-Jvery-i
body works but father," Hot your;
life if it wasn't for f.itber there would |
be little work done, or et Tec ted, in j
bringing in meat and potatoes.
The Baltimore Sun says, no Ameri-1
can father has ever started a move
ment in or outside our leg is-
I lativr halls to the greatness
land goodness of the male parent.
And father dnvsii't need it, he
is satisfied that he is the big pebble
and honest duty brings its own re
wai'd. Ali honor and love and glory
to mother, but let us not forget the
" old man's" claims upon the good
will, the esteem and even the admir
ation of his family. Wo have no
desire to have father other than he
is —a modest, industrious, necessary
member of society—an indispen-1
sii>|e factor in domestic econ j
omy. Wi would not under any cir- j
cumstances say aught which would I
tend to make htm "chesty" and toss
boquets at him, and feel eveu in a |
slight degree what a really import !
.-nit person he is.
We admire father because he faces ;
the snng3 and arrows of outrageous i
fortune with a patient courage aud
equanimity which if lie were a sold- i
ier, would bring him fame and for- !
tune. In our own view father is a
hero. He is the epitome of the
cardoual virtues. He is an iuspir I
ation t" gooil deeds. We believe
the time has come when the "old
man" who has slaved from young!
manhood to the lean and slippered \
pantaloon stage, ought to be award-j
ed his due meed of praise, lie has j
(•traced himself too long, doing his!
duty as a matter of course and spurn ;
ing commendation therefore, it is j
time to force him iuto the limelight j
arid exhibit him in all his excellence. |
I W<- do not think there ought to be a j
Father's liny" any more than aj
'Mothers Day But we feel deep, ;
down in our hearts that mother and i
the children ought to try to be good j
to the "old man" every day in the j
year. He spends his life in their l
service. The len-t return they can '
make is to recognize that father with J
ill his futilities and limitations, is a j
forceful factor in civilization and '
in domestic economy. Sunbury j
A merican.
j Specifying 'lie materials to be tn-'e.l in
| die conetrnction of pavemeniß or siile
| wiilks in die liorcnigh ot Laporte, on
i Main strent between Court i-lieet and
; Beech street, and on Muncy street between
I Park 'reet and Cherry street.
| Station I. He it enacted by the Town
, < eum-il of the Borough of Lnportc and it!
ji: lureby ouaeted by authority of the!
j-.tnu. that all sidewalks ur pavements
] hereafter ordered constructed bv the
i l'.ijrouuh (.' on Main street between
! 1 oull street and Beech street, and oil
Muucj street between Cherry street and
i'a'k street, shall be constructed either of
! jihink. concrete or stone flagging.
! Section -. All ordinances or parts of j
| ordinances inconsistent herewith are:
: herebv repealed.
CH AS. li. WING, Pres. Protem
\tiest: J-. 1.1. IXitHAM. Secy.
Passed by the fown Council of die i
Borough of Laporte, at regular mondily ;
; meeting May ii, 1908. j
N'ot approved because ordinance is lini-1
i ited to certain streets, but would approve j
| an ordinance o'l this kind it made general.
; MHV 6. 100.-. W. H. JIAMIAI.L. j
Burgeys. ]
. I'at-ed May 14, 3 VH)S, by a'J 3 vote of!
: Council. . j
F. W. MF.V LEkT. President, j
• Uteat: F. H, INGHAM, Secy.
Ml' l*» UW M ..... ♦!
Make Your Grocer
Give You Guaranteed
Cream of Tartar
Baking Powder
Alum Baking Pow
ders interfere with
digestion and are un
Avoid the alum. 4
(kmttm- aw flomrj
a is a sure resource j
Cultivate-the Habit of buying reputable j
goods from a reputabe concern.
We are agents for W. L. DOUGLASS SHOES fro ■-* 2.50
IETT\ %# \ of CHILDRENS' and'
W l LADIES' Heavy Shoe j
Fine Goods at correct j
Clothing Made to Order
All have the right appearance and guaranteed otsd
in both material and workmanship and price mte.
We also manufacture Feed, the Flag Brand. It is not cheap, but!
good. Ih correctly made. Ask your dealer for it'or write us for prices, j
General Merchants, Till
u >
• I
I The Best place;
Ito buy goods
1 Is olten asked by the pru-l
; pent housewife.
Money saving advantages {
; are always being searched lor;
Lose no time in making a
thorough examination of the i
New Line of Merchandise
Now on
?????? ? ? ?!
Adl answered at
Vtraon Hull's
Large Store.
This is the Time
This is the Place
When you are looking for
some good Farm Implements
it wili be to your Advantage
|to call on me and examine
my line consisting of
\ REAPERS and LJAV RAKKS. Also the
Blacksmithing and General
jßepair Work given prompt!
attention and executed with j
i guaranteed satisfaction.
J. M. Dempsey,
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what yoo eat.
Tliis preparation contains all of the
l ditfestauts and digests ail kinds ol I
food. It gives Instant relief aud never
i fails to cure. 11 allows you to eat all
, the food you want. The most sensitive
stomachs can tak<- it. By its use many
I thousands of dyspeptics have been
cared after everything else failed. Is
j '.meijualled for the stomach. Child
ren with weak stomachs thrive'on it.
j First dose relieves. A diet unnecessary.
Cures all stomach troubles
Prepared only by K. C. I)K\VITT& CO., CHICAGO
I'Ue St. Ixitil'* contains SHi times tbe 50c- sU*
Anyone sending a sketch and dnserlntinri may
. quickly ascertain cur opinion free whether an
| Invention is probably patentable. Conirmmlca
' tlons strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents
ffout free. Oldest agency for securing putenra.
Patents tuken through Munn A, Co. receive
f pec in I notice, without charge. In the
Scientific Jfmerican.
A handsomely illustrated weekiv. Largest clr
filiation of any scientific j-urnal. Terms, f.:i a
year: four months, |L i»old by all newsdealer?.
MUNN & Co. 36,Bfoadwa >- New York
I branch Office. F St., Washington,)>, C,
T" l'nr« (onatlpwtlon FOHTStt
Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. too or "5a
; tf a C. C tail to cure, druKKifci* refund money
•Mmi'iTvliarruatul una ~hi 1..•>? i,«,■
| quit tobacco easily unit fnrcn- be map
I m-lic, lull of life nerve urn) 1 . p .u v , taUe -N'o-To
I Bac, the wonaor-worttcr, makes weak met
' ' roig. rtii drutipists, Wio oi »'l. ire »'u;tn.t«
j *-e"0 Itookiet and sample free. Aaiire i
! *« Itamedy Co. Oblca»o <• <» Voii
Arriving daily in Uarge lots
at Jacob Wihton's,
N \C|\('M VALLF/I. PA.
Come and see the perfect models no
; country tailor can duplicate.
$lB. i(>. i- 2 - 10- 8.00 and $6.50
Spring Styles of Ladies' Waists.
50 cents and up.
G SALE OF LADIES' HATS 3.50. >oo and 2.50 Hats for 1.19 at Clearance Sale.
■ Ladies' Hats at 99c. An extensive line of Ladies' Hats at 38c.
Aen's 3l)oes at Clearance 3cile.
W. L. DOUGLAS =>. so Shoe for 2.85; and the 3.00 Shoe for 2,at this sale only
| A Big Lot of Ladies' Shoes, 2 00 and 1.7? Shoes at 1.19.
i please don't delay your coming too long. Better come at once for llrst choice.
I The Greatest of all Musical Inventions — the Two-Horn
IT Is the one phonograph that FREIGHT
X'vea you all the aoiuid vi- MM DDUD A Ifl
hrationa. It baa rml only * JAILr rlli/
twoliorus, but two vibrating JBBJBIIMMMf
m Seven Days' Free Trial
tnusic* h'" Volu ™ e ' r wish to keep it. If tl •• machine doN nr.l
I!.T. sritlefsctlrn just tend it back.
like the original. Our All the Latest Improvements
FREE PAT AI IF The fl'iplex ia equipped with a mechanical feed that re
, V/rkl/\L«v/VjUC< lievas the >eeord of all the destructive work of propellirg
will explain folly the superiority of The Duplex. Don't the reproducer acroM it* surface. The needlepoint is held
allow any oneto persuade you 1* buy anyotber make with- in continuous contact with the inner (which in the more
aut first sending for eur catalogue. accurate) wall of the found war* groove, thus reproducing
TMwif 1 the °r lers ' 70% profiu when z
trout oarraeiory to the nser eliminating «11 middlemen s the life and durability of th«* records. These aieaxclu.Hive
profits. That is why we are ablet., manufacture and «lell*er future* of the Duplex and can not be Lad upon any other
the b*«t phonograph made for l*u Uicn one-third what u „ke of phonograph. Plays all m;** and makes of disc
oealern ask for other makes not as good records. Oar free Catalogue explains everything.
j DUPLEX PHONOGRAPH Co.. - 31 Ro!»r St Kalamazoo, Mich. )
I icd'K lion Sale of
Great F>argains
Groceries and Provisions.
We have the best goods at the lowest prices. M you
| want a good sack of flour, try the I.aural Brand c.f v\ inter
j wheat and you will use no other. Special pi ices on large
quantities. Our motto is: "Best Goods at Lowest Prices."
~ '
new pal try delights MC