Republican news item. (Laport, Pa.) 1896-19??, May 21, 1908, Image 4

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    Bui!s In the Graveyard.
The Uii'Uyimi v.'iis Cull, ami i\ brniui
uew cemetery was laid out. Sandy Me-
Tnvlslt, looking over it witb Andrew
Bruce, protected that It was "too cou
tiueutal" in style. "I'd rather dee than
be buried In sic a spot." lie declared.
~Andrew was lews difficult to please.;
"Wee!, it's the verra reverse wi' me," !
lie said, "for I'll be burled naewliore
else if I'm spared."—Glasgow Times, j
Elementary Arithmetic.
Judge—What age are yon? Pat— |
l.'ight r.nd fourscore my lord. Judge— |
.•lid wliy not fourscore and eight?)
l'at—Because, my lord, I was eight |
before 1 u i.-j fourscore. I.oilduii An
The Bird Enjoys the Sport and la
Landec Uninjured.
With the birds settling by the dozen j
It is easy enough to capture specimens
t'i•.- examination without causing in-i
j \or pain. Any sharyly barbed hook
is aitogi- her superfluous. 'i he alba
1/ .«es alisohitely enjoy the excite- :
ii.> .ii, and the sport obtained is not
(■. ~hout a novel interest.
V small metal name should be made
In the shape of a hollow triangle at
i:"-hed to MO yards of stout ime audi
kept afloat by a good sized piece of
»• The sides of the metal frame
u:v then covered with l>its of fat pork,
t..- hard skin of which is securely
I .ml thereto. The !.>ait is thrown,
astern, and the line is slowly paid out. i
I r< ei.lly a gr» at albatross swoops,
t':rough the air, impi.llod by curiosity. |
t investigate the uatnre of the tloat
inu pork, it sitilcs before the dainty
i.. of food; numbers of birds fol
low suit, ea< !i one made bold by com
petition. and then the sport begins.
At this moment additional line must
be given In order to compensate for
the progressing of the ship, thus en- j
ii l .' :g a bird to sei '.e the desired food.
V, :ih a sudden rush the supreme ef
fn'.'t is made. Once or twice the at
tempt proves ineffectual; but, rendered j
1 by greediness, a final grab finds
tl: lined bill securely wedged inside i
Ii:-' apex of the triangle, as the fierce.
tiiL-s on the line qtiicklv Indicate.
Steadily the haul is made, hand over j
hand, until a helpless albatross is bodl- j
ly Kited onto the poop in an absolute '
l\ uiiinjure I condition. A slackened;
lii: • enables the bird to escape, and if :
Scattered wits permitted such an ef- 1
t ; t sudden flight would obtain release !
The other birds invariably commence j
In Hack a wounded comrade, a steady j
pu : being required, even if the line;
cut your hands, to save It from;
its friends. Once safely on deck the! illbles are tied together, for oth-!
erui.e the bird throws up an oily
fluid, a ii:-agreeable habit possessed by j
all the tribe.
Sr.bjecl to this precaution it may
\ r gravely around to survey the
new hoi i;. n< 112 life The large eyes i
gai-.e with a Iruly pathetic contidence |
e.-.pressive of anything but fear.
It is a fti inge spectacle to witness j
the inquisitive bird sulemnly waddle I
to aild fro atnoli.:- the equally Inqulsi |
live human lieings around. True, ilj
objects slightly TO the process of!
measurement, pecking sharply by way |
of protest, but a gentle box on the ear j
soon induces submission as the dimen-|
sioii; are rapidly noted, the albatross
meanwhile reposing affectionately in
tile arms of the second officer.
The specimen happens to lie a small
<me. but the wing expansion from tip !
to tip is less Hum ten l'eet, the extreme 1
length of body is three feet six inches j
otul the formidable bill measures up
ward of four inches. Cornhill Maga
if 1 * : C-rtVE
- 'JE >J i l : OR A L 1f !" SOF I
Lumbago, Sciatica. A algla, g
Kidney Trtjublo end K
Kindred £J .■ . ojtaa. "
0 GIVES 0 »v. RELIEF ■
B8 Applied exte n irds almost in-H
B stant relief ti ..:v lile permanent ■
BB results are be, v; by taking it in-
IB Cerfrally. .purit- iu> uu.- ood. dissolving Eva
jgg" ike poisonous t bs .ance and removing it pa
IpS from the system. y
DR. S. D. BLAND £ '
P& Of Brew ton* <«».. writcM:
ng Uvm, «iit.) ul) tlit) remedies* that I toil ill H|
u3j ttattior froui medic il v.orkn, and ul»u t-ontmltt'd H|
with auHinhoroftlib bent phyriclitna, but found
Hg nothing tbat <<«>»• tha relief obtained tram
hrj • , b-l»ltt»fr'S " I bball prescribe it In niv practice |H
■B (or rbt'uuiaiifin and ktadi cii diseases." -Jx
y" DR. C. L. GATES M
Hancock, Minn., writes: tfji
"A llttleKirlbereliutifUcb a tveul: back canned ■■
■pS by Hhcumattmn and Kidney Trouble liiat alie MB
cwuld not aland on V v Tbr moment they |B
pSj put ner down ou the floor she wou Id ucream with rati
Era pahia. 1 treat'J lut with ••■:>-l»Koi , 8 M and today
HS Hh»« ruiid aroiiiitl as w««il h.iul liuppy uh can be.
WW l prescribe "fi- l>HOP8" for iny putmntrt aud u»e
1 RORR !
| r r€ sl. e. 1
SB I£ you are suffering with Rheumatism. H
O LurnbaK">. .S. ititica. Xeuialgia. Kidney ■
H Trouble or any kindred disease, write tu U
M us for a trial buttle of "5-l-)ROFS."
M M>ROPS ,112 is entirely free from opium. |fl
tS cocainu. morphine, alcohol, iaudauuin.
Band other similar ingredients. H
I.ur(|«* size Uutt ie M S«DItOPK" (800 Do»c») I
ifl.OO. For itale by UriiKgUt*
B lH'iit. 48. IT4 Lake Btreet» Chicago
I q Tie Duplex ii the biggett. finest finislied. loudest, clearest, iweetat-toned instrunient
| ever put oa the Americun Maiket. It is the only phonograph manufactured and told
The Duplex phonograph all the sound vibrations and^ I
volume because its double vibrating
diaphragms ui the sound box, and the two horns amplify (he found
I All other phonographs, with one-sided diaphragm and a single 9
j horn, Ret only half the music. The Duplxe is (like a perfectly Concert Colleriion contains 16 ol the Ust ten.
formed athlete with both sides developed. ,p. % M
1 Other pnonogra}nis are like ttie one-eyed, dozen people of the mcst varied tastes can be
3 one-leaye.l, one-lunged detective, sometimes given • two haun'entertainment at yuur home
aud each will be lur* to one
seen- capable oi doing something, it true, thai gi«e delight. The«- sixteen
» but the best. Don allow anyone record, contain the best band and orchestra
a pcrsua. le you to buy another make of phono- pieces, initrumeotal and vocal solus, vocal -Hucts t
you have seat for and received
J OUC splendid 112j ow to choose tlte be«» pieces. Thc.t t
ij We put in 800 aitorted - four different
a crowd of e a I
i which eipluins fully the superior qualities of oil. a first-class oil can, a cau o( Monarch metal polish. ,
i r\ * \t' . .1- n and a neat nt.edlr lx.x. I tas collection is intended to give L
tlie D jplt'X. \v e are t!.e only C fnpany you, witbout buying another cent", worth, 16(1 days and I
actually ni&iiufdctunng phonographs and Tlie* COHABIT MTAI evenings of entertainment, and we give you six month, to pay M
selling direct frum factory tl) Uiet. All other con- Illfc SyIIAKL LIE/A L> font, a small payment down and iix small monthly installment. ■
k ccrns arc either jobbers fcild dealers who do not and hu consented to assist the readers of this TlfDrr hAVC VDVIT TDI A*' I
| manufacture what they s ell, or are manufacturers Z'!2&!3lSt£i ly, S, Hme Co 7 1
who uo not Jell direct to the user, but market vill run m the paper. When you %vnte for *1 ?, re £??" B
! | their output thiough jobber* and dealets. Heuce, mennon this paper and address e*- «' when boys at school. We allow you a full ihree days'
| we can and do
i I *»«-«»• " *=■• "*"• Wl |j ,t or scdJ a bark. 1! it do«# not tulnll our every
'! Save All The Dealers' 70% Profit Home Concert Collection
send back, by freight at our expense and we'll pay your ad- I j j
i ■ . . . which we tell on Easy Pay meats. It coniiatiof vance money back. But (as we feel »ur<- it will) if it pleases
I j for our customers. we are content With a lair the Duplex Phonograph with all the latest you. keep it and write us and say so , and thiity days after
manufacturer's profit. When you buy any other improvements--™ mechanical feed which re- ward send us your first monthly payment, cr pay it over to
y, r 1" | heves the record of all the destructive work of the Editor of this paper, who is authorized to recrive
laakc you pay api out to the nianuidcturei, a propelling the reproducer aound box l and monthly payments and send them in. And e.ich thirty days
profit to llie Ltj; jobber or distr'butor, and another needle point across its surface; and our weight make a similar payment until all the installments arj* paid,
profit to the dealer. We have no agents; but reguUtiag device which Uthe greatest record This is the biggest snap in phonographs ever offered to the
S| 1 1 12. ~ / .l- l J saver ever invented. Both these are exclusive public No harm in investigating it, at any rate. Ta.kto
K | Editor of this paper has made investigation features of the Duple* and cao not bi' had the Kdilor of this pap<*r ask him to send in for a catalogue
Epand is satisfied that we give all cur customers on any other phonograph «SThe Home and terms for you, or write direct, mentioning this paper, to
DUPLEX PHONOGRAPH CO., 5t r..« st.. Kalamazoo, Mich.
Xotk : The uii(Jersigiictl has made careful investigation aud tinds that the Pujilex Phonograph Company
vc iln ir customers lair aud honorable treatment, and advises readers of this paper to send for catalogue and
further particulars. It costs nothing but a postage stamp or a postal card to try. If you do not wish to take the
trouble ti< write, give me your name aud address and I'll do the asking. And I'll see that you get a square
deal Always mention this paper when you write. " (.'HAS. L W Editor.
Cut off that cough with
(T V r ~Jay ne ' 3 expectorant
and prevent
and consumption.
* e world's Standard L'hroat and Lung
Get it of your druggist and keep it always readv in the liouse.
112 To Cure a Cold in One Day |
I Toke laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. >e rV/A 1
i Seven Million boxes sold in past 12 months. This signature, box. 25c. j
lUS W j To the Pacific Coast — to California, Oregon, Washington
J| round-trip, long transit and return limits, liberal stop-over
The rate is practically on the basis of one fare for the round
; v trip. Of course, if you wish to visit both California and Oregon
or a#^l * n 8 ton » cost ' s slightly more.
A These reduced rates are in effect or certain dates in months
i ( I of May to October, inclusive. They apply from all Eastern points
JII via Chicago, St. Louis or Memphis gateways. Tlie Rock Island |
Ii System will take you up in either Chicago or St. Louis, or at hundreds
/ I of other Middle West points and carry you to the Coast in through.
r Standard or Tourist Sleeps.- with unexcelled Dining Car service.
The Rock Island also afford ■ a choice of routes: on the "Scenic"
■T ; , route you can stop off in Colorado—see Salt Lake City— visit
T tfLyJß&k Yellowstone National Perk; on the "Southern" route you can go
via E! Paso, thru New Mexico, then "up coast" to San Francisco
fi; i jjr and onto Portland or Seattle if desired.
si lpw : ■ In short, these Pacific Coast excursions offer an unusually good
| | 'p, ■' fl chance to see our western country in a comprehensive manner.
|< •1 " mfo* . jll If you desire to go only aa far as Colorado, there are excursion
11 f:!' rates in effect to that section and return, all summer long,;
I• i : specially reduced June 30 to July 4, August 12 and 13, ,
1 i\V V> /{ M an<i 30 to September 4. Extension trips to Ogden
Pp—l/'i lui \V\vV\A''- / Ull|\ or Lake and return at low cost also.
{MI | |E\V |l liilm m From September 15 to October 31, 190! one-way 1
i jji y \ jl/) 1 i tourist or " colonist " tickets will be on sale to California and |
r'y.UjArglj' j W/j dN j 1 A the Pacific Northwest— about half regular fare.
Iff {jffihUl 38/mI nL If intereited, send name and address on this coupon, designating !
I lti which booklet wanted and to what point you plan to go. Name probable i
> 11 11,148 ° f ,Urt al * o ' *° WC C *° a< * vi * e <^e^in ' te ' )r witt »»P«ct to rates, etc. |
L| || | J
Pass. Traf. Mgr.. Rock Island System, about '/f
j CH,CAGO - ' " - -—-
11 a 4, i —-7 ——
THE F* THE * '
Tells all the general news of the- §* Beat dressed and moat respected
world, particularly: that of our §,< _ newspaper in Sullivan county.
State, all the tells it j£ w; Pre-eminently a home newspaper
impartially. Coiuestto subscrib- f''^ e °"'y Republican paper in
ers every other day. It is in fact v county aud comes from the seat
I almost a d«il v newspaper, and ». 112 of justice with new news iroia
[ yoa cannot atford to be without? Im". the county offices, clean news ]
; 1 it. We oiler this unequaleds X' 'r from all sections of the county
h paper and the NEWS ITEM" ""d political news you want to
I. together one year for • read. This with Tri-w«eklys at
h /|taS I $1.50
1 \r iandiTri-Weekly
J|l I
/ i 4
I In every city there is one best i| If you want to keep in touch
I paper, and in WiiHiamsport with the Republican party
. it is the <J*.zettc audi Bulletin. * organization and be informed
112 It is the most important, pro- °' J u " rca ' ewtate tra »sfera or
.• gressive and ' rS legal matters in general that
j paper in that city. \ Thie first [• i transpires at the county seat
■ to hold the fort journalistically, ij" >«u must necessarily take the
i Order ol thejNe.wfl Idem.'» It . > NEWS ITEM.
I:• | l ■ |
lf|v "HEW RIVAL"
r - || |a ..A.A.A. 4. .A, A A ' A,A >a,a - a ' a,a ' a ' a,a " a ' a -^ j -
i "MewLtival, " "Leader," an ;
4 Insist upon I Aviug tbenit ttiV.o 00 otficrj and you will get the best sbells that money can buy. h