rA IR SAN P) 5 GAS or GASOLINE K N Q I N E S. i here are many Gas and Gasoline Engines and ONF "FAIRBANKS" Some resemble it m construction, others in name THKRE IS ONLY ONE FAIRBANKS ENGINE. Engines that excel! in quality and moderate in cost * ?!'cal from One to ten horse power Horizontal three i.orse power up- THE FAIRBANKS COMPANY, 7Ji Arch St.. Philadelphia CHARLES L WING, Agent., Laporte B H ONE pUL| - quart of HH WHISKEY FREE We knowthe meaning of words end will do a* mw. We . « u,m Whisker Itut ul the MaU MaU Order Whiskey CeaeaMi In the Saath. All the ,"Jv Merth Carolina Whiskey we cell U toed—there's ae bad. r V;-... t People bero wouldn't adulterate If they know how—they ere teo feoiMi! Most wliibkeysvlloramre noted formlxing.bleiullmr and , act&fctM i»1 11 i ing. We sell more genuine old whiskey udnaniet than . v J"SC3 B RD /. k! ";T? eumpet.tor "Casper's It Year «Md» Whiskey la > .* r -£k'; VCI 1?' ■» Liquid joy! Its made by honest people In the mountain* ot t \ fi „ ■ must please or we will buy H back. We have a capital of IMO.OML ' 2 V'tf ./ £® 1 H»nd the Pooples'National Bank and the Piedmont Bating* Bank EfS; Wit M ■joftl'lscity will tell yon onr word Is gotd. To Introduce this old. *• * v i I■■■«■■! . ■honest whisl-ov. we offer four FaU Q marts ef "Casper* II : Jfti' fie |4j ■ V car Old"—two sample bottles, one 15, one M year old-a cork- Si L^B eCT IV!I *"'! "drinking Klaus-oil for •*.»». 11 •&.»• Ilsent we V". .SKT'I H will double tho abnre and put In free Oaa Full Quart Kxtra. ExS ■3 V • iaSSfe B w ®. hli ™ some oft his whiskey only 112 years old, and will send fire ' ■ ' k"fc {-~S- MOTH B£?;? n !"l?. or !'° ? r "J" fu ™l"ti twenty full .juart bottles on re ??, rJ-' y Kn*. y*J3rKM B 0 ?' 1 " of Wl and glre free corkscrews, drinking glasses and sam l J: |S ■—* Carolina Peon* ' ■ Caeoer -• »■ s^ie^usngeMßnßnaMHQananaßß^ > "jp/j, o ."'?,t T(Vr El—!•«fors r^rnjiaiasthe ak»r«whiskey edTettttsßeatroappta? ift oorcluraes. ae Inreeticated . i ' : rausrss ttciu. und fnraitlß ««oJ uf 112 ure »buiki» fer ntdiral r*. rnu » vl ' •ivXM* x ex.or totuj.n> tob. —fIMTERNAU, 112 13 wscmsss ■ I • - Powder is to be | Buy by name— mK H! if Son! model, slretcli or liTTito of invt litiob ior t I f fryereport oa patentability. For free book i i t Fit tents and TRADE-MAIIKS "i"i ! {Opposite U. S. Patent 1 L , .WASHINGTON D.g JI lo (Jure ion forever, j Take Cuscarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or £hi I If C. c. C. fail to cure, druggists refund money ; 11 \ Capita] and Surplus. $450,000.00 H IMMSSH nm It MaKes No Difference where you live, you can avail | /yourself of the security and account in this Com \Hkds by doing your blmtSßßf mail — We pay 3 per cent, compound interest on Savings. 1 * Write for the booklet. "Banking by Mall.** LACKAWANNA COMPANY 404 Lackawanna Avenue SCRANTON. PA. New Rotary J mi A Brand MNew Idea IIP in Sewing V Machines We have now 10 equipped °* nctorr to produce an a&uadant supply to meet the Heal demand for our high Cade. low priced Rotary— the highest type sewing ma" '"M erer offered at any price or un der any name. Our Damaicua |HBBS Grand Ro- tary Shut ■HH tie sewi at ■HHV h I then KjQV speed, eas test on the operator and least oolicmakef **P » T *7«fc«nf eay other sewlac aaa chlne will and doe* It better and eaaler. Shipped en BO day* Trial. Wanaated for a term of year a. /We Are The First « offer the people the New type Retary Sewing Machine at leaa than $68.00 to $7i,00. High prices muat tire amy before aa. You Must Have our aew, elaborate Sewing Machine Book and lUuahmted catalogue la two color a. about ?*'!•• 11*14 In. The finest sewing machlnetok e**r publlahed. Fully describes theneweat Retary and other atandard mwhlnea •t nrtcea aerer eqaaled. I» te free to yea. Wrtte U A prompt, effective! 1 REMEDY FOR ALL FORMS OF I IRHEUMATISMI I Malmtlca, Nm*irals/lm, I [3 Wily Troublm mud I fa Ktnmrmd Dlmmmmmm. ■ I GIVES QUICK RELIEF ■ n Applied externally it affords almost in-H gj stant relief from pain, while permanent H H results are being effected by taking: it in- H tern ally, purifying the blood, dissolving ■ the prisonous substance and removing it from the system. DR. 8. D. BLAND ■ Of Brow ton, Ga.» writes: H "1 bad been a MUflVrer for a number of years with Lumbago and Kheumaliim lu my arms end legs, and tried all the remedies that 1 could ■ nattier from medical works. and also consulted ■ wlthanumbor of the best physic laue, bni found ■ "« lbe roller obtained from ■ s-DUOPS. I bhHll prescribe it la my practice H for rheumatism and kindred diseases." ■ DR. C. L. QATBS I Hancock, Minn., writes: ■ **A littiegfrlhemhadsucha weak backcaosed by Rheumatism and Kidney Trouble that the ■ coaid not stand on b«r feet. Tbo moment they ■ put her down on the floor she would scream wltfi pains. 1 treated her with 4, ft-DROPS" and today H she runs around as well and happy as can be. ■ I prescribe "5- DROPS" for my patients and use U la my practice." H FREEI If you are buffering with Rheumatism, ■ Lumbago, Sciatica. Neuralgia. Kidney ■ Trouble or any kindred disease, write to H us foi a trial bottle of ' '5-DROPS." ■ PURELY VISITABLE I "••DROPS" Is entirely free from opium, ■ cocaine, morphine, alcohol, laudanum. ■ i and other similar ingredients. H l.ai«e Mm)Boltl. "A-DItOPS fI.OO, rwStlebl Urunlit. ■? SWANSON RHEUMATIC CUM COM PAH ■[ . 41. If 4 Lake Street, Chicago 11 —II Cut off that cough with c c < world's Standard Throat and Lung Get it of your druggist and keep it alwavs readv in the house ~ ~,. ,;^ [ TOUCH I your tojgue to | I A V ■'"f *t T\JSH W:>> sSx<;\ vlsayP**V W I ■ and look in the glass—you will see th~ effect \ B ■ You can t help puckering—it make* you pr.c!:2r & N #i B I to think of tasting it. \ [ M 1 J H I By the use o£ so called cheap Baking J \)\ /fl I ■ Powders you tak£ this puckering, injurious Alum f\ J / I \ fi ■ right into your system—you injure digestion, \\\ IV I I and ruin your stomach, VV Jt/f H I AVOID ALVM I I Sap plainly- I RflVAl I wlMla POWDERI M ( , ,s '; ladn from pure, refined Grape Cream of Tartar-Costs more I Alum out you have the proiit of quality, the profit of good health. M ■* flVrrrnriTi lo mtemt Good ideas a»&j Q CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS □ 1,1 [ 1 JkM 51 ► EicM iFr!! J.iSTty M Cood - S liLiULLSj rHE PATEN J RECORD >• ERCE M UM!int,me - Sold by drum,*. H «™d [ *-* •■HowtoobUinP.w*,. rHEE IHtMWi llUilll ■■■ jiL (. CSarpej moderate. Nofeetill patent is secured. * V _ strictly oonfidenif*l. Address, 1 G-SICBERS. G-SICBERS. PatentLssyer. Wtshinftsn, 6. C.J ut an EXPERT BUGGY MAKER INSIDE FACTS of our vehicle interests, bought • I two buggies from the same house the oeher day. One «*t *, 8.00 more than the other. Then he took the bugeiea I til apart to see just whv one was h.gher priced than the other. Here is what he found out • I ** J®* h f "112? 221! « and ««« ** body, same wheels, shafts a'nd everything else exc.pt I th« the h.gher pneed one had . 4 -oz. cloth trimmings instead of Keratol, found in the cheaper ; a leather boot I of rubber ; a better axle, and the finish on the woodwork was slightly better, but not very much. ' I Read the difference—and learn how easily price can be raised without changing the grade, in a buggy. I SIDE BY SIDE;: I Difference in Coat $3.80. Difference in Price to Vou SIB.OO. I What do they gjve for the I On their Buggy On the Best makin 8 "d »elUng these bug- I B^V*lunch C P k . (^r i ?Jl a, , ions , ) ■ Same. gi" to the house Mr. Shaw I Si. y v. £. e# wide., SI inches long*. Same . I vSJi Si e 5 y6? cl . w / thoutttnt, * rattter « Same' bought from, wis fooling the I Malleable head block (considered poor). Sam!; . 5 . # I Common reaches' 0 ° P (ch#apest made >- Same. house, or the houic wa» fool- I liii' bgyou - In CMe « 122 I by dipping. Lonrdlsunc* were paying |,g.00 far I IP- *>■*<> I Rubberboot I4°f. cloth We tell you these thing* I ,OP !^r h ;° because we believe in a I v Slightly better deal! I e isn t one purchaser of a buggy h> a hundred no, nor in a thousand—who can tell of his own knowledge I the cause for the difference in prices between one buggy and another, i— = " I We make our own buggies. A WELL BRACED SEAT I Weare the only general merchandising concern in the world that dne. X I The prices to you on our different buggies are based on the j'j j.j FJ J. I We make the samt small percentage of profit on a $70.00 rig that I we doon outfit, and you get full value for every dollar you pay. I vehicles with any make you know of, price for price. P USED ON ALL OUR WORK. I If you are not an expert judge of buggy values, you are safe to order from us, for we give honest value foi I every dollar you spend. And we guarantee you satisfaction. 112 The thousands who have purchased vehicles of us write us of their perfect satisfacton and of J. 0.00 to *50.00 I WHAT OTHERS SAY saved on each one. I . /•*'.' cannot say enough for Ward Our W».., ft ti « . I btutane*. hut mine speaks for itself." " r lew ' chicle C atalogue tells the truth without exaggeration. It I "Th. timberfn youttoVk motnv ,iescrlb « detail just the rig you want. Safe rig,' safe price, safe houae I tab. ro.d. welL Used im lo deal with. Let us send you this vehicle catalogue, fre~Remeints: I "Mv ue Ba f ( i ol l?J >u^ M T n Mr ' F - L Sh " w > an expert vehicle man, looks after your Latere*. I Mv J46 90 joh Is far ahead of (ho 160to 570 a i I 7 I buggies sold here." JNO. T. Carter. At-Jress, I Montgomery Ward & .Co., Chicago 1