FIRST national bank OF DI'SHORR. f'ENN A. CAPITAL - • #50.000 BUBPI.UB . . 825.000 Does a General Banking Business. 8. I). BTERIUERE. M. D. BWARTS. President. Cashier ft per eent interest allowed on certificates. BERT F HEESS, liftwyer and Notary Public, SURETY BOND* FURNISHED. Office in Croll's Building, next to Hotel Ofoert. ]>rsH<»RK, PKNN'A. Both Phones. |j~ BRADLEY, Attorney-at-Law. Oißce, cornerjof Main and Muncv Sts. LAPORTE, PA. Having opened an office ai 1023 Arcli .St., Philadelphia, I shall still continue to praetice'in ihe several Conns ot' Sullivan Countv.' When not in inv office personally a cotiipetjnt person will he found in charge t liereol. Bonds of various kinds furnished. 112 RANCIS W. MEYLERT, Attorney -at -Law. . ffice in Keeler's Block. I.A PORTE, County, PA. J J. & F. H. INGHAM, AT TO HRBTS-AT-LiW, Lfgul t •usiness atteudod to in this and adjoining counts'** _AI»f>RTK, £ J. MULLEN, Attorney-at-Law. LAPORTE, PA orricm i* cobrtt bdiidi*« Itliß 00 CUT aoviß. j7 H. CRONINT ATTORHKT'AT -LAW, ROTARY I-BIUO. orrt. B ua hair KtuaeT. DITSHORE. LAPORTE HOTEL. F. W, OALIjAGHER, Prop. Newly erected. Opposite Court llouse equate. Steam heat, bath rooms, hot and cold water, reading and pool room.and harber shop; also good stabling and livery, Cbtppewa Xtmc fUlns. Lime furnished in car load lots, delivered at Right Prices. Your orders solicited. Kilns near Hughesvill® Penn'a. M. E. Reeder, I MUNCV, PA. For a well Kept Up-to-date Stock of General Merchandise Far pries that are Right For curteous treatment goto BuschhauserT fONDEXi'ED REPORI ot the condition of The v-First National Bank at ]>u«hore, in the Stat.- •■f IVnusvlvauia at close of business Anir. -i'-itii, J RESOURCES. Loans ami discounts •I.XKKft of. I'. 8. Bcßdt to secure eirrulation JO,OOO 00 Prepjl ion p. s. Bonds 1,50000 Stock W-urities 1H0515 00 Kurnixae 900 00 Kite 112 Ta Bank' and approved Res. Atft. 75.398 '.it ltede tion fund I' 8. Treasurer 2.500 uo Spec * and Lettnl Tender notes 22,'.!;>9 7 - .i Total |4W,4CCtKt LIABILITIES, "»p't»! $50.000 00 Surplus uii'l undivided proiits Circulation «moooo liividends unpaid 24 00 Deposits 11 Total (H'-W 406 93 State of Pennsylvania i ounty »112 Sullivan ss. I, M. 1). Swart* car tiler ot the atiove named bank do solemnly swear Uiat the above statement is tiue to the hi st of my knowledge and lielief. M. I). s\\ arts. ooshier Hul*ciil>e.l and f*..rn to before me thle 28th day of Auk- H'o7. M.BERT F. My coin mission expires FehyST.'uy. Xot«r> Public. Correct Atlesf: J. 11. KKKSER | . E. fi. SYLVARA. -Directors (jAjIt'EL ( 01, F. I Covnty Seat ] Local and Personal Events] . Tersely ToW. / Mrs. r. A. Bivins. on Friday re turned to New York City for the winter. John Lovelace and family ard preparing to move to Say re where Mr. Lovelace is employed in the machine shop. Mr. and Mrs. K. Y. Ingham will close the Hotel Eagles Mere this week and goto Atlantic City, where they will spend another winter. F. M. Crossley, \V. 15. Hitter and John Hansen and wife attended the Illoomshurg fair last week. Mr. F. P. Miller and daughter The Village Improvement Society will meet at the home of Mrs. T.J. Keeler on Tuesday eve ning October 22nd. Rev. S. 11. Engler filled the pulpit at the M. E. Church both morning and evening last Sunday Kev. Engler preached two ex cellent sermons to appreciative con gregations. The Kev. Thurlow S. Nidi of Manchester. York County, has been appointed by Bishop Darling ton as rector of the Episcopal Churches at LaPorte and Eagles Mere. Mr. audMrs. Null will move into the rectory at LaPorte early next week. Mr. Null's first service in the church here will be Sunday evening Oct. 27 at 7.30 1' M .Mr. Lee Voorhees, son of J>r. ('. D. Yoorhees ofSonestown, and Miss Peril ShiU'er of Plains, Pa., were recently married at the home of the bride's parents. The ceremony was witnessed by about eighty guests. The bride wore a gown of whiteehif- I'on and carried bride roses. After a tveddiiig tour Mr. ami Mrs. Voor iiees will reside at Plains. A Los Angeles Times boasts that nun was spent in tlfat cily for •ostage stamps last month Tour sts must have been busy writing ionic for more money. It i« said that American travelers lave left five million dollars in Can ida this year.The boarding house oust be the most profitable busi ness that Canada has. Mine Hesant thinks that .Mr.ltock • lellar will return to this earth some ilav"a bewutiful seraph". Even now, he is the Cniversity of Chicago's "angel". The first gun of the anti-Kosevelt •anipaign comes from Wall street, where the principal brokers are sounding his prai.-e only to down him, the tirst opportunity. Koosevelt tilid Wall street have not been very closely affiliated at any time,so there is no love lost Just think of what what will come early tn December! The Presi dent's message,Kiehard Parson Hob son's war pr<'dictions,the Democratic platform and perchance another Judges charge to the Thaw jury! A New York man was sentenced to prison for stealing two Bibles. To have a bible in one's possession in New York is considered a crime or proof of insanity. The increasing cost of paper, and labor is at length beginning to tell on newspapers, and in various efore breakfast milk and cream that never saw chalk ati successors, continues to transact husi ni-ss in the said Borough. Section The said poles shall not be erected so as to obstruct, impede or inter fere with 'lie free flow and passage of water in, through over fir upon any gut ter, drain, sewer culvert or other water course, nor so as to interfere with or ob struct the convenient use of the streets, avenues and alleys of the said Borough, nor so as to obstruct the enterance to any property Section 4. This ordinance shall not take eflect until said Company shall, by its proper officers, execute an agreement binding the Company to at all times lieie nftcr observe and lie subject to all the provisions liereol. Adopted by the Council the lltli day of February 1907. Approved this 20th day of Feb. 1907. I'. \V. PEA I.E. Acting Burgess. Attest: C. PEALE.Jr, Town Clerk. ■ I certify that the above is a true and correct copy of the above entitled ordin ance as it appears among the records of thetuiid Borough. C. PEALE, Jr., Town Clerk. Henderson Robbiua, aged a little over 80 years, died very suddenly on Monday evening at his home, at Picture Rocks. The immediate cause ol' his death was hrights dis ease. The funeral will take place from the late home of the diseased Thursnay morning at 10 o'clock. Interment in Hni.tersville cem etery, To retire as usual after carefully locking all the door* to make the house secure antl then to awake dur ing the night and And a Burglar in Bed with hint was the experience of Thomas Crossley, SO years of age, living near Danville. The old man protecting in vain, got up and ran in his night shirt to neighbors. Inves tigation showed that his heme had been robbed. ADVERTITEMEXT. COMMISSIONERS' SALE OF UN SEATED AND SEATED LANDS. In accordance with the provisions oi an Act of Assembly passed the 29th of March 18:24 the Commissioners of Su Hi van Coun ty hereby give notice that they will sell at public sale all or any part of the un ; sea - ed and seated lands hereinafter nam ed, which have been purchased lor the County at Treasurer's sale, and which have not been redeemed .in accordance , with the Acts ol' Assembly in such case made and provided, tor the best price which can be obtained for the same. The sale will be held at the Court House in Laporte. on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1907. commencing at 11 o'clock a. ni., and con tinuing until the whole are disposed of. Da\idson Township. Acres. Warrantee. 150 Evans. Joel J less, Samuel and Wesley 21 Hess, do do ■">4 James, Grace .".82 James, Grace Forks Township. 407 Doney, John 4:>7 Dorsev, Leonard Laporte Township. 14 (irail. John 100 Perkins, Joseph 59 Graft, John Shrewsbury Township. 09 Boyd, John 380 t igden. Joseph Seated List. Cherry Township. 100 Dvev, John 2 Lots Bright, W. H. 20 Kisner, Mrs. Martha House and Lot, Moltz, Lunze I Lot Barrow, John 14 Quinn, John Sr. House and Lot Batch, John Collev Township. 54 Kozer, John Also the following parcels or lots of land purchased by the Commissioners for the County at SheriHV sale on municipal liens: Fox Township. Land of 0. J. Shaver, bounded on the East bv I'lysses Bird's land: South by John P. McConnell's slashing; North and West by Union Tanning Company's land. Eagles Mere Borough. Land ot Joseph Van Hook; bounded on the North by Dickson lot: East bv lands of Peal estate; South by John ,S. Kirk lot: West by Laporte Ave. Laporte Borough. Land ol Heorge W. Mix, bounded on ! the North by lands of R. A. Conklin; j East by King street: South by South St.: I West by Beech street, called seven lots. F. ii. MCCARTY, t B< »Y DP. BENN ETT, > Comrs MICHAEL MCDONALD) SHERIFF'S SALE, j By viiiue of a writ of Fieri Facias is sued* out of the Court ol Common Pleas ot Sullivan County, Pennsylvania and to me directed and delivered, there will he exposed to public sale at the Court House in the Borough of Laporte, Sullivan Couutv, Pennsylvania, on I FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1907, !at 1 1 o'clock a. ni„ the following describ ; ed property, to wit: All that certain lot. piece or parcel of | land situate, lying and being in the Town ship ol Shrewsbury, County ot Sullivan, j and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and I described as follows: | Being a part of the John Swain war j rant in said township, containing two I hundred thirty-one (231) acres be the same more or loss, bounded on the North by lands of llovt Btothers, on the East by lauds of Bodine. Warn A Co., on the South by the Joseph Ogden warrant and on the West by lands ol same name, re serving therefrom all minerals, ore, coal, oil, gas ore. conglomerate or otherwise under the 9nrtace, except agricultural products, with the right to locate and mine the same, with the right to enter, return and reenter in pursuit thereof by day or by night, doing as little injury as possible to the hiirlare ot said lands and especially reserving the right to prospect on any portion of said latiik. 'I here being a small improvement upon said lands which is cleared and under cultivation, containing six acres more or less and there being erected upon said lands two frame dwelling houses, one frame barn and other smaller buildings. The balance ot suid land having some small timber growing thereon. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property ot Jennie Croinan at the suit of M. Gillis, now to use ol George W, Weaver. FRANK W. BUCK, Sheriff. MULLEN, Attorney. Sherirt'sOrtice. Laporte, Pa.. Oct. 7, 190". Sealed Proposals. COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYL VANIA, STATE HIGHWAY DE PARTMENT, HARBISBURii, PA. Sealed proposals will be received by the State Highway Department of Pennsyl vania, under the Act. approved May Ist, 1905, for the building of a retaining wa'l containing about 623 cubic yards of dry masonry; also on 1240 cubic yards ot earth till, in Cherry Township, in the county of Sullivan. Plans, specifications and bidding blanks will be sent to bid-1 ders upon application to the State High way Department. Harrisburg, Pa. Bids must be endorsed ''PROPOSAL EOR RECONSTRUCTION OF RETAINING WALL IN CHERRY TOWNSHIP, SULLIVAN COUNTY," and received at the oflice of the State Highway De partment not later than October 10th, 1907. JOSEPH W. HUNTER, State Highway Commissioner. 1 WA NT ED—Men lor all kinds ot woods j work, teamsters, swampers, bark loaders, ! log cutters, trimmers and sawyers. Good wages and nice ground to work on. LAtfUIN LUMBER CO. Lfiipiin, Bradford Co., Pa. ! Wanted. —A girl to do general ! housework in the city. See Mrs. I E.A, Heim at LfiPorte. Pa. Campbell's Department :^tore.— IO percent Special Discount Sale DURING THIS MONTH on all SUMMER GOODS Consisting of Ladies' Oxford Ties, Shirtwaists, Shirt waist patterns and all Summer Dress Goods. Gents' Summer Suils, Oxfords 1 ies, etc. See our Bargain Counter. We have some birgains you cannot get elsewhere. Let us show you. Yours for business, A. E. CAMPBELL. SHUNK, PA. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, HXJC3-IiCES"V"XIjXj!E3, 3?_A CA $50.000° CK DeWITT BODINE, President. Surplus and JEREMIAH KELLY, Vice Pres. Net Profits, t WC. FRONTZ, Cashier. 65.000. T . J DIRECTORS: Transacts a General Banking Business. Bodine, Jacob Per, Frank A.Reeder, , Jeremiah Keliy, Win. Frontz, W. C. Frontz, Accounts oflndivid- JameH K. Boak, John C. Laird, Lyman* Myers, uals and Firms j Peter Frontz, C. W. Sones, Daniel H.Poust, solicited. JQhn Bull. 3 per Cent INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS spring Saits for Men, Boys and Children are now here for inspection. Suits in black clay and unfinished worsteds and 1 hibets Homespuns, French and Fnglish Flannels, and Scotch Goods. Boys and Childrens' Suits in all the new fabrics and makes. Prices as well as variety are extraordinary. All new anJ up to date line of Gents-Furnishings, Hats, Caps, etc. Also the only place in town where you can get the "Walk Over" ai)oeS J. W. CARROLL'S, • Hotel Carroll Block, DUSHORE, PA. GENERAL STORE ® Tanner. ® FULL AND COMPLETE STOCK ALWAYS POUND HERE. Just received a special purchase of "Riches" Flannels, Lumbermens' Shirts and Drawers, Men's, Ladies' and Childrens' Mitts, Gloves and Hosiery. There's Lots Here t Show Yu From the City. Fresh stock of Diy Goods and Notions, Boys and Men's Hats and Caps, full line of Snagproof Shoes and Rubbers, Ladies', Gents' and Children's Goodyear Rub bers Woodsmen and Boys Shoes to suit all. Our Usual Quality of Groceries and Provisions are Equal to the BEST. JAMES McFARLANE. />rrrinpnr 7Jr»Ti < ■ ■■■ «-nr»>N I SEVERAIREASONST|^r R The Be-.t Course of Study. * ! Li.rirtj I y of Lxporicnced Specialists. I acuity r. y Authors of the Leading: Series of Commercial Textbook*, ■ nl inoat Ku.'.'.njr pd Equipment, Gymnasium, Baths, etc. _ Jrctf Coisrw of lii:;h-t!as9 Lectures and Entertainments. , P ore t\sn New Typewriters, and latest Office Devices. I « Ch-U C.rJuntM to fill Rood places exceed Entire Student Enroll* . i LJ by more than 50 per cent. • ii AJsKstlca- tta.schall, Rut.kctluiU, and Field Day Exercises. I ; u io tvi'o'DeiiurtmeiiL Send for Cataloging •H , Tl nOCIIUSTBH, N. V. JJ \ 7* ' •'y >■ 'ti'i J