,'RHT NATIONAL BANK OF UUSHORK, PF.N.-'A. CAPTTA-Li - * $50,000 , eUKPI.US - - $20,000 j Does a General Banking Business. Kl> STEKICiERE, M. D. BWARTS. j President. Cashier fa j. BRADLEY; > Attorney ut-IjRW. i iffipe, corner 4 ot Mniu ami Mitncv Sts. LAPOKTE, PA. Having opened an office hi 132S Arch St.. t'hilndciphia, I shall still continue to j' practice in tlie several Courts of Sullivan . I'.mntv.* When not in my office personally n competent person will lie fotiml in j charge thereof. Bonds ot various kinds furnished. FRANCIS W. MEYLERT, 1 i Attorney-at-Imw. .fficein Keeler's Block. LAPOKTE, County, PA. T J. & F. H. INGHAM, ATTOI'.H BYS-AT-I, A W, Legal business attended to in this anil adjoining counties _APORTS, _ PA I jc J. MULLEN, Attorney at-L«w. LA PORTE, PA OFFICE IB COOKTY BUILDIHO NKAR COURT DOBSK. j IL CRONINT ATTORSKY-AT -LAW, SOTAKY PUBLIC. OFFICE ON *AIR STHBBT. DtISHORB. PA LA PORTE HOTEL. F. W, OALI.AGIIER, Prop. Xewly erected. Opposite Court House square. Steam heat, bath rootns, hot and cold water, reading and pool ro;im.and barber shop; also good stabling and livery, jlbtppewa Lime furnishea .n car load lots, delivered at Right Prices. Your orders solicited. Kilns near Hughesville Penn'a. M. E. Reeder, MUNCY, I'A. .1 For a well Kept Up-to-date Stock of General Merchandise Far pries that are Right For curteous treatment goto • juschhausen* £OUKT l'KO<-LAM ATIOS. WHF.ttKAf*, Hon « It \S. !' I'KKRY .hidtrc lloiiorubit's John h. ht <> i and L. « L. ?»iku Assoc?. Jutip's of,thv « otiris of (>\<.'i mid I > 11. i.t-r and (.iciMM ;i 1 Ji.il Dciivcry, « ol the !Varo. Orphans' < oiirt and « «>i • i :i I'li-as for tho ' > nnty of - nl'i van. luvv- N-ned t... ir jiltM-cj l. ho 11: Pi: »n'.ic lhe 11 ■>i n\ of i e.\ i»» in- fliiK'U'ii. ;. r l.ohiiiiv (!•<» t vla ilf its in lhe Bona •h of l.aj<»rte. on Monday the .luy tii ; • it. -a. •«."• • i«><*u |>. m. 1 11 ■ll ■f< • i (•,! i* ■ I i < •> ■ - ir-iu\, ~to (In.i oronor, •hi.-lift> «»i Uu- Lea' «• ••nl « «-»i1-« 1 » luiii '«i.e < mih t t:,t th'»y• ih«*; •!!«; thore in I ■.• •r j. j>- » ;« I 'l:nm«lioli> .. i u: li«-r ivia.hii•••• •'■ « ' n> * L thin#* t«» >\!:;rh_ 1 '.cir ntl'ic- .»! >i'CM il to In* tion \nd U) iho-e who art' }>. tl.fir ieo«'*,' t" |'i«»ycuu ( n -w L« «•«.* ot -:ui! i In.in thv ju .< i Uk--.ml (»unt; **ullivan. ir- hinl>\ n> •: .ii« • i iu i *. then and iheec t.» j vi.m'i i tv .gainst them a* will l»e jnrt. LANK V. . i»f'< K. .-'he nil. sheiilV'b (>ilh e,Lai-*flit* La L. i. ,v i, 1",7 Sjih.'lhlid slimtl storii-s :t|>|K ;H" rarli \V(ck in tin* Sinulny oJ 4V TIJK IMII LA DELI'H I A I-MiKSS." 'l'licy are cti~|> ;ucl l.icozy —just Uie kind tliiil nrr »o i• >ti'r.v (lay in llif week; will IV'Hturo.s. X. T. lItNKINtI 1101-SE i.ir.Tlri! priinf NTEAM HASI.KOA It liu.N HSSwill ••iiKAL'e the Hervic s of K»le»in « who can eon tv,.l Inv. stmi'iit t.imln. K-. within their lifiu'h b'.rliood. AddregH Lock lJox 2057,NewYork City fCovnty Seat , { Local and Personal Events! Tersely Told. j Air. Jacob Fries lias gone to ; Lebanon, l'a.. where he has a good position. Born—to Mr. and Mrs. J. !'• Kennedy. of Dtisliore, on Tuesday, j a daughter.' Eli J. Chilson of Overton and | Miss Mabel E. Wanck of Camp-1 hellsville, were married at Waverl,\ ! N Y. February 11, by Rev. II- 11. j Cook. ' Mrs, 'I lios. Morris of Nordmont died on Tuesday of last week of heart trouble at Ibe age of C.s years j and it days. Mrs. Morris is surviv ed by a husband five sons and twoj daughters. Funeral services were j held on Friday. Messrs. Fred Lauer of Mt.ney, Victor Lauer of Scranton. ami Mrs. E. L. Barrows ami Mrs. E. A. Ileim of Baltimore, last week were summoned to the home of I their sister Mrs. L. fSinylh. I where their mother Mrs. M. C. Lauer is seriously ill. Ellerv Crossley, on Tuesday went to Say re where he entered the machine shops as an appren tice. but will receive good wages from the very beginning of bis ap prenticeship. Channey .J, Fuller of F.stella, on' Monday was admitted to the Will iamsport Hospital for medical treat ment. A sleigh load of adult peoph : from Nordmont. and another load front Eagles Mere drove to Laporte Friday evening to attend services at the Methodist church where Dr. T. S. Wilcox of Williainsport. held I (Quarterly Conference and conduct led the revival service of tha.t even ing. after which he received font j persons into full membership in, the church and several others cm probation. William Bedford of Picture Rocks, di'opped (lead while comb ing his hair before the mirror early Tuesday'inorning. He had been |in his usual health up to his death which it is thought was due to heart failure. lie was about 40 j years of age, Mr. Bedford was u | j brother of Mrs. James Boatman of j near Soncstown. .One of the most destructive tire I in the history of Sunbury entailing: a loss of nearly S~>(H)00 occured j i Monday when several of the mcst prominent business buildings were destroyed. The month with usually the greatest amoimt of w inter weather ; has gone by, and February T | nearly gone, while March 17th I winds up our big storms as a rule. | The hours of light are increasing, j and already the thoughts of rnni- I ing spring stir the heart with hope and thanksgiving. A news item says the, life of a j one dollar bill is lo months. The ] average man cannot retain their j grasp on one any where near that long, so cannot learn from experi j ence. An inch and a halt of If! >ken needle was removed on Saturday fiom the stomach of a woman a; Ncseopeck. She believes ir had traveled from her arm where it entered several ycr.ru ago. Re cently she suffered pain.- in 1; r Ktouiueh and w!i n til.- physicians perfonne lan ..pe. ,i ion lln-y I' >;111 i i iie eoi roiled n edle, I'M i' lent lions. \■ it ;:i; ! ill n w Met'umber p n.-ion I'd 11.t0.-- day.iudii i- now ;i law. ('(.uoad - do not n < d ;ui tinrui in avail themselves of iis provision*. They niu-t in ke a sworn siati inent of their aye and when they were born and forward to the i one. ni-.-ion er of |>en ion . I oey can -wt ai' to it tiefore an\ justice of the peace or no tary (• 111. lie. Flection passed off very quietly in this town, there being only a I'nion ticket no contesting was necessary. The names of the can didates appeared ilia lec;'nt i-s lie of I he N ews Item. t'liren.e ll" u s of Philadelphia, was in town on Wednesday and gave the News Item a pica ant call. j All oversight in proof roti'li' ;| i last, week, caused flic News Item t<>| state 1 luit tlx-owners (if coal land i |i 11 Sullivan county \ver» receiving! ' from $1,500 to 82.000 income an j imally. This was nieut to inform !<>ur readers that a single acre <'" coal land nets in royalties tlint sum. Is not the $350 assessed valuat , tion a very low figure? yet Ihe own i ers have appealed and want the! ' court to relieve t hem, 1 n the interest of Hie health oft in j public school children Dr. Dixon, j • -t:ite health cenimissiouer,-advises j | that a medical inspector should he I j employed in every schoid in the | ; state, I>r. Dixon would have these | inspectors watch over the health and examine the eyesight and hear | ing of pupils, lioth for the preven- ! tion of the spread of contagious dis | eaies and to remedy defective vision j and hearing. In the opinion, of tie j state health commissioner the selmo' authorities stand to the children inn j parental relatio i and are rcsponsihl for the safeguarding of the pupils' health. Sunday School at 10:00 a. in. Preaching 7:00 p. m. ' This service will lie a revival ser vice. All are cordially invited to; attend. This is the order of the j | services at the Melhodi: t Kpiseopal church next. Sunday. The best of everything is given ' regular readers of"THE I'ltKSS.'' Both "TDK DAIITV AND TIN SI NDAV I'ltKs.S" have the host features that money can buy —ail the news every day. There is a strong serial story in "TIIK DA ll,}' I'ilKss" and the short storm-; in] "TIIE SEN DAY I'lil'.sS" ate very noteworthy. St. Johns Episcopal Ehurch. Rev. A. (!. A. Buxton D. D. Hector Suildav School 2.:!o p. in. I.vening pr.iyer and crmoii 7 ".») p m Litany Friday evening at th: ' Hectory. Curne you'will be made welcome. 1 ' ~~~~ 1 |)n.> expin •,'\j v'\ dl Ui i need Farm hands t< fcniinvnce work here March or April I in our beautiful farm and fruit I section at surprisingly big w.iges S Send r.s p< .stage stamp for part ion 1 it's it once. Ciive vour a-je and weight Ml 1,1,1':R 'S I AKM Sl*l*l'l,Y AGEN CY, rivNN VAN, N. Y. riiMHA'i 1 I. HKI'OKT .'I 111. ((HHta: 111 1.1 I'll. • Fit»t N"ati<»ii»l Hank at lliort. in thi» of Pennsylvania at elosr of busiuc#.- .lull J'-li . 1007. REMOVBCK9. Loan* and discount.* Si "7 l .- P.onds to-• viii'-em ulation. . I'nuiiumou r.i Stock -i'l'urities. 1*J"» 17s : j ! Kuituturc vi • ! I »n from lUnit- h«1 ai»|»'«'Vt»«i K< A. ' 1 ' j | K<»U'nu>tion i«11 n 1 I". s. 'Jivasunr J "*»• j ; Special ami Legal Tender notc.-> - " •'> j Total S »7 w..J if.'! MAI -.IMTIKX, I "npttat ?•'•>>.- j Surplus ami iiti.livi.lt'ii i.roli:- 7 i . i:ln tilatUm tM,">■ «• u ; j | Dividends unpuUl 00 i)i |*.sii> .'i' . l'litut J-IS7MWIW -^iriU'ni I't'iiiiiiylvanlii i'uui:!\ ..f | I. M. U. Su'ui'ts ea.-liiir ui the übow' iniivipil i l.uuik »to wili_'mlilv swear that tin-:ilmivi* t s is tan- Uitlir K-t ~1 in* Lii..\\ leiU'c anil l»-i . 112. M. li. S\\ Alt I S Ciishier. j Sulisc'iitX-il and sworn to l»«*fi.t«- i.u tt,. -:iutti ; day of lan. I.» r. \l.l i.: !'. Ilia'.-- j iM\ .'oil:. i-.U.:; -Iv l.> , • ... N""t:. 1 V l'u; ! .-. 1..11.1t Atu-t: .1. I'. KKI- -1 :: 1 ]■:. 11. s Y l.\ VK V - Mini tors. I 1, COL!.. I Trial I,i»t February Term, 1007, Return Day. l'Yli 'Ja. I'.tft" at '2 o'clock pin 1 Sliillcr Wm-lijc aid ••'Council v-. Morris Uvmen, No. 'J. May term, I'.»• llt'lpiidani's appeal, l'lvh, Non Assim. i pi-it-, Cronin, | Scoutcn l! Mi. I.;u l Mercieiiic vs George Kir man. No. ,".tV,. Kel.ranrv Ti rin ]'.H)ti D.'l'endanlV tip eal I'lra. non iis.-iitn; > payiacnt. piviiient with leave to s| . ( ial inalter ii. cviil. nee. Mullen. | Bradley. TIIOS. I'.. K l'.N N I!!>Y,' Protli. Protli. r.|! : ce. Ia i .or! e I 'a . '■> 11. I'.tnii • A MATTER &FHEALTH 1 P 6 %if §sll^ Ahsaliitpf*/ " HAS M& SUBSTITUTE A Crestri of Tartar Powder, free from rdutri or phos- I pfiatic acid t SOYAL BAKING FO'A'Dt Ti CO., NEW VORK. | NUTRETO. : A Nerve, Brain ami Bray ,i ; Food Drink Give the little ones ;i i j I iv- Nut re to . l iey Ik' . It's 'he Natural Food Drink. Haimless as ' iiii.k; n >tl i more del i'.:i :us I So[d at Smith's. I Administrator's Notice. I'-tdto of K'li.- :- ! nell, 1 (>• <•(' ! I ill • >\ i . tow n.-lii].. d ■<. . i N'.i is herein jrivrn tliat letter* <> ! ailm iij i1 rat ion upon the esiato of Klli- Snt'll, lute ot II ill- r.ive I'ovviisliip. Stil'i van •Vainly, I'ciiiifylvania, deeeas'-'i ! linve lieen grnntcd to tin* mid- r.-i^in'd. All persons indelile.l to s iid estate are i i i|acst.'d to liutke ]i'i> nii tit and those has iiiL r claims or ileinniids Miiiinst same w. pl't rent eiiine wi' Ii k \ i DKAI'.EU IN I Flour, Keed and Meal, Cherry Mills, Pa. 1 hive jusf received thre ; car loads ot mii! feed, slk ! I is Wheat Bran Wheat m'd j-ings. Com Meai, and Co and Oats ( h nr. Sp i:e an vV imei V\ iieat i loir, llut i- | 11;> be sold ;it the lowest casl prices. (.'.i!l on me for speci i prices on qu intiti i. JOSEPH SICK, ! CHERRY MILLS, W ; (fjr % asp 6 « -• 6 The Best place! to buy goods 1 % olten asked by the pi ti ! pent housewife Money s ivin& advant: realvvays bei searched !b Lose no time in making jthorouuh examina ion ofth. Line of Merchandist Now on iEXHIBITIONf 7 7 ? ??? ? ? V STEP IN AND ASK ABOUT THEM. All answered at VerttuiUiull'sj Large Store. Pa. r . .... k ' o | I The Lackawanna a; Trust and I Safe Deposit Co [ | i3 one of the .strongest financial 112 S institutions in lhe State. It lias a capital and surplus of if ■ $450,000 00. I' I It's an absolutely safe place for i | your savings, and every dollar p. R you deposit will earn J' per cent. a compound interest. ! A Write f<»r the book'et J "Banking by M iil." B J LA Cpi WANNA | | GQZ4FA.NY I ■ 404 L«ckawa.;tia Avenue | I SCRAMON, PA. V liwiwi 11 "I'll" 14 :,.TacL.-4Vv nFr ,r . • _ i pS2'; 1; Pj - s' nescr Comm«tcta! Textbook" ■ K . ........ uc.^ | 1 \ j.»w ;. • ::»• .«♦. c;id ior ( "loTUiV (\ I ! ' - - ' 1 •• ''. I'E, ]I i ...... : . .. ■ .. Zl p) A. E. CAMPBELL'S Oasll D epartroent Store. Win If r Ann oun ceme nt Evti'v- i>partm.nt i- iiill 112 st\ lis' arid i;p .o ' to [all arid Winter Goods and n ore i rr ving ddily. Our Men's Bovs' and (hildrers Clothing, Overcoats, UnilerwcHr, Slvoee, Rubbers, etc. LADIES' MISSES and CHILDREN Shoes, Drt'MS (iooil.- 1 , Wool sii.il < >n>ii I ( iinu • *•!.' .• 1 -1-. .> <• .-in, -:i'.. .e..U ior -ur iiiKin'Clioli, A IH'W line 'il ilii ■■ -l . i»tl |i.'.- 1.: I. -.- lis ... iin ~ri< <• ladies' call a :d see what we Ir'.v- to.( ffer we em please y*( u.it will pay you to look over our our stock before bu>inu ) our winter supply. We nteet all competition SLID worth Tickets' ''l.oo in ir.-t- !•'••• • I that n< l w.irili I >ki■ : nlti*. ',!s !> T ' II ii. >S, AP R I 1 iL-rf* 'i-y iUI'M. ii I_.v M> SIIUNX, PA. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, 'IiXJO'HESYir'IjB, .A., CAI 1 ! AI. SIUvK p Iyer' r? 'r>> • ■ p.. . •" . . jft.. /, „ , > i'll j, lie 1 .. t_« '. x , JEREMIAH KELLY, Vice Pres. . Surplus ami Net Profits, \V C. FRONTZ, Cashier. 05.000. ! r DIRF 'To: S: 1 ransacts a l. V. 1.1. . \ . < .oiil Accountsl'ilntlivid- .I i: • k. • . . • ; ■ , . uals and Finns J'H . Fr.. •>. c. \ ! i- ' n. p. :-, : solicited. ! •y- A 4 1 ■' •-* 112 ■- I />. ? i <>». rb « a' 1 Cy 1 (111 • e vl Ii o for Men, Boys cinci Children are u. w 1; r fe inspecu >n. Suits in black cl \y ■ d ,; i i is't iv -s?« miu lei e- I inespun.s. ! . o .. 1 u • . i i Bovs and Cl'uU'rcns Suits in all the new ta! rics . i i.ak 3 Priecs as well as v . tv <i.''JU PA. CEMERAL STORE I oo baportc Tannery, GO : PULL AND COMPLETE STO OK ALWAYS FOUND HERE. J ,' I.m > : m-. i ' S • i M h:idr lis'Vtus. (. • I There's Lc :!' • From the ' :':j. I " !:r s'.oc'v o ' i (.(.•)> ; - !■. : M - n's 'a-a v(. . ". i ' i Ruh i-!s. 1 , -....1 .t. .■ ! .il ! i . i' ;• ! '• j-, .\ .■■ -e.d I Our Usual ~r or; : • ;•, i • - s I are Equal-La t! . . ] \ Kfi v:■? • A T\lt7 J \ . . - i . 1. 'i i....,