fc , v» .. ... . .. I ''• 5 i L» i u.4 u . 4 _ ! Published Every 'Limr. Uvy a' yrnoon li? Tit Sullivan Publishing Co At the County Seat of Sullivan County. bAFOHTE, PA. \Y c, M ..„IN. I'r si i;i:«l Otliei* iti(a*rN In VuriouN SlaleN, < hi fr-ept. 1 the jzT.tn&e membership In ,\ w York stuto was about 70,000, but tiioi't' are lull}* Ci.iKJO or 0,000 more in others in j.-'o.l lauding, although fe-u paid up to tli.it date. 'J here lias l.ieci a gain '1 O.ti'.'O the last year iu thirty-five new (Tangos. New York ! - paid into tlic uatioiirtlgrange treas ury in dues. Out of sixty-one I I atks in tii ■ siato outside 0i New > ■ !." city fifi.v-two have gratiscs. .lef- II m is ihe banner county, with a membership of 0,850. Grange lire in* su'iiuce can!, i in tlie stale amounts to ;00,0,5<;,-i95. Now .Jersey has 12,000 members in .; BlanaiiiK in JOG sill ordinato and L'o per cent own their own halls or have sites purchased. Ui-i:i:;-o fire insurance carries about v - i : ; 10,000. lie iu ware lias gained about 25 per i ,'ui in iiiiinbership in the past year, in hat state the grange has full clun ve of Ihe farmers' institutes. ■ msyh ■ i.ii:i reports thirty-eight new gi ' u-os ti ■ past year and has paid . >. i < into ihe national grange treas ury. Five national grange banks have : . .! oi'.'.i: '.el ill Pennsylvania, and :ii• are others in tlie process of or a lion. There are about 50,1)00 us-", bers of till? Order in that state. M. -acliii.-etts lias made a gaiu of j i '.bership In tiie past year of l.."t;o »:i lias something over 21.000 mem i hers now. Orange tiro insurance is very popular. X-■ Hampshire has H'j.VKtibordin.ite i run cs am! nineteen Pomona granges. \v"!>. a t. . I inembership of 2S,o'n). ICausas reports the largest ; range • • ••• in t".r tilted States and the most sueee lul one. It has been in operation twenty-nine years and its : have .ai (Milted to .S'.;,t on whir i there lias i.een a net protlt of over i''l;is.o J(i. The co operative enter prises are in a nourishing condition. Connecticut has secured the national g-!in mc .ing for 1007. This will be one of tin largest attended m lional }";• n.cs ever held, and ii is believed t!m: : rcc.i d seventh degree class will be initiated. 112 '.ibiornia l as 0,000 members of the order, and the work of organizing granges is g'iitg forward. There are lr e juvenile gian.v •< in the state. Wi'shiiigi 'ii reports twenty nine new granges o gaulzed within t!ie past :range yes.rand one county p ram e. Many new grange halls are being built. The g: :: g.' ;. r-atiy la lps in the work of the farmers' institute and is .t s: iag fa tor in securing legislation in farmers' lute. :s, Yertnonl ha' "inisse.l lii'ii n new si..- '"iii.! > g 'ai: i the pn--t year and j tw-> county gr i w. The '- range is ! eoil. 'an a a., w irk in late, leg- I isUitlve and educational matters. vith over » »••,-, ,'ara; ul,-o I'orty- I me l'o:n ,;!• It i a live | I".'ill. :e st .'.aial 'a- r..' or la u sirotig fllct •!' 11l 1'..: .i I • 'a !■ i. •V tof ■■■••-. ' ,-J !. 'hi Hieil | annual i, . a: r.- |• . i j December, Dele ates o'x ul i have work. Colorado and C0..n0 .: i.t . ' \\ \ irgtnla hold 11 • -i:• I i »i; . J.mn. y. New York in I'el , . < gon In May, \Yashinglo:i in ,! •. Ten riessee and Texas in Aogtist, Califor | jiia, Kentucl: l .' ami lowa in Ootoh j and the ei. !iteen other state jrran. : ' meet In December. LARGEST GRANGE COUNTIES Tliey Are .li>a<>vsit!('i has a a hi .. • m aa' -.r-hip than >-•, era' of the smaller grange states, and Jet- ' • on la.a a larger mmal.e;- alp than i". aornia, Minnesota. I>i-law..re nnu lit le Island combined. Th"re are £■ farm, rs in .fe i' ,-sou county, so li t there la an average of one and i -'-It mem c rat > every farm in the ■ oaaty. Tie re has been a gain of (I.oe > i-i Hi-; o in tne past year iu . . v York i ANO C D oh' "oiHTS 1 . PTI B Ha# ■ £ OBTAINED !• ...-VICE AS TO PATENTABILITY £»L", ** i v - tice in '• Ii reative 't/trffrii tnoiifrnje. Tvo r< I ' r arent ired. ] 112 Uttmilrietlrci ittdantla). liditii. 1 E. G. SIOGER'r Patent Lawyer,' Washlnston, D C. j | Notice is 1, rebjr given tbhh 11c>re j . ia rough, Sullivan couniv, I'a., decetei l. Last file! F'inal Account of Mr?-. I-'rcd Nt wet 1, Administratrix «i. I>. n.o, t,|. of , j the estate o£ Daniel FairchHJ, deceased | ; First a; ! Final Account c( Mjr.'c : Watts. All linNirutrix of .lerrv Watts. 1 |h:e-of I>a\idsou toxTiship, deceased. I First aa,' Final Accnit'-.i r.t" I'.dwiu 11. I | Wrtiburt.il.. Adinini-iraiur il. h. n. ol the; I sal eol Af.geline McCnrty, deceased. j I And the ame will he |ireseuted to the i Or|ihans" ( >nirt of Sullivan county on I Monday, February 25, 1007, ut three J o'clock p. in., for confirmation. THOMAS I-i. K F.N NKI )Y, Register. ! lie :i.-tei-'s office.l.ajiorte.l'a., .lan. 25,' 06. ; License Notices. Notice is hereby given that the fol'ov oig applicants lor license have been filial n my olliee and the same will In prc.-enl-1 •i to the "onll .a IJtiHrter Sessions of the I i'C K-e ol Siiliiviiri < 'ounty on 'IONDAY.the IStli day ot FKUUr.U.'Y I ii - o'clock' p. m. CIIEIiIiY TUT. Mildred. K a restaurant license. I''r; nk F. Schaad, distillers license, 1 tin Scliaad. tavern license, I anus ,J. Connor, tavern license, Joseph Ilelsnian. tavern license. II Ii ii I'a lev, tavern license. Mildred. ' I.C. Weaver, tavern license. ll'-rsi, wholesale license. M urrav. W ill in m llaleyj tavern license, Satter field. Patrick Mo'lee. restaurant license. I herry ill-: lohn C. Cross, tavern license, Onshore. Leonard Ililbert, wholesale license. CO I, LEY TUT. '. F. Ifunsingcr, tavern license, Colli v. T'opezt Mare IMeKihhins, tavern liceiu-e la'nes P. Mcfiee. taven-Jlti use. Kdwin A. Oarcy, wholcßfrta licetisoc liinel S aviak. restaurant license, Ia in » Ifyai t. test.iurant license, |I. sepli ilo. hvealc, reslaurant license. ' DA V Ilea iN TWP: SuiiestOW n. hutiiel 11. I.oriih, t.tvirn license, Harry Baslev, tavern license. Muncy Vallev. U'iiliam llojilcr tavern license, ■Jlis Sivatik. restaurant license. S. lay lor, tavern license, Emmons. Michael .1. I>e\anney. restaurant license, j DTSIIttHK HdliOCiill. An hony li hi -e. tavern license, \l.eh:iel i nmiuiskey. tavern license, > '"l.n I' I, ii.e. tavern license. '"trick D.-ly. restaurant license. i Margaret Connor, restaurant license, ' ,'n' i'i't M ice. I'e-i.iurant license, ■'a rick 1.. Mcllonald, restaurant license. William I' Niel. wholesale license, EAGI I".S ME HE BoltOl'illl. j ■ in. 11. \ .oil askirk. tavern license, FDKKSYH.LK HOIiOT'OII '. M.:-• • 1111 in, tavern licei sc. 11l I, I.Si lilt »YE TUT, la cob i 'asci nan. lave rn licence, II ill-grove. T. VPOiri'i: l!ulp i|'t j 11, rank \\'. liallaglicr tavern license, lohn Hansen, Jr., tavern license. LAI'OIITE T« I'. ■ o. W. Kicster, tavern license.Xordinont ] SII IlEWSltrilY TWP. A'illiam 1. l' .rmeter tavern license. THOMAS E KI:NNI:DY. Clerk' 'lerk's office, Laporte, I'a., Jan. 28.190" 112 " I B Capital anj Surplus, $430,000.00 3 | irf 11 11 !■ 112 t j iC' > j I You Must Save j | your money if you expect to ! ! | rise in the world — I I We you to do it by pay- | j 1 jjj ing 3 per cent, compound jg i interest on savings, a Open u.n account with us and |. j iet s ;r,t of the money you 112. ! jj work for bLgin to work for | ! y° u - 1 1 r I'll 'K>t I vi'U 3 i . mi.;.!,iu tu AL.ii. E i Write for If. If' 112 .r "OSfAVfANNA $ eojv^_:,Yr SCKAisroN, FA. | : % A Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This ]irep:iratloii Contains all of lie (litestalll. ami digests ail kimN loud. It gives Instant relief a. ml n.-vi . fails to cure. It. allows you to "lit the food you want. Then .- 1 '■ btonmchs ca.it tahi it. Hvit-ue;, .rv tluaisantl.s of dyspeptic:? have : • r «:ured after everything e 1 .im- •* !• lltieijualle ! for i!:•» st i a 1 ' !!.! ren with wca s siotti..cits t ; :i n:t First dose relieves. A * j Cultivate the Habit of buying reputable! goods Irom a reputabe concern. We are nts for W. L. DOUGLASS SHOES fro> -j.so' _____ to 00 P ? "Ift Wood School Shoes : . % .M 'orboys has no uiuat. Tracys Shoes for' . farme.s are, we tlnd, 1 '-<<*>£& always sat is fa tory. a a gsss_ A GOOD ASSORTMENT \ V\ of CHILDRENS' and j *T. \%\ LADIES' Heavy Shoe J \o s '*\ Fine Goods at correct fi T-IWI *. - prices. ! fe'EßESTteoosHoTir I Clothing Made to Order 'All ha-.e tiie right appearance and guaranteed otsd in both materia! . . vi workmanship and price mte. "We h!m> niaiuif.irturo 1". oil. the Fhig Brand. It is not cheap, lmt j gcKxl. I ■ correctly in.-nio. Ask your dwtlw for itor write us for prices. ; INORDAAONT SUPPLY CO. General Merchants, p &SNTITE?M MILL?" I JjO PA, Short talks on Acs vert i&ino . ' iv C harlesAustinj&ates®; ! ;£ i. \ -j No. U). i People generally road advertisements more than they did a few years ago. The reason is to be found in tlis advertisements themselves. Advertisers are more careful than they used to be. They make the advertise ' mcnts more readable. Some of them even become, in a v,:iy, a department of the paper, and peiplo look for them I every day with as much zest and pleasure as they turn to : any other feature. Jtjt* This is true of many department stores all over JT ; la many cities there is just one man who appre- 7/ \ j i ciates the value of such interest. Av»\.( / lie bie iKS away from the old set style. He tells / i^ga/\VjL'■£. - something interesting in his space every ' >cae.^^P"^\ There are lots of interesting things in —— * business. Look over the miscellany page of any paper—look at its local news columns, J lad its telegraph news, for that matter, E& '-"'j* ) i and you'll see that the majority of the #«. J ' items are more or less closely related to i some business fact. yf \ Dress thSao facts up in a becoming .. Ut tht merchant com, __ J i<\ t t» L3N NV 9 fA ie stan dard cough and cold cure for over sy g_ j ff7\l ?1 Il'i MR Ifl may be secured li/ ' J J # I' II;; ■ i i $-J| Kf our aid. Address, P m A m.v C onvenient to cavrv with von. Don t /-> *— •■« »■* *—* V I\i Kl 1 JL 1906 ALMANAC I RKF. Write 10 ]>r. D. Jayne & Son, Philadelphia. 9 If? JTn ■ i% ■nm We are bound to suit everyone perfectly with our new 1905 designs and colorlng3 fci ' ! 't.w':'. pnk roses. 9-ln.bar snd celling to match, aout.e rolls, also ... . ' also 12c roll, also 10c rier xnd i. eiling to match,per double roll,aiso 20c Order either cf the above pa"r • ,cu for our 1905 Free Sample Book of Walt Papers, showing you the actual paper, r J true coloring and design, and quoting you the season s lowest prices, li . instructions for hanging wall paper. We can supply complete combinations, ceilir.g and bc: Jor to match all our wall patterns; also Independent ceilings, down top .. .r.juldtng, doing away with borders. Don t buy a roll of wall paper till you get our tr»e sample book and become posted on style, quality ar.d price. Write for it today. B Montgomery Ward £y Co., Washington Streets Chicago I )rt & NertJ mi ,\i 'jJZX/EJT} r In cllecl Mondtty. Read down v i'iair "ixtioi* v.l-.-iv tiii.t .1 AM PXI P.M. H.M P M AM'A, M. AJ! SI % •■ , , i 10 1.% 12 50 12»i'f> 21 r II 1020 :Ml . I * I 111 12f1...: li flu ■ ! . i 10 -10 I I :t.- r. :« n. i> m„ k, i 1!; !:■ :> >2 i li Id ui' nil. 1 M I II ... . li ill Mo .. i • 1 2f. I -1 .... '' I -II .. I"I ffiM 7 in I I 11. /Mr. .... 7 (;• i . I. ■ I ( ' . 1 -IS 5 07' 7 K, 2l'i ' , ; £■ '.'.'.'. 'Z :'i .i m ■; " "" 7-V I e fi' K .'Pi ■ i ! •' '• %■ ft', t' 112» 20 ..Ik' i: i , , i -c <» 0i) : ■ • S A.V >P: i•„ j*. , A.M 1 PM I'M AM AM .• •■ im i ;) | M 820 »no Vi 21) 710 ill ". 1.1 ..|..| 70< 848 1008 7fiß «»< »«■-» ... " 720 1080 ...T< ... : . , |7„ 12 10 " Will, - ;; Wl - ■■ 500 * 4 00" 1222 looo' 780 siu£n ■: • -t\ *;■ 1: ■) 7 " ToaT" S. D. TOWNSEND, n jj; TOWNSEND, Gen. Manager,Hughesville Passenger Agf.it. ißedqction Pale of SlKi!;^ Great I" cir^ciins v. „ > 112 / ' Groceries ar h -rp-. We have tlie best goods a t' : : v . '< ■ , iS i want a good saJ< of Hour, 1r . ; i i if j . | v.heat and you \vi use no . :i. i.•. qinnt'ties. Ot.r ott-> is: 'i . - ■ . . i . ; i . • j 1 c HKDrsr. J • UluKUli % \ ■ :: . 1 "P, DUSHROF r /.. IK TR R P L /V lil I) 11 1 ) ! GAS or GASC .1 . ENG IR: :: A There are many Gas and ( < Pi ' "FAIRBP . P Some resemble it it. constrePii , : : r.. :::e j BUT THERE IS ONLY ONL FAIRRANKS FN( II NP £ ilii. k£ - tt. 1 Li 6vJ il—. a. \VJ. iii „ i; Engines that excel: i;i quality and moderate incest. 1 j Vema 1 !r;>m C'ie io ten horse power. !- J orizor».'al three ! horse power up •| THE FAFHDANKS COMPANY, 701 Arch St., Philadelphia. CHARLES L. WING, Agent, Laporte I