Republican news item. (Laport, Pa.) 1896-19??, October 11, 1906, Image 3

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CAT'TTA.Ij - - 850.000 j
f?t'HJ?IiUS . . $15,000 I
Does a General Banking Business.
President. Cosliiei ■
Oltice, corner ol Main and Mun<:\ Sts.
h A Bolt IE, FA.
Having opened an oflico flt i *»2B Areli \
St., Philndoljdiia, I shall iH continue to |
practice in the several Courts of Sullivan \
( ountv. When not in 1113- otlic personally
a coin pet i.t person will he t'ound in
charge thereof. Bonds of various Kindt
Thee in Keeler's Block.
IjAFOHTF, Sullivan County, PA. !
J7X~& F. H. INGHAM: '
Legal bus'.no -s utter.led to
in this n-iiti adjoining count^oa
Attorn ey-'it-Law.
SBAB 001-BT 11003"..
OF VI K 0* *" F'^T.
Graduate University of Pennsylvania 1
At Lopez, Pa., Wednesday and Thursday
each week.
Newly erected. Opposite t'ouri
House square. Steam heat, hath room J
hot and cold water, reading and !•♦>«>'
room,and hari-er shoj: «im 1
and livery,
lime Iktlne*
Lime furnished .n car
load lots, delivered at
Right Prices.
Your orders solicited.
Kilns near Hughesvilie
M. E. Reeder,
For a weli Kepi
Stock of
Far pries that are
For curteous treatment
John Howard I Inn is i'resident.
College: With Courses in Aits,
Philosophy, Jurisprudence, Science,
Chemistry, Biology and Civil and
Electrical Engineering.
Academy: -lor younu men and
Institute :—for v omit; women.
School of Music: for both sexes.
Healthy surmuudings pure moun
tain water.
For catalogue, addre-s William C.
Registrar, Lewisburg. l'a.
* |
The hotel known is the ''('om
mercinl House", ituale oil Main
Street i • Ite Borough, will lie
sold cheap and on easy term - ol pay
ment. The house is well located, li
censed and enjoys a large patronage.
For terms and particulars apply or
10. J. Mullen, Att\.,
L tii >rte, P.l. 1
I *j.. * v-'j ,* - VTVII .IIWI .
fp . . ..... „ ■<£ .. ■
I I vO \Ji iIV £%i
j Local and Personal Even?
Tersely Tu'J. j j
The Rev. Dr. I). E. S. Perry of j
Blossburg, Pa. was in town 'i lie -
: day.
.Miss Sadie Rhone is visiting Mrs. ;
j Henry Stepp.
Mr. James Gansel mine home
1 from Berwick to spend Sunday i
with his family here.
Mrs. J. V. Finkle was a Onshore
[ visitor one day last week.
F. M. (Yossley is attending the
The Sullivan County Telephone
j Company will soon extend its lines
from Dtishore to Laporte.
Mrs. P. \. Bivinsreturned Wed "
J ncsday evening from a six weeks
tour through the we-te: n states,
and will spend a short time v. ith
her father, Mr. F. P. Miller, at
this place.
Among the jj.ll er-lal the k
son House near tie. \un er\ i a
tall, handsome F at I .•.an who,
calls himself Cheva!;- : d - Beutreil ;
! though of modest and "tiring tie- !
portmont he is an accomplish; I!
j character. and speaks English am!
j German very fluently.
Mr. I )ell i lowland. tlie genia 1 j
j machinist at the tannery, content-!
j plates moving iln• > the large vaean; j
home this >i.le of the depot, beTon
! cold weather sets in. Dell, witl !
; his hig family of lmO hoys am: j
| girls will make it lively for the den- j
isons ol that neighborhood dnrin; 1
the long, dreary winter months.
Mr. Ei/.er Edgar and Miss Pan j
line (in.-:-, both of Lopez, wet •
[ united in marriage at the (Jonimer-;
I cia-1 Hotel, Saturday. Oct. li. b\ !
Kev, i Innna.- iiipj le,
Mrs. Virginia Brewster ant
daughter Alice have closed then
cottage for the wilder and gone to I
Washington 1). <'.
George Hamilton while at work
in the woods along Plea-ant stre tn;
was bitten by a rattlesnake Settir- ,
day, and is in a serious condition j
Mr. and Mrs. \Yrnon Ilariing
ton held a prohibition rally in tin
Court House Saturday evening, j
While Mr. Harrington was force ft
in his arguments he left 110 illfeel
ing among those who resisted ii
accepting his views and the truth ;
fulness of the undeniable facts h< I
brought to the surface. -Mindav
evening he occupied the pulpit a' |
Baptist church and discoursed one:
of the ablest, sermon ever heard at
the county seat.
Mr. E. ,1. Flynn returned las:
week from .Meehan .Tunc«ioii,Mis-\.
and has shipped his homehoE
!goods to that place. He and hi
family '.\ ill leave th. hitter part «■'
ibis week for the South where the;,
will make their future home.
Services at St. John's Episcopal
< 'lunch: A. (i A. Buxton. D. D.
Hector. Sunday School at p. in :
Evening prayer and ermon at 7:.J' 1;
11. tii. Litany Set vice at the Rec
tory Friday 7:.'»<> p. m. Seats free.
I everybody welcome.
At about 7:'10 o'clock Safurdax
evenie. b r- i irs secured entrance
Ito the Oavitlson residence in Can-•
1 ton anil secured con:- ■< 1 >-i a: de ,jew
j (dry belonging to Mr. and Mrs. j
. Edward C. Jones w , 11 vi ;>icd the
i south side of the hott.- 1 .
i J. Henry T'urrtdl. widely known |
:i - a lumberman of the ; rosier i\ |
'l'urrell Lumber Co. of \o\en an.
Ric.ketis, died suddenly at hi
lioim- a 1 N -xenon Sunday, deat i.
being due i.o an internal hemot- 1
rliage. iie had not been confined!
to his bed at till and his sudden
death came as a gi at shock to hi
family and business associates.
The Central Pennsylvania Lum
ber coiej any, owning saw mills a'
Mina, Run. Jtuni
dtiCiiv, Letonia, Williamsport.
Loleta and Trout Bun, some
ago decided to operate the mills in
stead of having them iterated on a
contract and giving contractors a
certain amount per thousand lor
lumber sawed.
Voter- or this district should give I
111«ir imilivuk it support t' 1 l>r. Sain- j
ticls fort 'oriL re.-s
Always Willi one iiieit uppermost, ;
namely the <rr« atest good for the j
;g ie ilcst nuniher, with fairness fori
all, Theodore Koosi velt has since his ;
' .-.uires.-i:-n to tlie l > rt---idenc.v,'iiiul j
ince hi- election, h<. u imlefati{{al)le j
; ill his 1 ll'orls to give the people of!
t'V iv section an administration that |
j only growlers and croakers can criti-1
jri-e. liis recommendations have |
\ been carried out lie Congress to an
| unprecedented degree, and much re-
I mains for the second session of the
j Fifty-ninth Congress and the Sixti
•l Ii Congress, which should he in
both branches Republican, in order
that the d<'aires of the {'resident may
be carried out to tne fullest extent.
it is reported that Attorney (Jen
erai Moody is about to bring suit tor
tin di-solutlon of tli" Standard Oi'
Company, under the Sherman anti
trust law. This law has been in ex- i
istei. 'e for some years, and if it can |
i lie operated with such effect it is a
pity that it was not done before, it
is liarly creditable to the ii gal power
if this country that a predatory «>r
;r ■ ni/.ation that has gathered in hun-
I Ireds of millions for it- managers at
; the "expense of the public should
have been allowed to practice it-- pi 1 j
lage a day longer than il would
iako to enforce the law. Rockefel
1 ler's share of the booty should liavi
! 'icon cut -hoit long ago.
Finding that the machinery ol tin j
! HughoPvllle water works had stop
ned. T. C. Corson, manager, investi- j
I Liatc;!, and found that the turbim j
\lu el had been cio-igvd up by e< is. j
■if whii it he removed a half bushel, |
i ' ntraeting a :>itd case "I blood pois
11ming in the operation.
Ni i'l i tow n comes to the front |
'wi ii the tlrst goosi bone weather tip
112 the sea- >n. David Tyson, a farm- :
r from Port Providence, Montgom
ry county, ha 1 the bom on t-xhibi- |
! ion on Saturday and the indications!
re for nun;' rou< -thrills and plent.\ i
of snow.
Someone makes the sarcastic re- |
mark tl-at if tli'-re wire a law re ;
[Hiring hunters to Use blank cart
rid:-- there would be fewer men j
i.ilh d aiid nearly as many deer and j
other game. There may be some
truth in this, as a large percentage,
of shot is tired away without effect, j
and too often the object hit is somt
:ull 'itunali party that came within j
ange of the hunter's gun. I low
v: r, this i- the season for hunting j
oid the sound of the gun will be j
a ard in woods and fields, whatever |
11:; Iv lie Ui(' I'. *iis' allien Co.
I' -
Services at the Methodist Rpis
jial church next Sunday as fol
llows: Sunday school, 10. ft. tn.;j
i Pleaching, i p. ni l.pworth
League, 7.15 p. 111.
- ■ |
This morning i rhuraday) La
porte cxp'lieia-ed a regular wiutei
snow storm which covered the j
ground, and seemed decidedly out
of place clinging to the trees thei
I- :ives of w hieh have not yet turn
ed to their natural tints, but are |
si ill a fresh git en.
i'i, i which broke out in the stave |
1 sheds at l.aquin earl} Monday eve- |
niiijr, destroyed about 100 feet of
tin sheds.
liecause of the high wind blow
ing when the lire began, it threat
ened to destroy a large part of the
I company's property, and help wa 1
telephoned for to Towanda. Mean
while, through the heroic eilorts ol
ihe men a!; Fiujiiin, the lire was
■,ii under control. L'lie long shed
•aas cut in two, and one end entire-!
:!\ torn away. The staves were j
l einoved and the fire deprived of j
auvthbig to b ed upon.
i w. h to extend to tny friends
and m- iglibois my sincere thanks|
and appreciation of myself and
family the kind assistance giv-.
en me during the recent illness
ind death of my son.
Win. Pay, Muncy Y alley.
Administrator's Notice.
Ntiiiuf is lii-t '-li\ i ivi'ii t lint 1 have
(alit'.i li-tl<i> el Aihuiiii-tinikin on iho
~-i . of LainyUtt Mcl'liiiuiok, iftle of
Siiri'-.abtu* Uiwucliip, iK'<:.'aseil. \il per
,,, , t.-ivi' «-• :iiii - iiust -niil ilrrciuit
will (.h-i- i '.-'-m tin-in ihii.v ainle'iui
~: , l(.l i r paviiii-nt, :»t• ! all wlia knew
tiu'iii.-i-b s io In. l i- !i'!.l«"l 10 liim will
! e't-.'i >■ make payment 10 me.
Ob'i, wil.l'li; Mll' I. I N l'i H 'K,
i Administrator, j
; NO lit I"—The Nordrnont Chem
ical Company will start cutting
chemical wood Out. Ist. Parties
desiring to cut can take contracts
from 100 to 1000 cords.
Sept. 27, 1906.
FOR SALE—Good team horses.
II and In year old; weight 2700.
Will sell harnesses, wagon and
sleds, or team alone, AVill also sell
It! small pigs. W. I>. Snider, Nord
rnont, Pa.
Sept. 27, 1006.
There will be exposed to
Private sale on the premises
of Wm. C. Taylor & Bros ,
at Muncy Valky, Pa.,
Fourteen head of Re&ister
jtered Short Horn Durham
cattle. They consist of fotn
cows s years old, three heif
-TS 2 years old, three IrTfeD
i year old, two bulls t yeai
>ld, one bull calf 3 month;
>ld. one heifer 3 months old
Among ih * horses are, ont
,>air very fit,e Hnglish hhin
bav horses seven year old
.veiohs 2950 lb?.; one Regis
cred Fnglish Shire *
vearsol.l, weighs I*so lbs
Wi I! broken double an 1 sin
gle. There are also six Regis
t" red Chester White pigs '
.vetks old
Joseph Sick,
Flour, Feed and Meal,
Cherry Mills, Pa.
I have just received a ca;
load of corn and oats which
is being mai ufacturtd int<
puie corn and oat chop, mea
and cracked corn.
I also c;irry a full line o
pring and Winter Wheat
Flour, Bran and Middlings.
Hverythipg at the lowest
Coriilucled by
J. VI. DARKOW, Chatham. N. Y..
J Vicss Correspondent New York State
dm 11 ye
Tlii-i'i' SnnrceN «»f to Be lltrlved
I'rinii ThfHf Summer OntliiKii.
The picnic has come to occupy
(ii important place in the grange cal
•mlar, sa.vs State Master Fuller of New
York, autl that we may get the'full
K'uelit from this annual event It will
I lie \v"ll fur 11s to remember that wc
may reasonably expect three sources
ut' profit from a picnic—first, the per
sonal benefit that comes from relaxa
tion anil rest from our strenuous farm
life; second, the educational and In
structive benefit of the addresses and
lectures, and, third, the stimulating
I'iVcet to the Order from interesting
others in the work of the gvauge. In
order to get the lirst mentioned benefit
from a picnic we must throw off for a
day all the care and worry about our
business and tome to the picnic with a
dnlerniinatiou to have a jjood time. To
ihis end it Is a good Idea to forget for
e\er any little persoual dislike we may
li.ive for any other members of the
! grange and get right up close to them
and see If we cannot discover some
lovable qualities in theui. The amount
: of educational benefit to be derived
from a picnic is something hard to de
termine. but the speaker will certainly
be better able to give you something
helpful and uplifting if he is met by
souiebody duly appointed for that pur-
I ose and made to feel that ho is wel
come and that you are glad he is there,
llv will give you a better address un
der such circumstances than he will if
he is 1 ft to browse around the woods
until lime to make his speech and then
have to talk against a baseball name,
a merry-go-round and a red lemonade
spoel. r. All these things are proper
adjunct:, to a picnic, but do not mix
w to .ether. The third and last bene
lit to be expected from the picnic, the
attraction of those outside the gates to
join the."range, is certainly worth ca
teriug to. Take some trouble to iuvite
tli.. c whom you think would make
good members of your grange to at
tend the picnic, and when they get
there see tli il they have a seed time.
Think about these things when you are
arranging your picnic and see if they
11.1 nut add to the enjoyment and beue
-1 lit of your annual outlug.
//pqooQDPUUuuga :i.ujijuuc)a»;naxpS\
. The Beat Course of Study. » I
Large Faculty of Experienced Specialists.
Faculty are Authors of the Leading Series of Commercial Textbooks. «
§ Finest Building and Equipment, Gymnasium, Baths, etc. .
Free Course ofHigb-Class Lectures and Entertainments. i
More than 100 New Typewriters, and latest Office Devices. ■
Calls for Graduates to fill good places exceed Entire Student Enroll* .
ment by more than 50 per cent.
Clean Athletics—Baseball, Basketball, and Field Day Exercises. a
K Enthusiasm in Every Department. Send for Catalogue. i
' L.- ROCHESTER, N. Y. J >
vpoouLa r.i:i.ijnni rcrjjopocxjoouuocK/
Cash Department Store.
Good Old Summer Time Announcement.
Great assortment of Summer Necessities. The latest in
Summer Dress Goods, consisting of Silk Effects, Batiste,
Persian brgandies, Silk) t Suitings, Shimmer Silk, Wain
sooks, etc.
I.ace Curtains—Ladies' I'nderwear, — Belts, etc. Ladies. —call and see what a
nice assortment we have in stock. Our stock of Men's Hoys' atul Children* Cloth
ing, Hats, Caps and Straw (ioods were never more complete.
Every department is full of Summer Goods at prices that
defies competition. Don't forget our Bargain Department,
it is lull of goods every month in the >ear, that are real
bargains. Come in, it is a pleasure to show gcods.
Highest Market Price Pdid for Butter and Eggs.
Yours for business,
CAPITAL STOCK ~ U , ITT unniMn „ .. .
SSO 000 DeWITT BODINE, President.
c , . JEREMIAH KELLY, Vice Pres
Surplus and
Net Profits, W C. FRONTZ, Cashier.
Iransacts a General _
. n . DeW ltt Bodmo, Jacob Per, Peter Reeder,
Banking Business. jMwfa|| KellJi Wm Fro „ te w c Front^
Accounts oflndivid- James K. Bnilk, John 0. Laird, Lyman Myers,
uals and Firms Peter Front/., C. W. Sones, Daniel H.Poust,
solicited. Johu Bull
- -Suits
for Men, Boys and Children
are now here for inspection.
Suits in black clay and unfinished worsteds and"l hibets
Homespuns, French and \ nglish Fl; nnels, and Scotch
Bo>s and Childrens' Suits in all the new fabrics and
Prices as well asvarietv are extraordinary. All new
in i up to date line of Gents Furnishings, Hats, Caps, etc.
\lso the only place in town where you can get the
"Walk Over" Shoe.
Hotel Carroll Block, DUSHORE, PA.
GD t)aporte Tannery. 00
Just received a special purchase of "Riches" Flannels,
i.umbermens' Shirts and Drawers, Men's, Ladies' and
Childr ns' Mitts, Gloves and Hosiery.
There's Lots Here t Show Y u
From the City.
Fresh stock of Diy Goods and Notions, Boys and
Men's Hats and Caps, full line ol Sn;igproot Shoes and
Rubbers, Ladies', Gents' and Children's Goodyear Rub-
Urs Woodsmen and Boys Shoes to suit all.
Our Usual Quality of Groceries and Provisions
are Equal to the BEST.