j-IK«T NATIONAL BANK » OF IHISIIOKR, PKNNA. VITAL • - $60,000 t U ftl'JiUß - . KIO.OOO I >oes a General Banking Business. S I) ST Kit 10 Kit K, M. I). SWARTS. President. Canliier \ J. BRADLEY, Attorney at-Law. OlUee, corneiyM Main and Muncy iSts. LAPoUTK, PA. Having opened an office at 1328 Arch Si., Philadelphia, I shall mill continue to practice.in the several Courts of Sullivan County.* When not in my office personally a compel .ut person will be lound in charge thereof. Bonds ot various kinds furnished. pRANCIS W. MEYLERT, Attornoy-ftt-Lnw. ..ffice in lveeler's Block. County, PA. T.J. & F. H. INGHAM, ATTO HURTS-AT-LAW, Legal businoPß attended to in this and adjoining counties _AI'ORTK, £ J. MULLEN, Attorney-at- Law. LAI'ORTE, FA. OFF 10 B IK OOUHTV BUILDINA NRAR COURT HOUSB. J H.CRONIN, ATTORSK.Y-AT -LAW, HOTART PUBLIC. OFFICa OH MAIM STUBBY. DIISHORK, qTj. molyneaux, d.D.S. Oraduftto University of Pennsylvania. NKW ALBANY, PA. Al Lopez, I'll., Wednesday and Thursday each week. TAPORTE HOTEL. F. W, O AIJLAQHEK, Prop. Newly erected. Opposite Courl House square. Steam heat, hath rooms, hot and cold water, reading and pool room,ami harher shop; also good stahling and livery, Cbippewa Xime IRilns* Lime furnished .n car load lots, delivered at Right Prices. Your orders solicited. Kilns near Hughesvilla Penn'a. M. E. Reeder, MUNCY, RA. For a well Kept Up-to-date Stock of General Merchandise Far pries that are Right For curteous treatment goto Buschhausen' A MATTER OF HEALTH POWDER Absolutely Pure HAS HQ SUBSTITUTE fCovnty Seat 1 Local and Personal Events I Tersely Told. J The Village Improvement So»'ie ty will meet July tfOth., ut the home of Mrs. Frank Ingham. Miss Elienherger, of Towamla is the guest of Miss Eli/A Shaut. Mrs. T. W. Allen spent Wednes day with her sister, Mrs. Thomas M. Green at (ilen Mawr. Services will he held in St. John's Episcopal church, at 11:00 a. m. and 7:45 p. 111., Sunday School at 10:00 a. m., Sunday, July 29. Rev. Mr. Glover officiating. F. W. Gallagher was a William sport visitor Wednesday. Mr. Simon Fries visited friends near Souestown Sunday. Mrs. Eleanor Rinebold of Over toil, is a patient at the Say re hos pital. Mr. J. P. Kennedy of Dushore made the News Item oflicea friend ly call while in town Thursday to witness the ball game. Miss Emily Pomeroy of Dushore, is visiting friends in town. Mrs. A. E. lleim of Baltimore, is visiting her mother and sisters here, and will remain with them during the warm months. A. E. Tripp of Wilkes.Barre, was in town over Sunday. The Musika Vlstua will meet with the Misses Heulah and Maud Hugo, August Ist. The Sunday Schools of Hughes ville, are holding their annual pic nic at Lake Mokoma to-day, (Thursday.) •Hon. T. J. Ingham received a tel ephone message Wednesday ftorn Eagles Mere, stating that his wife who is visiting their son, E. V. Ing ham, at that place, was quite ill, but she has improved and is in her normal health at this time. Ellen MeCarty died at the home of her brother Able MeCarty, in Falkland Township, on July 13, aged (I t years and ii months. She had re sided for many years with her sister, Mrs. Theodore Heess, from whose home the funeral was held. Miss MeCarty was a thorough Christian woman, and she leaves a large circle of friends to mourn her loss. There will be services in the Methodist Episcopal church next Sunday as follows: Sunday School at 10:00 A.M. Preaching at 11:00 A. M. Theme, "The Kingdom of all of their career this season. Mintzer and Thomas will be the battery for Ralston, Woodley and Morris for Hillsgrove, J. H. Bachle will um pire. The game will be called at 2 p. m. sharp so the Ralston team can take the 4 p. m. train home. The line up for last Saturday is as follows: 11 illsgrove Mervine, s s 4 12 3 12 2 Morriu, c 4 1110 10 ltosbach, 3 b 4 2 12 0 2 1 K inker 2 b 3 I 0 0 4 2 1 Sullivan, # I' 4 12 3 2 0 0 llarriHon. i t 2 10 12 0 1 Kaclile, c I' 4 110 110 Chapman, .Ist 4 0 001101 Wood ley. 4 1 2 0 0 4 0 Totals 3399 1027126 ab. r. li. sb. o. a. e. Monroeton, K. .lu n lee, 3b ■> 0 10 12 0 L. Dunfee, ss 5 110 2 2 1 W. I)unle?, c 4 0 I 1 10 0 2 Bullock, p ant Suitings, Shimmer Silk, Wain sooks, etc. Lace Curtains—La.lien' Cnilerwear, —Belts, etc. Lnilies.—call ami nee what a nice assortment we have in stock. < >ur stock ol'Men's Hovs' ur.,l Cloth ing, Hats, Caps and Straw (ioods were never more complete. Every department is full of Summer Goods at prices that defies competitor. Don't forget our Bargain Department, it is lull ol gooJs every month in the year, that are real bargains. Come in, it is a pleasure to show goods. Highest Maiket Price Paid for Butter and Eggs. Yours for business, A. E. CAMPBELL. SHUNK, PA. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, HTJC3-ECEIS"VILXJES, JPJ±- CA SSO 000° CK DeW,TT BODINE, President. 0 , , JEREMIAH KELLY, Vice Pres. Surplus and Net Profits, W. C. FRONTZ, Cashier. 50.000. „ DIRECTORS: transacts a General „ , . ,j . DeWitt Bodine, Jacob I'er, Peter Reeder, Banking Business. Jeremiah Kt , ]iy) Wm FrontZ) w c Frontz, Accounts oflndivid- James K. Boak, John C. Laird, Lyman Myers, uals and Firms Veter Frontz, C. W. Hones, Daniel H.Poust, solicited. /] John Bull - Suits for Men, Boys and Children are now here for inspection. Suits in black clay and unfinished worsteds and Ihibets Homespuns, French and English Flannels, and Scotch Goods. Boys and Childrens' Suits in all the new fabrics and nakes. Prices as well as variety are txtraordinary. All new in I up to date line of Gents Furnishings, Hats, Caps, etc. Also the only place in town where you can get the "Walfc Over" Shoe. J. W. CARROLL'S, Hotel Carroll Block, DUSHORE, PA. GENERAL STORE ® lsaporfe Tannery, gd PULL AND COMPLETE STOCK ALWAYS FOUND HERE. Just received a special purchase of '"Riches" Flannels, Lumbermens' Shirts and Drawers, Men's, Ladies' and Childrens' Mitts, Gloves and liusit-ry. There's Lots Here to Show You From the City. Fresh stock ol Diy Goods and Notions, Boys a,d v e1 s Hats and Caps, full line ol Sn:igproof Shoes and i\libbers. Ladies'. Gents' and Children's Goodyear Rub h rs Woodsmen and Boys Shoes to suit all. Our Usual Quality of Groceries and Provisions are Equal to the BEST. J AMES McFARLANE. ! ' - A.^.A.A.A.A.A.A, WINCHESTE n FACTORY LOADED SHOTGUN ; "Newßivat, " " Leader," "Repeater" ; , Insist upoa hiving them, taJre no others and you will get the b«M (hells that moot; can boy. ALL DEALERS KEEP THEM. >