Republican news item. (Laport, Pa.) 1896-19??, July 26, 1906, Image 2

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CHARLES L. WlHfi, Kdlmr.
' lb)lHhod"Flvery Thursday Afternoon
.{y The .Sullivan Publishing Co.
. i tho County Hc»( ot'SulMi »ri County.
J, A I'pHTB, I'A.
v\ i Ma«'w. r>-—.Ji-n.
'1 HOS. J INt;!l.\M svn'y A Tiras.
V. ered .it tin- font <'flirt at Lnporte, a*
second-obies mail matter.
For i iovcrnor
: |i\YIN .* ST I A Hl', (it I 'li i !><<!«.■! pi) in. !
For Lieutenant < • <>vi-t tior.
!;<»1 iKI{T S MI'KI II V. ol inmbfiti. i
For Auditor <ieneral, :
KORF.IfT K. YbUNO.oI Tioga.
Secret arv of Internal Atlairs,
lIFNIJV 'I'M Civ, of Lebanon. [
Si.-w Senator,
HARJiY S. ,M FY Kit, of Williamsport. j
Member i■! * «setnldv,
JO 11 N SL'H A A lof Mi Id rod.
As«oei de .Indue.
lII'WA l!l) \Y\KBI Jii'iN.ol Overton.
)• or v'oroii
I. R. PA VI li, of Forksville.
hir* ('onimis i tier,
«Ft Hit; FW. I. A\V RI N> O N .St raw bridge
t «<ted State* Has Largely Increased |
1 .livtutxes, l«ii Sale* to tlie Island j
Pho'w Little Advance—Other Nation* j
Ai'o the Chief tialnerM.
-After making r-' -eated efforts to se
cure from i:.o ■■ muieut ollicials of
Culm dt <1 n . s regarding thol
unpin ts ai.d c-; 112 t' e island dur |
Ing the pas, j .r i.v departuieut of I
rointaorce uiid in: . ii.ts obtained cer- j
tain statistic.-. cdv nr.-; the internation- j
al trade oft üba foi naif of tlie year
1 '>!, Some fat .; are siiown in these j
ii Unit are important as "bearing |
:p'>,i die advantages obtained by the j
i die t" States us a result of tlie .rce
»ju i-.y in uj v. uh culm. So far as
Miere;' e. the lignres are val- j
The.v • :;i.-Ir:i It* the fact
I'm; 112 lb* ive increase of the!
; . of tin' timed Stutcs with the is i
ia..d during ; d the year l!N)i, compar !
,'d \ dh llit* trade of oilier nations, >
shall be the same throughout the year i
<ho :• 'ill- would be not what the'
beiieve would flow from the tec j
K'iiy treaty. It is perhaps uu .
:• to judge from tlie first half year's ;
i >r:: ins of the rec iroc'ty trea.. j
Ui ■ ti. i res.,l:; are . o idi'lkii;tl it
t y i nuot f.til to attract universal at
"How to Make the Drunkard ;tu As- j
.£••• aai Producer instead of a las ;
i- i l urdeii to tiie State" is tue title j
i an instructive booklet compiled by
( .ii 11. Fowler, vice president and i
li.aliasing director of the opi> uheiuio/ ,
institute, an institution that lias ac- |
■ iiva a wide aii I envial.le coiebrity
i, , i introduction of tin- Oppenheimer |
'• eali«iiii i 'l' tin' etl.e of alcoholism j
ir. i drug addiction.
i; i'o'.vier his takeu twenty-live
1 I.•< of pei-otis who were ad- '
i to i.rial; and who took the Op- j
; in;, r Ti eminent and were cured i
i ; i ti" ii.■ - ■ dal .1 them as lo '
; •, o vir; a,.oa. uoiaLon of their treat !
, to far tin care, their grn;;s earnings i
112 -■:< mouths previous to taking the
i -utii nl aid if ■ g;- i- -' earnings for !
h ; i.. iiiths or I'. • ■ ai't.-T having been j
c!..i; ;'.ed as cured. Among th males
. ■.■ a .', Juoeli.iiiii s, actors, por
to.'->, booivkec]>ers, salesmen, printers,
('..'i.> and other v.age earners. The j
fs*:miks included housekeepers, steiiog- i
i ! i ic. The result s how that
tin- uital earnings increased over Xiree- 1
112 . i and that the increased earnings j
t: ;e J the i >]ipe!i'ii'imer Treatmwnl ;
j:i. -. .t an increase? of 1 per cent
u the gross previous earnings.
. Tl < showing i; all the more remark- 1
Alien it is si- iied thai the majority
ci'i l!. e were what is termed "charity j
< Most of the men wore "down
:;. i lit,'' had bees given up as hope
-1 some having been re|ieateilly ar
! t.d and sent to lliaekweH's island
I . drui:'.emit ; s. <>tHoes had en
i a\ oret! to commit uieiiie, more had
ib iili"r l'riendr. uor home— in fact, they
\ ' ie the derelict •; of a large city.
Fowler presents a table show
i: ■; that over .«.n persons wore ar
.l last year in New York state
ii 'ged with drunkenness itii"l on that !
ae.-amit trealed as criminals, entail
. . a cost to the taxpayers of more |
i' an $11,(10(1,11011, aside from the moral |
I iiase of the ease involving loss of
i . riiiiigs -nd prop -My, loss of family,
loss of standing and character in fact,
h - of everything that makes for the |
bei crmeut of the Individual and the
s'i le.
la the light of what has been ac- \
- iuplished llirmigh the work of the 1
aenlieliner Institute In recialutißß!
s class of formerly hopeless druuk- |
a. sand in actual!} restoring their
i filing power, increasing it more i
t'rail threefold, it is submitted that
t 'is work, already demonsirateil in its
effectiveness, should be extendC'd j
t:;; otighonl each county of each state i
o? the Vnion and to every c nuitry'
where aleohollsm is recognized as a ;
eurse. Ity the extension of Ibis work
i. o.vd tlioii;.. . is of men and
v. omen can be restored t > self respect
,'t x. - If nip porting positions in the
t immunity
The booklet and literature bearing
i t of iholism can b*
laid by sending a iv.picst to tlie Op
penhelnier Institute, New York.
In addition to the recognition of st>-
pciior I'Xcellelice in literary work Üb«
subordinate grange in isieh dUtriet Of
tb'' thirty thin deputies tlnit ranks tli«
highest In degree work will be award
ed baskets and vases for grains, fruit
and flowers at fere's. Pomona's and
Flora's stations. The third degree will
be worked at the deputy'# spring visit
anil the fourth at tlie fall Inspection
visit, anil the score will be made by
the usual rating.
There Is also to be a contest between
Uie Pomona or county granges. The ,
basis of the < impetitlon wril be on at
tendan e r.ial fae ritHiillstic work of
the olticevs and on punctuality in open
ing all meetings between ,lan. 31 and
Oct. 1. except ill duly and August, j
T! e Pomona grange in each of the twi
districts having the iiighest score will
lie awarded a set of officers' station
lights under tlie following regulations: |
The regular oflicers will be scored by !
the deputy on the usual plan at the fall
inspection. To this total score will be |
i added ten points for each public and j
ten points for each closed session that
begins at tlie exact minute and hour, |
standard time, announced in the pro- j
gramme and notice of the meeting. This i
total shall be increased by the addi- |
tion of five points for the attendance j
of each regular oiticer at any one meet- j
ing in each month that may be subse- j
quently selected by the grange. If
the secretary's records do nit contain j
the required data, no credit shall be
j given for that meeting. The: a will also
Ibe awarded to the super >r i. 'angi |
! making the highest score i e-o 'i To
j mona district a secretary's cab,a tease |
i under the following cone : ■*> 'i i>.
j ilepciy sliall credit each ; an *-*<ri• 1
: Ave jioints for esch dollar 112 dm . t 1 |
I leetcd between Jan. 1 and < •'. ' i .
i five points for each memi .■. .!j; iVv,
| !»00 points for the smallest amount of
j uncollected dues and 000 points for
I those granges having no nncollected
| dues on Oct. 1, 1005.
IVntcr GrmvH Alfnlfit. mid Alfitlfa
Grow* Stork.
In his address to the Pennsylvania
I state grange State Master W. F.
; Hill related a little incident which oe
ourred on hk< return journey from the
j uatioual grange meeting last Novem.
| her. He was crossing the arid plains
' of Nevada, mid while his train stopped
■ at a- place called Lovelock he alighted
! and engaged a bystander in conversa
I tion.
| "What supports this town?" asked
! Mr. Hill.
"Water," was the reply.
"How is that 7" said Mr. liill. "I di,l
not know there were any Prohibition
ists it l'°".'l" "
"Y.'.it- ;;i .v 'fa''.i. and we fee. 1
ii ! c' . i'i i i: :e lam feediur
;.. ;: 1 ' a . il e and fattening
Iti.OUO head of cattle and 30,000 head
; of sheep."
j Cattle sheep, stacks of alfalfa and
I Mie 1 l.t' iv.v . sal were in evidence
| oi; e -ty 1. -ai. Water was i taking an
i >. oft • s--,t this island In flip
:di rt. T nl, I "licit* Sain, in this mam
| moth irrigating enterprise, is ileailm-
I Itin.l!;,- by our brethren In Uie arid r ■
1 . ' a 112 the west.
Outy of Young Republicans.
Pennsylvania Republicans in tb«
present state campaign exiiect the cluk
! men of the commonwealth to do tseis
• full duty, and there is every reason tc
believe that there will be no disap
' pointment on tliat score.
It is annoaneed from Eastnn that tli*»
■ R"p';ldi'.an clubs ol the entire countj
of N'ia thamrdon are preparing to enter
] tsin ci" ors, and that all will b-i
!e,,;>;e. who come with the deiegatts
and will receive the same courtesies
and h>- ipitality as the official represee
, t'_li \ - ol' the clubs.
spec'al committee is at work get
iii.g Rcp'.;.,.ii aiis of national fame to
e to address the great nia-s
met';ii:.i waioh will he held on Septem
' r L'O. T. ra are already assurances
of the pre. of some of the beat
-1 a nd most popular Hepublican
i oiatoiii in the eonntry. All of the ca.i
--! t'iu;-; ' J •;.n ■ n P.apublieriti state tick t
i.a. ii.ii ivi a, and many oi t'.n
! most prominent Republicans of t'ta
1 sovc eal countler, of the state are ex
prc. ;d !» at tend the gathering.
( I'rui mi. if private interviews with
r.i tl v... etc,. ;id leans from every section
of i..• 5,...t0 and through the heavy
correspondence that is dally received,
Chairman Andrews is more than de
lightt d with the reports as to the coj.
, dition of the Republican party ano
the sentiment of the voters through
out the state. Though the campaign
has not been fairly opened there are
evidences of unusual activity among
the rank and file of the Republican
: forces
The attacks of tlie Democrats serve
to stimulate Ihe R publican worker
to renewed activity and are actually
beneficial to tlie Republican organiza
Danger Lies In Apathy.
It Is admitted on all : id< i that
j greatest danger to a maj> ritv part*
in what is termed an "off year" cam
paign lies In t'.ie apnthy c" t v ." - v-ir-gi
voter. When no great prize, such a ■
the presidency or a is
at stale th re is likely to b" r. fc'ln
of indifference or at least of over-con
fldence, paMicuiarly alter the polling
ot sur h a tremendous Republican ma-
Joriiy as was given to Roosevelt foi
; p'.'toident in Pennsylvania
it will devolve upon th« Republican
managers throughout the state to sea
to it that every Republican voter la
Pnnrocqni with the lmjinrtincp of
casting his ballot in November next
so that the Republican lines shall
remain intact and that the party shall
be in shape to mass its forcer in solid
phalanx in the congressional and gu j
bernatorlal striig^i t which will take
place next year.
John D. Reeser's Big Store. Bank Block, Dusfcore, Penn'a
i -t i pair. chii<ireD«'canvaM <>xibi*iis6o Hflmmocks 3 summer i ccessity, from t)Bc up.
"Oc ami HOc according lo size. ' ►:«K Leal Snap n bar* lor '.!"><•. lioim
TI ' IWKU lr , ... ,v India Linens (or bummer Proses io-i2 is-18-20» 10 ut* u. r . wi.ii,
M>WM,s Irom .><• to 1.2"i each, table . 7 * J < "loud Soap 5c cake, 112. lor 25c. lantana
Linens, ten different pattern* to select 2SC eUCII IHimbtT IS .1 le.nU T. Soap |iv cake.
from, prices range from 2. r ic to 1.2") |a?r ! -
Cl-. ..... GORILLA, shoes for men. 1 hey are brutally strong — polatc,i Bag * r 56 a p 0 ""^.
itAl'/K Lisle I 'nderwear lor liot weather ()n|v S'.lS '1 DJIT "° l ' Sannon 2 lor 25c.
vests from lie to 2.1 c pants 25 and 50c. • v-'-* 1 F 1 -
. . ■ : Slew York State corn I cane lor 23c.
, u .... . ~ bHIKI WAlb I S -Our showing would do credit to
, lied Land Krand Chocolates and lion ... - Niagara corn startch 4 packages for
lions 10c and 20c U>. a tOWII flVe tlllleS tile SIZC. Prices from 98c to 389 twenty live wilts.
John D. Reeser's Big Store. Bank block
1 ' * - " / i
Cultivate the Habit of buying reputible
good from a reputabe concern
Ve are agents for W. L. DOUGLASS SHOES fro 2.^0
tO 5.00 p?
Wood School Shoes
If" 'orboys has no equal.
"always satisfa* tory.
It"; £ \ V\ of CHILDRENS' and
®l| LADIES' Heavy Shoe
mL ,ne -G°ods a t correct
Clothing Made to Order
\ll have the right appearance and guaranteed*otsd
in both material and workmanship and]price nite.
We also manufacture Feed, the Flag Brand. It is not cheap, hut
good. Is correctly made. Ask your dealer for it or write us lor ju ices.
General Merchants, *Sg?ffSBK
2sTOKX)2!vd:OiTT» IF 5^.
Hov Aboot This ?
Our line of carpets this year is double what it was
last year. In fact we have the largest and greatest line of
Floor Coverings
ever shown in this section of countrv. The line consists
of Brussels, Wiltons, Mouquetts, Velvets, Pro-brussels,
all wool Ingrains, C. C. Ingrains, Union Ingrains, and
Granite Ingrains, Cordemon Carpets, and the new Mon
tana Carpet.
Our line of rugs is very strong this year, in fact you
will be surprised when you come to i:>ok it ovet to find
such a variety of colors and sizes. Rugs 9x12 feet rai ge
in price from $4.40 to $28.00.
We Have NOT Slighted the
Matting Department.
We hive all the new and ctUhey patlerns in all
grades from 12 1-2 cts. to 4<:.£ per yard.
Molcombe ef Lauer,
Furniture Cf Undertaking
Try The TJews [• a Job Office Once.
Fine Printing 1
I, NEAVwi: 1: \\7 ' Df
1 MODEEX vV 0 112 1 ini i
n- rv 5
1() ICf cISC. i
Williamsport & North Branch Railroad
In effect Monday. .June 2", 190<>.
Read down Read up
Flag stut i<ll!> where time 5 marked m"
! 1 i
8 :!0 10 15 2 It) 420521 i\ SO 10 20 760 Jlalls... . 112, 20 1 (.0 12 15 10 12 i005059 60 K2O
V! !!' "!! 2 1:5 f4 - s ? 0 ;:;J ' lO f7sy r< niisdale... (i 15 i571210 10 :U>*> sno 55 Hls
42 10 .i0 2224 32 5 <» 11 10 35 801 . llughesville... li 05 48 10 45 58 :{ 45 1 s<> «» 45 sOS
* j s 27 430 5 42 «» <i 10 42 f8 00 Picture Rocks 42 0 '>l 3 36-7 15 0 38i7 57
# - ; »2 41151S 049 fBOO .. .CI nmouiti 337 045 708032 750
( j f) 0 2 37 I 51 5 55 0 54 8 11 .. (iJeii Mft\vr 3 30 '.» 38 328 7 01 0 26 7 43
008 2 14 fSOO li 05 700 f8 20»awVirldU'' .... 3 2:5 \i 31 322f. 55 10 732
•' I- 247 f5 05 0 10 7 03 112 ...Hofch(i' I is :H;n. ISO
011 2405 07 0 13,7 05 8 2t» ..MtllU v' • • • • OJO3OOOIOO 05 I'J »
*' 13 0207 10 831 .Sonet ». li 1 310 020307037 8007 20
X* 13 112 ... Mok. i 8 sft 722
r ' 0 02 La | s 53 7 10
112• •58 fO 12 .. ..Hiliy." • e .. . - 41 7 05
£ f605 f0 20 ..Hi>riiit • . > -r, . C, 5y
-z 600 .... ' . .Saltt 1d... ::0 ...
2 1 >m |,M AX A 735". i' M I'M
020 300 020 7 10 U 015 240 c » 10 000
70S 348 10 08 758 Kaglt > M 827 1 122 81 2
623 040 ... Diishi• • ... 750 02s ~ ~
7 20 10 50 ...Towni 7 05 ;{0
500 400 1229 10 00 730
Great ljarcjains
for everyone.
J. S. HARRINGTON, Dushore,Pa
THE jl'lfE
Telln all the general news of the I liost dressed and most respected
world, particularly that of our . newspaper in Sullivan county.
State, all the time and tella it H Pre-eiiiiiientiy a home newspaper
impartially. Comes to subscrib-. < jj The only Republican paper in
era every other day. It is in fact I county and comes from the seat
almost a newspaper, and I of justice with new news from
you cannot atlord to he without I C c- 9t le county oflices, clean news J
it. We oiler this unequaled I Irom all sections of the county
paper and the NEWS ITEM ; I and jiolitical news you want to
together one year for | read. This with Tn-w«cklys at
$1.50 S. |51..'30
and Tri-Weekly
In every oilv one best If you want to lteep in touch
paper, and in Williamsport with the Republican party
it is th« G.( jette and Bulletin. organization and be informed
It in the most important, pro- on all real estate transfers or
gressive and widely circulated legal matters in general that
paper in that city. The first transpires at the county seat
to hold the fort journalistically. you must necessarily take the
Order ol the News Item. NKV, S 11 EM.